What is a numeral in a sentence? Types of numerals - simple, compound and complex

Numeral- independent Part of speech, indicating the number, quantity and order of objects. Answers the questions: how much? which?

Numerals are divided into three lexico-grammatical categories: quantitative- answer the question How many? (two, five, twenty, fifty, two hundred, three hundred fifty one), collective (both, two, five) And ordinal- answer the question which? (first, second, hundredth, last).

The composition of cardinal numerals includes definite-quantitative and indefinite-quantitative numerals. The first ones denote a certain number of units ( two, four, fifteen, one and a half hundred, two hundred), the second - an indefinite number of units; these include words few, a lot, a lot of, A little, as well as pronominal numerals some, How many, for some time, how much, so many.

Cardinal number

Cardinal number- a numeral that answers the question “how many?”, “how many?”, “how many?” etc. Cardinal numbers have two meanings.

    Both definite-quantitative and indefinite-quantitative numerals have a quantitative-numerical meaning, represented by two particular values ​​-

    quantitative (quantity as a sign of an object: five goals, three chairs, ten days, some years) And

    numerical (abstract quantity, or number: four is divisible by two without a remainder, three times ten - thirty; some- this is not any indefinite quantity: it can be three, five, ten, not much at all; oral speech).

Only definite cardinal numerals have a countable ordinal meaning: they name the ordinal place of an object, which, when counting stops, turns out to be the last in a series of homogeneous ones: house three(house, third in a row of houses, when counting is stopped, limited to the number of three); car eight, place thirty-five(place, last in a row, when counting is stopped, limited to 35 places).

Spelling cardinal numbers in Russian

  • Simple (consist of one base) for example: “one” (1), “two” (2), “three” (3)

    Complex (consisting of two bases) cardinal numbers are written together, for example: “eighteen” (18), “eighty” (80), “eight hundred” (800).

    Compound (consisting of several words) cardinal numbers are written separately: “eighty-eight thousand eight hundred eighty-eight” (88888).

Spelling of numerals

1. For the numerals “five” - “nineteen”, as well as “twenty” and “thirty”, b is written at the end, and for the numerals “fifty” - “eighty” and “five hundred” - “nine hundred” - in the middle of the word.

2. The numerals “ninety” and “one hundred” have the ending O in the nominative and accusative cases, and in other cases - the ending A. (“to spend a hundred rubles”, “one hundred rubles are missing”). The numeral “forty” in the nominative and accusative cases has null ending, and in other cases - the ending A. (“he is not even forty years old”). In the nominative and accusative cases, the numeral “two hundred” has the ending I, and the numerals “three hundred” and “four hundred” have the ending A (“has existed for three hundred years”).

3. Complex numerals (both quantitative and ordinal), consisting of two bases, are written together (“sixteen”, “sixteenth”, “nine hundred”, “nine hundredth”).

4. Composite numerals are written separately, having as many words as there are significant figures, not counting zeros (“five hundred twenty-three”, “five hundred twenty-third”; or: “two hundred ten”, “two hundred tenth”). However, ordinal numbers ending in “- thousandth», «- millionth», «- billionth”, are written together (“one hundred thousandth”, “two hundred and thirty billionth”).

5. Fractional numerals are written separately (“three fifths”, “three whole (and) one second”), but the numerals “two-half”, “three-half”, “four-half” are written together. The numerals “one and a half” and “one and a half hundred” have only two case forms: “one and a half” (“one and a half” in the female form), “one and a half hundred” for the nominative and accusative case and “one and a half”, “one and a half hundred” for all other cases without gender differences.

6. In compound cardinal numerals, all the words forming them are declined (“two hundred and fifty six” - “two hundred and fifty six”, “two hundred and fifty six”), when fractional numerals are declined, both parts also change (“three fifths” - “three fifths” - “three-fifths” - “three-fifths” - “about three-fifths”).

7. But when declension of a composite ordinal number, only the ending of the last component changes (“two hundred and fifty-sixth” - “two hundred and fifty-sixth” - “two hundred and fifty-sixth”).

8. The word “thousand” is declined as a feminine noun by -A; the words “million” and “billion” are declined as masculine nouns with a consonant as the stem.

9. Please note: the numerals “both” (m. and middle r.) and “both” (f. r.) are declined differently: for the numeral “both” the basis for declension is “both-” (“both” , “both”, “both”), and the numeral “both” has the basis “both-” (“both”, “both”, “both”).

