Libra Julia. Origin of the name Julia and its meaning for children. Positive character traits

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What does the name Yulia mean?

The name Julia means - July (lat.)

The meaning of the name Julia is character and destiny

A woman named Yulia strives with all her might to stand out; she needs to feel superior. Often her desire leads to a funny result: she can wear something that doesn’t suit her at all, use too bright makeup, or do a fancy hairstyle. She has a rich imagination, but completely lacks a sense of proportion. Julia is touchy, any remark hurts her, although she tries to hide it behind a charming smile. Her sense of humor is underdeveloped, she does not take jokes directed at herself, and she makes jokes clumsily and inappropriately. She is good-natured and open to everyone. She wants to be cunning and dexterous, but she is bad at it. Julia is beautiful the way she is, and she doesn’t need to try to be different. She is chaotic, unpredictable, eccentric. She likes to lie, not realizing that her lies can be easily exposed. A woman named Yulia adores male company, the attention of men flatters her pride, but she does not feel any particular attraction to them. He communicates equally well with women. But he can’t stand loneliness. She is somewhat envious, but her envy is “white”. She tries to imitate those whom she considers superior to herself, and is incapable of meanness, although she would like to get rid of her competitor. Julia chooses friends with whom she is interested and fun. He tries to lead among them, but still often finds himself in secondary roles. Maybe that’s why it’s easier for men to win Julia’s favor than her friends. She is thrifty and likes to stock up. A woman named Yulia is an excellent cook and collects recipes for various dishes. Julia is very well-read and does not give in to despondency. She will always bring variety to family life and will not let her husband get bored. The husband usually loves Julia and obeys her in everything. Before getting married, Julia meets with her lover for a long time. She is proud and demands a lot of attention from him. It is easy to hurt her with a careless word; when communicating with her it is better to avoid harsh assessments. She is jealous, quick-tempered, and can cause a scandal to her spouse. Likes to sleep. Her mood, and therefore her family relationships, depends on how she slept. If Julia is angry, then everyone will get it: her husband and children. A devoted wife, she does not look for adventures on the side, even if her relationship with her husband does not work out intimately. She is not suspicious, does not believe in omens, and is interested in horoscopes out of curiosity. She is attentive to all family members, her husband and children are always well-groomed and fed. Without a spouse, she does not like to visit guests; she enjoys spending time at home. Yulina's weakness is talking on the phone. If Julia is unhappy in her marriage, then after the divorce she does not marry again and raises the child herself. Most often, she gives birth to a daughter.

Meaning of the name Julia for sex

Julia's sexual needs are not too great, her intimate life is not spontaneity and spontaneity and is highly dependent on her mood. Only Julia, who was born in December, has a higher temperament. Not every man is able to withstand the pressure of her passion. A woman named Yulia selflessly devotes herself to her lover, but strives to lead and lead: change positions, experiment. This Julia is very active sex life, bringing joy to both your partner and yourself.

The character and fate of the name Yulia, taking into account the patronymic

First name Julia and patronymic....

Yulia Alekseevna, Yulia Andreevna, Yulia Artemovna, Yulia Valentinovna, Yulia Vasilievna, Yulia Viktorovna, Yulia Vitalievna, Yulia Vladimirovna, Yulia Evgenievna, Yulia Ivanovna, Yulia Ilinichna, Yulia Mikhailovna, Yulia Petrovna, Yulia Sergeevna, Yulia Fedorovna, Yulia Yuryevna good-natured, will never enter into conflict. Cheerful, funny. He loves pranks and jokes, but cannot stand it in relation to himself. Touchy. Only close friends allow him to laugh at himself. She herself will never offend anyone, sympathizes with everyone, and tries to help. Capable of rash actions, especially when she needs to please someone, to stand out somehow. She is friendly and selfless with men. It is enough for her that she is liked and that she is given increased attention. She is not too passionate, but sex is not indifferent to her; she prefers men who are experienced in intimate relationships. She is in no hurry to get married, but if a suitable match comes along, she will not hesitate for a long time. It is not uncommon to be married twice. Divorce usually occurs on her initiative. Julia may unexpectedly realize that she is not living with the man she needs. A woman named Julia dreams of selfless love and, if her husband cannot give it to her, she looks for it on the side. A dreamer, she can spend her entire life searching for the prince she has imagined. At the same time, she is never alone, because she cannot stand loneliness. In marriage, this is a good and caring wife, mother. She does excellent housekeeping and is very thrifty. Everything in her house sparkles. She is hospitable, loves parties and picnics in nature. Likes to gossip, but not maliciously. Yulia does not like to work; she would be happy to stay at home with the children. She gives birth to children of different sexes.

