Feng Shui cacti in the apartment. Magic cacti in feng shui. Protection from early marriage

It will not be possible to decide on the spot where to place a cactus in your apartment or on your garden plot. First you need to determine the species of the plant and its requirements for growth and development conditions. After this, you can make an adequate decision about where to place the cacti and how much light this place on the window and in the garden should have. Proper placement of plants will allow them to fully develop and delight their owner with lush flowering.

This article describes the main varieties of cacti and succulents that are usually grown at home. Recommendations are given regarding the choice of place on the windowsill with east, west, south and east orientation.

Where should a cactus stand?

The apartment provides various possibilities for placing and arranging cacti and other indoor plants. On the other hand, different cacti often have different requirements regarding location and care. The criteria listed below will serve as a starting point for assessing the placement of plants in the apartment and selecting suitable cacti.

The location of cacti in the house and in the garden is not a very sunny window!

Before deciding where the cactus should be, remember that most of these plants love light and sun. Therefore, a place in the back of the room is generally not suitable for them. As a last resort, to grow, for example, “Christmas” cacti, you can try using a flower shelf standing next to the window, which does not receive direct sunlight, but there is enough light there.

The best conditions for the growth of cacti are provided by the windowsill of a not very sunny window, for example, facing north or northeast, or shaded from direct sunlight by a large tree or building in front of it. The light falls on the windowsill from one side - the hobbyist should not try to correct this by constantly turning the plants! - and the location itself is relatively cool in summer and relatively warm in winter, when central heating is on. Cacti that grow naturally in tropical rainforests can grow here. Unlike most other cacti, they love a lot of light, however, without direct sunlight, and slightly higher air humidity. This group includes the well-known “Christmas” and “Easter” cacti.

If direct sunlight falls on the window in the morning or afternoon for several hours, then in this case some spherical and columnar cacti can be grown. Suitable cacti for this location can be recognized by the general color of the plants: they appear “green” in appearance. In such plants, the dominant color of the stems is green, not covered with a thick layer of spines and hairs, as well as a white waxy coating. Many “green” mammillaria, notocacti, phyllocacti, gymnocalyciums, cleistocacti and some cereuses, such as Cereus peruvianus, grow well on such a window.

A window that receives only a few hours of sun, but just at midday, is a problematic place to place plants. Only very hardy cacti can tolerate sudden changes between many hours in the shade and several hours in the scorching sun, and caring for plants in this case requires a keen sense.

Cactus on a sunny window

The window sill of a south or southwest facing window is also a difficult place to care for plants. The light here falls only from one side. It can be very hot under the scorching rays of the sun directly behind the glass. If the cacti on the window are planted in clay pots that are directly illuminated by the sun (that is, not placed in a bowl or box filled with wet peat), then the soil on the sunny side dries out very quickly and the thin side roots can burn.

On the other hand, they belong to that small group of plants that, with proper care, can also grow well on sunny windows, creating a picturesque picture there. For such a location, you should choose predominantly “white” cacti, that is, those whose stems appear white due to tightly covering them (reflecting light!) White spines and hairs or white waxy coating and spots. Examples of this group of cacti are “white” mammillaria, astrophytums covered with white felt speckles, some cacti of the genera Echinocereus and prickly pear, or, although not white, but covered with numerous variegated spines, telocacti or ferocacti.

Succulents on a closed flower window

A closed flower window provides good opportunities for cultivating cacti. Thanks to the sliding glass that separates the plants from the living room, you can create more suitable conditions around them than in the room itself. Pots with succulents on the window are placed in a special plastic box filled with wet peat or expanded clay to prevent sudden changes in temperature and humidity of the substrate. Air humidity in closed flower windows can also be maintained higher than in very dry living spaces.

If the closed flower window is shaded (that is, it faces the north or northeast side or is shaded by buildings and trees), then to the tillandsias and orchids cultivated there, you can add the above-mentioned Christmas and Easter cacti, as well as cacti with hanging shoots from genus rhipsalis (Rhipsalis) and hybrid aporophyllums (Aporophyllum hybr.).

On a sunny closed flower window, you can create a magnificent miniature savannah landscape from the “white” mammillaria and astrophytums, ferocacti and telocacti that grow well there, adding some succulent euphorbia to them.

