What does Illuminati mean? Who are the Illuminati? Illuminati sign. The Illuminati is blamed for the assassination of John Kennedy

Few people know who the Illuminati are, although they have heard this term out of their ears. As it turned out, these are representatives of an organization that, since its founding, has carried out its activities under the heading of secrecy. Its representatives can be found in every corner of the world. The Illuminati do not fit into the category of ordinary people, and when you see them, you involuntarily begin to experience mystical fear.

So who are the Illuminati and what do they do?

The main ideology of the Illuminati order is occult-philosophical activity, with the help of which they secretly influence the lives of all people on the planet. Historians believe that the Illuminati (they are also often called “enlightened ones”) take part in the political life of most countries. There are 7 higher Illuminati in the order, which are endowed with greater power. These persons are trained from the day they are born. Each ordinary Illuminati carries out its own mission, among which there may be those that contribute to the development of armed conflicts or financial and political crises. So what character qualities are inherent in the Illuminati:

  • they are all smart and calculating, have a variety of talents;
  • as leaders they are insensitive and heartless, all ordinary people are just puppets for them.

Illuminati - symbols and signs

The most famous symbol of the Illuminati is the pyramid. It is also on the dollar bill. Each symbol carries some meaning, and so the pyramid symbolizes the principle of the structure of society: between the human mass and the “enlightened” there is a clearly visible “gap”. In addition to the pyramid, there are other signs of the Illuminati, among them:

  • "Eye of Osiris" - it can be seen at the top of the pyramid. It is considered to be a protective eye, the sacred meaning of which lies in power and superiority over ordinary mortals.
  • Owl of Minerva - symbolizes knowledge and wisdom, this sign of the Illuminati is not very well known.
  • Novus Ordo Seclorum is a Latin expression that means “new order of the ages.”

Illuminati - myth or reality?

For many centuries, people have been trying to figure out whether the Illuminati really exist? Each member of this organization strives for world domination, so the dictators who attempted to conquer the whole world can be classified as its representatives. Among the Illuminati are 13 of the most famous families, including the Rockefellers, Kennedys, Rothschilds, Onassis, etc. The fact that this secret order exists is proven by the existence of organizations such as the EU and the UN, whose main goal is to prevent wars and unite countries.

Where did the Illuminati come from?

As soon as you start studying the history of the cult, you begin to understand a lot. It turns out that the initial seeds of the cult appeared approximately 2 thousand years ago. Among its first representatives are the worshipers of Cybele, who was a Greek goddess. The founder of the cult was the priest Montanus. On his instructions, very cruel rituals were carried out, during which the victim received terrible injuries. During the formation of the cult, paganism still dominated throughout the world, despite this, it was based on Christian dogmas. The sectarians were called “enlightened”, i.e. people endowed with secret knowledge. Despite this, the sect was persecuted by both pagans and Christians, because its representatives bore little resemblance to them.

Thanks to persecution, the teaching began to spread throughout the world. For example, the Illuminati included a brotherhood of Syrian dervishes who worshiped the divine light. The brotherhood existed 4 centuries later than the cult of Cybele. His representatives traveled around the world and treated people with spells and prayers. For this, ordinary people respected them. But the ruling structures did not want to recognize the brotherhood as a legitimate organization, so the dervishes were persecuted and some were even publicly executed.

The theory of strengthening portholes

Then the secret teaching was revived in Afghanistan in the 15th century. The followers of Bayazet Anzari called themselves "enlightened" and pursued the goal of conquering the entire world. Adherents of the doctrine sought to obtain magical knowledge that would lead them to achieve their goal. They even made an attempt to conquer Persia and India, but the arrogance of the cult leaders prevented this from being carried out.

And at the very end of the 18th century, the Illuminati appeared in France. They were then led by the Polish freemason Gabrienki and the monk Joseph de Perietti. The Illuminati at that time entangled the whole of Europe in their network, and the London group became the most numerous. Interest in the cult became so enormous that even at that time a book called “Secret Societies” was published, where the author described the terrible rituals of the cult’s adherents. But for the most part, they were all a figment of the imagination of the author of the book.

Perhaps the most famous society was the Order of the Bavarian Illuminati. It was founded in Ingolstadt at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. The order was headed by theologian and philosopher Adam Weishaupt. This order is associated with the development of many different conspiracy theories that related to the conquest of the world, domination over people, control over scientific and financial resources.

How to recognize the Illuminati?

Not everyone can become an Illuminist, because not everyone is accepted into high society. A potential Illuminati must be identified by several signs at once, including:

  • have wealth, be influential and ambitious;
  • to be a descendant of a powerful family;
  • get an education at a prestigious university, preferably one such as Yale University, where the Skull and Bones society for young Illuminati was founded.

Illuminati philosophy

The idea pursued by the secret society of the Illuminati is to lead the society of the whole world to a new order, in which there is no dependence on religion and there is no illusion of ideals. Adherents of the cult want to rise above time and space, considering themselves above all the laws of the world and the people living in it. Ordinary people are just pawns for the Illuminati in the game they play.

What do the Illuminati want?

