HR documents that every organization should have. List of required personnel documents Stand layouts and ready-made templates


The main detail in the design of the corner is informational. The best choice for this purpose is a board with a soft surface, to which announcements are attached with buttons. Stands with A4 plastic pockets are not convenient. The material that needs to be made public does not always fit on standard size sheets.

Also, not only the informational content of the corner, but also its decorative design becomes important. Here, in order to decorate the corner, the teacher will need to use his intelligence and talents. Perhaps it would be best to place the children’s work in the corner so that they would be pleased to feel their personal participation in the design of the corner. To this end, many teachers make sure that there is a rubric that reflects the creative abilities of the children. In such a section it is quite possible to place the fruits of children’s labor: essays, drawings, applications that the children made in labor lessons and much more. To decorate a corner in a classroom, you need to do it with all your heart. In this case, the result will bear the desired fruits. And for children the learning process will be much more exciting.

To create a cool corner you need:

1. Think about the approximate information content of the classroom corner

2. Get advice on what would be interesting for the students themselves to see in it

3. When selecting topics for the classroom corner, consider the age of the students

4. It is best to ensure that the younger grades have a playful approach.

5. Reflect the students' extracurricular lives in the classroom corner.

6. Think carefully about the presence of the “Our Creativity” section

7. Use your skills and talents to provide a decorative setting for the corner.

8. Regularly supplement and update the materials in the classroom corner, then it will benefit the children.

9. You can entrust the preparation of new information and its placement to students.

10. Sometimes change the decorative design of the corner and the main thematic focus.

Video on the topic

To design an exhibition means to organize the space in which it will take place in such a way that the artistic essence of the exhibited objects is fully revealed.

You will need

  • Premises, sound, advertising costs.


Find the room where you want to organize. When selecting a room, you need to take into account its area (depending on the number of exhibited objects and the number that you expect to attract to the exhibition), location (it is better if the place is accessible, ideally find a gallery in the central part), reputation (find out what kind exhibitions are usually held in this gallery, does yours fit into the concept of this place?). It is usually easy to negotiate a small rental with galleries; some even provide premises if the project is interesting to them.

Start decorating the room. Clearly define how you want to arrange the exhibited objects in the room. Objects can be arranged by color, by theme, by technique, chronologically, etc. As a rule, the central place is given to the most striking work or the most significant for the author himself.

Think about what the opening of the exhibition will be like. Often, on the opening evening, some kind of event is organized: a screening of a short film (for example, an interview with the author), a performance by a musical group, or simply an introductory speech from the authors, curators and everyone interested.

Video on the topic

Please note

All components of your exhibition (the works themselves and design elements) should be in the same thematic and stylistic unity. This is the only way you will achieve integrity and reveal the artistic meaning of the exhibited objects.

Useful advice

Discuss with the author what kind of soundtrack would suit his work. Music will enhance the audience's perception and create the atmosphere you want. To attract the attention of the press to the event, at least a week before the opening, send a press release to newspapers and television channels, which will briefly outline the concept of your event, information about the author and the place where everything will take place.


  • Organization of exhibitions

The current level of production development implies increased responsibility of company management for the life and health of employees. In the absence of trade unions, the presence of a special personnel service at enterprises is especially relevant. Each new employee must undergo safety training and be certified on the knowledge acquired. An information board on occupational safety and health can be placed in the human resources department or break room.


Come up with a catchy name. For example, “Safety Fundamentals”, “Company News”, “Personnel Service Bulletin”. The name should be noticeable and attract the attention of all members of the workforce.

The material from which the stand is made should make it possible to timely replace information with more up-to-date information. It is good to use a wooden base and hang information using buttons. It is also convenient to use magnetic fasteners on a metal sheet. Be sure to hang a fire extinguisher next to the stand.

Divide your stand into several thematic sectors. Place safety instructions and a detailed fire evacuation plan for employees in the most visible place. Information is also needed from the HR department on the procedure, correct execution of applications, and provision. Here you can post orders for the company and employees. Set aside a place to congratulate birthday people on their birthdays and other joyful events in the life of the team. A warm attitude from management towards staff always has a positive effect on productivity.

Hang a first aid kit next to the stand with first aid supplies (bandages, plaster, scissors, iodine, rubber tourniquet) and the most necessary medications that can be taken without a doctor’s prescription. Install an electronic tonometer that will allow the employee to independently measure blood pressure.

Create a comfortable environment in the relaxation room, place plants, armchairs, a sofa, a coffee machine, and a water cooler. Put the “Labor Code of the Russian Federation”, the magazines “Labor Safety” and “Protective Equipment” on the table so that anyone can read these publications when the need arises.

Participation in exhibitions and fairs is an important mechanism for promoting the product or services of any organization on the market. That is why preparation for participation must be carried out in a regime of particular importance. There are no trifles in this activity, because any detail exposed to wide circles of the public can have both positive and negative results.

