Choosing the right oil to coat wood outdoors and indoors. Wood oil ➠ natural protection and wonderful decor Oil for painting wood

Wood plays a big role in human life. People are building wooden houses, because they are much stronger, warmer and environmentally friendly than other building materials. Wooden wood is used for cooking cutting boards; door handles, hatches, and windows, many also prefer to make them wooden.

To protect the wooden surface from moisture penetration or drying out, it is treated with oil.

How to protect wooden surfaces?

Why is wood impregnated? Everyone knows very well that wood has a good ability to absorb water and moisture, that is, it is hydrophilic. This is where problems arise: the wood dries out, cracks, and the wooden object simply deteriorates. But if this item is a wooden knife handle, then the situation can be easily corrected by replacing it, unlike in those cases when it cracks and crumbles wooden beam, which is the basis of the house.

In order to avoid such troubles, it is necessary to treat the wood with substances that not only prevent moisture from penetrating into the wood, but also completely protect it from the harmful effects of the environment.

Benefits of flaxseed oil

Flaxseed oil is an environmentally friendly product; it protects wood well and has high moisture-repellent properties.

In shops building materials a huge variety of stains, varnishes, chemical substances, but they are all toxic and can harm human health. The most the best remedy for preserving wooden surfaces - linseed oil. It is considered the strongest waterproofing substance and does not harm the human body. Impregnating wood with this product has a number of advantages:

  • environmentally friendly substance;
  • helps close even the smallest pores of wood;
  • is water-repellent;
  • improves appearance wooden surface.

During the impregnation of wood, the substances included in the oil thicken under the influence of external factors (oxygen, light, heat), that is, a polymerization process occurs. As a result of impregnation, linseed oil becomes a semi-solid mass. The more polyunsaturated acid glycerides the oil contains, namely linoleic and linolenic acids, the higher the solidification ability and its protective properties.

After impregnation, the wooden product will need to be allowed to dry so that the wood is protected as much as possible in the future.

Complete drying of the wood surface after treatment with linseed oil will occur in 2-3 weeks.

You can speed up the process using:

The oil thickens as the wood is impregnated and it does not get dirty.

  • turpentine;
  • wax;
  • tar.

When using turpentine, you must remember that this substance is toxic and can cause an allergic reaction. In addition, thermal burns may occur due to direct contact with skin. Tar is a product of dry distillation of wood; it is the same as turpentine, but less toxic. Therefore, to be safe, it is better to choose wax. It is not difficult to dissolve the wax: just heat it in a water bath and mix with oil. This composition has enhanced water-repellent properties.

Impregnation of wood at home

In order to impregnate wooden objects at home, you need to purchase linseed oil at any hardware store (if desired, wax for faster hardening). If wax is present, you need to warm it up first. Then linseed oil is heated and mixed with wax.

Even plates and children's toys can be impregnated with linseed oil.

There is no need to bring the composition to a boil: this can cause burns and is not at all necessary for a wooden surface. After this, apply oil to the wood with a thin foam sponge or your hands and rub it in, repeat the procedure 5-6 times. Leave to dry for 3-4 days (if wax is present).

Some home craftsmen immerse a wooden product in a container with oil and leave it for 2-3 hours. The main indicator that impregnation of a wooden product has already begun are small air bubbles that appear on the wood.

Flaxseed oils, which contain polyurethane components, do not require the addition of wax.

It has the property of being perfectly absorbed into wood and wood surfaces. Therefore, after treatment, virtually no oil remains on the wood, and the wooden surface becomes strong and wear-resistant. In addition, linseed oil is an excellent antiseptic substance for wood, because it protects it from moisture, which is the first cause of fungus and mold, due to which the wood simply begins to rot.

All wooden surfaces can be treated with oil. No harmful components are added to it, so you can safely treat even such surfaces as:

Apply a thin layer of oil to the wooden surface with a brush.

  • wooden spoons, plates;
  • children's toys made of wood;
  • any furniture;
  • ceiling and floor coverings.

The wooden surface should not be wet or damp - this is the main condition for processing. The permissible moisture content in wood should not exceed 14%. If the surface is not new and needs impregnation, first you need to clean it of any remaining varnish or paint. After this, the surface must be cleaned of dust and remaining debris. Under no circumstances should you wipe the wood surface with a wet rag. The wood will immediately absorb moisture. Then clean with sandpaper and remove wood dust. In the room where impregnation will be carried out, the air humidity should not be lower than 70%. If impregnation is carried out outdoors, then not in rainy or foggy weather, but in sunny weather.