The goal of the Illuminati has remained unchanged since the founding of this cult - total control over the world order through the control of people. The tools to achieve this goal are the following techniques:

  • correction of public opinion with the help of literature, media and rumors;
  • encouragement of base habits, which include homosexuality, promiscuity, pleasure seeking;
  • substitution of spiritual views, introduction of empty ideas, complete demagoguery;
  • suppression of strong personalities, deprivation of their support;
  • intimidation of society by wars, organization of riots, spread of contagious infections;
  • development of laws that are aimed at deteriorating education and undermining individual freedom;
  • using aid to states to win them over.

Illuminati and Freemasons - the difference

On the one hand, the Illuminati and Freemasons can be considered similar in worldview. Even in the 18th century, their representatives moved from one society to another. They even considered that the cult of the Illuminati had become obsolete and the Freemasons became the successors of the “enlightened ones.” But there is a significant difference between these societies: while the Illuminati used power and money as a tool to influence people, the Masons preferred to conduct mystical rituals.

Who opposes the Freemasons and the Illuminati?

The Illuminati and Freemasons belong to the oldest society, the so-called "gentlemen's club". But there are many communities in the world that openly oppose them. Among them is the Order of the Dragon, which is supported by the Stuart, Habsburg, and Romanov families. Among those opposing the Freemasons are adherents of the Order of the White Eagle and Swan, adherents of the Order of Malta, etc.

How to become an Illuminati?

The bulk of the Illuminati are Freemasons and representatives of the Order of Skull and Bones. There are no outsiders in this student society, only people from influential and wealthy families. But other people who have some kind of talent can also become adherents of the cult. These could be singers, scientists, actors. Each of their candidacies is reviewed by the Illuminati lodge, after which a decision is made: if everyone is in favor and 3 votes are against, the applicant will be denied membership.

Illuminati in show business

  • Madonna is a fan of the occult and is said to belong to the Illuminati.
  • Rihanna is a pure Illuminati and uses the “satanic salute” as her identification mark.
  • Beyoncé and Jay-Z are both members of the society.
  • Justin Bieber was born into a family of Masons and is himself a supporter of this society.
  • Lady Gaga uses Illuminati symbols and psychological techniques to attract audiences.
  • Britney Spears - it turns out that her mental problems are explained by the influence of a mystical society.

Illuminati - interesting facts

We can conclude that the Illuminati is the real force ruling the world. They decide the destinies of both individuals and the people as a whole. Some consider US President Donald Trump to be the king of the Illuminati. The fact that he would win the elections was predicted by a mystic from Portugal, Horatio Villegas. He also predicts that World War III will break out under Trump. Some historians believe that among the Illuminati there were such world-famous scientists as Isaac Newton, Leonardo da Vinci, Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei.

In the hierarchy of the order, everything is different from in ordinary society. A person can hold an important government position, but in the order he can be an ordinary Illuminati who has no right to make decisions. But the owner of a small cafe or hotel can be vested with power in the order.

In contact with

Numerous superstitions, rumors and conspiracy theories are associated with this name. They are feared and considered Satanists or secret world rulers. They are credited with a huge influence on the entire world history, the preparation and implementation of revolutions, conspiracies, coups and so on and so forth.

They allegedly control the government structures of all countries and at all times. This is a powerful and ancient, although somewhat mythical, order. And perhaps they are themselves World government, which stands in the shadows behind famous government officials and skillfully manipulates them.

What is true in all these conspiracy theories and what is pure fiction? Are these Illuminati as powerful and terrible as they say?

In general, when it comes to secret societies, distinguish truth from fiction is quite difficult, because over the centuries a whole halo of fiction has developed around them (that’s why they are secret societies). It is beneficial for some forces to blame failures on the enemy, for others to attribute power to those who do not possess it and divert attention from the true rulers.

Conspiracy theory- otherwise a conspiracy theory. This theory holds that most of the important social and political changes in human history occurred due to the intervention of powerful forces, possibly secret societies.

It is believed that many coups, wars and other tragic events in human society are inspired by influential unions or orders. The Illuminati have been considered one of the most odious for many decades.

It should also be noted that members of a wide variety of groups, sects and communities were called Illuminati at different times. The common name "Illuminati" in modern conspiracy theories refers to the secret World Government. And most likely, it does not refer specifically to the very historical community that was originally named that way.

Where did the name come from

The name of the order is historical and refers to a specific society. The very name “Illuminati” arose in the 18th century in Bavaria(a united Germany did not exist then). The founder of the society (or order) of the Bavarian Illuminati was the famous theologian and philosopher Adam Weishaupt.

Weishaupt himself was a supporter of the ideas of enlightenment, humanism, and in theology - deism. Deism recognizes the divine creation of the world, but does not recognize many mystical and supernatural phenomena. Deists place a high value on logic, freedom, and human reason. They try to reconcile science and religion so that they do not contradict each other, but complement each other.

From a deist point of view, holy books– The Bible, Torah, Koran, etc. are not divine revelations. They are written by people, so they are full of logical errors, confusion and contradictions. Traditional religions are too dogmatic and deprive their followers of freedom of choice, free will and freedom to think differently.

