How to make a podium in an apartment? Podium in an apartment (50 photos): original layout ideas Arrange a podium with a sleeping place by the window

Even in ancient Roman architecture, when arranging homes and public places podiums were used. Today, with the help of the podium, many designers are improving the proportions of space, and also dividing the room into zones for greater functionality. The podium resembles a step, which, as a rule, has a height of no more than 25 cm. Of course, if necessary, the structure can be higher, but in this case it is multi-tiered with a wide platform at the top. The podium can act as a decoration, while also performing practical functions. In this article we will talk about how to properly organize space using a podium, what materials it is made from, how to properly place this structure, in addition, we will talk about the features of making a frame podium bed.

The meaning of the podium in the interior

Using the podium, you can adjust, expand the usable area, place communications, and zone the room. It can be used as a piece of furniture and additional source lighting. Now let's talk about each meaning of the podium separately.

Zoning of space. According to the characteristics of human perception, those objects that are raised higher attract attention more than those that are lower. The part of the room that is located on the podium stands out, making the necessary accent in the interior of the room. Any functional area It will be quite appropriate to look on the podium, be it a children's room or a bedroom, an office, a kitchen or a dining room.

The use of podiums in one-room apartments and studio apartments is especially important. After all, they are multifunctional premises.

Correction of room proportions. The podium visually changes the perception of space. This result can only be achieved with proper installation. You can expand a narrow room with a round podium. The angularity of a square room is perfectly shaded by a corner podium.

Placement of communications. In a podium made using frame technology, you can easily hide communication systems, wiring cables and wiring of video and audio equipment. If you make a podium in the bathroom, then pipes and other elements of utilities will be hidden under it.

Expanding the usable area of ​​the room. It is possible to provide drawers in the design in which things can be stored. This is a very significant detail in small apartments.

Podium as an additional source of lighting. At the end of the podium you can mount decorative lamps or an LED strip of the appropriate color. The style of the interior will be successfully emphasized with the help of lighting fixtures. Additional lighting will be provided in the recreation area or guest part of the room.

A podium serving as furniture. Podiums often serve as a cozy bed or sofa. To do this, they are upholstered with foam rubber and draped with fabric. Thus, an ordinary bed can be replaced with a beautiful multi-level design. The berth can be pulled out from a special niche in the structure or placed on top of the podium. If you make a bed in a niche, then the upper part of the podium can be additionally used as you wish. For example, as an office, home theater, living room or children's room.

Where to install correctly

Make a podium not possible everywhere. When choosing a place for it, it is important to take into account some features of a particular room, and the structure itself. The ceiling height in the room in which the podium will be made must be at least 2.75 m. Otherwise, the podium will look ridiculous, visually reducing the space.

The location of the structure in the center is unacceptable. Firstly, it will be very inconvenient to walk around such a bulky podium. Secondly, it will be more reminiscent of a platform for theatrical performances, which is why its original purpose will be lost. The structure cannot be built in a walk-through area.

The choice of a suitable location for the podium is in many cases determined by the configuration of the room. Its boundaries can be defined by arches, niches and partitions. In a narrow room rectangular shape The podium looks great the width of the wall.

If the structure is made as a sleeping place or for storing things, then it needs to be installed in the place where a cabinet or bed would fit. Rounded podiums give the room coziness and comfort. However, such structures are more difficult to furnish.

Construction type

Podiums are made of a wooden frame or monolithic concrete. By the way, the frame is sheathed with one of the types of flooring material. Each type of design has its own undeniable advantages and disadvantages.

Monolithic podium. Concrete is poured into pre-made formwork, which will exactly repeat the shape of the finished podium. Then its surface is leveled using a screed. Then the floor covering is laid. It can be parquet, tiles, carpet, linoleum, laminate, etc. The monolithic podium is incredibly reliable and durable. It does not rot, does not absorb moisture and can withstand heavy loads. Its main drawback is its weight, because it’s not even very tall building creates a colossal load on the floor. A monolithic podium can only be made in private houses; in apartments it will most likely damage the interfloor ceiling.

Frame wooden or metal podium. The design is lightweight, so it does not load the floor. This type is ideal for apartments. Do-it-yourself frame podium is easy to install, what does it do? possible production multi-stage structures without special effort. To improve the reliability and strength of the frame, its proper rigidity should be ensured. For this purpose, intermediate logs are installed in the structure.