As a rule, worries about organizing a company's presentation at exhibitions fall on the shoulders of public relations departments, press centers, as well as other structural units involved in exhibition and fair activities. If there are no such labor reserves, then the entire company is involved in the organization, from management to office staff.
The company largely depends on the nature of the exhibition. Industry events, as a rule, bring together figures from a certain field of business: trade, construction, scientific activity, etc. Thus, the company should be ready to see the achievements of its partners and competitors at neighboring stands. The frequency of the exhibition also influences how the stand should be designed. For annual events, it is unacceptable to use outdated presentation materials developed on the basis of irrelevant information.
The process of preparing for the exhibition begins several months before it starts. The first step to creating presentation material is drawing up a concept. This schematic participation plan includes a list of presentation materials: stands, banners, and audio products, booklets and other handouts. The archive of exhibition participation, which is compiled by public relations departments, will allow you to prepare the optimal amount of material. At the same time, the cost estimate for the production of presentation materials is approved.
At this stage it is important to identify the company's strengths, i.e. its product or service. Competitive advantages must be clearly conveyed to potential consumers through presentation materials - booklets, banners, videos. We should not forget about special bench installations that can be made at the request of the customer - a model of new equipment or a visual panorama of manufactured materials. If a company produces unbreakable tableware, then at a specialized exhibition it would be appropriate to demonstrate the quality of the product, giving anyone the opportunity to try to damage the product.
In addition, it would be ethically correct to provide for the possibility of a lengthy conversation between an interested exhibition visitor and a company representative. A block with sheets of notes and pens should be installed at the stand so that anyone can make notes while obtaining the necessary information. It is advisable that these accessories be marked with the company logo.
The second step is to develop sketch options for banners and stand installations. As a rule, corporate colors, fonts and logos are used for this. The dimensions of all stands are manufactured or purchased taking into account the dimensions of the presentation cell.
The next stage is the selection of personnel to work at the stand. Often the presentation is made by company employees. An important advantage of this approach is that specialists can competently talk about the organization’s activities and, if necessary, answer questions that exhibition visitors may have. Additional employees to participate in the presentation can be hired as extras to distribute flyers, fill out survey forms, etc.
The effectiveness of participation is determined by simply calculating the volume of established partnership contacts. The higher the interest of exhibition visitors in the presentation display, the greater the effect of the company’s participation in the event. Therefore, it is better that the application for participation in the exhibition is submitted one of the first, so that the participant has the opportunity to be the first to choose the location of the stand. In addition, you should not refuse offers from the exhibition organizers to act as a special partner of the event. This advantage will increase the number of rotations of the organization’s name during the exhibition, and will also have a positive impact on the company’s image.

Video on the topic


First of all, you need to remember that the current Labor Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) requires that the organization create a number of local (i.e. local) regulatory documents.

Mandatory local regulations are:

  • Internal Labor Regulations (ILR).
  • Regulations (or instructions) on the protection of employee personal data.
  • Safety instructions.
  • Staffing table (unified form T-3).

All these documents are valid until replaced by new ones.

  • The vacation schedule (unified form T-7), in accordance with Article 123 of the Labor Code, is drawn up annually, no later than two weeks before the start of the calendar year and is a document mandatory for both the employer and the employee (with the exception of preferential categories of employees) .
  • A shift schedule is necessary in those organizations where shift work is used.
  • Regulations on labor standards and regulations on production standards should be drawn up in those organizations that use a piece-rate form of remuneration for workers.


In addition to the listed documents, the organization, at its discretion, can create other documents - optional local regulations. In particular, these may be:

  • regulations on structural divisions approved by the director of the organization;
  • job descriptions for employees and labor (or work) instructions for workers;
  • instructions for personnel records management are a very useful tool for an employee performing the functions of a personnel officer, as it significantly facilitates his interaction with line and functional managers;
  • album of document forms for personnel records;
  • provisions on certification - if the organization conducts periodic certification or certification based on test results;
  • personnel regulations;
  • collective agreement.

All these documents are also valid until replaced with new ones.


Such documents include:

  • First of all, this is an employment contract, drawn up, in accordance with Articles 57 and 67 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in writing, in two copies. One copy of the employment contract is issued to the employee against signature, and the second is kept by the employer - either in the employee’s personal file or in the file “Employment contracts with employees”;
  • then a personal card is created for each employee (unified form T-2). Personal cards can only be stored in a separate file;
  • personal files of employees are not required, but since this is a very convenient dossier for each employee, most personnel officers prepare them. Let us repeat that we are not obliged to conduct personal affairs, but if such a decision is made, then it is necessary to conduct them according to the strict rules provided for processing personal affairs. However, you can simply create files or folders for each employee for the convenience of the HR officer. These folders store copies of all documents related to specific employees;
  • Work books of employees are documents of strict accounting and reporting, therefore they must be stored in a safe, permanently locked with a key. Work books are drawn up in strict and strict accordance with the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, producing work book forms and providing them to employers, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2003 No. 225, and the Instructions for filling out work books, approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated 10.10. 2003. No. 69.