Here to promote these ideas of yours Adam Weishaupt and created a secret society. His declared goal was the improvement of humanity, its ennoblement and, in a sense, liberation from outdated dogmas.

The idea of ​​human improvement was declared to all members of society. But the ultimate goal - replacing Christianity with deism and the monarchy with a republic - was revealed only to the initiated.

Weishaupt himself took as a basis structure of the order Jesuits. At first he wanted to use Masonic traditions, but then he considered that these “secrets” did not have a serious basis. But he joined the Masonic lodge to replenish his society with new members.

History of the Illuminati Society

From the very beginning the society was not numerous. It consisted only 5 people. Members of the society themselves chose suitable candidates and carried out propaganda among possible comrades.

Initially, the Society of the Illuminati was joined by lecturers at the University of Ingolstadt, where Adam Weishaupt himself worked. But there were few of them. But the alliance with the Freemasons brought a significant increase in society members.

The ideas of society attracted people from the upper classes, artists and educators. But such ideas could not please the official authorities. There was a split in society: the leaders did not share power. And because of this, many secrets of the Illuminati became public knowledge. By the end of the 18th century, the society was banned; the Pope also joined in the condemnation, which is not surprising.

Adam Weishaupt was forced flee to Thuringia, where he later died.

Illuminati and conspiracy theories

Bavarian Order fell apart a long time ago. But followers of conspiracy ideas believe that the Illuminati and Freemasons are practically the same thing. Sometimes these concepts are directly confused.

An argument in favor of such a mixture is the symbol of the Illuminati on the US state seal - an unfinished pyramid.

Many have heard the term “Illuminati,” but few people know who it is. This cult has been shrouded in mystery from the very beginning of its activities. Representatives of this ghost organization live in every corner of the world and they are always not at all ordinary people, of whom ordinary people experience a mystical fear.

Who are the Illuminati and what do they do?

The Order of the Illuminati is an occult-philosophical organization that secretly influences the lives of all people. According to some historians, the Illuminati (“enlightened ones”) participate in the political life of many countries at the highest level. The greatest power in the order belongs to the 7 highest Illuminati, who are trained from birth. Ordinary Illuminati clearly fulfill their roles and their actions often lead to armed conflicts, financial and political crises.

Who is this - the Illuminati:

  • prudent, intelligent individuals with a wide variety of talents;
  • insensitive and heartless leaders who use ordinary people as puppets.

Birth of the Illuminati Society

Founder The new Illuminati society was born in France in 1722. Its founder is considered to be the enterprising law professor Adam Weishaupt. He lost his father at a young age, so he received his first education within the walls of a Jesuit gymnasium. He early encountered the ignorance and cruelty of Jesuit teachers, so he developed an aversion to the tenets of faith.

At the age of 15, he entered Ingolstadt University, where dogmatism and illiteracy also flourish. Adam brilliantly defended his doctorate, and quickly became a professor of law at his alma mater. His attempts to understand church truths lead him to the Freemasons society. The young scientist was initiated into the lodge of strict obedience. In two years, he quickly goes through all the existing stages of initiation, but they already seem empty and meaningless to him. Weishaupt decides to create his own secret society. He sets the priority task of establishing a “golden age” on earth through a bloodless revolution.

Adam passionately hated his Jesuit teachers, but adopted their disciplinary and tactical tricks. He liked the ability of mentors to use a huge arsenal of means to achieve their plans. Therefore, he believed that achieving the highest goal justifies the expense. The ambitious professor decided to create a society for the reconstruction of the world, thanks to the influence of the Jesuit school, coupled with the postulates of the Masonic lodges. Weishaupt believed that enterprising and active people should become members of the new society. He preached: “Search for the rich and noble. The ideal convert will be a sociable and clever person, but even better if he turns out to be noble and influential.”

The number of members of the order soon numbered 2,000 people. The organization functioned until 1786, and after the order of the Elector it was dissolved. The police conducted searches in the houses where representatives of the elite lived. A pile of papers was found confirming that the existence of the Illuminati was sponsored by the Rothschild clan.


According to another theory, the secret society of the Illuminati appeared in the Middle Ages. It became a kind of reaction of scientists of that time to the dominance of the Christian Church, as well as to the Inquisition. The ranks of the Illuminati included the most prominent European scientists. They called themselves “enlightened” and protected science from the church as best they could.

Another common theory is that the Illuminati was founded by Adam Weishaupt in 1776. He was a professor of jurisprudence at the University of Ingolstadt and again rallied the smartest students and colleagues around him. The goal of the Weishaupt Society was to combat superstition, ignorance and illiteracy. The Illuminati was supposed to spread morality and also bring enlightenment to the masses. The ultimate goal of the Illuminati was the disappearance of Christianity and other religions, which were to be replaced by a scientific view of the world.

Members and initiation

Only people with extraordinary mental abilities could become members of the Illuminati society. Representatives of rich dynasties often joined the ranks of the secret society. According to a number of researchers, upon achieving a certain status, the Illuminati went in search of a neophyte. It is noteworthy that most of the members of the order did not know anyone from the Illuminati, except for their mentor.

