Literature psychology of generic programs. Generic program. "Scary stories" in the family

Delving into the past is a fascinating activity, especially if it is the past of your family. The destinies of ancestors, intertwined into the family tree, open the curtain of secrecy over the events that occur in the lives of their descendants.

For example, not long ago I analyzed the horoscope of the former first lady of France and a top model. Look, Carla gives birth to a child with 23-year-old Raphael Etoven, about a dozen years younger than her, and at the same time she is in a close relationship with Raphael's father. We look at Carla's mother, Marisa Borini, who in turn gives birth to Carla from a love affair with guitarist Remmert, much younger than her, and at the same time Morisa is married. Her husband and all members and close family are aware of this but choose not to make a fuss.

Do you catch a repeat of the situation? The child's father is much younger, there is no legalized relationship between the parents, but there is an intricate love affair that the lovers openly demonstrate to everyone. The ancestral program, stored in the unconscious memory of this family, was passed on from mother to daughter. If we had the opportunity to find out the fate of Carla’s maternal grandmother and great-grandmother, we would find similar branches of the family tree. The most amazing thing is that an event programmed by gender occurs when a member of the clan reaches a certain critical age or the date (day, month) of the event coincides. For example, if a mother experiences a tragic love story at the age of 23, chances are that when her daughter reaches that age, she will have similar experiences with men. In psychology, this phenomenon is called “anniversary syndrome.”

Since the family program is often destructive in nature: early deaths of men, divorces, failures in personal life, death of children, its repetition in the family causes fear of damnation among living descendants. In this situation, many of us naively believe that someone else (a white or black magician, a clairvoyant, a healer) can change our generic scenario and improve the karma of the family. Is this hope justified? No, miracles don't happen. We come into a race whose energy resonates with ours, and any energetic interference from the outside is temporary. Thus, the symbolic circle of repeating life stories in the family will continue until the next a member of the clan will not solve his karmic problems, thereby freeing yourself and your descendants from the burden of ancestral karma.

And the most important thing is that if we consciously begin to work in this direction, then our other life problems are solved as if on their own. This is due to the fact that we work with the causes of our life problems, and not with their consequences. In addition, we always receive the support and help of the Higher Powers when we move according to our destiny. As the famous postulate says: help yourself, then God will help you too.

Now let's talk about how to determine what karmic tasks we inherited or what was written to our family.

The ancestral tree with its significant facts, important life events and emotional connections helps to identify ancestral programs. If we want to analyze the sphere of personal relationships, then such facts and events will be: dates of marriages, duration of marriages; the reasons why the alliance was concluded; relations between spouses; age difference between spouses; age of children at the time of relationship interruption (divorce); number of children in the family, abortions, miscarriages; change of surname, first name. It is advisable to analyze 3-4 generations of blood relatives.

As we see there is a lot of information, besides Each child in the family takes their own piece of the overall debt program sort of for working out, sometimes one generation may fall out of the overall debt plan or the transfer is skillfully veiled. I have several clients whose parents lived in love and harmony, but whose daughters’ family life did not work out.

Of course, there are some clues. For example, it has been noted that it is grandchildren who most often repeat ancestral programs, not children. Thus, the first daughter in the family most often reflects the fate of the maternal grandmother, the first son - the paternal grandfather, the next children born in the family are more free to choose generic programs from two births. Or, if only boys are born in a family, then this means that the family is aimed at restoring masculinity, and so on.

But it’s quite difficult to say for sure. If you take me, then I, the second child in the family and the first daughter, in many ways repeated the fate of my mother and maternal grandmother. Such repetition in each generation clearly demonstrates the consolidation of the undeveloped qualities of the clan along the female line. So I had to professionally deal with the issue of relationships between a man and a woman. And my brother, the first son, repeated the fate of the first child on the maternal side, and not the fate of the paternal grandfather.

It turns out that the family tree is a wonderful thing, but it does not allow us to determine which fragment of the family karma we inherited. How then can we understand in which areas we have family support and in which areas we do not? Or maybe everything is so bad in our family that it’s better to change our last name and move far away from our parental family to start over? This is where a horoscope comes to the rescue.

Karmic tasks in the context of the horoscope

If you remember, in one of the previous articles, I explained that it contains information about a person’s life path. Generic programs are also information about events that a person will attract into his life according to his energy filling. Thus, by analyzing the horoscope, we have the opportunity to isolate precisely those fragments of the karma of the family that, on the one hand, the owner of the horoscope received as an inheritance, and, on the other hand, which fully resonate with his individual karma.

