How long does it take for mushrooms to grow in the forest? Growth conditions and mushroom harvesting calendar. At what temperature do mushrooms grow in autumn? When our mushrooms grew, my mother cooked them

Fans of “quiet hunting” know for sure that if there is warm rain, you can go after boletus. But many people are wondering: how many days do boletus grow after rain, and after what time should you go for them?

How long does boletus grow after rain?

The mycelium of the boletus is located almost on the surface, i.e. under the top layer of soil - at a depth of 10-15 cm. Therefore, good rain and warm sunny weather are needed. Only under such conditions will the mycelium grow.

Oilseeds are collected in young coniferous forests, as well as in open, well-lit clearings. They grow in large families, which allows you to collect a whole basket in one place. An important role for mushroom picking is played by how much boletus grows after rain.

It is worth noting that boletus on a good mycelium after rain begins to grow the very next day. If a mushroom picker wants to collect strong young boletus, then you should go “hunting” after 12-18 hours.

How long it takes boletus to grow after rain depends on the condition of the soil, lighting, air temperature, etc. On average, 2-3 days are enough to reach full maturity of the mushroom. But do not forget that boletus mushrooms are “fast” mushrooms, which means they will also begin to spoil quickly. The most important thing here is to correctly calculate the moment of going into the forest.

Every mushroom picker knows that the main harvest of boletus occurs in August, September and early October. Therefore, how long boletus mushrooms take to grow depends on two main factors. The first, as already mentioned, is well-moistened soil, and the second is a warm and sufficiently illuminated upper layer of the mycelium.

Many knowledgeable mushroom pickers claim that it takes very little time for an oil can to rise from the ground. So, how long does the butterfly mushroom grow after warm rain? 5-7 hours are enough, and a young, clean, small mushroom appears in the basket. By the way, it is precisely these butters that are highly valued for marinating in jars because they have a beautiful appearance and the appropriate size.

As you can see, in order to correctly determine how much an oil can grows, it is necessary to take into account weather conditions and the characteristics of the local climate. They must be suitable, because even after heavy rainfall, boletus may not appear. Sometimes it happens that there is a lot of moisture, but there is no sunlight and heat. Or the soil is poorly saturated with moisture, and the sun greatly heats the air and the mycelium dries out.

How long does it take for mushrooms to grow? How fast do mushrooms grow?

    I dealt with oyster mushrooms, from planting the mushroom mycelium into the substrate until the first harvest for about six weeks, and then after each appearance of the primordium of the mushrooms in the hole on the bags until the mushroom breaks down, three to five days pass, that is, very quickly. The mycelium lived on my one hundred and forty bags for about a year and bore fruit beautifully. Much depends on the temperature conditions and humidity of the premises.

    If we take into account oyster mushrooms, then their growth, if the temperature in the first five days after planting is 25 degrees, then in a three-day period is followed by a gradual decrease to 18 degrees, then the first druse sprouts will appear on days 28-30. In 5-7 days, these will be the best quality drusen, sometimes weighing up to two kilograms. You can’t let them outgrow their presentation without ice. Carefully take out the ripe drusen and clean it from the substrate. Be sure to clean the place where it grew well with a fork until the substrate is in your hands, otherwise it will become clogged and you won’t get a second wave at all. After 15-20 days, another mature drusen smaller than the first will be ready in this place. We cut off and throw away the bag with the substrate to that mother, i.e. outside. From all the meager amount received, you can make yourself some pickled mushrooms.

    Keeping a bag of oyster mushroom mycelium substrate longer risks infection with fungal flies and mutation of other fungal growths.

    You cannot keep oyster mushroom substratum bags for more than the second harvest, this is fraught with harmful consequences. The room where oyster mushrooms are grown does not last more than six months. The rest after infection treatment will also be half a year, and during this time the second room is working. Then the income will be really noticeable, and what the author of LO advises you to do is only to make you disappointed in this business.

    My crop rotation during this time was up to 990 bags (six months on an area of ​​36 square meters, with a ceiling height of 2.40 m) of 14 kilogram bags for daily planting and removal of waste (two collections, no more, everything else is infected with the entire plantation that even a couple of months after the first collection you will not collect anything except a mushroom fly and a bunch of moldy toadstools). I already know what I'm talking about. Oyster mushroom mycelium does not live for about a year, and its maximum life is two months.

