How to eat. List of products for proper nutrition and weight loss. Physical activity for weight loss

The problem of proper nutrition is one of the most pressing for every person. It's no secret that it is the quality of the food we eat that affects our health, appearance, and general well-being. Depending on what goal a person pursues (wants to lose weight, get better, build muscle, or just finally start eating right) - his daily diet will have its own characteristics.

How to start eating right?

Whoever you are - a man or a woman, a fat man or a thin one - the basic principles of proper nutrition are the same for everyone. If you decide to responsibly approach the issue of healthy and wholesome food, then you should remember the following unshakable rules:

You need to eat 4-5 times a day, preferably always at the same time;
- pay special attention to breakfast, dinner should be light and not too late;
- fatty, spicy, salty, pickled, smoked foods should be excluded or minimized from the menu;
- cereals, fruits and vegetables should become an indispensable attribute of the daily diet;
- meat is also recommended to eat daily, but it should be lean (beef, chicken, rabbit, lean fish) and eaten in limited quantities (no more than 80 g per day);
- at least 3 times a week you need to consume fermented milk products: cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, cheese;
- do not forget about nuts, legumes, seafood - 2-3 times a week it is worth including them in your diet;
- liquid in the form of ordinary or mineral water, juices, compotes, jelly should be consumed in sufficient quantities - at least one and a half liters per day;
- carbonated and alcoholic drinks should be reduced to a possible minimum, ideally - completely eliminate them from the diet;
- Various semi-finished products, fast food, stale food, products containing harmful food additives (dyes, flavor enhancers, sweeteners) should become an eternal taboo that does not tolerate any concessions.

How to eat right to lose weight?

Those who want to lose weight, of course, should first of all focus on the principles of proper nutrition that we have listed. Then you don’t have to resort to the “services” of diets harmful to the body, the weight returns to normal and you will remain in the right shape for many years.

To lose weight, you also need to pay special attention to the calorie content of the foods you eat. To do this, absolutely everyone who is losing weight needs to purchase a table of caloric content of products and draw up their daily menu based on its data. As a rule, for a losing weight woman, it is enough to consume 1500-2000 calories, for a losing weight man - 2500-3000 per day. In no case should you starve - such stress will not benefit your body.

Eat at least 5 small meals a day. If desired, you can also snack on healthy low-calorie foods: apples, carrots, low-fat cheese, tangerines, tomatoes. Avoid sugary and starchy foods from your diet.

Drink more mineral non-carbonated water - firstly, it will help normalize metabolism, and secondly, it will create a feeling of fullness in the stomach. That is why half an hour before meals you need to drink a glass of water.

How to eat right to get better?

Those who want to get better should also focus on the general rules of a healthy diet. But thin people should also have other priorities on the menu, different from the diet of overweight people.

Many people suffering from thinness think incorrectly that uncontrolled eating of buns and cakes, fatty meats, and various sweets will save them. In any case, this food is considered harmful - it can not only not lead to fullness, but also cause various diseases, such as diabetes.

So how to eat right to get better? Load up on protein foods: lean meats and fish, eggs, legumes, nuts, brown rice. Carbohydrates will also come to the rescue, but not heavy buns with fried potatoes, but cereals, grapes, beets, peaches, melons, bananas, dairy products. Use vegetable fats - add olive or sunflower oil to salads.

Do not try to eat a lot, eat up sandwiches, butter, sour cream. You will overeat, thereby poisoning the body, contributing to the formation of toxins and the burning of fats, which you already lack. In addition, with the help of such a “diet” you will acquire a bouquet of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the endocrine system. And as you get older, you may become obese.

It's no secret that the basis of nutrition for bodybuilders is protein. You can get it with meat and eggs. How much protein should be consumed for rapid muscle growth? For every kilogram of your weight, you should have 2 grams of protein. Divide the resulting figure by 30 (that is how many grams of meat is absorbed by the body at a time) - as a result, a number equal to the number of protein intakes per day will come out.

Example. Your weight is 60 kg. The daily protein intake for you is 120 g. When dividing, we get the number 4 - it is for so many receptions that you need to consume these 120 g of protein.

Before training, you need to eat a hearty meal, giving preference to complex carbohydrates: potatoes, rice, oatmeal, pasta. It is these products that most contribute to mass gain and a good supply of energy, which is also necessary for muscle growth. Complex carbohydrates are broken down for a long time - their effect is enough for the entire workout.

But after a workout, you should eat simple carbohydrates: apples and bananas, raisins, honey, confectionery. These products will help to quickly restore strength after exercise, in addition, they block the release of hormones into the bloodstream that contribute to muscle breakdown.

