Orchid care: how to water the plant. How to water an orchid at home correctly. Is it possible to water orchids like ordinary flowers?

Nowadays a large number of phalaenopsis orchids are sold, these unpretentious beautiful flowers Many people buy it as a gift or to decorate their home. In order to phalaenopsis orchid long years colors at home you need to know the features of caring for this flower, and the main factor in the development and flowering of any plant is proper watering .

Water is the basis of life for all plants, proper watering indoor flowers at home it should be individual for each type of plant, according to need. Phalaenopsis orchid is tropical plant and many people think that this flower requires a lot of moisture, this main mistake beginning flower growers. Phalaenopsis tolerates short-term drying out better than a constantly moist substrate that does not dry out, in which the thick cord-like roots of the orchid quickly rot and die.

Phalaenopsis orchid- the plant is an epiphyte, in tropical forests it grows on trees, in the forks of branches, on snags and stumps, therefore the thick cord-like roots of the plant are in moss, plant debris or hang freely in the air, they are constantly blown, and receive moisture and nutrients after periodic rains and from a constantly humid atmosphere. In ordinary soil, orchid roots are not adapted to develop; they quickly rot, not receiving enough air, since they do not dry out for a long time after watering. Phalaenopsis orchids require a special substrate for planting, consisting of 1-2 cm pieces of pine bark, pieces of charcoal and sphagnum moss.

Healthy phalaenopsis orchid roots light green in color, covered with a silvery coating, in them, as in the leaves, the process of photosynthesis occurs in the light; those roots that do not receive light are colored white or light yellow. When overmoistened, the roots of the orchid are affected by putrefactive bacteria, and brown spots, which grow into large brown areas, resulting in the death and drying out of an entire branch of roots. Orchid roots affected by rot cannot provide the plant with moisture and nutrients, the orchid stops developing and may die. Prevention of rotting of orchid roots is to dry the substrate between waterings.

Prolonged overdrying of the substrate leads to weakening of the plant. If there is a lack of moisture, orchid buds may turn yellow and fall off without ever opening into flowers. lower leaves Signs of drying out appear and veins begin to appear sharply.

When should you water an orchid?

The appearance of the roots and substrate will tell you this. It is recommended to grow phalaenopsis orchids in transparent plastic pots so that the roots participate in the process of photosynthesis; through such pots it is easy to monitor the condition of the plant’s root system, substrate and determine when it is time to water the orchid. Having dried, the orchid’s roots acquire a silvery coating, droplets of water disappear on the walls of the pot, pieces of bark turn light brown, which means it’s time to water the orchid. If the roots of the phalaenopsis are bright green, there are droplets of water on the walls of the pot, and the pieces of bark are dark, then it is too early to water the orchid.

The period between waterings largely depends on the temperature of the plant and air humidity. The phalaenopsis orchid is thermophilic and develops well at temperatures from +20 to +25 degrees. A natural stimulation of orchid flowering will be a temperature difference between day and night. Usually at the end of summer, when the temperature rises during the day and drops to +18 degrees at night, at this time watering the flower should be moderate, only after the substrate has completely dried. A month after this maintenance regime, the orchid will definitely produce flower stalks. In winter, in cool conditions, the risk of root rot increases; during this period, the orchid is watered less often than when kept warm. Usually in summer you have to water phalaenopsis every 3-4 days, and in winter once a week.

Water for watering orchids.

In addition to following the rules of watering the phalaenopsis orchid as needed, it is important to use quality water for watering. Since in nature phalaenopsis orchids are moistened by tropical rains, the plants are accustomed to receiving soft clean water low in salt, so tap water from a tap is not suitable for watering orchids. If you water an orchid with tap water, then it will soon appear on the walls of the pot, on the roots and on the substrate. white coating from salts. In a saline substrate, orchid roots easily become sick and develop poorly. In order to soften the water for irrigation, it is first boiled or allowed to settle for two days.

To water orchids, the water should be higher room temperature by 2-4 degrees. Warm water gives impetus to the growth and development of leaves, peduncles, buds, and the opening of flowers. When watering cold water on the contrary, the orchid experiences stress, which will result in yellowing and falling off of the formed buds, premature decline flowers, stopping the growth of peduncles and leaves. Watering with cold water increases the risk of orchid root rot.

