Vanga about Syria. The hidden meaning of predictions. Vanga's prediction came true! Syria (Assyria) fell at the feet of the winner - Russia! Syria has fallen but there will be no winner

The war in Syria and, in general, everything that is happening now in the Middle East has already gone beyond ordinary understanding. It is difficult, or even impossible, to rationally understand the causes of the bloody chaos that threatens to drag down all of humanity. You don’t need to have high analytical skills to understand what fateful times we live in, and that the world may change beyond recognition in the near future.
Willy-nilly, thoughts come to turn to predictions, and a lot of them have already accumulated. We will not take into account the foggy quatrains of Nasterdamus, which, in fact, can be adapted to any event and any date. We will take into account only specific predictions that are clearly tied to place and time.
Let's start with the famous Vanga. Now there is a lot of talk about the fact that Vanga did not have any gift, that she worked for the Bulgarian special services, which supplied her with information about the people coming to her (the queue was long). Just don’t confuse cause with effect here. Yes, Baba Vanga was made into a popular brand and they tried to use her for their own purposes. But she had the gift of foresight. Only it was not given to her in order to tell thousands of people about their fate. To do this, you can turn to gypsies. Vanga was given the Great Gift of predictions. Forces unknown to us whispered to her what threatened humanity in the future, so that it could avoid tragedies and the death of innocent people.
But due to her lack of education, she understood these voices literally - the way they sounded. That’s how she spoke, as best she could convey in her own words what she saw and heard. It’s just a pity that no one bothered to deeply analyze her predictions at the time. Our bright minds only laughed at our grandmother, without trying to understand the essence of her words.

1980 Vanga says: At the end of the century, in the year 2000 or a year earlier, Kursk will drown, and the whole world will shed tears.“Baba Vanga has gone completely off the rails,” the “smart guys” joked. “The nearest sea is hundreds of kilometers away, how can an entire city drown?”
What happens next? In 1992, construction of the Antey project nuclear submarine missile-carrying cruiser under the name K-141 Kursk began in Severodvinsk. At the end of 1994, it was put into operation as part of the Russian Northern Fleet. On August 10, 2000, the Kursk goes to sea for firing according to the Northern Fleet exercise plan. At 11:28 a.m. a torpedo exploded on the submarine. The boat sank. All crew members were killed. It's not funny anymore, is it? And if the submarine had been given a different name from the very beginning, who knows, maybe it would have saved many lives, and the number of Vanga’s correct predictions would have decreased. Maybe this was the purpose of the Great Gift - to give people a chance to save innocent souls?
1989 Another vision of Vanga: Horror, horror. American friends will fall, the iron birds will bring them death. Wolves will howl their drawn-out songs from behind the bushes, and the blood of innocents will be shed without quantity. And in 2001, there was an attack by Al-Qaeda terrorists on the famous Twin Brothers skyscrapers in New York. Four passenger airliners were hijacked by suicide bombers, two of them crashed into skyscrapers, one into the Pentagon building, another crashed into a field, it is assumed that he was also heading towards the Pentagon. Thousands of people died!

Vanga also has a prophecy regarding Syria, made in 1980, but it is difficult to understand its true meaning. Here are her words: Hard times will come. People will be divided on the basis of faith. The most ancient teaching will come to the world. Will that time come soon? No, not soon. Syria has not fallen yet! Syria will collapse at the feet of the winner, but the winner will not be the same!
This means that Syria must fall, but does this mean that ISIS Islamists will win in Syria? Hardly. To whom should Syria fall and, more importantly, why will the winner be the wrong one? How is this ancient teaching connected to the war in Syria? As many years ago, it is difficult to understand the essence of these predictions, and perhaps the meaning of the message is distorted by translation. After many years it is easy to say that Kursk is not a city, but a submarine, iron birds are hijacked passenger liners, the howl of wolves is the roar of sirens, etc. Again, the message sent to people for their salvation remains unread.
The only consolation is one more prediction from Vanga: Everything will disappear like smoke, only one thing will remain indestructible for all centuries - the glory of Russia and its greatness. And the continuation: Russia has given a lot to the world, made so many sacrifices. Now her time is coming, now Russia will rule the world. There are no more rivals or enemies for her. The glory and power of Russia will spread for centuries.