I know that many astrologers build a karmic horoscope, but, in my opinion, such fictitious points as Lunar Nodes, Black Moon and Selena, even in an ordinary horoscope they contain enough information about the characteristics of the genus and the problems that accompany most members of the genus of the owner of the horoscope. By working on these karmic tasks, we will not only solve our personal problems, but also improve the health of the entire family, while simultaneously freeing our ancestors and descendants from debt obligations.

I will not dwell on the astrological interpretation of the positions of the Lunar Nodes, Lilith and Selena, since, on the one hand, the information is very extensive, and, on the other hand, each individual horoscope is a separate many-hour topic for reflection on the synthesis of factors obtained from the position of these points in the natal chart. Therefore, for astrological information, I refer you to the books and seminars of the wonderful astrologer and my teacher Elena Mikhailovna Sushchinskaya, who has many interesting developments in this area, and I, in turn, will dwell only on some of the provisions of Lilith, since Lilith is a good guide reflecting the situation with karma of the family.

Lilith and Karma of the family

First, I want to note that it is advisable to look at the horoscopes of blood relatives of several generations. The position of Lilith in the sign and house brings out through the birth canal those qualities that were distorted by the ancestors and, accordingly, the descendant, the owner of the horoscope, does not have the support of the family in this area.

For example, one of the parents has Lilith in the Sign of Libra, and the child has Lilith in the 7th house or in a planetary conjunction with Venus. This means that there is a high probability that the child has inherited a debt program associated with partnerships and will now face difficulties in this area. Significators and rulers of the marriage house will complete the picture.

The connections of Lilith with the Luminaries are also very indicative. I often observe that the conjunction, square or opposition of Lilith to the Sun in women’s horoscopes reflects a violation of the Solar principle, which is responsible for the situation with children, relationships with men and a woman’s creative expression. Therefore, there is a high probability that a woman will encounter problems in these areas. Her ancestors at one time did not learn how to handle Solar energy, and now her karmic task is to change these generic qualities. So, if a woman begins to perceive every man who comes into her life as a teacher, realizes male energy, and correctly determines her attitude towards her, then a worthy man will eventually come into her life. Thus, we can say that this is an excellent position of the Sun, allowing for far progress in spiritual development. But there is one subtle nuance: Lilith distorts a person’s worldview and a woman is often convinced that everything is fine with her, it’s just that the men who come into her life are “not like that.”

Or, for example, the conjunction of Lilith with the Moon means that Rod’s debt program is associated with the attitude towards the mother or motherhood, home, family, and one’s roots. In this situation, it is better to leave the family and put down roots in a new place. According to my observations, a person often feels this intuitively and leaves his parents’ home. As a rule, in this case, the horoscope contains indications of moving. But the position of the Black Moon in the 4th house indicates that a person will not deal with the karma of the genus or that the ancestral programs are too confusing and difficult for him.

As you can see, a horoscope can tell a lot about us and our family. Therefore, if we add a family tree (genogram) to the horoscope, then we have every chance of deciphering the message from our ancestors and get out of the negative karma of the family, which can last for as many as 7 generations. After all, it is our voluntary choice, even if unconscious, to continue to be faithful to our ancestors in negative programs or to leave them in the past. If you don’t believe in this, then this is your karma :). And if you believe, then you.

Many people are looking for a connection with their ancestry and restoring their ancestry in order to know themselves better. And it really helps.
Generic programs and negative scenarios play an important role in our destiny. By working through them, we make our life much easier.

But sometimes the genus itself becomes an unexpected obstacle in this matter.

Our people have a tradition: to talk about deceased relatives either well or not at all.
It seems to be a good tradition that promotes the development of respect between generations. But at the same time, there is a side effect: some ancestors turn out to be shrouded in an aura of holiness, while others are completely forgotten, as if they never existed. And it turns out that if we know the history of our kind, it is in some distorted form. The exception is families where it is no longer possible to retouch the truth; there they are not shy in their expressions regarding sinned relatives, everything is fair.

So how can you understand what your family is like and should you believe your grandmother’s stories about what wonderful guys your ancestors are?

If everything in your family was truly orderly and noble, then everything should be in perfect order with you now.

You are a successful and fulfilled person, you know what you want from life, everything is going well with your work, with your family, and in all your endeavors. If not, do not rush to accuse older generations of insincerity, because there is nothing wrong with wanting to leave a good memory of yourself.

In addition, it is important to remember that each person comes into his family for a reason. His programs and tasks in this life correspond to the direction of development of the race.

Therefore, if you feel the “sins” of your ancestors, it is because your soul has the same tendencies. And if now something in your life is not going well, it means that you have some kind of generic program, the elaboration of which is necessary for both your family and your soul.

