Vera Brezhneva: height, weight, parameters. Biography of a star blonde. Vera Brezhneva told how much she weighs Height and weight of Vera Brezhneva

Popular today actress and singer Vera Brezhneva men look with undisguised admiration, women with genuine envy. But this 30-year-old beauty, awarded the title of the Most Seductive Woman in Russia by MAXIM magazine, is also the mother of two daughters and, by the way, does not hide her desire to give birth to a third child in the future.

And who would have thought that, while still in school, the future star and sex symbol considered herself far from beautiful, since she was tall and, accordingly, stooped. In addition, the girl Vera was myopic and wore glasses, and her breasts “made it known that they still exist” at the age of 16. Much in Brezhneva’s life changed dramatically (including appearance, image) after the birth of her daughter Sonya , which the girl gave birth to at the age of 19.

Today Vera Brezhneva understands perfectly well that having completely normal weight 56-58 kg with a height of 171 cm, the screen will “add” several kilograms to her, which will already look overweight. To prevent this from happening, the actress constantly has to look after herself. Thus, the singer has been regularly engaged in fitness for more than 7 years, as well as cardio exercises with a personal trainer.

Vera Brezhneva's height and weight are 171 cm and 57 kg

According to Vera herself, in order to always be in shape (after all, a public lifestyle simply obliges you to look great), she does not use any special diets for losing weight. The singer has created a number of rules for herself, which she strictly adheres to. These include: do not eat late in the evening (after 20 hours); During the day, drink as much non-carbonated mineral water, freshly squeezed juices, smoothies as possible; give up some foods.

With all the girls who want to lose weight and have sufficient willpower, Vera Brezhneva shares her “black” list of products, which she abandoned once and for all. This is sugar (the actress has long been accustomed to drinking tea and coffee without sugar, but most often she drinks juices), pastries and cakes, chocolate, bread (neither rye nor wheat), flour products (in particular pasta).

The basis of the star’s diet is seafood, vegetables, cheeses. And every morning Vera invariably has oatmeal for breakfast. As Brezhneva states, she is a “meat eater” by nature and cannot sometimes deny herself a kebab or chop, fried potatoes or rich Ukrainian borscht with dumplings. But she pampers herself no more than once a month and, naturally, not at night or even in the evening. The singer believes that dinner simply must be light, ideally consisting of fruits (except high-calorie bananas), which can well satisfy the feeling of hunger after a late-night concert. And the singer’s super-active lifestyle (concerts, tours, filming in films and TV shows) simply does not allow excess calories to be deposited in the body in the form of fat deposits.

She runs Instagram with an audience of millions, acts in films, does charity work, and promotes a healthy lifestyle. Vera Brezhneva, who began her career as the lead singer of a famous group, is now an independent artist and a darling of fashion publications.

Biography of the singer and actress

The singer manages to keep herself in excellent shape. Few people know that in her youth Vera was very complex about her appearance. Poor posture and excess weight have more than once become the reason for ridicule of the girl by her peers. The girl has average height (168 cm) and low weight – 53 kg.

The real name of Vera Brezhneva is Galushka. She was born on February 3, 1982 in a family of chemical plant workers. Vera has three sisters. Older sister Galina Galushko lives in Greece. The younger sisters are twins Victoria and Anastasia, closer to Russia and Ukraine.

Singer Vera Brezhneva, despite her childhood complexes, always loved performing in public. Tamara Vitalievna, Vera’s mother, often mentions in her interviews how much her middle daughter liked performing in kindergarten and school. The future star actively took part in school productions, easily and naturally transforming herself into any role.

A turning point in the girl’s life happened when she, as a student at the Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Railway Engineers, decided to take part in the VIA Gra group’s look-alike competition. The group's producer Dmitry Kostyuk, who was present at the concert, became interested in the future singer and exchanged contacts with her.

Vera never dreamed of such an opportunity, but after some time she was invited to an audition in Kyiv.