You need to apply linseed oil to the wood surface not in a thick, but in a thin layer, and several times. Wooden items that can be used constantly (for example, a floor) need to be treated 3-4 times a year, only in this case will it last long service. And those household items that are not subject to regular mechanical stress, for example bookshelves or cabinets, it is enough to treat once every 2-3 years.

Small parts and objects can be immersed in oil for impregnation.

Depending on how curly or smooth the surface is, and also taking into account the thickness of the wood, you need to rely on the amount of oil applied. It is worth noting that thin layer It will harden in a day. If necessary, step-by-step impregnation can be carried out. Treatment can be done 6-8 times.

You can apply linseed oil with foam sponges or a brush. After processing wood, it is better to keep brushes in cold water. The remaining linseed oil must be stored in a cool place, at a temperature not exceeding 0 °.

It is an undeniable fact that the wood flooring will be more protected by oil wax. It is made on the basis of linseed oils. In addition, after impregnation of the wood, the color of the surface is preserved and does not change, and due to the fact that the oil wax contains bean wax, the wooden surface becomes shiny. Wax based linseed oil You can impregnate light-colored wood surfaces, and valuable wood species are no exception. The following surfaces can be treated with oil wax:

  • stairs;
  • furniture;
  • the inside of the windows;
  • interior doors;
  • interior wood floors.

To treat external wooden surfaces, it is better to use pure linseed oil, because only natural and concentrated oil has dirt-repellent properties. That's why external walls timber houses or it is better to treat the walls of the bathhouse with pure linseed oil.

Flaxseed oil is considered a universal and most inexpensive means for preserving wooden coatings. There is no need to look for expensive water-repellent products for wood. It is enough to treat the surface and verify the effectiveness. Impregnation of wood is a process that takes quite for a long time, but the end result will satisfy even the most capricious people.

Impregnation with linseed oil is carried out in two ways:

  • rubbing;
  • by soaking.

Rub oil into wood only along the grain. For small wood items, soaking is recommended. The item should be completely immersed in linseed oil for several hours or 1-2 days. Required condition– the wood must dry after impregnation.

It is better to coat wooden surfaces with linseed oil rather than varnish. The fact is that the varnish cracks over time, and moisture can get into small cracks, which will lead to swelling of the wood. The wood will begin to deteriorate and swell within a few months. Linseed oil penetrates deep into the wood and does not become glassy after drying. Accordingly, cracks will not occur, and the access of moisture to the wood will be limited. Due to the fact that cracks do not appear, the linen coating retains its shine much longer.

Processing of construction wood with various compositions is considered as promising direction improving its working properties. Research in this direction and practical experience have shown that good results are achieved by impregnating wood with natural and synthetic oils. After such treatment, wood acquires new properties: strength increases, bio- and fire resistance increases, hygroscopicity decreases, and the surface acquires a pronounced structure. The methods of using the impregnating reagent differ in the depth of its penetration; they distinguish between deep and surface treatment.

Deep impregnation of wood is done industrially; house kits are made from this wood material in Canada and Europe; there is positive experience in using such material by Russian companies. Surface treatment of wood with oil can be done independently; this method of external protection of wooden houses is practical and does not require significant costs.

Deep processing of wood with oil impregnations requires special equipment and is carried out in industrial conditions; the results of such processing methods are impressive: water absorption of wood is reduced by 10 times, and swelling by 25 times. According to the depth of penetration of impregnation, wood species are divided as follows:

  • Easy to impregnate: beech, birch, pine sapwood,
  • Difficult to impregnate: oak, spruce, fir, larch, sound pine,
  • Moderately impregnated: linden, aspen, alder, coniferous wood.

One of the most common means for industrial impregnation is tall oil (liquid rosin), which is a by-product of cellulose production. The volume of world production of this product exceeds 2.5 million tons per year, Russia accounts for 10% of world production. The main importer of liquid rosin is Scandinavian countries consuming 25% of world production.