Syria will collapse- It's really collapsing. It is being destroyed by ISIS fighters who are destroying monuments, temples and entire cities. Syria has practically collapsed at the feet of Islamist radicals.
But the winner will be wrong– Syrian ruins are at the feet of ISIS militants, but they are not the winners. Through the efforts of Russia, the world will be cleansed of evil - this is THAT winner.


Vanga is known for her truthful predictions regarding the fate of powerful powers and their figures. The blind clairvoyant described every upcoming event in such detail that there was no reason not to believe her. Recently, the whole world was amazed by what Vanga said about Syria. The clairvoyant predicted the fall of the great republic. However, more details about everything in our article.

Birth of a seer

Before we look at Syria, we will briefly talk about the interesting and most striking facts from the life of the famous clairvoyant.

The real name of the seer is Vangelia Gushterova Pandeva. Vanga was born in 1911, on October 3 in Yugoslavia (currently Macedonia). It is known that the girl was born unhealthy - with undivided fingers and toes. Vangelia was so weak that doctors doubted her recovery. Her parents also believed in bad things, and they didn’t even want to give their daughter a name, so as not to rely on unrealistic hopes.

Vanga's childhood and youth

Vanga's mother died. The girl was only 3 years old then. The father loved his daughter very much and was always worried about her future. From early childhood, Vangelia began to show interest in medicine. All day long she treated her imaginary patients, acting as a qualified doctor.

Vanga’s father went to the front, and after returning he married a kind and thrifty woman. Later, my father’s land was taken away. The family had to leave the country and go to their father’s native village for permanent residence.


At the age of 12, Vangelia and her friends went for a walk. Suddenly a wind appeared, which increased its power every second. Gradually, the bad weather turned into a huge funnel, which picked up the poor girl and began to spin her in its dark abode. As the seer herself later claimed, something touched her head that gave her the strength to survive.


The girl woke up 2 km from home. His eyes were filled with dust, his body was covered with leaves and branches, and his head ached terribly from the powerful fall. Later, the girl’s eyes became very sore. The family decided to see a doctor. The doctor advised to proceed with the operation immediately. But, unfortunately, my father never managed to raise funds. The girl became completely blind.

The further fate of the seer

In 1925, her father decided to send Vangelia to an orphanage for the blind in Serbia, in the city of Zemun, where the girl received basic knowledge and skills. Here Vangelia learned love. Dimitar was the name of the girl’s chosen one. Later, the young people decided to get married, but fate decreed otherwise.

After the death of her stepmother, the father asked the girl to return home and help with the housework. So Vangelia said goodbye to her lover forever.

First predictions

One day my father lost one of his sheep. He was very worried, because they could drive him away, thereby depriving him of his main income. But Vangelia said that Anastas had the animal. Then the parent was surprised by his daughter’s words, but later realized that the girl was right. When asked where she learned about this, Vangelia said that she saw everything in her dream.

In 1942, the news that a real seer lived in one of the villages struck the whole of Bulgaria. Many people came to her to find out about their fate and to be cured of terrible diseases.

It is also known that Vanga was visited by politicians and famous people. The seer predicted defeat in the war for Hitler, and the exact date of death for Stalin. She was even imprisoned for this, but was later released when the prediction came true.

Vanga foresaw that a cure for cancer would finally be found, in 2018 there would be progress in energy, scientists would discover the secret of the origin of life and the Soviet Union would be restored. The seer also confidently asserted that the Russian state would gain great power and support. America will also have to accept this great event.

But at the moment, many are interested in the question of what Vanga said about Syria. There are many nuances here. We'll talk about this further.

Vanga's predictions about Syria

As the seer herself said: “This republic has always seemed to me a mysterious and magical territory.” A few decades ago, the great clairvoyant of the 20th century mentioned Syria in her prophecies. Then this surprised many people, because at that time everything was calm in the country and there was no talk of war.

Later, Vanga wrote a note about Syria: “The fate of the world will be decided in this state.”

Before her death, the seer left a prophecy, which became the true key to unraveling the bloody events taking place in this country today. She also indicated that the war would decide the fate of many powers and put everything in its place, secret conspiracies and the true thoughts of many political leaders would be revealed.