10. Please note: with a mixed number, the noun is governed by a fraction and is used in the genitive case singular: 1 2/3 m (“one whole and two thirds meters”).

Which denotes the number, quantity and order of objects. Answers the questions: how much? which?

Numerals are divided into four lexico-grammatical categories: quantitative (two, fifty, two hundred, three hundred fifty one) And collective (both, two, five) - answer the question How many?, ordinal- answer the question which? (first, second, hundredth), fractional (one fifth, three whole, two sevenths). The composition of cardinal numerals includes definite-quantitative and indefinite-quantitative numerals. The first ones denote a certain number of units ( two, four, fifteen, one and a half hundred, two hundred), the second - an indefinite number of units; these include words few, a lot, a lot of, A little, as well as pronominal numerals some, How many, for some time, how much, so many.

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  • 1 / 5

    Cardinal number- a numeral that answers the question “how many?”, “how many?”, “how many?” and so on.

    Cardinal numbers have two meanings.

    1. Both definite-quantitative and indefinite-quantitative numerals have a quantitative-numerical meaning, represented by two particular values
      • quantitative (quantity as a sign of an object: five goals, three chairs, ten days, some years) And
      • numerical (abstract quantity, or number: four is divisible by two without a remainder, three times ten - thirty; some- this is not any indefinite quantity: it can be three, five, ten, not much at all; oral speech).
    2. Only definite cardinal numerals have a countable ordinal meaning: they name the ordinal place of an object, which, when counting stops, turns out to be the last in a series of homogeneous ones: house three(house, third in a row of houses, when counting is stopped, limited to the number of three); car eight, place thirty-five(place, last in a row, when counting is stopped, limited to 35 places).

    Spelling cardinal numbers in Russian

    • Simple (consist of one base), for example: “one” (1), “two” (2), “three” (3), etc.
    • Complex (consisting of two bases) cardinal numbers are written together, for example: “eighteen” (18), “eighty” (80), “eight hundred” (800).
    • Compound (consisting of several words) cardinal numbers are written separately: “eighty-eight thousand eight hundred eighty-eight” (88888).

    Spelling of numerals

    1. Numerals from five to twenty and also “thirty” soft sign is written at the end, and for numerals from “fifty” to “eighty” and from “five hundred” to “nine hundred” - in the middle of the word.

    2. The numerals “ninety” and “one hundred” have the ending O in the nominative and accusative cases, and in other cases - the ending A. (“to spend a hundred rubles”, “one hundred rubles are missing”). The numeral “forty” in the nominative and accusative cases has a zero ending, and in other cases it has the ending A. (“he is not even forty years old”). In the nominative and accusative cases, the numeral “two hundred” has the ending I, and the numerals “three hundred” and “four hundred” have the ending A (“has existed for three hundred years”).

    3. Complex numerals (both quantitative and ordinal), consisting of two bases, are written together (“sixteen”, “sixteenth”, “nine hundred”, “nine hundredth”).

    4. Compound numerals are written separately, having as many words as there are significant figures, not counting zeros (“five hundred twenty-three”, “five hundred twenty-third”). However, ordinal numbers ending in “-thousandth”, “-millionth”, “-billionth” are written together (“one hundred thousandth”, “two hundred and thirty billionth”).

    5. Fractional numerals are written separately (“three fifths”, “three whole (and) one second”), but the numerals “two-half”, “three-half”, “four-half” are written together. The numerals “one and a half” and “one and a half hundred” have only two case forms: “one and a half” (“one and a half” in the female form), “one and a half hundred” for the nominative and accusative case and “one and a half”, “one and a half hundred” for all other cases without generic differences.

    6. In compound cardinal numerals, all the words forming them are declined (“two hundred and fifty six” - “two hundred and fifty six”, “two hundred and fifty six”), when fractional numerals are declined, both parts also change (“three fifths” - “three fifths” - “three-fifths” - “three-fifths” - “about three-fifths”).

    7. But when declension of a composite ordinal number, only the ending of the last component changes (“two hundred and fifty-sixth” - “two hundred and fifty-sixth” - “two hundred and fifty-sixth”).

    8. The word "thousand" is declined as a noun female on -A; the words “million” and “billion” are declined as masculine nouns with a consonant as the stem.

