How are people addicted to alcohol coded? Is it possible to code yourself from drunkenness How to code yourself from alcoholism

There are 5 main categories of people - abstinent drinkers, occasional drinkers, moderate drinkers, systematic drinkers and habitual drinkers. So, abstinents who do not drink or drink very rarely (about 100 grams of wine several times a year). For them, drinking is just a tribute to the alcoholic tradition or a way to relax. Occasional drinkers several times/year in minor amounts. They easily control both the amount they drink and their behavior.

One of the main signs of alcoholism is a change in a person’s behavior - it can change sharply from calm to aggressive, and vice versa.

Moderate drinkers drink 1 to 5 times a month and enjoy the intoxication. At the same time, they feel the desire to drink extremely rarely, mostly drinking alcohol for company. Systematic drinkers are people who drink several times a week and gradually increase the dose of alcohol. They experience behavioral disturbances and develop a certain lifestyle. And finally - habitually drinking people - they drink more than 2-3 times a week in considerable quantities and gradually begin to slide to the bottom of society, abusing more and more actively, which affects both his social life and the ability to stop healthy offspring.

How to get rid of drunkenness at home

Before starting home treatment, you must completely abstain from alcohol for the entire course. To get out of a hangover, you need to pour 20 drops of mint alcohol into a glass of water and drink it. You can expel the remaining alcohol from the body with a glass of cold water in which 5-6 drops of ammonia are diluted. Since coding can only be done by a narcologist, the patient can use proven folk remedies.

Home treatment for drunkenness must be combined with physical activity, which will speed up the release of toxins from the body.

For home coding against alcoholism, you can use a collection of elecampane root (4 parts), elderberry flowers (2 parts), oregano herb (2 parts), thyme herb (3 parts), tansy flowers (4 parts) and blackberry fruits (2 parts) . A tablespoon of this herbal mixture should be poured with a glass of fresh boiling water, left for an hour, strained and drunk 100 milliliters on an empty stomach in the morning and afternoon - for several months. As a result, all toxins will be removed from the body, and the person will feel a tonic, restorative and hangover effect, after which the need for alcohol will disappear.


Alcoholism is a disease that affects every third person. The fight against this enemy is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Many people attribute alcoholism to a common bad habit, but they are deeply mistaken. This is the same as drugs - addiction rules a person. The only question is how to get rid of all this.

How to code for alcoholism

Coding alcoholism is the repression of a person’s desire and attraction to the bottle. Everything can happen through psychological influence on the alcoholic or with the help of medications. How alcohol coding occurs:

  • the person must fully agree that it is necessary to get rid of alcoholism, the doctor will always explain all the stages and moments of coding, consequences and further results;
  • a blood test is mandatory;
  • the coding method and price are chosen by the patient;
  • before coding, it is important not to drink alcohol for a week so that the body cleanses itself of toxins;
  • After being coded for alcoholism, the patient must be observed by the attending physician.

Types of alcohol coding

The most common coding methods are psychotherapeutic pressure on the patient and drug intervention. How to code for alcohol:

  • Drugs and medicines. In this case, the patient is injected with special medications into a vein and placed on IVs that can remove alcohol from the body. There are consequences here, so there may be side effects. For example, a common reaction of the body is a complete aversion to alcoholic beverages. Alcohol will make you feel sick, have a stomach ache - anything to keep the person from drinking the drink.
  • The principle of psychotherapeutic intervention or hypnosis. This method is recommended for those who have firmly decided that they will not drink again and who have developed willpower. In this case, by introducing the patient into a trance state, the doctor “instructs” the person on the true path. In other words, a refusal to drink alcohol is formed through suggestion.

Coding methods for alcoholism

There are many methods, with reasonable prices, that are used to code people for alcoholism. The difference between them is that a person perceives treatment methods differently, each reaction is individual. According to reviews, the alcohol coding procedure using the Dovzhenko method is considered the best and most effective. Here are just a few benefits of the treatment:

  • this is the most humane and ethical method of combating alcohol addiction and drunkenness;
  • during the entire course, patients realize that they really need to undergo treatment and get rid of alcoholism;
  • coding helps to cause aversion to the effects of an alcoholic drink; no one has a gag reflex at the smell of alcohol after treatment;
  • Dovzhenko’s method is considered absolutely harmless, causing minimal damage to the body;
  • 1 session is enough, no repeat courses are needed, there are no contraindications.