Also, low-fat dairy products should certainly be present in your menu: directly milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, cheese.

As for special sports nutrition, it can only be a supplement, but not a replacement for natural proteins and carbohydrates. It is simply impossible to build muscle on powders and tablets alone.

How to eat right during pregnancy?

The nutrition of the expectant mother should be complete and balanced. Again and again we send you to re-read the basic rules of a healthy diet - they will also be useful for a pregnant woman. However, there are some nuances of how to eat properly during pregnancy.

The menu of a pregnant woman should contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates in sufficient quantities, vitamins A, B, C, E, folic acid, calcium, iron. All this contributes to both the normal functioning of the body of a pregnant woman, and the full formation of the embryo, and then the fetus.

Many future mothers naively believe that with the onset of pregnancy, you need to start eating for two. This is not true! Daily calorie intake should be approximately 3000-3200 kcal, which is approximately 30% more than the average norm for a non-pregnant woman.

Another misconception in the question of how to eat properly during pregnancy is to eat whatever your heart desires. They say that the pregnant body does not need extra stress - it is better to immediately satisfy its needs. The gastronomic habits of expectant mothers are sometimes amazing. But it's one thing to eat a couple of pickles or a jar of canned food at a time, and it's quite another to regularly eat convenience foods or fast food. Think about yourself and your child - is he really not worthy that you eat healthy food during these months?

If you are tormented by swelling - the problem of many women in position - exclude from your menu products that retain fluid in the body. Reduce your salt intake and avoid spicy, smoked foods.

You may need to take a prenatal vitamin and mineral supplement in addition to your regular diet, but you should talk to your doctor about this.

How to eat right for children?

All the best for children! And this rule applies almost primarily to their nutrition.

Of course, baby food should be as balanced as possible, include all food groups. Particular attention should be paid to the absence of so-called “junk food” in the child’s diet: fried, smoked, spicy, canned and semi-finished products, fast food. Such food also adversely affects the adult body, and what can we say about a child whose body is just being formed. Such nutrition, even in small portions for an adult, will lead to childhood obesity and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract at an early age.

It is not at all necessary to buy special food for children in the store - you can prepare healthy and healthy food for your child yourself. Choose only the freshest products for its preparation, follow the basic principles of a healthy diet, do not indulge your child with lollipops, chewing gum and soda - this is the secret of how to eat right for children. Ideally, proper nutrition should become the basis of the life of the whole family - it will be easier and more beneficial for you and your children.

And one more important rule of baby food - never force a child to eat! There are little children who only need to eat half of the prescribed norm - and this will not affect their well-being in any way. It also often happens that the child simply did not have time to get hungry for the next meal - let him skip it, and the next time mom will know that portions should be made smaller and not let the child have a snack between the “main” meal.

How to eat right in summer?

Summer food is a separate issue. Firstly, summer is rich in fresh fruits, vegetables and berries - and it's a sin not to take advantage of these gifts of nature by making certain adjustments to your daily menu. Secondly, the summer heat is the cause of exacerbations of various infectious diseases that await us, including with poor-quality, spoiled food.

That is why in the summer you should make special adjustments to your menu. Load up on fresh produce to make up for spring vitamin deficiencies and stock up on them for the winter. And by themselves, fresh fruits, salads, freshly squeezed juices and smoothies, various fruit and berry desserts are a healthy and tasty delicacy that few people will remain indifferent to. But do not forget that in no case should you buy such products at spontaneous points, otherwise, instead of benefit, you can get a completely opposite result.

Summer is not the time for “heavy” food. How to eat right in summer? Minimize the consumption of meat, mushroom dishes, complex side dishes. Buy fish only fresh, in certified outlets. Do not eat the products of street stalls in the summer heat, various fast food - this perishable food becomes many times more dangerous for the body in the summer. Replace ketchups with tomatoes, mayonnaise with sunflower oil. When buying dairy and sour-milk products, pay attention to the expiration date - it is preferable to buy milk, yogurt, kefir, which is today's date.

We hope that after reading our article you have no questions left on how to start eating right. Eat tasty and healthy!

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


The problem of excess weight is equally relevant for different ages. People are used to eating their problems with junk high-calorie foods, but the result is even more damaging to self-esteem and health. Nutritionists recommend eating right, eating high-quality healthy foods, leaving strict diets, and explaining what to eat to lose weight. Vegetables, herbs and fruits “can” burn fat at the same time, remove fluid from the body, activate metabolism and improve hormonal levels.