First name Julia and patronymic....

Yulia Alexandrovna, Yulia Arkadyevna, Yulia Borisovna, Yulia Vadimovna, Yulia Grigorievna, Yulia Kirillovna, Yulia Maksimovna, Yulia Matveevna, Yulia Natanovna, Yulia Nikitichna, Yulia Pavlovna, Yulia Romanovna, Yulia Tarasovna, Yulia Timofeevna, Yulia Eduardovna, Yulia Yakovlevna cheerful, cheerful woman. Very independent, does not tolerate prohibitions and restrictions. Moral frameworks are not for her; she does not pay attention to gossip and gossip. Lives life to the fullest, knows how to take everything from her. Very kind and responsive. In the eyes of others, she is somewhat flighty and frivolous. But if someone needs help, they will most likely turn to her. Julia copes with her problems herself and easily endures all kinds of failures. Very sociable, sociable. He takes someone else's pain to heart, and can become emotional and cry. This Julia is more sexy, but also a visionary and a dreamer - she comes up with the image of a lover, similar to whom in real life can not found. She gets married unexpectedly for everyone, quickly makes a decision, does not think about whether she made the right choice. Most often she comes across a good husband, but Julia never for a minute forgets the ideal man she has always dreamed of. Yulia is devoted to her family and values ​​warm relationships with her family most of all in life. A woman named Julia is ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of her family. But when the children grow up, she may divorce her husband, believing that she has fulfilled her duty to the family and can finally take care of herself. In matters of the heart, Julia is secretive, does not consult with her friends, and relies only on her feelings. Therefore, he often makes mistakes, but never regrets it. Yulia is a good housewife, she succeeds in everything, she has time everywhere. Loves to cook and eat delicious food. She tends to be overweight, but doesn’t worry about it and doesn’t exhaust herself with diets.

First name Julia and patronymic....

Yulia Bogdanovna, Yulia Vilenovna, Yulia Vladislavovna, Yulia Vyacheslavovna, Yulia Gennadievna, Yulia Georgievna, Yulia Danilovna, Yulia Egorovna, Yulia Konstantinovna, Yulia Makarovna, Yulia Robertovna, Yulia Svyatoslavovna, Yulia Yanovna, Yulia Yaroslavovna principled and critical. She is somewhat arrogant and tends to overestimate her abilities. She is quick-tempered, conflict-ridden, and lacks diplomacy. She doesn’t marry for a long time, she chooses the one who, in her opinion, is worthy. In the family, he is the leader, strives to lead his spouse, imposes his way of life on him, does not take into account his habits. Doesn't get along well with mother-in-law. A woman named Yulia is physically strong and resilient, but nervous system she is constantly on the verge of a breakdown. She feels great only in male society, it is closer and more understandable to her. She is aggressive with women and sees each as a rival. She is direct and frank with close people, generous with those whom she sincerely loves. Julia is very energetic and cannot be in a state of rest or inaction. If she is happy, then everyone around her should share this feeling with her; if she is unhappy, then she withdraws into herself and worries alone. Julia is strict with children, but they do not need anything financially. She loves to read moral teachings and suppresses the will of her children. She often produces weak-willed children who are not adapted to a wealthy life. Yulia does not allow them to take the initiative; she takes on all the housework, believing that the children will not be able to do what she needs. She gives birth to children of different sexes.

First name Julia and patronymic....

Yulia Antonovna, Yulia Arturovna, Yulia Valerievna, Yulia Germanovna, Yulia Glebovna, Yulia Denisovna, Yulia Igorevna, Yulia Leonidovna, Yulia Lvovna, Yulia Mironovna, Yulia Olegovna, Yulia Ruslanovna, Yulia Semenovna, Yulia Filippovna, Yulia Emmanuilovna eccentric, unpredictable, her mood changes often. This woman with an unbridled imagination is inclined to believe what she comes up with. She is quick-tempered, and for no apparent reason can suddenly turn from a sweet and cheerful person into an angry and unrestrained person. You should not focus on this, leave her alone, and she will come to her senses. He will also laugh at his own imbalance. Julia is stubborn, persistent, uninfluenced, and it is impossible to convince her. A woman named Yulia is powerful and persistent. She gets married late. He has no shortage of fans and changes them often. Loves beautiful courtship, knows how to enjoy life. She loves to accept gifts, but is also generous herself. In relationships with men she is tender and sexy, but all this can only be known by the one who touches her heart. She is romantic, dreams of great love and fidelity, and is ready to sacrifice herself for the sake of her loved one. She gets married only for love, although later it may turn out that she fell in love with the wrong person. Such a Julia may have more than one marriage. With the advent of children, she becomes more sedate and serious, but the dream of high feelings never leaves her. She adores children, spoils them, but also takes care of them for too long. She gives birth to children of different sexes, but more often daughters.