Career of Vera Brezhneva

Before becoming the lead singer of the group, Vera was prepared for the stage for several months. Choreography and vocal courses were necessary so that she could feel confident on stage. The producers made the right decision with the choice of the new participant. Brezhnev was chosen to replace Alena Vinnitskaya, who left the group. The girl changed her last name Galushka to Brezhnev, as the producer considered this option very suitable. At that time, the group was already well known and popular. Vera joined the team quite easily.

The journey in the group began in January 2003, when a new lineup was released on stage: Vera Brezhneva, Nadezhda Granovskaya and Anna Sedokova. Many fans still consider this creative union “golden.” It was then that the group’s most famous hits were released: “Don’t leave me, darling!”, “Kill my girlfriend”, “Ocean and Three Rivers”, “Stop! Stop! Stop!” and others.

After 4 years, Brezhnev decides that it is time to start a solo career and leaves the group. Now the singer has a name, she is recognized, and well-known glossy publications more than once choose her “Woman of the Year.”

The star released his first personal hit “I Don’t Play” in 2008. At the same time, she hosts the TV show “The Magic of Ten” and participates in the show “Ice Age 2.”

Perhaps it is these events that become the impetus for the singer’s acting career. She is invited to participate in the filming of the film “Love in the City.” Vera not only stars in one of the main roles in the film, but also records the soundtrack of the same name. After the successful release of the first part of the film, filming of the sequel begins, in which the actress also takes part.

After the film, the girl has no end to proposals. She is invited to the program “Southern Butovo”. She releases a new single, “Love will save the world,” and does not refuse joint projects with other famous performers. The composition “Petals of Tears” by Vera and Dan Balan, heard on Love Radio, instantly becomes a hit and the leader of all Russian charts.

The singer releases new hits and videos for them several times a year. At the same time, he participates in the filming of new films and, of course, becomes a regular guest of programs and glossy publications.

Personal life of a star

When there were rumors about the star’s secret wedding in October 2015, no one could have imagined that the chosen one would be Konstantin Meladze. A wave of criticism fell on the girl, and on the Internet their story began to be compared with the romance of another former member of the group, Albina Dzhanabaeva and Valery Meladze.

Even after 3 years, Vera Brezhneva and Konstantin Meladze are under the radar of the tabloids, and there is not a single post on their personal Instagram accounts in the comments to which the personal lives of these people would not be discussed.

Now a happy wife and mother, the singer in her youth faced not only difficulties in her career, but also hardships in her personal life.

The first serious, as it seemed to Vera, relationship with Vitaly Voichenko ended in separation and pregnancy of the star. The fact that everything ended badly can be judged by the fact that Vera’s eldest daughter did not receive her father’s surname.

The singer’s first official marriage was with Mikhail Kiperman. The girl took his last name for herself and her eldest daughter, and gave birth to another child - daughter Sarah. Vera was married to a businessman for 6 years, the reasons for the separation were not named, but the media began to increasingly discuss the possible romance of Vera Brezhneva and Konstantin Meladze.

The star’s relationship after her divorce from Marius Weisberg remained only rumors - the girl did not confirm the information.

The famous singer, amazing actress, talented TV presenter, and simply amazing woman Vera Brezhneva conquers more and more men with her charm every day. She constantly appears in popular TV shows, where she acts as a host or guest star, her songs are tirelessly played on almost all top radio stations, and new interesting Russian films are not released without her participation.

Who is Vera Brezhneva? The growth of her popularity never ceases to amaze, but how did a simple girl from a small Ukrainian town manage to achieve such recognition? Vera’s diligence, hard work and desire to become better played a big role in this.

height, weight, parameters

It’s worth starting with the fact that Vera Brezhneva is a pseudonym. - Vera Viktorovna Galushka. She was born in Ukraine, in the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk, 1982. The parents of the current star were ordinary workers. They worked at a chemical plant.

Vera came to the casting without makeup and in modest clothes, but this did not stop her from getting into the group that was already known at that time for a trial period.

Vera Brezhneva in VIA Gre

Vera worked as part of the VIA Gra group for 5 years - from 2002 to 2007.

After Vera Brezhneva was approved as a member of the group, she moved to Kyiv, and with the first money she earned she bought her parents a new spacious apartment. Already at that time Vera had a child - a girl, Sonya. She lived with the star's parents for some time.

