How to open the front door without a key: if necessary. How to open a door lock without a key

You can not get into the apartment, can happen to each of us. Therefore, in such a case, you need to know how to open the lock without a key and what is needed for this.

If the key is missing

So, there are no keys anywhere, neither in your pocket, nor in your bag. What to do? After all, the lock on the door was created specifically to with bare hands do not open it.

Of course, the most reliable and easiest way to solve the problem is to call a service that specializes in opening doors. There are these in every city. In order for you to be helped to get into the apartment, you must present to the specialists any evidence of your residence in the dwelling. For example, a passport, which indicates the place of your registration, etc.

However, if for some reason you cannot use the services of professionals, it remains only to try to open door lock without a key, with the help of improvised means. For example, use a master key. Such a tool can be easily purchased at a specialized store, and anyone can use it, even those who have never tried to open locks. But not everyone carries a master key with them. But hairpins or paper clips are another matter.

We make a "master key"

In order to build a master key, you will need two regular paper clips.

Bend the long end of the paper clip and straighten it. You should end up with a straight wire. Some advise bending the tip of the wire to make it easier to press the pins. But this is optional.


Now you need to make a tensioner, the task of which is to turn the lock. With it, you will press on the cylinder, and with another paper clip - at the same time - put the pins in place. Make tensioner out of paper clip possible in two ways.

The first, simpler one: straighten the long end of the paper clip at a right angle. Thus, you will get the basis for a working tensioner, but not a very good master key.

The second, a little more difficult: completely unbend the ends of the paper clip so that the wire is bent in the middle and the ends converge. In this case, one of them should be slightly shorter than the other. Then the longer part must be bent again at a right angle, about a centimeter from the tip.

How to open a lock without a key with a pick

Insert the tensioner into the keyhole and press in a circle. You need to pull in the direction in which the lock turns. If you don't remember it, then the odds are 50:50. Try first moving the paperclip in right side. As a rule, in most locks the key turns clockwise. But there are exceptions.

Those who have enough sensitive hands, will be able to feel the right direction for themselves. If you do everything right, then when turning the paper clip will meet less resistance than if the wrong direction is chosen. Remember that it is very important that a slight tension is present during operation.

After deciding on the direction, fix the pressure, and try to find the pins with another paper clip. Most locks have five pins that, when properly set, open the mechanism.

Starting at the back of the keyhole, press the pins in order. You must record each of them. At the same time, slowly wind the tensioner. If the pin is in the correct position, a slight click will be heard. Or you will catch a slight movement. Gently wiggle the pick until you feel that all the pins are in place. After that, turn the tensioner in the right direction, and ... the lock will open.

Cylinder locks

How to open a lock without a key if you have a set of ordinary tools at hand? It all depends on the type and structure of the mechanism. So, if you have a conventional mortise lock in front of you, equipped with a cruciform cylinder, you need to use a drill. Start by drilling a small hole above the keyhole. Then, using a pick, lift the stopper and move the hook of the deadbolt.

Another castle with simple mechanism- cylinder with pins. If you have a drill at hand, then the matter becomes quite easy. Make a small hole in the cylinder itself, insert a master key into it and, turning, open the lock.

The padlock

Now let's talk about how to open the padlock. Without a key, there are two ways to deal with such a mechanism. The first is to try to line up all the pins with the help of a master key, as already described above, which is not easy enough for those who have never done this. The second way is to remove the lock. Let's consider a simpler option.

So, how to remove the lock without a key? To do this, you need a regular crowbar.

Direct all your strength to the weak point of the lock - where the shackle is attached to the body. Press down.

If there is not enough strength, you can use a special file for metal, a hacksaw or long wire cutters. Sawing a two-centimeter shackle takes about ten minutes, so you won't spend much time.

rack locks

Such locks are most often used in gates, fences, garages. Opening methods are universal, primitive and come down to shifting the rails in turn. There are several ways.

  1. Use a fishing line or guitar string. Insert a screwdriver into the gap between the jamb and the door. Press the door hard. From a fishing line or string you need to make a loop. Slide it through the keyhole and circle around the pins (which are used to allow the lock to open from the inside). Then gently pull the loop towards you. The rails should move away and the door should open.
  2. How to open a lock without a key with a pencil or a carrot? Easily! Lubricate the lock mechanism with any oil. Release the bolt. To do this, slightly press the door in the opposite direction to opening. Then drive a pencil or carrot into the keyhole and turn - the lock is open. The secret is that thanks to soft material The "key" rack teeth will leave on the pencil (carrot) the grooves necessary to open the lock.
  3. Use a drill and a screwdriver. When using this method, you will not even damage the door leaf. First you need to determine where the closed bolt is located. To do this, slip a regular sheet of paper between the box and closed door. When you find the crossbar, take a drill. Drill a small slot in the door frame. Then use a screwdriver to move the bolt. All.