What can you eat on a diet

Diet is associated with food restrictions. The diet is also regulated. Nutritionists are categorically against strict diets: the body suffers very much with a lack of essential substances. Often the kilograms that are gone with the help of a strict diet return very quickly when switching after starvation to the usual diet. It is necessary to strictly observe the measure, to know what you can eat when losing weight, replacing harmful high-calorie goodies with valuable products. A good sleep and long walks help a lot during the diet.

What foods help you lose weight

If you need to lose weight, it's time to forget about the evening or night raids on the refrigerator. After six o'clock in the evening it is forbidden to eat hard cheeses, fatty meats, cereals and bakery products. In the daily diet, you need to remove foods with a high calorie content (more than 150 kcal). If you really want to, you can treat yourself to sweets until noon. Do not lean on yoghurts with fillers: they are not helpful in losing weight, because they contain a lot of carbohydrates. If you reinforce a balanced diet with training, the result will show itself very quickly.

List of products for weight loss:

  • that are quickly absorbed by the body (eggs, dietary meat, white fish);
  • fermented milk (kefir, homemade yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese);
  • green vegetables (cucumbers, all types of cabbage);
  • legumes;
  • tomatoes, sweet peppers;
  • berries (blackberries, blueberries, raspberries);
  • fruits (green apples, avocados, grapefruit, pears);
  • vegetable oil (olive);
  • drinks (black unsweetened coffee, green tea, water).

What can you eat at night when losing weight

A frequent problem for losing weight is the desire to eat tightly in the evening, but this is a big mistake. For lunch, you can still afford to cook a dish of potatoes. During dinner, when losing weight, it is better to refrain from high-calorie foods. What to eat to lose weight fast? The best option is light vegetables, herbs, berries and unsweetened fruits; low-fat sour cream and olive oil are suitable for dressing salads. it is better not to consume fats of animal origin, foods that linger in the body for a long time.

What not to eat

When dieting, the body begins to intensively store fat reserves, especially in the abdomen, which are difficult to quickly get rid of. To lose weight, you need to start by bringing the amount of water you drink per day to 2-2.5 liters, then the metabolism speeds up, and the process of weight loss is more intense. When the question is what to eat - a chocolate bar or an apple, it is worth choosing a fruit, it is tasty and healthy. Particular attention should be paid to the size of portions, this is no less important than the calorie content of products.

List of prohibited foods for weight loss:

  • pickles, pickled or smoked foods;
  • milk, dairy products with a fat content of more than 5%;
  • animal and vegetable fats;
  • fast food, sweets, pastries;
  • mayonnaise, cheeses with a high percentage of fat content;
  • sachet dishes, fast food;
  • sausage products;
  • chocolate, caramel and other sweets;
  • sweet drinks with gas;
  • snacks (crackers, chips, fried nuts);
  • alcohol.

What to eat on fasting day

A fasting day is considered when the total calorie content of the food eaten is less than the energy expenditure (up to 900 calories). Such days provoke a shake-up in the body so that it begins to "burn" its reserves. consists of one type of product (it can be kefir, apples, cottage cheese, sour cream, lean meat). Eating other foods on this day is prohibited. If you want to cleanse the body with a fasting day, it is worth eating fiber-rich foods 3 days before unloading, this will help to quickly improve bowel function.

How to eat right to lose weight

Proper nutrition is a lifestyle. PP helps to maintain weight and not get better, there is no risk of breakdowns, since a person does not feel hunger. What to eat to lose weight? The main condition is that the amount of energy consumed should match (when losing weight - be less) with the energy consumption of the body. It is important to count calories, remove high-calorie foods (sugar, pastries, sweets). Of great importance is the mode of eating and the frequency of meals. It is important to decide in advance what is better to eat for dinner when losing weight in order to remove the temptation to snack on the “wrong” foods.

Principles of PP for weight loss:

  • the main foods of the diet are vegetables, unsweetened fruits;
  • sufficient hydration;
  • obligatory breakfast - porridge;
  • more physical activity;
  • focusing on the contents of the plate while eating;
  • replacing high-calorie foods with low-calorie ones;
  • complete rejection of alcohol, alcohol-containing products;
  • reduction in food portions.

How many calories do you need to eat to lose weight

The more fats and fast carbohydrates in the product, the more high-calorie it will be. The calorie content of food during weight loss directly determines the number of kilograms gone. What can you eat on a diet? It is better to choose foods with low and medium calorie content, but it is equally important to count the number of calories that your body “burns”. For example, during sedentary work, the body's energy expenditure is much less than during heavy physical work. In addition, in order to calculate the basic metabolism (RO) of a person, you need height, initial weight, age of a person and the type of physical activity.