Wooden products intended for use in direct contact with soil and water are impregnated with anthracene oil; this product is obtained by heat treatment of coal. Sleepers are made using this technology; the applied impregnation effectively protects the wood from moisture and external factors. Foundation piles are made from wood treated with an anthracene composition and used in the construction of basements, cellars, bridges and landscaping.

Methods for industrially applying oil to protect wood are based on the expansion of wood pores, the effect is achieved by: processing wood under pressure, vacuuming, heat treatment, exposure to ultrasound, and using the electro-hydraulic effect. The process can take 2-3 weeks and requires the use of autoclaves, vacuum chambers, centrifuges and other expensive equipment. As a result, the cost increases several times; using such material for mass construction is not economically feasible.

Surface oil impregnation

During construction own home protective oil is used to treat walls and other wooden structures, you can perform this operation yourself. Oil impregnation penetrates into wood more deeply than varnish or paint, and does not form a surface film; the advantages of this treatment are:

  • Wood capillaries are sealed and do not absorb atmospheric moisture,
  • The wood structure is protected from the penetration of fungal spores, the use of oil eliminates the use of antiseptics,
  • The texture becomes more pronounced, the surface acquires a soft shine, better results are achieved when processing glued material,
  • The effect of “open pores” is preserved.

Structures made of profiled timber chamber drying treated with an impregnating reagent immediately after laying the walls, a log frame made of edged lumber natural moisture is processed after shrinkage and applied to a sanded surface. It must be taken into account that the oil evaporates, is oxidized by atmospheric oxygen, destroyed by solar ultraviolet radiation, and the operation is repeated periodically. Manufacturers have developed multi-component impregnating compositions with increased service life.

Affordable wood impregnation oil

Inexpensive impregnating materials are available to the mass consumer, including available funds include:

  • Linseed oil for wood. Wood processing with linseed oil in our country has deep historical roots and has been successfully used for hundreds of years. Coating wood with linseed oil prevents it from cracking, easily penetrates into microcracks, seals them reliably, and emphasizes the wood texture. Currently, tinting dyes and additives are added to the natural product to accelerate the polymerization process; the composition is environmentally friendly and suitable for interior and exterior decoration. Complete drying time up to 20 days, consumption – 100-200 grams per square meter,
  • Tar oil. It is produced on the basis of linseed oil by adding effective natural antiseptics - tar and turpentine, and is used for treating facades, ceilings and roofs. Dries within 7 days, consumption – 1 liter per 10 square meters. The product is effectively used to combat the borer beetle, injected with a lubricant syringe into the holes made by the beetle and sealed with sealant,
  • In the 70-80s of the last century, during a period of general shortage, transformer oil was used, some developers still use it today. This impregnation is characterized by increased fluidity, penetrates deeply into wood pores and microcracks, and easily polymerizes. The wood takes on the properties of plastic, stops “breathing”, and moisture can accumulate in the house. Transformer oil is used to treat wood laid in lower crowns and foundations of log houses, for processing rafters and ceiling joists.

Expert opinion. Owners of wooden houses ask the question: our country produces sunflower and rapeseed oil in the largest volumes, and why these cheap products are not used for wood processing. Experts explain: these products have a low polymerization coefficient and are less absorbed by wood. The oil in the cracks retains its original state for a long time, in this form it provides a breeding ground for rodents and insects. Deficiencies are eliminated by boiling and adding thickeners; this product is called drying oil. When drying oil forms a film, it is not used to impregnate wood.

Multicomponent impregnating agents

The popularity of oil impregnations encourages manufacturers to develop new formulations; European companies are leading in this, some of them successfully operate in Russia. The main directions for improving the performance properties of these products are: increasing durability and fire resistance, resistance to external factors, and compatibility with various types of wood. Flaxseed oil is used as the main component; other vegetable and synthetic oils, resins, waxes, dyes, polymerization regulators, absorbent and stabilizing additives are added. The mixtures have toning properties. Among the popular modern impregnating compositions:

  1. Teak oil (BIOFA company, Germany). It consists of a mixture of linseed, ricin, safflower and wood oils with the addition of wax, driers, and aliphatic hydrocarbons. It is used for processing and tinting various types of wood; the polymerization time is one day.
  2. Danish oil (Rustins Ltd, UK). Developed on the basis of linseed and tung oil with the addition of synthetic resins and driers. It is characterized by an increased depth of penetration, effectively emphasizes the texture of wood, has dust-repellent properties, and drying time is 18-20 hours. Available in a mixture of different shades.
  3. Finnish oil (Tikkurila company, Finland). The range includes several dozen oil impregnations for interior and exterior use, a special line of impregnations for baths has been developed, a choice of 40 tinting shades is provided, and the coating has water-repellent properties. Contains natural vegetable oils, mineral and polymer additives, all compositions are fireproof.