Where to keep a cactus outdoors

There are several places where you can keep a cactus outside from mid-spring until the end of warm summer weather.

A suitable window sill in front of a street-side window or an appropriate location on a balcony can be a preferred location for many strong and healthy cacti during the warmer months. To protect plants from prolonged rains, it is necessary to build a protruding roof over the external window sill or place them on the windward side. Even very hardy cacti do not like it when the soil in their pots remains damp every day during rainy summers.

When, sometimes, during slanting rain falling in an unusual direction, the plants get a little wet, this will not cause them harm. On the contrary, such a short shower will wash away the dust, the plants will look refreshed and shiny and will grow even better. Only excess moisture is harmful to cacti. A location on a balcony or on an external windowsill in front of a window provides many cacti with more favorable temperature conditions and air humidity than a regular indoor window sill. In addition, thanks to direct sunlight, their spines and flower buds develop especially well. For placement in such a place, suitable, for example, are various species and hybrids of echinopsis, which can be seen in front of the windows of many rural houses, where they often grow excellently and bloom profusely with their white-pink funnel-shaped flowers. It is for this reason that they are called “village” cacti.

Hardy varieties of phyllocacti, strong rebutia, lobivia, mammillaria or notocactus also grow very well there.

A number of cacti, primarily epiphytic species originating from humid forests, can spend the summer outside. They love fresh air and high humidity, and therefore do not feel very good in the room in summer. Thus, aporocacti with their long, tail-like shoots and hybrid aporophyllums can be hung for the summer in the partial shade of any shrub, such as a lilac bush.

The same applies to cacti of the genus rhipsalis, only they prefer more shaded places. In addition, phyllocacti, as well as leaf-shaped cacti, such as “Christmas” and “Easter” cacti, respond very well to summer outdoor maintenance. Plants and their pots are often too heavy to hang from a bush. On the other hand, if you simply place them on the ground, their shoots will be severely gnawed by snails. Therefore, it would be ideal to place the plants on a small shelf or stand in the partial shade of a large bush or tree - so that the sun's rays hit them only in the morning or evening.

During the warm season, Selenicereus can also be kept in such a place. and among them the famous “queen of the night” - Selenicereus grandiflora. You just need to be careful and make sure that the plants and stands do not tip over even in very strong gusts of wind.

During extended periods of dry weather, plants are simply doused with water from a watering can. Spherical and columnar cacti can spend the summer outside only in a place where they are protected from rain by a protruding roof. Of course, in this case the plants should be watered accordingly. In addition, it is necessary to remember that the southern wall of the house accumulates heat, so such a place can be very hot; on the other hand, a whole group of large Echinocereus, large prickly pears, as well as some columnar cacti love such conditions. To avoid rapid drying out of the soil, the pots of these plants should not be very small. Otherwise, the same considerations apply as for the external window sill.

What conditions are needed for a cactus in protected ground?

It is also worth knowing what conditions are needed for a cactus in protected ground, for example, in a greenhouse or greenhouse. We'll talk about this later in the article.

Greenhouse in the garden.

Back at the beginning of the century, cactus growers happily grew their cacti in greenhouses - wooden frames located on the ground with hinged glass lids, into which a little horse manure fell as bedding. Currently, this type of greenhouse can hardly be found. However, hobbyists still have the desire to take advantage of the benefits of summer keeping ordinary spherical and low columnar cacti in the fresh air, without exposing the plants to the danger of severe waterlogging during rain.

The greenhouses used today for cultivating cacti most often consist of a metal frame and a floor made of eternite (asbestos slate) or concrete slabs (that is, there is no direct contact with the soil); The side walls and hinged lid are made of glass or plexiglass (acrylic glass).

In good, or at least not rainy, weather, the lid remains wide open; in cold and rainy weather, the greenhouse remains tightly closed.

As a result, cacti are not only protected from rain, but are also in more favorable temperature conditions, since it is noticeably warmer in a closed greenhouse than outside. For heat-loving cacti, this can be regarded as a cultural advantage.

However, in this case, the cactus grower must exercise extreme caution. If it rained in the first half of the day, and the sun came out in the afternoon, then in a closed greenhouse in just half an hour the temperature can rise so much that severe burns of the epidermis (the outer layer of cells) will appear on the cacti, which do not heal for years and can even lead to plants to death.