In order to understand what kind of program it is, you do not need to know the complete biography of the seven generations above you (although this can also be useful). It is enough to understand exactly how a negative scenario manifests itself in your life.

Problems in the family can be judged by the following signs:

1) You are constantly haunted by troubles in life. There are constantly repeating negative programs. These include: illness, loneliness, failure in marriage, difficulties with children or absence of children.
2) If you feel that you can do more in life, but it turns out as always, it means that there is some force that is preventing you from realizing yourself. It can be karmic, it can be generic (most often 2 in 1).
3) A constant lack of energy, pessimism, depression, apathy are signs of a lack of energy of the kind.
4) Recurring situations in families. For example, men leave their families all the time or die. Or, it happens that only girls are born. Then they get married, the men disappear again and everything repeats from generation to generation.
5) You don’t know what to do with yourself, you rush from one extreme to another.

Generic programs can be both useful and destructive.

If your ancestors built churches, cared for the orphaned and needy, did good deeds for the sake of the community, homeland, humanity, then all programs of this kind will be associated with the development and increase in the energy of goodness. In this case, the descendants receive the corresponding fruits: success, luck and prosperity in all its manifestations.

If the descendants get other “bonuses” - illnesses and failures, then negative scenarios predominate in this family.

What leads to the emergence of destructive programs?

1. “Scary stories” in the family.

These include dispossession, poverty, epidemics, murders, suicides, accidents, etc.
We need to pay special attention to suicide and murder. Such events greatly undermine the family.
But, as a rule, the clan prefers to hide such stories. They don’t tell anyone about this and their descendants know nothing about it.
In turn, the souls of such “forgotten” relatives hang out in the family, creating negative connections. These negative connections must be fed by something.
If a child is born into a clan who is predisposed to giving energy, this energy begins to go from him to maintaining connections between unreleased souls and the clan. In this case, it is very useful to know all the negative stories, relive them and let go. In this way, you release negative connections and cleanse souls - they leave, and you move on with your life.

2. Distortions related to childbirth and sex.

Any negative behavior in the sexual sphere greatly affects the family.
This includes promiscuity, violence, abandonment of children, abortion and all kinds of life for pleasure with a total waste of energy.

3. Incorrect behavior with the shrines of the family, and this means with relationships, with respect in the family.
Love, as a source of interaction in relationships, honoring parents, love for one’s children are the shrines of the family.

4. Ancestral curse.

It exists when it falls on a negative scenario.
Those. There is nothing to hook a bright person with. But when there is already a negative scenario in it, the curse works. Of course, if someone sent a curse, it means, most likely, “there was a reason.” Consequently, at the time of the curse, the clan had already taken a wrong turn. A strong emotional desire falls on the existing “marriage”, strengthens the program - degeneration occurs.

In order to change the situation and realize everything you want, you need to understand your ancestral programs, since there is a high probability that the key to your happiness lies in their solution. Ancestral programs change through awareness, immersion in them and correction.

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Find out how to get rid of negative Generic programs and live happily! ↓

In addition to the laws described above, the clan has several more important principles:

— The first child in the family bears the biggest burden of the family - he takes off what is on top. If there are negative tendencies in the family, then the firstborn bears heavy karma. The second child gets less; he, as it were, cleans up what the first did not take. It happens that this principle works in another way. The first child is born strong, and the second is weaker. This means that the family had a supply of good karma, but it was only enough for the first-born.

- “Nature rests on the children of smart parents.” That is, as a rule, the main trends are passed on through generations. Therefore, children often have more common generic programs with their grandparents than with their parents. Hence the following position:

— The first daughter in the family most often reflects the fate of the maternal grandmother. The first son is the paternal grandfather.

— The next children born into the family are more free to choose programs from two births.

— General social cataclysms leave an imprint on the family and are passed on to descendants. Karma of the kind fits into the karma or egregor of the state. These are wars, famines, repressions, epidemics, natural disasters and other tragedies.

— A special and not always favorable burden is attached to fate by naming children in honor of relatives. It happens that children are named after their grandparents. But they already convey negative programs, and repeating the name further strengthens the program. Therefore, if a person was sick, there was a lot of negativity about him, you can harm your child by calling him by the same name.

How to heal your family and restore your ancestral strength

When working with generic programs, an important tool is to deepen your understanding and empathy for what happened.
History cannot be remade, it can only be understood, accepted and processed through mistakes. It is very easy to succumb to the temptation to judge someone in the family and cut them off. But this is not how you heal the race.

The family is healed by participation, connection with the roots. Even the smallest thin root, even if it is thin and stunted, but relative to you it is still a root, and quite possibly it comes into contact with a source of water. If you restore connection with him, through him you will also receive life-giving moisture.