    9. Please note: the numerals “both” (m. and middle r.) and “both” (f. r.) are declined in different ways: for the numeral “both” the basis for declension is “both-” (“both” , “both”, “both”), and the numeral “both” has the basis “both-” (“both”, “both”, “both”).

    10. Please note: with a mixed number, the noun is governed by a fraction, and it is used in the genitive singular: 1 2/3 m (“one whole and two thirds of a meter”).

    Other types of numerals

    Declension of numerals

    In the Russian language, when declension of cardinal numerals, all words and all parts change difficult words, and when declension of ordinal ones - only the last word: five hundred sixteen - heels yu one hundred sixteen yu - five hundred sixteen th .

    Case 1 2 5 40 50 100 1000 300 both (both)
    I.p. one (first) two (two) five fourty fifty one hundred thousand three hundred both (both)
    R.p. one (first) two five magpie fifty hundred thousands three hundred both (both)
    D.p. one (first) two five forty fifty hundred thousand three hundred both (both)
    V.p. one (first) two (two) five fourty fifty one hundred thousand three hundred both or both (both or both)
    etc. one (first) two (two) five magpie fifty hundred thousand three hundred both (both)
    P.p. one (first) two (two) five magpie fifty hundred thousand three hundred (about) both (both)

    The Russian language has a huge number of rules that are incomprehensible not only to foreigners, but also to people born in this country. Most often, schoolchildren and adults raise a lot of questions about the rules for using cardinal and ordinal numbers. However, everything is not as scary as it might seem at first glance. Having studied the most important rules using certain parts of speech, you can quickly understand all the intricacies of this issue.

    general information

    First of all, it is worth remembering that numerals are independent significant parts of speech in the Russian language. By by and large This is a separate group of words that are formed according to their own rules. Based on this, they are divided by:

    • Grammatical meaning. This means that these parts of speech can denote numbers, quantity, and can also be used in counting. IN in this case This group of words includes those that answer questions such as: “How much?” or "Which one?"
    • Characteristics of morphology. In this case, they are divided into cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers, as well as additional ones: simple and composite. In addition, there is a category of inflected words in which the endings change in accordance with the case used, however, there are exceptions.
    • Syntactic role. In this case, the cardinal number acts as a single whole with the noun used. For example: “There were two glasses in the kitchen.” In addition, cardinal numbers can play the role of definition or be part of compound predicate. For example: “Their place is in the third row.”

    Category by value

    These parts of speech are divided into quantitative ordinal and fractional numbers. However, by and large there are only two groups. Fractions are cardinal numbers. Therefore, it is worth considering this issue in more detail. The fact is that people often confuse cardinal collective and ordinal numbers. Although they belong to different categories.

    Cardinal numbers

    Based on the name, it is easy to guess that these parts of speech mean “number” and “quantity”. In turn, they are:

    • Whole. In this case we're talking about about such numbers that represent the number of integer values.
    • Fractional. Such numerals represent incomplete numbers.
    • Collective. In this case, a quantitative totality is expressed.

    All these categories of numerals differ in their peculiarities of forming parts of speech. For example, integers can create a mixed appearance with fractions. Good example: two second and five ninth.


    These parts of speech are words that determine order when counting. For example: second, twelfth, one hundred and first, etc.

    In this case, there are no subcategories.

    Cardinal and ordinal numbers: examples

    If education different types If it’s not clear the first time, it’s worth considering their features in more detail. Examples will help you better understand the education system of these categories.

    So, in order to understand the spelling of cardinal and ordinal numbers, the easiest way is to consider them in the categories described above:

    • If we are talking about integers, then they are formed according to the example: two, twelve, fifty, etc.
    • During education fractional numbers they are used in the form: two fourths, three sixths.
    • If we are talking about a collective category, then the parts of speech will look like: three, five, six.

    In addition, ordinal numbers have their own characteristics in word formation. If we are talking about words denoting integers, then the change occurs due to suffixes. This means that one group of parts of speech can be made into another. For example, in order to convert cardinal numbers into ordinal numbers, it is enough to only modify the last part of the word: six - sixth, seven - seventh, thirty - thirtieth.

    However, it is worth considering that ordinal numbers such as “first” and “second” are exceptions. So you just have to remember this.