Frame podiums can be built both in houses and apartments. The main thing is to choose the right source material for the frame and finishing of the finished structure.

If indoors high humidity, then the base is made of a metal profile and sheathed with tiles or wood-polymer composite. In rooms with normal humidity levels, the frame is made of wooden beams. The base is sheathed with multilayer plywood or OSB. If laminated veneer lumber is used as a log, it must first be treated with special antifungal impregnations and fire protection agents.

Simple bed

It is important for every city resident to have their own corner where they can fully relax and unwind. This is due to the inexorably growing rhythm of life. A comfortable bed is often the main assistant for a healthy rest. If you live in a small apartment, then don't think that you won't have to sleep on a double bed. Previously, in small apartments the only solution was to purchase a book-bed, but today this position is far from the only one. Now existing technologies and innovations allow you to achieve maximum comfort even in small rooms. Now podium beds are replacing book beds more and more often.

There are two types of podium beds. One of them is to build a podium and lay a double mattress on it. So, you can also place spacious drawers under the bed for storing things, for example, bed linen, a spare blanket with pillows, toys for children, etc. The second type of podium is a platform and a retractable bed. On the site there can be an office, a playroom or even a kitchen. Thus, it is very easy to optimize the space, because the bed will not disturb anyone during the day.

So, in order to build a simple podium in an apartment with drawers, you should first develop a sketch, determine the number of drawers, and decide on the type of finish of the frame. Then you should collect the necessary tools:

  1. Tape measure, pencil and long ruler.
  2. Hammer.
  3. Self-tapping screws and dowels.
  4. Drill.
  5. Screwdriver.
  6. Jigsaw.
  7. Screwdriver.
  8. A construction stapler will come in handy if carpet is used to finish the podium.

Materials and fittings are selected depending on wishes. Now it is necessary to mark out the space for the future location of the podium bed. The process is very similar to laying a wooden floor on joists, with the only difference being that on the surface of the podium there is final stage there will be a mattress.

The most economical option for a podium bed would be a design consisting of installed stable legs, a rectangular wooden frame with a rolled chipboard sheet. Ultimately, a purchased mattress is placed on such a structure. This type of bed can be assembled in just a day!

So, the chipboard needs to be secured not only to the legs, but to the perimeter made of boards. In accordance with the markings, the timber is attached to the screws. Such a simple frame will become the basis for mounting the legs.

A podium bed with drawers is more expensive and more difficult to make. The process consists of fastening the timber around the perimeter of the structure and then installing the boards. For correct calculation The size of the podium must take into account the size of the room in which it is installed. The frame should be 5 cm higher than in the case of installing a simple podium without drawers. The thickness of the board used should be 22 mm. It will be needed for the construction of the outer panels of the podium, as well as cross bar, which is installed in the center of the structure. In the production of internal parts of the blocks, chipboard with a thickness of 19 mm is used. The supporting frame is constructed from the inside of the block. Initially, you should install load-bearing bars measuring 47x27 mm - they are installed horizontally, and then the support bars. To distribute the load on the support bars evenly, one of them is installed in the center, and two are placed at the edges. The bars are fastened using screws.

To do drawers should be purchased required quantity boards having a thickness of 16 mm. The parts should be prepared first and then assembled. The bottom is made using plywood having a thickness of 10 mm.

As for the sizes of the boxes, they should be calculated taking into account the internal space of the podium.

A special glue is used to connect the parts. Using clamps, tighten the structure until the glue dries completely.

Pull-out bed

To make a retractable bed, you must first think through the retractable system, because it must withstand heavy loads. To do this, you should purchase guides and rollers. The frame is made without any special snags, one might say traditionally. The biggest problem in installing a pull-out bed.

The podium, however, like the floor in the entire room, must be level. This is due to the fact that furniture will be installed on it, and you will have to walk on the structure. The height of the structure is first measured on the walls. Using a level (ideally a laser level, but a regular one will do) draw a straight line along the walls in contact with the podium, which should correspond to the dimensions and height of the finished structure.

To make the frame, as in the cases described above, timber is used. The support bars are attached either to the floor or to the wall. This depends on the size of the podium, as well as the presence of niches. A structure that is small in size is usually attached vertically to the wall with anchors.