    Forest mushrooms grow for up to a week, with proper humidity and temperature. If conditions are favorable, the mushroom can grow up to two centimeters per day. The cap of the mushroom begins to grow in width after the growth of the stem has already stopped.

    The best conditions for mushroom growth are created at an air temperature of about 20 degrees Celsius and a humidity of 80 - 85 percent. Mushrooms are harvested several times per season, from May to November.

    Mushroom growth time is from 3-5 days to two weeks. Porcini mushrooms grow slower than others, but they gain weight better.

    The mushrooms themselves grow quickly, but the growth of mushrooms depends on several main factors:

    • depending on the type of mushroom;
    • depending on the time of year/month;
    • on the temperature and humidity of the room;

    Most mushrooms grow in just 3-7 days, but there are also varieties that take at least two weeks to grow. This difference occurs due to the difference in the size and weight of the mushrooms.

    The normal growth period for mushrooms is 2 weeks. At the same time, the mushrooms grow in height for about 5 days, after which they begin to grow in width and growth of the cap.

    Different mushrooms have different growth rates.

    So, boletuses grow the fastest (up to 12 centimeters in 5 days).

    After them, intensive growth of the porcini mushroom is isolated.

    The growth of boletus and chanterelles is a little slower.

    At the same time, in terms of growth intensity, one should also focus on the seasons:

    • end of May-June,
    • end of July - end of August,
    • October - early November (if warm).
  • I can’t say how many cm they grow in how many days, but I know for sure that two or three days after heavy warm rain you can go to the forest to pick mushrooms. Russula appear especially quickly. I'm talking about edible ones. If you know the busy places, you can do this: cut off all the mushrooms in the clearing, put the ruffled turf back in place, and after three days you can come back here again. Be a day or two late and the milk mushrooms will outgrow.

    In order for the mycelium of the fungus to grow, it needs moisture, certain temperature air, sunny light and permanent influx air masses Moreover, humidity plays a particularly important role in the growth of the fungus. in ground layers. If all of the above conditions are met, then the fruiting bodies grow quite quickly. Some mushroom pickers say that they found mushrooms in the same place for several days. This means that every day some mushrooms were hatching from the ground.

    Interestingly, mushrooms grow both during the day and at night, and their growth rate is always the same. Studies have shown that the bulk of mushrooms grow to medium sizes in 3-5 days, and then for another 10-12 days the mushrooms continue to grow.

    And here is a fungus like morel smelly(Veselka vulgaris) manages to grow 30 cm in an hour, both with a stem and a cap, but this is an exceptional case in the mushroom kingdom.

    Mushrooms grow very quickly. From two to five days is sometimes enough for them.

    In two days, of course, the little ones grow, but sometimes it’s just these delicious little ones that we want to pick up with a fork and put on our teeth.

    In general, the mushroom grows completely in a week, and then it can stand for another week without spoiling, unless, of course, worms attack.

    Forest mushrooms, which I personally collected in the Urals, this is the area of ​​​​the city of Izhevsk, as they explained to me, grow for about a week. Porcini mushrooms and boletuses (as I understand it, boletus mushrooms), as well as boletus with a red cap, are very popular there.

    My aunt went to the nearest forest, carefully cut the mushrooms with a knife, and a week later she went there again. The result was there. so I’m writing this. what I saw...

Is it worth going for mushrooms in a coniferous forest, how quickly do mushrooms grow, which of them can lead to poisoning? All this is of interest to novice mushroom pickers who have decided to exchange stuffy offices and apartments for the coolness of the nearest forest. It’s not bad to take a walk with a basket, breathe in the fresh air and take a break from oppressive problems, but it’s advisable to take at least something home. It is best to take with you a person who understands the issue and can tell you where to go and what signs to navigate.

What is a mushroom?

It is necessary to understand what we are talking about. Mushrooms belong to a separate kingdom, due to the presence of a number of specific characteristics. What we used to call a mushroom is actually a fruiting body that grows from mycelium of the mycelium.

So that you understand, underground, for many meters, there is a branched mycelium, which is the underground part of the mushroom. It grows regularly and “gains strength,” but only at a certain period begins to bear fruit.

By the way, the process of their destruction has already begun one day after the end of intensive growth. So it’s important not to miscalculate the moment of going into the forest.