Back in the mid-90s, Vanga said about Syria that this country would be at the center of events that would bring a new war and global crisis to the whole world. The clairvoyant noted that this particular territory will divide interests and bring several super-powerful states face to face.

NATO members and the United States, distributing money and weapons to the rebels, will try to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad. Russia and China will try to maintain peace and tranquility in this state, resisting with all their might the uprisings and chaos that has arisen.

This is what happens. Weapons are now being supplied to Syrian opponents, terrorist forces are being transferred to the occupied territory from It is not difficult to guess who is behind everything that is happening.

Vanga said about Syria: “It will not be possible to bring this state to its knees as easily as in the case of Libya. This war will draw everyone without exception into its monastery. And the world will emerge from this bloody massacre completely different. Soon a new teaching will come to Syria.”

The seer also said that many asked her the question: will the republic fall soon and will it fall at all? Vanga always spoke about her in a mysterious way. “This will not happen soon, but she will collapse and fall at the feet of the wrong winner” - these words became the final words in the prophecy.

Vanga never answered why the world will face global changes after this war. The seer referred only to the Bible, noting that the Holy Scripture says that Syria will become a place that changed the fate of all mankind, because the very first murder once took place here (Cain killed his brother Abel).

But Vanga also spoke about Syria in a positive way. The seer claimed that the outcome of the war would be the victory of good over evil. Wars will finally stop, lies will be erased from the face of the Earth, theft and lies will exhaust themselves.

Vanga about Syria and Russia

The Bulgarian healer and fortuneteller claimed that Russia would lose its position and then regain strength for further victories and achievements. At the same time, an experienced and good-natured person will rule the country. Europe will remain an old, conservative territory, and will never be able to get younger.
Vanga's prediction about Syria and Russia was announced only in the new century. The seer herself wanted this, telling her successor about it before her death.

As for America, here the clairvoyant was firm. The United States will win the war, but this once powerful state will have many enemies who will be eager to take revenge for the invasion. America will not be able to completely eradicate Islamic fundamentalism. On this basis, the United States will fade into the background and will never interfere in the conflicts of other states.

Here the Russian power comes first, which will grow stronger every day and occupy a leading position in world politics and economics. “Finally, goodness and justice will reign,” Vanga says about Syria and Russia.

Death of the Seer

Vanga's predictions about the war in Syria are slowly coming true. It is difficult to say why exactly before her death this mysterious woman began to have visions of the upcoming war.

It should be noted that Vanga mentioned Syria and other countries too often. Perhaps the seer saw in her dreams terrible events from which, first of all, ordinary people suffered.

The clairvoyant also predicted her own death. It is worth saying that Vanga suffered from cancer, but refused to be treated by doctors. She spent her last days in a hospital ward. The day before her death, she asked to be given water and bread, and to wash her body. After this, the seer said that she was ready to leave.

On the morning of August 11, 1996, Vanga died. Thus ended the journey of the most famous soothsayer of the 20th century.

Oddly enough, Vanga’s prediction about Syria and Russia is coming true. We hope that this war will be the last in the world.


Before her death, the clairvoyant Vanga (1911-1996) predicted that peace would continue for now, “Syria has not yet fallen...”

Today we are beginning to understand these words of hers. Washington created a pretext for attacking Syria, “the use of chemical weapons,” and personified “evil” in accordance with its strategy of “controlled chaos,” declaring through the mouth of the State Department: “Assad is to blame.” Although it was Washington that actually initiated this chemical provocation, repeatedly reminding the militants of this condition of providing them with direct military support, bombs and missiles.

Look who benefits from this, the Romans said, but Americans today are not interested in the authority of the Romans, because “chemical provocation” benefits them, not Bashar al-Assad. In its arrogance and cynicism, it is worthy of Hitler’s famous provocation before the attack on Poland.

Of course, it will not be Obama, a former modest lawyer, who will make the decision to attack Syria, but nevertheless it is symbolic that it was during his presidency that a Nobel laureate would do so. By the way, Hitler was nominated for a Nobel in 1939, but he was interested in completely different trophies, and he attacked Poland. Obama was lucky, he managed to get a Nobel, and now the Syrian war will become the war of the Nobel peace laureate.

