How to find out your karma code by date of birth. Karmic number by date of birth - the secret of your existence What does the number 38 mean in numerology

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Karmic significance of date of birth. What awaits you and what should you be afraid of? What awaits you and what should you be afraid of? So, for example, you were born on July 4, 1989. Consistently add all the numbers of your date of birth as follows: 0+4+0+7+1+9+8+9=38. If you were born on October 10, 1970, then you will have to add the numbers as follows: 10+10+1+9+7+0=37. Please note that when calculating the final two-digit birth number, the “ten” (birthday or month of birth) must be added in its entirety, and not counted as 1+0. The total should not be reduced to a simple number.

The number resulting from the addition is your destiny, the influence of karmic forces and your destiny. You just need to add that the resulting two-digit number is your karmic period. Every 38 years (in the first example) or every 37 years (in the second example) fateful changes will occur in a person’s destiny. Have you calculated your karmic number? Now is the time to find out what it means.


Your birth number is from 10 to 19. First level. This means that you should focus on developing your personality, cultivating your will, and improving your body and spirit. Earthly affairs await you, but lofty matters are not for you.

So, if as a result of addition you get:

10 is a lucky sign.

A sign of self-confidence, indicating a stable rise in life’s path and a favorable future. You will not have any special downfalls, your life path is a series of successes in your career and finances. You will have your own home, a job, a career, and good health. There are no special problems in your karma and you have not committed any crimes in past lives. Such a person should not practice magic, he has a different purpose. Or it is necessary to have a teacher endowed with fame and popularity (but not necessarily knowledge).

11 is a difficult number.

Warns of hidden danger, trials and betrayal. A person can engage in occult sciences with great caution. As a rule, such a person is overly trusting, he is easy to persuade, and in relationships with the opposite sex he is an idealist. Several marriages. In past lives, he betrayed a loved one or was a criminal.

12 is a symbol of suffering and anxiety.

A person can become a victim of intrigue. He should not get into trouble, join all kinds of unions and organizations that oppose someone. In past lives, such a person was a conspirator, he committed terrorist acts or participated in the overthrow of kings. In past lives, he also deceived a loved one. In magic, such a person should be extremely careful in choosing a teacher.

13 - symbolizes a change in plans, place of stay, warns of danger.

A sign of serious changes in life, both positive and negative. Such a person in a past life was imprisoned or was forced to flee from his native place. He robbed people, killed others, was a swindler. In magic, such people quickly rise and fall quickly, finding admirers who then turn into enemies. He will always need
protection of a stronger magician.

14 - warns a person about the danger from natural disasters

Wind, fire, water and air. Along with this, it favors transactions and business, but with a certain risk. In past lives the person was a sailor or military man. He had to endure hardships, but he was always honest. In a past life he was killed, hanged or died in an accident. Such people should not go into magic, but they can practice fortune telling. Astrology, Reiki, and Feng Shui are also suitable.

15 - people under this number

They have enormous temperament combined with personal magnetism, which they use to achieve their goals. This number promotes oratory and music. It promises good luck, but sometimes makes people resort to black magic for their own selfish interests. Definitely, only a black magician can turn out from such a person. In past lives she was a prostitute. She ended her life in a brothel or hospital with a diagnosis of consumption and syphilis.

16 - a harbinger of future disasters or collapse of plans.

This number warns of evil fate that can befall a person, and that decisions must be made very carefully in order to avoid fatal tendencies. In a past life, he was a reigning person or was close to power structures. He was distinguished by a tough character, had several wives (in a previous life he was a man). He bathed in luxury, but was not particularly intelligent. Magic can only be practiced if there is a teacher. Your own efforts to study magic will lead to mental illness.

17 is a highly spiritual number.

Brings the owner happiness, freedom and changes in life. Such people can turn to magic only through a misunderstanding; they don’t need it, and it’s difficult for them to find a teacher. If you’re going to do magic, then do it as a popularizer. In a past life, the person was a man, a street cleaner, a janitor, and had a grumpy wife and many children. He drank and smoked and suffered from heart and liver diseases. He died in poverty and alone.

18 is the number of destruction of the spiritual side of the world.

People of this number are cruel - they are family brawlers and despots, fighters, participants in various kinds of antisocial revolutions. Only criminal business is successful. This number is associated with deception and betrayal on the part of others. Warns of hazards from water, fire and explosives. As a rule, at the end of life there is a violent death or an accident.

They practice magic successfully, but only black, harmful ones. They won’t do anything bright in magic, but they do harm very effectively. In a past life she was a woman, a fortune teller. She had a handsome husband who left her. There were no children. Lived in Europe.