From Russian manufacturers We can mention the Moscow company “Sigma Color” and the Samara company “MazSlo”, which produces a full range of modern oil impregnations for wood and competes well with foreign manufacturers.

How to properly treat a log house with oil impregnation

The oil coating is applied to the frame after shrinkage, the work is carried out in the warm season and in dry weather, the best result is achieved when the wood is impregnated with a humidity of up to 20%. External protection will reliably serve for 2-3 years, and then the operation is repeated. Processing process wooden log house protective oil includes the following operations:

  • After the frame shrinks, the walls of the building are sanded; when re-applied, the surface is cleaned of the old layer and removed. grinding dust, the surface is wiped with white spirit;
  • Before use, the oil composition is heated to a temperature of 40-50 degrees, applied to the surface along the fibers with a hard brush with natural bristles, after 15-30 minutes, everything that has not been absorbed is removed with a soft rag, the polymerization period depends on the impregnation used and can range from 7 up to 14 days;
  • A new layer is applied after polymerization is completed, a total of 3-4 layers are applied, before applying the next layer, the surface is subjected to soft grinding.

Advice from the experts. As the last – finishing layer, it is recommended to use oil wax; you can prepare the composition yourself: add grated beeswax to linseed oil heated in a water bath to 60-70 degrees, and bring the mass to a homogeneous consistency. The resulting mixture has increased moisture-protective properties; after application, it is polished, gives the surface shine and effectively highlights the structure of the wood; scratches and microcracks are eliminated using wax. The composition is wear-resistant and is used for interior decoration, verandas, floors and stairs.


Oil impregnation is a promising means for treating buildings made of any wood material; they have antiseptic properties and reliably clean the structure from moisture; the use of such products allows you to avoid painting walls. Oil does not form a polymer film on the surface, the wood retains its natural properties.

It is often used to protect wooden products and surfaces. water-repellent impregnation. Impregnation for wood against moisture, fungi and rot is universal, so it can be applied to all types of wooden products and surfaces (walls, ceilings, floors, furniture, and so on).

Purpose of water-repellent impregnation

Water-repellent impregnation is a special substance that coats the surface to increase its protective properties. As such impregnation, special mixtures that are sold in stores are usually used. There are both internal and external wood impregnations, as well as universal ones. You can also make protective impregnation yourself at home using oil and wax.

Wood impregnation performs the following functions:

  • Protection from water and atmospheric precipitation. Wood can absorb water on contact, resulting in poor performance.
  • Protection from harmful bacteria. In case of prolonged contact with water, pathogenic microorganisms can settle in the wood and begin to destroy such a product from the inside, and the main danger is that such bacteria are almost impossible to destroy.
  • Protection from bugs and mechanical damage. Bark beetles have powerful jaws, and they usually live in large colonies, so they can very quickly destroy wooden crafts.

Oil or wax

The best substances for impregnating wood against fungus and mold are oil and wax. These substances have been used for more than 500 years, so their effectiveness has been proven in practice. Many people use either oil or wax for impregnation, however experienced craftsmen they prefer to use these substances together as part of a complex impregnation. Wax impregnation with the addition of oil perfectly protects wood from moisture, mold, fungi, bacteria and light mechanical damage, but at the same time they are completely safe for humans. It should be borne in mind that there is only one type of wax, but oils are different, but most often tung, teak, tar and linseed oil are used for impregnation.

Pros and cons of oil impregnation

Water-repellent impregnation based on wax and oil has many advantages:

  • Environmentally friendly (oils and wax are of natural origin).
  • The appearance of a beautiful matte shine, which improves the appearance of wooden surfaces and products.
  • Ease of processing. You can do the impregnation yourself at home, since this does not require special skills and knowledge.
  • Cheap and accessible. Oil and wax can be bought at any specialized store that sells paint and varnish products, and their cost is quite low compared to chemical impregnations.