In fact, the US is on the side of al-Qaeda, the vanguard of terrorism. However, there is nothing surprising in this - after all, they once created it for the war in Afghanistan. This is well understood especially in the Middle East. Omran al-Zoubi, the Syrian Minister of Information, made the following statement: “It will not be possible to hide behind the fight against terrorism. Hitting Syria is not the same as going for a walk. The attack will be followed by a retaliatory strike, the entire Middle East will be engulfed in flames.”

Russia again needs to gain time, as always on the eve of global military catastrophes. Today, that means supporting Syria as best we can. However, what is possible?

The violation of international law by the West raises the question of ending military cooperation with the United States and NATO, that is, you can immediately withdraw from the agreement on NATO transit to Afghanistan, as they make decisions about war. And, apparently, we need to return to the issue of supplies of S-300 to Iran.

This seems to be all we can do. Perhaps such statements should have been made before the aggression against Syria; perhaps they have already been made through diplomatic channels, without being made public. It's a matter of tactics.

Russia's relations with the West will obviously worsen; there are already calls in America to cancel the autumn summit in St. Petersburg. Perhaps Russia should not wait for a demarche from its Western allies and cancel the G20 summit itself and leave this club. After the West ignores the UN Security Council, further participation in it is pointless, since trust has been lost.

According to most experts, the United States expects that chaos from the Middle East will roll into Russia, but Vanga predicts (1994) something different: “They ask me, will this time come soon? No, not soon. Syria has not yet fallen, but the winner will not be the same.” And again: “A war will begin in the East, and there will be a Third World War. The war in the East that destroyed the West. Chemical weapons, empty Europe."
To the question: what will happen after the Third World War? – Vanga replied:
- Evil will burst out of the ground and destroy everything. Only Russia will be saved.

According to Vanga’s prediction, the winner in the Syrian war will not be the West, but someone else. And this other one will devastate Europe, that is, chaos will roll into Europe, and not into Russia. It can be assumed that this “other” will be terrorism, and he has such plans for Europe. And Russia can be saved from its blow, perhaps, by an alliance with Iran; geopolitically, everything fits here.

Vanga’s favorable forecast for Russia should not reassure us: trust in God, and don’t make a mistake yourself. In preparation for the attack on the USSR, Hitler no longer even bothered with provocations, he simply carried out a treacherous attack. Russia needs to prepare for this option. It seems very likely that the United States is creating the conditions for an attack on Russia, so they don’t care about their image in the world: war will write off everything, history is written by the victors. A great expert on the West, writer Bernard Shaw, expressed himself aphoristically on this subject: “What will history say, sir? “History, as always, will lie!”