Consequences of alcohol coding

When a patient has chosen a medicinal route to solve a problem, there may be consequences of coding. For example, a negative reaction of the body to a drug. Many people feel bad because abruptly quitting alcohol is stressful for the whole body, which is dangerous for blood vessels and the heart. A few common symptoms that may occur when quitting alcohol include:

  • tremor, constant trembling, shuddering;
  • gastrointestinal problems: diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain;
  • problems of the cardiovascular system, severe pressure surges, rapid pulse, angina pectoris.

Where to get rid of alcoholism

Alcohol coding price

Cost matters for those who have a great desire to get rid of the habit, but do not have enough funds. How much does it cost to get rid of alcohol? It all depends on the anti-alcohol treatment method that is chosen, on the duration and on the clinic where the patient went. Approximate prices range from 6,000 to 30,000 rubles. You can buy inexpensive ampoules of medicine in an online store, order those prescribed by the doctor, relieve withdrawal symptoms and treat yourself at home.

Tired of daily scandals and drunken antics, many women begin to look for information on how to encode their husband, and about the possibility of carrying out a similar procedure at home. Against the background of regular alcohol abuse, a person develops very serious illnesses.

Due to drunkenness, all organs and systems of the human body suffer, including the brain, which leads to rapid personality degradation. Therefore, it is very important to know how to effectively deal with drunkenness. Moreover, if desired, anyone can try home coding.

When is in-home coding used?

Every year, experts around the world are developing new methods of influencing people with alcohol addiction in order to save them from the harmful craving for alcoholic beverages. And at present, not only treatment methods using medications are considered the most effective and popular, but also complex therapy using psychotherapeutic techniques, the list of which includes coding for drunkenness.

Treatment for alcoholism can be carried out in specialized centers and clinics or at home. As a rule, treatment at home is resorted to in cases where the husband refuses to visit a specialized center or his psyche is not yet ready for modern methods of treatment.

In addition, there are currently many charlatans working, allegedly guaranteeing that a person will stop drinking forever. Usually their methods are completely ineffective or they give incorrect settings, which can seriously harm a person.

So are there any differences between treating a drinker at home and coding in a clinic? If medications are used for coding, then there are no significant differences. After an appropriate examination, the doctor will prescribe a specific drug and dosage, and tell you how to use it. If you use such a service, according to which a center specialist who comes to your home will work with your husband, then you won’t have to remember anything special. In the case of treatment using psychotherapeutic methods, you need to know about some important features.

The basis of psychotherapeutic coding for drinking at home is the version that during sleep the human subconscious remains active and reacts to external signals. Everything a person hears is recorded by his brain. In accordance with this theory, a person can be given the required settings using various conspiracies.

In search of an effective method of treating alcohol addiction, many people turn their attention to a technique such as hypnosis. Numerous studies on this topic have confirmed that during a hypnosis session the human psyche does not receive any benefit. Often procedures have the opposite effect. Therefore, the desire to cure a person of alcoholism at home seems to be a correct and reasonable procedure.

However, before using any encoding methods, it is necessary to cleanse the body of any remaining alcohol.

Preparations for cleaning the body

If you code a person yourself, then the use of any medications must be previously agreed with the doctor. Uncontrolled use of any means can harm human health. Any names of medications are provided for informational purposes only.

Currently, many sorbents are produced that help more quickly cleanse the body of alcohol breakdown products. The most popular among such sorbents are enterosgel, silica gel, ordinary activated carbon, etc. These products bind toxins and quickly remove them from the body.

Some experts recommend using dietary supplements (BAS) for this purpose, but the benefits of such products are questionable. Their operating principle is based on the fact that they add necessary substances to the human body, but, as a rule, they are not able to quickly and effectively cleanse the body of alcohol toxins.