19 - symbolizes the Sun.

An extremely auspicious number that brings happiness, success, respect and recognition. Everything works out. In magic, such people should choose either Druid magic or Wicca. If a woman is successful, everything is successful, if a man does not complete the training and chooses the easiest path, although after a while he will give up magic. In a past life, he was a tiller, engaged in agriculture, and raised livestock. He died at a ripe old age, surrounded by many relatives and his young wife. There were several marriages.


Your birth number is from 20 to 29. Second level. A person must work off earthly karma, while relying on his origins and the experience of his ancestors. You should develop your intuition, learn to manage your own subconscious.

20 - on the one hand, a call to action

Implementation of new plans, but these plans must be grandiose. On the other hand, these are obstacles to achieving a goal that can be overcome by developing the spiritual principle in a person. Such people are either forced to practice magic themselves, or constantly turn to magicians for support. Only in this case can everything work out in life. In a past life he was a man, a banker, not particularly honest. He had many mistresses and was a collector.

21 is the number of honor, upliftment and success.

It signifies victory after a battle. A very lucky number in terms of future events. Such people can practice magic only in a group and with a teacher. In other areas they are doing well in any case. In past lives he was a foundry worker (steelmaker), a strong and tall man. He had many children and only one wife.

22 is the number of a kind, trusting person with a bag of mistakes behind him.

Warns people about delusions, that they live in captivity of their illusions and awaken only in a moment of danger. In relation to the future, the number requires caution in everything. Magic can be practiced only after a long cycle of training and with the presence of a teacher. But the results will be good. In a past life - a woman, a laundress, who had many lovers, but was unhappy in her family life. She was often beaten by her husband and even went to trial for

23 - has a magical effect, portends success, help in business and career.

In relation to the future, this is a good sign, promising success in all endeavors. Practicing magic is very successful and successful. In a past life - a woman, a seamstress, a beauty, but without children.

24 is a lucky number: success and support in all matters, good luck in love.

A favorable sign in relation to the future. Things in magic are successful, you can work in any field, including predictions and astrology. In a past life - an artist, sculptor, at the same time a seer and adviser. There was one marriage, very strong and happy.

25 - the ability to comprehend through one's own experience.

This number cannot be called lucky, since its owner at the beginning of life, due to his disposition and character, is subjected to serious tests. But in relation to the future, the number is quite favorable, since a person, guided by his life experience, will not make the same mistake twice.

There are phenomenal successes in magic, but only if a person turns to runes, druids, and also to the magic of the territory where he lives. In a past life - a royal person, a princess, who had a secret magician husband. After the death of her husband, the king, she became a queen and her magician became the prime minister of the country. Traveled a lot. Lived in the east.

26 - warns of mortal danger in the future.

Such a person has a heightened premonition of disasters. Over the years, there are more and more disappointments and deceptions in life. You need to be as careful as possible. In magic you can only refer to the love or business sphere. In a past life - a man, a doctor, a calm and balanced person, but who made more than one medical mistake.

27 is a good sign.

It means that a person receives rewards due to productive thinking, creative work and high intellectual abilities. The number is favorable in relation to the future. In magic, success in the field of cleansing and attracting good luck. In a past life, he was an administrative worker who worked in the mayor's office without much success. Was happily married.

28 is a contradictory sign.

The man has great abilities. But these are people with vague standards of morality and ethics and are always in opposition to the law. They tend to go through life only on the beaten path. Not a very favorable number in relation to the future. In magic there is a “black” path. In a past life - an engineer, inventor, who worked at a factory. He was flattering and helpful. His wife cheated and when he found out about it, he committed suicide.

29 - insincerity, deception and even betrayal on the part of others.

A person will constantly face difficult trials, betrayal from friends and the opposite sex. As for the future, the number carries increased danger. You can practice magic, although you won’t have much success. In a past life - an entrepreneur, a merchant, a rich man who had a beautiful wife and two sons.


Your birth number is from 30 to 39. This is the level of people who are able to influence the consciousness of others. If you are on the third level of incarnation, then your calling in this life is to teach others a philosophical view of life, the basics of existence. Therefore, you yourself have to study a lot in order to later pass on your knowledge to others.

30 is a sign of mental, intellectual superiority over others.

However, such people do not hide their craving for material wealth. This is a neutral sign, it does not portend either happiness or unhappiness. It all depends on the desire of the owner. There will be good results in magic. In a past life, she was a housewife who had a penchant for drinking alcohol. At the end of her life, a woman who drank herself to death and was of no use to anyone.