Therefore, it is much safer to sacrifice a small gain in heat and always leave the lid at least slightly open, placing a piece of wood, a support or a rack under it.

There are special automatic window lifts for greenhouses, which open the window when a certain temperature is exceeded. Such lifts are also offered for the top covers of greenhouses, but they are still very rarely used in greenhouses.

A feature of cultivating cacti in greenhouses is the change in summer and winter locations of plants, since cacti can only be in a greenhouse during the growing season.

They winter on staircase landings, in unheated rooms or basements. Growing cacti in a greenhouse provides a lot of opportunities in terms of creating a collection and caring for plants. Particularly well, often better than in a greenhouse, hardy and strong cacti grow here, originating from high mountain regions and accustomed to more severe climatic conditions, for example, almost all species and hybrids of the genera Lobivia, Rebutia, Sulcorebutia, Trichocereus, Oreocereus, Echinopsis, - especially from the Psedolobivia group, are hardy mammillaria and notocacti.


The dream of many passionate cactus lovers is to have their own greenhouse. It allows you to regulate the climate and conditions, thanks to which you can also grow complex cacti that are difficult to cultivate indoors or outdoors. A detailed account of the design and use of a greenhouse is beyond the scope of this book. Cactus lovers who decide to get a greenhouse will find everything they need in special publications.

More detailed explanations about the cultural conditions of various cacti will be given when describing genera and individual species.

However, here I would like to once again summarize information about the groups already mentioned above:

  • Leaf-shaped cacti love high air humidity, but do not tolerate strong sunlight and therefore prefer a closed flower window or a window sill facing north, northeast or east. In the summer, these cacti are taken outside and placed in the shade or partial shade of a large bush or tree. Representatives of this group are “Christmas” or “Easter” cacti, various types of rhipsalis, “queen of the night” and phyllocacti.
  • “Green” cacti, whose stems are not covered with a large number of spines or hairs, prefer a light and semi-shaded, but not hot, place. East, south-east or west windows are suitable for them. The decisive point in the cultivation of this group is the well-known protection of plants from the scorching rays of the sun during the midday hours. Many of these cacti can be placed on outside windowsills in the summer, protected from particularly heavy rains. In the summer, “green” cacti also grow very well in greenhouses located in a not very sunny place.
  • “White” cacti, covered with a dense layer of colored, often snow-white spines and hairs or felt specks (flakes), can be kept on south- or southwest-facing window sills, or closed flower windows. Since they especially value warmth and, on the other hand, are often very susceptible to waterlogging of the soil, summer maintenance of plants on an external windowsill or in the garden is recommended only if there is reliable protection from rain. During the warm season, these cacti can also be cultivated in greenhouses located in a sunny location.

See how you can arrange cacti at home - the video shows original compositions of these plants on different windows:

For many months, the Aztec tribe wandered across the Mexican Highlands in search of a place to settle, legend says. The leaders waited for a sign from the gods where to build a city, but they were silent. Coming to the shore of Lake Texcoco, the Aztecs saw a large cactus on which an eagle with a snake in its beak was sitting, and realized that this was a sign. On a place marked by the gods lies the city of Tenochtitlan, whose name translates as “territory of the sacred cactus.” And a few centuries later, the capital of Mexico grew here - the city of Mexico.

In those parts, cacti are still considered sacred plants. According to the stories of local residents, an unusual cat lives in the cactus thickets. Instead of fur, it has thorns. No one has seen this cat close, but they say that sometimes it quickly jumps under the feet of unwary travelers, leaving abrasions on their skin.

Magical properties of cactus

The magical properties of the cactus have been known for a long time. Indian shamans used the plant in their rituals. With the help of thorns, they painted symbolic drawings on the rocks and believed that they could come to life and show real miracles. In China during the Qing Dynasty, healers advised drinking an infusion of cactus pulp to cleanse the body's energy channels. Cactus ashes were sprinkled on the snake bite site to prevent the poison from getting into the blood.