To select specific medications, it is best to consult a doctor and begin treatment exclusively under his supervision.

Cleansing the body without medications

You can remove alcohol breakdown products from your body, get rid of nausea, headaches and generally improve your health without special medications. This eliminates the need to take medications, which in some cases can only further worsen your health. There are many home recipes that allow you to quickly cleanse your body of alcohol.

A variety of methods are suitable for purifying blood at home. They are used in the absence of serious health problems and individual contraindications. In themselves, such methods are simple and harmless.

First of all, to quickly eliminate alcohol, you need to drink as much clean water as possible. Toxins will be released during urination. It is advisable to drink the previously mentioned sorbents with water.

Alcohol poisoning is almost always accompanied by a headache. You can get rid of it with regular aspirin. It is better to use a soluble form of the drug, because in this form it will cause less harm to the already affected stomach. Glycine also helps a lot. It provides oxygen flow to the brain. Some recommend using Corvalol instead of glycine, but it is better not to do this. You should also not overuse self-medication. If possible, coordinate all planned activities with your doctor in advance.

In case of poisoning, you can use oat decoction. It cleanses the body quite quickly and generally improves the condition. With oats you can use an infusion of meadow herbs (queenia, meadow geranium). An excellent and proven remedy is cabbage or cucumber brine.

It normalizes the disturbed salt balance and allows you to quickly get rid of poor health. However, it is important to know that brines cannot be used to remove toxins from the blood. They only make you feel better, so they can be considered as an effective, but exclusively auxiliary means.

Drugs that cause aversion to alcohol

When a husband refuses to stop drinking, his wife may want to start treating him secretly. However, this is highly not recommended. In such treatment, as a rule, drugs are used that provoke the development of intolerance to alcoholic beverages. They have many contraindications, so you can start taking such drugs only after a preliminary examination by a doctor. Uncontrolled use can lead to very serious complications, including coma and death.

The effect of such drugs is not aimed at overcoming physical dependence on alcohol, but at developing a persistent aversion to it in a person. The usual pleasure from drinking alcohol decreases, and various side effects appear.

One of the most well-known drugs in this category is the drug “Kolme”. The action of this medicine is based on the ability of the active component of the drug to block the enzyme acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, which decomposes acetaldehyde, one of the breakdown products of alcohol. When poisoned with acetaldehyde, a person develops autonomic disorders, nausea, shortness of breath, and tachycardia. As a result, the alcoholic forms a reflexive connection between drinking alcohol and the consequences that occur. Over time, a persistent aversion to alcoholic beverages develops, reinforced by the fear of drinking them.

Lidevin tablets have a similar effect. When alcohol enters the body, it reacts with the active substance, which leads to the previously mentioned side effects. The validity period lasts for an average of 12 hours after taking the tablet.

Any pills can be started to be used only after prior consultation with a doctor and a number of important examinations. The same applies to folk recipes. Uncontrolled use of any drugs is potentially dangerous to the health and sometimes even the life of an alcoholic.

The best method of combating alcohol addiction is to convince the person himself to voluntarily, without the secret use of various medications, to give up his addiction to alcohol. Psychotherapy should be accompanied by the use of appropriate medications prescribed by the doctor, which will help cope with physical dependence. And the greatest effect can be achieved in specialized clinics under the supervision of doctors. At home, significant improvements are usually not observed, but no one forbids you to try.

Folk recipes against drunkenness

Traditional recipes are mostly harmless, but it is important to consult your doctor first to exclude the possibility of individual intolerance to the components of such recipes.

A very popular herbal mixture is 4 teaspoons of thyme, a teaspoon of wormwood and the same amount of centaury. The mixture must be thoroughly crushed. A tablespoon of the crushed mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water, left for 2 hours and filtered. Take 1-2 tablespoons three times a day 30 minutes before meals. The duration of the course is 3 months. The effect begins to be felt after 1-2 weeks of treatment.

Lovage tincture helps a lot. You need to finely chop the root of the plant and put it in a jar. Several bay leaves are added to the crushed root. The mixture is poured with vodka. You need to insist for about 2 weeks. A few drops of this tincture are diluted with a tablespoon of water and consumed before each meal.