31 - a person is self-absorbed, often lonely.

An unsettled personal life, although often a social worker. From a material point of view, the number is not good enough. Usually good astrologers, but in magic you need to constantly have an incentive. Very often they do not complete their magical activities and are disappointed. In a past life he was an actor and quite popular. Many women and several marriages. Illegitimate children.

32 - the person is in a harmonious relationship

With a large number of people, but must hide his plans from others - otherwise they will not come true. The sign is favorable for the future. In magic, predictive disciplines or harmful directions are successful. In a past life, a traveler who had neither a wife nor children. He had injuries, drank and smoked drugs.

33 is a lucky number: success and support in all endeavors, good luck in love.

A favorable sign in relation to the future. The gift of a teacher, educator. As a rule, these people are interested in history. They prefer to live in their own world of illusions, or they adjust the world to suit themselves. The greatest magicians, enjoying both fame and popularity, for which they are unloved by their colleagues in the craft. They always cause envy and hatred on the part of unsuccessful magicians.

Ensured fame in the world of magic during his lifetime and the development of his own methods. The greatest astrologers. In a past life, he was a court magician, he was always precise and rich, he always found an approach to the rulers and powerful of that world. He was also married to a fortune teller.

34 - difficulties at the beginning of life and luck at the end of it.

After thirty-five, a settled and happy personal life, a good financial situation, love from children. Before thirty-five there are a lot of difficulties and adversities. You can practice magic after 35, before - only with a teacher and in a group. In a past life - a knight who died in the prime of his life in battle. I didn’t have time to have children.

35 - mortal danger in the future.

There are many deceptions in life and many disappointments. You must always be on your guard. Cheating on the part of a spouse. Difficulties with children due to their addiction to drugs or alcohol. There is a danger of not repaying debts, and after 30 years you cannot lend money at all. You can and should practice magic mostly for your own protection. In a past life - a singer, with a failed personal life,
They fought duels for her, but those she loved were killed. At the end of her life, forgotten and lonely by everyone.

36 - he achieves everything in life through his own labor, there will be no help from anyone.

Those he likes will most often reject him. The spouse will live with them for money and will cheat. In magic, business magic will work best. In a past life - a prison guard. He was killed by prisoners.

37 is a sign of goodness, happy love and friendship.

Harmony with the opposite sex and good luck in joint projects. Good for the future. Magic can be practiced in the field of making talismans or Slavic magic. In a past life, she was a woman, a cook, large in size and had many children.

38 - insincerity, deception, betrayal on the part of others.

Betrayal by marriage partners that may never be known. The money invested may be lost. Trouble on the roads. It is necessary to practice magic in order to better understand people. In a past life, she was a Chinese woman who worked all her life on a rice plantation and never left her own village.

39 - a well-developed person, smart, intellectual. Illnesses at any age and envy even when there is nothing to envy. Tendency to use drugs and alcohol. Frequent infectious infections and poisonings. As a rule, they do not practice magic, but they can achieve good results. In a past life - a player. He won more often than he lost, but was killed for money.


Your birth number is from 40 to 49. Highest level of consciousness. Intellectual, philosopher, teacher. You must strive to understand the highest meaning of existence, the foundations of the universe. Your goal in life is to reach a new level of consciousness.

40 - a loner in life, most often self-absorbed and incomprehensible to others.

Unlucky in money, selfish in family life. As a rule, they come to practice magic sooner or later, although they do not achieve much success. In a past life he was a writer, but he did not create any famous works. At the same time, he was a favorite of women.

41 - magical attractiveness, although they do not have special beauty.

They have harmonious relationships with a large number of people, but must hide their plans. Often subject to the evil eye. Hidden egoists. Often deceivers.

They are mostly engaged in fortune telling or astrology. In magic, special results are not achieved. In a past life she was a poetess, popular and beautiful. Many children and a life of frequent travel.

42 - Lucky number: success and support in all matters, good luck in love.

A favorable sign for the future. In magic, mediocre abilities, it is better to engage in predictions and fortune telling. In a past life he lived in Germany, was a cattle breeder, had a big belly, loved beer and women, for which he was repeatedly beaten by his own wife. Hence the frequent problems in relationships with women (or men, if you are a woman)
In this life.

43 is a rather unlucky sign.

Symbolizes revolution, coup, trials and blows of fate. The number is unfavorable in relation to the future. There are a lot of blows and conflicts in life, attracts troubles, has difficulties both in work and in family life. It is contraindicated to engage in magic, astrology, and fortune telling - it can bring a lot of harm to your clients and yourself. In a past life, she was a queen in a southern country. For betraying her husband, she was walled up alive in a crypt.