There is an opinion that the Illuminati, like the whole world, is controlled by seven people. Of course the Illuminati. These seven members of the secret society have been training since childhood. Moreover, they initially choose a woman who should give birth to the new supreme Illuminati.

There are many legends around Illuminati initiation, most of them scary. Some researchers claim that neophytes were beaten, inflicted bloody wounds, and even forced to castrate themselves, like the unfortunate son of the goddess Cybele. Others insist that the newcomers were simply providing comprehensive information about themselves and revealing all their dirtiest secrets. Fans of conspiracy theories are sure that the Illuminati actually rules the world, and their ranks include politicians, businessmen and even show business stars.

Illuminati life

After the neophyte undergoes initiation, he begins to gradually participate in the life of the secret society. At first, his main responsibility is to study scientific works and comprehend the philosophy of the Illuminati. If a newcomer demonstrates success in this matter, new tasks are set before him.

The Illuminati Society is strictly classified. Neophytes, like its other members, should under no circumstances tell anyone about their membership in a secret society and what they do.

The Illuminati adheres to an incredibly strict hierarchy. It’s not for nothing that their symbol is called a pyramid. There is another theory about the pyramid. The geometric figure clearly shows the abyss that stretches between members of the secret society and ordinary people.

"The Da Vinci Code"

The Illuminati is a favorite topic for writers and filmmakers. Many films have been made and books have been written about this society. One of the most famous is The Da Vinci Code. In fact, almost nothing is known about the Illuminati. And researchers who do not believe in various conspiracy theories believe that under this name there were many secret and not so secret societies in the world, each of which was engaged in its own special type of activity and had its own rules.

Signs of Society's Followers

Signs of initiation ranks - rhombus, pyramid, eye in a triangle or pyramid. The pyramid denotes a power structure when a group of “chosen ones” is at the head of the world. The symbol is intensified if the eye hovers above the unfinished pyramid, then it means “The All-Seeing Eye.” An inverted triangle is also used. The sign of three sixes denotes the number of the beast, it is used as an oath of allegiance to Satan. When the number is depicted in front of the eye, it represents the eye of Lucifer. The “devil horns” sign is an expression of love for Satan. Researchers believe that this is a trigger for hypnosis, which was used when programming slaves for obedience. The Illuminati "All Seeing Eye" sign denotes service and allegiance to Satan and the Illuminati.

Illuminati - myth or reality?

Questions about whether the Illuminati exists and who it is have been worrying people for many centuries. Since representatives of this society strive for global domination, their representatives include dictators who tried to conquer the whole world. The Illuminati also includes 13 well-known families in the world, including the Kennedys, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Onassis, etc. Proof of the existence of the secret order of the Illuminati are such organizations as the UN and the EU, which prevent wars, but at the same time unite countries.

Society in Russia

Are there Illuminati in Russia? Yes. Their community is also located on the territory of our country. The task of the Illuminati is to achieve unity and equality on earth, which will give people Light. How they will achieve this is not known, everything is shrouded in mystery. Perhaps the truth is revealed only to initiates, but for ordinary mortals it is hidden behind seven locks.

12 Illuminati Secrets


“Enlightened” is how the word “Illuminati” is translated from Latin. Which makes us understand that those who enter the club have much more knowledge than mere mortals.

2. Shrouded in mystery

Despite popular belief, the Illuminati was not originally a secret society. At the very beginning of their existence, they were against obscurantism (obscurantism). However, over time, their society began to promote what they previously struggled with. The Illuminati began to hide true knowledge from ordinary people.

3.Official prohibition of society in 1785

This is true. The organization quietly existed for about 9 years before the Bavarian authorities banned it, worried that the Illuminati society was having too much influence on people, so they simply banned all secret societies at once, which essentially forced them to lay low even more. bottom. As a result, no one can say with 100% certainty that the Illuminati society still exists.

4. Three classes

At the very beginning, the Illuminati did not hide so carefully and even published some details of the hierarchy of their system in 1782. It turned out that there were three classes in their society. The first class was for novices and the less enlightened, the second was for freemasons (including Scottish knights), and the third, the mystical class, consisted of priests, regents, magicians and kings.

5. They're everywhere

There are rumors that the Illuminati has conquered the whole world: they are in the Vatican, in NATO, on television, in Hollywood, in the government, and they control everything without being noticed.

6. They control the entire world currency

Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the founder of the Illuminati banking dynasty, is said to have said the following words: “Give me control of the national currency, and I don’t give a damn about those who make the laws.” If we develop this idea, then a plan will be ready to establish a world dictatorship that controls the world currency and sets laws.

7. Beyoncé is a member of the Illuminati community

Many believe that popular figures such as Beyoncé, Jay-Z, Miley Cyrus and Lady Gaga are also members of the Illuminati community due to the symbolism they often use in their videos and stage performances.

8. The Illuminati are blamed for the assassination of JFK

They are also accused of starting the French Revolution, carrying out the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and orchestrating the Battle of Waterloo. Some people believe that George Bush was also an Illuminati.

