Which software to choose for the office

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Article topic: Office software
Rubric (thematic category) Technologies

Office automation levels

In any case, office work involves working with information. But information cannot exist on its own. It needs to be fixed somehow. Information is recorded on various media.

Automation of various intra-office work with information can be divided into levels. The following classification is proposed.

Level 1. Using some office equipment (telephone;

copier, fax) for transmission and reproduction of documents.

Level 2. Using a computer to create and print documents using standard office programs (Microsoft Office software package).

Level 3. Using specially designed programs for office work on separate computers.

Level 4. Using a local network for communication between computers and access to documents.

Level 5. Electronic document management. Using specially developed network versions of programs to record the movement of documents, goods, communication between databases over a local network, etc.

Level 6. Electronic document management. Using remote access to the Internet to receive and transmit information.

Level 7. Use of an automated management system, as well as dedicated access to the Internet for constant online presence in order to create a virtual office.

The minimum automation that a travel agency should have is computers with standard software. A modern travel company cannot operate normally without a computer. It is also necessary to have e-mail as an effective means of communication. An increasing number of tour operators, and even small agencies, are focusing on e-mail as a more convenient and, most importantly, cheaper way of information exchange.

The need for special software for some travel program designed to automate all intra-office work is due to two reasons. The first is the volume of clients that the manager in Excel is no longer able to control. The second reason is the high professional level of staff training.

Opening your own Internet office or store is a very serious matter, requiring a lot of money and attention.

Tourism is a huge field of activity for various organizations.

The development strategy of all software is largely determined by both the popularity of Microsoft products and the widespread use of Internet technologies and the use of local networks.

The choice of application software is determined by the user himself and the class of tasks being solved. Many companies specializing in the creation of application software create a variety of programs for office work,

For example, text recognition programs are used to convert printed documents into electronic ones using a scanner. They convert a graphic image of text (picture) obtained using a scanner into text with the subsequent ability to edit it. One of the most popular text recognition programs is FineReader.

To automate document flow, standard programs from the Microsoft Office package (Word, Excel, Access) and special software are used - the so-called document management systems (DMS).

Outlook Express, Microsoft Outlook, The Bat and others are used as programs for working with e-mail.

It is important to note that Microsoft PowerPoint is widely used to create product presentations.

Let's look at some of the application programs used in tourism to solve various types of problems.

Office software - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Office Software" 2017, 2018.

Hundreds of programs have been created around the world, the developers of which classify their products as office products. At the same time, in our country we have a very limited set of office applications (six to seven programs) installed on the vast majority of PCs, the owners of which work with documents in one way or another. Of course, first of all, this list includes programs of any version of the Microsoft Office suite. The most popular product from this set is MS Word (almost everyone uses it); the second most popular product is probably MS Outlook; a large number of users use it both as an email program and as a means of organizing personal information. PowerPoint and Excel are also used quite often, but the number of PC owners who have a deep knowledge of Excel is not so large, while mastering the capabilities of PowerPoint is not particularly difficult. But the Access DBMS, which many people (especially at home) have installed, so to speak, in reserve, is used much less frequently.

Despite the fact that Microsoft is constantly expanding its arsenal of office programs, domestic firms still have some scope for activity in the field of creating office products, and this is primarily due to national, that is, language, specifics. We are talking about dictionaries, translators, and character recognition tools that complement the Microsoft Office suite of programs. Most of these programs are integrated into the Microsoft Office application interface.

Among computer dictionaries, we should highlight the ABBYY product, the electronic dictionary Lingvo, which provides rapid translation from Russian into English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and vice versa. ABBYY also offers the most popular program for recognizing texts of paper documents and converting them into electronic form FineReader.

Among the translator programs, the most popular are those of the Russian company PROMT, which develops translation systems and electronic dictionaries for seven European languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and, of course, Russian. These programs will be discussed in this article.

MS Office office for all times

The history of the development of MS Office largely reflects the stages of development of office applications in the current understanding of this term. Relatively recently, namely in 1983, Microsoft developed its first text editor, Multi-Tool Word. In the same year, a DOS version of the program appeared, in 1984 a version for Apple Macintosh, and in 1989 for Microsoft Windows.

In 1984, Microsoft specialists began working on the first versions of the spreadsheet for PCs and Macintoshes, the final versions of which were released a year later. At the same time, Berkeley University graduate Bob Gaskins developed the PowerPoint program designed for making presentations. The black-and-white version of PowerPoint 1.0 was released in 1987 for the Apple Macintosh computer and was acquired by Microsoft that same year. A year later, a Windows version of the program appeared.

And in 1988, the first version of the integrated Microsoft Office suite was introduced, which included word processors, spreadsheet processors, a presentation tool, and an email program. Over time, this set actually became the standard for office applications. The idea behind an integrated office suite was that a package of interconnected programs could produce more than the sum of unrelated applications. And this idea turned out to be very fruitful: typing various texts, creating documents, financial calculations and exchanging e-mail - this is exactly the range of tasks that office employees have to perform.