However, wax and oils for external impregnation tree has its limitations:

  • The protective impregnation wears off quite quickly, so it is recommended to impregnate the wood at least 3 times a year.
  • If the impregnation was applied carelessly, then at the end you will have to do additional cleaning to hide this defect.
  • Grease stains are clearly visible on the impregnation, so they must be promptly removed so that wooden surfaces and products look beautiful.

Tung oil

Tung oil is universal - it can be used to treat floorboards, ceilings, furniture, various products, and so on. After application, it penetrates into the deepest layers of wood, so tung oil is usually used in cases where the master wants to emphasize the texture of a wooden product. Tung oil consumption is 100-150 g per 1 square meter (however, please note that if the air temperature is below +15 degrees, this impregnation thickens, which increases its consumption). Drying time is 1-2 days.

Linseed oil

Flaxseed oil is one of the the best materials for impregnation of wood. This oil has high waterproofing properties, so it is usually used to coat furniture, walls, floors, ceilings, interior doors, facades and so on. After application, linseed oil easily penetrates into any unevenness and cracks, so even old wooden products can be coated with it. Please note that after impregnation of wood with linseed oil, adhesion to the surface does not occur immediately, but optimal time Drying time is 2-3 days for each layer (for example, you applied linseed oil in three layers - in this case, such a substance should dry for 6-9 days).

teak oil

Teak oil is universal and is most often used to impregnate wood. Teak oil consists of three components - tung and linseed oil, as well as pine turpentine. In fact, teak oil is an improved version of tung oil because the flax and turpentine prevent thickening. You can treat floors, walls, ceilings, decorative items, toys, railings, furniture, dishes, various elements wooden elements landscape design and so on. Please note that teak oil is not recommended to be diluted with water, however it can be used in high humidity(for example, in the kitchen or bathroom). Drying time is 1-2 days.

Tar oil

Tar oil has the strongest antiseptic properties, so it is usually used to coat large wooden objects - boats, external doors, houses and outbuildings. outdoor furniture and so on. It also dries very hard, so it can also be used as a protective coating against bugs and insects. Tar oil consists of linseed oil, stump resin and pine turpentine, and it can be stored even at negative air temperatures. Consumption - 100-150 g of oil per 1 square meter. Please note that in some cases tar oil sets on the surface rather slowly, so after application the wooden surface or products must dry for at least 6-7 days to reduce the likelihood of peeling.

Tinting oil

So-called hydrophobic tinting oils have also become widespread. These impregnations are usually made from linseed and tung oil with the addition of various additives that improve technical properties oils There is no need to be afraid of such oils, since they also protect wood well from water, fungi, bacteria, insects and mechanical damage. They can impregnate almost all wooden surfaces - furniture, floors, ceilings, floors, various products, and so on. The most reliable are tinting oils such as “Shishka Premium”, “Mahogany”, “Walnut” and so on. When purchasing, it is recommended to read the label, since some tinting oils have their own application characteristics.

Impregnation of wood at home

You can also do wood impregnation yourself. To make such a mixture and apply it to wood, you will need the following tools:

  • Oil and wax.
  • Brush.
  • Kitchen grater.
  • Glass jar.
  • Any a heating element(for example, gas stove).
  • Large bowl (for heating wax and oil)
  • Foam sponge and soft cloth (to remove excess moisture-resistant impregnation).
  • Wooden or metal stick (for stirring the hydrophobic impregnation during heating).
  • Metal brush, spatula, construction hair dryer, sandpaper or any other available wood processing tools.

Impregnation technologies

Do-it-yourself hydrophobic impregnations for wood are applied to surfaces different ways, however, the most commonly used method is the coating method and the soaking method. You also need to take into account that impregnation can be applied to wood only after preliminary surface treatment.

Preliminary stage

Water-repellent impregnation is applied only to the treated surface. Processing algorithm:

  • If the wood has an old coating (impregnation, paint, etc.), then it needs to be removed. This can be done using a spatula or a wire brush. If old paint If it is cleaned very poorly, then in this case it must be preheated with a hair dryer.
  • Now you need to sand the surface to make it smooth. It is recommended to do the treatment 2 times - with a large one and with a small one. sandpaper.
  • Finally, use a rag to remove dust and various construction debris.