They have prickly flowers and love magic, although only men can use it. According to legend, prickly pear cactus tincture increases male strength. Nowadays, the protective properties of the cactus are highly valued. With the help of thorns that absorb the negative energy reigning around, it protects its owner from the evil eye and damage. A cactus is a watchman no worse than a dog. To protect your home from uninvited guests, it is recommended to place pots of plants on each windowsill. Anyone who wishes harm to the owners of the home will not be able to pass through the “thorny barrier.” A cactus planted in the garden will protect the house from theft.

The thorny plant is actually very peaceful. Opposite elements coexist in it - fire and water. Thanks to this, the cactus cultivates tolerance in people. Place a flower where quarrels do not die out, and the conflicts will disappear.

Feng Shui cactus

A cactus is a capricious creature that may not like its owner. If, being in a room where a cactus grows, you feel weak and drowsy, it means that you have offended it in some way. The prickly flower helps its beloved owner develop unusual abilities: clairvoyance and telepathy. The teachings of Feng Shui do not welcome cacti in the apartment: it is believed that with its needles the plant scares away positive qi energy from the house. Experts advise placing pots with cacti only in those places from which you want to isolate yourself. For example, near a flight of stairs leading down, or in front of a toilet. A cactus located in these zones creates a barrier that prevents the entry of destructive forces and the exit of creative forces.

Cactus as a talisman

Cactus spines can be used to create amulets. Place a few “needles” in a glass jar, add pushpins and rosemary leaves. Close the jar tightly with a lid and bury it in front of the entrance to the house. Now ill-wishers will avoid your home - the cactus will scare away everyone who is envious of you and wishes for all sorts of losses and failures. But be careful! Do not leave a jar of thorns in the house even overnight - the cactus can direct energy attacks at you.

A strong amulet is a blooming cactus. Place it in your office or living room - it will take the evil eye and protect your personal space from unnecessary attention from strangers. Cacti have the property of not only accumulating, but also releasing energy - both positive and negative. Therefore, you should not stay near this plant for a long time if you feel bad, upset or offended. The cactus will “remember” your feelings and return them to you after some time. To cleanse a flower of negativity, rinse it with running water.

What to do if the cactus does not bloom

Many gardeners look forward to the moment when the cactus blooms. However, this happens rarely - once a year when the plant reaches 3-4 years old. Be patient and don't rush the flower. Paradoxical as it may seem, a cactus can be tortured by excessive care - and it will refuse to bloom. Watering, feeding, spacious pot, warmth... Ideal life. “So why have offspring? - thinks the cactus. “Isn’t it better to live for yourself?” The species survival program is launched in extreme conditions. Therefore, some severity with him will not be superfluous. In spring and summer, place the cactus in the sun and water it every 3 days. During cold autumn and winter, give the plant a rest by placing it in a cool place and watering only once every 2 weeks.

Throw away the cactus immediately! Should Feng Shui techniques be used in the office?

The use of Feng Shui techniques in the office can increase productivity and company income, according to experts at officebroker.com, England's largest brokerage firm engaged in the online sale and purchase of office space.

“The more comfortable the office environment, the more motivated employees are,” says CEO Jim Venables. “Many people confirm that a pleasant workplace environment increases staff loyalty and increases productivity.”

Most people agree that their performance is influenced by their environment. Indeed, the latest research from one of the UK's leading banks has found that a cluttered office can not only have a negative impact on the quality of work employees produce, but, statistics show, can make on average one in five workers want to quit.

Considering that factors such as sunlight, air conditioning, order and business atmosphere in the office affect the work environment as a whole, in some countries companies began to attach such great importance to them that they began to widely use Feng Shui as a means of attracting good luck and wealth , health and harmony.

Officebroker.com, which does business around the world and has existing offices in the UK and the USA, intends to open a representative office in Asia in 2008.

“Feng Shui techniques are very popular in Chinese, Japanese and Indian companies, and now European companies are increasingly using the “art of arrangement” in order to create the most comfortable conditions for staff.” - says Jim. “In today's competitive business environment, companies are seizing on any opportunity that can lead to improved employee performance. As a result, we are seeing more of our clients in continental Europe and the UK hiring feng shui consultants in a bid to gain a competitive advantage over other companies.”

officebroker.com decided to consult with Angela Eng, a consultant at the British branch of Rising Dragon Feng Shui. She made the following recommendations:

The boss should sit in the corner of the office farthest from the door to be in a “dominant” position.