An effective remedy is prepared from pumpkin seeds. You need to take a glass of peeled seeds and grind them, then add water and leave for a week.

These recipes cause an alcoholic to have an aversion to alcoholic beverages. After taking it, side effects appear in the form of diarrhea and vomiting.

Radical Home Remedies

Used in cases when simple recipes do not help. One of the most popular ingredients in radical remedies is bay leaf. The leaves and roots of this plant quickly develop an aversion to alcohol in a person.

Pour 250 ml of vodka into 2 leaves and the root of the plant. Infuses for about 2 weeks. After drinking a glass of this tincture, a persistent aversion to alcohol develops.

Another radical remedy is a decoction based on club moss. Prepared using the shoots of the plant. A tablespoon is poured into a glass of water and boiled for 15 minutes. You need to take 100 ml per day on an empty stomach. It should be taken every time the patient has a desire to drink alcohol.

Procedures are carried out at weekly intervals. Usually, an aversion to alcohol develops within 2-3 weeks. You need to be very careful with this recipe. It is not recommended to use it for people with problems with the thyroid gland, pulmonary tuberculosis, diabetes, bronchial asthma, high blood pressure, stomach and duodenal ulcers.


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In our modern world there was and still remains the problem of alcoholism. Not only the male half of humanity, but also the female half, and what’s even worse, teenagers, are increasingly becoming addicted to this negative and persistent habit. Although our official medicine has in its arsenal many different and effective methods and means, none of them can guarantee a complete cure for this terrible disease.

One of the more well-known and frequently used methods of the “war” against alcoholism has become coding. It helps a person for some time, and maybe forever it can help a person be coded from using strong “drugs.”

What does it mean to be alcohol-free? This concept carries with it a complete block from addiction. Encoding helps to get rid of the psychological dependence of alcoholism, which makes it possible to forget about drinking for a long time. Since alcoholics have a strong craving for the bottle, only strong feelings, such as fear and the desire to live, can free them from this. This is what the methods of such therapy consist of.

Mandatory encoding conditions

The encoding process itself is preceded by certain conditions:

  • The strong desire of an alcoholic to get rid of alcoholism, change his life and live like all normal people - to have a wonderful happy family, a good job, friendly relations with colleagues and friends.
  • Refusal or abstinence from drinking any drinks containing alcohol for at least a week. During this period, a person will have time to cleanse himself of ethanol residues and its toxic breakdown products.
  • The patient should not have any serious diseases of the internal organs.
  • It happens that at first an alcoholic still has the desire to drink a little something alcoholic. But it is strictly not recommended to do this, since drinking ethanol after coding is life-threatening. But soon the strong “wanting” will pass.

Therefore, before being coded, an alcoholic should come for a consultation with a specialist. In addition, the alcoholic must not have any mental diagnosis.

Dependency coding methods

To treat alcoholism, doctors use the following methods:

  • Psychotherapeutic; they are quite effective and are recommended for patients who are amenable to hypnosis, but have never used such coding before.

Their meaning is to influence the alcoholic’s subconscious through hypnosis and other methods, which should instill in the patient a dislike for everything that contains ethanol. After this, the patient should not have the desire to drink.

  • Medication; introduction or sewing of special drugs for a period chosen by the patient.

This type of treatment uses medications that have no effect on the body of a non-drinker. But when drinking even a small dose of ethanol, they immediately cause an interaction reaction, synthesizing a very toxic compound acetaldehyde. It has a powerful negative effect on the body of a poor alcoholic, causing severe nausea and vomiting, terrible pain, fever, redness of the skin, convulsions and other symptoms characteristic of poisoning. Even death is possible. All this is brought to the attention of the patient in advance.

The decision about which method is best for a particular person to be encoded is made only by the doctor. Because each person is individual physiologically and mentally.

It is necessary to inform your doctor in advance about the safety of a particular coding method, and what should be observed so as not to lose your already fragile health.

Now it’s worth focusing on specific methods.