The first Microsoft Office suite was released for Macintosh computers in 1988, but it was only after the release and popularization of the Windows 3.x operating system that the development of office software for PCs became a priority for the corporation. The first office applications for Windows appeared in the early 90s, and the first version of MS Office for Windows, number 3.0, was released in 1992. The suite of programs included Word 2.0, Excel 4.0, PowerPoint 3.0, and Mail. There was no database management system included in Office at that time; the Access DBMS, aimed primarily at Microsoft Office users who needed to create their own databases and were unfamiliar with programming, appeared only in the early 90s.

The idea of ​​combining universal office tools that are not tied to a specific type of office work served as the basis for the worldwide popularity of the MS Office package. Microsoft Office does not have separate programs for specific employees of the enterprise (accountant, lawyer, HR employee, etc.), but those tasks that may be in demand by each of these users are maximally automated. It is this approach that has allowed Microsoft to make its suite of office programs necessary for a wide variety of users around the world.

In the early 90s, Internet access became quite widespread, and it soon became obvious that office work should also include tools for using the Web. And then in 1995, Microsoft, as the largest manufacturer of office software, announced a program to add Internet capabilities to all of its products. HTML has become a full-fledged file format created in MS Office applications. Documents saved in HTML format allowed them to be viewed using a browser, but they could still be edited in the corresponding Office programs using all the available tools of the original applications. The main stages of development of the package are shown in Fig. 1, and the end point in this diagram is still 2003 in October of this year, a new product called Office System appeared. The basis of the Office System was the Microsoft Office 2003 package. In addition, in addition to Microsoft Office 2003, which included such popular products as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, the Office System also included a number of applications. For example, it includes the new OneNote 2003, a note-taking and management program that lets you capture, organize, and reuse notes on your laptop or desktop. In addition, the Office System includes FrontPage 2003, a tool for creating and managing Web sites.

The Office System also includes Microsoft Publisher 2003, an easy-to-use desktop publishing system designed primarily for business users who want to produce their own marketing materials without having to rely on professional designers. Microsoft Publisher enables the creation and design of high-quality marketing and information materials. This program has many of the capabilities of Word, but if the main task of Word is to form the substantive basis of the document, and it is impossible to obtain high-quality printed products using Word, then the purpose of Publisher is to implement the document in the form of a high-quality printed publication. The Publisher program is most widely used in the production of colorful booklets, catalogs, invitation cards, greeting cards, etc., since it contains all the necessary tools, templates and blanks.

The Office System also includes other applications, but since in this article we give an overview of the required minimum of PC programs for the general user, we will limit ourselves to a short list of the capabilities of programs such as Word 2003, Excel 2003, Outlook 2003, PowerPoint 2003.

Microsoft Word 2003

Microsoft Word 2003 a multifunctional word processing system that has a full range of tools necessary for quickly creating and effectively processing documents of almost any degree of complexity (Fig. 2). such a widespread word processor that its file format (*.doc) has become the de facto standard for all office application developers.

Word supports text editing by providing the user with a variety of formatting tools (at the character, paragraph, and section levels). At the character level, the program provides character formatting (font, font size, spacing between characters, bold text, italics, underlining, text color, etc.), and at the paragraph level, compliance with paragraph formatting (alignment method, line spacing, framing, filling, creating bulleted lists, etc.). The program also allows you to format sections, that is, sections of the document within which columns, headers and footers, page numbering, footnotes, margins and some other parameters retain their format. The combination of character, paragraph and section formatting, as well as page settings (size, background, etc.) determines the document's layout information.

Word makes formatting a document much easier by providing the ability to use styles—named and saved sets of formatting options. A style can determine fonts, font sizes, line spacing, ways to align text to edges, etc. Once you define a style, you can quickly apply it to any piece of text in the document. Format text using styles is much faster than manually changing each element of formatting. Using a style ensures a consistent appearance for certain document elements and also allows you to automate procedures such as compiling a table of contents and indexes. Word has a range of predefined styles and also allows you to create custom ones.

As a rule, organizations create a lot of repetitive documents, the preparation of which can be speeded up using special templates that allow you to quickly produce documents of similar form without wasting time on formatting. Templates can contain information about styles and standard texts and even toolbars to unify and automate the preparation process. Word comes with templates for many standard documents. Thus, using Word you can quickly issue an order, memo, prepare a scientific and technical report, letter or any other document containing standard elements. Word also offers built-in graphics tools that allow you to include diagrams, drawings, and diagrams in your text.

Word 2003 also includes new opportunities to access additional resources - electronic dictionaries, templates, clipart, educational materials, etc., which are collected on a special Microsoft Office Online Web site.

