How to make clay products without a potter's wheel. How to make a clay pot Methods of making ceramic products

Master class by Marina Davidovich.

Summer! A riot of colors, aromas, sounds, a lot of sun and warmth! And I want to capture it, leave it as a memory. We will breathe summer into the interior using a clay jug and decoupage technique.

baked clay product;
full fat milk;
universal acrylic primer;
acrylic paints;
glue varnish for decoupage;
water-based two-step craquelure varnishes;

Water-based acrylic varnish;
napkin with motif. Tools:
brushes, sponges;
sanding sponge.

How to decoupage a clay jug.

Since we will be making a jug for storing food, the inner surface needs to be prepared. Let's do milking. Fill the vessel with full-fat milk, leave for 20 minutes - a fatty film forms on the inner surface. Drain the milk. We do this very carefully! Milk should not get on the outside of the product. Place the vessel on its neck in an oven heated to 180 degrees for 20-30 minutes - a protective film is formed, thanks to which the vessel can be filled with liquid and dry products and washed.

Prime the cooled jug with a sponge. If necessary, use two layers. Dry each layer well. Apply a layer of background paint with a wet sponge. Dry it well. Lightly wipe around with a sanding sponge.

We glue the motif, separating it from the lower layers. The jug is convex, so it is better to choose designs that can be divided into parts. I used adhesive varnish: there are fewer wrinkles and after drying you can lightly sand out the rough edges.

Using paint that is close in color to the background, using a stencil brush, we finalize the design, smoothing out the transitions. Dry, cover with several layers of acrylic varnish, drying each layer well. Level the surface with a sanding sponge. is launching a new project dedicated to interesting and rare professions and hobbies. Here we will talk about such professions or hobbies as, for example, a blacksmith, restorer, watchmaker or jeweler, as well as many others.

The first participant in our project was potter. Potters and potters appeared before our era. These craftsmen processed clay and turned it into dishes and other household items.

Clay products were then a necessary element of life for many peoples. Now it is no longer so much a craft as an entire art. After all, from clay you can create both ordinary flower pots and all kinds of interior items.

The process of creating pottery is quite complex and consists of several stages. At first clay needs to be prepared. It is crushed, flattened, adding a little water to soften it, collected into a round lump and kneaded again. As a result, there should be no hard lumps left in the clay.

Now you can continue working with the material. A piece of clay is placed on the potter's wheel and pressed tightly with your hands on all sides.

In this case, the position of the future product must be center. If the master feels that his hands are moving unevenly in a circle, shaking, it means that the clay is not in the center of the circle, and the product will not turn out.

After it begins molding. Gradually, the potter levels the clay mass and gives it the shape of a cylinder.

Then he can narrow it towards the top or in other places, and in some places, on the contrary, expand it - depending on what the master wants to get in the end.

If the cylinder turns out to be smooth, then further stretching it and forming it into a pot shape will be simple - You can create any shape from a cylinder.

It happens that the product simply collapses during operation. There may be various reasons for this. This often happens if the clay is too liquid. Then it needs to be dried and start all over again.

When the master has achieved the desired shape, he removes excess clay using strings or wires, the product is also leveled using a knife or wooden spatulas.

Several methods are used to decorate finished products. This is embossing (pressing parts of objects), engraving (applying designs with sharpened sticks), glazing (coating with glaze).

From clay you can create, for example, pots like these, covered with glaze and complemented with voluminous fantasy elements, as well as vases and crafts, for example, for decorating aquariums.

Clay can be purchased ready-made or in powder form in specialty stores or art salons. But as a last resort, you can make it yourself, or, easier to say, dig it in your garden or quarry. But usually it contains all sorts of unnecessary impurities, from which it needs to be cleaned.

Place the clay in a basin and fill it with water. When the clay has turned into slurry, put it in nylon tights and strain into another basin.

Wait until the clay thickens, do not forget to stir it.

Place the clay on a gypsum board. When one side of the clay is dry, transfer it to the other. But if you don’t have plaster, put the clay on oilcloth and leave it to dry in the sun. After the clay has thickened, squeeze the air out of it and place it in a plastic bag.

For modeling, take out the clay and store it under a damp towel.

