Do-it-yourself hives from PPS. How to make a beehive from polystyrene foam with your own hands using Finnish technology. Technical aspects of constructing a hive with your own hands from polystyrene foam

It is very difficult to understand all the variety of houses for bees. It is especially difficult for an inexperienced beekeeper: every type of hive, every design, from a log to modern hives, has its pros and cons.

For me on initial stage In beekeeping, this issue also turned out to be one of the primary ones. For myself, I decided to independently make inexpensive and lightweight hives from extruded polystyrene foam (EPS) of the appropriate density.

Advantages of polystyrene foam hives:

  • a light weight;
  • ease of manufacture;
  • maintainability;
  • low cost of material;
  • you do not need to have special skills and tools for woodworking;
  • high thermal insulation.

Bees feel very comfortable in such hives. This is confirmed by excellent spring development, less swarming compared to bee colonies in wooden hives and successful wintering. In Europe, such hives have been produced and actively used for quite a long time.

The microclimate and organization of air exchange in hives made of PPS differ from those that exist in wooden hives. The use of pillows and canvas is not allowed in PPS ulkhs. Instead of canvas, a regular one is used polyethylene film. There should be nothing in the hive that can absorb moisture. Expanded polystyrene itself is non-hygroscopic.

Ventilation all year round, except for the early spring period, is carried out through a mesh bottom and an open lower entrance. An upper entrance is only necessary if a dividing grid is placed between the bodies so that bees loaded with nectar and pollen do not experience difficulties in overcoming it.

In early spring, immediately after the exhibition of hives from the winter hut or after the bees have flown around, if the winter hut was in the wild, the mesh bottom should be closed with a plug. This is necessary for maximum concentration of heat inside the hive, so that it is easier for a bee colony weakened after winter to heat the brood and successfully as soon as possible prepare a shift of wintering bees. When the threat of returning cold passes, the plug in the mesh bottom must be removed.

There is no need to insulate the hive and nest with anything, because polystyrene foam itself is very warm material. It is better to make diaphragms from the same material. PPS hives are much lighter than wooden hives, so it is advisable to weigh them down further. When wintering in the wild, you should take care to protect the hives from birds. The low density of the material obliges the beekeeper to be careful when working with the hive.

Spring cleaning and disinfection of hives made of PPS is limited to washing inner surface hot water, followed by treatment with an alcoholic infusion of propolis, a weak solution of caustic soda or special means for cleaning polystyrene foam hives. Expanded polystyrene cannot be burned.

To make a hive from PPS you will need:

  • ruler, pen;
  • stationery knife;
  • polystyrene foam adhesive;
  • slabs of extruded polystyrene foam of appropriate density with a thickness of 50 and 30 mm;
  • screws, screwdriver;
  • mesh for bottom ventilation with a mesh size of no more than 3.5 mm;
  • plastic corners 15x15 mm for gluing into folds under frame hangers.

We mark the sheets using a ruler and pen. Using a knife along a ruler at right angles to the plane of the slab, we cut through the PPS sheet. Then we apply glue to both surfaces to be glued, press them together and fasten them with self-tapping screws every 10-12 cm, recessing the caps by 0.5-1 cm. Self-tapping screws are needed only at the gluing stage, then the structure is held in place by the glue.

It must be remembered that making a hive requires maximum precision. Even a small gap between the two walls of the body allows light to penetrate inside, and the bees immediately make an additional entrance here. Rebates for frames are cut out in the front and back walls and plastic corners are glued in.

My hive consists of buildings with 12 Dadan frames each, a detachable bottom with a ventilation mesh and a lid. All elements of the hive are interchangeable, which makes work easier and faster. The walls and bottom elements are made of extruded polystyrene foam 50 mm thick. This material is very warm and light. A wall thickness of 50 mm is enough to provide everyone necessary conditions. Cover made of polystyrene foam - 30 mm.

The bodies are connected through a “skirt”. This connection ensures stability, reduces the likelihood of light and air penetration between the housings, and also ensures easy separation of the housings from each other. There is no need to use a chisel when separating. I don’t use seam connections because of problems with removing the housings when the socket is strongly polarized, and the fragility of the seams themselves. A strip of polystyrene foam 20 mm thick is suitable as a taphole barrier. The width of the entrance is adjusted depending on the strength of the bee colony and external conditions.