The strength of the structure directly depends on the distance between the posts; the standard step is 40 cm.

Now you can assemble the upper part of the frame. To do this, horizontal bars are laid on the racks, which are connected to each other at an angle of 90°. The connection nodes can be fixed with metal corners. This is especially important when constructing a large podium.

The inner surface, in cases where it is not used for niches, should be filled with foam plastic or mineral wool. These materials will serve as good sound insulation. This will reduce the booming sound created when walking by the empty interior space. Examples of these processes can be seen in the photo.

The sheathing of the frame must be durable, so sheet material of appropriate quality is used for this purpose. These can be gypsum fiber boards, boards, OSB or USB, plywood sheets. Sheets of sheathing material are secured with nails or self-tapping screws. To prevent surface deformation when the cladding material swells, be sure to leave expansion joints 2–3 mm wide.

In cases where interior space used, with inside the frame should also be sheathed. If there are no internal niches, then the end of the podium should also be sheathed.

Regarding finishing, then it is carried out using a variety of flooring materials. This could be parquet, carpet, cork, laminate, linoleum, tile, etc. The process of finishing the front part of the podium deserves special attention. It is sheathed in the same way as the top of the podium in cases where it has a smooth border. If it is wavy, then a flexible material that can be easily bent is used for cladding. It is recommended to use flexible plywood, PVC skirting boards, metal profiles made of aluminum or brass, MDF panels.

The bed is made in the same way as a drawer, the main thing here is to maintain its exact size and correctly install the guides and rollers. The quality of these moving parts plays a key role, so saving on their purchase is extremely risky.

After the production of the podium has come to an end, you should walk along it. This is done to evaluate creaks and deflections. If there are defects, they must be eliminated.

In cases where production processes completed in the correct sequence, you can begin installing the furniture.

If you have questions on the topic, do not hesitate to ask them to the specialists working on the site. Perhaps you used some tips? Then share how the material presented helped you. In any case, your comments will benefit readers.


Learn the podium construction process by watching the video:


For a practical and aesthetically beautiful design of space, one of the best ideas would be a podium in the apartment. This solution will make the design of the apartment unusual; the shape and design can support the stylistic direction of the interior.

The photo shows a stylish living room with finishing that imitates marble. The finishing of the walls and the platform are made of the same material.

Use Cases

The podium can perform several functions at once. In addition to its aesthetic purpose, it will help divide the apartment into zones or hide wires and pipes.

Room zoning

  • Kitchen area. One of the options is to delimit a studio apartment or a kitchen-living room into kitchen area and a place to relax. The elevated area can accommodate a cooking workstation and a dining area. This will create the impression of two isolated rooms without overloading the space of the apartment.

  • Dining room (dining room). A small elevation in the dining area will create a cozy and private atmosphere in the room.

  • Sleeping area. The podium will highlight the sleeping area and can serve as additional storage space using drawers.

  • Work area in an apartment can be highlighted using a podium; it is recommended to place it near the window.

  • Gaming. In the play area for kids you can place a sports corner, a place for drawing or a soft corner with toys. Roll-out drawers can be built into the podium in which things and toys will be stored. In a teenager’s playroom, it is enough to place a table with a computer and a comfortable chair.

The platform for the bed replaces the frame; the mattress is placed on it and drawers can be recessed into the side parts, in which it is convenient to store a change of bed linen. looks impressive in the interior of an apartment, while being more economical than a full bed. The base can be beautifully decorated creatively, for example, assembled from several bleached beams.

The big advantage of installing a podium in an apartment is the opportunity to get extra bed for storage while saving space.

Depending on the height of the platform, the drawers can be retractable or hinged. A drawer can fit into a niche of almost any height; hinged drawers are more convenient to install at a high level.

The photo shows a bedroom with a multi-tiered podium, each of which has storage space.

Stylish interior solution for decorating a living room in an apartment. The podium for the sofa is a raised platform on which the pillows are placed. The space inside the platform can also be put to good use.

Place to rest

The podium can become a real lounge area in the apartment. This can be a cozy place for reading, on which there are several pillows and a lamp with warm light, or it can become a full-fledged place for drinking tea in the form of a comfortable chair and an elegant coffee table.