The aggravation of the situation around Syria and statements by a number of Western countries about their readiness for military operations against it caused a flurry of voices that Russia is now “merging” Syria as well. Some, however, spoke out more cautiously in the sense that “if it leaks, then ....”. What followed were conclusions, each funnier than the other. “Putin is an agent of the State Department,” “The government is selling everyone and everything,” and so on in the same spirit. All these heartbreaking cries especially intensified after Minister Lavrov’s statement appeared on the Internet and in the media that Russia was not going to fight with anyone because of Syria.
I am absolutely not going to dissuade or convince anyone of anything, especially since I am not going to present to your attention some semblance of a loyal text, which is designed to convince you that Russia is the coolest and everything is being done correctly, that a resounding victory awaits us ahead. I’m not going to, because, like the vast majority of my readers, I don’t know what exactly our government thinks about this, and what exactly it is going to do in this situation, for what reasons and for what purposes.
I only propose that we take a look at the calmly prevailing situation, which, I emphasize, is known to us only from open and incomplete sources, and consider the real possibilities that, based on our picture of the world, are available to our government. We cannot know whether the authorities will take advantage of these opportunities, whether they will find better and more effective ones, or whether they are not going to do anything at all. But such a debriefing, at a minimum, will allow us to get rid of unnecessary illusions and realize the real threats that today's Russia is confronting.
Moreover, we will do this as far as possible from the government itself, since in its actions today on any issue one can see so many different contradictions that both its adherent and any opponent can easily find a thousand serious arguments in defense of their position. We will look only at the world situation and Russia in it, looking from our “trench”.
So, here we go:
Why Syria at all, what did the destroyers need there?
On the topic of Syria and the potential reasons that pushed the West to direct aggression against a sovereign and peaceful country, albeit still carried out by proxy, over the almost three years that this war has been waged, various political scientists and analysts have said a lot of words and put forward many versions. I will name those that seem to me the most significant and rational (not related to mysticism of various kinds):
Syria objectively opposes the creation of a unified Middle Eastern Sunni Caliphate.
Victory in Syria finally removes Russia from the Mediterranean basin, which is planning its own important events around the ownership of Leviathan, part of which, by the way, Syria itself claims.
The most convenient route of the pipeline system for pumping Qatari gas to Europe runs through Syria. Control over Syria means control of these flows.
Syria is Iran's only serious ally in the region. Moreover, an attack on Iran is physically impossible without eliminating the current government in Syria. More precisely, it is only possible from the sea and from the Persian Gulf. The Gulf War threatens to completely block oil supplies from the region, an attack from the sea alone does not guarantee anything, and an attack from Israel runs into Syria’s air defense and radar systems, which detects an attack long before Iran’s borders.
Syria is very convenient to use, even if forced, to begin the process of eliminating Israel. It is no coincidence that Assad, in response to the announcement of a possible attack on Syria, named Israel as the first retaliatory targets. His missiles cannot physically reach anywhere else. Perhaps to the border areas of Turkey, which are incomparable goals in terms of the severity of the reaction.
In principle, the above is enough for the West, within the framework of the “Arab Spring,” to show a great desire to bring “democracy to the downtrodden Syrian people.”
Why does Russia need Syria, why are we so stubbornly clinging to the preservation of its current power?
To understand why Russia needs Syria, and why our government reacted so calmly to the destruction of Libya, but stubbornly continues to resist a similar scenario in Syria with all available means, we should consider the general geostrategic concept that the West is implementing in the Middle East.
The ultimate goal of the world behind the scenes, moving the Western power pawns, is Russia. I will not argue that the goal is precisely the destruction of Russia. This is just one of the options. The goal is complete control of Russia along with its nuclear capabilities. To achieve this, for the third time in our written history, the same scenario is being realized - to envelop Russia in a hostile arc from the south. The first time was an attempt by Alexander the Great, who acted on the instructions of his teacher and one of the dark priests of Aristotle. Hitler made a second attempt. The third is being prepared now. Why is the south so important? Repeated attempts to attack Russia from the West were unsuccessful. Dog knights, Napoleon, Hitler, all of them not only suffered defeat, but also led our troops with them on a mission of vengeance into the territory of Europe itself. These painful lessons are unlikely to ever be forgotten. Of course, an attempt to use not our own troops to spoil us, but purchased Slavs from Poland and now also Ukraine, cannot be ruled out; their puppet masters do not feel sorry for them, but the proximity of the root European territory is very annoying and cools down the hotheads. Everything is simpler in the south. Firstly, there is no pity for Muslims, both behind the scenes and for the Muslims themselves, who can easily be mass-zombified by religious postulates. Secondly, unlike the European direction, the southern direction is much longer, and it is impossible in principle to tightly close all borders. There are not enough troops for this. Thirdly, convenient defense lines for the southern borders are located not on the territory of Russia itself, but on the territory of the Central Asian states, which makes them an order of magnitude more permeable. As a result, we could potentially get a single arc of military confrontation from the North Caucasus (via Georgia and potentially Azerbaijan) to Pakistan. And even the possible use of tactical nuclear charges does not guarantee an easy victory, not to mention the choice of places to hit. On your own territory? For the Central Asian states that let in fellow believers from the south? Or for the southern states themselves? And how many such charges will be needed?
What gives the behind-the-scenes control over Russia? He, no more, no less, gives her control over China, the last independent power on our planet capable of having its say. Up to and including forced obedience through nuclear destruction. The backstage is not worried about a retaliatory strike against Russia. Not yours. If Russia, even surrounded on all sides by enemies, refuses to submit, then a plan will come into play to destroy it with an attack from the south and a simultaneous attempt to take control of Russia’s nuclear potential using Western special forces. The result is the encirclement of China from all sides with coercion or destruction. That is, the same target option.
So far, the potential implementation of this plan is hampered by the presence of an independent Iran that stubbornly resists external pressure, the weakness of Georgia after 888, and the contradictory situation in Iraq after the withdrawal of the massive American contingent. But if Iran collapses, all these problems will be solved quite quickly. For the reasons for the impossibility of attacking Iran without destroying Syria, see above.
There is another argument. It is not easy to train a serious fighter. It takes time, money and a special mentality that only a certain percentage of people have. The more of these people die in Syria now, the weaker their onslaught on Russia will be if something happens, when it comes to this, God forbid. This is precisely the task Assad is performing. It has been performing successfully for the third year in a row, grinding one horde after another and throwing away the billions invested in them.