Sunlight should freely penetrate into the room; this will contribute to the formation of positive energy (Qi) of the masculine principle (Yang), which will improve the mood of employees and increase their productivity.

You should not have cacti or other plants with sharp leaves in your office, because... they cause the formation of Sha - negative energy. In contact with such plants, air currents also become sharp and harsh, disrupting the harmony in the office.

The desks must be clean and tidy so that employees can concentrate all their attention on business without being distracted by extraneous minor irritants.

Mirrors should not be hung in the office because they reflect and spread negative energy around.

To ensure free flow of Chi, make sure all wires are hidden. Many tangled wires generate negative energy - “snake Sha” - and can lead to an accident or accident.

In some countries, Feng Shui has been used in work spaces for over 5,000 years. Translated from Chinese, “feng shui” means “wind and water”, and in English culture it is understood as “the causes and consequences of the influence of the environment on a person.”

“Whether you think feng shui is just a fantasy or a valuable business tool, it is worth remembering that this ancient art has been widely used by businessmen around the world for thousands of years,” says Jim.

"Anything that can improve a person's work environment should be taken into account, and we are seeing many European companies now working with feng shui consultants such as Rising Dragon."

If you are interested in indoor plants, then you have probably stopped at least once near a display case with cacti. These cute plants, although they have thorns and look dangerous, are still very interesting, beautiful and even funny. This green hedgehog is on your table. However, despite all their attractiveness, debate still continues: are cacti in the house good or bad? Let's try to find out what is the basis for numerous myths regarding the home maintenance of these amazing plants.

A little about thorny plants

In fact, it is one of the most numerous on our planet. Hundreds of species are known to science. Some are spherical, others grow in slender columns, some have cute pubescence, others have menacing thorns. So different, completely different from each other, they can captivate you so much that you fill everything around with pots, but still won’t collect all the cacti in the house. Whether this is good or bad, everyone decides for themselves. In any case, such a collection can give a lot of positive moments, especially when your beauties begin to bloom.

Energy and human impact

This cannot be proven, since energy is something that can only be felt. In any case, indoor floriculture is a very interesting activity, which is why many people have cacti in their home. Good or bad, everyone decides for themselves. However, we want to expand on this topic a little more to make it easier for you to draw your own conclusions. So, cacti are characterized by the energy of aggression and threat. If a person exhibits these traits very clearly, then home cacti are not recommended for him. The harm and benefits of them are not too obvious, but if you are a suspicious person, then you should listen. A person of weak character, who is subject to unreasonable fears, may wilt even more under the influence of this energy. Moreover, the longer and sharper the more aggressive its energy can be considered.

It becomes very interesting, is it possible to keep cacti at home? The signs of their ancestors indicate that their energy is dual in nature, since they are filled with liquid inside. This is a great gift for a hot-tempered person who cannot control his emotions. The cactus will teach him to be more restrained in showing emotions. In a similar way, the plant teaches endurance and self-control, making people more resilient and cold-blooded. However, these plants are not suitable for soft-bodied and secretive people, as they can enhance such traits.

Positive influence of cacti

And we continue to talk about whether a cactus in the house is a bad or good omen. In fact, the energy of thorny bushes can be very useful. First of all, it is the activation of mental activity. Under its influence, a person develops logical, analytical and strategic thinking. That is, it helps solve problems using reasoning. First of all, it is very useful to keep him at work, since he fits perfectly into an atmosphere where intense mental work is necessary.

Where to place the cactus

This plant is a kind of shield that protects the house from the invasion of evil spirits. However, not every place is equally suitable for it. First of all, its place is on window sills, as well as near the front door. That is, where foreign energy penetrates us. It is very good to keep this plant in the workplace, in the office and near the computer, because, among other things, it can absorb radiation from the monitor. But in bedrooms and living rooms it is better to put other plants, for example chlorophytum, which produces a lot of oxygen.

Myth one: if you keep a cactus at home, your husband will become drunk

Quite often you can find such information, after which you no longer really want to keep cacti in the house. You can observe for yourself whether their presence has a good or bad effect on household members, but it is difficult to argue with the fact that each plant (like all things in general) has its own energy. Cacti, equipped with a large number of thorns, are the source of energy of Mars, the embodiment of the god of war. Mars is a masculine planet, that is, it has a greater influence on the stronger half of humanity. And the worst manifestation of the energy of Mars in a person is drunkenness. Based on this, people advised to get rid of such plants as soon as possible.