Podium for flowers

Flower base creates a real impression winter garden in a city apartment. Multi-tiered podiums are suitable for low potted flowers. Full-fledged tall plants will look spectacular on a solid platform in a bright room.

The photo shows a modern living room in white. The base podium for flowers has straight, clear lines.

A way to hide communications

In modern life it is impossible to avoid a large number of wires in the apartment; a podium is an excellent and aesthetic option to hide them. Collapsible design allows you to easily reach them if necessary.

The photo shows a high-tech apartment with a sitting area near the window. The podium serves as a stand for equipment and hides communications and wires.

Photos in the interior of the rooms

Living room

In the living room, using a raised platform, you can highlight several locations. One of them is a relaxation area, which will consist of a sofa, a couple of armchairs and coffee table. The result will be a cozy and comfortable place to receive friends and family.

Another location in the room is the area by the window; on a raised base you can place a work area or a place to relax (mattress and pillows), the result will be a cozy corner for reading or just contemplating the evening city right from the apartment.


In the kitchen, a podium will separate the work area from the dining area. This technique will visually delimit the space without compromising the area of ​​the room. The end part of the platform can be finished with the same tiles as the apron of the work area.

In the photo modern kitchen. An elevation separates the work area from the dining area.

Kitchen-living room

The podium will become in a successful way for zoning space in a studio apartment, separating the living room area from the kitchen. The location of the kitchen on the platform makes it a secondary location in the apartment. A compact bar counter will also serve as an additional separator; it can also be a dining area.


The main object of the bedroom is the bed; it is placed on a raised platform. Also in this area there may be bedside tables or lamps. The rest of the room can accommodate a chest of drawers, a dressing table or a wardrobe.

The photo shows a compact bedroom in a loft-style apartment. The podium has many storage compartments.


  • In the children's room for a boy with the help of a podium you can highlight the playroom. For kids it is better to build a fence or railing, this way you will get a full-fledged playpen.

The photo shows a cozy room for a boy with a dedicated area near the window; the decoration is made in light colors with blue accents.

  • In the girl's room You can install a bed on the platform, decorating the interior thematically, for example, in the style of a Disney cartoon.

  • In a modern teenager's room it is necessary to have a work area so that the child can do homework or just play computer games. The podium will be a good option for zoning space.


A bathtub at a higher level not only looks impressive, all communications will be hidden in the resulting niche, and there will also be enough useful space for storage.

The photo shows a spacious bathroom in eco-style. The finishing of the bathtub and shower area is made with imitation wood, the rest of the area is decorated with stone.

Balcony and loggia

If the apartment has a balcony combined with a room, it can be marked with a podium, visually dividing the space. The resulting area will accommodate a workplace or coffee table with a chair.

In a separate balcony or loggia, you can use a podium to create a place for flowers or a sofa.

Ideas for a small or narrow room

In a small room, using an elevation, you can divide the room into zones, without hiding excess space, but, on the contrary, adding it due to the resulting lower tier, in which you can store items.

The main advantage of installing a podium in a narrow long room– this is the resulting free space. In addition to the usual drawers, you can hide a full-fledged roll-out bed in a niche. Thus, from the usual narrow room you will get a living room or workplace located on a platform, an open area in which you can move freely and a full-fledged sleeping place.

Podium in a one-room apartment and studio

The podium is one of the most successful design solutions for studio apartment and studio apartments. For a studio apartment there will be good decision due to the ability to intelligently divide space into areas. The cooking area, located on a hill, is visually separated from the rest of the space. To save space in the apartment, the role of a dining area can be played by a bar counter, which will also separate the living room from the kitchen.

In a one-room apartment with a niche, it is possible to use the podium to organize a study, a sleeping place or a miniature gym. You can isolate the room with a thick curtain.


Monolithic podiums

Monolithic structures are planned at the apartment renovation stage and represent a strong, heavy concrete base. The structure exerts a large load, so it is worth considering the possibilities of floors. However, this type is much stronger than frame and moisture resistant, which is good for the bathroom.

In the photo on the left is a monolithic podium, on the right is a frame structure.


The frame type is easier to assemble and more functional due to the resulting free space, and also cheaper than the first option. However, this design does not have increased strength and additional reinforcement will be required to place heavy objects on it. The structure is made of bars and plywood, or rough boards.



