How to remove burnt jam from an enamel pan. How to wash a pan or basin from burnt jam

We all know how it happens: I put a saucepan on the stove, went on the Internet ... Fathers, but the water has already completely boiled away! And okay, if there were potatoes or eggs in the pan, but what if you have to clean the burnt jam? And if it also leaked onto the stove, then we doubly sympathize with you. It is not easy to clean dishes and appliances from a layer of burnt sugar, but do not throw them away! So be patient and try the following tricks to make things easier for yourself.

The very first and easiest step

Below in the article you will find more creative ways to clean the bottom of the pot, which can surprise both the selection of products and the way they are used. But for now, we advise you to start with the simplest thing: fill the pot with water. Of course, when the jam burnt with a thick layer at the bottom resembles oil or tar in color, this step will not be enough, but 6-8 hours in water will already do their job to remove a thin burn. After all, it is sugar, and if you keep the candy in water for a long time, then sooner or later it will dissolve.

If 6 hours to save the pan is not a luxury, there are several ways to improve and increase the power of the method.

  • Any of the types of dishes will help clean the salt. Its weak or moderate solution can be used both for stainless steel or aluminum pans, and for enameled dishes. Just keep in mind that it will still take 3-4 hours to soak the burnt.
  • The use of citric acid will be even more effective. Under its influence, the burnt jam will soften faster and begin to move away from the bottom and walls of the dish.
  • You can also use a vinegar solution, because this substance is famous for its wide range of applications when it comes to cleaning and removing different type mud.

If you just fill the pot with water room temperature with the addition of these products, then there is no point in worrying that you can ruin the dishes. As long as you do not heat the water and use abrasive detergents, nothing to fear.

After a few hours, the burnt jam will get wet, and you will special work you can clean it with cleaning powders, metal, but better - just an ordinary sponge.

If heating still be

One of the most effective schemes is to “boil out” burns by pouring boiling water over it or boiling it on the stove for a while. The softening process in this case is faster, but only if it is quite safe for an aluminum saucepan or a stainless steel bowl, enameled dishes can react to a sharp temperature drop with cracks in the enamel and its rapid deterioration. That is why it is advised to heat the enameled yu gradually, pouring warm water and bringing it to a boil on the stove.

Can this process be strengthened as well? Quite! A solution of salt, soda or citric acid instead of plain water will allow you to clean the burnt jam from the pan a little faster. Just keep in mind that soda can stain aluminum with dark spots, and prolonged contact with salt also harms this type of dish. For stainless steel and enamel, some even prepare an explosive mixture of soda, salt and citric acid: this way, the burnt jam at the bottom of the pan will certainly have no chance!

Sometimes, when boiling soot on the stove at home, an onion, cut in half, is added to the water. They say that the effect is sometimes even better than from the use of special tools.

But as for the heating of vinegar - this is a moot point. Many boil things in vinegar for whiteness or try to clean metal utensils with a boiling solution, but we want to remind you that when heated, vinegar begins to release harmful substances into the air, which can affect your well-being. Be careful, and if you choose to boil with a solution of vinegar, at least ventilate the room well and do not stay in it for those 10-20 minutes while the burn will “boil out”.

But what about special powder products?

In fact, with a very burnt jam, purchased powder products will not help you: without soaking or boiling off soot, you will spend a lot of time and physical effort, and the result is still unlikely to please you.

But if you previously softened the soot at least a little, then you can clean it with at least a special powder, even with a metal sponge, even with ordinary salt or soda.

But think in advance about the integrity of the dishes.

  • An enameled pot may not withstand exposure well. abrasive particles, and when cooking harmful metals through deep scratches will be ingested. But it is precisely from this that enamel is designed to protect!
  • With damage to the protective layer aluminum cookware with its further use, the metal will also penetrate into the food, although if you use an old aluminum basin, then the protective coating on it, most likely, has long been gone. It all depends on the degree of your health concern.
  • Pots and basins made of stainless steel are quite resistant to such mechanical cleaning. Abrasive can only slightly harm mirror shine, and the rest will only help you quickly clean the dishes.

If you made jam in a slow cooker and did not calculate the mode, please note that most containers of this technique have non-stick coating, and in any case do not try to clean the bowl with a metal sponge or, even worse, scrape off the carbon with a knife. The jam itself will lag behind the bottom if you fill the bowl with water, and protective covering will not be damaged.

More complex ways to remove a burn

It is not known how they even thought of this before, but it is also recommended to clean the pans with the help of such exotic substances as silicate glue or bleach! We warn you in advance: they are hardly much more effective than the methods that we have already talked about, but if you have a craving for experiments, you can give them a chance.