Recently, a number of new interactive services in Russian have appeared. In particular, Office 2003 users have access to electronic encyclopedias and product search systems in online stores. The number of such services will constantly expand, giving MS Office users access to new services.

Word 2003's support for the XML file format allows you to save resumes, reports, and other documents in this format without disturbing Word formatting. Saving a Word document in XML format creates a single file, making the file easier to share and work with than in HTML format, which stores images and other files separately.

Microsoft Outlook 2003

Microsoft Outlook 2003 is a powerful tool for working with personal information. The program combines the functions of email, personal calendar, scheduling tools, managing personal information (such as contacts and tasks), creating special applications for collaboration and information sharing. Outlook provides a contact list where you can store information about contacts, as well as journaling to sort and find Microsoft Office documents based on the time you work with them.

Many people around the world have fully appreciated the power of Outlook for planning and monitoring work. It turned out to be very convenient to be able to set reminders for each planned event at a certain time. Users can see reminders of all activities planned for the current day or receive a warning about an important event several days in advance. Outlook can also be used to schedule group work. For example, when working on a corporate network, you can view the free time schedule of employees you want to invite to a meeting and automatically select the most convenient time for everyone.

In Outlook 2003, the program has changed significantly. The new interface provides messages on the screen in the form of a vertical window the so-called newspaper column (Fig. 3).

New options for managing letters have appeared. The intelligent mail grouping feature allows you to organize letters by time of receipt, importance, volume, etc. As a result, the user receives a short list of sections: today, yesterday, this week, last month, last year. By clicking on any item, you can view letters that meet certain criteria. Another innovation allows for more efficient sorting and processing of mail. These are virtual search folders that display the results of specific search queries. This ensures that all email items remain in their original Outlook folders. Search folders make it easy to group emails based on specific criteria.

Outlook 2003 also has a custom spam filter. The program filters messages with suspected spam and automatically moves them to the Junk E-mail folder.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2003

Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 (Fig. 4) is a popular presentation preparation program that is widely used by businessmen, teachers, lecturers and office employees. The use of this program has changed the very idea of ​​how laborious it is to create a presentation: today, preparing a report with the highest quality illustrative material takes just a few minutes.

PowerPoint allows you to create visual presentations by integrating text, graphics, video, and other elements on separate pages called slides, similar to the slide projectors now obsolete due to the introduction of computer-based presentations. PowerPoint lets you create slides that contain floating tables and wrapping text, and you can edit, share, and print the slides.

Transitions between slides when showing a presentation from a computer can be animated in various ways, and you can also animate individual elements on the slides to attract the audience's attention to them. Like other programs included with MS Office, PowerPoint provides many ready-made design options and content templates.

Microsoft PowerPoint allows you to broadcast presentations to a wide audience over the Internet.

As Microsoft Office evolved, the program acquired new elements common to all Office applications. Thus, PowerPoint 2003 introduced an improved PowerPoint Viewer that allows users who do not have PowerPoint installed to view a PowerPoint presentation. Presentation authors can enable the Viewer when burning the presentation to CD. In addition, the program has acquired a number of new functions, in particular the ability to view full-screen films as PowerPoint presentations.

Microsoft Excel 2003

Microsoft Excel is an ideal tool for solving accounting problems, processing experimental data, drawing up reports, etc. (Fig. 5).

An Excel document is called a workbook, which consists of sheets that are tables of cells where numeric and text information can be stored. Such a book serves as a good organizational tool: there, for example, you can collect all the documents (worksheets) related to a specific project (task), or all the documents maintained by one person.

Excel tables are convenient for storing and sorting information and for performing mathematical and statistical calculations. In addition to working with numbers, Excel has advanced capabilities for working with text, allowing you to create documents of almost any complexity. Excel has a large number of templates with which you can quickly draw up a variety of documents, including financial ones.

Microsoft Excel has a lot of built-in functions for mathematical, statistical, financial and other calculations. One of the most important functions of the program is the ability to present data in the form of a variety of graphs, charts and maps.

Excel offers a powerful tool for solving problems of parameter selection, statistical data analysis, etc. The ability to access external data sources (tables of other formats, databases) has been implemented.

By supporting the XML language, Office Excel 2003 allows you to read data from any user-defined XML schema. You can also use XML language support in Microsoft Office Excel 2003 to update charts, tables, and graphs as changes are made to the associated XML data store.

MS Office Application Integration

Products of the Microsoft Office family contain the same type of toolbars, as well as sets of tools common to all applications (spelling checkers, a drawing tool, a diagram editor, a library of clipart, drawings, etc.), therefore, having learned to work with one of the applications, users can easily master other components of the package.