First name Julia and patronymic....

Yulia Alanovna, Yulia Albertovna, Yulia Anatolyevna, Yulia Veniaminovna, Yulia Vladlenovna, Yulia Dmitrievna, Yulia Markovna, Yulia Nikolaevna, Yulia Rostislavovna, Yulia Stanislavovna, Yulia Stepanovna, Yulia Feliksovna proud, independent, powerful. She has very difficult relationships with “winter” people. A woman named Yulia is practical, distrustful, and inclined to deeply analyze everything that happens around her. She is friendly and correct, quite self-possessed, but her patience should not be abused. If such a Julia explodes, it will be bad for everyone. She is selfless, not envious. She is confident in herself, but often overestimates her capabilities and takes on impossible tasks. It is popular with men, especially those with weak character. Julia cannot marry such a person and is waiting to meet a man who is strong in all respects and on whom she can rely, so she gets married late. This Julia is an amazing mother, a wonderful wife, a skillful housewife. She loves to set the table beautifully and surprise guests with an unusual dish prepared according to her own recipe. He is the leader in the family, although he does not focus on this. The husband’s opinion is taken into account and he tries not to hurt his pride. She is strict with children, grumpy, often shouts at them, and imposes her will on them. Most often, such a Julia is lucky with her husband, the marriage is quite strong, divorce is unlikely.

Despite the meaning of the name Julia in Greek - “fluffy”, this girl is not as kind and sweet as she might seem at first glance. She may well show “thorns” if someone even slightly touches her vulnerable nature. The owner of this beautiful female name does not tolerate being “remade” to suit her, and criticism of her will more often than not turn out to be just a reason for resentment.

When choosing the meaning of the name Julia for a girl, parents must understand that they will have to raise a very vulnerable and touchy person, and therefore the “carrot and stick” method in raising a baby will not give the desired results.

For Yulenka has great importance so that she is understood and accepted with all her shortcomings. This especially applies to mom and dad. Her cheerfulness will only delight when she is treated with respect and understanding.

The meaning of the name Julia for a child is such that only persuasion and logical explanations will work on her - why this is not possible. Raising your voice and using physical force will not achieve any positive educational effect.

For teenage Yulia, the interpretation of the name will not change its meaning either. Leadership, rebellion, the desire to stand out and self-confidence - these are the qualities that a girl will show during her school years, especially if methods of authoritarian pressure were used during her upbringing. All these rebellious traits are easily combined with good nature and deep intelligence.


After a turbulent teenage life, having matured, Yulia calms down. She loses much of her selfishness and gives more importance to the opinions of others. But still, a spark of rebellion remains in her, and love relationships it manifests itself in full.

She can remain without a partner for a very long time, although there will always be many caring men in her circle. Most likely, she will choose someone who can not only put up with her vital energy, but also feed it with your own. This means that Yulia’s partner is guaranteed an intense relationship, intense passion and all the ensuing consequences.


When starting a family, the girl will moderate her ardor a little and will try to look for a “golden mean” in the relationship. For her, comfort and tranquility at the family hearth are of great importance. This means that she will leave all the riots and outbursts of emotions outside the threshold of the family nest.

She will make an excellent, but not selfless, mother. She will never remain on maternity leave for long, and at the first opportunity she will run to her favorite job. Innate independence will be her faithful companion in her relationship with her husband; she will never depend on him.

Yulina’s energy demands to go out, and no force can force her to sit at home, so her husband will periodically perform the duties of a wife. She will not put pressure on him, but she will also not tolerate pushing herself.

Business and career

Even at school, studying was a burden for Yulia, which means she will choose a job that is appropriate - where she doesn’t have to sit still for a long time and do dreary work. painstaking work. She is very active, and professions that require creative approach and ongoing activity.

The fact that a girl does not like to study does not mean that she is not capable of self-development. She just doesn’t want to mark time, and her favorite job, which will truly captivate her, will force Yulia to improve her skills and successfully climb the career ladder.