    Declension of cardinal and ordinal numbers

    As you know, cases are widely used in the Russian language, of which there are six. When declining ordinal numbers, only the last digit changes (if there are several of them). For example:

    • Nominative case: twenty-fifth, one thousand six hundred and thirteen.
    • Genitive: twenty-fifth, one thousand six hundred and thirteen.
    • Dative: twenty-fifth, one thousand six hundred and thirteen.
    • Accusative: twenty-fifth, one thousand six hundred and thirteen.
    • Instrumental: twenty-fifth, one thousand six hundred and thirteen.
    • Prepositional: (about) twenty-fifth, (about) one thousand six hundred and thirteen.

    If we are talking about cases, then cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers really differ greatly in formation. In the case of the first category, every word will change. Let's consider case endings cardinal numbers:

    • Nominative case: eight, twenty-six.
    • Genitive: eight, twenty-six.
    • Dative: eight, twenty-six.
    • Accusative: eight, twenty-six.
    • Creative: eight, twenty-six.
    • Prepositional: (about) eight, (about) twenty-six.

    Important to remember

    When considering numeral names (cardinal and ordinal), it is worth paying attention to some exceptions. You just need to remember these exceptions to the rules:

    • If you need to use words such as "one hundred", "forty" and "ninety", they will have the same form in the nominative and genitive cases. In all other cases, "one hundred", "forty" and "ninety" are used. For example, it would be more correct to say: “he walked with a hundred rubles in his pocket,” and not: “he walked with hundreds.”
    • If we are talking about the numeral “one and a half,” then the word can only change depending on the gender. That is, it would be correct to say: one and a half apples (masculine and neuter) and one and a half plums (feminine).

    Rules you should know

    There are many nuances in grammar. Therefore, it will also be useful to learn the rules about cardinal and ordinal numbers:

    • It would be more correct to say: “until what (hours) is the store open.” In this case, the emphasis is placed on the letter “o”.
    • Today you can often hear “year two thousand”. Actually this is wrong. The same applies to the expression “two thousand and seventeen.” It is only correct to say: “two thousand and seventeen.”
    • The endings of ordinal numbers change in the same way as in the case of ordinary adjectives.

    How numerals combine syntactically with nouns

    If we are talking about quantitative parts of speech, then in the nominative and genitive cases they are placed only in the form of R. p. That is: seven letters, sixteen cups, thirty people.

    It is worth noting that words such as “three”, “one and a half”, “four” and “two” are used only with nouns that must be singular, and all others must be plural. For example: three glasses - five glasses, two pillars - fifteen pillars, four girls - fifty girls.

    In all other situations, when connecting a noun and a numeral, everything depends on the case.

    The only exception is the numeral "one", since it, regardless, must agree only with the noun.

    If we are talking about fractional “one and a half hundred” or “one and a half”, then they agree with the noun in the same way as whole numbers. For example: one and a half apples. The remaining fractional numbers must be used in the genitive case. Nouns can be singular. h. or plural. h. For example: three-fifths of an apple (if we are talking about a specific object) and two-fifths of apples (if we are talking about the total number of certain objects).

    Also, do not forget about When using them with nouns, the same rules apply as in the use of quantitative parts of speech. This means that in the nominative and accusative cases they change the form of the noun to R. p. In other cases, standard agreement occurs.

    In addition, it is worth considering that when we use the collective numeral “both”, the noun can only have the singular form. h. For example: both dogs, both starlings. In all other cases they are used in plural. For example: seven students.

    Ordinal numbers, as noted earlier, when agreed with nouns, are formed in the same way as words answering the question “which”. For example: first semester, eighth cup, ninth lesson.

    Also, many are interested in whether the word “thousand” refers to numerals or is it still a noun. According to modern dictionaries, 1000 can refer to many parts of speech.

    This means that the word can be used both as a numeral and as a noun. Therefore, in both cases it will be used correctly. However, everything depends on the word following the “thousand”. For example: “with every thousand rubles.” In this case it takes the form of a noun. But if we say “a thousand people,” then a numeral is implied.

    Knowing why cardinal and ordinal numbers are used in one form or another, you can begin to speak more competently. The main thing is to remember the basic rules. Of course, there are some nuances in this issue, but a student can figure them out high school, and an adult.

    Denoting the number, quantity and order of objects. Answers the questions: how much? which?