  • A strong burn is recommended to be removed by “boiling” the burnt jam in water with the addition of 2-3 tablespoons of soda and a small amount of silicate glue.
  • You can also rub the bottom and sides of the dish with a mixture of laundry soap shavings and PVA glue and leave for several hours to act.
  • If you cleaned the soot, but they don’t want to wipe off the dark marks from it, some housewives recommend boiling a pot or basin with a solution of “Whiteness”, but we, as in the case of vinegar, do not recommend doing this because of the harmful fumes that fill the air .

The sooner you start to get rid of the burn, the less effort and time it will take. If you let the crust completely dry and harden, then you will have to “boil” the soot on the stove more than once, and you will need to soak the pan for days!

We are sure that it is quite possible to clean your favorite pan from burnt jam, and now you have everything in your arsenal effective ways fight against such scum.

Any good housewife has the secrets of making jam, but not everyone has the answers to the question of how to clean the pan from burnt jam. Acting on a whim, we run the risk of spoiling the dishes without achieving a result. In order not to make mistakes, it is worth studying practical advice and recommendations from more experienced housewives.


It is impossible to single out one way to clean the pan from burnt jam, since it is important not only to remove soot, but also not to spoil the surface of the dishes, otherwise it will become unsuitable for further use. Therefore, the choice of cleaning method, first of all, depends on the material from which the pan is made. It is important to remember that no physical cleaning methods, such as abrasive products or steel wool, will help in cases with sweet soot. They will only spoil the surface of the pan and the mood of the hostess.

Washing enamelware

Boiling is common and sufficient effective way solving the question of how to wash the pan from burnt jam. Enough to pour into the pot hot water to the brim and pour in about 20 g baking soda. Next, the dishes are placed on the fire, and its contents are brought to a boil. Having reduced the fire so that the water is slightly bubbling, we leave the "dirty" on the stove for 20-30 minutes. After such hot bath Remove the pan from the stove and leave to cool completely. The cooled water with soda must be drained, and the dishes thoroughly washed with a sponge with a regular detergent.

Many housewives prefer to use enamelware. It has good resistance to external factors, rust does not appear on it, the material does not enter into chemical reaction with products, and at a price such kitchen utensils are affordable. This dish is made of metal and covered with special enamel. The only drawback is its fragility - if it falls, the enamel can crack or break off, and the dishes will lose their properties. Manufacturers do not recommend using metal sponges for dishes with such a coating when cleaning. But there are times when food burns, and the hostess is faced with the question of how to wash the burnt enamel pan. It is very important here not to waste time and immediately start cleaning - the more time passes from the moment of the incident, the more difficult it will be to wash the victim. Consider how you can clean an enamel pan from burnt food. Here we have two ways: either to acquire chemical special means, or use folk methods.

Important! Burnt enamelware immediately from the fire can not be put under cold water. From the temperature difference, the enamel can burst, crack, and nothing will help your dishes.

We apply chemistry

The advantage of this method is that with the help of chemistry you can get rid of the problem without applying special efforts. But there are also disadvantages:

  • High-quality imported compounds that can quickly wash enamel from burnt food are not cheap. You can, of course, buy cheap products, but their effectiveness will not be as high.
  • These funds are a mixture of dangerous chemical elements, they include alkalis, acids and other toxic substances. If they are used incorrectly, you can harm your health, because in the dishes we cook food for ourselves and for our loved ones.

But if you decide to use chemistry, then arm yourself with gloves, carefully read the instructions, and go ahead. The main thing is to rinse the product very carefully so that its residues do not get into food.

Folk methods

Main advantage folk methods that they are absolutely safe, and there are cleaning products in every kitchen. So, how to wash a burnt enameled pan in folk ways?


This method is used by more than one generation of housewives. Soda will help not only to cope with soot, but also to clean the pan of dirt and grease, to give it a shine. There are several ways to clean enameled cookware from burns with soda:

  • If the layer of soot is small, pour a little substance on the sponge and rub the dirt.
  • Dissolve baking soda in water - per liter water is coming a spoonful of soda. Boil the liquid, cook for half an hour over low heat.
  • Take a large container to completely fit the affected pan, fill it with water and dissolve a pack of baking soda in it. Then immerse the completely burnt pan in this liquid, put on a small fire and boil for an hour. Leave to cool completely, then drain the liquid and rinse the pan under running water.

Important! The advantage of this method is that the pan will be washed not only from the inside, but also from the outside.


In the summer, during the spin season, accidents happen more often. Many housewives have to think about how to wash the pan from burnt jam. Salt comes to the rescue:

  • Sprinkle a thick layer of salt on the bottom of the burnt container and leave it for 2-3 hours. After that, rub with a sponge and rinse under hot water.
  • Dilute salt in water - 4 tablespoons go to two glasses of water. Pour the solution into the burnt pan so that the entire bottom with burnt areas is immersed in the salt solution. Boil over low heat for 15 minutes, and then leave for 2 hours. Then wash in hot water.