The employee responsible for maintaining personnel records is obliged to prepare draft orders for personnel and organize their endorsement by the relevant officials and signing by the head of the organization. Personnel orders must be stored and registered separately from personnel orders. These include orders for which Goskomstat has developed unified forms:

  • about hiring an employee - form T-1;
  • on hiring employees - form T-1a;
  • on transfer of an employee to another job - form T-5;
  • On the transfer of employees to another job - form T-5a;
  • on granting leave to an employee - form T-6;
  • on granting leave to employees - form T-6a;
  • on termination (termination) of an employment contract with an employee (dismissal) - form T-8;
  • on termination (termination) of an employment contract with employees (dismissal) - form T-8a;
  • about sending an employee on a business trip - form T-9;
  • on sending employees on a business trip - form T-9a;
  • on employee incentives - form T-11;
  • on employee incentives - form T-11a.

In addition to these orders, personnel officers have to draw up in any form (or create their own unified forms for them) the following types of orders:

  • on combining positions (professions);
  • on replacing a temporarily absent employee without release from basic duties;
  • on imposing penalties;
  • on early removal of penalties;
  • about changes in the employee’s personal data;
  • on assignment of rank;
  • on involvement in overtime work;
  • about employment on weekends (holidays);
  • about duty;
  • on the establishment or removal of personal allowances;
  • about changing the operating mode.


I would especially like to say that personnel officers have to prepare a number of orders for their main activities. Of course, these orders will be registered and stored together with other orders of this category, but their preparation and further work with them is the responsibility of the personnel officer. These are, in particular, the orders:

  • on approval of the staffing table;
  • on changes to the staffing table;
  • on making changes (additions) to the vacation schedule;
  • on introducing changes (additions) to local regulations;
  • on the cancellation of unlawfully or erroneously issued orders for personnel, etc.

We have already named some unified forms for personnel records that should be in every organization. (Please note that in the article addressed to readers who are involved in personnel work, we do not consider documents on remuneration. This is a topic for conversation with accountants). However, in addition to them, any personnel officer must be able to draw up

  • travel certificate - form T-10;
  • official assignment - form T-10a;
  • a note-calculation on granting leave to an employee - form T-60 (front side);
  • settlement note upon termination (termination) of an employment contract with an employee (dismissal) - form T-61 (front side);
  • act of acceptance of work performed under an employment contract concluded for the duration of a specific job - form T-73 (this type of fixed-term employment contract is extremely rare, therefore even experienced personnel officers with many years of work experience often did not have to deal with form T-73 ).


Nowadays, there are three ways to register:

  • the simplest - in magazines;
  • more advanced - using a card index;
  • and the most advanced, convenient, fast - with the help of appropriate computer programs.

Secretaries are free to choose the most appropriate method for them in each specific case for registering documents related to the main activities of the company. But registration of personnel documents can only be carried out using journals. In the event of a labor dispute, a court or state labor inspectorate may not recognize computer registration. But it is necessary to prove that this or that document was actually created on the day indicated in the “date” requisite! The outcome of the case depends on this.

So, what kind of HR document logs should an organization have:

  • A journal for registering employment contracts (which can be registered as orders - during the calendar year, starting with the new year, starting the numbering anew. Or you can do it the same way as, for example, staffing tables are registered - for the entire period of the organization’s activities, i.e. from the very first employment contract , once concluded with the first employee, and until the very last, which will someday be concluded, apparently, shortly before the liquidation of the company);
  • register of personal cards (T-2);
  • a log of personal files of employees (if they are kept);
  • journals for recording orders (the number of journals is determined depending on the size of the personnel document flow. All personnel orders can be registered in one or more journals - to the point that different journals can be used to register different types of orders);
  • log of acts (about refusals to familiarize with documents, about absenteeism, about violations of internal labor regulations, etc.);
  • a book recording the movement of work books and inserts for them (stored, like work books, in a safe).

On an optional basis (but this is very useful from the point of view of proof), logs are kept for recording employee statements, reports and explanatory notes related to personnel work.

Accounting books are needed to record:

  • Overtime work;
  • used and unused days of annual paid leave
  • time off provided to employees, etc.

Warning card

In many cases, the Labor Code requires that employees be warned in a timely manner about the occurrence of certain events. It is therefore extremely useful to keep a file of warnings (paper or electronic) about these events:

  • the end of the test period (dismissal of employees who fail the test is possible only if they were warned about this in writing, indicating the reasons, at least three days in advance - Article 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • expiration of the employment contract (it is also necessary to warn the employee in writing at least three days before dismissal - Article 79 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • annual paid vacations (the employee must be notified of the start time of the vacation no later than two weeks before its start - Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • In addition, you can make “reminders” about any other events (employee birthdays, etc.) for the convenience of work.