Wood coating will always look trendy; in addition, it is environmentally friendly and warm material, which is an undeniable advantage. Parquet or laminate can cover surfaces and smoothly transition from the lower level to the upper level. A covering made of boards, such as bleached or varnished wood, looks interesting; the podium area will stand out against the general background.


Carpet creates a cozy atmosphere in the apartment. This finishing option will look good in the interior of a nursery and bedroom. Carpeting goes well together wood trim. A separate advantage for a children's room is increased safety.


It is more practical to finish monolithic structures with tiles; this option is suitable for the bathroom, kitchen and hallway. The surface is moisture-resistant, durable and easy to clean.

The photo shows a studio apartment. A monolithic elevation with tiled decoration divides the space of the apartment into a living room and a cooking area.


The entire surface of the podium can have a soft surface, for example upholstery made of foam rubber, padding polyester or similar materials. The surface has a pleasant tactile sensation and looks cozy. By adding several pillows to the podium, you can get a full-fledged place for a home theater or hosting a large group of friends in your apartment.


One of the lighting options is led strip, an even strip of light creates the effect of a floor floating in the air. It will look good in an apartment with a modern interior, in the style of minimalism and hi-tech.

Spotlights act as additional lighting rooms, as well as decorating the end of the podium. The light from the lamps is reflected from the flooring, creating a play of light.

The photo shows a children's room for girls. The end part of the elevation is decorated with spotlights.

What is important to know during installation

  • For a children's corner, a place for flowers or a dressing table, a frame platform made of bars and thick sheets of plywood will be sufficient.
  • For the podium on which the furniture will stand, it is necessary to assemble a strong frame. To do this, the distance between the slats should be no more than forty centimeters.
  • Under heavy furniture, such as a kitchen set or a bathroom, you will need a monolithic platform that will protect against moisture and be as durable as possible. In addition, it is important to understand whether the floor covering of the apartment can withstand monolithic structure podium

Photo gallery

A podium in the interior of your home will be a beautiful and practical solution. In a compact apartment, it will provide additional storage space while looking stylish. Below are photo examples of the use of the podium in rooms for various functional purposes.

Planning a sleeping area is the main task when creating an apartment. How to make a room functional and as useful as possible if there is not much free space? Original furniture design bed-podium, good decision many questions that arise. The designers have done a great job - the variety of models presented allows you to create a comfortable, stylish and harmonious room.

The model has an unusual design - it is presented on a small hill. This solution is of interest to buyers of completely different age categories. Not every bed can boast an abundance of free space and storage space.

The podium under the berth perfectly combines not only a storage function, but also a play component. On the large surface of the podium you can arrange a play area for children. The convenience of the podium bed will help the hostess keep the apartment in order, because the voluminous bedding and many toys can be neatly stacked inside the structure.

The main priority of this type of furniture remains saving space and storing things. This property of cabinet and upholstered furniture special attention Buyers from small, small-sized apartments are paying attention. Thanks to its structure with wide choice mechanisms and functions, the podium bed is one of the most popular. Installation of a bed-podium in beautiful design gives the room personality and a certain charm.


Original podium beds can completely change appearance rooms in better side. Such designs have a number of advantages:

  1. They divide the area of ​​the room into separate zones - the space of the room is visually divided into sections, there are no clear boundaries, and the effect is unusual and interesting;
  2. Practical significance - one product simultaneously includes many functions: storage of things, a place to relax, various communications are perfectly hidden under it;
  3. Easy to assemble structure;
  4. Frees extra space, giving the opportunity to play with children, relax or receive guests;
  5. Decorative qualities - the room is transformed and takes on a stylish and beautiful look.

The podium may be various sizes and configurations. It is thought out individually for each room. For example, for narrow rooms It is better to use a podium design with wide drawers and one or two steps. The steps are installed near a window or against a wall. The width of the steps can be 80 centimeters, and compartments can be designed inside open type, then the staircase to the podium will become an original chest of drawers. The sleeping bed is placed on a podium, and for better lighting, bedside lanterns are attached to the headboard.