Thus, a polystyrene foam hive can be easily and cheaply made even in the kitchen. This option is especially relevant for novice beekeepers.


Almost every beekeeper strives to improve his beekeeping. He chooses new evidence for them to live on. They are studying what material can be used to make beehives with their own hands. One of these materials is polystyrene foam. It is quite lightweight and has thermal conductivity properties.

Such material has been used for a long time, but not everyone risks turning it into evidence on their own. All because there is not enough knowledge. To do this, you need to read special literature and watch the video.

However, there are those who prefer to house families in wooden evidence, considering them more reliable. But each material has its own disadvantages and advantages. In this article we will try to understand them regarding polystyrene foam. We’ll also see how to make evidence with your own hands.

Advantages of polystyrene foam hives

This material is often used to build houses; they turn out to be quiet and durable, and, not least important, clean. What are the advantages of polystyrene foam hives:

  • The cases can be identical, which allows them to be easily swapped.
  • Beehives made of polystyrene foam have no allowances.
  • The material is quite resistant to moisture and is not susceptible to problems such as cracking, splits, knots and snags. Such damage can interfere with the normal functioning of bees.
  • They are durable and easy to use.
  • Very easy to understand.
  • Reliably protects families from various adverse weather conditions.
  • It does not succumb to rotting processes, which allows you to maintain the required climate in evidence. It is distinguished by its thermal conductivity.
  • Easily repaired if damaged.
  • Is economical.

Working with polystyrene foam is very simple; all parts of evidence made from this material are replaceable.

An undoubted advantage is the fact that hives can be easily made from this material with your own hands. Simple drawings are available.

What is the feature

The sides of the body have smooth surface. Attracts handsome White color. Such hives do not need additional insulation, for example, pillows.

Most beekeepers recommend using polystyrene foam evidence specifically for summer period when there is active pollen collection. The entrance in such a hive is quite wide open, which allows air to penetrate inside. In this case, the bees do not feel hot, and they breathe freely in any opening.

During winter period, or in a humid climate, special bottoms are created that help set up taphole barriers.

The current apiary does not use various rags, cotton wool or small hand-made blocks to reduce the entrances. They are not practical and difficult to use.

What are the disadvantages of polystyrene foam hives?

In addition to a wide range of advantages polystyrene foam hives have a number of disadvantages:

  • The folded housings are not strong enough inside.
  • The body is difficult to clean from propolis residues.
  • Contraindicated blowtorch, which significantly complicates disinfection, unlike wooden hives.
  • For disinfection it is necessary to use products with chemical composition, which can harm the bee family and damage the hive itself. Therefore, few beekeepers resort to alkaline agents, for example, ash from sunflower tops.
  • The material does not have the property of absorbing water, for this reason it accumulates at the bottom of the evidence.

It is not yet fully understood, but bees kept in a polystyrene hive become more voracious. A strong family in a new home will need about 25 kg of honey. This behavior can be prevented through ventilation. Due to this, the humidity decreases and the nesting temperature drops, the bees stop worrying and eat large amounts of food.

  • Due to the fact that there is no way to regulate the entrance, thieves, for example, small rodents, can get to the bees. also in cold period the microclimate is disrupted.

How to choose material for building a hive

To make a hive with your own hands, you should acquire the following tools and materials:

  • A simple pencil (you can use felt-tip pens).
  • Self-tapping screws (15 cm and 17 cm).
  • PVA glue.
  • Small stationery knife.
  • Screwdriver Set.
  • Ruler, 1 m long.

If the bee family heavily soils the nests with propolis, then you need to buy the necessary corners. They are made of plastic and are used in finishing work.

Due to the fragility of polystyrene foam, all manipulations must be carried out very carefully. Making a hive with your own hands is not hard work, the main thing is that all equipment and materials are at hand.

During manufacture, an appropriate mesh is placed at the bottom of the evidence, which will provide ventilation. The main rule is its strength. The cells in the grid fluctuate around 3.5 mm. Aluminum mesh, which is used for tuning vehicles, is perfect for this purpose.