From this article you will learn

  • What is meant by the design of information stands in the library?
  • What design does an information stand for a school require?
  • Who is best to entrust the design of an information stand?

Designing information stands would seem to be a fairly simple matter. When the only task of such an object is to convey information, there is no need to come up with something special. It will be enough to arrange the information and images so that they are convenient to perceive. But in reality everything is more complicated. Of course, the design of information stands does not require a professional design approach, special ingenuity or imagination, but it is important to remember that there are subtleties here that affect the effectiveness of such a medium. What do you need to know about design in this area?

Who needs information stands and why?

For many establishments, a high-quality, neatly designed stand with information plays an important role. All stores must have a “Buyer’s Corner” - that is, a board on which the consumer rights protection law, registration certificate, company contact information, etc. are posted.

Each company has the right to post on its territory information that it considers important and useful for clients and employees. This could be its data, mission, purpose, contacts, fire regulations, and so on. Such things indicate the success of the company and increase loyalty to it. To achieve these goals, a simple and affordable type of advertising is well suited - an information stand.

By designing advertising and information stands, you communicate with potential consumers of your services: talk about new products, products, promotions. And after turning the information stand into a Board of Honor, it becomes an image component that allows you to promote the brand, positively influencing the level of employee loyalty.

An information stand is a simple and important way to influence a certain circle of people; it must be used! But what is this?

This is a flat structure on which information and documents are placed. They can be displayed in pockets or attached to the board itself. The dimensions of the carrier vary depending on its functional load and location.

The information stand can perform the following functions:

  • Informing. Its main task is to transmit important data to a specific circle of people.
  • Propaganda. When setting up an information stand, books and brochures with information are inserted into the pockets: price list, price reductions, principles of teamwork, etc.
  • Compliance with the law. Presentation of laws, other regulatory documents, labor protection instructions, rules.
  • Exhibition opportunities. Exhibiting examples of your product.
  • Honor board. Providing information about the organization, goals, strategy, data about employees and their strengths.

It is important to remember that if you managed to design an information stand that can attract attention and convey information to the reader in a clear language, its effectiveness increases several times.

The main parts of the stand are the shield and fasteners with which information is displayed. As the latter, appropriate fittings or plastic pockets are selected. The base is usually plastic. PVC 3-5 mm thick is suitable.

Pockets are made flat for one or two sheets and voluminous for placing leaflets and brochures. They are made from transparent plastic 0.5-3 mm thick.

The pocket size comes in standard A4 format or any size based on your needs. The number and format of pockets is determined by the customer.

In fact, information stands are made from a wide variety of materials, in all sizes and shapes, with additional presentation functions.

In other words, if you order an individual information stand, you will always receive new and non-standard products.

What are the requirements for the design of an information stand?

According to Article 9 of the Federal Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, the owner of the company is obliged to create a “Consumer Corner”. The term “customer information stand” is not considered formal. In reality, each option will do: “Consumer Corner”, “Information for Visitors”, etc.

The regulatory authorities do not look at this point, since it is not fixed by law. However, they check what information is communicated to the client.

The law determines the list of data required to be placed on the information stand:

  1. name of the body that registered the individual entrepreneur;
  2. availability of registration of the entrepreneur’s activities;
  3. information about accreditation with government agencies, licenses and other permits.

The “Consumer Corner” must contain the following documents:

  • The Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights in the current version, taking into account changes and additions. It's better to buy a printed version. In this case, the inspectors will not have any questions.
  • A copy of the individual entrepreneur's registration certificate.
  • Licenses, if the individual entrepreneur has them.
  • A copy of the conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor.
  • A book of complaints and suggestions (stitched and numbered) with the manager’s data. It is not required to be posted, but is provided upon the first request of the consumer.
  • Rules for consumer services for the population (for individual entrepreneurs who are engaged in relevant activities).
  • Data on the location and contacts of Rospotrebnadzor.
  • List of categories of people entitled to be served out of turn.
  • Information about the prohibition on the sale of certain products to persons under the age of majority.
  • Rules of sanitary and epidemiological safety (for individual entrepreneurs working in specialized fields).

The information required to be on the stand may be determined by local regulations. In this case, when designing an information stand, it is necessary to be guided by federal law and the norms of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The data located on the information stand is divided into the following groups:

  • Regulatory acts: Federal Law, Government resolutions, laws regulating specific sectors of the economy.
  • Information about the seller, indicating the legality of his activities, expanded rights to carry out work, sell services and specific categories of products.
  • Sanitary rules (in the case of food sales and catering).
  • Other information (brochures about products, current promotions, etc.).

The law does not say that it is necessary to post information about the assortment, price list, and quality certificates. However, this information must be available at the point of sale, provided at the request of consumers and during inspections by regulatory authorities.

Fire safety regulations and an evacuation plan must be present in all retail premises. They are used when designing an information stand or located in another accessible place.