Feeding orchids carried out simultaneously with watering. Flowers need additional nutrition during the period of growth of leaves, peduncles and formation of buds, but as soon as the first flower on the peduncle opens, they stop feeding the orchids, since excess nutrients lead to rapid withering of the opened orchid flowers.

Phalaenopsis is fed with special fertilizers for orchids; they contain an optimal balance and all the necessary nutrients. Conventional fertilizers for indoor flowers contain more nutrients, but since orchids are unique flowers that grow on trees and are accustomed to minimal doses of minerals, their excess when grown at home will only cause harm to the plants. Fertilizer for orchids is diluted in water for irrigation according to the instructions and flowers are watered with this solution no more than once or twice a week, during the above periods of plant development. During the dormant period after flowering, orchids should not be watered with fertilizer.

How to water phalaenopsis?

Having answered the important questions of when to water phalaenopsis and with what water, all that remains is to study how to properly water this orchid. Watering method is very important for this exotic houseplant with beautiful flowers.

Phalaenopsis orchids at home grown in a well-breathable substrate consisting of pieces of pine bark. During normal watering, water quickly passes through pieces of bark and drains through drainage holes without saturating the roots of the plant with water, so phalaenopsis needs to be watered by immersing the pot in water for 15-20 minutes. To do this, take a small container, slightly larger than the diameter of the pot, place the pot with the orchid in it and pour the prepared water for irrigation using a watering can until the water reaches the top level of the substrate. After standing in the water, the pieces of bark will become saturated with moisture, after which they will gradually release it to the roots. After the time has passed, the pot is removed from the container with water and left in the sink or bathtub until all the water has poured out of the pot through the drainage holes, after which the flower is returned to its original place. The procedure for watering a phalaenopsis orchid takes 15-20 minutes, but since watering the flower is carried out once or twice a week, it does not cause trouble for the owners.

It is useful for orchids to give a warm shower, pouring over the leaves from above; they are cleansed of dust, dirt and acquire a healthy glow. After showering, it is important to remove accumulated water from the center of the leaves and in the axils by blotting the moisture with a napkin. Remaining water on the plant can cause the stem or growing point to rot.

Video of watering phalaenopsis orchids:


Every lover indoor plants dreams of adding to his home collection blooming orchid However, as practice shows, few people know how to water an orchid in order to prevent rotting of the root system. After all, overwatering is much more dangerous for this plant than drought. You should be careful and follow individual rules for caring for a capricious flower.

Many people mistakenly believe that other indoor plants are necessary after upper layer the soil will become completely dry. However, this indicator can be deceiving, because the soil inside the pot may still remain moist. It is much more convenient to determine this when growing an orchid in a transparent pot. A signal of excess moisture and sufficient soil moisture will be the accumulation of condensation, small droplets of liquid on the walls of a pot made of transparent glass or plastic. In this case, it is too early to water the plant. Also take a closer look at appearance root system. If the roots are bright green tint, then you shouldn’t water the orchid. When the roots lighten, you can start moisturizing.

Watering orchids

Owners of orchids with opaque containers are better off using other signs. Take a wooden skewer, push it into the soil to the very bottom and leave for 10-20 minutes. If after this time the stick remains completely dry, then it’s time to water the orchid. You can also determine the degree of saturation of the soil with moisture by checking the weight of the pot. Of course, at first it will be difficult to do this, but over time you will learn to grasp this moment.

The main thing to remember is that orchids are epiphytes, that is, plants that grow in natural environment on trees and other plant crops that do not require large amounts of moisture. A constant flow is more important to them fresh air to the root system. Therefore, choose comfortable and spacious pots for such plants. But you shouldn’t “torment” the plant for too long from lack of water. This may result in slower growth and flowering.

Water for irrigation should not be cold. A liquid with a temperature of 18-25 degrees is considered optimal. It is also good to saturate the water with oxygen first. To do this, just pour it in a thin stream from one container to another. Water for orchids is a source of nutrition and self-regulation. If we consider the vital activity of this flower in its natural habitat, then it receives its life-giving moisture thanks to heavy tropical rains. To create similar conditions for an orchid at home, many indoor plant lovers use rainwater. However, taking into account harmful emissions in cities and radiation, such a method of care cannot be called high-quality. Such water vaguely resembles tropical water and can cause even more harm to your plant.