44 - warns of mortal danger in the future.

Such a person has a heightened premonition of disasters. Over the years, there are more and more disappointments and deceptions in life. You need to be as careful as possible. You can practice magic with great caution, as there is a great danger of mental trauma; it is better not to practice astrology, as global miscalculations are possible. In a past life, the king of a European country who abused alcohol and died of a stroke after another “abuse”. The queen often cheated on him, so in this life such people cheat on their wives (if they are men) with 100% probability. And if they are women in this life, then there is three times more betrayal.

45 - A good sign.

It means that a person receives rewards due to productive thinking, creative work and high intellectual abilities. The number is favorable in relation to the future. At the beginning of life there are many disappointments, but in old age everything stabilizes and calms down. In magic and astrology nothing is achieved, in sex magic and tantrism it is used as a “guinea pig”. In a past life, she was a matchmaker, a pimp, she arranged families for others, she had nothing herself. Frozen after drinking heavily
one of the weddings.

46 is a sign of goodness, happy love and friendship.

Harmony with the opposite sex and good luck in joint projects. Favorable for the future. Everything in life is good if the marriage partner is happy, and everything is bad if the marriage is forced or out of necessity. It is unlikely that he will study magic and astrology; in any case, he will not have much success. In a past life, he was a military leader, successful in battles and battles, and died on the battlefield in glory and respect.

47 - means insincerity, deception and even betrayal on the part of others.

A person will constantly face difficult trials, betrayal from friends and the opposite sex. As for the future, the number carries increased danger. He will not practice magic and astrology, since the “reverse strike” will very quickly deprive him of his health. In a past life, he was a hermit who lived far from people and did not need people. Therefore, in this life such people have many friends, acquaintances, often celebrate something and spend
life in a variety of entertainment, for which they pay “to the fullest.”

48 is a sign of mental, intellectual superiority over others.

However, such people do not hide their craving for material wealth. This is a neutral sign, it does not portend either happiness or unhappiness. It all depends on the desire of the owner. Such people do not practice magic and astrology - they lack patience. In a past life, he was a gunsmith, fanatically devoted to his work. There was no family, therefore in this life such people strive for a stable family. For the most part, due to limited sexual abilities, they do not cheat on their spouses.

49 - people are self-absorbed, often lonely, even when in the thick of things.

From a material point of view, the number is quite unfortunate. Magic and astrology can only be practiced under the guidance of a teacher, otherwise there will be health problems. In a past life, he was a circus performer, walked on a rope and juggled. He fell and crashed in an African country during a performance.


Your birth number is 50 or higher. Observer, carrier of secret information. Your goal is self-improvement in solitude. Incomprehensible to others.

50 - harmonious relationships with a large number of people

But he must hide his plans from others - otherwise they will not come true. The sign is favorable for the future. Very often such people steal on one scale or another. If they don't practice magic, they don't believe in it. In a past life, he was a thief who was executed in medieval Europe.

51 - a sign of enormous potential, the nature of a warrior.

Suggests an unexpected career. Favorable for military personnel, sailors, and various leaders. Such a person has many enemies, he is exposed to dangers and violence. They don't practice magic - they consider it quackery. In a past life - a priest.

52 is a rather unlucky sign.

Symbolizes trials and blows of fate. The number is unfavorable in relation to the future. They don’t practice magic and astrology - they consider it a waste of time. In a past life, he was a gentleman who amused himself with hunting and peasant women.

The science that studies the meaning of numbers in a person’s destiny is numerology. The number 38 is considered one of the most difficult. It combines the general meanings of codes 3,8 and 11 (3+8=11).

Number 38 is one of the most difficult

Characteristics of the number 3

Three is the number of activity. People ruled by three are disciplined, independent, and do not shy away from hard work. Already from the first days of life, a high desire for truth is visible.

A person with code 3 is a reliable friend who always keeps his promises. Able to communicate with any circle of people. An excellent speaker.

Such people are very selective in their choice. More often they find a partner to whom they do not feel attracted. Family ties for a trio are sacred. Such a selection of halves often turns triplets into domestic tyrants - you don’t mind offending the unloved.

Number 3 is favorable. The wards of the troika usually have no difficulties with work. They know how to make the process interesting for themselves. They surround themselves with an aura of activity and love of life. Their charge of energy is transferred to others, which leads to the achievement of the goal.

At the beginning of life, things don't go so well. Threes will have to work hard to reach certain peaks. Soon the person with code 3 becomes very wealthy, but does not stop his vigorous activity.