Daily requirement formula (kcal):

  • for women = 655 + 9.6 x weight + 1.8 x height (in cm) - 4.7 x age;
  • for men = 66.5 + 13.7 x weight + 5 x height (in cm) - 6.8 x age.

The number of calories needed to maintain the current weight (received VR) is multiplied by the selected activity factor from the table.

Many people wonder how to eat right to be healthy and keep a slim figure. By including healthy foods in the menu and removing harmful ones, you can speed up your metabolism and lose extra pounds in a short time.

The benefits of proper nutrition and its basic principles

A balanced menu allows you to:

  • get rid of obesity and reduce the risk of its occurrence;
  • improve overall well-being;
  • speed up metabolism;
  • reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood;
  • reduce the risk of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • prolong life;
  • reduce the risk of oncological pathologies;
  • cleanse the body of toxins and normalize the stool;
  • improve the functioning of the immune system and reduce the likelihood of flu and colds.

How to eat to be healthy:

  1. It is desirable to take food at the same time.
  2. Avoid dry snacks.
  3. Drink more pure boiled water.
  4. Include more plant-based foods on your menu.
  5. The last meal should be 2 hours before bedtime.
  6. Never overeat. It is better to eat more often, but less.
  7. Don't skip breakfast.
  8. Eat as little salt as possible.
  9. Not to starve.

To maintain health, the diet must be balanced.

List of products for proper nutrition

The menu should include proteins, fats and carbohydrates that take a long time to digest. It is better to remove easily digestible compounds from the diet.


Cereals should be present in the daily menu, because. they are able to remove toxins from the body and cleanse the intestines, improving its functioning. The most useful crop is oats, which contain vitamins and amino acids that can lower blood cholesterol levels. If you eat this product in the form of jelly or porridge, then the risk of gastritis and pancreatitis will decrease.

The most useful cereals:

  • couscous - eliminates insomnia, copes with depression and improves brain function;
  • quinoa - contains iron, phosphorus, zinc and calcium and helps strengthen bones;
  • red rice - rich in B vitamins, iron and phosphorus;
  • buckwheat - improves heart function, stimulates metabolism and immunity;
  • wild rice - improves digestion and strengthens muscles;
  • bulgur - stimulates metabolic processes and helps to eliminate toxins from the body.

It is also good to include millet in the menu, which improves kidney function and prevents a number of diseases of the urinary system.

Meat and fish

Anyone who eats right tries to exclude red meat from the menu, which is digested for a long time and can ferment in the intestines, contributing to flatulence and other disorders in the digestive tract. Instead, it is recommended to give preference to turkey, chicken and sea fish containing Omega-3 and -6 acids. Raw meat should not be eaten. It is better to cook the product for a couple with a minimum addition of salt. Also, meat and fish can be baked, but not fried.


Vegetables should be eaten every day to make up for the deficiency of vitamins and other nutrients. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to abandon cabbage, tomatoes, radishes and mushrooms. The healthiest vegetables:

In addition to the above, it is important to include spinach in the menu, which stimulates the digestive system and contains a number of vitamins and minerals.


Eating right means including as many fruits as possible in the diet, the most useful of which are apples, which help improve digestion and stimulate the immune system. This product reduces the risk of heart attacks. For the human body, bananas are important, containing a large amount of potassium, which prevents heart disease.

The menu should include:

  • oranges;
  • grape;
  • pears;
  • apricots;
  • lemons;
  • persimmon;
  • peaches;
  • kiwi;
  • grenades;

A person needs to eat plant foods 2-3 times a day. If you eat 3 fruits a day, you can forget about colds, excess weight and high cholesterol levels in the blood.

Dairy products

If you eat dairy products, then you can forget about digestive problems. Kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese and yoghurts have a beneficial effect on the condition of the intestines, prevent the occurrence of dysbacteriosis and saturate the body with calcium and protein. Fermented milk products should be consumed separately from other foods so as not to provoke flatulence.

What should be given up?

What foods should be excluded from the diet:

  • fast food;
  • salty crackers;
  • crisps;
  • yeast products;
  • cakes;
  • products containing GMOs and preservatives;
  • alcohol;
  • fried meals.

It is important not to use semi-finished products, because. they often contain harmful additives and contribute to rapid weight gain.

How many times a day should you eat?

How to make a sample menu for weight loss?

To lose weight, you need to eat right, excluding starvation diets and unhealthy foods. The menu should include up to 70% of vegetable fiber, which can be consumed both fresh and boiled. 30% of the diet should be sour-milk products, cereals and meat products.

