Conspiracy to force money back. Effective debt recovery spells

As you know, magic has enormous power: with its help you can attract wealth, find out your destiny, protect yourself from evil forces, and even force the debtor to return the money. To do this, it is enough to read certain conspiracies and perform rituals, and then you will not have to wait long for the result.

Magic spells to repay debt have been successfully used for several centuries in a row. They are most relevant for those who have already despaired of asking their debtor friends to return money, and want to get what they want as quickly as possible.

How do these rituals work?

Thus, magical rituals help to force the money back, but under one condition: you must believe in magic and follow some rules for conducting rituals that were created by our ancestors.

How to perform rituals to repay debts: basic rules

To get it as quickly as possible cash, you need to know some features of household magic:

During rituals, complete observance of silence is desirable: you cannot laugh or make noise in the room in which they are performed. A disrespectful attitude towards magic is not allowed, and rituals are recommended to be performed in the narrowest circle of people. It's best to do it yourself. The fewer people know about them, the greater the chances of getting your own money back.

If the debtor is a friend - what plot to read?

If you had to borrow money from a friend or close acquaintance, it is best to go to church and light a candle to St. Nicholas the Pleasant, asking him to help with prayer. You can also use a simple conspiracy that does not have a destructive effect on the debtor and helps you get your money back faster. What you need to do for this:

  • We look for a sparkling white coin. Suitable for denominations of 1,2 or 5 rubles;
  • In the morning we go to the planting or forest, find a pine or spruce;
  • We bury a coin under a tree while reading the plot:

“I will bury the coin so that the debt will be returned to me. To force the servant of God (name) to give everything. When everything comes back to me, I’ll dig it up and forget all the grievances!”

  • While reading the prayer, you must sincerely wish that the debtor will have money as soon as possible and be able to return it;
  • We dig up the money and store it. Soon the debtor will give the required amount and thank you for financial assistance and waiting.

If the debtor is unfamiliar

With such reckless loans, the likelihood of repaying the debt is very low, because people you don’t know well are not always responsible. But even in this case, you can force a refund. For this you will need a church candle and matches. How the ritual is performed:

  • We wait for darkness, put the saucer on the table, light a candle;
  • We light all the matches one by one from the candle, throw them one at a time into the dish;
  • We whisper a prayer while the matches are burning:

“Fire-fire, help me make you pay back the debt! So that the servant of God (name) may be tormented by sorrowful thoughts and torment, Until he gives everything to me! So that I can get the return soon!”

  • We collect the remains of the candle and burnt matches on the plate into a scarf. white, put it in the bag in the department where money is usually kept;
  • We say: “So that something is given away that was no longer expected”;
  • After some time, the debtor will show up and give the required amount.

How to get my salary back?

It also happens that employers turn out to be unscrupulous and do not give back legally earned money. For justice to prevail, you need to follow a few simple steps:

“I leave a thin broom near the house so that he won’t let him sleep, so that thoughts about me will torment the debtor and other people’s money will leave him!”

  • On the way back we throw away all the twigs.

Debt repayment ritual with a candle

This ritual is considered one of the most powerful, and it can be used in any situation, regardless of who the debtor is to the lender. In addition to repaying debt, it helps attract wealth. How it is done:

  • We buy a thick wax candle from the church;
  • We wait until midnight comes, then we light the candle and cut it into two equal parts;
  • We light the second half of the candle and connect both parts from the wick side;
  • During the connection, we recite the conspiracy:

“Everything that is separated returns to each other. What is cut is united. What is lost comes. So my money will come back to me.”

  • While the cut and reconnected candle is burning, we go to the debtor’s home, and only extinguish it there.

An ancient spell on a broom

People used this prayer back in ancient times, when the majority of the population had private houses. It is very similar to the ritual for the return of arrears, but there are several differences. The whole ceremony looks like this:

  • We go to the house of a man who owes money. We take with us a bad old broom and a brand new broom;
  • First, we sweep the threshold of the house, whispering a conspiracy to get our money back (“ I sweep with a good broom, I sweep away my money for myself.” ), then we take a whisk and dig it in front of the threshold, saying: “ I place a thin broom under the threshold so that he doesn’t let him sleep, he drives other people’s money out of the house »;
  • When the money is returned, we dig out the old broom.