It is also a violation to refuse to feed the clan or to refuse the offered help from the clan. Most often, this happens due to the fact that a person does not want to be included in generic programs, and lives by the principle: I am the master of my life, and let the family deal with what it has done. But any program must be completed, and if you come into conflict with the clan and show self-will, then, as a rule, you not only destroy the clan power, but also spoil your destiny.

Therefore, the main condition for healing the race is to work through the negative programs that have manifested themselves in your life. And of course, do not repeat the mistakes of your family in your destiny.

In addition, there are several rules that will help you restore your ancestral strength and your connection with your roots.

Create and maintain ancestral traditions and rituals. These are weddings, weddings, birthdays, Christmas, Easter, etc. These are any family holidays and all events that unite the family. This also includes remembering loved ones, Remembrance Day, and storing mementos from deceased relatives.

Connect the family with rituals, communicate, or at least call periodically. If it is not physically possible to do this (you are far from each other or relatives do not make contact), do it in your imagination. It is important to remember that the essence of traditions is not so much in rituals, but in the inner intention of rapprochement.

Honor your loved ones (children and parents). Neglect of relatives is a rejection of ancestral power. When you learn to honor and respect, you thereby reconnect with your ancestral power.

Do things that claim to be connected to eternity. For example, build houses, plant trees, be generous.

Communicate with children, pass on the story to them. Study history in general and the history of your family in particular.

Develop in yourself the concept of shrines that are associated with family foundations. This is the homeland, place of residence, life, mother, father, God, beauty, peace. These are all the forces that feed the race.

You cannot humiliate and scold things that are associated with clan and tribal forces.

On Forgiveness Sunday, ask for forgiveness.

Look at the past and your ancestors with respect.

If you can’t implement everything on this list right now, it doesn’t matter. Do what you can, because it is not so much the outer action that matters, but the inner intention.

If you are ready to take responsibility for your destiny and the destiny of your family, you will definitely have the opportunity to heal your ancestral energy. And remember, if you are in your family, it means that it needs you and your help.

Help your ancestral system align and strengthen, and then it will be able to fully support you and imbue you and your descendants with strength.

Happiness and prosperity to you and your family!

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Negative programs of the subconscious are an energy-informational structure in the biofield created by yourself or other people. It is aimed at achieving a destructive goal. The creation of such a structure involves the use of a certain amount of energy; after being introduced into the human biofield, it is either spent to launch the program and runs out, or begins to be fueled by human energies. Otherwise, replenishment can be organized from the outside; this is called updating the program by the performer.

There are 3 types of negative programs in duration:

  • Short term, disposable: it infiltrated the human field, did its job and achieved its goal and dried up. Such programs include directed evil eye, some types of damage and unintentional curse. Please note that most often a person can create them for himself, and they will already be called: self-evil eye, self-damage, self-curse.
  • Multiple action. Programs designed for 3, 5 or 7 times. It descends on a person as many times as it is programmed by the attacker. After fulfilling its function, it collapses and disappears. Of course, not without consequences. After repeated exposure to destructive energies, a person turns into an emaciated creature with a defective biofield. His chakras and energies are blocked, he is deprived of a mechanism for natural restoration of the bioenergy-information structure. If you still have some strength left, you can try to recover on your own, there are a lot of ways and techniques, but if you are completely at zero, then you cannot do without the help of a specialist.
  • Long-lasting. These include negative programs of the kind, karmic. They are aimed at the complete destruction of human life, up to the destruction of the race and the death of the person himself. The destructive program of the family is a powerful influence, its goal is to deprive a person of all chances for a happy life.

How to remove a negative program from yourself?

In order to get rid of negative programs, you need to clearly understand their operating principle. Destructive programs are planted like a carpenter on your subconscious and biofield only in the presence of negative emotions, thoughts, character traits within the person himself. This can be anger, envy, dissatisfaction, resentment, fear, guilt, wrong attitude towards life, blaming oneself or another, incorrect self-esteem, negative character traits, as well as a person’s destructive thinking.

The program will work until it is removed or stopped. Programs made by a strong master, as well as generic, karmic, and subdivisions of entities, can be removed independently quite rarely. What is needed here is the practice of working with safe methods for correcting karma, ancestral programs and ridding a person of entities of any order. But small negative subconscious engrams created by you or other people can be removed on your own. To do this, you need to conduct, understand the reason for their occurrence, determine what life lesson you need to learn, change your attitude towards life and the people around you.