Nutrition before and after training

To learn how to eat right before and after sports, you need to understand how calories are burned and muscle mass is increased. You need to eat food 2 hours before training. At the same time, it is desirable that these be proteins: chicken, fish, sour-milk products. After class, you can eat in half an hour. To lose weight, it is advisable to snack on foods containing vegetable fiber or cereals. But you can’t immediately lean on heavy food after class, otherwise you won’t be able to lose weight.

Eating right is easier than you think. Armed with knowledge, you will be almost there. If healthy eating is not a sacrifice for you, but an opportunity to improve your life, then you are already close to the goal. You no longer need someone to tell you about all the benefits that giving up hamburgers and donuts will bring to you. You need to learn how it's done, and from this article, you can get some insight into a healthy lifestyle.


Part 1

Choosing a Healthy Diet

    Choose the right carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates, such as those found in sugar and flour, are quickly absorbed by the body's digestive system. This leads to an excess of carbohydrates, and your body secretes a huge amount of insulin to deal with this excess. Eat these foods in moderation. On the other hand, complex carbohydrates are absorbed slowly by the body. They are found in whole grain flours, strong vegetables, oatmeal, and unprocessed grains such as brown rice. These foods tend to have more vitamins and other nutrients that are good for the body, as well as more fiber (which helps the digestive system to function properly).

    • Consider eating green leafy vegetables such as cabbage, collard greens, mustard greens, and chard. They contain a huge amount of nutrients and will quickly bring you a feeling of satiety. Make a simple sauté with olive oil, garlic, a pinch of salt and pepper for an unexpectedly delicious and highly nutritious meal.
    • Choose bran bread (gray bread) and wholemeal pasta instead of "normal" pasta. Processed carbs, like those found in white bread, are harder to extract nutrients from, so they provide more empty calories.
  1. Eat more lean, protein-rich foods. Try to get 10% to 35% of your calories daily from protein. Protein helps you build muscle mass and gives you energy to last through the day. Some sources of healthy proteins:

    • Low-fat varieties of fish such as flounder, halibut, cod, perch
    • Lean poultry meat such as chicken or duck breast
    • Beans and soy products (edamame, tofu)
    • Nuts, such as almonds
  2. Learn to distinguish between good and bad fats. For your body to function properly, you need to consume fats. However, you need to choose the right types of fats. Here you will find a little help.

    • Monounsaturated fats and omega 3 fatty acids are healthy fats that you can try to eat regularly. They will help lower the levels of "bad" cholesterol in your body while raising your levels of "good" cholesterol. Foods rich in fatty acids are olive oil, nuts, fish oil, and various seed oils. By adding these "healthy" fats to your weekly diet, you will reduce cholesterol levels and the risk of cardiovascular disease.
    • Avoid trans and saturated fats. Trans fats are a type of unsaturated fat found ubiquitously in processed foods. These fats increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Read the labels of the foods you eat and look for anything "hydrogenated" on the ingredient list.
  3. Stock up on highly nutritious foods. So-called superfoods may have a misleading name, but some are actually incredibly healthy and nutritious. Superfoods can fight heart disease, lower cholesterol, and even boost your mood. Here are just a few of them:

    Watch your salt intake. While people need salt in moderation, excess salt can lead to high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and excess stomach acid. Use salt in moderation and always look for foods labeled "low sodium."

    Practice moderation. Do not abuse any one product or type of products. Instead, try to vary your diet so that you eat a little of everything in moderation.

    • Some people have no problem giving up meat, sugar, alcohol, or other foods. However, most give up something, but after a while they can't stand it and return to their old habits. Try to avoid this vicious cycle of 'abstinence-gluttony' by allowing yourself a little "weakness" from time to time. For example, if you want to reduce your sugar intake, have one dessert on Friday night and avoid sweets the rest of the time. Knowing that a pause in your diet is ahead of you, it will be easier for you to hold out on the rest of the days.
  4. Refrain from fast food. We all know that fast food is "bad" for our health. And yet, it remains the staple of too many people's weekly diets. Firstly, fast food is often fried food, which is also oversalted. Throw in sugary drinks and French fries, and your lunch will easily exceed your all-day calorie allowance. And to top it off, the fats found in fast food are usually trans fats, the most harmful of all.

    Sometimes you can have a glass of beer or wine, but try to avoid more than that. Adults drinking a glass of beer or wine with dinner have been shown to have positive effects on overall health, including improved memory, reduced bacterial infections, and even increased estrogen levels. Unfortunately, what is good in small quantities can be destructive in large ones. More than two alcoholic drinks a day is sure to harm your health.