The third reason Russia is so persistent in supporting Assad is time. The longer the Assad regime resists the mercenaries behind the scenes, the better Russia itself can prepare for its almost inevitable participation in the war at a later stage.
Can Russia protect Syria? All the loudmouths who are screaming about Russia’s surrender of Syria should spread a large map on the table (to take a closer look at the features) and imagine themselves as the greatest commander of all times. And try to counteract aggression with the help of your own military force. The mere lack of common borders between Russia and Syria makes its effective defense impossible. More precisely, with the help of the supply of our weapons, a certain number of “volunteer instructors” from Russia and Iran, Assad and the Syrian army are successfully coping with those scattered mujahideen and “wild geese” that the backstage recruited from around the world with the money of Arab sheikhs. No more is required. But he cannot withstand a serious war with the Western coalition alone, nor with the support of Russia and Iran in any form. And he knows this very well.
You can simply estimate what Russia can oppose to the West in a military sense. We won’t start a nuclear war just yet, it’s still not a region, and otherwise we don’t have many resources. Even a squadron assembled from three fleets can do nothing when a truly serious conflict begins. More precisely, it can, but it won’t save her. Let's even estimate that our glorious Navy will sink three times more enemy ships than it will sink itself. So, what is next? And then the West still has dozens of ships of different classes and unlimited possibilities for their production around the world, and our combat-ready fleet is already at the bottom. There is nothing left to fight with. The fleet is dealt with.
Now let's take aviation. From the nearest potential base from which our planes can take off, in Armenia, Damascus is a little over a thousand kilometers away. Fuel in tanks back and forth. How to fight? And it’s not that difficult to block this base in Armenia. Aviation is no longer needed.
What do we have left? Infantry and armored vehicles? Well, the West does not intend to descend on Syrian soil. He has enough air. On the ground, the work will be completed by the Mujahideen when the army is bombed. With our troops or separately, it doesn’t matter. We predict the result.
To completely complete this topic, let's talk about air defense. It’s not bad in Syria, it’s ours and it’s quite modern. Whether the S-300 is there or not is a question, as is whether it is needed there from a strategic point of view. Air defense alone does not achieve victories. To thin out the enemy in the air, what you have is enough. Is it necessary to highlight the S-300 in order to add a dozen or two aircraft to those shot down, but to completely highlight the interception technology? I don't have a clear answer to this. Not a specialist. If there is such a risk, then it would be easier for Assad to make do with additional batteries of the same Buk, since the distance in this region does not greatly affect anything. All enemy bases will be nearby.
What can Russia counter in response to aggression in Syria? Even a superficial analysis of the situation around Syria shows that if the backstage becomes stubborn, completely stops accepting arguments and attacks Syria, then Russia will not be able to restrain it from this step. Or you will have to give so much more somewhere else that these options are not considered at all. A direct response in the form of going to war is also impossible for Russia. Just sorted it out. What remains for us? What remains for us is to look for and find any asymmetric answers to these challenges. And, apparently, we have options for such answers. Yesterday’s post, in the words of Brzezinski, who has never been seen in blueness, suggests that not everything is smooth and easy there.
The most interesting thing is that it seems that Russia is already hinting at such options. Today's information that we may stop supplies of RD-170 rocket engines to the United States, without which not a single American rocket with satellites will take off, speaks volumes. The answer seems even more obvious in the financial sector. It’s not even about taking away those unfortunate numbers already drawn for Russia in the computers of Western banks. And in the refusal to continue financing their economy. I am sure that China will support us in this godly matter. The result could be a powerful financial crisis, after which talk about reviving the economy, exiting the crisis and islands of stability could be forgotten forever. Yes, in this case we will have a hard time ourselves, and I am not ready to say that such a powerful medicine, sending the entire world economy into deep knockout, will necessarily be used in response to the attack in Syria. This is a painfully irrevocable step for all humanity, comparable to a massive nuclear strike. But there may be other less radical steps in the same vein. Banning transit from Afghanistan while simultaneously financing “guerrillas” on the Pakistani transit route. Why not an option? I’m sure the relevant specialists have dozens of them.
What will have to be done in Iran, and how will the situation in Iran differ from the situation in Syria? But in Iran, unlike Syria, we will have to behave radically differently. And not only for us, but, apparently, for China as well. If we disappear, then no one and nothing will save China. And he knows it. If Iran falls, then war in our south becomes inevitable and very close. In this situation, stalling for time becomes simply pointless. In Iran, we will have to fight like adults, with all our strength and means. Fortunately, there is a common border along the Caspian Sea. This is where the time will come for the S-300 and other weapons systems known and unknown to the general public.
Brief summary. If we leave aside emotions or attempts to form in ourselves or the audience a very specific pre-determined opinion, then we can see that Russia in Syria is doing and continues to do the maxim of what is correct and meaningful. We cannot save Syria, but we can and are trying to play for time. Time is a very serious factor. Crisis phenomena in the West are growing like a snowball, despite all attempts to verbally confuse the millions of suckers interested in this process around the world. And no matter how much you hang the string, the end of this show is already near and even in sight. So every day won is already a victory. And this is exactly how we should treat it. To be honest, I am simply amazed at how long Assad managed to hold out. At least a year longer than I expected. This is truly heroic. Him, his family, the Syrian army and the entire Syrian people, who refused to humbly bow their heads and die resignedly, as they were prescribed by the Western scenario. It was they who set an example of true Jihad and the struggle for faith. They, and not those who oppose them, hide behind faith in Allah. Glory to them who died and glory to them who are still alive.
And how many times over the years has hope been raised that Syria had survived. Just a little more and she will win. But the backstage has already painted itself into a corner and cannot retreat. To refuse the war in Syria means to show your weakness, and this is immediate death. the death of the power of force, which is built on fear, and the death of the power of the dollar, which is based on force. Most likely, they will fight for their power to the last. And yet, the world opposing the behind-the-scenes has already won. Already forced the West to enter the war directly. And this is a manifestation of weakness, not strength. The West, led behind the scenes, is weakening and is increasingly forced to rely on manifest rather than hidden power, as it was centuries before. And any obvious force has its own weak points, which can and should be hit, destroying it entirely.