Working with a master is also not complete without this, but in addition to this, he heals negative programs, stops their action and removes them from the patient’s energy-informational structure. If you do not carry out internal work with the subconscious and psycho-emotional state of a person, and do not learn from the situation, then this work will become useless, since the person will certainly once again become a victim of negatively destructive programs, and in an intensified version. Nothing personal - this is the LAW OF THE UNIVERSE!

If you suspect that you have become a victim of third-party destructive energies, then here are clear instructions on what to do and where to start in order to get rid of the destructive influence.

Instructions on how to get rid of a negative program

  1. Go through, if there are any negative programs in your biofield, the master will identify them, give them a name and their purpose.
  2. It is necessary to find the internal psycho-emotional reason within yourself that keeps the destructive program in your field.
  3. Determine what life lesson you should learn from the situation. Determine for yourself the area of ​​change.
  4. Analyze your life and accept your mistakes. Forgive yourself for them.
  5. Forgive other participants in the situation, ask them to forgive you. To help you, the technique of forgiveness and meditation clears negative programs of the subconscious.
  6. Start to change for the better, taking into account the conclusions made.

Following each step of the instructions will allow you to remove negative subconscious programs that block beneficial energies and prevent happiness and joy from entering your life. In order for your bioenergy information field to return to a normal, healthy state and gain integrity, you need another restoration meditation or a course of restorative sessions with the launch of chakras, closing energy holes and restoring energy channels.

Peace, joy and happiness to you! Remember, saving drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves!

A person cannot exist outside of his Kin. Rod's program will affect us whether we like it or not. The only thing we can do is change this program by working on ourselves. After all, we are the masters of our lives. Of course, this is not an easy task, but it needs to be solved.

The ancestral program always corresponds to our personal karma. Before appearing in this World, our Dish “chooses” parents, Gender, place and time of birth. Each of us is a link in the chain of generations. And we all rely on the experience of our Ancestors. The ancestral program is the cumulative actions of our Ancestors.

And at the same time, it completely reflects our personal karma. Explore your Family with love, attention and respect. This will help you better understand yourself, your problems, and realize your purpose. Believe me, you will find a lot of interesting things for yourself.

You need to know your roots, you need to study your family tree. Those who do this sometimes discover a certain connection of events that are repeated in the Family from generation to generation. Many of our problems today are in one way or another connected with some events from the past. Where to begin?

For deep work, it is advisable to collect information about three to four generations of your Ancestors. Start by asking your immediate family about key events: birth, school, wedding, death. Information about your occupation, family relationships, financial situation, and what illnesses you had in your family will also be useful. Also collect as much information as possible about your relatives' brothers and sisters, your uncles and aunts. Create a family photo album. Perhaps the family has preserved diaries and letters. After this, restore connections with distant relatives. Send them letters. Explain that you are creating a family history and you need detailed information about loved ones.

So, our Family is, on the one hand, a source of Strength that gives us life, and on the other hand, it is our Karma, our Path. There is our Path and the Path of the Family. One cannot exist without the other. Each of us has our own purpose. And it is closely intertwined with the fate of Rod. We must do something, we must go through something in order to change our personal karma and the karma of our Family.

Our Ancestors knew that a person, achieving perfection, helps his Family for seven generations into the future and seven generations into the past. This is how the Power of Piety of the Family accumulates, which passes from one generation to another. And vice versa, if we “give our Deshu to the dark forces,” then we not only degrade ourselves, but also pump out the energy of our Family for dozens of generations forward and back.

This, by the way, explains why one person has some benefits at birth, while another does not. Why is one born healthy and the other sick? It’s not only about his personal karma, but also about the karma of the Family. How we use this power depends only on us. The power of the Piety of the Family is the basis for the birth of a brilliant child.

The problems we face in life are ways to solve our Ancestral problems. That is, having finally resolved a difficult situation, a person is freed from internal fetters that prevent him from rising to the next step in life and taking the next step towards success. Any obstacle in our way is a sure chance to gain invaluable experience, which is necessary to achieve our own life goals.

Let us remind you that by solving Ancestral problems, you not only correct your own destiny for a qualitatively better side, but also relieve your descendants from this heavy burden. And this is the best legacy you can leave them!

As a rule, after receiving a blessing, the life of not only the person who has undergone this ritual begins to change, but also that of relatives throughout the Family. Favorable relationships are established, connections are established, problems go away, and various tasks are solved more easily.

Birth programs

How often do we, without noticing it ourselves, live according to some kind of scenario: for example, grandmother left grandfather, mother left dad, and daughter left her husband... Or for example, grandfather drank, father drinks and son too... And it seemed It would be natural, because we most often follow the example of our family, and besides, sometimes the scenarios are not so bad, for example, the scenario of strong women is quite common - when she built a career and “raised” children, although she did not get married and she didn’t become happy - but by the standards of modern society, she was quite a “successful” woman, and everyone in her family was like that. At least, as far as we remember.