Preparation of the oil-wax mixture

Impregnation is done as follows:

  • Take the wax and grate it on a coarse grater.
  • Pour oil into a large metal container and place it on the fire.
  • When black smoke appears, add the grated wax and stir the mixture with a stick.
  • When the wax is completely dissolved, turn off the heat.
  • When the solution has cooled slightly (to +60 degrees and below), pour it into a glass jar.

The ratio of oil and wax should be:


Coating is used to protect large objects and/or surfaces (walls, ceilings, doors, large furniture, etc.). Algorithm:

  • Take a jar of oil-wax mixture and stir it with a stick.
  • Using a brush, apply impregnation to the wooden surface (it is recommended to apply the composition along the grain).
  • 20 minutes after application, carefully remove excess impregnation with a rag.
  • Wait until the impregnation dries completely (in the case of tung oil - 1-2 days, in the case of linseed oil - 2-3 days, and so on).
  • If more durable protection of wood from rotting is required, then after drying you need to apply another 1-2 layers according to the standard algorithm.


Soaking is suitable for impregnating small items (toys, wooden dishes, decorative items, etc.). Theoretically, it is possible to soak large removable surfaces and products, but this will require a large container, and the consumption of the composition will be very large. Algorithm:

  • Lay several layers of newspaper or protective paper on the floor.
  • Place a large metal container and fill it 50-60% with the oil-wax mixture.
  • Place wooden products there for 1 day.
  • Remove the products from the container and place them on newspaper or paper (it is recommended to place them on some inclined surface to allow the oil to drain).
  • Wait for the impregnation to dry.
  • If necessary, after complete absorption and drying, repeat the procedure again.


Wooden structures made from natural material. This is a favorable environment for the life of organisms, especially when placed outdoors. Therefore, wood products require careful treatment against destruction caused by fungi (mold), bacteria (rotting), and insects (mechanical destruction). And impregnation in the room is not superfluous. For example, in the kitchen there is quite high humidity, which destroys the wood. Oil - effective method to combat external influences on the tree.

Owners of private wooden houses know that the main property oil impregnation– increasing the service life of walls, giving them strength. Besides, any oil is a natural antiseptic to a greater or lesser extent. It kills bacteria on the surface, making it cleaner and more elastic.

The market is observing big choice wood impregnation oils. They can be divided into two large groups - mineral and natural. Let's take a closer look at them.


They gained great popularity not so long ago due to active scientific and technological development. Then It became possible to create mineral oil with the required characteristics. About 50 years ago, transformer oil began to be used for wood processing. Of course, this is not its direct purpose. The result proved the opposite, which brought sales of transformer oil to a new level. With its help, it is possible to prevent putrefaction of the tree, maintaining its original appearance. Undoubtedly, the production of this product violates environmental standards. Therefore, more and more enterprises give preference to natural oils or at least combine them with mineral ones.


Natural oils appeared much earlier than mineral oils. It took time to realize their advantages in wood processing. The spread of natural oils was hampered by the high cost of raw materials. However modern methods production is addressing this issue.

Their key advantage is their plant origin. Natural components and the absence of harmful compounds make natural oil safe for humans. The most common types of natural oils for impregnating wooden products:

  1. Wood oil. One of the very first products that protect wood from rot, water and termites. Suitable for impregnation of floor and ceiling finishes, wooden set, platbands and dishes.
  2. Teak oil. Universal remedy, suitable for impregnation as internal surfaces made of wood (floor, ceiling, decor, stairs, railings), and external (facades, gazebos, furniture and figurines for the garden). The best choice for oak, beech and other expensive wood species. Ingredients: tung and linseed oils, purified turpentine.
  3. Tar oil. Has pronounced antiseptic properties. Ingredients: stump resin, turpentine, linseed oil. Turpentine helps to better saturate the material. Flaxseed oil stops the composition inside. Widely used in the courts. It is used to treat the bottoms of boats and piers. Suitable for exterior treatments.
  4. It is deservedly considered the most inexpensive and effective means of protecting wooden surfaces. Linseed oil has a high hydrophobic ability, so it fights dampness well. The particles penetrate into every pore of the material, emphasizing the structure and “preserving” it. Suitable for processing indoor and outdoor structures.
  5. Tonic oil (toning). This type of oil is produced on the basis of condensed plant lipids, which restore natural grace to the tree and protect it from destruction. It will also be possible to avoid problems such as fading, cracks, and drying out. More suitable for outdoor use, as the composition deeply penetrates the wood, literally repelling dirt.