Origin of the name Julia

The origin of the name Julia takes its roots from Ancient Rome, where the name of Yul was the name of the son of the founder of Alba Longa - Aeneas. In the country where this name originated, its etymology is attributed to the word Yulos, the meaning of which is fluffy, or curly.

The most memorable story of ancient times concerns Julia of Corsican, whose name is remembered by Christians for her unshakable faith. Sold into slavery by Eusebius, she refused to leave the ship off the coast of Corsica to make a pagan sacrifice. Having drunk Eusebius, the governor of this area tried to force the woman to commit pagan rite, and upon hearing the refusal ordered her to be crucified.

Before the crucifixion, the woman was tortured for a long time, beaten, dragged by her hair, but she did not succumb. Now the secret of the name Julia has not lost its ancient meaning - this girl will never do anything that is contrary to her principles, even under pain of death.

Characteristics of the name Julia

At first glance, you might think that Julia is a stronghold of kindness and balance, but inside this girl is not so calm. A stream of passions rages in her soul, and energy and frantic activity - main characteristic named Yulia. If she knows how to direct her energy in the right direction, then best friend, a defender and a psychologist rolled into one – you can’t find one.

Julia's character, like other people, has its pros and cons. The most important negative trait can be considered an almost complete lack of responsibility, and the ability to put one’s problems on the shoulders of others, blaming the circumstances, the weather - or anything, just not oneself.

By nature, she is a “lighter”, she likes to be like that, and her energy allows her to show herself as the ringleader and the soul of the company. But sociability and activity will never affect the girl’s somewhat aristocratic judgment. She will not stoop to ordinary drinking with strangers; it is beneath her dignity.

She needs those around her to correspond to her ideas about a cultural society; she is attracted to luxury, which means she can quickly and quietly squander money. Yulenka does not like conflicts, so she tries to stay away from aggressive people, and this may give the impression of timidity, but she herself does not attach much importance to such a mental trait.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone - Amber.
  • Name days - May 31, July 29.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Leo, Libra.

Famous people

  • Yulia Lipnitskaya - Olympic champion in single figure skating in 2014.
  • Yulia Vysotskaya is a Russian actress, TV presenter (culinary programs).
  • Yulia Savicheva is a Russian singer, actress, participant in Eurovision 2004.

Different languages

The translation of the name Julia is also found in many languages ​​as a masculine translation - Julius. Usually, the way this word is translated into other languages ​​sounds quite close to the Russian version: Yulie, Yule, Julia, Yuli, Dyulia, Julia, Julia, Julie.

On Chinese this name will be pronounced the same as in Russian, but written Chinese characters like 尤里娅. In Japanese, the direct translation of the meaning – “fluffy” – would be Hajoka or Nami, and written 波状花 and 波, respectively. When transcribed using the katakana alphabet, the pronunciation will be close to Russian - Yuria, and the display will be ユリヤ.

Name forms

  • Full name: Julia.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Yulyasha, Yulka, Yulenka, Yulyushka, Yuliko, Yulechka, Yulchenok.
  • Declension of the name – Yulia, Yulia.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Julia.

Name Julia has three versions of origin. The first says that the name came to us from the ancient Greek language and is translated as “fluffy”, “wavy”. According to the second version, it has Latin roots meaning “July”; according to the third version, the name Julia came from Scandinavia, where it is symbolized as “born on Christmas”. Indeed, newborn December girls used to be often called Julia.

Julia - character traits

As a child, Yulia is capricious, stubborn and touchy, a rare bully and teases other children, pointing out their shortcomings. It is impossible to argue with her; in a fit of anger, she is even capable of attacking a peer. Julia is impulsive, explosive, but quickly moves away. She is often whiny and tries to attract the attention of adults by any means.

During her school years, the girl becomes a little calmer. She gets along well with classmates and friends, but her explosive character reminds herself from time to time, so she can often quarrel with her friends, however, having cooled down and thought, she herself will ask for forgiveness and offer peace. Julia is characterized by a craving for adventurism and adventure.

Adult Julia has many friends, and no one gets bored with her. The lighter comes up with incredible ideas and entertainment, loves to go to clubs, rock and sing. Julia is straightforward, willful and often makes enemies for herself.

The girl has so much energy concentrated that she is simply forced to throw it out somewhere. Try to lock Yulia at home, and she will certainly take it out on you, simply because she has nowhere to direct the colossal flow of energy at home.