9. The original Illuminati symbol

Who knows, but the “All-Seeing Eye” was not the original symbol of the Illuminati. Their first symbol is the owl, or rather the owl of Minerva - a symbol of wisdom and knowledge.

10. The All-Seeing Eye and the US Federal Reserve

While the All-Seeing Eye is not the original symbol of the Illuminati, the fact that it appears on the dollar bill is puzzling.

11. The Illuminati are not involved in Satanism in any way.

There is no evidence that the Illuminati worships Satan, although the organization itself is anti-religious.

12. Double conspiracy

It is profitable for the Illuminati to create conspiracy theories, some
some of them may turn out to be true, but they are all designed to shroud their society in even greater mystery and obscurity.

Over the past two millennia, certain mysterious people have appeared and disappeared in our world. They have always been shrouded in mystery and therefore gave rise to a lot of legends. They felt a mystical fear of them. Operating in different countries and changing their appearance, they kept only their name unchanged - “Illuminati”. Discarding fiction and turning to historical sources, we will try to find out who the Illuminati really are.

From the cult of Cybele to enlightenment

The first information about them, dating back to the 2nd century, is filled with nightmares. The Illuminati sect arose in Greece among admirers of the dark and cruel cult of the goddess Cybele. Its high priest Montanus first introduced this name, which has survived centuries, into use. What the rituals associated with the veneration of the goddess were can be understood from the description of the ritual of accepting new members of the sect.

Documents that have reached us tell how temple priests, in a wild frenzy, inflict bloody wounds on themselves with daggers, and the neophyte himself (a new member of the brotherhood), as a sign of renunciation from the world and complete withdrawal into the bosom of the goddess Cybele, castrates himself. All their other rituals are also filled with blood and mystical horror.

Community of the first Illuminati

In Greece during this period paganism dominated, but Christian communities had already appeared. And this same Montanus, having become interested in a teaching that was new to everyone and taking its main provisions as a basis, created a secret society of the Christian persuasion, the members of which were called enlightened, that is, illuminated by the light of truth. The main provisions of this truth were predictions of the imminent end of the world and the need to renounce all material goods for complete spiritual purification.

The founder of the society himself suffered from epilepsy and passed off his seizures, during which he rolled on the ground and shouted something incoherent, as invasions of the Holy Spirit. This was a success with his followers. But the first Illuminati did not last long. The pagan emperor persecuted them for their connection with Christianity. Later, for distorting the true teaching, Christians also turned away from them, declaring the Illuminati heretics. Over time, their historical traces were completely lost.

Illuminati among Syrian Dervishes

Four centuries later, the Syrian dervishes felt enlightened. These beggars (in the literal sense of the word) followers of a religious-mystical movement close to Buddhism led a wandering lifestyle or settled in monasteries. They were popular among the people because they knew how to cure diseases with prayers and spells, predict the future and summon spirits. Sometimes dervishes united into brotherhoods. To figure out who the Illuminati are in Syria, you need to turn to one of these brotherhoods called the enlightened ones.

These wanderers, blackened by the sun and dust, formed their own divine light, running counter to the generally accepted religion. This was followed by an immediate reaction from the authorities, especially since the dervishes, enlightened by their teaching, moved from secret activities to public agitation.

Unauthorized performances have always ended badly. The authorities quickly figured out who the Illuminati were. Wandering preachers began to be caught and executed. Executions were invented in sophisticated ways, so that others would certainly be discouraged from becoming enlightened. However, it was not possible to completely destroy the current, and it is believed that in deep secrecy it could exist until the present day.

From the mountains of Afghanistan - to conquer the world

Until the 15th century, nothing is known about the activities of the Illuminati. They were revived this time in A major religious figure of that time, Bayazet Anzari, formed a secret mystical society, the name of which in translation sounded like “enlightened ones,” that is, the same Illuminati. The purpose of creating society was “modest” - just the possession of the world.

Adherents of the new teaching went through eight steps under the guidance of Anzari on the path to perfection and at the end became owners of magical knowledge that, in their opinion, could ensure the success of their plan. From them a special caste of magicians was formed - the Illuminati. Soon the enlightened ones tried to take practical steps to conquer the world. They decided to start with India and Persia. But, having too small an army and too much arrogance, almost all of them died in this adventure.

Spanish Illuminati

Around the same years in Spain, at the very height of the Inquisition, the Order of the Illuminati arose. It was, like all other similar organizations, secret and mystical. But this time his adherents took up arms against the teachings of the Christian church itself. Rejecting all church rituals, they argued that the soul itself could easily improve and become enlightened without prayers, sacraments and everything else that Christianity prescribes.

The enlightened soul is able to contemplate the Holy Spirit and rise to heaven. Even the very concept of sin and repentance was excluded according to their theory. One can imagine how the inquisitor fathers salivated at the news of such clients. As a result, those who repented ended their lives in the basements of monastery prisons, and those who persisted rose to heaven along with the smoke of the fires.