Dovzhenko method

Coding using the Dovzhenko method does not use any medications. Here, a qualified specialist, using simple hypnosis, influences the subconscious of an alcoholic. He tries to instill in him an indifferent attitude towards all alcohol, thereby eliminating the craving for a glass and leading him to a healthy lifestyle. No more alcoholism!

This method is suitable only for those who can easily be hypnotized. Otherwise, all the doctor’s efforts will be in vain.

The drug "Esperal"

This medication is implanted, that is, sewn, surgically into fatty or skin tissue. There are no stitches or scars left after this. The active ingredient of this drug is dosed into the patient’s blood. Due to this, during the entire encoding time, a certain concentration of it is present in the body; it is enough to cause a negative reaction from interaction with ethanol.

Drug "Torpedo"

This drug is used to stop alcoholism. It is based on the use of drugs that are strictly incompatible with ethanol. Thanks to the use of “Torpedo”, an alcoholic develops a negative reflex attitude towards alcohol and the craving for it decreases or disappears.

A prerequisite for the coding procedure is the full consent of the person being treated.

When a person has a breakdown, a condition occurs that occurs with severe poisoning. The substance of the drug “Torpedo” is administered intravenously to an alcoholic.

Provoking alcohol test

If the patient managed to be encoded, he will be asked to test the intensity of this system in order to know how the body will react to the alcohol consumed. To do this, a person is given a provocative dose of some strong drink. After a few minutes, the reaction of some organs and systems to alcohol is assessed. If the effect is insufficient, the dosage of the drug should be changed. If the desired negative reaction occurs, the patient will be given a substance that will calm its effect.

How to encode at home

This opportunity to code at home is of interest to both alcoholics themselves and their relatives.

For this method of getting rid of alcoholism, you can use various herbs, the action of which is very effective. Their effect is very similar to the effect of medications. When herbs are used together with alcohol, reactions characteristic of severe poisoning also occur. A person experiences nausea and vomiting, and other consequences.

To do this, you can use infusions and decoctions of the following plants:

  • elecampane root;
  • elder flowers;
  • oregano;
  • tansy flowers;
  • European hoof;
  • Blooming Sally;
  • wormwood;
  • yarrow;
  • St. John's wort

How to prepare medicinal potions with their help can be found in various sources of information.

The dung mushroom is also great for these purposes; its effect is the same as that of herbs. When using decoctions and infusions, the patient must not be left unattended!

Judging by the opinions of qualified specialists, it becomes clear that such methods should be carried out only under the supervision of doctors and always after their consultation. And treatment at home with the help of tinctures and decoctions cannot give a long-term effect. Getting coded at home is most likely unlikely.

Long and careful research leads to the conclusion that coding at home will not bring the desired results. On the contrary, it can worsen the health of an alcoholic. Therefore, it is better not to waste time and money, but to immediately contact doctors, they will definitely help the unfortunate patient.

Be healthy! Don’t ruin your life, the lives of your family and friends!

Alcoholism is one of the most common and difficult to treat diseases in our society. Ethyl alcohol is a powerful neuroparalytic poison that leads to disruption of the human nervous system and causes irreparable damage to all groups of internal organs. The last chance to get rid of alcohol addiction is often a code for alcoholism. But not everyone decides to resort to this method, considering it ineffective, dangerous and simply harmful to health.

Read in the article

The essence of coding and preparation for it

The basis of any modern method of coding a patient for alcohol dependence is the theory of higher nervous activity created by the Russian physiologist, the first Nobel Prize laureate in Russia I.P. Pavlov. The term “coding for alcohol dependence” was first introduced into medicine in the 80s of the last century by the Soviet scientist, narcologist, psychotherapist A.R. Dovzhenko. It denotes the process of formation in the patient’s brain of a dominant sobriety, that is, a conditioned reflex that does not allow drinking alcoholic beverages under fear of a sharp deterioration in the body’s condition.

The question of how to code for alcoholism is of interest not only to potential patients, but also to their close relatives. Wives of alcoholics who quietly mix certain “magic remedies” into their food should remember criminal liability for harming a loved one. Coding for alcoholism is carried out only with the consent of the patient.