Yulia finds it easily mutual language with the stronger sex, among her friends there are many men. She is selective and will not mess with just anyone. Yulia's future husband is guaranteed a stormy life full of passions. It is strictly contraindicated for a girl to live with her mother-in-law - they will fight like cats. Julia is a good housewife, her doors are clean and cozy home always open to guests.

Julia – name compatibility

In marriage, the girl will be happy with Vladislav, Vasily, Ilya, Evgeny, Eduard, Maxim, Alexander and Kirill. Relationships can be difficult with Andrei, Anatoly, Philip, Nikolai and Fedor.

Celebrities named Yulia

Y. Borisova - actress, Y. Voznesenskaya - poetess, writer, Y. Daneshvar - Turkmen painter, Y. Lermontova - doctor of chemistry (1847-1919), Y. Menshova - TV presenter, actress, Y. Savicheva - singer.

Julia - interesting facts about the name

- patron planet - the Sun;
— zodiac affiliation – Leo, Libra;
- totemic plants - oak, sunflower, vine;
- treasured animal - dragonfly;
— color – red, yellow;
- talisman stone - amber.

DOB: 1924-05-10

Soviet poetess

Version 1. What does the name Julia mean?

1. Personality. The meaning of the name Julia is those who make up the wine of life.

2. Character. 86%.

3. Radiation. 88%.

4. Vibration. 83,000 vibrations/s.

5. Color. Red.

6. Main features. Name analysis: sociability - receptivity - intuition - health.

7. Totem plant. Vine.

8. Totem animal. Deer.

9. Sign. Scales.

10. Type. Julias are secretive, somewhat timid and indecisive. Like their totem, the vine, they require care in order to bloom in time. A happy marriage or an interesting job is the goal of life for them.

11. Psyche. They avoid conflicts with society and the world, they are a little wild. They have somewhat aristocratic manners and do not like popular entertainment, such as fairs.

12. Will. Julia does everything not to show the strength of her character. But there is a will, and right time she makes herself known.

13. Excitability. Very strong and combined with quick response. It is amazing that this excessive excitability is adjacent to an amazing external coldness.

14. Reaction speed. In order not to show that this situation frightens or worries them, Yulia restrains her emotions to such an extent that she seems completely impassive.

15. Field of activity. They don’t like to study, they do it only when necessary. Or they choose a home and then become unsurpassed housewives and ideal wives, or combine household duties with the profession of a lawyer, psychiatrist, flight attendant, etc.

16. Intuition. These women have the ability to foresee the most important stages of their lives.

17. Intelligence. Yul has a lively mind, prone to generalizations, an excellent memory, but they are not too inquisitive.

18. Receptivity. If Julia and others like her become attached to someone, then it will be for a long time, and perhaps forever. Very careful, often long years waiting for their fairy prince.

19. Morality. These women have a feeling self-esteem, they are true to their word and always fulfill their obligations. Julia is equally friendly with both men and women and has a hard time dealing with betrayal or dishonesty.

20. Health. Impeccable. They never complain, are tireless and resilient. The only weak point in their body is the internal secretion organs.

21. Sexuality. They are reserved, which does not exclude outbursts of sensuality, especially when they meet an ideal partner.

22. Activity. It takes a lot of tact and at the same time perseverance to develop activity in these girls. Yulia considers imposing her point of view on someone reprehensible.

23. Sociability. They overcome their difficult life problems on their own. Relatives should take care that they do not lose contact with society.

24. Conclusion. You need to understand them well so as not to inadvertently offend. Julia does not like to discuss her character flaws and dreams that the prince from a fairy tale understands them perfectly...

DOB: 1998-06-05

Russian figure skater, Olympic champion

Version 2. What does the name Julia mean?

Julia is a stubborn and persistent person. She will not yield in any dispute, no matter what you tell her, she will remain unconvinced.

Diminutive pet name - Julia. It is easy to offend her - she is a very vulnerable person. Her temperament is rather choleric, with swings.

At times, Yulia is attacked by inexplicable apathy, and then it is better to leave her alone. She will soon gain fresh strength, and her usual energy, imagination, and wit will return to her.

Julia, as a rule, have good husbands, lucky in marriage. They are wonderful housewives, everything in their house sparkles. They love to receive guests and love to gossip kindly about loved ones. But they approach work with laziness, although in their youth they choose professions according to their vocation, achieve positions and, it would seem, show promise of making a career. It’s rare that Yulia will overwork the length of service required to receive a pension.