Illuminati activities in Picardy and the south of France

But it was still not possible to completely destroy the Illuminati order. Some of them safely fled to France and there, in Picardy, continued their activities. Of course, they kept the same name. Their center was Maubison Abbey. However, here, according to contemporaries, worldly, purely mercantile ones were added to the purely religious goals of activity. A struggle began for the souls and wallets of local parishioners, as a result of which their activities were banned in 1635.

However, the land of France turned out to be very fertile for enlightened mystics. A hundred years later, a society with the same name appears in the south of the country. At the beginning, their activities took on a wide scope and made it possible to attract numerous neophytes. But over time, their ideas began to lose popularity, and the Illuminati became lost among numerous other religious associations.

A truly strong and influential mystical society with that name appeared in France in 1786. It is characterized by the fact that its adherents were both the Illuminati and the Freemasons. Their teachings were based on the works of the Danish mystic Emmanuel Swedenborg. The founders of the society, the Polish freemason Gabrienki and the former Benedictine monk Joseph de Perietti, demanded that all followers strictly perform magical rituals based on the teachings of Swedenborg.

Illuminati organizations in Paris and London

From the south, the Illuminati and Freemasons moved their activities to Paris, and from there abroad. Their influence covered many European countries. The largest branch of the organization was located in London. The Illuminati sign appeared on the banks of the Thames. Public interest in the Illuminati was very high, and this probably explains the birth of a large number of various legends associated with their activities. There were even ridiculous rumors that the Illuminati and Zionists were in cahoots to seek world domination through magic and mystical practices.

Myths created by print

Numerous printed materials on this topic have appeared. To be convinced of the fantastic nature of everything stated in them, it is enough to open the monograph “Secret Societies”, published in those years in England. In it, the author, talking about who the Illuminati are, without a shadow of embarrassment, talks about the ritual of initiation of a new member into their society that he allegedly saw.

In the description you can find a gloomy hall and coffins with the dead, and animated skeletons taking part in the ceremony, and all other paraphernalia of the Middle Ages. In this version, the alleged Illuminati conspiracy received obvious support from otherworldly forces. But this was already the enlightened 18th century, and the fires of the Inquisition in this part of Europe had long gone out.

Illuminati organization in Germany

But the most powerful and influential was the organization that appeared in 1776 in Bavaria. Its founder was a professor of church law. German pedantry and thoroughness were fully demonstrated in the creation of the society. The society was called the “Order of the Illuminati.” This gave him a mysterious quality. The fact is that in Germany at that time little was known about who the Illuminati were. Immediately after the creation of the society, Weishaupt became a member of the Masonic lodge in Munich. The step allowed him to enter the circle of the most influential people in Germany.

With their support, the organization gained recognition in many European countries, which contributed to the widespread dissemination of doctrines. It is interesting that the goal that the Illuminati set for itself was a new world order. It, according to Weishaupt, included the overthrow of monarchies, the destruction of private property, the elimination of the institution of marriage and the eradication of all religions in favor of his teachings.

To implement the plan, a whole system was developed, including elements of mysticism, ancient philosophy and the basics of economics. Various spectacular rituals were widely practiced to influence adherents. All this was a success. Weishaupt's enlightened people numbered in the hundreds of thousands. But, having experienced glory and triumph, this organization also ceased to exist, crushed by the powerful press of state and church power.

Modern fabrications about the Illuminati

The world is structured in such a way that everything mysterious and hidden has an attractive force. It makes our imagination work, which, if real facts are lacking, immediately completes the picture with the most fantastic details. When it comes to various societies, especially those that have achieved serious results, the flight of human imagination is limitless. The Illuminati and Zionists especially suffered from idle fabrications.

All serious historians of the Bavarian society called the Illuminati claim that its activities ceased in the late 1870s. However, rumors that the Illuminati are still alive today remain extremely popular. Moreover, some people even claim that the heads of almost all governments in the world belong to the organization once founded by Weishaupt. In literally every political statement they hear the secret message of the Illuminati.

Illuminati symbolism in Dan Brown's novel

They find evidence of their fabrications everywhere. Suffice it to recall the interpretation of the symbolism depicted on the dollar bill, set out in such detail by Dan Brown in his acclaimed bestseller “Angels and Demons.” In literally every symbol he saw a sign of the Illuminati. There is no point in listing them. Anyone can open the pages of the novel themselves and get all the information in chapter 31. I just want to say that, if desired, the obscure can always be interpreted in any sense.

Enlightened ones in our country

Do the Illuminati exist in Russia? Yes, of course they exist. It is not difficult to verify this, even just by making a request on the Internet. The page that opens will inform you that this organization aims to establish equality and justice on earth, giving people Light. Implementation paths are not indicated. Judging by the fact that the word “light” is written with a capital letter, one can guess about some sacred meaning inherent in it. In general, everything is very foggy and vague. However, it is possible that this is only for us, for the uninitiated. This is how all the Illuminati behaved. Russian or foreign, they always tried to shroud themselves in mystery.