Everyone knows that the “Book of Complaints and Suggestions” is an integral part of the buyer’s stand. According to the law, every consumer has the right to leave a record. Administrative staff provides the opportunity to do this in a calm environment, sitting on a chair at a table. Employees cannot ask a visitor for a passport or any form of identification. You cannot ask why a person leaves a complaint or suggestion.

The mandatory presence of an information stand for buyers is supported by liability for breaking the law. Failure to provide information entails certain sanctions. For violation, administrative punishment is provided in the form of a fine in the amount of 1-3 thousand rubles (for individual entrepreneurs).

Rospotrebnadzor checks compliance with these requirements.

The legislator generally provides standards for the design of an information stand. There are no general requirements for title, format, or placement. The entrepreneur has the right to resolve these issues at his own discretion. However, government services will evaluate the accessibility, completeness, and convenience of the stand.

What rules are taken into account when designing an information stand?

Rule 1. First of all, it is necessary to determine the main goal. Why are you going to hang up the information board? What is her “mission”? The answers to these questions will help you correctly place emphasis. We'll talk about this below.

Rule 2. Attracting attention. The external design of the information stand should attract attention and make you come up to find out what is written there. It is estimated that a person passing by a stand stops his gaze on it for only 5-10 seconds. That is, in this short time it is important for you to convince him to come closer and familiarize himself with the information. What are the ways to attract attention? Original form, bright element, stand backgrounds, extraordinary presentation of information: comics, infographics, etc.

Rule 3. Human attention is selective. A person is not able to pay equal attention to a large number of objects at the same time. Therefore, it is important for you to prioritize: think about what it is better for him to see first, and what later, as auxiliary material. If your task is to talk about the company's product, then the focus should be on the product and its advantages. Use illustrations, photographs, diagrams, infographics - visual data is perceived better.

Rule 4. The number of visual accents should not be large. Otherwise, a person’s attention will be scattered, that is, it will not be easy for him to concentrate on the material that you are going to convey.

Rule 5. Updating information is a very important point. All news, relevant information and announcements should be “conspicuous” and constantly replaced with fresh ones. Be sure to invite to planned events, etc.

What can be the design of an information stand in an organization?

Bulletin boards in organizations usually solve two main problems:

  1. Informing.
  2. Formation and maintenance of corporate culture.

A bulletin board is, first of all, a way of transmitting information. Moreover, both to the members of the company and to the people who come to you. Usually, separate stands are prepared for these two groups; it is undesirable to combine the information intended for them. In addition, if they are large in volume, it is better to spend time creating several information stands than trying to fit everything into one.

Employees here are provided with the following information:

  • important incidents, achievements;
  • news;
  • decisions made by management;
  • rules;
  • vacancies.

Clients or visitors are informed:

  • about the main types of activities;
  • about the work schedule;
  • about the rules of service;
  • about higher authorities.

But such a source of information has a significant additional function: it creates a corporate culture, shapes the company’s style, and a special environment.

If you decide to set up an information stand at an enterprise, immediately decide why you are doing it, what you will post on it, how often you are going to change the data, and who will be responsible for it. In this case, it is best to identify the person responsible. Otherwise, the situation that has developed in one company is possible.

Imagine - their board is filled with sheets of different sizes, pinned or glued, often onto other sheets. Some of the information is in color, others are in black and white, and the rest are handwritten. On the sheet “If you need large folders, go to the administrative department urgently” is signed with a colored felt-tip pen: “It’s not true - it’s already over!!!” All this is like the entrance to a house, where anyone has the right to place their piece of paper. Or on the wall in a large communal apartment, in which no one is responsible for what is happening. There is no need to talk about proper design of information stands here.

The bulletin board cannot remain a draw. The person responsible for it must come up with a concept, create sections consistent in style, and update the data as it becomes outdated. That is, anyone who wants to post news will act through this person. Then everything will be designed according to the same standard and will be in the designated place.

There are a number of basic rules for designing information stands that can increase their effectiveness.

1. Clear structure. It is extremely important that all advertisements are divided into sections. This simplifies the use of the board - the necessary information can be easily found without re-reading the entire text. That is, all blocks need a title.

2. Unity of style. It is better that the design of the stand matches the corporate style of the company. When creating the image of an organization, there cannot be unimportant things. It is incomprehensible that, for example, a blue board would appear in a company with a green and yellow logo. True, it’s even sadder when the information stand is just a platform for attaching papers of different sizes with different designs.

3. Choosing the right mount. The method of attaching information depends on the type of information and the frequency of replacement; it is also important to remember the required level of representativeness of the medium.

When the board is hung for consumers or is located in a crowded place where both employees and strangers pass by, it is important to make it more presentable. It is better to immediately purchase such information platforms with standard A4 pockets or a format more convenient for you. This option is good if information is replaced infrequently. By making the pockets larger, they can hold a lot of handouts that people can take home and review later. It makes more sense to design advertising and information stands in this way.