Of course, it is not advisable to install high podiums in small rooms; it will not look very attractive. Another thing is a room with a large area - there is room to spread out. As an option, a podium with a height of 50 centimeters to 1 meter is constructed. The bed is no longer installed, and an orthopedic wide mattress will serve as a sleeping place. Retractable boxes or folding table. Such multifunctional podiums are in great demand and are very popular.

There are options when the sleeping bed is on the floor of the room, and the podium is mounted in such a way that part of the bed protrudes from the structure and represents a small soft seat. Podium in in this case is a cap, and soft bed can be pulled out to form a sleeping place at night. Upstairs there is a work area with a table, computer, bookshelves, shelves and cabinets.

In small apartments with low ceilings, it is recommended to make the height of the podium no more than 20 cm. Increasing the height of the structure will create an uncomfortable feeling of lack of space between the podium and the ceiling of the room.

Today, the most acceptable way to create a podium bed is the classic version, in which a sleeping bed or thick mattress is installed on a strong and reliable podium. And in the lower part there are built-in cabinets and drawers.

For children's

When starting to plan a children's room, it is necessary to take into account that the child will want to play with his favorite toys, he needs to relax and do his homework.

To accomplish these and other tasks, zoning of the room is carried out. For this purpose, classic and pull-out beds are used. Classic version presented in the form of a children's bed on a podium with a work area in front of it. Following the second option, the placement of zones is very simple: the bottom opens play area, and at the top there is a working room with all the accessories.

What to do if two children live in a one-room apartment? The hall turns into a children's room. In this case, the podium in the nursery is equipped at the edges with two pull-out beds, and steps are mounted between them. The work area remains on the surface of the podium; a sofa for adults can be placed on it. Roll-out bed When assembled, it frees up space, which is enough for two kids to play.

You just need to design the podium with a higher height, into which pull-out sections for storing linen are mounted. The stairs have niches on both sides that can be used at your discretion. You can place books, stationery, and photographs in the niche.

In addition to the upper desktop with a computer, you can provide another practical structure - attach folding table for two children, against the wall of the room. It turns out to be one multifunctional room where both adults and children can peacefully stay. The need to install a podium bed should be determined jointly by all family members.

For the bedroom

To arrange a bedroom in a small room, a podium bed is installed as follows:

  • Arrangement of a permanent place;
  • Transformation of the sleeping bed using special devices.

In the first case, a podium with a permanent sleeping place, mattress and bed linen is installed in the room. This method is suitable for rooms large area, which can easily accommodate two adults and is less common in small bedrooms. The bedside frame is used to install racks and shelves. Each item in the room has its own place.

The second version with a retractable bed is optimal in a bedroom with a small area. A bedroom with a podium turns into a transforming room: in the morning it is a not yet cleaned sleeping bed, and in the afternoon and evening - play room and a work office. The option with a temporary extension of the bed is very convenient in small apartments with a large number of residents. This method loses in terms of order; the bed extends and retracts, which reduces its performance characteristics and quickly fails. However, he also has the right to life. Examples of photos of a podium bed for a small bedroom are presented in large quantities on the websites of manufacturers of upholstered and cabinet furniture.

Model options and their place in the interior

The main role when choosing a bed-podium model is played by general interior apartment and the style of the room in which the furniture will be located. There are quite a few interesting options: a podium with drawers, a loft-style bed and a royal bed with a canopy. It is important that in the interior the bed on the podium does not diverge sharply in color and image from other elements of the room. A product that matches in color looks visually better. floor covering the room itself. They will acquire a single image, smoothly transitioning from the floor surface to the podium bed. The following types of models are distinguished:

The podium under the bed is made in the form of a monolithic base. The surface of the floor and structure is covered with the same material or may vary in color to highlight the sleeping area. The main task of a monolithic podium is the aesthetic perception of a bed raised above the floor surface. The whole design looks very good in large rooms with high ceilings.

The disadvantage of such models is their heavy weight due to the concrete that is used when pouring the monolith. However, the durability of the structure will be a plus. During the reign of kings, such podiums were installed in majestic castles and palaces.

Bed on a frame podium

It is easy and quick to assemble; the frame is made of wooden beams or metal profiles. There are models with a combination of both. Retractable drawers are installed inside the structure for storing things and various items. When creating such a podium, you will need to pay special attention to spot measurements and calculations for planning compartments and opening drawers inside the structure.