Problematic character traits:

  • jealous disposition;
  • egocentrism;
  • high ambitions;
  • unceremoniousness.

Characteristics of the number 8

The meaning of this number endows a person with workaholism. This is a secretive, patient nature. A person is closed in his own world, melancholic, balanced and calm in communication, but clearly adheres to his own judgments.

For those close to him, he is a caring, kind person. For eights, deception is unacceptable. They are drawn to material wealth. They are calm by nature, but when angry they can terrify anyone. Some of them are very vindictive and vindictive.

Their life is a struggle. They never have enough of what they have. They move forward tirelessly. They rarely use the help of others, preferring to achieve everything alone. It is important for them to be financially secure, but before the age of 35 they do not know how to accumulate savings, which is why they often find themselves in crisis situations. As they age, they gain experience and learn to manage money.

Characteristics of the number 11

Among the main stream of numbers, 11 is the most mystical. It is described in many occult movements. In some traditions it is considered negative because it contains two units. In sum, two means the Moon, but a person is more influenced by solar energy. The personal structure is dominated by revolutionary thinking and authoritarianism.

The individual is most focused on achieving personal goals. Has enormous inner strength. The personality is highly concentrated on itself, which leads to inevitable conflicts in family relationships. Such people react poorly to their own failures and then cannot forgive themselves for a long time.

38 in numerology

Numerology describes 38 as a teacher number that creates vibrational situations to resolve conflicts. The combination of characteristics of three numbers is physical and mental fire, necessary for transformation.

The inner world of such a person is infinitely multifaceted. Code 38 gives him special character traits. Which trait will be predominant depends on the aspirations and experience of the individual. 38 in numerology personifies the flows of the Universe that open to the individual. Using the experience and wisdom of ancestors, a person learns all the secrets of existence.

The meaning of the number 38 in numerology:

  • creation;
  • transformation;
  • movement towards higher matter;
  • spirituality;
  • material goods;
  • egocentrism.

The influence of numbers on life

The number 38 has a huge impact on all areas of human activity.

  1. In real life, these people are smart, educated, and cultured. Easy to communicate, although not particularly in need of it.
  2. Three gives a person irrepressible energy, enhancing the influence of the number 11.
  3. Eight ensures financial well-being.
  4. The number 38 reveals to its ward the secrets of existence. Endows him with the highest level of spirituality. A person can reach the top in any field of activity, but on the condition that his concentration on himself fades into the background.
  5. In a relationship, such an individual is a dictator. He doesn’t like to be contradicted, he’s used to doing everything his own way, although he values ​​his soul mate. It often happens that those under number 38 remain single throughout their lives.

Eight helps achieve financial well-being


The number 38 is a mysterious symbol that gives a person a variety of character traits. If a person manages to harmonize all his dark and light sides, he will reach unprecedented heights in all areas of activity.

Hello, dear blog readers. No matter how much we deny it, each of us, at least a little, believes in fate. There are things in this world that are completely beyond our control, and it is very difficult to explain why life went wrong. Many are sure that the reason for this is bad karma - mistakes and sins accumulated in past lives. To minimize the negative impact on today's events, I propose to find out what karma is by date of birth.

Calculation of karmic number

34 is a methiacycle. That is, every 34 years in your life there will be a kind of exam to work out karma or a global event that will radically change your destiny.

The resulting number indicates the level of soul development and who you were in a past life.

The first digit of a two-digit number indicates whether you have assistants for working out karma.
The second number indicates mistakes made in past lives and tells you in which direction you need to move.

Now I propose to analyze the meaning of the karmic number. Let's start in order.

Level of soul development

First stage

At the first stage of development there are people whose karmic number is from 10 to 19:

  • 10 is the number of karma, but a very good one. It means that you have learned from past mistakes and have a wonderful life ahead of you. Stable income, good health and a happy family are given to you by right. Keep doing good. In a past life you may have been a shepherd or a hunter;
  • 11 – such a character trait as gullibility can ruin you. You will have many children and no fewer marriages. Finding the perfect match can take a lifetime and there is no guarantee that it will be successful. Don't be alarmed, but in a past life you could have been a thief or a murderer;
  • 12 – you are naive and need strong support. Get ready to be deceived for the rest of your life. Past incarnation – terrorist or enemy of the people;
  • 13 is the number of karmic debt. In your past life you were selfish and irresponsible. Prepare for frequent problems. You can work off your debt only by steadfastly enduring all adversity and bringing things to their logical conclusion. A slave or prisoner is your past reincarnation;
  • 14 – you will have to work off the debt for escaping reality. Avoid alcohol, drugs and other psychotropic substances. Don't indulge your base desires. Sailor or military personnel;
  • 15 – charm and natural magnetism will help you achieve your goals. Don't cross the moral line and don't take advantage of people. In a past life you sold yourself for money;
  • 16 – modesty will help you work off your karmic debt. Put the interests of your loved ones above your own. Think carefully about every decision you make. Remember, royal blood flows in your veins, at least it was so in your previous reincarnation;
  • 17 – you will finally find happiness in your personal life. Fate will return what you were deprived of in past incarnations. A poor and completely lonely person;
  • 18 – you are cruel and selfish. Most likely connected to crime. If you don't stop, life will be very short. You are a former sorcerer;
  • 19 is the number of karma. If you don’t learn to care about the people around you completely unselfishly, you will remain alone for the rest of your life. Then your next reincarnation will have to work off the debt.

The first stage of soul development is numbers from 10 to 19

Second stage

  • 20 – bring good to people and do not be afraid of obstacles. Your past life was connected with money;
  • 21 – great happiness awaits you; the main thing is not to sit still, but to confidently move forward. You are a former blacksmith;
  • 22 – kindness and responsiveness are your main character traits. Communicate with people more often, and do not go into your illusory world. Past reincarnation is a petty thief;
  • 23 – hard work, perseverance and kindness will help you create a strong family and build a successful career. Dressmaker or seamstress.
  • 24 - karma is in order, but only if you give up unseemly actions and evil thoughts. Overall a pretty happy life. In your previous incarnation you painted icons;
  • 25 – curb your difficult temper and life will improve. Try not to transfer your royal character into this life;
  • 26 – you should be wary of betrayal from your close circle. Be careful. Sometimes you can't even trust your own intuition. You were a doctor in the past;
  • 27 – don’t be afraid of minor troubles in the first half of your life. Kindness and sincere help to people will bring you great happiness. You were a scientist;
  • 28 – you don’t know what morality is. Sometimes, you are completely immoral, but still a talented person. Do not spoil your karma and direct your energy towards the path of creation. Suicide - this is how your past life ended;
  • 29 – you deceived in a past life, now they will deceive you. To keep in touch with the world, find a soul mate. You were a rich but deceitful merchant.

Third stage

The numbers from 30 to 39 belong to the third stage:

  • 30 – intelligence and developed intellectual abilities are given to you for a reason. Do good, and don't chase money and fame. You are a former writer;
  • 31 - you are lonely, but this suits you absolutely. You have been an actor for a very long time;
  • 32 – the number of active, sociable and optimistic people. Try not to talk too much. You were a traveler;
  • 33 – very good future. You will be happy if you dedicate your life to teaching children. A great magician in a previous incarnation;
  • 34 – the difficulties of the first half of life are compensated by a cloudless life after 35 years. Expect family happiness and financial well-being. Knight;
  • 35 – don’t despair, but your fate is not very good. Expect problems, betrayals, betrayals. Spend a lot of time with your children. They may become addicted to alcohol and drugs. You are a former singer with a failed career;
  • 36 – do not rely on the help of others. If we manage to achieve stability, it will be exclusively on our own. In a past life you were a convict;
  • 37 – success always and in everything. But don't be too proud. Know how to thank and share the fruits of your labors. Hermit;
  • 38 – don’t trust anyone, rely only on yourself. In the past you were a girl of easy virtue;
  • 39 – stop being jealous and life will get better. An avid gamer.

Fourth stage

And finally, the fourth step:

  • 40 – many people don’t understand you and don’t support you. Look for inner strength to achieve all your goals. Writer;
  • 41 – you are surrounded by numerous fans and you are used by people without hesitation. Do not forget that selfishness and the eternal search for one’s own gain are fraught with sad consequences. Poetess;
  • 42 – life is filled with happiness and bright emotions. You've brewed beer in the past;
  • 43 – get ready for trials on all fronts of life. You were royalty executed for treason;
  • 44 – dangers await you at every step. Murderer;
  • 45 – real life will begin only after 40. Before that, get ready for disappointments. Doctor;
  • 46 – happy life. Just choose your spouse, guided by your heart and not by mercantile desires. Military;
  • 47 – choose your friends carefully. On your life's journey you will meet many traitors. Hermit;
  • 48 – develop your leadership skills and achieve success in your career. In your last incarnation you worked with weapons;
  • 49 - you are destined for a lonely and gray existence. This is how sinners pay for previous mistakes.