4. Convenient grouping of information. There are many options for placing information on such boards. It can be divided by topic: on the one hand, information about the company as such, on the other, about its departments. Or choose an update principle: half the board consists of blocks that are changed infrequently, the other half is constantly changed. There is no need to place operational information (vacancies, news) and long-term information (mission, ideas) on the same stand. It is also important to understand that small boards seem clearer than huge ones, where everything possible is collected. It was said above that it is wiser for large organizations to create a number of stands with information on specific topics. Don't try to make one comprehensive board if you have to post a lot of information.

Why are information stands needed in the library and what should their design be like?

The main way to offer library services and the books stored in it is through library advertising. That is, information about the institution, its offers, resources, which allows you to notify the population and increase demand.

Information boards placed inside remain a common item in such establishments. Among them, the following types can be distinguished: announcements, posters, plans for organizing events, instructional and methodological posters, etc.

The following methodological instructions for designing an information stand are intended for the formation of a stand that meets the requirements.

The information stand includes:

  • Basic information: name of the library or library network where it is included, work schedule, full name. librarians, composition of the collection.
  • Goals and objectives of the library in organizing public services.
  • Rules for using the library.
  • Information about services provided by this establishment.
  • Information about amateur associations, interest clubs, if any: work plan, goals, objectives, etc.;
  • Certificates, gratitude, received for achieving results in work;
  • Announcements of current events, work plans for the month, etc.;
  • Publishing products.

Such a stand is hung in a place suitable for reading the information. It is recommended to glaze it, especially if it is located outside the institution. It is important to constantly update materials and announcements so that they do not remain outdated.

What requirements must the design of an information stand at school meet?

Information content

Think about it, highlight the main things that you would like to tell your students and their parents. Re-read it, maybe it’s better to refuse some of the information or move it to another sheet, or be sure to add something.



Even if your handwriting is perfect, remember that printed text is easier to read. Moreover, now it is very easy to print several sheets.

Highlight the main thing

When designing an information stand for parents or children, use colors and different fonts. After all, no one, regardless of age, can remember absolutely everything they read. But keeping the main thing in memory is easy. Thoughtful design is easier to perceive and read. Look at this article - it was written based on this principle, and you almost finished reading it and even retained a lot of it in your memory.


Most often, school stands attract attention with colorful images, modern jokes, “demotivators” and so on. Pictures may not convey important information at all; their key task is to make the stand noticeable


If you decide to publish information every few months, no one will notice the changes. Make it a rule to update your stand weekly. Don’t know what you can write about so often? Paste a photo, a joke, an interesting story - give free rein to your imagination


There is definitely at least one student in the class who is ready to happily help you set up an information stand. Although there may be more. And together it’s easier to come up with something and create good products.

How to design an information stand in a kindergarten

The main feature when choosing a place for a “parental corner” is ease of perception and visibility. Here, focus on the eye level of an adult. You can fill the space above the cabinets, at the entrance, on the door. Do you have a spare wall? The placement on it will be perfect.

The font should start at 14 point point. Bright, clear printing, attractive pictures, colorful words - can attract glances. It’s better if the sheets are easy to replace, so make pockets out of plastic and regular files. It’s great if you come up with a format that allows you to turn pages, as well as for reminders and illustrations.

Designing information stands is easy to do yourself. If you have the means and necessary equipment, ordinary plywood will be an excellent base. It will need to be painted and pasted over. Ceiling tiles are chosen as a more budget-friendly option, as they are easy to cut, allowing you to create any shape. Windows for information can simply be made from ceiling plinths or photo frames.

The easiest way to design information stands is to use self-adhesive paper. So you can attach an A4 file to the stand, and glue a frame made of such paper around the edges. Bright, simple, beautiful. If the file loses its appearance, it will be very easy to change it. Invite parents to take part in the design: maybe one of them has artistic talent, then the wall can turn into a stand.

Don’t forget that a beautiful, stylish, eye-catching information board is the business card of the group. Give him a name: “For you, parents!”, “In our group!” or something of your own. The main thing is to make it clear and accessible. Communicate with your parents this way. The listed techniques are suitable for designing a school information stand, but then it is better to prepare it discreetly, containing information from the curriculum.

Tip 1. Choose boards with a soft coating: it is easy to attach sheets to it. Stands with standard size pockets are gradually becoming obsolete. Not everything that needs to be conveyed today is located on traditional sheets of paper.

Tip 2. The stand must have a title. It is designed at the top, in the center. Take the usual: “Company news”, “Today with us”, “Information”. Or choose your option related to your field.

Tip 3. Divide the board in half. In one part, display everyday notices, and in the other, all non-work information: about holidays, congratulations.

Tip 4. Attach headings: “Congratulations”, “Vacations”, “Best Employees”, etc. All news updated every day are also highlighted.