Technical aspects of constructing a hive with your own hands from polystyrene foam

Before making evidence from polystyrene foam, a drawing is made with clear markings.

The surface of the material is carefully lubricated with glue. After which the parts are thoroughly compressed. Fastening is carried out using self-tapping screws. Don't forget to indent 10 cm.

In fact, making a hive with your own hands is quite simple. In this case, you must strictly follow the dimensions of the drawing. Everything should be measured very clearly, taking into account the straightness and flatness of the corners. If even a tiny gap appears between the case walls, this will lead to light entering there. Having noticed it, the bees will actively gnaw through the gap, and thus a new entrance will appear. Therefore, everything needs to be very accurately measured, cut and fastened.

How to make a hive can be seen in the video:

Or on video.

Scheme. Polystyrene foam hive

Also, you need to take a closer look at the drawings, which are drawn out in detail, indicating the dimensions. They should definitely be studied and taken into account when building a polystyrene foam hive.

You can see what hives made of polystyrene foam look like in the video.

How do bees live in a polystyrene hive?

A unique feature is that it is in the polystyrene foam that bees swarm less.

Those beekeepers who are all for environmentally friendly materials believe that bees are more comfortable living in a wooden cage. But in fact, this is a fallacy.

Expanded polystyrene can be safely considered a worthy replacement for wood. The material can solve many of the problems that one has to face when having hives made of wood. Bees, especially honey bees, very easily adapt to a house made of such material, and I feel even better in some ways, this is expressed in:

  • Bees leave polystyrene foam hives less often than wooden ones and swarm less.
  • In polystyrene foam hives, bees developed more quickly, and this, in turn, indicates that they are stronger during the period of active honey collection.
  • Due to the high thermal insulation of the material, the climate inside remains stable, which is why the volume of the brood nest increases. In a hive made of polystyrene foam, the queen behaves actively and begins to work earlier. Work is carried out from the last frame, and not from the usual middle of the nest. The result of such work is usually better than that of others.
  • A bee colony lives wonderfully in a polystyrene foam hive during the hot summer season, as it is well ventilated. Fresh air reaches the bees.

Bees in such a hive become more active, so they will need more feeding.

How to transplant bees from a wooden hive to a polystyrene foam hive can be seen in the video.

Winter period in polystyrene foam hives. Can they be transported?

Evidence that was made from polystyrene foam is quite easily transported to places where a lot of bribes can be received. But a significant disadvantage is the difficulty of fastening. For such purposes, special belts are purchased. To avoid wind shifting, ordinary bricks are used as pressure. With them the body is more stable.

For wintering, it is recommended to leave polystyrene foam hives outside. Because the spring flight will begin quite early. In such houses, the bees quickly gain strength, and I collect the amount of honey they need. For insulation you will not need various insulation materials and pillows. The video describes wintering in such hives.

What beekeepers say about polystyrene foam hives

At this time, most beekeepers have very mixed opinions about polystyrene foam hives.

Many people think that it is very difficult to make, since the foam tends to crumble. When cleaning the housings, polystyrene foam is subjected to destruction, crumbling into grains. At the same time, the products begin to lose their healing qualities.

Also, hives made of such material can be worn out quickly. Then the gaps must be closed with propolis. In addition, polystyrene foam is attractive to various small rodents, who chew it with pleasure and easily seep into the bee house. You can convince yourself whether bees gnaw such hives by watching the video.

You can’t do without a net on the bottom, otherwise the sunbed will become damp and covered with mold. Food in such a hive quickly deteriorates, which is destructive for the bees.

TO positive feedback This can be attributed to the fact that the polystyrene foam hive holds the temperature well and is stable.

Evidence made from such material is fragile and must be constantly monitored in case of shock.

Beekeepers who prefer everything natural believe that a wooden hive is best suited for keeping bees. After all, they are accustomed to living and developing in tree hollows. This material is quite durable and is better suited for collecting honey.

There have also been complaints about light leaking into the polystyrene foam hive. It cannot be painted, as the material is hypersensitive to solvents. It was also discovered that the small moth manages to make a move, but there is no way to disinfect it with a burner.