One proven way to get rid of burnt-on food residue is to use vinegar. Pour table vinegar into a container in such an amount that it covers the burnt areas and leave for a couple of hours. If the dirt is not completely gone, dilute the vinegar with water and boil.

Important! Boiling vinegar releases pungent fumes. Ensure the kitchen is well ventilated and leave the room for this time.

silicate glue

In the destruction of soot, silicate glue will help you:

  1. Mix it with a small amount of grated laundry soap, heat until warm.
  2. Apply the resulting gel to the affected surface and leave for 20 minutes.
  3. Then rub with a sponge and rinse well under running water.

Activated carbon

Take 10 tablets of charcoal, crush it and pour it into a saucepan, hold for 15-20 minutes, then pour warm water over it. After 20 minutes, wash the dishes with any detergent.

Lemon acid

Dissolve a small amount of citric acid in water, put on a small fire, boil for some time. Leave to cool completely, then wash the dishes.

Important! Citric acid can be replaced with lemon juice.

apple peel

How to wash the pan if pasta or other foods are burnt? Effectively fights soot apple peel. For this purpose, it is better to use the peel of sour apples:

  1. Put them in a burnt pan, cover with water and boil.
  2. Leave in the pan until completely cool, then wash the dishes with detergent and rinse with running water.

Important! You can use potato peels instead of apple peels.

Milk serum

Whey will help in the fight against burnt food residues:

  1. Pour the serum packet into the affected container and boil for half an hour.
  2. Then wipe the remaining soot with soda and rinse with water.


For especially heavy pollution you can use a potent mixture based on "Whiteness". For this we need:

  • 50 grams of citric acid;
  • 50 grams of soda;
  • 100 ml "White".

What to do with it:

  1. All components must be thoroughly mixed, add 300 ml of water and pour this mixture into a burnt container.
  2. Put on fire, bring to a boil and boil for half an hour. Leave until completely cool.
  3. Then you need to drain the liquid, wash the dishes with detergent and rinse very thoroughly under running water.

Freezing method

You can do without cleaning products at all - just put the container in the freezer for an hour, then wash it in cold water.

Important! Burnt dishes leave behind a terrible smell that disperses throughout the apartment and does not disappear for a long time. To prevent this from happening, cover the burnt pan with a damp kitchen towel.

After all operations for cleaning dishes with any means, rinse them well with warm water. It is even better if you boil water in it several times to remove 100% of the cleaning agent residue. Now you're ready to fight any soot, but if you're more careful the next time you cook, you won't have to do it again.

The fruit and berry period has not yet ended, and many housewives continue to make all kinds of preparations for the winter. Jam from your favorite berries or fruits is one of the delicacies that is usually prepared for the future. Of course, you have to carefully monitor the cooking process of this dish, but such a nuisance can still happen when the sweet mass burns to the pan, sometimes quite strongly, with the formation of a dense crust at the bottom. And how and how to wash the burnt jam depends on the material of the contaminated container.

enamel pot

Jam in such a dish is cooked longer and burns more often. Enameled pans can last quite a long time with proper care behind them. It is important not to use metal scourers when washing them, so as not to scratch the surface. And after laying out the jam, you should not immediately fill the pan with cold water, otherwise microcracks may form. It is quite simple to clean the burnt crust with soda, add half a glass of it to the water covering the contaminated surface, boil, then leave it overnight, then wash it with a regular sponge. Can you use instead of soda? citric acid(a teaspoon per liter of water) or salt (a few tablespoons per liter of water).

stainless steel

This is a handy utensil for making jam. The sweet mass rarely sticks to the bottom of the pan from of stainless steel. But if, nevertheless, the jam is burnt, how to clean it from dishes made of this material? It is enough to pour hot water over the dirty surface, add vinegar and salt there, then leave it overnight. In the morning, the burnt container can already be easily cleaned with a metal sponge.

Ceramic tableware

Saucepans with ceramic coating, like stainless steel, rarely burn. However, if this happens, you need to dilute the citric acid with water, boil it, and when the burnt crust softens, wipe it off with a hard washcloth. Salt will help in cleaning the dirty surface, about 5 tablespoons of which should be poured onto the bottom of the container, evenly distributed and left for several hours.

aluminum pan

Now aluminum utensils are used less and less, but many still prefer it. And if jam is burnt in such a pan, how to clean it, because in this case it is not recommended to use a metal sponge? Citric acid will help. Add it to water (a teaspoon per liter), pour the contaminated container, then boil for 10 minutes.

Multicooker bowl

You can also make jam in the slow cooker. Something rarely burns to the surface of the bowl. But if such a nuisance has occurred, how to wash the burnt jam, because you can’t rub it, scrape it with something hard and use aggressive detergents? Here it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the manufacturer. You can soak the burnt surface with soapy water and leave for several hours to soften the crust. Then rinse with a soft sponge.