Cactus - to loneliness

We continue to talk about what a cactus at home can lead to. Signs and superstitions do not appear out of nowhere, so it may be worth listening to them. This is a warning for young girls: if there is a cactus in the house, you can be left alone. Moreover, there is a scientific explanation for this. Girls who are interested in growing thorns externalize their desire to protect themselves from touch and contact. That is, it is clear that with such an attitude it is difficult to find your destiny.

Protection from early marriage

This is another direction of the legend described above. For this purpose, a cactus is placed in the room of a growing child so that he does not get married too early. And when it passes, the child has become an adult, has received an education, the plant must be removed in advance and given to neighbors and the teenager’s parents. Thus, the thorny plant can work for good and for harm.

Protection from thieves

We have already talked about protection from bad energy, but we are threatened not only by invisible waves, but also by a completely visible force, that is, other people greedy for other people’s property. Cacti can protect a home from burglars and thieves. Many people who have a collection of prickly balls at home confirm that attempts to rob their home have ended in failure.

Cactus blossom

In fact, they bloom very beautifully, but these plants are quite demanding in terms of maintenance conditions, and if they are violated, then you will not be able to wait for flowering. Precisely because not everyone can achieve flowering, this event is surrounded by a number of myths. If we combine them all, we can say that the flowering of a thorny plant promises you unexpected, significant events. This could be pregnancy and wedding, moving, illness or even death. Based on all that has been said, whether a cactus in the house is a bad or a good omen is up to you to decide.

The article will tell you about what signs and superstitions are associated with such a house plant as a cactus.

In modern homes you can find cacti - houseplants - quite often. The cactus is of tropical origin, which is responsible for its unusual appearance. It has no leaves at all and instead of them the cactus has many spines; the cactus has a large, fleshy trunk. Some cacti are blooming.

The unusual appearance of this plant surprises and captivates at the same time. It is worth noting that there is a huge variety of cacti in the world and each should be treated differently - some are useful for humans, others are not. Many argue that despite the abundance of “threatening” thorns, this plant has powerful energy.

Expert flower growers and florists say: the larger and longer the needles of a cactus, the more dangerous it is and the more aggressive its energy is. It has also been noted that the cactus can have a very negative influence on weak-willed people (fearful, suspicious, weak and indecisive). This is why people with social communication problems, obsessive thoughts and phobias should avoid having a cactus at home.

Surprisingly, a self-confident and strong-character person can only be nourished and endowed with positive traits by the energy of a cactus: fearlessness, determination, wisdom. The cactus cannot have any other negative effects on such an owner.

It is impossible to say confidently and accurately that a cactus is a bad plant for the home. Indeed, under a layer of thorns, the cactus has a thick trunk filled with moisture. It is this factor that indicates that the plant has “dual” energy (good and bad).

Benefits of cactus:

  • The plant can act as a kind of “shield” that reflects bad energy.
  • While in the house, the cactus can absorb all negative and negative influences, improving the atmosphere.
  • In homes where many quarrels constantly arise, cacti can “take upon themselves” outbursts of aggression and anger, emotions from resentment and feelings of revenge.
  • A cactus located close to the workplace can improve a person’s concentration and mental activity. As a result, he is able to more easily solve complex problems, make decisions and “gather thoughts into a pile.”

INTERESTING: One of the most unusual opinions says that “thieves avoid houses with a lot of cacti.” Whether this is true or not has not been definitely proven. It is also not known for what reasons this happens: on an energetic level or because thorny plants become an obstacle to the thief’s entry into the house through the windowsill.

Home cacti

Is it possible to keep cacti at home?

It is possible and sometimes even necessary to keep a cactus in the house. However, you need to choose the right plant for your home, depending on the age of the cactus, its size and shape. Of course, it is best to purchase a young plant, a cutting taken from a friend or purchased in a store.

If you are not sure that you can provide the flower with proper care and give your love, it is better to limit yourself from such a purchase. If you have never encountered cacti, choose the first plant that is not large, with small needles.