And everything would be fine, but just once - and a child is born into the family who is not ready to live according to the prepared “scenario”, who has grown up and realized that he wants to live his life differently than five generations before him. A man wants to become strong - a protector and breadwinner, and he is not satisfied with the generic scenario of drunkenness. Or a woman no longer wants to build a career like a mother or grandmother, but wants to become a happy wife and mother.

Of course, this doesn’t happen often; the very realization that you are walking “on a well-trodden path” by someone comes very rarely, and this is already a big progress.

But if you realize - there is no choice, you will have to change the situation - both yours and the whole family. After all, it is believed that we are one with our entire family - both with ancestors and descendants, and by changing our situation for the better, we help both of them: the ancestors receive relief, and the children build their own, happier lives.

It is very important not to start complaining about life and lamenting: why was I born into this particular family, where are the problems, why am I being punished like this...

After all, it is not by chance that we come to one clan or another - it means that it is in this family that it is important for us to solve some of our own tasks that are very important for the entire clan.

Moreover, what is surprising is that often it is the very person who once “laid down” a certain negative program in the family (started drinking or “traded” the children for work) - it is this person, or rather, this soul, who incarnates again in this family after several generations to correct the situation. And, therefore, instead of scolding grandparents for living “wrongly,” you need to think - what if I myself am the reason for their such behavior, what if it was I who did this several generations ago and because Because of this, so many generations were forced to live unhappily? This means that it is you, the person who realized the presence of any kind of ancestral program, it is you who are responsible for its correction and the happy life of not only descendants, but also ancestors - the entire family tree.

I'll tell you a little about myself. The fact is that in our family the program of “strong women” is clearly expressed - both my mother and grandmother were (and are) very successful in their work, had a lot of useful “connections”, and were real strong business women. At the same time, managing (as far as possible) to keep a house and raise children. And they lived like that, in their own way, even happily, and without even thinking that it could be otherwise.

But then I came to the family. And she began to live along the “trodden path”: excellent studies, honors diploma, work already from the 3rd year of college, and by the age of 22 she already had a fairly high salary and a promising career in the field of marketing. What’s interesting is that birth programs operate in such a way that they begin to work faster with each generation - and if the grandmother took her position in adulthood, the mother - after starting a family and giving birth to children, then I - barely finished my studies at the institute. And the results of the negative impact of the program began to fail immediately, without having to wait long. A complete lack of softness and femininity in character, a pronounced categoricalness in thinking and action, a clear division of the world into “black and white,” the ability to clearly set a goal and achieve it. These are quite good qualities for some top manager, but for a young girl who needs to get married and have children, do you think they will be very helpful?? That's right, they didn't help. This is another story, but in short I will say that, despite quite good achievements, there was little happiness in life. And at some point (thanks to yoga, studying Vedic knowledge and psychology) the program was realized by me.

And the first feeling is resentment towards all the women of my kind - “Why did you live like that? Why weren’t they soft and weak (in the good sense of the word) women? After all, now it’s difficult for me to become like that, and I also want my children to be happy, for my daughter to get married...” until at one of the training seminars an insight came to me - or rather, the answer to my question - what, if it was me who laid down this program in a previous incarnation? What if it was thanks to me that all my grandmothers and great-grandmothers lived the same way? And then I wanted to ask for forgiveness from the entire family and correct the situation that had once been created.

There are now quite a few ways to correct generic programs; you need to choose yours and start acting. The main thing is to realize - are you living your life? Are you repeating someone else’s path, are you following the beaten path? Of course, correcting the generic program is not an easy task; it cannot be solved in one day. But what’s very pleasing is that you can start now, today! I can say about myself that my life has changed dramatically - and not so much externally as internally. External changes come only in response to what is happening inside, but inside I felt light, good, calm.

How to correct the ancestral program is a separate huge topic: you can read a special mantra, you can pray for the entire genus in the temple, you can do a family constellation or draw up a family tree and work with it, you can use special physical practices (like yoga or Slavic gymnastics) - there are many ways .

Now I would like you, my dears, to realize what exactly you do not want to repeat after your ancestors, what would you like to change your life, what page of history to “rewrite again”, what do you want to leave as a legacy to your children - what life scenario, how happily and harmoniously do you want them to live their lives?

The problem for many of us is that it is easier for us to live in pain than to change something. But even if you don’t want to try for the sake of happiness for yourself, then think about what you wish for your children?