If you plan to manufacture a frame podium, then you need to think about the installation of additional retractable and folding sections in advance. They will help you get rid of bulky chests of drawers and cabinets, and your things will be hidden from prying eyes.

Traditional design

This is the same frame-type podium bed, but without all the additions and improvements in the design. There are no drawers or built-in shelves here. The frame is simply covered with chipboard sheets and carpet, after which it is ready to install the bed. The traditional frame podium is the most accessible due to its low cost.

Balcony type

The podium bed is placed not only in bedrooms, it is compactly arranged on loggias and balconies, despite their small area. To feel comfortable in such places, the outer walls and floor must be insulated, and the glazing must be double, or better yet, triple. A heating system can be installed in the base of the floor. Making a podium for a balcony with your own hands is not very difficult:

  • The first thing you need to think about is the future design, make the correct measurements;
  • Elements of the podium are cut out of furniture board or plywood according to the measurements taken;
  • A frame is assembled, the basis of which is a metal wide corner and is fixed to the walls of the loggia or balcony;
  • Everything is attached to the corner furniture panels. The podium cover can be made non-removable, but for greater convenience, it’s worth spending a little on lifting mechanisms and you get a podium with a lifting top, inside of which you can put various things and objects;
  • A small opening should be made in the lid to lift it.

The podium is ready, all that remains is to put a soft mattress on top, open the balcony wide and enjoy reading books and drinking tea on fresh air. An excellent execution of the podium would be when balcony block between the room and the balcony is completely removed, and entrance staircase done from the side of the room itself. The podium bed that opens into view will be its magnificent continuation.


A podium with a pull-out bed is the most acceptable way to save space. If the entire structure in the room is planned for a small child, you need to take into account that the child is developing and his height will increase. Therefore, the bed must be made immediately long length as for an adult.

To avoid scratching the floor surface, special wheels are attached to the base of the bed, on which the sleeping bed extends. It is best to use rubberized wheels rather than plastic ones, which can break and crumble over time with repeated use. Rubber wheels softer and will allow you to roll out the bed silently. It is better to use wheels with rubber high quality, then the furniture will last much longer.

The advantage of such beds is the presence of open space. A work corner or play area for children is arranged on top of the podium. Books, toys, and household appliances can be placed in the cabinets on the upper floor.

Additional features

The main duty of a podium bed is to save space and allow you to store various things. Modern models furniture is presented in various variations, equipped with all kinds of mechanisms and tricks, ensuring the multifunctionality of the design.

In the interior, beds on the podium are divided into the following categories:

  • Technical,
  • Decorative,
  • Combined.

Each category fulfills its own functional responsibilities. A technical podium in an apartment is installed to hide any communications in the room from view and to store items of clothing and other things. Decorative designs serve to decorate and visually define zones in a room. Combined podiums are installed to combine certain tasks, for example, a pull-out bed can be used for storing things and for games.

You can visually increase the space of a one-room apartment using a mirror installed on the side or at the head of the bed. Don't forget to use decorative techniques to decorate your room so that it doesn't look boring. Use environmentally friendly materials for finishing building materials. You need to choose high-quality lifting devices from trusted manufacturers so that the furniture lasts a long time and does not cause any unpleasant moments.

There are a considerable number of ways to combine the functions of a bed-podium. The main thing is to determine the purpose of the structure. The model can combine a sleeping bed and shelves for things, while simultaneously serving as a bedside table. The staircase to the podium serves as steps and an object for storing items.

The podium bed can be equipped with lifting devices and retractable mechanisms. Mechanisms for transforming a bed are often found. IN modern beds designers began to use two mechanisms at once, ensuring the extension of the bed from the podium and at the same time raising the mattress for access to stored items. This is very convenient, especially if there are two or more children in the family.

Adults can sit comfortably at the top of the catwalk, while small children will fall asleep in their whimsical fairytale-inspired pull-out beds. A podium in an apartment with large drawers built into the bed will help maintain order.

One more interesting idea– a podium with a bed on the windowsill. It will be pleasant to relax here and watch the landscape outside the window. You can protect yourself from prying eyes with reflective film on the windows or Roman blinds.

The use of a podium bed is endless. Of course, in small apartments the imagination is a little constrained by space, but in spacious houses and apartments you can come up with the most extraordinary images that can breathe peace and comfort into everyday life.