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of oils

We found out that oils are used for one purpose - to increase the service life. They have, although not very different, properties. For example, one type has better water resistance, another copes well with dust, etc. Let's list the pros and cons of each oil.

Type of oil Advantages Flaws
  • easy application;
  • tasteless, odorless and colorless;
  • dries quickly (depending on the specific composition, it may be the other way around);
  • not plant based;
  • environmental damage during production.
  • rapid distribution in the pores of wood;
  • Possibility of diluting in White Spirit for better absorption.
  • if you work with the composition in a room with a low temperature (below 15 degrees), it will begin to thicken, and as a result, its consumption will increase.
  • versatility of use - suitable for any surface, gentle processing of valuable wood species;
  • environmentally friendly product.
  • cannot be diluted with anything.
  • perfectly disinfects the surface;
  • the composition holds well due to linseed oil in the composition;
  • withstands low temperatures when stored in tightly closed containers.
  • It takes a long time to dry if applied in several layers (about a week), but if applied once – a day.
  • affordable price;
  • good waterproofing properties;
  • Can be mixed with various solvents to increase drying speed.
  • hardening speed takes up to 3 weeks, but can be accelerated by adding tar, wax or turpentine;
  • may thicken on the surface due to oxidation and the glycyrides contained in the composition.
  • helps give wood a rich color;
  • safely;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • quick drying.
  • not detected.

Impregnation procedure and conditions

The most common method is rubbing into the surface. It is suitable for linseed, mineral oil. You need to rub the oil into the wood using sandpaper (P400) and a cloth napkin. The procedure should be carried out 3-4 times. After each time, the oil should be absorbed, i.e. surface is dry. This will take 3-8 days. A rag is needed for initial application, as well as for final stage– grinding. In exchange for long processing, you will get excellent results.

The second method is lubrication. It is used only when the wood will be subsequently coated with paint. The oil is applied with a regular brush. It is important that it be a drying oil, for example, linseed. Then the surface is leveled with a beige pad or cotton cloth.

The last 2 methods are boiling and soaking. For technical reasons, they are suitable only for small items: pens, toys. To soak, place the product in a pan and leave it covered for a couple of days. After this, sand with a cloth until shiny.

You can boil it, then the time is reduced to 1 day. Boiling is carried out over low heat at a certain temperature, depending on the oil (see table below).

Nuances of impregnation

Before starting work, you need to prepare the tree. The first thing to do is check the moisture content of the wood. It's better to keep it as dry as possible. Ideally, no more than 15-20% water.

After preparation, a color test is carried out. Apply to a small area of ​​the surface oil solution, after which the resulting color is assessed, which depends on:

  • tree species;
  • the degree of its polishing;
  • layer density.

Some companies, specializing in the production of tinting oils, they offer samples, giving you the opportunity to find out in advance what shade the product will acquire.

Pine, birch, fir are woods that require the application of a special alkaline solution before oil treatment. This is done to prevent the wood structure from darkening in the future.

The application itself (if you have chosen the coating method) goes in the direction of the fibers. It is better to collect excess oil in different places. Next, the wood is polished and left for some time, depending on the chosen impregnation method. By the way, pre-sanded wood will require much less oil.

Impregnation of wood with oil is necessary for outdoor wooden structures. At exterior decoration The walls of the house also cannot be done without it. It increases the declared service life of wood. Don’t make stupid mistakes, for example, by giving preference to mineral oil for impregnating furniture, given that it is not environmentally friendly. Correct selection oil depends on the placement of the product (outdoors, indoors) and material (wood species).

Building materials, finished structures and household items made from natural untreated wood must be coated with special protective compounds, otherwise they won't last long. For many years, simple and reliable way wood processing with oil. But modern industry produces so many varieties of oils and impregnations containing oils that it is easy to get confused. But there are also 100% edible vegetable oils, for example sunflower, flaxseed... Maybe they are better, more authentic?

Let's figure out what criteria to use to choose wood oil in each specific case.