A few more ways to open the lock without a key

So, if you have a lock equipped with a tongue in front of you, proceed as follows. With a screwdriver or any other tool that can be inserted between the box and the canvas, press the tab. Then turn the handle and open the door. By the way, doors locked in this way can be opened even with a simple plastic card.

How to open a lever lock if it is built into a wooden door? To do this, press on the door and, as far as possible, pull it away from the box. Then, using a paper clip, screwdriver or any other tool, move the levers away.

If you have a latch-type lock, use a screwdriver to unscrew the screws that secure the handle. Delete her. Remove the metal panel that covers the mechanism, and with the help of improvised means, try to feel for the latch. When you feel that you have succeeded, press on it and, without releasing, turn the door handle.

If the key is stuck

The first step is to remove the broken key from the lock. In such a situation, you can use a jigsaw file. Insert it into the keyhole so that the prongs look up. Then slowly move the file to hook the key. When this succeeds, carefully remove the file along with the “prey”.

There are situations when the key is broken, but part of it sticks out of the keyhole. Use pliers. Get them a key. Just don't try to pull it out. This can only complicate matters. Just turn it in the direction you normally would when you open a door. And only after the door is open, pull out the key.

In general, the most The best way The solution to a problem is to anticipate it. Today, there are special keyless door locks that do not have keyholes at all. Install yourself such mechanisms and forget about the extra headache.

And one last thing. If you still try to open the door without a key, then be conscientious. After all, opening other people's locks is prohibited by law. And there is punishment for that.

Today, an old padlock is often found in a garage, pantry, attic or warehouse. The main advantage and reason for the prevalence of a padlock is its low cost, simplicity of design and, at the same time, reliability.

It is simply impossible to open a door with such a lock if the key is lost. the lock shackle is made of steel, and garage, warehouse doors, as a rule, are made of metal.

Also often the reason for the inability to open the door is the wear of the protective mechanism. Over time, due to regular use, its inner secret can simply wear off. If the lock hangs on outdoors, due to the influence of external factors (moisture, frost), the formation of corrosion centers is simply inevitable. In this case, if there is no desire to use the grinder and damage the canvas, anyone will think about how to open the padlock.

Actually it's enough typical problem. To solve it, a lot of various ways. Many resort to a master key from an aluminum can. Using an empty can of Coca-Cola, you can easily make a shamrock look. The hacking of the mechanism itself occurs with the middle tongue.

Paperclip opening is the most effective and long-established method of dealing with a jammed padlock. The specificity lies in getting a bent paper clip, wire into a special latch, which should unclench and release the bracket from the base. In some samples, instead of a latch, a button is provided, the principle of operation is not much different. The wire bent with the letter G must be inserted into the well and slowly carefully turned.

It is important to remember that during rotation, you should pay attention to which direction the mechanism turns the easiest.

Next, a second master key of the same type is used and inserted into the upper region of the keyhole in order to find special pins, which, after detection, gradually rise. After all the pins are open, the bottom pick is rotated again.

In most cases, you can open the padlock yourself with a regular pin, knife, or special master keys that can be found with craftsmen or locksmiths. You can learn more about how to open a semicircular padlock without a key in the corresponding video. Often, with the help of a “poker”-shaped skeleton key, it is important to assemble the required lock combination, which is presented in the form of a set of ordinary horizontal plates.

It should be noted that some models of padlocks with a semicircular key are quite resistant to breaking, so often its owners turn to specialized services.

In this case, there are several ways. The first and most common requires the selection of a combination. First you need to pull the lock shackle until it starts to put pressure on the wheels. After that, rotational movements should be made until a click occurs and the lock opens.

The second way is more complicated. To open, you will need an aluminum plate, which can be cut from a tin can. This semblance of a key is rounded in diameter corresponding to the width of the bow. The plate is inserted into the hole located between the body and the bow. At the very end, after the procedures performed, you need to apply some effort to finally unlock it.

How to open a padlock

A characteristic feature of this mechanism is the presence of not pins, as in other models, but several discs with specific holes, which greatly aggravate entry into the room. For disks to fit in correct position it is important to choose a key with suitable grooves.

Padlock disc lock

Given the specificity of the design, with a minimum loss of time, you can only open a padlock without a key with a properly selected master key or a bent flat screwdriver, which must be driven into the lock and turned with force.