    Numerals are divided into three lexico-grammatical categories: quantitative (two, five, twenty, fifty, two hundred, three hundred fifty one), collective (both, two, five) And ordinal (first, second, hundredth). The composition of cardinal numerals includes definite-quantitative and indefinite-quantitative numerals. The first ones denote a certain number of units ( two, four, fifteen, one and a half hundred, two hundred), the second - an indefinite number of units; these include words few, a lot, a lot of, A little, as well as pronominal numerals some, How many, for some time, how much, so many.

    Cardinal number

    Cardinal number- a numeral that answers the question “how much?”, “how many?”, “How many?” and so on.

    Cardinal numbers have two meanings.

    1. Both definite-quantitative and indefinite-quantitative numerals have a quantitative-numerical meaning, represented by two particular values ​​-
      • quantitative (quantity as a sign of an object: five goals, three chairs, ten days, some years) And
      • numerical (abstract quantity, or number: four is divisible by two without a remainder, three times ten - thirty; some- this is not any indefinite quantity: it can be three, five, ten, not much at all; oral speech).
    2. Only definite cardinal numerals have a countable ordinal meaning: they name the ordinal place of an object, which, when counting stops, turns out to be the last in a series of homogeneous ones: house three(house, third in a row of houses, when counting is stopped, limited to the number of three); car eight, place thirty-five(place, last in a row, when counting is stopped, limited to 35 places).

    Spelling cardinal numbers in Russian

    • Simple (consist of one base) for example: “one” (1), “two” (2), “three” (3)
    • Complex (consisting of two bases) cardinal numbers are written together, for example: “eighteen” (18), “eighty” (80), “eight hundred” (800).
    • Compound (consisting of several words) cardinal numbers are written separately: “eighty-eight thousand eight hundred eighty-eight” (88888).

    Spelling of numerals

    1. For the numerals “five” - “nineteen”, as well as “twenty” and “thirty”, b is written at the end, and for the numerals “fifty” - “eighty” and “five hundred” - “nine hundred” - in the middle of the word.

    2. The numerals “ninety” and “one hundred” have the ending O in the nominative and accusative cases, and in other cases - the ending A. (“to spend a hundred rubles”, “one hundred rubles are missing”). The numeral “forty” in the nominative and accusative cases has a zero ending, and in other cases it has the ending A. (“he is not even forty years old”). In the nominative and accusative cases, the numeral “two hundred” has the ending I, and the numerals “three hundred” and “four hundred” have the ending A (“has existed for three hundred years”).

    3. Complex numerals (both quantitative and ordinal), consisting of two stems, are written together (“sixteen”, “sixteenth”, “nine hundred”, “nine hundredth”).

    4. Compound numerals are written separately, having as many words as there are significant figures, not counting zeros (“five hundred twenty-three”, “five hundred twenty-third”). However, ordinal numbers ending in “-thousandth”, “-millionth”, “-billionth” are written together (“one hundred thousandth”, “two hundred and thirty billionth”).

    5. Fractional numerals are written separately (“three fifths”, “three whole (and) one second”), but the numerals “two-half”, “three-half”, “four-half” are written together. The numerals “one and a half” and “one and a half hundred” have only two case forms: “one and a half” (“one and a half” in the female form), “one and a half hundred” for the nominative and accusative case and “one and a half”, “one and a half hundred” for all other cases without generic differences.

    6. In compound cardinal numerals, all the words forming them are declined (“two hundred and fifty six” - “two hundred and fifty six”, “two hundred and fifty six”), when fractional numerals are declined, both parts also change (“three fifths” - “three fifths” - “three-fifths” - “three-fifths” - “about three-fifths”).

    7. But when declension of a composite ordinal number, only the ending of the last component changes (“two hundred and fifty-sixth” - “two hundred and fifty-sixth” - “two hundred and fifty-sixth”).

    8. The word “thousand” is declined as a feminine noun by -A; the words “million” and “billion” are declined as masculine nouns with a consonant as the stem.

    9. Please note: the numerals “both” (m. and middle r.) and “both” (f. r.) are declined differently: for the numeral “both” the basis for declension is “both-” (“both” , “both”, “both”), and the numeral “both” has the basis “both-” (“both”, “both”, “both”).