Help in working off karma

If the first digit of your karmic number is even, a person will definitely appear in your life who will help you work off the sins of past incarnations. He will tell you the right path.

Odd numbers are anti-helpers. On the contrary, they will interfere with leading a healthy lifestyle. Try to stay on track, but protect yourself from people with obvious negative thoughts.

If your karmic number is single digit, you have practically no sins that require working out. Try not to ruin everything.

Law of Karma

Meaning of the second digit

The second digit of the karmic number helps to find out about the purpose. Read carefully and find out what mistakes you should avoid:

  • 1 – selfishness, which was your main feature in past lives, will not allow you to find love and true friends for a long time. Beware of deceptions from loved ones and never lie yourself. Selfless deeds and good deeds will help improve karma;
  • 2 – in past incarnations you did not want to take responsibility and lived for your own pleasure. Now, fate is not on your side and it will be quite difficult to attract good luck. We'll have to fight for our place in the sun. The main thing is not to risk your life and exercise prudence;
  • 3 means that in the past you have been quite stingy. Be sure to do charity work and help people in need. Develop your spiritual qualities and do not pursue material wealth;
  • 4 – you have already cleared your karma, because in your past life you had to endure failures and loneliness. Now you will find family happiness. The main thing is to appreciate the gifts of fate and take care of loved ones;
  • 5 – the number of those who devoted their past lives to black magic. Avoid everything supernatural, and serious problems will bypass you;
  • 6 – in your past life you did everything right. In this one, maintain harmony and do good. Carefully weigh any decision and help the people around you;
  • 7 – the past incarnation was accompanied by constant difficulties, failures, moral and physical pain. Everything is fine now. The main thing is that victories do not go to your head. Try to restrain yourself and not go into all serious troubles;
  • 8 – in a past life you hurt your loved ones, but in this life the situation will change exactly the opposite. Try not to take revenge and endure all insults steadfastly. This is the only way to ensure good karma in your next reincarnation;
  • 9 – your last incarnation was very short. Therefore, fate gave you natural wisdom and developed intuition. Listen to your inner voice when you make important decisions and do not forget to help people;
  • 0 – you were a very hardworking person, so in this life you will have . Continue to achieve your goal, and do not give up under any circumstances. You will succeed.


The second number determines the purpose

Numerology by Julia Poe

Experienced numerologist Julia Poe has developed a comprehensive system of meaning for karmic numbers. It takes into account not only the basic principles of all schools of numerology, but also aspects of astrology and the science of gender.

Julia says that the month of birth plays an important role in working out karma and indicates the main tasks. I suggest you study a unique horoscope from a numerologist:

  • January– you must help your brother or sister;
  • February– develop kindness and mercy in yourself. Throughout your life you will have to care for loved ones. If you don’t help the older generation, the women closest to you will start to get sick;
  • March– you need to learn to take responsibility and make important decisions. The sooner you become an independent person, the better life will be;
  • April– get rid of the negative character traits you inherited from your father. Don’t waste your energy: help your friends, do good, and don’t close yourself off in your inner world;
  • May– eradicate the negative traits in yourself that you inherited from your mother. Do not limit the freedom of other people, try not to enter into conflicts;
  • June– your main task is to create a strong family and take care of loved ones;
  • July– you definitely need to change your place of residence. Moving to another city or country will be a great solution;
  • August– you are a peacemaker who is able to unite your own parents. In your personal life, try to build only serious relationships. Fleeting romances can ruin karma;
  • September– develop your talents. You need to glorify your family;
  • October– your purpose is to improve the material well-being of the whole family. You can achieve financial well-being only through hard work;
  • november– work on yourself, develop in all areas. You must achieve high social status;
  • December– there are no serious sins behind your soul. In order not to spoil your karma, try not to commit evil and unseemly acts.

Based on the date of birth of both spouses, the compatibility of the couple can be calculated. Interesting? Then let's start the calculation.

Natalya – 02/15/1988. Karmic number: 1+6+0+2+1+9+8+8=35.

Oleg – 11/01/1983. Its number: 0+1+1+1+1+9+8+3=24.

We determine the sum of two numbers: 35+24=59.

Now you need to subtract 22: 59-22=37. When the required number is greater than 22, you need to subtract again: 37-22=15.

After calculating the family karma number.