Part 3

Changing your way of thinking

    Adopt a healthy relationship with food. Take a critical look at your eating habits. Do you eat more when you are stressed? Do you deny yourself food to feel like you have everything under control? Try to determine if you have an unhealthy emotional connection with food. If so, here are a few steps to consider:

    Determine how many calories your body needs to function properly. This amount can vary greatly depending on your metabolism and how physically active you are. As a general rule, the more muscle mass you have, the more calories you need to consume in order to function properly. Otherwise, your body will start to break down muscle tissue for energy.

    • If you are one of those people who put on 5 kilos just by smelling pizza, then your daily diet should include about 2000 calories if you are a man and 1500 calories if you are a woman. Your body weight also plays a role here - people who are naturally larger consume more calories, and those who are smaller consume less.
    • If you're the kind of person who can eat without gaining extra pounds, or you're physically active, maybe you should improve your daily calorie intake by 1000-2000 for men and a little less for women.
  1. Don't skip breakfast. Many people do this because they think they can shed a pound or two, or because they simply don't feel hungry in the morning. While the scientific evidence is not yet conclusive, there are many reasons why you shouldn't skip what some call "the most important meal of the day."

    Eat slowly. Have you ever jumped on a huge meal, feeling good right after, and like you're about to explode 15 minutes later? This is because your stomach takes some time to tell your brain that it is full. Slow absorption of food will help you get rid of this problem. Thus, by the time the signal is received and you feel full, you will not eat too much excess.

    • Take breaks of 5-10 minutes between meals. Chew 20-30 times each time before swallowing food.
    • Drink a full glass of water with meals. Small pauses for swallowing will slow down the consumption of food and help you fill up faster.
  2. Eat five times a day. You can think of three full meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) with snacks in between. This way, you'll eat less at a time, giving your body a more easily digestible amount of food each time, and keeping your blood sugar levels high by avoiding situations where you go six hours without food.

  • Products labeled "fat-free" or "sugar-free" contain more chemicals. Most often, the simpler the composition of the product, the more useful it is. For example, self-squeezed orange juice is healthier than store bought. Even if it says "fat-free" on the package. If you make juice at home, you know exactly what it will contain, without relying on the truth of the label.
  • Always carry water with you. Try to drink water instead of soft drinks and other flavored drinks. The rule of thumb is to drink half your weight in ounces per day.
  • Don't go grocery shopping on an empty stomach, this will help you focus on your grocery list without over-buying.
  • Try to gradually reduce the consumption of fast food and other unhealthy foods, and after a month you will not be able to imagine how you ate it.
  • Avoid processed foods. They are not natural and therefore more difficult for your body to break down, which means they will sit in your intestines, causing you to feel bloated and lethargic. Eat raw, fresh fruits and vegetables, brown rice, durum wheat pasta, and so on.
  • Low-fat yogurt is a great snack, and the good bacteria it contains will help you get rid of your gut problems.
  • Stock up on patience. You won't get instant cholesterol or weight loss or energy boosts. You need to give your dietary changes time to take effect. You will probably feel the change in a few weeks.
  • Drink water instead of soft drinks and alcohol.
  • Drink unsweetened tea - that's about 3 calories per liter.
  • Consider eating organic food. Organic products are produced without the use of large amounts of harmful chemicals or other hazardous substances. Organic food is not only good for you, but also for the environment! The production of other products can have a very bad impact on the environment.
  • Use extra virgin olive oil when cooking. It is purer and better for your heart than other olive oils. The darker it is, the better. In addition, "light" olive oil contains as many calories as extra virgin - the definition of "light" (light, light) refers to the intensity of color and taste. Contrary to initial belief, soybean and canola oils are not as healthy. In fact, they stimulate the production and deposition of fat.
  • Eating healthy will give you some health benefits, but you won't achieve the full benefits of a healthy lifestyle if you're not physically active. Sports exercises don't have to be hard, you don't even have to sweat. Just a 30-minute walk four times a week will seriously improve your health. Start small if you haven't already.
  • Read labels carefully. What may seem healthy or "low-calorie" may contain a ton of artificial ingredients that can harm your health and metabolism.
  • Eat carrots! This helps a lot - if you're craving salty, carrots will help you get over it. Just cut it into strips and chew.
  • Pay close attention to the food proportions in the Food Pyramid, make sure you follow these rules strictly to get all the nutrients you need.
  • Try to chew longer. This will give your body more time to digest the food and absorb the nutrients.
  • If you can't stop eating processed foods, try eating a salad.
  • If you feel like you're craving unhealthy foods, it may mean that your body needs some nutrients and minerals, so choose a healthier alternative, like fruits or vegetables, to cut down on unhealthy food cravings.
  • If you can't easily cut out unhealthy foods, try green salads. They can be a great substitute for chocolate bars and other highly processed foods. Also, instead of iceberg lettuce and lettuce, try eating spinach and other leafy vegetables like kale and collard greens.
  • Try not to buy a lot of junk food because you will want to eat it.
  • When choosing yogurt, it is better to stop at natural, this will be the best option.
  • Read the labels on all the foods you eat. Don't buy something just because it says "useful". Many companies try to pass off their products as healthy when they may contain hydrogenated fats, trans fats and hidden sweeteners. This is also the best way to learn more about the product. The label has almost all the product information you will ever need. If you are trying to lose weight, try to choose low-calorie foods. If you want to gain weight for some sport or something like that, choose high-calorie foods. But remember that excess calories, lack of exercise, overeating can lead you to obesity.
  • Nutritious food has a very good effect on brain activity. Just food for thought.
  • While eating healthy is good, it's a bit more complicated. Avoid hunger strikes designed to lose weight. This is much more harmful than eating nutritious food three times a day. Also, hydrogenated foods like margarine are bad for your health. If you are looking for a healthier alternative, try natural oil or honey.
  • Make sure you don't have a warehouse of unhealthy foods at home that will tempt you. Give or throw away foods you shouldn't eat. You can't eat what you don't have! And do not buy again what you threw away!
  • If you eat more calories than your body needs each day, your body will store the excess as fat. This mistake is made by many when it comes to weight loss. No matter how much you exercise, overeating will lead to weight gain. In industrialized countries, this excess weight in the body is not needed. We are no longer hunter/gatherers. Your next meal is no further than the nearest grocery store (assuming you live in a city or suburb) and we don't need extra energy to last until the next meal.