Peat for water purification

For successful growth flower, the pH level of the water plays an important role. A pH level of 5 is considered optimal for orchids and can be determined using special indicators. If the water hardness is high, then it must be reduced. We do this by adding a few drops to the water for irrigation. lemon juice or oxalic acid at the rate of 2 g of substance per 5 liters of liquid. The second component can be purchased at any home flower care store. Preliminary settling of the water also helps, due to which excess chlorine is removed. A bag of peat - no less effective remedy. It is enough to immerse it in water overnight, and after a day you can use softened water for irrigation. As for the use of distilled water, it is better to combine it with ordinary settled water, since such a liquid is completely devoid of oxygen and salts.

Irrigation by sprinkling is very similar to natural irrigation of a flower. A shower head is ideal for this. If there are different water spray modes, select the " tropical rain", which is present in most modern watering cans. We perform irrigation of orchids warm water, avoiding moisture on the flowers. We wait until the substrate is saturated and leave the flower in the bath for 10-15 minutes to drain off excess liquid. After an hour (no later), wipe off any remaining moisture on the leaves with a soft cloth, focusing Special attention sinuses and core. Otherwise, the socket may rot and endanger further development orchids. If we find white stains on the leaves, wipe the leaf blades with a health cocktail based on beer and lemon juice mixed in equal proportions.

One of the methods of watering orchids

The second commonly used watering method is to completely immerse the flower pot in water. Prepare a basin or convenient bucket, pour the required amount of water at room temperature into it and place the orchid in the pot inside for no more than 20-30 minutes. After this time, take out the pot with the flower and leave it alone for 10-15 minutes to allow the excess liquid to drain.

The simplest method of moisturizing is watering from a watering can. We pour water in a thin stream over the entire top layer of soil, avoiding moisture getting on the growing point and axils of the leaves. Required amount We control moisture through the drainage holes in the pot. When liquid begins to flow out of them, stop watering. After about 2-3 minutes, the procedure can be repeated and drain the excess water from the pan. It is best to water the orchid in the morning. For orchids growing on blocks without substrate the best option for supporting optimal level moisture will be sprayed on the roots. This procedure will have to be carried out more often than watering orchids in pots, since the root system of such flowers dries out much faster. As with regular watering from a watering can, we spray the roots in the first half of the day so that they have time to dry before evening.

When watering orchids planted in a substrate, remember that in the center of the pot the soil dries out much more slowly than at the edges. Therefore, it is better to navigate by the moisture content of the top layer not along the edges of the soil, but in the center. So the probability of over-moistening this indoor flower decreases many times over. As a rule, watering orchids in pots is carried out no more than once a week; you should focus on temperature conditions, degree of illumination and air humidity in the room. If you want to lightly moisten the substrate, water only around the edges of the pot, without touching the core.

Epiphytic orchids

Orchids in baskets are watered more often, as the moisture evaporates faster. The optimal watering will be submersion. Dip the basket with the flower into a container of water for a few minutes, then take it out and let the excess moisture drain.

Epiphytic orchids planted on blocks require periodic moistening of not only the roots, but also the air, which can be easily achieved by spraying a small amount of liquid over the flower with a spray bottle. In this way, the most natural growing conditions are created, which allow the flower to grow normally. After all, in the tropics these flowers receive water not from soil or wood, but from humid air. Orchids are more demanding of frequent and abundant watering. Phragmipedium. But other representatives of this plant ( Vanda, Phalaenopsis, Miltoniopsis, Cymbidium and Vuilstekeara) are less capricious and require moderate watering.

More often, an orchid without a substrate can be seen in long glass flowerpots. When watering, pour water to the base of the orchid, immersing only root system, and leave the plant alone for a few minutes. After this, pour out the liquid completely and wipe the vase dry. If there are particles of moisture left on the bottom or a small amount of liquid, the roots will begin to rot and gradually die. During the dry summer period, such watering is recommended once every 3 days, and in winter time reduce it to once every 5-7 days.