All Microsoft Office applications enable data exchange between individual applications. Any application of the package allows you to place a drawing, video clip or audio clip into a document (text, spreadsheet, presentation, database). Working in network operating systems, applications of the Microsoft Office family support collaborative group work on common documents located not only on the local drive of the workstation, but also on a neighboring computer or on a network server. A Microsoft Excel 2003 spreadsheet or a Microsoft Access database can be used by multiple people at the same time. Microsoft Word allows you to create a document that can be worked on by different people at the same time.

By integrating Microsoft Office applications, users of the suite can create highly complex compound documents with data from various applications. The method of exchanging data between Microsoft Office applications (the mechanism for linking and embedding objects) provides the user with the ability to insert fragments created in other applications into a document created in one application. A fragment created in the source application can be placed in the target application's document as an object, which, along with the inserted data, stores information about the application that created the object. This allows you to edit an object using the application that created it. Objects can be a picture, text, a chart, a cell span, an audio file, or even a video clip.

The mechanism for linking the original object and its copy ensures efficient work with compound documents that use different sources. In particular, you can configure a mode in which data placed in a Word document from an Excel table will be updated automatically in the compound document when the source - Excel table is updated.

Although Microsoft Office applications have a very wide range of functions, it is obvious that no software product can satisfy all the specific needs of different categories of users. That's why Microsoft Office applications include a universal tool for creating your own applications, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).

Additional office programs

Translators PROMT

The rapid development of computer technology, the global spread of media, and the growing popularity of the Internet have generated a huge flow of information in various languages. Therefore, the need for computer tools to automate the translation process and reduce its cost is very urgent. Of course, while machine translation cannot compare with translation made by a person, the user receives the necessary information in just a few seconds. The use of machine translation systems is effective for organizing the translation of large arrays of similar documents in a short time, ensuring the uniformity of terminology and style in all documents. When using a translation system, the unification of the style and terminology used is ensured, and the time spent on translating documents is minimized.

PROMT products provide fast and high-quality translation in compliance with the morphological and syntactic rules of natural languages. You just need to open a document with text or type the text manually in the translation window, click on the “Translate” button and the translation is ready (Fig. 6).

Speaking about the latest version of the translation system, it must be emphasized that PROMT 7.0 allows you to embed translation functions directly into Microsoft Word 2000-2003. After installing PROMT, an additional panel with tools and an item in the top menu menu appear in the Word window, providing access to all translation functions (Fig. 7). Thus, from the Word window you can translate a foreign document into Russian or from Russian into a foreign language.

PROMT 7.0 is also built into Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint and FrontPage applications, which greatly facilitates working with e-mail, presentations and HTML pages in foreign languages.

ABBYY Lingvo 10

The Lingvo dictionary (Fig. 8) is widely used by home users and professional translators, in small companies and largest corporations. The convenience of the Lingvo interface is confirmed by numerous user reviews and high expert ratings over 15 years of existence on the market. The most complete set of dictionaries, “ABBYY Lingvo 10 Multilingual,” contains 10 million words (more than 4.5 million dictionary entries) in 5 languages, 11 dictionaries of general vocabulary, 67 specialized dictionaries on various topics.

Lingvo is constantly updated with new dictionaries and meanings: the 10th multilingual version includes 16 new and 7 significantly revised (compared to the 9th version) dictionaries. All of the new dictionaries were published in 2003-2004, and some dictionaries do not have printed analogues (at the time of the release of Lingvo 10): these include the linguistic and cultural dictionary “Americana II” and the explanatory dictionary of computer terms by E.M. Proydakov.

Each Lingvo dictionary entry contains all possible translation options.

The dictionary entries include transcriptions, interpretations, synonyms and antonyms, grammatical comments, and numerous examples of the use of foreign words.

Lingvo can search for a word across the entire text of vocabulary cards in all dictionaries at the same time, which is convenient if you need to find information contained inside dictionary entries, for example in usage examples. At the same time, Lingvo searches and translates words taking into account morphology, that is, in any form.

Speakers from the UK and Germany voiced 15 thousand of the most frequently used English and 10 thousand German words.

ABBYY Lingvo provides the ability to create custom dictionaries, as well as connect dictionaries created by other users. Additional dictionaries can be downloaded for free from the website of the Association of Lexicographers Lingvo www.LingvoDA.ru, where today more than 100 dictionaries are presented in a variety of languages ​​(including Arabic, Chinese, Esperanto, etc.) on a wide variety of topics (for example, dictionaries of abbreviations, accounting terms, idioms, etc.).

For those who are learning a foreign language or improving their knowledge, Lingvo will help make this process more efficient. The principle of operation of a new application for replenishing vocabulary, Lingvo Tutor, is based on the method of memorizing words using so-called cards. Main mode of operation: checking the spelling of a word using a given translation and hints. Lingvo Tutor keeps statistics: how many words there are, how many of them have already been learned and how many are left. Educational cards contain translations, transcriptions, examples. You can print them out and repeat the words even when you don’t have a computer at hand. Lingvo Tutor is a convenient application that adds an element of game and competition to the process of learning words.