INTERESTING: Some scientific studies prove that plants respond not only to the emotional state of their owner, but also to his voice. Therefore, frequent conversations with the cactus will calm it down and allow it to exude only positive energy.

A good place in the house for a cactus:

  • Kitchen(window sill, shelf, table top) – the plant will absorb negativity that can arise between household members, fatigue and emotions of resentment.
  • Windowsill– here the plant will receive the necessary portion of light and will not be able to harm it with its negative energy, since it will be located far from the person.
  • On the desktop– the plant will “absorb” all the negative influences of work: heavy thoughts, anger from an unresolved task and disappointment.
  • Near the computer– the most “popular” place for a cactus. It is known that the plant absorbs negative waves emanating from the monitor and modem.
  • Hallway(note that there must be light in it) - here the cactus will be able to “absorb” the negative energy that comes into the house with you from work, the street, and so on.

Bad place in the house for a cactus:

  • Bedroom– especially when it comes to the bed. A cactus placed near the bed can negatively affect healthy sleep, cause migraines, digestive disorders and promote sexual dysfunction.
  • Children's room- in addition to the fact that cactus spines can be traumatic for a child, the cactus and the child are often enemies for each other only because children are not able to appreciate the importance of the plant. Therefore, the cactus can negatively affect them, developing aggression and other qualities.
  • Recreation room, living room or hall - in a word, a room where a person tries to relax. The presence of a cactus in this case can “spoil” the peace.

Blooming cactus

Why do you need a cactus in the house?

A cactus is needed in the house if:

  • You want to find out what kind of energy is present in your home: bad or good. If the atmosphere is favorable, the plant will bloom.
  • In addition, caring for and monitoring the growth of a cactus is very interesting. The plant is not whimsical and does not require extreme attention.
  • If you love your cactus, it will have a positive effect on your psyche, if not, vice versa. If you “don’t like” your cactus, donate it or sell it.
  • If you are a “fickle” person (you have a lot of doubts and insecurities), a cactus will help you find your “core” and reveal only positive qualities in you.
  • It is also believed that the cactus is a person’s protector from otherworldly forces, evil and all evil spirits.
  • Cactus helps a person develop tolerance towards himself and others.

Cacti in the house according to Feng Shui: can you keep them at home?

It’s worth noting right away that the cactus is a “capricious” plant. From the first seconds it may fall in love, or it may hate its “master”. Determining the attitude of a plant towards itself is very simple:

  • If you feel bad in the room where the cactus is located, the plant is not suitable for you.
  • If, on the contrary, you feel cheerful and cheerful, you have ideal compatibility with a cactus.

Feng Shui (an ancient Chinese teaching about the harmony of man with the outside world) does not encourage a person to have a cactus in his house. The teaching adheres to the point of view that the cactus drives away such favorable energy “Qi”.

If you respect Feng Shui, in such cases the cactus should be placed in places of the house with “negative energy”, for example: a flight of stairs, steps going down, a toilet and a bathroom (both in the room and opposite the room, because in the toilet and bathroom water leaves, therefore, “takes with it” good and bad). In such places, the cactus will be a barrier that does not allow the good to leave and attracts the bad.

INTERESTING: Many people believe that cactus spines can be used to make a talisman. To do this, they are collected and placed in a special glass flask, which they carry with them, or they are buried in the ground in front of the house. This amulet protects against ill-wishers and envious people. Another important point is that a blooming cactus is needed in any home, everywhere and always. The plant blooms extremely rarely and therefore can bring joy to your home.

Cactus according to Feng Shui

What cacti can be kept in the house: sign

Cactus in the house, signs:

  • One opinion says that a cactus in the house can be the reason why men do not get along with them in the same home. This is nothing more than a superstition, but suspicious women believe in it and associate personal failures with the plant.
  • If you have a cactus in your house for a long time and suddenly it blooms, this is a good omen that tells you that there will be a wedding in your family soon.
  • For a pregnant couple, a cactus blooming in the house can portend pregnancy and the imminent birth of a child.
  • If a cactus has been standing in your house for a long time and has never bloomed, this means that the room in which it is located is saturated with negativity. Perhaps people often quarrel, make scandals, or can’t stand each other.
  • A blooming cactus is for a happy person, a non-blooming one is for a hot-tempered and angry person.