Birth programs

Our place and time of birth on this earth is not accidental. Moreover, before coming into this world, we ourselves agree with the souls of our loved ones about the situations and programs we are working on. Having incarnated in this world, we are a continuation of our race. And all our ancestors who lived before us continue to live in us. All the achievements and skills of our ancestors are in our genetic code, which is transmitted through blood and is called ancestral memory. We also inherit the imperfections and outright mistakes of our ancestors. They are the genetic burden of our species. All stereotypes of behavior and thinking that we inherited from our ancestors are transmitted to us in the form of generic programs, which, like computer programs, have activation conditions, clearly defined operating parameters and, most importantly, can be deleted, updated or replaced by other programs.

What is the value of this information?

One of my friends does not have children. He is smart, well-mannered, rich, good-looking, and has a high position in society. He could give his children the best in this world. But there is no one to give it to. He cannot prolong his lineage. He also has trouble finding a worthy life partner. With his data!…

A distant relative of mine left her father’s surname when she got married, “so that her father’s line would not end.” There were no boys born in her generation. She died quite young, never having known motherhood.

A couple I know did not have children for 8 years after starting a family. The long-awaited child, laboriously born and born, died at the age of 8 years.

The mother-in-law did not accept her daughter-in-law. She gave birth to a daughter who never had an understanding with her mother, and then with her daughter.

In the family of one of my friends, all the men are revelers. It is clear that their wives (women of this kind) have a hard life.

My friend’s grandmother is divorced, her mother is divorced, and she is now raising her daughter on her own.

What is this? Evil fate? No. These are generic programs.

Diagnosis of birth programs, as a rule, is not at all difficult. You just need to carefully monitor the patterns in your family.

Helps a lot in this matter family tree registration. To do this you will need a large sheet of paper, pens and markers of different colors. On a sheet of paper, on one line, you designate yourself and, leaving spaces, all your brothers and sisters, relatives, cousins ​​and second cousins. For convenience, you can use the “triangle with apex at the top” icon for all women and the “triangle with apex at the bottom” for all men. You can put small circles on top of the triangles to make them look like little people (). Be sure to write people's names next to the icons. Next to your icon, place an icon for your partner(s) and indicate their names. Do the same for relatives of your generation. Next to each person, write what he does and his personal characteristics (for example: unstable psyche, handsome, unfaithful, drunkard, scientist, faithful, rich, teacher, cook, deputy, etc.). Be sure to indicate the shocks that occurred in a person’s life: an accident, a big win in the lottery, divorce, a criminal record, a fatal illness, an early or inharmonious death, etc.

Below, under the icons of yourself and your spouse, register your children and, according to the same principle, the children of your brothers and sisters. Also include dead or aborted children. Above, above your generation line, write down your parents and their entire generation in your family. Next, using the “one line – one generation” principle, write down all your relatives that you can remember or find out about.

Indicate happy couples, for example, with a green dash between the icons of spouses, and divorces with a red cross. The blue line runs from father to son, the red line from mother to daughter. Thus, we will trace the male gender and the female share in the family. Mark conflicts between relatives with red zigzag lines connecting the conflicting parties. Indicate the cause of the conflict if you know it.

Such diagnostics will allow you to determine the programs operating in your family. The marker of the program, as a rule, is thought forms or sayings, which are also passed down through the family. For example, the phrase “getting married is not a disaster, as long as you don’t get married” became the motto-marker of the program of an unhappy female destiny in the family of my friend. Indeed, women of this kind managed to establish relationships very easily; all women of this kind got married, but family life did not work out.

Of course, birth programs are accompanied by other markers. If we take the above example of an unhappy female fate, then in this family women did not know how to choose a life partner correctly, did not know how to build relationships, and in realizing their female destiny they rushed to extremes: either sacrifice contrary to their interests, or selfishness on the verge of cruelty. Part of the ancestral memory responsible for creating a happy family was blocked by the program of an unhappy family life.

And now we come to the most important thing. As we already know, the ancestral memory contains all the programs necessary for a successful and happy life. These necessary programs are sometimes blocked by system viruses - scenarios of unfavorable events that are passed on down the line instead of true generic programs.

Let's look at how this usually happens.

A woman loses her beloved in World War Ihusband The grief and shock of losing a loved one is unbearable. Naturally, she has thoughts about the injustice of life and loses trust in life (in God, the Universe). Against the background of a strong shock (feeding on its energy), the systemic virus of “losing a husband” is prescribed into the generic system. Then her daughter loses her husband in World War II, her granddaughter and great-granddaughter, in the absence of wars, lose their husbands in divorces.