You can proceed to deciphering the values:

  • 1 – the man will be the head of the family, imposing his worldview. It is better for the girl not to interfere in his affairs and not to provoke conflict situations. In general, the union will turn out to be very interesting and creative. The main thing is to find common ground;
  • 2 – you are kindred spirits who understand each other without words. There will be absolute harmony in your relationship;
  • 3 – a stable, strong family in which the main decisions will be made by the woman. Try not to listen to the advice of close relatives in order to maintain mutual understanding and harmony;
  • 4 – passion and strong emotions will prevail over common sense. Try not to limit each other's personal space and do not give in to destructive feelings of jealousy;
  • 5 – value your partner. He will help you navigate life and take the right position. Pay no attention to differences in character, temperament, and social status;
  • 6 – misunderstanding is possible only at the initial stage of a relationship. The longer you are together, the stronger the love, happiness and mutual support;
  • 7 – vibrant and dynamic relationships, filled with travel and new acquaintances. However, the likelihood of betrayal is high;
  • 8 is more of a marriage on mutually beneficial terms. Don't try to change your partner, change yourself;
  • 9 – this relationship can hardly be called comfortable. Both partners will experience a mutual feeling of loneliness, lack of love and attention. The couple will eventually separate;
  • 10 – you are incredibly lucky. Relationships will help you achieve success and significantly increase your financial well-being. This is a lifelong relationship;
  • 11 – difficult relationships. Both partners are strong in spirit and character. A constant struggle for power will lead to a break. The only way out is to look for compromises;
  • 12 is a relationship that requires sacrifice. To save them you will have to give up some important things or people. Unfortunately, even this will not save you from difficulties and lack of mutual understanding. This is your karma;
  • 13 – It is unlikely that you will be able to maintain the relationship. Partners are incompatible. In addition, the likelihood of domestic violence is high;
  • 14 – you have common goals, you are comfortable and cozy with each other. The union will be long and happy;
  • 15 – it’s better to give up this relationship. The union is implicated in manipulation, cunning and strong sexual attachment;
  • 16 – you are too different. Frequent quarrels will lead to separation and completely weaken you both mentally and physically;
  • 17 – you are two halves of a whole. Appreciate your partner and be sure to live a long and happy life with him;
  • 18 – you don’t know your loved one. There are a lot of misconceptions and incorrect judgments. It will be difficult for you to be together. High probability of betrayal;
  • 19 – everything is fine with you: strong family, happy children, mutual support and absolute harmony;
  • 20 – it will be difficult at first. It takes time to know the true essence of a loved one. Don't worry, you will become not only passionate spouses, but also true friends;
  • 21 – you are compatible on an energetic level. Prepare for a lifelong relationship;
  • 22 – extremely unstable relationships. One of you longs for freedom. To be together you will have to moderate your desires and put the interests of your loved one first. High probability of divorce.

But you should still try to be a little kinder to others and not deny your loved ones the necessary support. Karma will definitely get better.

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Number 38 carries a combination of vibrations and attributes of numbers 3 and 8. Number 3 relates to the vibrations of inspiration and creativity, self-expression and communication, growth, expansion and principles of increase, spontaneity, support and assistance, manifesting your desires.

Mystical meaning of the number 38

In addition, three in the number 38 is directly related to the Higher Mind and indicates that you can count on Higher powers if you turn to them for support.

Eight, which is also part of the number 38, adds vibrations of wealth and abundance, self-confidence and reliability, truth and integrity, inner wisdom, self-reliance and success, destiny and Karma.

The signs and energies of the combination of these two numbers make the number 38 joyful and optimistic, in addition, it contains vibrations of courage, material abundance and the surrounding reality. The number 38 can be reduced to 11 and 2, which are also your control numbers.

The regularly recurring number 38 in your life indicates that you are moving towards success in the right way and there is very little left before you begin to reap the fruits of your efforts. Very soon you will achieve success, and material well-being will enter your life.

Positive traits of the number 38

People under the influence of the number 38 quickly achieve success in business because they enjoy the favor and support of important people. The number 38 in the numerology matrix also indicates that we have a gentle and calm person who loves justice and always remains loyal to his friends.

The number 38 endows its bearers with exceptional intelligence, but much will depend on how exactly they use it. There are both brilliant scientists and brilliant villains. If you have the number 38 in your basic life set, then you can achieve greater success by not engaging in individual work, but by collaborating with others.

Negative traits of the number 38

It is very important that people who have the number 38 in their matrix try not to find fault with little things, but see the whole picture as a whole. The most destructive feeling for them can be selfishness, when they think exclusively about their own benefit, without paying attention to how their actions affect others.

The number 38 can also speak of laziness and that a person is afraid of manual or hard work. Also, these people are extremely sensitive, they painfully experience quarrels or misunderstandings with their partners or friends, which is why they often fall into depression.