We sculpt clay in the same way as plasticine, only the problem with it is that the individual parts do not mold well with each other. To do this, they make a so-called slip - this is clay in the form of a liquid-like mass. To connect parts, it is simply applied to it with a brush.

All legends about the creation of the world mention that the Creator created people from ordinary clay. It is not for nothing that our forefathers treated clay very carefully and with respect, creating almost all household items from it.

In modern times, clay crafts are a kind of hobby. Professionals and amateurs can make real masterpieces from ordinary natural materials that can be compared to a work of art.

In order to start sculpting with clay, you don’t need large financial investments or special skills, just desire.

Scope of application

In order to start making any product, it is important to know what is made from clay.

It is generally accepted that her destiny is pots and bowls. But as it turned out, a lot of different figurines are made from it, bricks are cast for building houses, paints are made for dyeing fabrics, they are used in cosmetology, and also, by mixing clay with lime rocks, they produce cement.

Types of clay

Clay can be natural or artificial.

  • Artificial is polymer clay, or plastic. Created chemically.
  • Natural clay is extracted from the earth itself. It is a 100% ecological product.

Natural clay comes in several types: red, white and blue. Each of them has its own characteristics. Depending on what is made from clay, its properties and characteristics are taken into account.

General rules for sculpting from all types of clay

Firstly, it is important to remember that clay is not plasticine, it is a more delicate and sensitive material, and it must be handled with care and affection.

Secondly, the clay should always remain damp during the sculpting process. If it does not contain enough moisture, it can be diluted with ordinary running water to the desired consistency. At the end of work or during a break, the remaining material should be covered with a damp cloth.

Thirdly, if cracks and chips appear in parts during the sculpting process, you can smooth them out with your fingers moistened with ordinary water or an aqueous solution of clay.

When creating a craft from any type of clay, you need to start with the main, larger parts, gradually adding smaller ones to them.

It is strictly forbidden to attach new parts made of raw material to a dried craft - they will not join and can destroy the entire work. If there is a need to add something or change the work, then you can use regular glue.

And the most important thing. It doesn’t matter from what, how or what they make. From polymer clay or ordinary natural clay - any thing needs to be dried after sculpting!

Clay crafts: detailed description

We found out that almost everything is made from clay. But the first thing you can make from it is a bowl, vase or jug ​​with an intricate and beautiful handle.

In order to make clay jugs, you need: a suitable piece of red clay, a wooden potter's wheel and the desire to create.

The jug has a main part, a handle and a spout. Each of these parts has its own purpose and is an integral part of the cookware.

Modeling technology:

The jug is ready after drying.

Everything is clear with jugs. How are vases made from clay? Very simple. They are made according to the same principle as jugs. With gradual rotation of the potter's wheel and giving any shape and height.

Having set the required shape of the bottom, the workpiece needs to be given the main and main part, then narrowed to the neck, leveling its height, and leveling the surface of the walls.

A vase can be sculpted into almost any shape; the only condition is its round bottom and, as a consequence, its symmetrical shape.

Having completed all the necessary manipulations with the manufacture and sculpting of the vase, it can be left in the form it is. And you can use special knives and cutters to make all kinds of designs on its surface. But this must be done immediately after sculpting, without allowing the workpiece to dry out.


This article discusses how and what is made from clay. As it turned out, almost everything is made from it, both kitchen utensils and unique items for decoration.

It is worth noting that polymer clay of chemical origin is used to make excellent designer jewelry, which is not inferior in beauty to jewelry.

What do you think people did when there were no computers, televisions, plants and factories, and in general, when there was no electricity. Maybe they sat on a bench and did nothing? But doing nothing is simply not interesting. They came up with various necessary things for the home and thought about how to make them with their own hands. There was always the question of what to cook in. And they figured out how to make a clay pot, jars, jugs of different sizes, and later flowerpots. The video will clearly show the process of clay modeling by children in a creative workshop.

When there was no electricity, people were engaged in various crafts: they carved wood, worked in forges and blacksmiths forged various objects from metal, women weaved threads and fabrics, embroidered, people engaged in pottery and created beautiful clay jugs, pots in which they prepared beautiful healthy and natural food from quality products.

Nowadays, many different creative circles exist in our time. And more and more often there is a desire to try to plunge into the world of crafts. Pottery skills and modeling of clay dishes also attract people. Moreover, it is very good to cook in ceramic dishes.