Many beekeepers insist that evidence made from polystyrene foam is warm and moisture-resistant. Others, on the contrary, insist on excessive dampness and mold.

Judging by the reviews, the conclusion suggests itself that making beehives from polystyrene foam should be done very carefully, strictly follow the drawings and take into account any nuances. If you do not adhere to them, in the near future there will be unpleasant consequences. The location of the apiary of such hives and climatic conditions also matter.

For example, in Europe hives made of polystyrene foam are highly valued. Beekeepers insist on their strength, since the material is quite dense in nature. There they completely abandoned wooden hives, and for a long time. Europeans believe that they have a lot of shortcomings.

Dear visitors to the site “Visiting Samodelkin”, from the master class presented by the author, you will learn how you can independently make a PPSh (Shpagin submachine gun) from wood.

This machine gun was created for the author’s son, who was 6 years old. The guy has a natural and healthy desire for small arms, mainly liking weapons from the Great Period. Patriotic War. Having seen the PPSh at the parade, I was eager to get one))

Well, it’s the father’s duty to find a toy machine at all costs; in toy stores the prices are usually inflated, and the quality leaves much to be desired. It was decided to make a submachine gun yourself from wood; they had been lying on the balcony for about 10 years already 2 furniture panels from the Christmas tree, they became the starting material.

I found a ready-made sketch on the Internet, downloaded it, redrew it and transferred the drawing onto 2 furniture panels pre-glued together. I glued the boards with wood glue and clamped them with clamps, the thickness of one plate is 18 mm, in the process it turned out that they were not very even, maybe from time to time, in general it was difficult to glue and pull together.

I also wanted the machine gun to be very similar and detailed, so detachable magazines, a trigger, a front sight, a bolt, swivels, a sight, and a butt plate were added.

So, let's look at what exactly is required to make a submachine gun?


1. furniture board 2 pcs (spruce) 18 mm
2. wood glue
3. latch
4. butt plate from a real 19th century gun (you can use a simple brass plate)
5. paint, varnish, primer
6. 3-4mm aluminum plate
7. swivels


1. jigsaw
2. drill
3. router
4. file
5. chisel
6. screwdriver
7. sandpaper
8. paint-remote
9. clamps
10. brush
11. spray booth or box
12. ruler

Step-by-step instructions for making PPSh from wood with your own hands.

First, you should familiarize yourself with the history of the creation of the machine itself, by whom and when was it developed?
A little historical background. The PPSh, also known as the Shpagin submachine gun, was developed in 1940 by gunsmith designer G.S. Shpagin. Adopted by the Red Army on December 21, 1940. The cartridge is 7.62x25 TT, the drum magazine capacity is 71 rounds, the rate of fire is 1000 rounds per minute. Is one of the main symbols of victory Soviet Union in the Second World War. It was in service until 1960, then it was replaced by the AK-47. In some CIS countries, it is still in service with police and security forces to this day.

In our case, the machine will be a toy, but as close as possible to the original appearance) The main material is 2 furniture panels 18 mm thick, the author took spruce, but according to him it is better to take harder wood, because spruce is soft and brittle, in the process I had to glue the broken pieces back many times.

We take the shield, coat it with wood glue, then cover it with a second shield on top and tighten it with clamps; again, the author recommends using metal clamps, because plastic ones are too weak if the surfaces are uneven.

Afterwards, you need to let the glue dry for at least a day (24 hours). Next, the author, based on a drawing from the Internet, drew a contour on the workpiece and cut it out using a jigsaw.

This is exactly what happened in the end.

We chamfer, round and grind sandpaper.

Holes are milled air cooling submachine gun barrel.

A semicircle is sharpened with a file.

Use a chisel to select wood for the swivel.

Preparation metal blanks for subsequent painting, except for the backplate, because it is from a real 19th century gun.

Suspended in paint booth and covered with soil.

Painted, now you need to give the parts time to dry.

From metal plate a lever is cut out to attach the disc magazine of a submachine gun, and on the disc itself the attachment point is reinforced with a plate with a hole.