How to open a barn lock without a key

It is important to remember that those samples that have a standard round shackle are called barn locks. Therefore, they often fall into this category. garage locks old samples.

Middle and small size installed on wooden door, can be opened by force. For this purpose, ordinary scrap is suitable. It is necessary to push the tool through the shackle and, using the lever method, rip it off.

It will be more difficult to open the rack lock in the way described above, so here it is worth using a fishing line or a string from a guitar. First you need to press the door with a crowbar, then a loop is made from the string, which must be inserted into the well, circled around the pins and pulled towards you. Below is a video for clarity.

How to open an Apecs lock without a key

For those who wondered how to open a padlock from such a manufacturer, any specialist will answer that the methods are practically the same as those given above.

It should also be noted that Apex products are designed for mass use and their price does not exceed the average. Therefore, hacking this mechanism will not take much time and effort.

How to open a Chinese padlock without a key

Samples of Chinese steel, as a rule, are not resistant to force. The steel of the overhead locks is quite soft, so if you have a grinder, the opening process will not take much time and effort.

When exposed to a crowbar, you will need to apply force, but it is still important to choose the right angle.

Imagine the situation: you have lost the keys to your apartment... The first questions that come to mind are: “How will I get home? I lost my keys, how do I open the door? etc. In any, even the most hopeless situation, there are at least two ways out. Our problem also has several solutions. For example, you can call the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and the door will be opened very soon. True, they will hopelessly spoil it with turbines or cutters. Then there will be new question: "How to spend the night in an apartment without doors?" You won't even be able to leave to correct the situation. Another solution to the problem is to call an emergency lock opener, but is there such a person in your city? Perhaps not. There is, of course, the likelihood that among your acquaintances there will be specialists - "bear cubs", in which case this is the most correct solution to the issue. They will help you open the door of the apartment without a key.

I will describe first how to open the door without a key, for example, in the entrance. Elementary pump-action locks are often installed on entrance doors, garage doors and (very rarely!) on apartment doors. The keys to such "constipation" are of two types - flat and round. The lock of the type in question opens very quickly. For this you will need a pencil and a hammer. If you do not have a pencil at hand, then break off a branch on the nearest tree that is the same diameter as an ordinary pencil. The hammer can be replaced with an ordinary stone or a piece of brick. Insert a pencil (stick) in and hit it sharply with a hammer (brick). That's it, the first lock is open. True, then you will have to remove and disassemble the lock in order to extract the remains of the wood from it, but this, as Carlson said, is already a trifle - an everyday matter. Let's consider ways to open the door without a key. First of all, you need to understand that there are locking devices various types, and each of them requires its own approach. How to open some locks, I will tell in this article. Why only some? Because to open, for example, such locking devices as Finnish (“Abloi”), levers (“CERBER”, “Guardian”) and a number of others, you need to have a special tool, certain knowledge and, most importantly, skills.

Now let's move on to pin-type locks (English, "laser", etc.). How to open a door without a key if pin B is embedded in it this case there are only two options. The first method is called "bump". To open the lock using this method, we need a key that matches the profile of your lock (you can borrow a bunch of keys from your neighbors or look for keys to an office or a summer house on a bunch) and some kind of object for striking (a small stone will do, but it is most convenient to use screwdriver). Insert the key into the hole about three-quarters, with the fingers of your left hand make a slight tightness on the key, and with your right hand hit it with the handle of a screwdriver. The first time is unlikely to succeed, but if you apply perseverance, then you have a chance. Even beginners open locks with the "bump" method after a short practice.

Now we will describe the second way, how to open the pin lock. True, this method is only suitable for "laser machines" (two- and single-row). To do this, we need small pliers, metal scissors and a piece of the metal itself (a tin can do) about 0.5 mm thick. We cut out a plate from metal, corresponding in width to the key. We bend it with pliers: in profile, it should resemble waves or a nail file. We insert it into the lock hole, bring it to the stop with a sharp movement (reminiscent of the “bump” method) and try to gently turn it. This method also requires practice.

So we examined the simplest of the ways to solve the issue of how to open the door without a key. However, in any case, training is necessary. Don't wait until you lose your keys, start exercising now.

Yes, we almost forgot the most important thing: opening other people's doors without the knowledge of the owners is strictly prosecuted by the law of any country! Remember this.

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» » We open the padlock with our own hands

Life is an unpredictable series of events in which anything can happen. So, none of us is immune from a broken lock or loss of a key. If you find yourself in such an unpleasant situation, you should not call a rescue team or immediately grab the grinder. You can try to open the lock with your own hands using improvised devices.