In this case, the situations can be anything. And viruses can manifest themselves in any area of ​​human life. The same principle will apply everywhere:

– shock

– error in perceiving a life lesson (inability to accept the situation)

– registration of the virus

– the inharmonious fate of subsequent generations.

Where shocks come from, who organizes wars and other terrible events in life and why is a topic for another discussion. More about this another time.

Any program causes an outflow of human energy. Every time you remember your former partner/situation/any person/any phenomenon that at one time aroused strong emotions in you (program binding marker), you give your energy. But you yourself need your energy potential to solve your life issues and tasks. When you have a constant outflow of energy, you usually experience negative processes in your life: you cannot find a good job, create a harmonious family (or there is discord in an existing family), you do not have enough strength to implement your plans, you get sick often, etc.

Virus programs that appear in your life become generic programs if you do not “work off” them. I think your children will not be very happy with such an “inheritance”.

So what should we do about it? - you ask.

You can be hysterical about the injustice of life, or you can look for a constructive way out of the current situation. I offer you the second one.

Step 1. Acceptance is the path to awareness

At this stage, we recognize all the inharmonious and terrible events in our family and in our lives. Yes they were. The people who did them They did the best they could at that point in their lives. Believe me, if your grandmother had the strength to do otherwise, she would definitely do it. And if the soldier who killed your great-grandfather during dispossession could not have shot, he would not have shot. No one is to blame for anything! Now is not the time to cover your head with ashes and complain about the injustice of life, the weakness of your ancestors, etc. You and I are also far from ideal. And we don’t always act in the best way. So why should we judge others? They lived in more difficult conditions than us. We ourselves attract certain situations in life to ourselves in order to gain experience and awareness.

Step 2. Forgiveness

Virus programs do not “cling” to all people. In order for the program to gain access to you, you must have made some mistake. But who hasn’t made a mistake in life?!

In order to neutralize the consequences of your mistakes, it is enough to:

- To apologize from those people whom you may have once offended (if you have ever behaved incorrectly with Nature, ask her for forgiveness for this)

- forgive everyone who once offended you (sincerely, from the bottom of my heart)

Wish everyone happiness.

This simple technique works flawlessly. Forgiveness corrects the entire field of events: past, present and future. But in order to sincerely forgive and ask for forgiveness, a person sometimes has to work very hard on himself - it’s not so simple: admit that I, so good, could be wrong. It is also not always possible to ask people for forgiveness in person, and it is not always appropriate. Then we turn to people mentally - thought has no boundaries either in distance or in time.

Step 3. Proper “clearance”

The sapper makes one mistake. Everyone knows this. Neutralizing a virus program yourself is similar to the work of a sapper: one mistake and the consequences can be worse than the work of the program itself.

The situation seemed hopeless, but there is always a way out.

Each program has its own creator. This is the person/entity who, when creating the program, foresaw all the nuances of its action and neutralization. Only the creator of the mine knows how to properly clear it. It's the same here.

As we have already said, the action of virus programs causes an outflow of human energy. Naturally, you did not ask for energy to be “pumped” out of you. Any outflow of energy occurs against your Will, even if the cause of its occurrence was your mistake. One of the laws of the Universe says about integrity of will. Violation of this law by the creators of “viruses” gives us force and right use the “antivirus algorithm” given at the end of the article.

Step 4. “Who did this?”

Traditionally, people look for the cause of their problems in... other people. This feature of human psychology is perfectly used by “magicians and fortune tellers” who offer to “remove the damage” and even tell “who did it.” (And then you will hate this person all your life and lose your energy.)

Unfortunately, the level of culture and consciousness of people in our time is at such a level that people themselves can unconsciously create programs, and then suffer from them. The world today is filled with virus programs that people “catch” onto themselves, making typical mistakes of non-compliance with ethics and the laws of the spiritual and astral worlds.

A person always attracts certain events into his life.. The world we live in is what we are.

The universal “antivirus” is impeccability: the state of a person when he listens to his inner voice, acts according to his conscience, behaves ethically towards other people and nature, lives in love and wishes the best to everyone.

If you take responsibility for your life into your own hands and take the path of impeccability, no virus will be able to “catch on” to you, since you will no longer be accessible to such programs!

Antivirus ALGORITHM:

1. Get into a calm state, relax. Try to find a quiet place and time when you will not be disturbed.

2. Demand that the creators, as well as everyone interested in the work of the program you calculated, appear before you now.

3. Demand that the “creators of the program” who appear before you neutralize it. If any entities from other worlds are connected to the work of the program, they go to their own place and time.

4. Your energy potential withdrawn during the program is returned to you. You use it to solve your life problems.

5. The result of the neutralization of the program is indestructible!

6. Wish yourself and everyone happiness.