Food spell

To get what you want, you can use not only household items, but also food - confectionery, first courses and any other food. How it's done:

  • We take food, sprinkle it thickly with salt, saying a prayer in the process:

“As this food is salty, so will everything be salty for the servant of God (say the name of the debtor). He will not drink water, he will not forget about his duty. I’ll hurry up and return everything I borrowed.”

  • We secretly throw the charmed food to the person.

Black magic for debt recovery

This ritual is the most complex and powerful, so it is not recommended to use it unless absolutely necessary. It is advisable to wait for clear explanations from the debtor, and only then make a decision. If he refuses to repay the debt, you can perform this ritual:

  • We find it at home old chair or a stool, tear off the leg and break it into small chips;
  • We stack everything with emphasis on each other and pronounce the spell:

“If anyone asks for anything, the devil brings everything to him. I gave what was mine, the debtor took it for himself. Let him worry the hell about it, and give me back what’s mine!”

  • The first time we read the text in the usual way - from left to right, then in reverse order- from right to left;
  • We go out into the street and find the intersection of two roads. We throw away the wood chips there.

Ritual with a personal icon of the debtor

Such a ritual is also considered quite strong, and it is capable of forcing the debtor to repay all debts. To do this, it is enough to buy an icon of his saint’s name in the church, and then follow several steps:

  • Lay a tablecloth on the floor, place the mirror face down;
  • We place the icon on an inverted mirror, fold our palms as if warming them over a fire;
  • We say the prayer 40 times:

“Let the servant of God(debtor's name) will return everything he took from me. And if he doesn’t return it, let him lose 100 times more, lose his health, know no peace, become unhappy and poor forever! So be it! Amen!"

Among all the rituals, this is considered the most powerful and can entail Negative consequences, so it should be used as a last resort if other methods have failed.

Ritual with a green candle

To perform such a ritual, you will need a green candle, which you can buy in an esoteric store. It must be lit every evening while the Moon is in its waxing phase until the debt is repaid. While the candle is burning, we say a prayer:

“My money, come back to me! From someone else's house, from someone else's wallet, to my house, to me. So that the debtor (name) does not live in peace, the money is not spent, but only thoughts about me and the debt overcome. It will remain this way until he gives me what is due to me. Amen!"

Prayer of thanksgiving

When money is given away using magic, you should thank the higher powers and forgive the debtor by reading a prayer. It allows you to remove the negative consequences of conspiracies from a person, as well as maintain good relationships.

“I forgive you for today and for yesterday, for now and for tomorrow. God is my witness. And from now on he (name of the debtor) is your judge. I no longer judge you, I ask God for help, I (name) am a faithful servant of God, baptized and honest. Let it be so. Amen"

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Perhaps every person encounters the fact that his debt is not repaid for too long.

Sometimes it is not so easy to force the debtor to return the money, especially if it is a person close to you or an old acquaintance. In such a situation, you don’t want to resort to legal proceedings and even more so threats. A conspiracy to repay a debt is an excellent remedy that will help you get out of even such a difficult situation.

Today everyone is trying to say that they do not believe in magic and various occult sciences However, when a difficult period comes in life, even pragmatists are ready to turn for help to the forces whose existence they so stubbornly denied. This is not surprising; as we know, there are no atheists in war.

What kind of conspiracies are these?

Rituals designed to help repay debts are practically no different from others magical rituals. They also direct the performer’s energy in the right direction and influence the debtor’s subconscious.

The simplest rituals can cause fear, remorse and melancholy in the borrower; he can remember the good things you did to him and return the money in the near future.

More severe spells literally force the target to repay the entire debt, and if he does not do this as soon as possible, he will begin to get very sick. Some black rituals can even lead to the death of the debtor, however, using such magic is not recommended, because after the death of the borrower it will be much more difficult to get your money back.

Ritual with an old chair

To carry out the ritual, you need to break off the leg of an old chair, this must be done with bare hands, without using any tools. Place a chair without a leg outside the threshold of the house (or on landing apartments).