You have now read some advice, how to wash burnt jam from pots different materials We hope they will help you extend the life of your cookware.

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Sugar crust: how to clean the pan from burnt jam Congealed sugar can form a viscous, hard-to-remove crust. To prevent this from happening, it is better to familiarize yourself in advance with methods for removing traces of caked jam or syrup using improvised means. Kitchen utensils can be made from various materials. Depending on the type of material, a method is selected to eliminate burnt food residues. Teflon pan Teflon coated pots are easy to clean because they are made with elements that prevent food particles from forming. It is enough to fill the dishes with water with a small solution of liquid detergent, soak for half an hour, and then rinse. It is important to remember that the Teflon coating can deteriorate from the action of alkaline agents, therefore, in this case fit natural remedies: unpeeled onion, apple peel or lemon. The listed products must be boiled in soiled utensils, and then rinsed. Aluminum pan Aluminum utensils rarely burn, but if trouble happens, the following substances will help: soda, citric acid, silicate glue, laundry soap. It is better not to use abrasive powder detergents when deciding how to clean aluminum pan from burnt jam. In order to remove the remnants of jam with citric acid, you need to follow the instructions: Remove the remnants of food with a tablespoon. It is important not to scratch or scrape the delicate aluminum surface. Pour water into the pan just above the soot line. If the jam is burnt only to the bottom, it is necessary to pour no more than 2 centimeters of water. Put in a container one teaspoon of citric acid in a ratio of 1 liter of water. Cover and boil for 10 minutes. Another way to clean aluminum utensils is to combine baking soda and silicate glue. All you need to do is: Fill a pot with water. Add a tablespoon of baking soda and a tablespoon of glue. Mix thoroughly. Boil for half an hour. Pour the mixture and wipe the bottom and side walls hard brush. To clean the outer walls of the pan, you can boil it in a larger container. To do this: Grate the outer surface of the pan laundry soap and add a few tablespoons of glue. For a liter of water, you need to take 20 grams of soap in relation to 10 grams of glue. Rinse dishes under running water. Ceramic cookware Pans with an environmentally friendly and rarely sticky ceramic coating are easy to clean from the sugary crust of jam. To do this, you can use citric acid diluted with water. The dirty container should be boiled, and after the food soot softens and leaves, wipe it with a hard sponge. A common and affordable cleaning method that does not harm ceramic surface, is a salt. To do this, pour 5 tablespoons of salt on the dirty surface, evenly distributing it on the bottom of the utensils, and leave for a couple of hours. Enamel pot Enamel cookware requires a delicate approach when deciding how to clean such utensils from burnt jam. It is important not to use a hard steel wool, scratch the enamel layer, and do not cook in a pot with damaged enamel. In this case, the sugary essence will burn on the damaged area every time. Enamel does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature, so you should not immediately fill it with cold water after the jam has burnt. Enameled dishes can be cleaned using common household products: activated carbon; baking soda; table vinegar; Activated carbon; abrasive powders; lemon acid; apple peel; salt. An enamel pot is easy to clean with baking soda. To do this, pour half a glass of soda dissolved in enough water to cover the dirty surface. Then you need to boil the resulting mixture, which will loosen the sugary crust. In a similar way, soda can be replaced with citric acid or salt and boil the container. The ratio of water and acid should be the same as when cleaning aluminum utensils, and 5-6 tablespoons of salt per liter of water is enough. Original natural way remove the sugar bark - apple peel. It contains an acid that, similarly to citric acid, breaks down sugar particles and fructose. It is necessary to rub the places where the jam is burnt with apple peel and leave the utensils for 15 minutes, and then rinse. If there is no effect, it is recommended to boil the apple peels. Any table vinegar is suitable for dissolving the burnt crust. It needs to be poured onto problem areas and left for a couple of hours. Several pills activated carbon you need to crush, and then sprinkle on the contaminated area and leave for half an hour. Next, fill the container with cold water and leave for another half hour, and then rinse with a regular liquid detergent. If dark spots remain on the surface of a snow-white pan, they can be removed by boiling with bleach. It is important to thoroughly rinse the dishes afterwards. Cast iron cookware It is best to clean cast iron cookware before it has cooled down. You can fill it with water with the addition of 4 teaspoons of salt. Like stainless steel cookware, it does not require special care. Such utensils can be rubbed with a metal washcloth, alkaline products, citric acid, vinegar, powder detergents can be used. Stainless steel cookware does not require special care. Such a pan can be rubbed with a metal washcloth, abrasive powders or salt can be used. Professional detergents can also save you from burnt jam: Gala, Komet, Fairy, Forte Plus and others. It is recommended to use rubber gloves, as the chemical components that make up the products can damage the skin of the hands.