After "VIA Gra"

In December 2007, one of the most colorful and charming participants, Vera Brezhneva, left the VIA Gra group. The growth of her popularity did not decrease after that. First, the girl tried herself on television: she became the host of the “Magic of the Ten” program, and later showed herself in the popular show “Ice Age 3”. Also, Vera Brezhneva, height, weight, whose parameters you already know, won the “Smartest” quiz twice on the STS TV channel, which proves her erudition and curiosity with incredible natural beauty.

The first song the star performed solo was “I Don’t Play.” The video for it was released in May 2008. After another 6 months, her second video appeared - “Nirvana”.

After the launch of the second single, Vera went on maternity leave and after some time returned as a judge of the “Superstar” project. This happened in 2010. Vera also worked as a radio presenter on Russian Radio and hosted the Dembelsky Album program.

It is worth noting the films in which Vera Brezhneva starred. The growth and level of her acting skills are simply amazing! She started with the musical “Sorochinskaya Fair”, then the girl starred in the comedy “Star Holidays” and after that they began to invite her to more serious film projects.

Vera Brezhneva played one of the main roles in all parts of the Russian film "Love in the Big City." Also, the cheerful “Yolki” and “Yolki-2” could not do without her participation.

Secrets of personal life

What facts from her personal life does Vera Brezhneva not hesitate to advertise? Biography, height, parameters, weight, hobbies - she does not hide all this from the public. However, he tries to keep everything related to his personal life under a veil of secrecy. For Vera this is a very slippery topic. She doesn’t like to name her men, but nosy journalists somehow found out that the father of her first child, Sonya, is named Vitaly Voichenko. The star lived with him in a civil marriage for several years.

Not long ago, Vera Brezhneva married Mikhail Kiperman and even took his last name. The happy wife gave birth to her beloved child - a girl, Sarah. Sonya, of course, also lives with her mother and stepfather.

In general, we can say that Vera’s life was a success: she is famous, respected in her circles, she is a happy mother of two children and a beloved wife. Vera always smiles, and there is not even a trace of pride in her. She is a modest, beautiful, interesting and very charming woman.

There cannot be even the slightest doubt that she will delight her fans with more than one album and will star in new films. Her spectacular appearance captivates at first sight; you want to watch her performances continuously. This woman perfectly combines beauty and intelligence, popularity and modesty. Such women deserve to have poems written about them and to be admired.

Everyone who knows Vera Brezhneva personally talks about her short stature. Fifty meters in a jump - no higher.

It would seem, who cares about the growth of Vera? Well, not everyone is born tall. It turned out to be small, but it sings loudly.

All this would have been so if Brezhneva had not strenuously hidden her shortcomings.

There are many tricks to make dwarfism invisible. Wear shoes with 20 cm heels and thick soles. Or, for example, make a higher ponytail out of your hair.

Vera uses these techniques. Look, here are the heels and the tail:

Photo: social networks

Why does the singer look relatively tall on stage and in videos?

There is also a trick here, which the cameramen who filmed Brezhnev gossip about. In preparation for filming, they are rumored to be forced to change the camera angle, pointing the lens from bottom to top.

This gives the optical illusion of long legs and height.

But no matter how much you hide, everything secret becomes clear. The other day, on the air of “Guess the Melody,” Vera Brezhneva made a mistake.

Putting on her heels and ponytail, as always, the singer stood next to little Mikhail Galustyan. Both stars turned out to be the same height.

Photo: social networks

Why Vera Brezhneva fools her fans is unclear to me. Being small doesn't make her any worse or better.

Just think, isn’t there enough ugliness in life? Being short is not even a disadvantage.

What am I talking about? Oh yes: how tall are you? Do you have a complex because of him?

The sex symbol of the Russian stage, ex-member of the VIA Gra group and simply beautiful Vera Brezhneva reveals the secrets of being slim. The mother of two children is in excellent physical shape. The star is not shy about showing off her figure without Photoshop on the cover of a magazine. Vera Brezhneva's diet is simple and non-exhausting.