Coding is not a one-time procedure. At the first visit, the doctor conducts a conversation with the patient, during which he finds out the general state of his health, living conditions, reasons that prompted him to see a narcologist, and seeks to consolidate the patient’s desire to get rid of alcohol addiction. However, he suggests refraining from using alcohol before the procedure begins.

During the second visit, usually 7–10 days after the first, the doctor checks the patient’s condition and compliance with the conditions set. If necessary, replacement therapy is carried out using medications containing naltrexone (a substance that blocks opioid receptors in the brain). Contractual documents for coding are drawn up and a signature is issued from the patient, who takes responsibility for the consequences of coding.

During the patient’s third visit to the doctor (7–10 days after the second), when the patient’s body is cleansed of traces of ethyl alcohol, a coding procedure is performed.

This three-step approach usually precedes any coding method, which allows the patient to reflect on the decision he is making, rather than going through the procedure due to immediate desire or pressure from relatives.

A list of coding methods currently used in clinical practice is given in the table.

Method nameMechanism of actionMethods of exposure
Medicationalcohol blockerstaking tablets or intramuscular injections
toxicotherapeutic drugsintramuscular injections or insertion of implants into the patient's body
Verbalpsychocorrectionverbal introduction of therapeutic guidelines into the subconscious of a patient immersed in a state of light trance
hypnosisverbal introduction of therapeutic guidelines into the subconscious of a patient completely immersed in a hypnotic state
Manualacupunctureperforming acupuncture on the patient’s biologically active points
Hardwareelectromagnetic influencelaser irradiation of the patient's biologically active points
pulse-current impactexposure to reflexogenic areas of the brain with current pulses that excite the nerve receptors of the patient’s scalp

The most effective is considered to be a double block, that is, the simultaneous use of two methods that complement each other.

Like any treatment, the coding procedure has its contraindications, and their list does not depend on the mechanism of action. This is first of all:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • current infectious diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus in a state of subcompensation and higher;
  • allergic reaction to medications used in treatment;
  • hypertension and cardiovascular diseases;
  • brain diseases and neuropsychiatric disorders.

Medication coding

Medication coding for alcoholism is the oldest method of treatment, which, due to its simplicity, is popular among narcologists even in peripheral medical institutions. In this case, two types of drugs are used for coding for alcoholism: alcohol blockers and toxic-therapeutic agents. The area of ​​application of alcohol blockers is the stage of post-withdrawal syndrome, at which they provide a reduction in the patient’s craving for alcohol for a limited period of time (1–2 months).

To perform coding for alcoholism, the most effective are toxic-therapeutic drugs such as disulfiram, especially in the form of implants. They are sewn under the patient’s skin to a depth of 3–5 cm in the subscapular, iliac or upper gluteal region. Depending on the amount of implanted substance, the period of guaranteed coding of a patient from alcohol can vary from six months to 6 years.

The answer to the question of what will happen if you drink after encoding has been carried out is associated with the biochemical processes occurring in the human body. plays the role of a bioblocker of enzymes that process toxic products of ethanol metabolism. When even tiny doses of ethyl alcohol enter the body, the body is instantly intoxicated with acetaldehyde, an intermediate product of ethanol metabolism.

Difficulty breathing occurs, heart rhythm disturbances, nausea and vomiting appear, which does not bring relief. In some cases, coordination is impaired, consciousness becomes clouded and vision deteriorates sharply. In this case, only qualified help from narcologists can save the patient: administration of an antidote to acetaldehyde and complete detoxification of the body. Otherwise, even death is possible.

Verbal coding

One of the most common methods of verbal coding is psychocorrection. This is a whole group of methods that differ relatively little from each other (Ericksonian hypnosis, hypnosuggestive therapy, Saikov's method, neurolinguistic programming). All of them are aimed at people prone to suggestion, and are not purely psychotherapeutic, since during the treatment session the patient is immersed in a light trance without losing touch with the environment.

During the session, the doctor develops in the patient’s subconscious a dominant attitude towards giving up alcohol, using the fear of possible death, pleasant memories of childhood and life without alcohol addiction, about loved ones and responsibility for them. Therefore, these methods are often classified as emotional stress psychotherapy.