ABBYY FineReader

Increasingly, when working with documents, users have to convert them from paper to electronic. The most popular OCR program that allows you to recognize paper documents and PDF files in Russia is ABBYY FineReader (Fig. 9).

There are three versions of ABBYY FineReader 7.0: ABBYY FineReader Home Edition designed for recognizing simple documents at home, ABBYY FineReader Professional Edition for professional recognition of a wide variety of documents, including complex ones, and ABBYY FineReader Corporate Edition combines high recognition accuracy with network capabilities.

Below we list the features of ABBYY FineReader 7.0 Professional Edition.

Integration of ABBYY FineReader with Microsoft Office Word 2003 allows you to edit recognition results using familiar Word tools, while simultaneously checking the text with the original image. To do this, just save the document in the new format Microsoft Word XML.

In ABBYY FineReader you can open, recognize and edit PDF files, saving the result in any of the formats supported by the program. PDF files created in FineReader are optimized for publishing on the Internet: the first pages of a multi-page document are available for reading immediately, while the remaining pages continue to be downloaded to your computer.

FineReader supports four main modes for saving to PDF format: text and pictures only, image only, text over page image, text under page image. Additionally, the option “Replace uncertainly recognized characters with their images” can be set, which increases the total number of supported saving modes to six.

ABBYY FineReader recognizes documents in 177 languages, including Russian, and spell checking is built-in for 34 languages. The spell checker allows you to edit recognized text. Uncertainly recognized characters and words that are not in the dictionary are highlighted in different colors. FineReader 7.0 includes medical and legal dictionaries for English and German.

The program has an intuitive interface. The Scan&Read wizard will help you quickly get results, and from the “Training by Examples” section you can learn about the intricacies of working with OCR. The built-in WYSIWYG editor ABBYY FineReader ensures reproduction of document design details: columns of text, tables and pictures are displayed in the editor window in the same way as they were located in the original image.

ABBYY FineReader quickly exports recognition results to popular office applications, including Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint. Recognized text can be saved in various formats: PDF, HTML, Microsoft Word XML, DOC, RTF, XLS, PPT, DBF, CSV and TXT.

Alternative Office Suites

In terms of the number of consumers, the office suite market is one of the most massive, so it is obvious that Microsoft had and still has competitors - companies offering alternative office products.

Many large companies have office suites. Thus, Corel is promoting the WordPerfect Office package; IBM has developed SmartSuite; Sun Microsystems Corporation offers StarOffice. In many countries there were national text editors, for example, in Russia the Lexicon text editor was popular for a long time. In total, there are dozens of office applications from different manufacturers on the market, but all of them together occupy no more than 5% of the global market.

Most often, the free OpenOffice.org package (OpenSource office suite and its modification StarOffice, distributed by Sun) is called an alternative to MS Office.

OpenOffice.org is a freely distributed suite of office programs that includes the following components:

  • Writer (word processor and HTML editor);
  • Calc (spreadsheets);
  • Draw (graphics editor);
  • Impress (presentation system);
  • formula editor;
  • data access module.

For users who need support from a developer, it makes sense to pay attention to StarOffice 7.0, which has all the capabilities of OpenOffice, and also has additional components.

StarOffice and OpenOffice.org run on Solaris, Linux and Windows operating systems.

It is possible to split an image into several parts and save each of them as a separate page, which is especially useful when recognizing book spreads, business cards and printouts of Microsoft PowerPoint presentations.

Tourism is a huge field of activity for various organizations.

The development strategy of all software is largely determined by both the popularity of Microsoft products and the widespread use of Internet technologies and the use of local networks.

The choice of application software is determined by the user himself and the class of tasks being solved. Many companies specializing in the creation of application software create a variety of programs for office work,

For example, text recognition programs are used to convert printed documents into electronic ones using a scanner. They convert a graphic image of text (picture) obtained using a scanner into text with the subsequent ability to edit it. One of the most popular text recognition programs is FineReader.

To automate document flow, standard programs from the Microsoft Office package (Word, Excel, Access) and special software are used - the so-called document management systems (DMS).

Outlook Express, Microsoft Outlook, The Bat and others are used as programs for working with e-mail.

Microsoft PowerPoint is widely used to create product presentations.

Let's look at some of the application programs used in tourism to solve various types of problems.

2.6.1. Automation of document flow

Flows of information and movement of documents form document circulation.

All documents have general and special functions. General features:

Informational (the document is created to save information);

Social (the document is a socially significant object, because it is associated with a certain social need);

Communicative (the document acts as a means of communication between organizations and other public structures);

Cultural (the document consolidates and conveys cultural traditions). Special Features:

Management (the document is a management tool, since it was specially created for this purpose);

Legal (the document is a means of consolidating and changing legal norms and legal relations in society);

Historical (a document is a source of historical information about the development of society).