Many Julias are passionate book lovers. Reading them favorite hobby. Some people get seriously into it traditional medicine, engage in self-medication and treatment of loved ones. But there are practically no professional doctors among Yulia - they cannot stand the sight of blood.

Sometimes Julia behaves indecisively. To persuade Yulia to see a doctor, you will have to make a lot of effort.

3 version of the meaning of the name Julia

The origin of the names Julia is July (lat.).

Name day: May 31 - famous names: Holy Martyr Julia, among other virgin martyrs, after suffering for the faith of Christ, was drowned in the lake. July 29 - The Holy Martyr Julia the Virgin, after suffering for the faith of Christ, was crucified (5th century).

Zodiac sign - Leo.

Planet - Sun.

Color - bright yellow.

Auspicious tree - oak.

The talisman stone is amber.


Julia is wise and gentle in appearance, but her character is capricious. Very passionate about everything fantastic and supernatural. She is quite good-natured, inclined to charity, and willingly shares with others. He is very good at blaming anyone for his problems, but not himself. She has no sense of responsibility.

Julia was created for obedience and with good influence can succeed. Her being, overflowing with fantasies, needs a strong will.

4th version of the interpretation of the name Julia

Female names Julia - “wavy, fluffy” (Greek)

Mobile, it is difficult not to notice her presence. Julia always goes up the stairs. The darling of fate has been surrounded by worship since childhood and accepts it with dignity.

Talented, with a twist. Yulia is trying to achieve universal recognition, but she has a sense of tact and gives appropriate honors to the strongest. Fidget goat with graceful sharp horns. He beckons and... leaves. Secretive, somewhat timid and indecisive. It requires increased attention and care from parents in order to bloom with unprecedented force at the right time. Its activity should be tactfully and persistently developed.

A happy marriage or an exciting job can become the meaning of life for her. Julia avoids conflicts and is a little shy of new acquaintances. She has somewhat aristocratic manners and does not like popular entertainment or fairs. He does everything not to show his will. But at certain times she fails to suppress it. Strong excitability is surprisingly combined with cold rationality, and the ability to react with lightning speed is completely confusing. In order not to appear that she is too worried about anything, she restrains her emotions to such an extent that she seems completely insensitive and indifferent to everything that happens.

Does not feel much desire to study, does it out of necessity. At the moment of choosing a profession, great opportunities open up before her. Julia can choose a home and become an unsurpassed housewife. Can combine household with the work of a lawyer, psychiatrist, flight attendant. Has the gift of foreseeing the main stages in his life. She has a synthetic mentality, an excellent memory, but she is not too inquisitive and susceptible to all failures. If he becomes attached to someone, it is strong and for a long time, so he is very careful when choosing a friend.

Julia is very restrained, but outbursts of feelings are not excluded. Although she can wait for her betrothed for many years. She does not tolerate moralizing and does not lecture or reproach anyone - this is beneath her dignity. Accurately carries out instructions, obligatory. He is equally friendly with men and women. Has a hard time dealing with betrayal or dishonest actions of others. Julia is sensitive to defeat. She is unobtrusive and cannot stand it when anything is imposed on her. She knows her worth, is very vulnerable, and you need to be very tactful in communicating with her.

Julia's health is impeccable. She never complains of being unwell, she is hardy and tireless. But it is worth paying attention to the internal secretion organs and blood.

“Winter” Julia is purposeful, collected, smart, and reserved.

“Autumn” is reserved, silent, but unusually practical. She can be a draftswoman, a programmer, a medical worker. The name Yulia is suitable for patronymics: Naumovna, Mikhailovna, Grigorievna, Bazhenovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Savelyevna, Alexandrovna.

“Summer” is charming, kind, gentle.

“Spring” is sensitive, with a well-developed fantasy and imagination. Can become a musician, art critic, artist. The name Yulia is suitable for patronymics: Denisovna, Markovna, Moiseevna, Vyacheslavovna, Stepanovna, Karlovna.

5th version of the meaning of the name Julia

The name Julia means - from Lat. female Roman name; from Greek – fluffy, wavy; old July.

Derivatives: Julia, Yula, Yulyusya.

Folk signs.


A kind, gentle, capricious creature, with her head in the clouds and devoid of any sense of self-preservation and responsibility. Therefore, Julia needs the patronage of a mature person with a strong character. This will not be a burden for her, since in her spiritual essence she is obedient, trusting, and submissive. Her imagination is occupied by all sorts of supernatural phenomena and otherworldly forces.