An interesting ritual that works on the personal strength of the performer

You need to break off a few chips from the leg using a knife or pull them out with wire cutters. Now you can go directly to reading the money back plot. Words:

“If anyone asks, the devil brings him back. I gave the money, and the borrower took it into his own hands. If he doesn’t return the money on time, let the devil take it for himself and bring me money for it. Let it be so. Amen".

To enhance the effect, you can read this plot twice, and the second time you need to read the words backwards. After this, the chair must be thrown away, and the wood chips taken to the intersection of three roads and scattered.

An ancient conspiracy to repay a debt

To perform this ritual you will need:

  • three gypsy needles;
  • three tablespoons of coarse salt;
  • three feathers of any bird (it is better to collect them yourself on the street);
  • three scraps of hair from different cats (or cats);
  • three pieces of hair from different dogs;
  • a small square of dark fabric.

Pieces of fur can be carefully cut from animals with scissors.
When all the ingredients have been collected, place the fabric on a flat surface (table or altar), write the name of the debtor on the fabric with soap, then you need to put all the collected components there, mix them with the tip of a knife with a black handle counterclockwise. After this you need to read the words of the conspiracy:

“Hear me, prick the debtor, whisper and roar, gnaw at him and wait with hot fire. Start in the morning and then all day. All evening and all night dark. From now on, God’s servant (name of the target) will not find a moment of peace until he returns everything he owes me. He must suffer, groan, neither eat, nor drink, nor sleep, not see the white light, not know life, not experience goodness. As stated. It will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

A strong conspiracy with an icon so that the debt is returned

To perform this magical ritual you will need personalized icon your debtor. Such icons are sold in all churches and church shops.

Christian egregor will definitely force your debtor to repay the debt

Now you need to cover the table with a black tablecloth or a black scarf. A mirror is placed on top, face down, and an icon is placed on the mirror.

You need to lay your hands on the icon as if you were warming them over an open fire, and read the text of the conspiracy forty times. Words:

“Let God’s servant (name) return to me everything that he took from me, and if he doesn’t return it, let him lose a hundred times more, so that he loses his health, so that he knows no peace, so that he becomes poor and unhappy forever. Let it be so. Amen".

An effective plot to repay debt

First you need to buy one simple wax candle without haggling. Taking change from the seller is also not recommended. Light the candle immediately after sunset and read the words on it 13 times:

“It’s not the candle that melts, it’s the servant of God (name of the debtor) that melts, it’s he who doesn’t repay the debt to me. If you don’t repay the debt to me, you will completely melt away. Return the debt to me as soon as possible and don’t do it again. My word is true, my word has been verified. I sealed (name) with fire, in the evening, not during the day. As I said, this is how it will turn out. Amen".

The next day, in the afternoon, you need to go to church (preferably on foot) and light the rest of the candle for the health of your debtor. In church you need to say:

“I forgive you for today and for yesterday, for now and for tomorrow. God is my witness. And from now on he (name of the debtor) is your judge. I no longer judge you, I ask God for help, I (name) am a faithful servant of God, baptized and honest. Let it be so. Amen".

New moon spell to repay debt

At sunrise, you need to light a new wax candle, go to the window with it (better if it is located in the east) and read the plot three times as you exhale:

“I am sending a note to the servant of God (full name of the debtor). Now let my account of the debtor crush and burn, bake and beat, break his bones and take the life out of him. Now (debtor’s name) will not be able to sleep, will not be able to eat, will not be able to drink until the debt comes back to me. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Powerful ritual with eggs

You need to take two raw eggs, make small holes in them on both sides with a needle and put them in boiling water. Now close front door Lock your house, throw the needle into the boiling eggs and read the words:

“I say my slander, I will sentence my debtor (name of the debtor). You'll have to cook like eggs, you'll have to fiddle around in boiling water. Repay the debt, or your life will be short-lived. Tear his wood chips, pain, itching, pricking, and all morning, and day, and evening, and all night. And you won’t have a quiet moment, everything will hurt, your heart, your stomach, your skin, your teeth, your liver. Not a single sore will go away, nothing will go away or heal. You cannot be saved by a doctor, a healer, a sorcerer, a pagan, or a whisperer. Now you will get sick, rot alive, weaken and wither. You can’t eat or sleep, just moan and suffer. As it is said, so it will come true. Key. Lock. Language".