Undoubtedly, opening padlocks without a key will require certain skills and abilities. That is why we recommend that you read the tips for self-opening hinged lock mechanisms. The article discusses only those tips and tricks that can help open a padlock without breaking it.

The popularity of padlocks

Such shutter mechanisms have appeared for a long time. Affordable price, ease of operation and a fairly good degree of reliability have led to their widespread use today. Most often, such locks are used to protect garages, cottages and all kinds of utility rooms. On the one hand, they are easy to use, and on the other hand, they protect the premises well from burglary. If the manufacturer did not save on material and made the lock shackles of their high-strength steel, then such a lock is almost impossible to knock down with improvised devices.

The padlock is a fairly complex mechanism. That is why it can be used both as a main lock and as a additional protection premises. In most cases, opening such a lock without a key is quite problematic, but possible! There are several basic ways to help.

When might it be necessary to open the lock without a key?

The loss of a key is far from the only situation when it may be necessary to open the lock with improvised means. There can be many other unpleasant life situations and problems. So, for example, any keyhole tends to break after a certain time. This is more than normal. Especially in those cases when the castle was operated on the street and did not have external protection from the negative impact of factors environment. The latter often lead to the fact that at the most inopportune moment, the lock corny jams or jams. This can happen not only by accident, but also through the fault of intruders trying to break down the door to commit theft. In our time, this situation is not uncommon.

It is extremely clear that cases and situations are very diverse, as a result of which any person may be under the door and not be able to open it. Therefore, everyone should be able to open a padlock.

Lockpick from an aluminum can

Yes, it sounds really very strange and extraordinary. However, many experts claim that with the help of an empty aluminum can, you can open the lock. To do this, cut out the so-called shamrock from it, middle uvula which will be a good master key for the hinged bolt mechanism.

Lockpick from a paper clip or a piece of wire

Simple reflections make it possible to understand that it is quite possible to open this type of locks without a key if you “conjure” a little over the spring. And here an ordinary paper clip or a piece of wire, bent into desired shape. The main task in such a situation is to get into the spring with the help of an improvised device and thus open the bolt mechanism.

Special picks for locks

If you are a prudent person, previously taught by bitter experience, then you can insure yourself and purchase in advance special devices or master keys that allow you to open almost any padlock quite quickly and without serious damage. Such products can be ordered from the master or purchased ready-made kits.

The most reliable and proven way

Today, there are many ways and devices for opening locks without a key. If you doubt your abilities or do not want to damage an expensive lock, then it is best to turn to professionals. In most cities, to help people in difficult life situation ready to come special emergency service. As a rule, such firms work around the clock and go to the customer on the first call. The emergency services have necessary tools, and most importantly - skills and knowledge, which will allow you to open any padlock in a matter of seconds and keep it in working order.

Radical measures

If there were no improvised devices and tools at hand, and there is no way to turn to a special service for help, then there is only one way out - to knock down the lock with a crowbar. This method does not require much mental effort. The main thing here is to apply a sufficient amount of physical strength in the right direction. To open the lock in this way, you should bring the crowbar into the opening between the lock itself and the shackle and pull it down sharply until the spring comes out of the grooves.

The lock can break and the key can be lost at any time. This means that no one is immune from the possibility of staying at the door. However, if you know about the basic methods and techniques for opening door locking mechanisms, then you can quite easily solve the problem that has arisen without outside help.

A Phillips screwdriver made of hard metal of the same size as the key will help to conquer the lock (costs from 300 rubles). Insert it into the hole and turn it clockwise with force.


The padlock breaks with a crowbar (the force must be directed to the weak point - the attachment of the shackle to the body). There is no scrap - a hacksaw or long cutters will come to your aid.


Find a strong lever, like a crowbar, and place it in the gap next to the lock. Ruthlessly warp door frame until the lock stops clinging to the mutilated jamb. This method, due to its primitiveness, is actually suitable for all types of locks.


First try to open with a similar key. Did not work out? Basically, we didn't have much hope. It’s just that sometimes completely worn out wells lend themselves to a persistent key (this is also true as a metaphor). Now borrow a screwdriver, hammer and pliers from the neighbors. Having removed decorative overlay around the lock, hook onto the protruding cylinder with pliers and swing until it breaks. Knock out the rest, insert a screwdriver inside and, prying the mechanism, open the lock. Another way: drill a hole below the keyhole with a 5 mm drill, then insert a screwdriver instead of the key and turn it to the side - the lock will open. By the way, if you have a taste for it, order special master keys for cylinder locks - an electric pick and a pickgun (the cost is from 2 to 7 thousand rubles).