6th version of the meaning of the name Julia

The secret of the name Julia is the feminine form of the name Julia, comes from the Latin word “julius” - curly, fluffy1.

With an unbridled imagination, a touchy and vulnerable girl. Significant changes in mood are noticeable when the cheerful, playful and noisy Yulenka suddenly becomes lethargic and apathetic for no particular reason.

In this state, it is best to leave the girl alone; time will pass and she will become the same again. It is difficult to argue with her, she stands her ground until the last moment, and is reluctant to admit her mistake. She is somewhat timid, does not like to watch horror films, and cannot stand the sight of blood.

Adult Yulia is thrifty, thrifty, and a good cook. What is there in her pantries! She devotes almost all her time to her family, housekeeping, and the well-being of her relatives; work and professional growth interest her little, which is why colleagues often get the impression of Yulia as a lazy person.

Julia is lucky in her marriage, the doors of her house are always open to friends and relatives. Guests come to Yulia willingly, she is not stingy, loves to chat with her friends, gossip a little, sincerely rejoices at the successes of her friends, and is not envious.

The stubbornness that characterizes her even in childhood gets in the way. She will not follow other people's advice, even in cases where she knows that they are quite reasonable. This character trait does not allow Yulia to find a common language with her mother and mother-in-law, which is why she prefers to live apart from them.

Many Yulias are passionate book lovers; reading is their favorite pastime. They will not let their husband get bored and will always add variety to family life. The husband usually loves Yulia and obeys her in everything.

Selflessly loves his children.

The alliance with Vasily, Eduard, Evgeny, Bogdan, Mark, Vladislav turns out to be reliable. Family life Julia and Taras, Anatoly, Nikolai or Andrey often don’t work out.

1B Ancient Rome assigned to women from the Yuli family.

7th version of the meaning of the name Julia

The interpretation of the name Julia is the feminine form of male name Julius, and can be translated from Hebrew as “flame of God.”

The name Yulia is characterized by amazing nervous excitability, swiftness of emotions, and it seems that Yulia likes to be groovy. At the very least, a state of rest often causes her apathy or, at a minimum, boredom and laziness. But when she’s on edge, she often can’t restrain herself. It’s not for nothing that the name is so similar to the word “yula”.

Quite good-natured, inclined to charity. Blames anyone for his problems, but not himself.

The color of the name Julia is bright yellow.

Auspicious tree - oak.

The treasured plant is the sunflower.

The patron saint of the name Julia is the dragonfly.

Talisman stone - amber.

10th version of the meaning of the name Julia

The meaning of the letters in the name Julia

YU- conservatism, fear of everything new, tendency to idealize people. These people are very romantic and often sacrifice themselves in relationships. Despite this, they are prone to very tough actions. The main goal of their life is the search and knowledge of the truth. These people prefer to make friends with people who are older than them and have similar interests.

L- artistic and inventive individuals. They prefer to be guided in their actions logical thinking. They know how to win over. In rare cases, they are narcissistic and disdainful of other people. It is extremely difficult to endure separation from loved ones. They are overly capricious and require increased attention to their person.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

I- people who have this letter in their name know their worth. They strive to achieve love and respect from the people around them. People with the letter "I" are good thinkers and are capable of hiding many secrets.

In addition, they are excellent conversationalists and romantic natures with a rich imagination.

Name as a phrase

  • YU- (YU = U) Uk (Ouk, Decree, Indicate, Order)
  • L- People
  • AND- And (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
  • I- (YA = A) Az

The name Julia in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should write your name first, then your patronymic with Latin letters and only then the last name. You may need to write the name Yulia in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

The name Yulia means “fluffy”, “wavy”, “curly”, from the Greek ϊουλος (yulos).

  • - According to another version, the name comes from the Latin Iulia - and means “July”, or “from the Julian family.”
  • - There is a less common version that this is a Slavic name, derived from the verb “to bustle.”

The name Julia is bright, melodious and attractive. The rare combination of three vowels in such a short name gives its sound tenderness, so the name is deservedly popular, despite all the newfangled names.

Together with this name, a girl usually receives a lively character, sociability, sophistication and beauty.

Diminutive options: Julia, Yulka, Yulenka, Yulyusya.


This name came to our country simultaneously with Christianity, but until the 18th century it was almost never encountered. Then a few noblewomen began to be called by this name, and in the 19th century it spread among the intelligentsia. After the revolution, the name Yulia came into use first in cities, then in villages, and since the 1970s it has become one of the most popular.