Features of growth and development of mushrooms

Most mushrooms grow in two weeks. In this short period of time, the mushroom manages to reach standard sizes, but often growth stops already on the fifth day. Interestingly, the diameter of the fruiting body continues to increase even after upward growth has stopped. Looking at the mushroom, you can decide that its cap takes the longest to grow, and this is true.

Its development most actively occurs after the end of the growth period of the leg; the diameter increases due to growth along the periphery. This is due to the fact that the stem itself is the connecting component between the cap and the main mass of the mycelium. But at the same time, the stalk itself is a structural component of the mycelium. The thinnest strands of micelles rise above the surface, merge and form something similar to a fruiting body.

And after a week we can see a classic mushroom, which, after a detailed examination, must be sent to the basket.

Careful inspection- this is a strictly necessary measure, because even edible mushrooms can cause poisoning. Poisonous mushrooms are dangerous due to toxins, but edible ones can grow next to busy sections of highways, collecting all the elements of the periodic table. And measures to trim the fruiting body will not help, because heavy metals settle in the soil.

It is from this soil that the mycelium micelle receives nutrients, develops and gives rise to new fruiting bodies. So don't be lazy go some distance from any highways, on the permanent paths of mushroom pickers.

Another feature of mushrooms is that they are practically not processed in our intestines, like fiber. Thanks to this, mushrooms are able to improve motility and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

How fast do mushrooms grow in the forest?

In natural conditions mushroom growth rate can reach several centimeters per day. Based on this indicator, they can be arranged in the following sequence:

  1. Boletus.
  2. Porcini.
  3. Boletus.
  4. Honey fungus.
  5. Chanterelle.

And if the boletus is capable of growing up to twelve centimeters in five days, then the chanterelle will delight mushroom pickers with only a third of this value. Remember and about three periods of growth when the maximum number of mushrooms can be found in the forest.

  1. The first one starts at end of May and lasts all June.
  2. You'll have to wait a whole month for the second one, it's already making mushroom pickers happy from the end of July.
  • Closing the season with the beginning of leaf fall from the trees, at this time the forest is able to produce the third and last part of the fruiting bodies.

After this, you will have to wait for a new trip, which will only be at the beginning of summer.

How quickly do mushrooms grow after rain?

Specific conditions are required for the development of micelle threads, their fusion and intensive growth. The mushroom must receive a sufficient amount of moisture; the optimal temperature (10-20 degrees) is also important, with an adequate supply of air. These amazing organisms reproduce using spores; in the environment they can number in the millions and even billions. A negligible percentage germinates - only those that fall within a narrow range of optimal values. Having received a sufficient amount of nutrients, the spore germinates into the environment, and the development of mycelium begins.

But you shouldn’t wait for mushrooms right away; fruiting bodies will appear only after the mycelium itself has fully matured.

It’s good that this is a natural process that occurs on its own. Just imagine, mushroom pickers sow a small forest belt with spores of porcini mushrooms and wait for the harvest.

A few more words about growth conditions. It's best to get out into the forest a few days after the rain. The same boletus will appear 10 hours later, after the last drop falls to the ground. But mushrooms that appear in the fall grow much more slowly; some will have to wait up to three days.

When can an edible mushroom be dangerous?

After complete cessation of growth, the mushroom can still “stretch” for two weeks. But harvesting such a “harvest” is fraught with consequences for the body. The processes of degeneration and decay have already begun, and the quality of the fruiting body sometimes leaves much to be desired. If you can already see with the naked eye that the mushroom has begun to rot, just leave it.

Due to the decomposed fruit, the mycelium will receive a sufficient amount of nutrients to please you with new mushrooms next time. You just need to get ahead of your colleagues in your hobby.

Many people are surprised to learn how quickly mushrooms grow. Some exotic species can reach half a meter in just a few hours. In our latitudes, fortunately or unfortunately, you will not find such wonders.

Video: what mushrooms can grow from central Russia

Kira Stoletova

For the growth and development of fungi, the “right” conditions are necessary. Mushrooms actively grow after rain, so precipitation is one of the key conditions for their appearance. To choose the right time to harvest, it is important to consider a few things.

Conditions for mushroom growth

Mushrooms reproduce by spores that form in the tubular or lamellar layer of the hymenophore, located on the underside of the cap. For the active development of these organisms, an ideal combination of all conditions is necessary. In deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests, growth conditions are almost the same.

Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

Air humidity for normal development of mushroom fruiting bodies must be 70% and it must correspond to soil moisture. If, after heavy rains, a protracted dry period sets in, then due to the fact that the soil becomes overdried and the air, on the contrary, becomes waterlogged, the mushrooms will grow slowly.

Mushrooms usually gain mass within 10 days - evenly during the day and at night. Even an experienced mushroom picker can find it difficult to tell whether or not it is time to pick mushrooms after the rain. Their growth accelerates significantly after warm, quiet rain or the appearance of fog.

Mushroom growth after precipitation

Water entering the soil encourages the mycelium to actively grow. This process takes from ten hours to 3-5 days. Next, the fruiting body itself grows - the stem and cap. The completion of the life cycle occurs 2 weeks from the moment the top of the cap appears on the surface.

Mushrooms grow quickly after rain, unless there has been a long period of drought before.

Under the influence of high temperatures for some time, the mycelium is not able to saturate itself with the required amount of moisture. And the soil’s ability to absorb water in dry times deteriorates significantly. This especially applies to areas of land where the soil is open to direct sunlight for a long period of time.

Not every rain can cause mushroom growth.

Short-term precipitation and heavy downpours rarely contribute to the active growth of fruiting bodies. Fungi appear after rain of medium duration, when water gradually enters the soil over a period of time and can accumulate and moisten several layers of soil. The appearance of autumn fogs promotes the development of mycelium, and in spring and summer the same role is successfully performed by falling dew.

Growth of different types of mushrooms

Mushrooms grow after rain in the warm season only during a certain period. For some species, precipitation is not a reason for the active development of the fruiting body.

The growth rate of the fetus after precipitation is divided into groups:

  1. Mushrooms with a high growth rate: they are characterized by a speed of 9-14 mm in height during the day. Their appearance on the surface is observed 12-18 hours after rain or 2-3 days. These include boletus, boletus, boletus - tubular; Russulas, champignons, saffron milk caps – lamellar. In these representatives of the fungal world, the mycelium is located close to the surface of the earth, not falling below 10-15 cm, which creates good conditions for rapid heating and moistening of the mycelium threads.
  2. Slow-growing mushrooms: reach 1.5-3 mm in height within 24 hours. The density of the mushroom body of these species does not allow them to gain weight at a rapid pace. Therefore, they appear above the soil surface on days 5-7, and to acquire a “saleable appearance” they need 7-12 days. Prominent representatives are chanterelles, milk mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, morels, and string.

You can collect forest gifts in large quantities a few days after the rain.

Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

It is important to know that when the necessary weather conditions occur, mushrooms will not appear as if by magic. For their formation, the full development of the mycelium is necessary, so the appearance of fruiting bodies may occur on different days of the long-awaited “mushroom period”. The process of mushroom reproduction occurs regardless of human desire; we cannot speed it up. Therefore, do not forget that it is better to take a walk through the forest in search of mushrooms a few days after the “mushroom rain”.

With the rapid evaporation of rain moisture or its insufficient quantity, some specimens stop growing, acquiring an unattractive appearance. But with the resumption of favorable conditions, they continue to grow, the speed of their development depending on the maintenance of moisture and a comfortable temperature. First the stem grows, and then the cap. The mushroom grows not only in height, but also in width. The stem and cap continue to increase in size after height growth has come to an end. The cap continues to grow after the stem ripens. Aging of the mushroom body and saturation with toxins occurs within 12-15 days after the start of growth; it is better not to harvest such a crop.

How a mushroom grows in a day. Part 2,

Picking mushrooms after the rain. Day one/Mushroom picking

Porcini. Monitoring growth. Development over six days. Boletus Edulis in Siberia Russia


Picking mushrooms after the rain allows you to get beautiful and useful gifts from the forest. You need to know the right time to collect after precipitation. If you check possible mushroom spots every day, the mushroom picker will get the expected result.

People never get tired of mushrooms. Their choice is simply huge. Mushrooms can be fried, made into soups, pickled, pickled for the winter, even dried. They can be edible, for example, like fly mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, etc., and poisonous - like fly agaric mushrooms, toadstools, etc. But even conditionally edible ones can also be eaten when properly prepared. When do mushrooms start growing? From May, you can already collect the very first ones, which are called early, or the first wave.

How fast do mushrooms grow?