REX news agency expert, journalist Alexey Sidorenko

Syria (Assyria) fell at the feet of the winner! Vanga's prediction came true! Everyone was waiting for this moment when Syria would fall. But no one, or almost no one, noticed how this event happened - Syria fell. The date of this event is known to everyone - 09/30/15, when Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad personally wrote a letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin, in which he asked him for military support. From what do such conclusions follow? Syria is almost captured by ISIS terrorists, 80% of its territory is under their control. Assad's troops are melting and over 4 years of struggle they have become fairly exhausted and worn out. The United States and Western countries were starving out Syria, waiting for the regime to fall. They created and fed ISIS. But why did they need it? It was possible to lay a gas pipeline to Europe through Syria, as well as oil at lower prices. Complete energy independence from Russia.

So what did Vanga say: it began with the fact that the Bulgarian seer, back in 1978, spoke about the coming into the world of a new ancient teaching of a certain “White Brotherhood”, which Vanga associated with changes in Syria: “They ask me: “Will this time come soon? » No, not soon. Assyria has not fallen yet! Syria will collapse at the feet of the winner, but the winner will not be the same!” After this, according to the fortuneteller, a renewal will begin in Russia, which will spread throughout the world.

Vanga was not talking about Syria, but about Assyria - an ancient state in the Northern Mesopotamia, on the territory of modern Iraq. Assyria lay north of Babylonia along the upper Tigris and the basins of the Greater Zab and Lesser Zab rivers; in our time, its borders would be the borders of Iran in the east, Turkey in the north and Syria in the west. Overall, modern Iraq north of the Euphrates includes much of the ancient territory of Babylonia and Assyria. Now most of this territory has been captured by ISIS.