In the 1980s, this name was in 5th place - this was the peak of its popularity.

Due to the consonance, girls born in July are often called Yulia. And in Scandinavian countries This is the name given to girls born in December, since the name sounds similar to the word “jul” - “Christmas”.

In England and Italy this name is written as Julia (Julia), in Germany – Julia (Julia), in France – Juliette (Juliet) and Julie (Julie), in Spain – Julia (Julia).

Day of the Angel Julia - May 31 (Julia of Corinth) and July 29 (Julia of Corsican, considered the patroness of Corsica).

Julia means an energetic and active girl, whose state of rest simply leads to an apathetic state, causing boredom. But if Julia is on edge, nothing will stop her.


Patrons named after Julia

  • Zodiac – Leo
  • Planet – Sun
  • Color – Bright yellow
  • Happy time of year- Summer
  • Treasured tree – Oak
  • Plant – Sunflower
  • Talisman stone – Amber
  • Totem – Dragonfly

Little Julia

As a child, Julia was very fickle, touchy and vulnerable, quite stubborn and persistent. Her mood can change in a couple of minutes, but grievances pass just as quickly. To avoid problems, sometimes it is better to just leave her alone. This fidget will never admit her mistakes and wrongs - there is no point in trying to force her to do this. Despite all her restlessness (it’s not for nothing that the name is similar to the word “yula”), this girl is very impressionable, so her parents should protect her from unwanted information on the Internet.

Things are not going particularly well with her studies - Yulia has good abilities, but there is no determination or thirst for knowledge, so all learning is based on necessity. IN adolescence a girl can start reading a lot, mainly women's novels.

Julia's character needs constant adjustment - otherwise the child will grow up uncontrollable, so this concern lies with the parents. The main thing is to be able to manage and manipulate Yulia, arousing in her interest in useful, positive, developmental activities, shifting the center of her interests in the right direction. If this is not done on time, parents will get a lot of problems in the future.


Julia's abilities give her a wide choice of professions - lawyer, programmer, designer, manager of all directions, creative worker and even actress, artist, art critic. Everywhere she will feel in her place, everywhere she will grow and achieve her goals. She is an excellent worker, responsible, persistent, able to inspire others - and at the same time “without fanaticism”, without overtime, delays and workaholism. The only thing is that scientific fields are not her strong point. In some cases, given such an opportunity, Julia refuses any career, devoting her life to her family.

Julia is not particularly attracted to a leadership position - after all, she is more of a “follower” worker, and the worker is quite restless. She does not tolerate moralizing and nagging, and in this case she can be quite conflictual. Julia behaves equally with men and women; she usually blames the other for failures, always able to “get away with it.”

Her cheerful and cheerful character helps well in her career and smoothes out her excessive assertiveness.

Personality of the name Julia

Julia is good-natured, selfless, very creative, sociable and passionate, especially about everything otherworldly and supernatural. At the same time, her character cannot be called simple - she has been stubborn since childhood and will never listen to other people's advice, even if they are accurate and fair. Stubbornness and lack of restraint complicate her relationship with her mother-in-law, so the less contact with her, the better. Julia is ready to blame the whole world for her problems - except herself.

It is extremely desirable that next to her there is a firm, purposeful and strong man- then Julia will live happily under his protection.

Julia hides her strength of character and shows it only when necessary. If she is faced with complex, extraordinary, risky and exciting tasks, she will cope with them with ease. The main problems for Julia are her haste, her penchant for adventures, and risky acquaintances. And the most destructive thing for her is routine and monotony. Locked in dull everyday life, Julia can quickly sink into depression and indifference.

Love, family and marriage

Julia easily communicates with both men and women. Beautiful, cheerful, always in shape, fit and feminine, with a slight mystery, she does not go unnoticed - men fall in love, women envy. Novels tend to be fleeting and bring more disappointments. But if her partner sincerely loves her, the relationship will be long and happy.

If the husband is chosen correctly, Julia spends her life in love, remaining a devoted and attentive wife. Home and family quickly become the basis of her life - and Julia copes well with the role of a housewife, although the routine depresses her very much. Her house is always cozy and tidy, guests are always welcome there, there is no shortage of treats and entertainment. The husband will be completely happy with such a beautiful keeper of the hearth, the only thing you must always keep in mind is that Yulia cannot stand deception, and it is better not to joke with it.