How fast does a mushroom grow? The question of how long boletus grows can be answered this way: mushrooms generally grow faster than many plants that people usually eat. In one or two days it grows from being invisible to mushroom pickers to a decent size. The cap varieties grow especially quickly. How long does the porcini mushroom grow? Quite quickly under favorable conditions. And the boletuses and boletuses almost keep up with the boletus mushrooms. But on average, most mushrooms reach large sizes in 3 to 6 days.

How fast does a mushroom grow? If conditions are favorable, then even after one night you can already collect boletus and russula. But we are talking about those mushrooms that are already on the surface. Most of their growth still takes place underground. Rapid appearance on the surface is affected by rain and sun. The growth rate is still greater at night than during the day. For example, you can find out how long a porcini mushroom is growing by simply measuring a small young fungus in the mycelium and measuring it every day. They usually grow completely within two days.

The very first boletus, boletus, boletus, white and many others can be found near large trees or not far from them, where there are fewer small and young roots. And in young forests you practically cannot find them at this time. Only closer to August will mushrooms begin to grow evenly throughout all areas. At the end of the mushroom season, they again begin to be found most often in old forests. True, there is an exception - these are boletus and saffron milk caps. They prefer young growths and edges.

How does porcini mushroom grow?

They grow all summer, but in “waves.” Kolosoviki are the first species to appear. In order to be absolutely sure that whites can be found, you can go on a quiet hunt at the end of June. The second wave begins approximately from mid-August until September. This time is considered the most fruitful. But it can be very short, maybe even a week. But the third “wave” largely depends on the autumn weather. In October, even on a frosty morning you can find late boletus mushrooms.

Porcini mushrooms do not like to be alone; they grow several at a time. Therefore, if one is found, then the rest are nearby. They can also quite often be found in the vicinity of fly agarics, which appear at the same time as them. How fast does porcini mushroom grow? Not very fast, up to 7 days.

False porcini mushrooms

False mushrooms in the forest are always very similar in appearance to edible ones. But this is only at first glance. You can still tell them apart if you look closely. The white false one has the same massive leg, and its base is the same - in the form of a barrel. In order to distinguish poisonous from good, they look directly at the fruiting body. The false flesh will turn pink when cut. But cut on white - no. In addition, the poisonous one has a small pattern - like a mesh - on the upper part of the leg. But whites just don’t have it at all. Unfortunately, it is this mesh that often misleads mushroom pickers, who mistake the false white for boletus. In a poisonous mushroom, the tubular layer has a pinkish or dirty white tint. Well, the easiest way is to taste it. False mushrooms produce bitterness. Even just by licking a piece, you can immediately feel it. And with subsequent heat treatment it intensifies even more.

Mushroom time

How fast does a mushroom grow? The very first ones appear in April. First, the real morel grows, followed by a conical and morel cap. In May-June, the pitted lobe appears. This mushroom grows up to 10 cm in height.

These types of morels are considered conditionally edible, since these mushrooms are very poisonous in their raw form. The poison in them is destroyed only after preliminary soaking and prolonged boiling (about an hour). It’s best to boil them this way even three times, draining the water and rinsing each time.

As a general rule, mushrooms begin to grow as soon as the soil thaws. But the real first ones are the spikelets, which begin to appear when the grain begins to spike. But often boletus, boletus, chanterelle, aspen and boletus appear in the forests already in May.

In which forests do mushrooms usually grow?

Mushrooms, of course, grow in the forest, but still they can be found much more often on the edges, in small forests, on the outskirts, along the banks of ditches, rivers and streams. It is best to look at the entrance to the forest, not to go too far into it, but to walk along the edge, preferably on the south side.

There is an opinion that mushroom pickers do not explore the area adjacent to the road only because they believe that everything has already been collected there and are trying to move further away. Meanwhile, this is where intact myceliums are often found. Porcini mushrooms are very partial to cow trails. If cattle are usually driven along the edge of the forest, then this is where you should look for them first. This type of mushroom was nicknamed “bug”.

Mostly whites love spruce forests, although they often grow in pine forests. The best place for them is the outskirts of mixed forests.

But aspen boletuses prefer young plantings of aspen and birch. They are mostly found on the slopes of streams, ditches and small rivers. In order to find mycelium, you do not need a large area of ​​forest. It’s not uncommon to come across a whole family among three aspen trees and a pair of birch trees. And from one mycelium alone they cut up to 20 pieces.