After pronouncing the words, wait until the eggs are boiled, hide one of them at home, the other - not far from the debtor’s house.

The most powerful conspiracy

If none of the rituals listed above has produced results, you can try one of the most powerful magical rituals to repay the debt. The plot is read on candles 40 times:

“Salt, Pain, Bread, Blood, Amen. On Friday I will get up, I will leave the yard without crossing myself, I will go without praying to God. I will sing the morning funeral service, I will eat mass at Kutya, and in the evening I will lower the coffin, from this day on and forever and ever. Amen. On the sea-ocean, there is a house of fire, the water will not wash it away, the wind will not blow it out. An unprecedented man sits in that house - without arms, without legs, without strength. So I take the strength from the servant of God (the name of the debtor), I squeeze the blood out of him, I knock the soul out of him, I drink his heart, I close his eyes forever. I perform the funeral service for you, servant of God (name of the target), I perform the funeral service, I perform the funeral service. If you are my enemy, if you do not repay your debt to me, you will consign your body to the earth and your soul to hell. I perform the funeral service for you, servant of God (name of the target), I perform the funeral service, I perform the funeral service. From this day until the end of time. No one can remove this conspiracy, no one can reprimand him in church, no one can knock down the sorcerer, no one can wash him off with holy water. As I swore, so be it. Amen. Amen. Amen".

While reading the words of the conspiracy, you need to contact the debtor and concentrate on everyone negative emotions which it evokes in you.

If the debt is repaid, you will need to light a candle in the evening and calmly say that the debt has been repaid and you forgive the debtor and drop all charges against him. This is necessary to negative energy didn't hurt him too much.

Many people have faced situations where they borrowed money and could not get it back. No requests had any effect on the debtor. Of course, situations are different. And if you know for sure that a person has money, but he does not want to return it, try reading a conspiracy to repay a debt from white magic.

Such rituals are divided according to the strength of their impact into weak, strong, and very strong. If a person does not want to repay the debt, then his health condition may deteriorate greatly. Therefore, you should resort to magical influences in cases where you are confident in the debtor’s solvency.


When performing rituals aimed at returning money you should follow the rules of money magic. Only if carried out correctly and all points are observed, the plot will work.

  • You should only cast the money back spell to a growing, in exceptional cases, read in full.
  • The best way to perform a ritual is on Tuesday.
  • You can't drink alcohol three days before the ritual.
  • After the money is returned, in your thoughts thank the person who returned the money and let go of all the bad emotions associated with it.

What to do if the debt is not repaid: conspiracies

The rules for performing magic to get your money back are simple. It is necessary to strictly follow them so that the result is effective and occurs as soon as possible.

For a candle and matches

This method can help even if you have lost hope of getting your money back.

Prepare a box of matches and a candle from the temple. After sunset, light matches from the candle, one at a time, and let each one burn out on a platter. While every match burns, say the words:

“Fire-fire, help me make you pay back the debt! So that the servant of God (name) may be tormented by sorrowful thoughts and torment until he gives everything to me! So that I can get the return soon!”

Under the full moon

Many people have a question: “On which moon should we read conspiracies?” Sorcerers usually firmly answer that only growing ones. However, there are rituals for the full moon.

Similar magical actions to return money are carried out in. Go to the window, looking at the night light, say:

“The night is dark, the moon is silver. I ask you to collect my debts, and return what I have lent. Just as the moon shines forever in the sky, so I can live in abundance! Amen."

Rite of Natalia Stepanova

Natalya Stepanova is considered one of the most knowledgeable witches. Her rituals are simple but very effective.

Light a thin church candle, stand near the window and read several times in a row:

“I am sending a word to slave (name). Let this indictment of the slave (name) burn and bake. He chases into corners, breaks bones. He doesn’t eat, doesn’t sleep, doesn’t drink until he pays me (his name) back. Amen."

In order for this to work, you need to contact the person who owes you and remind you of your existence. The ritual must be performed daily until the entire debt is repaid.