Electronic document management assumes the presence of two mandatory components:

Document flow automation system,


Small and medium-sized enterprises with a small volume of document flow, having one or more computers, can use fairly widespread and convenient text editors and spreadsheets to automate document flow.

Small and medium-sized enterprises with a large volume of document flow, as well as all large enterprises, should use specialized document management systems.

The use of computers does not change the basic tasks and principles of office work, but only helps to organize work with documents more efficiently.

Electronic office management using a software package Microsoft Office . The creation of standard document forms for office work (orders, instructions, instructions, letters, reports, etc.) can be done using automated office technologies using the Microsoft Office software package. There are significant advantages of electronic record keeping compared to manual production (Table 1).

Table 1 Advantages of electronic record keeping



Creating documents

You can create a new document, edit an existing one, or give the document an appropriate design. Microsoft Word's automatic spelling and punctuation checking is very convenient. Using certain fonts and document field parameters, you can create a document that meets the requirements of GOST. You can use a scanner to enter text into your computer.

Creating document forms

You can create forms for the most frequently used documents on the computer (for example, an Order form), and during the production of the next document you will only need to change the text and registration number - the time savings are obvious.

Text translation

Using special programs you can translate text into foreign languages. After automatic translation, editing of the document text is required. This is very convenient if an organization works with a large volume of documents in foreign languages.

Registration of documents

It is very convenient to create an electronic file cabinet or database in Microsoft Excel. This saves time and makes it easier to search for a document using any search criteria.

Formation of personal

Using a database to create personal files for employees of the organization. You get the following advantages: it is convenient to make any changes (phone number, marital status, etc.), the ability to sort data by columns (for example, alphabetically), using the query command you can obtain the necessary information located in the database in a matter of seconds

Formation of a list of cases

You can maintain a list of your organization's affairs using Microsoft Excel. You can make the necessary corrections and additions without rewriting the entire page of the journal (which is inevitable with paper work).

Copying information

You can copy information from one document to another via the clipboard. To do this, you need to select a fragment to copy, select in the Menu panel Edit, select a team Copy, go to another document, place the cursor in the desired place, select Edit, then Insert.

Search documents

You can use Explorer to search for a document if you know the document's creation date or document title. If you don’t know this either, you can find the document as follows: turn on the computer, press the button Start, press Search, press Files and folders, then fill in the search parameters and click Find.

Document protection

You can protect documents from unauthorized access using a password. If your computer stores important information and you do not want other employees of the organization to have access to it, you can set a password at the program level; in this case, the computer will not start without the password. If several employees are working on a computer, you can protect a specific document from access. In Microsoft Word, to do this you need to: open the document for which you need to set a password, select in the Menu panel Service, choose Install protection enter the password, press OK.

Special systemselectronic document management. Any workflow system may contain elements of each of the following categories, but most have a specific focus in one area, primarily related to product positioning.

Systems with advanced means of storing and retrieving information(electronic archives - EA). Electronic archive - This is a special case of a document management system, focused on efficient storage and retrieval of information. Some systems are especially distinguished by their developed means of full-text search: fuzzy search, semantic search, etc., others - due to the effective organization of storage.

Systems with advanced toolswork/ low(WF) - "work flow". These systems are mainly designed to ensure the movement of certain objects along predetermined routes (the so-called “hard routing”). At each stage, the object can change, so it is called the general word “work”. Documents may be associated with jobs, but they are not the basic object of these systems. With the help of such systems, it is possible to organize certain work, for which it is known in advance and can be

All stages are described.

Systems focused on supporting organizational management and knowledge accumulation. These are “hybrid” systems that usually combine elements of the previous two. In this case, the basic concept in the system can be both the document itself and the task that needs to be completed. To manage an organization, you need both “hard” and “loose” routing, when the route of a document is assigned by the manager (“describes” the incoming document), so both technologies in one form or another can be present in such systems. These systems are actively used in government management structures, in the offices of large companies, which have a developed hierarchy and have certain rules and procedures for the movement of documents. At the same time, employees collectively create documents, prepare and make decisions, execute or control their execution. When implementing such systems in large enterprises, it is important to determine whether the system provides the ability for effective administration, processing large volumes of information, integration with automated production management systems, phased implementation, complex organizational structure, role-based access, etc.

Systems designed to support collaboration(collaboration). This is a new trend in the field of document management systems, associated with an understanding of the variability of market conditions in the modern world and the need to have “only what is necessary” for rapid movement, without unnecessary, very useful, but heavy ballast. Such systems, in contrast to the previous ones, do not include the concept of hierarchy in the organization and do not care about any formalization of the flow of work. Their task is to ensure that people in the organization work together, even if they are geographically separated, and to preserve the results of this work. Typically implemented in the concept of "portals". They provide services for storing and publishing documents on the organization’s internal network, searching for information, discussing, and making appointments (both real and virtual). Such systems find customers among rapidly growing commercial companies, work groups, large firms and government agencies.