It should also be noted that the property of earthenware, pots, jugs and jars is the ability to retain odors. It is for this reason that it is advisable to have a separate pot or jug ​​for each type of product: for meat dishes, dairy dishes, cereals and potatoes. So that odors are not transmitted.

Modern technology for processing clay pots allows you to cook in a modern oven. To do this, it is better, of course, to use ready-made clay pots and other ceramic dishes, such as this one Glazed ceramic pots with a lid are very convenient and can be used to cook whatever you want, from roast to borscht.

There are also clay pots for storing vegetables. They do not cook in them, but they store fresh herbs, tomatoes, cucumbers and even mushrooms. Ceramic dishes are easy to clean and fit perfectly into a stylized interior.

How to make a clay pot

It's best to go to a pottery workshop because they have everything you need. Material: clay. The potter's wheel is untwisted and after wetting your hands in water, it is with your hands that the object is formed. Your hands must be wet. Then, the resulting clay pot is dried. Then it is thoroughly wiped with a rag - this is called “etching” and sent to a special kiln for firing. After the pot is ready, it is covered with a special glaze. When creating pottery, it is very important to maintain the correct temperature, which varies for different types of clay products.

Nowadays, hardly anyone makes dishes at home, but clay modeling is very useful for children's creativity. Dishes and interior items such as vases, flowerpots, pots for storing and cooking food are made in special workshops.

Let's watch a video about how ceramic dishes were created in the old days, how they were molded and what they consisted of. Children's clay art can be quite fun. Clay, water and a pottery wheel in the workshop and a lot of positive emotions for the children!


Jug - do it yourself. Crafts for the garden!

Crafts for the garden acquire special charm and meaning if they are made taking into account the place where they will be located.

There are crafts that can be used to decorate absolutely any corner, but there are some that will look better in a certain place. For example, on an alpine hill, on the bank of a decorative pond or stream, next to a fountain or garden waterfall, jugs are often placed.

Of course, buying a jug today is not a problem. But, firstly, it is not always possible to find on sale exactly the kind of jug that you want to see in the composition, and secondly, an expensive piece of art can be quite expensive.

But you can make a jug for an alpine slide, garden fountain or pond with your own hands. Not everyone knows pottery, so they will look for a simpler technology. For example, let's make a jug not from clay, but from cement.

How to make an original jug shape

You can, of course, “mold” a lump out of cement-sand mortar, smooth its surface to almost perfect evenness, form a neck, dry the product thoroughly, and then decorate it as you please.

But the jug is a rather large product, and the solution is a malleable mass. Even if you manage to sculpt what you want, it may become deformed when drying. Therefore, we are looking for an even simpler option. For example, you can find a rounded stone and plaster it with mortar. And then sculpt the neck and nose - the weight of these parts is small. When the product is dry, you can decorate it. But if you want. For example, if you decorate a jug with a mosaic, you can do this right away while the product is raw.

You can even make a boulder out of cement, but it’s lightweight. , very useful material.

Another option for creating such a craft for the garden is to use a real, but cheap glass or plastic jug as a base. Even an old broken electric kettle can be adapted - it has a jug-shaped shape.

But how to plaster glass or plastic so that the solution does not slip? It's very simple: take a strip of adhesive tape and wrap it around the jug. After this, the container can be covered with cement without any problems. By the way, instead of cement, you can use putty for facade work - the effect will be the same.

Decor of a jug for an alpine slide or pond

Mosaic- a very interesting and appreciative type of decor. You can use shards from old broken dishes and pebbles for it. In principle, if you want to make a masterpiece, then you can buy a little mosaic.

Coloring. If you suddenly want to make a jug in gold, silver or copper, no problem. You carefully prepare the surface: putty, sand, prime and paint with appropriate paint. To make your task easier, you can use spray paint.

Under the clay. If you want a “real clay” jug, apply a thin layer of clay to the almost hardened cement surface (practically rub it in), leave it until it dries, then correct the flaws with sandpaper. Wait until it dries completely, prime and varnish.

You can come up with many options for decorating crafts for the garden - a jug. Dare, be creative, and your alpine slide will be simply charming.

In all the photos there are real clay jugs, so that there is something to focus on.