If you believe the words of the seer, then the Third World War will begin with the fall of Syria and spread to Europe; in 2016, Europe will be empty and cold. Now it’s 2015 and we see how the Syrian people are fleeing to Europe in an endless stream, but the people of the country, in part, are the country. That is, what is essentially happening is the fall of Syria, at the feet of the winner. Syria will collapse at the feet of the winner, but the winner will not be the same, Vanga’s words. In this situation, Europe is partly the winner, because they helped the United States bomb Syria, of course they are not exactly winners, only partly, but they can still be considered as winners in this confrontation, Europe achieved the results for which it was intended to rock the Middle East. Therefore, the countries of Europe are the winners, and the Syrian people are crumbling at their feet.

But suddenly, on September 30, Russian President Vladimir Putin asked the Federation Council to allow the use of a contingent of the Russian Armed Forces outside the country, at the request of the legitimate government of Syria. Syria fell at the feet of the United States and Europe, but they were never able to completely conquer this country; Russia prevented it.

This is what we get from Vanga’s prediction: Syria will collapse at the feet of the United States and Europe, but Russia will be the winner!

Russia will help destroy ISIS, liberate Syria and Iraq, together with Iran, Hezbollah, Syrians, Iraqis, etc.

We are on the verge of great changes that are happening here and now. Be prepared: the appearance of the Virgin Mary to the American clairvoyant Veronica Luken: “The Mother of God now looks sad. I see she's pointing to what looks like a map. My God! I look at the map. Oh, I see Jerusalem and Egypt, Arabia and French Morocco in Africa. Oh my god! These countries are currently in very deep darkness. My God! The Mother of God says: “The beginning of the Third World War, my child.” Now another card. I see Israel and neighboring countries. They were all burning...

The war is growing, the carnage is intensifying. The living will envy the dead, so great will be the suffering of humanity.” A big war will begin in the future. It will coincide with the war in the Middle East.”

“Syria will be the key to peace or World War III. It will be the destruction of three quarters of the globe. The world is on fire because of the Redemption Ball."

The Redemption Ball is what Veronica Luken calls an unusual comet star that will appear in the sky of our planet in the near future.

Vanga did not say why global changes await humanity after the fall of Syria. But the answer to this question can be found if you look in the Bible. In ancient times, Syria once already became a place that changed the fate of the world: the first ritual murder on Earth took place here. In Damascus, pilgrims are shown the place where Cain, the eldest son of Adam and Eve, killed his brother Abel. It is called the "Cave of First Blood". Local theologians, both Muslim and Christian, provide evidence that the tragedy occurred here:

– Firstly, the crevice resembles a mouth open in a scream with tongue and teeth - the mountain screamed in horror when the atrocity was committed. Secondly, on the stone there is a handprint of the Archangel Gabriel, whom the Lord sent to hold the rock that was about to crush the murderer. God gave the villain a different punishment - for forty years he carried his brother’s body with him everywhere, seeking death, but neither man nor beast dared to touch him. Abel is buried twenty kilometers from Damascus. And now blood is being shed there again. It turns out that the mystical circle of murders that began in Syria back in biblical times has now closed - here again brother went against brother! Many politicians are now saying that humanity is on the verge of a third world war and that the Syrian conflict could be the impetus for it. But the wise Vanga believed in the victory of good. Remember her words that after the fall of Syria a new teaching will come to the world.

Here is Vanga’s prophecy about him: “The day will come when lies will disappear from the face of the Earth, there will be no violence and theft. Wars will stop, the survivors will know the value of life and will protect it. The earth is entering a new period of time, which can be characterized as a time of virtues. This new state of the planet does not depend on us; it comes whether we want it or not. New times will require new thinking, a different consciousness, qualitatively new people, so that the harmony in the Universe is not disturbed.”

God grant that the conflict in Syria becomes the last war on Earth! Will Western countries and the United States have enough intelligence and wisdom to establish peace, or has the energy moment eclipsed their heads? Will they accept obvious defeat in Syria, since Russia has done so much in just half a month that the Westerners have not been able to do in years?