For Easter

The day before Happy Holidays Easter, in the evening, light a candle and, looking at it, say the words of the ritual seven times:

“I forgive you servant of God (name of the debtor) today, tomorrow and always. God is our judge, he will judge us. I don’t judge myself, I’m just asking for help. Baptized servant of God (his name). Amen. Amen. Amen."

The strong way

Take a new church, light it and say 40 times words of the ritual:

“Salt, Pain, Bread, Blood, Amen. On Friday I will get up, I will leave the yard without crossing myself, I will go without praying to God. I will sing the morning funeral service, I will eat mass at Kutya, and in the evening I will lower the coffin, from this day on and forever and ever. Amen. On the sea-ocean, there is a house of fire, the water will not wash it away, the wind will not blow it out. An unprecedented man sits in that house - without arms, without legs, without strength. So I take the strength from the servant of God (the name of the debtor), I squeeze the blood out of him, I knock the soul out of him, I drink his heart, I close his eyes forever. I perform the funeral service for you, servant of God (name of the target), I perform the funeral service, I perform the funeral service. If you are my enemy, if you do not repay your debt to me, you will consign your body to the earth and your soul to hell. I perform the funeral service for you, servant of God (name of the target), I perform the funeral service, I perform the funeral service. From this day until the end of time. No one can remove this conspiracy, no one can reprimand him in church, no one can knock down the sorcerer, no one can wash him off with holy water. As I swore, so be it. Amen. Amen. Amen."

When pronouncing these phrases, you need to concentrate on the image of the person who should and the emotions that you feel.

Through a personal icon

Purchase with the name of the person who owes you. If you don’t know how to do this correctly, then contact church workers, they will tell you. Take a photograph of a person and place it face to face on the icon. Exactly at midnight, say the spell:

“Guardian Angel of the Servant of God (name of the debtor) patron! Do not allow hiccups, lameness, aches, and drowsiness to be brought upon the servant of God (name of the debtor) because he does not want to repay the debt on time, the money he promised to return. Save us and have mercy! Amen."

Place the icon and photograph face to face in a secret place. If after a week the funds are not returned, then perform the ritual again.

It happens that people do not want to resort to magical influences, believing that this is contrary to their religion.

Then you should pray for the return of the money. In church, light a candle for the health of the person who owes you, while it is burning, look at the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant and pray to him in your own words for a speedy return of the money. When you leave, give alms to the poor. Your money will be returned to you shortly after this.

All these methods work effectively when you need to return your money, but before you turn to them, try to come to an agreement with the debtor without attracting otherworldly forces.

There is a popular saying: “If you don’t want to quarrel with a friend, don’t lend him money.” However, if the loan of money was nevertheless carried out, and the borrower is not going to return what was borrowed for some reason, you will have to act decisively and comprehensively, resorting to simple but effective methods, such as a conspiracy to repay the debt. If you don’t believe in magic, then we recommend you these simple tips on how to pay back debts and legally increase money.

  1. The first of them is a technique for attracting money to a specific person. To implement it, you first need to find a good photo of the individual who owes you. Under " nice photo” refers to a photograph where a person smiles, looks happy and satisfied with life. You should also stock up on a few large bills money (preferably dollars or other stable foreign currency). It is recommended to perform the ritual on the waxing moon in such a way that its light illuminates the room where the plot is being read. Directly magic spell to get rid of debts will consist of the following passes: place the photo on the table, image up (try to let the moon illuminate it too), then take a stack of banknotes and, slowly passing them over the photo, read: “How a glorious boat rushes across the seas, with luxury all sewn, dressed in gold, a hundred treasures in it. So a good fellow (say the name of the debtor) would become rich and generous so that money would start in his family. Gold, silver and chervonets, a hundred treasures from ships. I lure money with money. Amen!"
  2. The second ritual consolidates the first and is designed to appeal directly to a person’s conscience, so that after he has acquired “a hundred treasures,” he would share from the heart with his family and friends, and simply pay off his debts. As part of this event, you need to go to church, light a candle for this person and sincerely pray for his health and well-being, and upon returning home, read out loud or mentally on his photo: “Faithful friend, I trust in you, I pray for you, I wish you well . Don’t forget about me, help me in a moment. Amen". In addition to prayers and rituals, it is also worth additionally recommending books to such a person on how to get rid of debts, or suggesting options for solving his financial problem: from part-time jobs to obtaining loans from specialized organizations.