Systems with developed additional services. May have different levels of difficulty. For example, a customer relationship management service (CRM - Customer Relation Management), project management, email, etc.

Document management systems presented in Russia: Docs Fusion and Docs Open, Documentum, LanDocs, Microsoft SharePoint, Portal Server, Optima Workflow, "BOSS-Referent", "Delo", "Euphrates", Company Media, Lotus Domino.doc, "Effect" -Office". Information about these systems can be found on the Docflow conference server, http:/www. Docflow.ru and others.

All systems have integration with Microsoft Office applications, report generation, and standard search tools.

External electronic document management. As you know, the problem of exchanging correspondence between organizations using various electronic document management systems (EDMS) is quite pressing. Document flow between two different organizations is still carried out in paper form, which greatly complicates the prompt exchange of official information. Until now, this process looked like this: a document created in the EDMS of one organization was printed on paper, delivered by courier or regular mail to another organization, where it was scanned and entered into a new EDMS. Taking into account the fact that each of these organizations has its own document automation system, each change to a document intended for external circulation is subjected to the above-described procedure repeatedly.

The adoption of the law on electronic digital signatures partly solved this problem by legally allowing paperless exchange of documents between independent organizations. One from The objectives of the target federal program "Electronic Russia" is to unite state authorities with a unified electronic document management system.

The emergence of a new XML format, one of the most promising options, the use of which is the transition to a unified electronic document management system, will significantly increase the efficiency of organizations’ contacts with their partners, remote branches, government agencies and other external organizations. XML technology is about separating data (content) from its visual representation (form and format), allowing the same document to be represented in different forms and formats.

Choosing a document management system is not just a technological or engineering task; it is related to the overall development strategy of the organization. If this is a commercial company, then the choice is determined largely by its goals, the competitive environment, the structure that currently exists, as well as the structure that the company will come to in the future, and, in addition, the economic effect of implementation.

The topic is relevant for almost all personal computer users. Even if you are very far from office work, you still may at any time need to either open a received document or create your own. Therefore, a package of office applications will not be superfluous. We will try to help you make a choice. Yes, with choice, because there are different packages. Don't know anything about them? No problem, it can be fixed.

The essence in brief

An office software package is either a set of applications with a single installer (in which the necessary components are selected), or a set of individual products that are not integrated into a single whole. Such a package is either initially included with the operating system (GNU/Linux distribution) or requires adding so that it is always at hand.

Review of popular office suites

To begin with, a short overview of office software packages, their brief descriptions and characteristics. We will mention only truly significant products, widely distributed and actively used.

MS Office

Microsoft Office is still the most popular office software package for the Windows and Mac OS operating systems. Perhaps everyone knows about the MS Word word processor, Excel spreadsheet editor, Power Point for creating presentations and Access for organizing databases.

Most often, the paid MS Office package is downloaded and installed illegally. Often people take a free beta version of a new release and use it to its fullest - until the period for which it is given for free expires.

Advantages: It can do everything that an office suite should be able to do.

Flaws: there are no and, presumably, there will never be versions for free OS; quite expensive; native document formats are closed.

A surefire way to destroy a company is to install pirated copies of MS Office in the office. Computers will be arrested and confiscated for a long time, the activities of the organization will stop. Well, the fine, of course, will not seem petty.


LibreOffice is the successor to OpenOffice.org, which is now in a coma. (However, OpenOffice.org has a chance to be revived, but that's a separate conversation.) Free even for commercial use, since it is Free Software.

The Writer word processor (or rather, LibreOffice Writer, but for convenience we will abbreviate the full names) is an analogue of MS Word. Instead of Excel, use the Calc spreadsheet editor. Presentations are created in Impress, simple databases are created in Base (analogous to MS Access). There is also a Math formula editor and a simple vector drawing tool, Draw.

Advantages: free; rapidly developing and improving; The native *.odt format (aka ODF, Open Document Format) is free, open, XML-based and quite good.

LibreOffice is a way to save a company from going broke on purchasing licensed copies of MS Office for hundreds of computers in the organization. And, of course, the gloomy people in uniform who come with inspections will be unhappy, because there will be one less reason to seize the equipment.

Flaws: complex documents in *.doc format created by MS Word may be displayed crookedly in LibreOffice Writer (but this is not the fault of the developers, because *.doc is closed).

GNOME Office

Why is the GNOME Office suite considered significant? Programs from this package are present in popular GNU/Linux distributions with lightweight XFCE and LXDE shells. For example, in Xubuntu and Lubuntu. First of all, the AbiWord word processor and the Gnumeric spreadsheet editor.