Tip 6. When designing an information stand, try to avoid bureaucratic language. Speak simply and clearly. Try to make sure that your colleagues - from the cleaner to the director - understand the meaning.

Tip 7. Decorate your congratulations using colored pencils and beautiful cards. Write them yourself, without choosing ready-made cliches from the Internet. Poems from popular sites with congratulations most often present a sad picture.

Tip 8. Set aside a space on the board for “Wishes and Suggestions.” This section will allow you to create feedback with the team. Let the messages remain anonymous, but they will contain information that will not be voiced at any meeting.

Tip 9. Approach the design of your information stand creatively, don’t stop at templates. Let your creation become the pride of the organization.

Of course, we have listed only the basic principles, which contain almost innumerable options. We hope that the presented material has been useful to you, and you already have an idea of ​​how to design an information stand. You will probably want to choose something that reflects your characteristics: strict, emphasizing the status of the company, or non-standard, to match your establishment, or decorated in such a way as to attract customers. It’s not always easy to create something worthwhile on your own, and specialized stores often offer standard products that will suit everyone. But uniqueness is the result of creating your own project.

Information stands are used to display materials: leaflets, news, advertising messages, booklets, etc. both in the trade and service sectors.

Basic types of stands

One of the most common and popular types is stand "consumer corner". What does it contain? It's basically an information board with pockets. There may be a book of complaints and suggestions, company licenses and certificates, company information, etc. Most often, such a corner does not carry an advertising load, so many budget organizations order inexpensive options: a stand for a school, hospital, government agency, etc.

There are usually two types of information stands:

  • Street
  • Interior

Interior stands are used indoors and are divided into open (free access to materials) and closed Restricted access. Used in cases where accidental damage to placed materials or acts of vandalism are possible. For example, in educational institutions)

Installation street information stands used by restaurants, cafes (posting menus), social organizations (housing and communal services announcements, house management, etc.) that post up-to-date information, etc.

5 basic rules for stand design

Successful arrangement of information, placement of accents, and the right ways to attract attention to the stand are the “path to the heart” of potential clients and business partners.

Let's highlight five important points:

  1. First of all, it is necessary define the main goal. Why do you need an information board? What is her “mission”? The answers to these questions will help you make the right accents. But more on that a little later.
  2. Attracting attention. The external design should attract people’s eyes and make them want to come up to find out “what’s so interesting there.” It was found that a visitor, passing by, stops his gaze on the stand for no more than 5-10 seconds. This means that during this time you must convince him to come closer and familiarize himself with the information. What are the means of attracting attention? An original form, a bright element or backgrounds for stand design, an unusual presentation of information: comics, infographics, etc.
  3. Human attention is selective. A person cannot pay the same amount of attention to many subjects at once, so you need to place emphasis: what the reader should see first, what then - as auxiliary material. If your task is presentation of the company's product, then the focus should be on it and its advantages. Use illustrations, photographs, diagrams, infographics - visual information is perceived better. If you decide to post information about the company itself, then, first of all, attention should be paid to the logo, brand, corporate colors, etc. It makes no sense to add “empty” decorative elements that do not carry a semantic load, because your goal is not only to attract, but also to retain the reader. Therefore, the design should be logically related to your main idea.
  4. The number of visual accents should not be large. Otherwise, the person’s attention will be scattered, and the person will not be able to concentrate on the material that you want to convey.
  5. Updating information is a very important point. All news, current information and announcements should literally “catch the eye” and be replaced in a timely manner by fresh messages. Don't forget to add invitations to ongoing events, etc.

A stand, in a way, is one of the components of the “face” of any organization, regardless of whether it is commercial or public. The success and favor of visitors and future potential clients depends on how well the information space is designed.

Stands in public buildings

A creatively designed stand with a colorful design is only half the battle, since it is very important that it conveys important information to the visitor. Of course, stands made in bright colors will look convincing, but if you place this information object in the wrong place in the room, it will turn into nothing more than an ordinary decorative element of the interior.

A creative stand attracts the attention of visitors and guests more

You should try to place the stand in the busiest area in order to attract the attention of as many people as possible, but with a certain delicacy so that it does not become an eyesore. Such places are usually foyers in schools, theaters, lobbies in hotels, etc.

The stand format can be varied, depending on the purpose of the building

The area of ​​the information screen of the stand should be commensurate with the overall space of the room, without cluttering it with its size, delicately conveying the necessary information.

Read also:

Occupational Safety Corner in an organization - what is it?

Occupational safety is a set of measures aimed at preserving the life and health of employees in the process of their work. One of the ways to inform the workforce about the safety and security of work, as well as the measures taken for these purposes, is the labor protection corner.