Taking and making a catwalk bed has become a fashionable phenomenon in recent years. Having looked at catalogs where you can see examples of such a bed arrangement, and having read in the descriptions that such models save a lot of space, it seems simple.

But don’t be fooled - not every podium bed in the interior of a small space will look suitable, and in a tiny studio it’s just a funny sight, unless the bed is equipped with transformable functionality and has pull-out parts. Think about how, where, and what you will make the bed from.

Start by designing your podium

A successful start is half the job, so start by focusing on your runway design. Create a sketch that you will use to improve your own unique design.

For example, you are looking to compromise with extra space to save space. So choose smart storage options in the form of drawers or shelves.

You can even integrate bedside tables on the podium so as not to place them separately. The photo shows podium beds in different designs; they can be used to create sketches of initial ideas.

Choose the type of mattress. Remember, the slatted base will the best option for a future bed. Solid plywood or chipboard under a mattress will eventually lead to mold growth.

Decide during the initial planning process what materials and colors you want to use, and work out the drawing in detail.

Define material

The final choice of material is closely related to the chosen style. If you're not sure what style you want, try to define it by making a few sketches. Rough sketches will help ensure that what you plan will become a beautiful and holistic solution.

You may decide to make a podium bed with your own hands from wood, but there are many more options in this type of material. For example, use old pallets, natural and untreated wood, or simply go for expensive cherry wood combined with leather.

Other accessories

Once the final design and execution style is in place, and the material type has been selected, it is easier to create a shopping list. Specialized stores may have materials already cut to size. This approach will save time for working from home.

Check what other tools are needed to complete the project. Think about what else you will need to complete the work, for example, how you can connect the parts of the bed.

Drill, screwdriver, screws and plugs - you can’t do without these little things, take care of them in advance. Do you want to add a special color to the podium bed in a small bedroom? Prepare paint, brushes or beautiful textiles for upholstery.

You can't do without it

List necessary materials and tools:

  • dry timber 50*100 or 50*50;
  • plywood, chipboard 10-12 mm thick;
  • finishing materials at the final stage;
  • fittings for sliding parts;
  • screws, corners, glue - everything for wood;
  • hammer drill, drill, screwdriver, grinder;
  • marking tools (laser level, pencil, tape measure, etc.)

Prepare the place

Most new apartments already have a flat floor; retractable structures will be durable. If the floor is uneven, try to level it.

It is also worth checking the walls and corners; there will be flaws in the place planned for the construction of the podium. The walls are checked for level. Exactly 90 degree angles are difficult to find, so do everything locally.

Before making a podium bed, remove the baseboard in the area of ​​the future structure and set it aside. These strips will also be useful for finishing.

Podium assembly algorithm

Make horizontal markings using laser level along the walls, draw a line with a pencil. Along this line, anchor the horizontal base beams of the podium to the walls.

Lay the supporting beams across the base ones at a distance of 40-50 cm. Since there are no ideal wall surfaces and right angles, start making the frame from the “base”. The first supporting beam placed along the outer edge and the floor level vertically below it will be this base. The following crossbars are placed parallel at the calculated distance.

Measure vertical end posts made of timber for the base beams, at least three pieces on each side. Saw off with a grinder required height and screw it to the wall.

Thoroughly connect the supporting and base beams from above with self-tapping screws. If you are making a podium bed with drawers, then measure the vertical intermediate posts on site according to the sketches, saw them off and connect them to load-bearing beams. Make plywood guides along them in those places where there will be drawers or a roll-out bed.

Raised floor and side surfaces plywood is mounted in the same way. Each sheet is placed in its place, measured and cut. After adjusting the plywood sheets, they must be secured with self-tapping screws, and the cracks are filled with putty. After drying, the surface is sanded, the wood is coated with a preventive impregnation, any one of your choice.

The finished structure can be painted, covered with carpet, laminate and other finishing materials. Don't forget about the baseboard, this small detail will complete the finishing.

No furniture from a major Swedish furniture giant can compare to something made in-house. You can always assemble the bed yourself to make your bedroom attractive.

A podium for your bed can offer extra storage space, save space for creative hobbies, and rest assured that no one else has a bed like yours.

Photo of the podium bed