    10. Please note: with a mixed number, the noun is governed by a fraction, and it is used in the genitive singular: 1 2/3 m (“one whole and two thirds of a meter”).

    Other types of numerals

    Declension of numerals

    In the Russian language, when declension of cardinal numerals, all words and all parts of compound words change, and when declension of ordinal names, only the last word changes: five hundred sixteen - heels yu one hundred sixteen yu - five hundred sixteen th .

    see also



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    See what “Numeral” is in other dictionaries:

      numeral- noun, number of synonyms: 1 numeral (1) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

      numeral- A part of speech characterized by: a) the designation of abstract numbers or the number of objects and their counting order (semantic feature); b) the almost complete absence of the categories of gender and number and special forms declension and word formation... ... Dictionary linguistic terms

      numeral- A significant part of speech, which expresses, by the entire set of words included in it, the counting system existing in a given linguistic society, in which each numeral expresses an element of this system - a numerical concept (number, quantity... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

      Numeral- see Numeral...

      numeral- gram. A part of speech that denotes the number or order of objects when counting them and varies by cases (cardinal numerals) or by gender, cases and numbers (ordinal numerals) ... Dictionary of many expressions

      Numeral- Numeral independent part speech, denoting quantity or a quantitative attribute, the order of an object when counting, answers the questions “which?”, “how much?”. A numeral is an independent part of speech, denoting quantity and... ... Wikipedia

      NUMERAL- NUMERAL, wow, cf. or a numeral in grammar: a word (noun or adjective) denoting a quantity or quantitative attribute, the order of objects when counting. Quantitative h. (denoting quantity as a number, for example two ... Dictionary Ozhegova

      numeral- noun, number of synonyms: 1 numeral name (1) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

      Noun in Russian- is a separate part of speech, denoting an object and having a developed morphology, inherited mainly from Proto-Slavic language. Contents 1 Categories 1.1 Number 1.2 Pa ... Wikipedia

      Numeral- famous part of speech, which is a non-replenishable class of words with a quantitatively countable meaning. Usually there are five categories of numbers: 1) quantitative, 2) collective, 3) ordinal, 4) fractional, 5) indefinite. Quantity Hours indicate the number of... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary


    • , Zikeev Anatoly Georgievich. Four editions of the manual include exercises aimed at developing the lexical, word-formation, morphological, syntactic, phraseological and stylistic aspects of students’ speech.... Buy for 200 UAH (Ukraine only)
    • Practical grammar in Russian language lessons. In 4 parts. Part 3. Participle. Numeral. Adverb. Grif Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Zikeev A.G.. The four editions of the manual include exercises aimed at developing the lexical, word-formation, morphological, syntactic, phraseological and stylistic aspects of students’ speech.…

    Numerals are an independent part of speech, indicating the number of objects, their serial number, as well as the total number. Depending on their purpose, numerals are divided into three broad groups, each of which is described in detail in this article. It also provides grammatical signs of numerals and visual examples.

    Numerals are studied in 6th grade. This part of speech can denote the number of some objects, the number of an object in order, as well as the quantity as a whole. Depending on this value they are divided into 3 large groups.

    Numerals can be quantitative, ordinal And collective. Each of these groups of words has its own characteristics.

    Table“Lexico-grammatical categories of numerals in the Russian language” with examples

    TOP 5 articleswho are reading along with this

    For example: ten, thirty, seven hundred eleven.

    Numerals of this category can have different case forms. For some cardinal numerals, the form of gender and number is determined. The following table reflects all the features of words in this category.

    Changing cardinal numbers

    How it changes Examples
    1 By gender, number and case One - one, alone, alone
    2,3, 4 By cases and genders Two, two, two, three
    5-20,30 By cases, as a being of the 3rd class. Wed: tablecloth - ten, eleven
    50-80, 200-900 By case, both parts change Fifty, three hundred
    40, 90, 100 According to cases, they have only 2 forms Forty - forty

    One hundred - one hundred

    Ninety - ninety

    1000 By cases as a noun. 1st class Wed: Candles - a thousand
    1000000, By cases as a noun. 2nd class Wed: home - million - billion

    Ordinal numbers: grammatical features

    Numerals of this category grammatical features similar to adjectives. They can also have forms of different cases, genders and numbers.

    Ordinal numbers can also have different structures. When declension of compound numerals of this category changes only the last word. For example.