After which a groove is drilled for installing the lever.

The grooves for the bracket and trigger are also drilled.

And here is the actual result painstaking work masters

As you can see, if you wish, you can make a cool toy for your child from wood with your own hands, and the most important thing is that the boy will hold in his hands the symbol of the Victory of his Heroic Soviet people over the World Evil. A true patriot of his Fatherland and a defender of the Motherland is growing up.

Dear Fathers! Do it for the children wooden Toys with patriotic overtones! You have a sample, so let’s take it and do it. Take heart, friends. I have the honor!

This concludes the article. Everyone Thanks a lot for your attention!
Come visit often and don't miss out on new items in the world of homemade products!

Beekeeping is one of the most popular agricultural activities. In our country, there is a rather negative attitude towards any innovations in this area. Hives made of polystyrene foam fall into precisely this mood - professional beekeepers do not like them at all. We can safely say that such bee houses are welcome only to people who are capable of experimenting and who easily accept everything new.

DIY polystyrene foam hives

Of course, there is nothing that we could do better quality wood. Naturally, such materials are an order of magnitude more expensive than their artificial substitutes, which are polystyrene foam or polystyrene. But only if you built a hive with your own hands from polystyrene foam.

Polystyrene foam hive

In polystyrene production, slabs are made using extrusion technology. In special chambers, work is carried out to straighten plastic granules, from which, as a result, closed-cell masses are obtained, bonded at the molecular level. Heat in the plates is maintained by oxygen or gas that remains in the cells.

Important! Ready polystyrene foam board is a fairly durable building material.

Polystyrene foam hive: advantages and disadvantages

There are several types of this material, some of them are used in construction highways and other road objects. The main advantages of such hives are:

  • durability during use;
  • environmental safety, since this material does not emit harmful substances and toxins;
  • resistance to fungal and putrefactive formations;
  • A polystyrene foam hive is completely uninteresting for mice and rats.

And while making a hive from penolex, it is worth remembering the disadvantages of this material.

It's too light. Houses made from this material can be knocked down by a strong gust of wind, even if it is fully loaded. Structures consisting of several levels are especially unstable. That is why, when installing the hives, it is necessary to secure them with bricks or other heavy elements.

No matter how much this material is advertised, saying that it “breathes” and allows air to pass through perfectly, in reality everything is completely different. You just need to remember that these materials cause excessive moisture when insulating walls in residential premises.

Houses made from this material can be knocked down by a strong gust of wind.

This is why penoplex hives accumulate huge amounts of condensation. To protect yourself from it during manufacturing, you need to take care of special holes adapted for ventilation. If necessary, they can be plugged with plugs. A polystyrene foam hive requires close attention from the beekeeper, since only through his oversight can mold or mildew appear on the frames.

Manufacturing technology

To make foam plastic hives, in addition to the material itself, you will also need knowledge of a number of different devices:

  • glue or liquid nails suitable for working with this material;
  • a mesh that will serve to cover the ventilation holes;
  • pen or felt-tip pen;
  • a stationery knife and wood screws, the length of which must be at least 7 cm;
  • roulette;
  • sandpaper;
  • screwdriver or Phillips screwdriver.

In order to rationally use the prepared materials, it is necessary to make a drawing of the future hive.

Preparing the necessary parts

For the walls of the house, it is necessary to prepare polystyrene foam, the thickness of which is 0.5 cm. It is this type of material that is sufficiently light and dense.

Important! Before you start making beehives from PPS, you need to make a preliminary drawing of them with exact dimensions.

It should be noted that bee houses consist of several parts: roof, walls and bottom.

The dimensions that were included in the drawing must be transferred to the PPS slabs, but with a small margin. And then the cutouts stationery knife while helping with a ruler. It is worth remembering that there should be no gap between the parts, or they should be minimal. This requires extraordinary precision. After all, if the bees see an opening, they will gnaw an additional entrance in it.

Assembly Rules

After everything necessary details cut out, they must be sanded with sandpaper. This will give them extra smoothness. Only after everyone preparatory work You can apply folds to the walls of the future bee house, which will serve as a support for installing frames.