The Illuminati is a secret Luciferian order founded on May 1, 1776 in Ingolstatt, Bavaria (Germany) by the famous freemason Adam Weishaupt. The organization was a branch of higher, or enlightened, Freemasonry and existed as a separate order within the order. The activities of the Illuminati were closely connected with the powerful French Masonic lodge "Grand Orient". The name of the order (literally “Enlightened Ones”) means that its members are initiated into the secret teachings of Lucifer, who, according to the doctrines of Enlightened Freemasonry, is the bearer, or source, of enlightenment.

The Illuminati were conceived with one sole purpose - to carry out the plans of higher Freemasonry to create a New World Order, and for this they were instructed to seek access to key political circles in European governments and try to influence the decisions of European leaders as advisers.

Regarding those government members targeted by the Illuminati for overthrow, Weishaupt noted:

“Therefore, our duty commands us to surround them, its (the Order of the Illuminati) members so that the uninitiated have no access to them. In this way we can best carry out the policies of the order. If anyone is inclined to listen more to the princes than to the order, he does not suit the order and should not advance further. We must do everything possible to ensure that the Illuminati are promoted to all important government positions. By implementing this plan, we will rule all of humanity. Thus, using the simplest methods, we will set the whole mechanism in motion. Positions must be planned and distributed so that we can secretly influence all political affairs."

For the order's strategy to succeed, its activities and the names of its members had to remain secret. Therefore, the newly initiated swore to keep the secret with a blood oath. Such an oath showed them what would happen to them if they ever left the order or declassified its plans. Also, for security reasons, the order's correspondence was conducted through symbols and pseudonyms. For example, Weishaupt's pseudonym is Spartak.

The Order asserted its influence at the Masonic Congress in Wilhelmsbad, which took place on July 16, 1782. This meeting "included representatives of all the secret societies, such as the Martinists, Freemasons and Illuminati, now numbering no less than three million people throughout the world." This enabled the Illuminati to assert their power over the lodges in Europe, so that they began to be considered the undisputed leaders of the one world movement. Historian Nesta Webster notes: “What happened at this terrible convention will never be known to the outside world, because even those people who were drawn into the movement unwittingly and there for the first time heard about the true intentions of the leaders had already taken an oath not to reveal anything. Such an honest Mason as the Comte de Viriers, a member of the Martinist group in Lyon, upon returning from the congress at Wilhelmsbad, could not hide his fear, and when asked about the “dramatic secrets” he brought with him, he replied:

“I won’t give them to you. I can only say that this is much more serious than you think. The created conspiracy network is so well conceived that it will be impossible for either the monarchy or the church to recognize it.” “From that moment and forever,” writes his biographer M. Casta de Beauregard, “the Comte de Virieux could only speak about Freemasonry with horror.”

At the congress, it was decided to move the headquarters of enlightened Freemasonry, which had already turned into a fortress for Rothschild and international financiers, from Bavaria to Frankfurt. Naturally, the subsequent alliance between the Rothschild family and the Illuminati turned out to be beneficial for both parties, because it expanded their influence throughout Europe.

Only after almost ten years of existence was the Illuminati order discovered and exposed by the Bavarian government as a result of information received from initiates of the order. The leadership of Bavaria hastily confiscated valuable documents of the order. Copies of these documents were then sent to all European leaders to warn them of the plot. However, some of these leaders had already fallen under the influence of the order. Others found these plans so outrageous that they refused to believe in their plausibility and take the warning seriously.

Unbelief remains to this day the most important factor working in favor of Freemasonry. It is not easy for decent people to believe that there are individuals so evil by nature who, in fact, are trying to take control of the world in the name of Lucifer (Satan). This sounds more like the plot of a James Bond movie than real life. However, I have discovered that, as hard as it may be to believe, the attempt to create a Luciferian New World Order was and remains a reality.

Although several members of the order were subsequently persecuted by the Bavarian government, most of the initiates managed to escape. They were adopted by various European leaders. For example, Weishaupt found refuge with Duke Sachs-Gott, with whom he remained until his death in 1811.

Before the Illuminati was exposed, the organization's activities had already spread to many countries, including the United States. Since 1776, at least three US presidents have warned the public about Illuminati activities in this country. One of these presidents is George Washington:

“I know enough about the dishonest, dangerous plan and teachings of the Illuminati to doubt that the doctrine of the Illuminati and the principles of the Jacobins have spread also to the United States.”

Washington denounced the order in two messages he wrote in 1798 and again warned America about foreign influence in his farewell address. George Washington, expressing concern that the American people might fall under the rule of these corrupt forces, stated:

“The jealousy of free people must be constantly directed against the insidious tricks of other people's control. (I beg you, fellow citizens, to believe me!) History and experience have proven that foreign control is one of the most pernicious enemies of republican government. However, for this jealousy to be useful, it must be impartial, otherwise it can turn into an instrument of control instead of serving as a defense against it, which must be prevented. Excessive reverence for one nation and excessive dislike for another leads to the fact that people driven by these feelings see danger only on one side, covering up insidious control (and even helping it) on the other. True patriots who can resist the temptation to be favored risk becoming targets of suspicion and hatred; and those who have fallen victim to temptation and turned into its gullible toys are rewarded with applause and gain the trust of those people whose interests they betray

For us, the basic principle of action in relation to foreign nations is to, while expanding our trade relations, have as few political relations with them as possible. Until now, we have already established certain relationships, and they must be maintained accurately and conscientiously. But let's stop there."