The figure of Vera Brezhneva evokes the admiration of men and the envy of women. The singer and actress follows a strict diet, goes to the gym and leads a healthy lifestyle. She happily shares pictures of her ideal figure from vacation and from the gym with her fans on Instagram. The star is confident that to make a beautiful figure you don’t have to have a lot of money, just willpower and desire. So how did Vera Brezhneva lose weight quickly?

The artist believes that sport should be synonymous with a beautiful body. Therefore, she regularly visits the gym and does yoga exercises. The star has identified several basic sporting principles for herself:

  • Activity is the key to health and well-being. Sport affects metabolic processes, completely normalizing them.
  • Discipline and self-control. If you want to become the master of life, start with your body. Self-organization, which is developed through classes, will help in achieving new heights in life.

What sports does the singer do? Vera prefers yoga and running, and she also tries to find time for walking around the city, and she needs to walk at a brisk pace. limitless.

Brezhnev considers his stomach to be his problem area. Therefore, in addition to dieting, she regularly does abdominal exercises. She also prefers cardio exercises: running, swimming and stepper. In addition, he adheres to a certain menu in order to quickly achieve the desired result.

Vera believes that sport will help prolong youth and good spirits. After all, you must admit that you can have amazing looks at 60 years old, and good health at 80. The actress follows the example of her mother, who at 62 years old goes to the gym and.

Complex for the lazy from Vera Brezhneva: video

The essence of the diet

Pregnancy affected the star’s body with extra pounds, which are problematic to get rid of. The singer’s career was in jeopardy, because the stage and magazines require slender figures. The rapid transformation of Vera Brezhneva, whose height, weight and figure parameters are almost ideal today, into a socialite was facilitated by proper nutrition and sports.

  • Vera Brezhneva's star diet is not exhausting and is suitable even for young mothers. Its meaning is to adhere to the rules of a healthy diet and not overload the body with heavy foods. Such food helps cleanse the intestines and speed up metabolic processes.
  • The whole secret of nutrition lies in low-calorie foods. You should not be afraid that the body will not receive enough nutrients. The menu contains meat, fish, vegetables, which are rich in vitamins and minerals. Vera Brezhneva admits that once a week she can eat candy or cake, but after that she gives 100% in the gym.
  • Brezhneva is a fan of small portions; this, in her opinion, reduces weight no worse than training.
  • Many mothers are interested in how the actress lost weight after giving birth. Brezhnev started following a diet immediately after the birth of her baby. A balanced diet helps you lose extra pounds in just a couple of weeks. The diet is also suitable for nursing mothers, since children receive all the nutrients along with milk.

There is no list of contraindications for the diet, so those losing weight can safely use Vera’s recipes. The main advantage of the diet is that there is no strictly limited menu; you can create it to your taste, using permitted products.

Basic principles of nutrition

Leading a healthy lifestyle and watching your figure is not so difficult, Brezhneva believes. She decided to reveal to readers her secrets about diet and meals.

  • Small portions. The star starts her day with a glass of still water and oatmeal. For lunch she chooses any two dishes. This can be a combination of hot and salad, main course and dessert, salad and dessert. In any case, the portion will fit in the palm of your hand. This principle allows you not to stretch your stomach and quickly get rid of the calories you eat.
  • Balance . It is very important to control the consumption of proteins and carbohydrates. The star does not give up fat in her food, as this can negatively affect the condition of her hair and skin. The classic rule of the diet plate: half for vegetables and greens, a quarter for proteins and the same amount for carbohydrates.
  • Rule 15 products. The diet schedule of Vera Brezhneva, whose diet allows for experiments, is different from day to day. Concerts and rehearsals, lack of time to eat and sleep. However, even when on the road, the star strives to find one product from the “right” list. Brezhnev lists such foods as: porridge, vegetables, olive oil, nuts, fruits, seafood and fish, dairy products, meat, dried fruits, root vegetables, bread, jellies, berries, mushrooms. This is the main backbone of Vera Brezhneva's diet.
  • Removing useless products. The singer believes that it is quite possible to do without packaged juices, cream, soda and sweets. Pork, batter and ketchup with mayonnaise are also not recommended. The artist gives herself some slack once a week, consuming sweets, but in moderation.
  • Healthy snack. If Vera leaves for filming or a concert and knows in advance that it will be a long time, she takes a small bag of food with her. The star declares that otherwise she will be hungry or eat something harmful, and this cannot be allowed. Healthy eating comes first.
  • Don't eat at night. Vera Brezhneva's diet is based on the “4 hours before bedtime” rule. That is, if lights out is scheduled for 23.00, then dinner should end at 19.00. This principle will help you avoid gaining extra pounds.
  • Water is the basis of weight loss. The actress admits that she often forgets to drink water because she doesn’t feel like it. However, then you have to remind the body that this is useful and, literally, force it to replenish its water balance. In addition, Brezhnev drinks tea, especially herbal tea. Mint, chamomile, lemon balm have a calming effect on an overloaded nervous system. Instead of coffee, the artist prefers chicory drink or apple.