  • Any drastic change to your diet can cause indigestion, so try to eat more dark green leafy vegetables and other fiber-rich foods. Your digestive system will adjust in one to two weeks, but if it doesn't, check with your doctor. (Other good sources of fiber include flaxseeds, psyllium husks, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and beans. Remember, you can always check the nutritional content of a food to see how much fiber it contains and figure out how it fits into your daily diet. In the case of fresh, unpackaged foods, nutrient information can be found on the internet, though fresh fruits and vegetables are unlikely to harm you!)
  • There is a fierce debate in medical circles about the health benefits of organic food. Some believe that the chemicals in traditional products are just as safe and healthy as the expensive organic substitutes. Supporters of organic food products prove the opposite. But everyone agrees that organic foods contain as many calories as non-organic equivalents. So even if you eat organic food, make sure you keep track of your calorie intake.

Today, the average person's grocery basket is replete with a variety of types of food. Any product is available to modern man. But those who monitor their health and choose healthy food for themselves should clearly understand that not all food should be included in the list of healthy diet products. So what can and what can not be eaten by a person who wants to support his body, maintain youth and health? Let's answer these questions in detail.

Do's and Don'ts of Healthy Eating

Of course, the main principle of a healthy diet is the balance of nutrients consumed. And it's not just protein. The human body needs amino acids, vitamins (E, A, B, PP, D), folic and other acids, magnesium, calcium, etc. To ensure the supply of nutrients to your body, you need to diversify your diet as much as possible. On the table should be vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, natural vegetable oils. Organizing your diet is easy. It is necessary to build on the principle of including the maximum amount of healthy foods and the complete exclusion of junk food.

What can you eat instead of meat on a healthy diet

Protein performs the main building function in the body. This means that this element is responsible for the processes of regeneration, the formation of enzymatic elements, connective tissue, etc. In addition to the building function, proteins play a protective role, producing special protective bodies in the blood. Proteins are actively involved in the process of assimilation of carbohydrates, minerals and other bioactive substances. That is, given this, it is easy to conclude that the human body cannot cope without protein. But what if you decide to give up meat and fish? You can easily replace these products with other elements of food.

Dairy and dairy products

If non-strict vegetarianism is chosen, then it is allowed to leave dairy and sour-milk products in your diet. They are excellent sources of protein. Also in milk, cottage cheese, yogurt and kefir there are many other useful substances that are needed to maintain vitality and health.


Beans, lentils, peas, soybeans are food elements that do an excellent job of saturating the body with protein. In addition, legumes are very tasty and nutritious.


There are many types of edible mushrooms. They taste excellent, and mushrooms are excellent meat substitutes.


In nature, there are more than a dozen types of nuts. All of them are oily, tasty and very satisfying. By consuming cashews, walnuts, peanuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts, you can replenish some supply of protein elements in the body.