What kind of cactus do you need for your home?

If you have definitely decided that your home really needs a cactus, you need to choose it correctly for yourself and your home. You should choose a plant based on the character of all household members and the atmosphere that reigns in the house.

The type of plant plays an important role when choosing:

  • tall cactus– helps to cope with grievances
  • columnar cactus– will help cope with emotional instability.
  • Ball cactus– an assistant in the fight for mental and physical health. It is also known that such a cactus is an assistant in the fight for weight loss and overeating.
  • finger cactus– will help its owner get rid of foul language, “evil” language and thoughtless words, and improve speech.

tall cactus

columnar cactus

Ball cactus

finger cactus

Features of a cactus in the house:

  • The cactus is able to “feel” the love that is present in the house.
  • The cactus “absorbs” all the bad things that exist in the house and thereby improves relationships between people.
  • The cactus literally “recycles” a person’s negative energy, returning him to positivity.
  • If the plant does not “like” someone in the house, the cactus will also feel this and will only cause harm to this person, negatively affecting him, manifesting his negativity with headaches and bad mood.
  • The cactus pot should be placed where there are energy “holes” in the house: doors and windows.
  • Under no circumstances should you keep a cactus near your bed, bedroom or children's room near the sitting area to avoid headaches and mental health problems.

Cactus at work: sign

It is believed that the ideal place for a cactus is one that has negative energy. This is how the plant “remembers” it and constantly absorbs it. Therefore, a workplace or desk is best suited for a cactus. Here he will have the opportunity to “feed” on the negative energy emanating from you, documents, calculations and people around you.

In addition, the cactus will always remain in your sight, which will prevent it from drying out or being left unattended. It is also believed that cacti are the only plants that can neutralize and absorb electromagnetic radiation from a computer monitor, TV, telephone and Internet modem.


  • Cactus on the desktop on the right side– will give inspiration and vitality for fruitful work.
  • Cactus on the desktop on the left side– will absorb the negativity coming from the work process.
  • Cactus in the center of the desktop– will “distract” from work and disrupt the thought process.

Cactus as a gift: meaning, sign


  • Buy a cactus – it all depends on how you feel the first days after the purchase. If it’s bad, then the cactus is a bad omen for you, which in the future will only bring negativity to life.
  • Accept a blooming cactus as a gift - a good omen that will bring you success, good changes and joy.
  • Accept a non-blooming cactus as a gift - a bad omen, foreshadowing a quarrel and discord.
  • Give a cactus - You should give only flowering cacti and cacti with soft needles, so as not to spoil the relationship with the person to whom you are presenting it.
  • Find a healthy cactus – a good omen, portends health.
  • Find a limp cactus – a bad omen, foreshadows illness and disease.
  • Throw away the cactus - a good omen if he had a bad influence on you and a bad omen if he simply bothered you.
  • Leave the cactus (on the street, in the entrance) – good omen, expect changes.

Blooming cactus: signs


  • Small cactus bloom - profit or good changes in the house.
  • Lush flowering cactus - soon your life will change for the better, to great events.
  • Yellow flower on a cactus – birth of a child in a family.
  • Red flower on a cactus – love, romantic meeting, acquaintance.
  • White flower on a cactus – for a wedding or matchmaking
  • Pick, break a flower from a cactus - bad omen, good changes will not happen to you soon.

The cactus has rotted or died: a sign


  • Dried cactus - there is no love and understanding in the house
  • The cactus has rotted - there is hatred and resentment in the house
  • The cactus got sick - to divorce, to quarrel
  • The needles on the cactus fell off - you have envious people and ill-wishers.
  • Other sprouts appeared in the ground - to acquisitions
  • The cactus has “babies” - good omen, peace and happiness in the family.

A cactus fell: a sign


  • A cactus fell from the windowsill - someone envied you and wished you harm.
  • A cactus fell from the desktop - bad omen professionally: envious people, trouble at work.
  • The cactus fell and the pot broke - quarrel with a loved one.
  • The cactus fell and the earth crumbled - family quarrel
  • The cactus fell and broke - illness in the family

Video: “Cactus in the house: signs and superstitions”