Thanks to these simple rules, Vera Brezhneva, with a height of 172 cm, weighs 53 kg. and figure parameters 90/62/92. Many women can envy such ideal proportions. And the main secret of the singer is her iron willpower and desire for new heights.

Categorical no

The artist builds her menu on exclusively healthy products. As part of the diet, she recommends giving up:

  • Potato dishes: mashed potatoes, zrazy, etc.
  • Sugar and other confectionery masterpieces that should remain outside your home. Once a month you can allow some indulgence in the form of a small piece of cake, but then work it off in the gym.
  • Pasta and bread made from white wheat flour.
  • Sweet soda and packaged juices.
  • Coffee, especially in sticks, and other types of instant drinks.

The singer has a diet in her arsenal in case of rapid weight loss. Then her diet consists of vegetables and fruits, cheese and juice. You need to eat them in small portions throughout the day. By the way, the actress prefers juices with pulp as snacks. They satisfy the feeling of hunger and are not deposited in fat folds on the sides.

Weekly menu

Many women ask the star to detail their diet for the week. Vera Brezhneva does this with pleasure, emphasizing that in 7 days you can get rid of 5 kilograms of excess weight! In addition, with the help of a diet you can improve your well-being and cleanse your body.

Breakfast Oatmeal and chicory drink.
Dinner 150 g bean salad, a small piece of chicken, apple juice.
Dinner Seafood salad, low-fat kefir.
Breakfast Oatmeal and a mug of tea with a slice of lemon.
Dinner Cream soup, vegetable salad, baked fish.
Dinner 100 g turkey meat, mango juice.
Breakfast Traditional porridge and a cup of tea.
Dinner Vegetable soup, fruit salad, berry juice.
Dinner 100 g boiled chicken fillet, 1% kefir.
Breakfast Favorite oatmeal porridge, chicory drink.
Dinner Bean salad with olive oil, 100 g of boiled carp, carrot juice.
Dinner Fruit of your choice, no bananas, mint tea.
Breakfast Any porridge brewed with water, tea with a slice of lemon.
Dinner Shrimp and mussel puree soup, orange juice.
Dinner 100 g of lean meat, a portion of vegetable salad, unsweetened yogurt.
Breakfast Buckwheat with kefir, chicory drink.
Dinner A portion of boiled fish, light vegetable soup.
Dinner Fruit mousse, root juice.
Breakfast Oatmeal with water, a cup of unsweetened tea.
Dinner Vegetables from the oven, 100 g lean meat, orange juice.
Dinner Vegetable or fruit salad, a glass of kefir.

The main secret of beauty

According to the singer, many women undeservedly offend themselves and do not value themselves. For example, if you say that you are ugly and untalented, then so be it. You cannot treat yourself with disrespect and contempt. Vera Brezhneva advises taking a piece of paper and writing all your positive qualities on one half, and on the other listing what you would like to change about yourself. This method has a psychological approach to the problem of inner peace and complexities.

Fans are interested in how the star maintains her figure. Vera admits that she has completely rebuilt her body to eat healthy, so much so that she doesn’t even want to look towards fast food and sweets. And daily workouts help her weigh just over 50 kg.

Talented in all respects, Vera Brezhneva discovered the secret of an ideal body. The key to success lies in proper diet and exercise training. By following these simple rules, you will attract the admiring glances of men.