The boletus is sure to be found where there are birch plantings. The ideal place for collection is in sparse young plantings. It is here that the “king” of boletus grows - blackhead, which is considered the most delicious and beautiful. You can find it by its small dark cap, since the main part is completely surrounded by moss.

Saffron milk caps and butterflies love coniferous forests, especially pine forests. Milk milk, chanterelles, honey mushrooms and russula are generally unpretentious, and you can stumble upon them in any forest.

Mushrooms have one unusual “tendency”. They love high-voltage power lines that are strung across forested areas. This feature is explained by the fact that due to electric current, trees are constantly pruned, and this creates quite favorable conditions for growing mushrooms, since they constantly receive the necessary light and moisture.

Mushrooms in the forest can mainly be found in damp places - lowlands, as they grow much faster there. But you definitely shouldn’t look for them in the swamps. You should also remember about the temperature, so in the southern regions the mushroom season begins earlier than in the northern ones.

Mushrooms growing on trees

Mushrooms that grow on trees not only have different morphologies, but they are also divided into different groups. Most of them are inedible. Many are not only tough, but also quite unpleasant to the taste, and even poisonous. And only a very small part of them are actually edible. However, they usually have no nutritional value. However, among them there are also very tasty ones. For example, honey mushrooms.

Fungi that grow on trees can also grow on or even in soil. They have a smooth and soft texture, but the taste is like seafood. The caps are fleshy and large, and the legs can be quite short.

The color can even be blue, but as they grow older it becomes mostly brown. Some parts of tree mushrooms can be eaten. Some types of vitamins contain 10 times more than vegetables and herbs.

Common types of tree mushrooms

The most famous tree mushrooms:


Truffle mushrooms are considered a delicacy that was available only to wealthy people. They belong to the genus of marsupials. Outwardly, they are quite unattractive, fleshy, and grow in tubers. And they can reach a weight of up to 1 kg. Black and blue, smooth or cracking. Covered with small bumps resembling warts.

This mushroom has many species - almost a hundred, but of all, only three are considered the most valuable. These are winter, Perigord and Piedmontese. It is very demanding regarding the conditions of the environment in which it grows. So where do truffles (mushrooms) grow? They prefer mixed forests, but with a predominance of trees such as beeches and oaks. Despite this capricious behavior, they grow underground.

Features of truffle

The mushroom tastes like roasted sunflower seeds or walnuts. And after that it retains its taste for a long time. It is so bright that it is very difficult to describe. In addition, it can even be consumed raw.

Truffle has many beneficial properties. It is highly valued for its high content of vitamins B1, B2, C, PP. Has a beneficial effect on the health of children, nursing mothers and pregnant women. Increases sexual desire. It has even been proven to delay the aging of human skin. Therefore, it is widely used in cosmetology. You can collect such mushrooms only by tearing up the ground, but only pigs and dogs can feel where the mushroom grows, so there is a real mushroom hunt for these delicacies. Otherwise, it is simply impossible to collect them. These mushrooms grow strictly one at a time. They are collected only at night, since only at this time does it emit a smell.

The truffle season is very short - from September to March. And in winter they can only be obtained in November or December. Most mushrooms are small, since large specimens are extremely rare.

Truffle even has its own expiration date: it can only be stored fresh for up to 3 days. And even then, it needs to be wrapped in paper and put in the refrigerator. It can also be frozen. But all these operations can only be performed with unwashed and uncleaned mushrooms.

Fly agarics

Fly agaric belongs to the genus of lamellar mushrooms. And for the most part it is very poisonous. There are almost 100 species. Grows in all forests. When mushrooms of all kinds begin to grow, then fly agaric mushrooms appear: from June to October. However, we must remember. Red and stinking fly agarics are deadly to humans, as they are very poisonous.

The fly agaric is a type of fly agaric, quite large and fleshy. The young mushroom is wrapped in a blanket, which tears as it grows. The color is different, it can be not only red, but also gray. It reproduces by spores. By the way, when fly agarics grow, porcini mushrooms also appear.

The most common red mushroom in our forests. When consumed by humans, it causes intense hallucinations. But there are also edible fly agarics. For example, Caesar, pink. Red is used in the treatment of oncology, epilepsy and a number of other serious diseases.