If only America would listen to President Washington's sound advice!

Although the Illuminati order officially ceased to exist after its exposure in the 1880s, the Grand Orient Lodge in France continued to try to establish its influence. Operating through the Grand Orient and the network of dedicated Masonic lodges created by Weishaupt, High Freemasonry continues to carry out its plans to establish a New World Order.

One of the factors working in favor of Freemasonry is that it rarely, if not never, acts in its own name. To legalize their activities, Freemasons found other organizations, such as the Illuminati, which were assigned special tasks. This way, if anything goes wrong or is discovered, Freemasonry will remain relatively unscathed, maintaining that it has nothing to do with the matter.

In the last years of the 18th century and throughout the 19th century, enlightened Freemasonry continued to operate in this manner, creating new organizations to carry out the task begun by the Illuminati order. Some researchers still generally call them the Illuminati.

The first major “achievement” of enlightened Freemasonry is that it, through the Jacobin Society and Napoleon Bonaparte, who was one of its members, became the inspiration for the French Revolution. Enlightened Freemasonry also received support from Voltaire, Robespierre, Danton and Marat, who were prominent Freemasons. The true motives of the Jacobin society and its members became clear when it called Weishaupt its "great patriot".

As soon as the United States declared its independence, the same European forces immediately began to make efforts to bring the young American banking system under their control. The leader of this movement was Alexander Hamilton, considered by some to be an Illuminati agent. President Thomas Jefferson, being well aware of the conspiracy, said the following:

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the printing of money, then these banks and corporations will, first through inflation and then through deflation, deprive the people of all their property. And one day their children will wake up homeless on the continent that was conquered by their fathers."

In addition, enlightened Freemasonry was partly responsible for sparking the American Civil War in the mid-19th century. It so happened that the city of Charleston, South Carolina, where the Confederate movement began, was at that time the headquarters of Scottish Rite Freemasonry in America. This is a little-known fact that Freemasonry successfully keeps secret from society to this day. The headquarters of the Scottish Rite later moved to Washington, D.C., where it remains to this day.

Abraham Lincoln strongly opposed the Illuminati's efforts to establish a proprietary banking system. His insight and wisdom prevented the founding of such a system for forty years.

Shortly before his violent death, President Lincoln warned:

“As a result of the war, corporations were put on the throne. They will be followed by an era of corruption in leadership circles, and the country's financial elite will try to maintain their power, acting to the detriment of their people until they concentrate wealth in the hands of a few people and the republican system is destroyed. Therefore, at this moment, I feel much more concerned about the safety of my country than ever before, even more than at the height of the war.”

In 1913, the persistent efforts of enlightened Freemasonry were eventually rewarded: the Federal Reserve system was created, which became an instrument of the European Illuminati's constant influence on American finances and at the same time provided them with more and more money to advance the affairs of the order. Some of this money would eventually go to fund the Council on Foreign Relations, which was created under the influence of a man named Edward Mandel House.

Colonel House, as he was called, was an Illuminati devoted to the interests of the Rothschild-Warburg-Rockefeller cartel in creating a unified world, and served as its agent in the White House * .


* House's father, Thomas W. House, was a Rothschild agent who supplied the South with goods from France and England during the Civil War. He first became known throughout the country in 1912, when he participated in the nomination of Woodrow Wilson for the presidency of the United States. After Wilson's election as president, House became his closest personal adviser. He was to Wilson what Henry Kissinger was to President Richard Nixon. Undoubtedly, House became a dominant figure in the White House, known for his activism in the areas of banking and foreign policy.

As Wilson's chief adviser, House achieved much. Along with other things, he managed to convince the President to support and sign the act establishing the Federal Reserve, thus turning it into law. Later, realizing his mistake, Woodrow Wilson said with remorse: “Unwittingly, I destroyed my country.”

During World War I, which began a year after the law was passed, House served as Wilson's chief representative in Europe on a secret mission. Quite quickly he managed to involve the United States in the war (April 1917). After the end of the war, in 1918, House tried his best to secure support for the plan to create the League of Nations.

Founded in part with Rockefeller money, the League of Nations was intended to serve as the first political step towards the creation of world governance. Thanks to House's efforts, President Wilson became the main speaker of the League of Nations and generally recognized as its creator, although in reality House was in charge of it all.

However, what was Wilson’s confusion and confusion when he could not even convince his own country to join the newly formed organization. The American people strongly opposed this move towards globalism and, by putting strong pressure on Congress, convinced it to reject the agreement. The refusal of the United States to participate in the League of Nations was a huge failure for Colonel House and the internationalists: world governance is impossible without the participation of a world governing power. However, the setback turned out to be temporary. The globalists learned from this life experience and never again underestimated the power of the American people or Congress. To ensure that such an incident would not happen again, the cartel, with the help of House and his henchmen, created