The procedure for organizing the specified information space is determined by the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia “On approval of the Recommendations for organizing the work of the labor protection office and the labor protection corner” dated January 17, 2001 No. 7 (hereinafter referred to as the Recommendations). This document recommends the creation at enterprises (clause 5 of the Recommendations):

  • with a staffing level of 100 or more employees - a labor protection office;
  • if the specifics of the organization’s activities require a lot of explanatory work with the team on occupational safety, the occupational safety office;
  • if the enterprise has less than 100 workers, a labor safety corner;
  • locally in departments or services - occupational safety corner;
  • at enterprises with the specific nature of work, consisting in the mobile nature of the work of employees, a mobile office or a labor protection corner.

In this case, an office is understood as a room or several rooms specially prepared for these purposes (taking into account the requirements of clause 15 of the Recommendations), and the occupational safety corner is a space, based on its size, designed in a special way in the form of a stand, display case or computer program (clause 3 recommendations).

Order on the creation of a labor safety corner at an enterprise: how to draw up

The decision to organize a room or corner for occupational safety at an enterprise is made by the head of the company (clause 4 of the Recommendations). This expression of will is formalized by order. The law does not provide for a single form for such an order, so the document is drawn up according to the form established at the enterprise for documentation of this kind. In any case, the order to create a room or corner for labor protection must contain:

  1. Information regarding the form of the document:
    • date and order number;
    • in connection with what and on what basis the order was developed;
    • information about familiarization of interested parties with the order;
    • signature of the head of the organization.
  2. Information constituting the contents of the order:
    • information about the operating hours of the office or occupational safety corner;
    • instructions for the further functioning of the office;
    • instructions to make changes to the internal documentation of the enterprise related to the arrangement of a labor protection corner in the company;
    • appointment of those responsible for the execution of instructions;
    • determination of deadlines for order execution.

Editing the internal documentation of an enterprise related to the arrangement of a labor protection office involves the development and approval of a separate regulation on the labor protection office/corner. This document will define and specify:

  • content of the office work;
  • the order of its functioning;
  • delegation of certain responsibilities related to the work of the office to employees.

In addition, it is necessary to make additions to the job descriptions of the relevant employees.

Multifunctional information stands

The simplest answer to the question of how to set up an occupational safety corner is to create a multifunctional stand. The stand is a special shield, decorated with various materials in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Labor Resolution No. 7.

Don't know your rights?

  1. General information which will include:
    • texts and norms of legislative acts on labor protection at the federal and regional levels;
    • provisions of the company’s internal documentation;
    • information on labor protection management at the enterprise;
    • information about ensuring labor safety in the company;
    • information about harmful and dangerous production factors;
    • the procedure for employees to act in the event of an emergency situation or accident at work.
  2. Special information selected in accordance with the specifics of the production activity or market functioning of the organization.

    These could be:

    • descriptions of technological processes;
    • a list of unfavorable production factors in a given company and the corresponding personal protective equipment;
    • safety signs, special symbols and diagrams installed in production.

Materials for the stand: information on the stand, photos, pictures

Materials for a stand in the occupational safety corner can be completed with information leaflets, propaganda pictures, layouts, and photos.

Since the main purpose of the occupational safety corner is to educate members of the workforce and resolve work safety issues that arise among employees, the basic information for the occupational safety corner should give an idea of ​​(clause 11 of the Recommendations):

  • prospects for the functioning of the labor protection office (if there is one at the enterprise);
  • schedule of briefings and educational classes on occupational safety;
  • decisions made by management on labor protection issues;
  • negative factors of production and methods of protection against them;
  • cases and possible consequences of non-compliance with labor protection legislation;
  • facts of injuries at work, cases of occupational diseases and measures to level out the causes that cause them;
  • updating legislation and internal documents of the enterprise on labor protection and occupational safety.

In addition, fire evacuation plans and safety instructions are posted at the stand.

Meanwhile, in addition to educational and regulatory information, it is allowed to post news from the life of the team: photographs from employees’ workplaces, photographs of the best employees based on the results of a specified period, congratulations on holidays and anniversaries.

Stand layouts and ready-made templates

Many companies offer services for developing an occupational safety corner, stand layouts or ready-made templates. The proposed stands may have different appearances and unequal levels of staffing. The base from which the stands are made is, as a rule, durable plastic. Methods for recording information materials are presented:

  • transparent high pockets for materials that can be read from the stand;
  • opaque low pockets for multi-page materials and documents;
  • special fastenings for introductory materials that do not require frequent changes;
  • buttons if the surface of the stand is additionally finished with soft material.

As a rule, stands for a corner on labor protection meet all the requirements of current legislation, however, when choosing such a template, you should be guided not only by compliance with legal standards, but also by the peculiarities of the production functioning of an individual enterprise.

In this sense, making a stand to order is preferable, as it allows you to take into account all wishes and requirements in advance. At the same time, ready-made layouts for the most part are not static, but contain the ability to change information data and empty spaces for filling with materials.

Thus, independently designing a labor protection corner should not cause difficulties. You can use the services of companies that carry out similar work, or study the regulatory framework given in the article and create a corner that meets all the requirements.