Needs to be sanded with sandpaper

The hive must be assembled taking into account the following sequence:

  • coat the edges of each piece with glue;
  • connect and fix the joints of the parts;
  • Remove any remaining glue before it dries.

In order to make the hive more durable, it is necessary to additionally connect the parts using self-tapping screws. The distance between them should be 12-15 cm. And the depth of screwing should not exceed 4-5 cm.

Using the same stationery knife in the front and back wall At home, small recesses are made into which handles made of the same material as the structure itself are screwed.

Complete drying of the structure occurs within 24 hours. If it's dry and sunny outside, you can leave it under open air. But to improve the fastening, tighten it with belts or special cords, and to prevent the structure from falling, you can put several bricks or stones on its roof.

The last stage of work

After complete drying, it is necessary to grind all the ends of the parts using sandpaper, but it is worth remembering that you cannot press on it. If there are still small gaps between the parts, they must be closed using ordinary polyurethane foam. And only after that proceed to the final stage of work:

  1. fix the corners on the walls in the places of the recesses;
  2. insert the finished frames inside;
  3. it is necessary to insert a mesh into the bottom of the hive, which will provide air access; for this you can use an aluminum bumper mesh;
  4. install a cover on the structure, but at the same time carefully ensure that it does not overweight it;
  5. in order to increase the service life of the hive, its outer part needs to be painted water-based paint.

How to build a 6 frame hive from PPS

The first thing you need to start building a six-frame house for bees is to prepare all the consumables. What materials and tools will be needed are described above.

6 frame hive made of pps

The operating principle is also practically the same. The only thing is the number of folds for frames.

After everything necessary has been prepared, it is necessary to begin making a drawing, in which all the necessary dimensions must be included. The dimensions of the future hive depend on the number of frames.

As you can see, making a bee house does not require special knowledge and skills. Even a schoolchild can build it. You just need to correctly calculate the dimensions and make a drawing.

  • 1. Benefits
  • 2. Required Tools and materials
  • 3. Preparation of parts
  • 4. Assembly
  • 5. Final work
  • 6. Features of use

It is believed that best conditions for keeping bees can only be created in wooden hives, since they are closest to natural environment insect habitat. But some beekeepers are sure that there are alternative options, each of which has its own advantages.

One of these materials is polystyrene foam; it successfully solves some beekeeping problems that arise when bees are kept in wooden structures. At the same time, insects adapt well to such hives, sometimes even faster than to ordinary ones. In order to make a hive from polystyrene foam with your own hands, you do not need a lot of time, special tools and skills, as well as significant financial investments.


Expanded polystyrene (PSB-S) is an economical, convenient, environmentally friendly pure material. It has low vapor permeability and thermal conductivity. During operation, foam does not emit toxic substances, is durable, is not food for rodents and is not a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi. Due to its breathability, polystyrene foam allows hives to be well ventilated.

The advantages of this material include the following qualities:

  • Unlike wooden structures, polystyrene foam hives do not have voids;
  • such bee houses are protected from cold in winter, and from overheating in summer;
  • quickly assembled and dismantled, compartments are easy to repair;
  • expanded polystyrene does not rot or mold due to its inorganic composition;
  • bees fly away less from such hives and swarm less often;
  • insect activity increases significantly;
  • the material helps maintain an optimal microclimate inside the hive. In this regard, the uterus begins its activity earlier, and the family develops faster;
  • in summer the nests are well ventilated;
  • hives made of polystyrene foam are lightweight and mobile.

Disadvantages of the material:

  • expanded polystyrene repels moisture, and it flows to the bottom of the hive;
  • expanded polystyrene is much less durable than wood;
  • The slabs have a fixed size, so most often there are a lot of leftovers. In this regard, polystyrene foam hives need to be carefully thought out;
  • at the joints, insects can gnaw the material, therefore it is necessary to fit the parts more tightly so that light does not enter the hive;
  • Cleaning structures from propolis is quite difficult and is only possible with the help of chemicals. Its further use for economic purposes is excluded, since propolis is removed with pieces of foam;
  • The hives are very light; during strong winds they need to be strengthened with bricks.