Deciding what we need from the oil

Oils for processing and impregnation of wood can be classified according to the following criteria:

  1. Purpose – for external or interior work, for what types of wood, only for protection or also to give shade.
  2. Composition - natural or synthetic, how many additives it contains.
  3. Drying abilities.

Oily protective coating processed:

  • Wooden products used for cooking: cutting boards, spatulas, spoons, bowls, etc.
  • Wooden furniture and household items that should be safe: cribs, wooden toys.
  • Wooden surfaces to protect against moisture, abrasion and pests.

Therefore, the composition of impregnations varies from completely vegetable to chemical - from an industrial laboratory.

First when ingested human body and contact with skin are safe, and when working with some synthetic oils it is necessary to wear a protective mask. The manufacturer indicates precautions when working with products on the label.

To process products used for cooking, 100% tabletop vegetable oils and industrial safe high-quality impregnations are used.

All natural vegetable oils dry (polymerize) slowly - about a week, or even longer. Therefore, during construction and repairs, ready-made industrial compositions are more often used. They dry in a few hours.

The content of natural oils and other ingredients in them varies depending on the tasks: protection from moisture, pests, adding shine, etc. Thus, G-Nature natural oil contains linseed, tung oil, rosin, and wax. They can be used to process countertops and cutting boards. And Osmo UV-schutz-Ol is used for garden furniture, it protects the wood from sunlight.

Natural oils harden into different terms. Sunflower takes longer to polymerize than others; it is sometimes called semi-drying. And there are oils that do not dry out at all, for example castor oil.

Popular oils for interior and exterior use:

  • mineral;
  • linen;
  • woody;
  • coconut;
  • from several components.

Mineral oil

Mineral oil for wood processing has the following characteristics:

  • easy to apply;
  • in itself is colorless, but together with various additives gives the surface a certain shade;
  • tasteless and odorless;
  • has high protective properties;
  • dries quickly;
  • combines with other coatings.

This synthetic oil is a product of petroleum processing, but it is already so familiar to humans and used in different areas life (cosmetology, Food Industry, medicine) that there have long been no complaints about its origin. Accordingly, it can be edible and non-edible.

The most famous is Vaseline and Vaseline oil based on it. True, it does not dry out and is used mainly as a lubricant, and not for processing wood.

In most cases, the manufacturer coats wooden kitchen utensils, countertops, and furniture with mineral oil for food use. Finding such oil on sale is not difficult: construction stores a large selection of mineral oils for all types of finishing work.

Linseed oil

Since ancient times, linseed oil has been used to treat wooden products.

This oil has some of the best protective characteristics, not only from external natural influences, but also from pests. Plus, it gives the wood a beautiful, noble shade and does not require heating before application, although this is not prohibited.

The only unpleasant thing about working with linseed oil is the specific smell that does not go away for a long time even after sanding and washing the product.

Exotic Coconut oil It’s unusual for Russian people to use for wood processing, but it’s worth taking a closer look at. If only because it has a pleasant, tasty smell, gives the product a strong shine and, judging by reviews, practically does not go rancid, so coconut oil can be recommended primarily for kitchen utensils.

Do you want to get rid of the smell of linseed oil after impregnating wood with it? Treat the product with another layer of coconut oil.

Whether the oil is suitable for processing any wood is unknown. The practice of its use is still small, not least because it is very difficult to find coconut oil for wood on sale.

Tung oil

Another exotic, but proven product for thousands of years. Tung (or wood) oil was used to treat wood back in the Ancient China. The main advantage is that it gives the products increased strength. Therefore, tung oil is ideal for outdoor work and processing large surfaces: walls, floors, doors, but can also be used for small kitchen items.

Everything has already been invented before us: the perfect mix of oils

IN pure form oils for wood processing, even natural ones, are rarely used. To improve their quality:

  • heated - natural drying oil is obtained from linseed oil in this way - it is absorbed better and faster, becomes stronger;
  • mixed with wax - for better water-repellent effect and shine;
  • add turpentine, solvent, even tar.

But then it’s worth taking natural oils for work and then diluting them with chemicals, if they are commercially available ready-made compositions with the required characteristics?

IN famous brands G-Nature, Osmo manufacturers use synthetic additives in strictly controlled proportions, mix natural oils so that the resulting mix reveals the benefits of all ingredients. The single composition acquires improved characteristics.