Composing a healthy diet, we must not forget about cereals. They perfectly saturate, enrich the body with useful fibers, fiber. And, of course, many cereals contain protein. For example, a large amount of protein is found in buckwheat.


Sunflower seeds are rich in protein and vitamins needed to maintain health. You can eat sunflower seeds, popularly referred to as seeds, or you can easily get some protein by eating straight-pressed sunflower oil.

Plant food

Some amount of protein is also found in plant foods. However, it is fair to assume that vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs contain less protein than, for example, legumes and mushrooms.

Healthy Eating: Do's and Don'ts

Yoga involves the transition to a vegetarian diet. This means that products obtained by taking the life of animals should not be on the table. A healthy diet involves the rejection of meat, fish, eggs. This is explained by the fact that, living according to the principles of yoga, we refuse to harm not only our physical body, but also take care of the purity of the soul. Meat carries negative energy. And even if the animal was not killed by you personally, eating such food may have to bear a karmic response. At least that's what true vegetarians think.

Also, modern meat and fish products are often represented by poor quality. Animals are fed feed with additives to increase growth, weight, antibiotics, etc. Using such a product, one cannot be sure that this will not affect the health of the body. Meat, fish, eggs of dubious production are potential sources of zoonotic infections. For example, low-quality eggs are often the cause of human salmonellosis. The meat of artiodactyl animals can be a source of E. coli and other pathogenic bacteria.

What not to eat with a healthy diet

We found out, considering a healthy diet, what you can and should eat. But now I want to focus on those products that have no place on the table of a person who chooses the path of a healthy lifestyle for himself.

So what is not allowed:

  1. Fatty food. Do not allow fatty foods in your menu. This is not only harmful in terms of vegetarianism and yoga. Any gastroenterologist will tell you that a passion for fatty foods will sooner or later lead to problems with the digestive tract. In addition, lovers of fatty foods often face vascular and heart diseases. Is it worth talking about being overweight here? After all, it is already clear that by consuming excess fats, you will have to say goodbye to a slender figure.
  2. Semi-finished products and fast food. This category of food should generally be marked with a danger sign. After all, what is fast food? A source of extra calories, carcinogens, preservatives, flavors, dyes, flavor enhancers. Somewhere among this incredibly harmful "cocktail" there is a small percentage of something acceptable. But this is not a fact either. It is not for nothing that people who are fond of fast food and eat semi-finished products without measure suffer from diseases of the stomach and intestines. Well, the extra weight gained from such food is of such magnitude that you can’t cope with it later even with the help of diets and exercise.
  3. Confectionery. By itself, sugar is not good for the human body. However, modern sweets contain components that outshine even sugar in their negative effects on the body. The same dyes, thickeners, preservatives and flavor enhancers are easy to find today in chocolates and sweets. Modern sweets are far from perfect. Therefore, it is better to refuse them if there is a desire to maintain a healthy and beautiful body.
  4. Sauces. Many people cannot imagine their dinner without any additives that enhance the taste of food. Mayonnaise, ketchup and other varieties of sauces are mega-harmful to human health. They contain so much fat, salt, flavors and artificial colors that it is simply impossible to call the use of such food acceptable.
  5. canned food. Even from childhood, we remember numerous jars of tomatoes, cucumbers for the winter, as well as all sorts of preserves and jams that were stored in the basement for years. Do not saturate your diet with such products. At least they do nothing for our body. Useful fibers are changed and their structure is not the same as in fresh vegetables and fruits. When preserving, a lot of sugar, salt, vinegar and other additives are often used. All this is not necessary for the human body, and even more so in such quantities.

What to eat with proper nutrition

Speaking about proper nutrition, I would like to note the category of products that the human body really needs. We are talking about natural plant foods. Eat apples, apricots, cherries and tomatoes. Any fresh vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs grown in an ecologically clean area without the use of chemical fertilizers are very beneficial for the body. You can eat natural honey, nuts, dried fruits and cereals. The diet should consist as much as possible of those products that can saturate it with useful substances. Of course, when compiling the menu, you must take into account the individual characteristics of your body. It is important to pay attention to the presence of allergies to some food components, as well as to existing chronic diseases, the compensation of which can be impaired by the inclusion of certain types of products in the diet.

In addition to the fact that the diet should consist only of healthy foods, it is worth studying the principles of proper nutrition. After all, you also need to eat right. Do not overeat, do not starve yourself, evenly distribute meals throughout the day. It is important to balance the saturation of the body with food and energy expenditure. So, we can say that building the right diet is only one step towards a healthy diet. To get the maximum benefit, it is important to take into account other facets on which the saturation of the body with useful substances, energy and forces depends.