Required tools and materials

In order to make a beehive from polystyrene foam with your own hands, you will need not only some skills, but also:

  1. Special glue or liquid nails.
  2. Expanded polystyrene boards.
  3. Mesh for ventilation.
  4. Marker or pencil.
  5. Sheets of paper for drawings.
  6. A stationery knife and self-tapping screws 7 and 5 cm long.
  7. Ruler (at least 100 cm).
  8. Sandpaper.
  9. Screwdriver.
  10. Corners 1.5*1.5. They are glued in if the bees generously lubricate the walls with propolis so that the material does not crumble when removing the frames.

If you want to use consumables As economically as possible, it is better to make the correct drawings. At the slabs standard size 1.2 by 0.6, but you should take it with a small margin, since not everything always works out the first time.

Preparing parts

The walls of the hives are made of material 50 mm thick. This expanded polystyrene has sufficient strength and lightness. Before starting work, we recommend making your own drawings.

Polystyrene foam hives consist of several elements: a cover, a base and a body. We attach drawings with their dimensions below.

The resulting markings are transferred to the material with a small margin and cut out using a stationery knife and ruler. To minimize gaps, extreme precision must be observed, since the penetration of light leads to the bees gnawing holes in these places, forming an additional entrance.

Making a beehive from polystyrene foam. Part 1


The cut parts must be made smooth and even, for this purpose sandpaper is used. After that, folds are applied to the walls, with their help frames will be installed.

Polystyrene foam hives are assembled in the following sequence:

  1. The edges of the workpieces are lubricated with glue.
  2. The joints of the parts are connected and fixed.
  3. Remove drips before they harden.
  4. To improve strength, the parts are additionally connected using self-tapping screws, placing them at a distance of approximately 12 cm. Screwed in to a depth of no more than 5 mm.
  5. Using a knife, make indentations on the back and front walls of the product, and then glue handles from pieces of foam foam of a suitable size into them.
  6. The structure should dry out within 24 hours. In dry weather, such hives can be left in the yard, tied with straps and weighted down the top of the polystyrene foam building with bricks.

Making a beehive from polystyrene foam. Part 2

Final works

After 24 hours, you should grind the hive walls with sandpaper using pendulum-like movements, without excessive pressure. If gaps remain as a result, eliminate them with polyurethane foam.

After this, the final work begins:

  • strips or corners are fixed to the recesses in the walls;
  • Waxed frames are installed inside the body;
  • A ventilation mesh is inserted into the bottom. It should be selected according to two parameters: cell size (up to 3.5 mm) and strength. Can use aluminum mesh for car bumper with required size cells;
  • a lid is placed; leftover polystyrene foam can be used for it, metallic profile or plywood. In this case, the lid should not outweigh the structure;
  • The outer part of the hive should be coated with water-based paint. It is non-toxic, does not destroy the material and will help to significantly extend the life of such a house for bees.

Making a beehive from polystyrene foam. Part 3

Features of use

In hives made from polystyrene foam, film is used instead of the usual canvas. And thermoregulation occurs somewhat differently than in wooden houses, the elements of which absorb moisture.

In summer, the structure is ventilated through an open entrance and holes in the bottom. The need for an upper entrance does not arise if dividing grids are not used, but with the start of honey harvest it will be needed, because it will be difficult for bees to penetrate through the grid with a heavy load. The upper tap hole can be made directly at the point with a stationery knife, it is better to give the hole square shape size 30 by 30 mm.

To save heat in the hive, in the spring the hole in the bottom is retracted, the entrance at this time is slightly open by 2-5 cm. winter time the entrance is covered and the bottom is open. A film is placed over the frames, preventing the penetration of cold air from above and the formation of a draft. Moisture formed from the bees' breathing collects on the walls and film, and then the condensation flows into the entrance and the lower hole. The walls of the structure do not absorb moisture, which is a clear advantage over wooden structures.

Polystyrene foam hives can be easily transported to the right places, but they must be secured with special belts. Bricks can be placed on top of them to prevent them from being toppled over by the wind. For the winter, it is better not to insulate polystyrene foam hives and not to cover them with pillows. Wintering should take place outdoors.