If AbiWord is not yet very suitable for serious work, then Gnumeric is already a quite high-quality software product. As well as the Evolution email client, the Evince PDF viewer, and, of course, everyone’s favorite vector graphics editor Inkscape, whose popularity there is no doubt.

Flaws: AbiWord.

Other office suites

Historically, KDE competes with GNOME in GNU/Linux. These two graphical shells compete with each other in the fight for popularity. That's why KDE has KOffice, a kind of office software package: the Kword word processor, the Kcells spreadsheet editor, and the Showcase presentation tool (for some reason without the traditional KDE letter "K" at the beginning of the name).

There has not yet been any significant progress in the development of the above applications (Kword is especially crooked - it often cannot open a file that it itself saved), so users of GNU/Linux distributions with the KDE shell prefer LibreOffice.

In addition to local ones installed on the system, there are office packages in the form of web applications. The most popular and high-quality service is, perhaps, Google Docs. I mean, Google Docs.

If you have uninterrupted access to the network, you can do without installing heavy programs on a simple netbook with a limited storage capacity.


The most practical solution for most users of Windows, Mac OS and GNU/Linux operating systems at the moment is the free office suite LibreOffice (libreoffice.org). It makes sense to buy MS Office only if the document flow in your office cannot do without 100% support for formats from Microsoft. But this situation is gradually being corrected, Free Software is gradually gaining popularity and spreading more and more widely, and with it the open ODF format.

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Last edit: 2012-04-15 22:53:38

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The long-awaited time has come, when all the preparations have been made: the rent has been paid, the office has been equipped, and employees have been hired. All that remains is to decide on the software. This is where the big pitfall lies! Which software is better? How not to make a mistake, but at the same time not to overpay? What programs must have a license? Choosing software is not easy. Holding your head, you begin to frantically search for answers to your questions. No need to worry. Let's sit down and calmly figure everything out.

First, you need to decide which programs must be present on each employee’s computer. Then “figure out” specialized ones that will be used by a certain circle of people. Finally, let’s think about optional but acceptable programs. Well, have we started?

Safety first! That is why you need to start with choosing antiviruses. All office products are paid. At the same time, they are designed to protect corporate networks of any size and complexity, and are therefore very reliable. You can use free programs and utilities, but they do not provide the desired effect. Anti-virus databases are updated much less frequently than those of NOD32, Avast, Dr.Web, Kaspersky. The last two manufacturers produce very convenient free utilities (Dr.Web Curelt and Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool 2010), but in an office environment they are only suitable for “spot” scanning, because do not support continuous scanning. It’s better not to save money in this matter, otherwise it will cost you more!

Having secured the system, we begin to think about “working tools”. Will we collect documents? We will! Do you need to create tables? Necessarily! This means that we are puzzled by such a question as “choosing software” further. Among the paid services, the undisputed leader is the Microsoft product - Microsoft Office 2007. Even in the standard set, it includes such utilities as Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook. With their help, you can create and edit text files and spreadsheets, create presentations, magazines and diaries. The undoubted advantages are a two-month trial version with all functions retained, frequent updates that simplify working with the program/s, technical support that will come to the rescue and answer your questions. The downside is rare “glitches” that lead to the closure of the program. They are treated by autosaving with a minimum time interval.

Free utilities such as AbiWord, StarOffice Writer and the like allow you to solve only one or two tasks, such as working with texts and tables. To support other functions, you need to download additional programs. Their advantage is the absence of fees for use, support for basic functions, and small size. Minus - rare updates, sometimes problems arise, lack of technical support. They are treated with the same autosave.

Let's continue the conversation about... Among file managers, browsers and other programs, the choice is only yours. A huge selection of absolutely free versions (there are also paid ones, but they have the same set of functions as the free versions) provide complete freedom of action.

Programs such as 1C: Accounting do not have worthy analogues (especially free ones). That is why the developers are trying to keep their mark and not lose the palm. High-quality and convenient functions, simple manual and navigation, almost 24-hour technical support.

Briefly about the pros and cons

Paid programs BEHIND allow you to perform maximum functions availability of updates technical support convenient navigation, simplicity high-quality execution saving of settings after reinstalling the OS
AGAINST compatible with one OS (mostly) large “weight” noticeably loads the system license renewal required
Free programs
BEHIND no fee for use small size does not load the system availability of the most popular functions AGAINST lack of technical support inability to expand functions lack of updates navigation is not always convenient not protected from malware possible problems in operation (“glitches”)

If you find it difficult to resolve an issue with the selection of software, please contact the KLIK company. Our specialists will help, advise, and solve any problems that arise. We know for sure what software to choose for the office.Buying licensed software at low prices is very simple. Waiting for you!