Depending on the patient’s psychotype and the skill of the psychotherapist, during a session lasting about 2–3 hours, the patient can be programmed to give up alcohol for the required period, which is determined by the patient at the beginning of the session. The consequences of the encoding are a persistent aversion to alcohol and a feeling of severe discomfort in the body if it is accidentally consumed, for example, as part of a medicine or a confectionery product. If discomfort develops into painful symptoms, the patient must again contact the doctor who performed the coding procedure.

Verbal coding using the method of hypnotic influence (classical hypnosis) is one of the oldest techniques, the use of which is available only to a few psychotherapists. During the session, the patient is immersed in a hypnotic sleep, in which a state called “rapport” in psychology is maintained between the hypnologist and the patient. Using this communication channel, the hypnologist can form in the patient’s subconscious basic attitudes towards aversion to alcohol, aversion to the smell, taste and even the sight of alcohol. If necessary, you can cause a negative attitude towards drinking establishments and utensils used when consuming alcoholic beverages.

The impact of the introduced installation is so great that after waking up, the patient has a gag reflex at the sight of alcohol. When removing the patient from a state of hypnotic sleep, the doctor gives him instructions for improving his well-being, a surge of vigor and vitality.

Regulatory documents require hypnotic sessions to be carried out in the presence of an assistant, which can be a nurse.

Both the first and second methods of verbal encoding require repeated sessions to consolidate the treatment result. Otherwise, the introduced settings are gradually lost by the subconscious, and the patient returns to the original stage.

Manual coding

The manual method of coding a patient for alcoholism is based on the method of acupuncture treatment (acupuncture), which originated in China more than 5,000 years ago. The essence of the method is to activate and suppress (sedate) certain active points located on the surface of the human body. These are areas of skin that are significantly limited in area, under which are located the united centers of the main biological structures of the body: nervous, vascular, endocrine, lymphatic and immune.

There are about 700 such points on the human body. They can be identified using hardware methods based on their higher electrical conductivity. Specialists know the topology of active points and reference organs, allowing them to be localized on the body of any person. Activation of the points is carried out using silver or steel gold-plated needles, which undergo a sterilization procedure after use. For each point there is a certain needle depth and insertion technique.

Acupuncture can be used not only to treat chronic alcoholism in the active stage, but also as a preventive procedure to carry out coding that prevents relapse of the disease. Cure requires 4–12 procedures. Particular attention should be paid to choosing a qualified acupuncturist, who must be licensed to perform this type of treatment.

Hardware encoding

Hardware coding of a patient from alcoholism using electromagnetic influence is a tracing paper of acupuncture. The only difference is that the impact on biologically active points is carried out with a focused light beam. The method is widely advertised as laser therapy, although the radiation generator in “laser” installations is not a laser, but a superluminescent diode, similar to that used in Chinese light pointers. The question of the effectiveness of this treatment method again depends on the qualifications and experience of the doctor conducting the treatment.

Hardware coding for alcoholism using pulsed current effects (or, as the authors call it, transcranial bioelectrical blocking) is carried out by excitation of sensitive areas of the cerebral cortex through weak current pulses directed through the skin of the head. Current pulses activate D2-like neuron receptors, which blocks the craving for alcoholic beverages at the reflex level.

The use of this method does not imply a deterioration in the patient’s well-being if the initial goal of giving up alcohol is violated, that is, there are no catastrophic consequences of coding. The duration of treatment effectiveness, according to laboratory studies, is approximately 10 years. The study of the method and the accumulation of statistics continues.

Upon completion of a coding course for alcoholism in a medical institution licensed to conduct this type of activity, the patient is issued a certificate of completion of treatment for alcoholism.

The cost of coding for alcoholism in most specialized clinics in the Russian Federation is about 10,000 rubles. Many patients are concerned about how to get rid of alcohol in the absence of funds for a paid procedure and where they can get free of alcoholism in this case. In accordance with the government decision, in every city of the Russian Federation there are centers providing free assistance to patients with alcohol addiction. To obtain an address and phone numbers, just contact your local physician.