About energy debt recovery, watch this video:

It is very unpleasant when you lend money, and the debtor is in no hurry to return it, avoiding meeting and talking in every possible way. This could take a year or two. In this case it is necessary try to repay the debt using magic.

There are many ways to get your money back. It's always worth starting with a weaker plot. If it doesn't work within a month, then you can move on to the next one. But remember, if the amount of money is not too large and not so significant for you, then the most strong rituals It is better not to repay the debt, and to rely until the last moment on the conscience of the debtor.

An easy debt repayment ritual

One of the benign conspiracies for the debtor is a ritual on cloth, using coins and a candle. It should be spent at midnight in complete solitude. If a man owes you, choose Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, if a woman - Monday, Wednesday or Friday. The ceremony is prohibited on Sunday.

Light a candle and turn off the electric light. Lay out a small square piece of fabric on the table. Place five coins in a pile in the middle yellow color. As you focus on them, think about the amount of money you are owed. With these thoughts, sprinkle the coins with golden sparkles, saying:

“Let it rain money on me, let my debts be returned, I need money myself.”

After this, write down the amount of debt in numbers on a piece of paper, with the obligatory indication of the currency. Roll it up and light it with a candle. When the paper burns, place the ashes on the cloth, next to the coins. Fold the fabric into a bag and tie with a green ribbon (this color symbolizes money).

Place the bag in an inaccessible place and do not touch it until the debt is returned to you. Maximum shelf life - 1 year. If you do not receive money during this time, then you can take out the bag and bury it in the ground outside your house and plot. If the debt comes back to you, then be sure to donate 5% of the amount to the Church.

A stronger conspiracy against the debtor

The next ritual is more effective. It aims to cause the debtor moral torment: remorse, fear, melancholy, remorse, shame. Under the influence of these forces he must pay off debts as quickly as possible.

The ritual is performed at dawn, in an open space outside the house. Before leaving, take with you a coin worth 10 rubles, an unsharpened green pencil and a hammer. Place the coin on the ground, tails down. Place the pencil on top and use a hammer to hammer the coin and pencil into the ground with the words:

“I’m not driving in a coin now, but I’m extracting my debt from the servant of God (name of the debtor). As this coin goes into the ground, as this pencil goes into the ground, so let my money return to my pocket. Let the servant of God (name of the debtor) be tormented by his conscience, let him experience strong repentance, let him collect the entire amount and hasten to return it to me. Amen".

All this time, imagine the face of the debtor. The ritual will be completed when the coin and pencil disappear into the ground. If during the ritual the coin slips out from under the pencil, its power will be lost. In this case, exactly a week later the actions can be repeated.

The most powerful way to repay a debt using magic

The most powerful one, which can almost always return your money, is a debt repayment conspiracy carried out in a cemetery. But in this case, in addition to moral torment, you can, without wanting to, also send physical torment in the form of illnesses, fractures, accidents. Therefore, be sure to think everything over before you decide to take it!

Take an aspen peg. In the cemetery, find a grave with the same name as your debtor. At exactly noon, start hammering a peg into it, saying:

“I’m not driving a stake into the ground now, but I’m knocking out an old debt from God’s servant (name of the debtor). As soon as this stake goes into the damp ground, let the debtor return to me my honestly earned money. Amen."

Before leaving, be sure to place a memorial on the grave with the words “Dead man, help, return the money lent to (debtor’s name) to me.” Leave the cemetery at a brisk pace, without looking back.

After this conspiracy, be sure to visit the Church, light 3 candles: the first for your health, the second for the repose of the one on whose grave the magical ceremony was performed, and the third for your Guardian Angel. Repeating this ritual for the same debtor is strictly prohibited.


Use debt repayment spells at your discretion, but don't overdo it. Using very strong magic , know that the responsibility for it lies only with you, and in the event of a serious illness of the debtor, you will have to atone for your sins for a long time. Be careful and merciful!