Orchids require much more careful and attentive care than the vast majority of houseplants, and this also applies to their watering. Moreover, violation of the rules of watering these delicate creatures leads to their illness and even death, not to mention the impossibility of flowering. If we talk about an already blooming orchid, then it must be watered, observing the same general rules, but taking into account some nuances characteristic of a given period of development and life.

Regardless of the type of orchid and the current development cycle of this plant, it is watered in several ways. The time of year also does not affect how to water. All methods are effective, and any of them can be chosen. It should be immediately recalled that the roots of this flower are not placed in the soil, like most representatives of fauna grown at home, but in a special planting substrate consisting of components of natural or artificial origin.

Most often, the substrate consists of pieces of trees or is a combined organic composition that includes them. Using a substrate instead of soil, by the way, makes it possible to water an orchid in several ways, and sometimes makes it necessary to use one of them. In addition, the use of a planting substrate has led to a number of nuances in watering an orchid. These features will be discussed in the following chapters.

So, how can you water an orchid:

  • watering the surface of the substrate in a flower pot using a watering can;
  • by immersion;
  • by absorbing water from the tray in which the pot is installed;
  • warm shower.

The first method is the most common. And this is not surprising, because it is used for all other indoor flowers, and therefore is well known, and its application to orchids is only slightly different from the traditional one. Watering orchids with a watering can must be done in a thin stream and along the edge of the pot. Determining when it is time to stop watering is very simple. You should stop as soon as the water seeps through the pot into the tray underneath. There is no need to drain this water. It will be absorbed into the substrate over time, but really excess moisture will evaporate.

Watering orchids from a watering can

The immersion method is also quite simple. Suitable water must be filled into any suitable container. Experienced gardeners usually use tall transparent flowerpots. Then the pot with the flower is lowered into the container. The duration of such watering is approximately 15 minutes. It takes just that long for the substrate to be completely saturated with moisture. It is very important to correctly determine the water level in the container into which the pot with the plant is lowered. It should be such that the pot is immersed almost to the brim, but overwatering should not be allowed, as this leads to the root collar getting wet. Because of this, the stem of the flower may rot. After such watering, the plant must be removed from the container and placed somewhere, for example, in a bathtub, where water will drain from the pot. And only then we return the flower to its place.

Watering by absorbing water from the pan is the simplest, fastest and least labor-intensive method of all of them. You just need to pour water into the trays in which the flowerpots with flowers are installed in a timely manner and in the right quantity. For this method you need to select pallets required height. You should roughly estimate how much water will need to be poured into them during one watering. This can be found out by watering with a watering can.

A warm shower is considered the most effective method providing orchids with moisture. It imitates for this plant natural conditions its natural habitat during tropical rain. To water orchids in this way, use a bathtub. First you need to turn on the water and adjust its pressure (it should not be strong) and temperature - no higher than 40 °C. But the most important thing is that the tap water is soft. Then we put the flower in the bathroom and direct the stream to its leaves and roots. The duration of such watering is 10–15 minutes. At the end of the water procedure, the orchid should immediately remove accumulations of moisture from the axils between the leaves and the stem from which they grow. To do this, blot your sinuses with a soft cloth, napkin or cotton swabs. The flower itself is from bathroom It can be taken out not immediately, but after some time, because after a shower the temperature and humidity there are close to natural for the habitat of this plant. Let the orchid stay in the tropics again for at least a little while.

Spraying is additional way replenishes the orchid with moisture and cannot completely replace any of the above. It is necessary to maintain the level of air humidity around the plant. Indeed, in its natural habitat, an orchid also absorbs moisture from the surrounding space, especially when it is not sufficiently supplied through the roots. Dry air, on the contrary, will contribute to the rapid drying of the root system after watering due to the intense evaporation of moisture through the stems and leaves of the flower.

Watered orchid

You can spray not only the air around the plant, but also its leaves and even the root substrate. Many experienced gardeners even recommend this. When spraying, you must try to prevent water from getting into the axils between the leaves and the stem. If this does happen, then the moisture from the sinuses should be removed after completion of such watering.

By watering with a watering can and soaking from the tray, you can simultaneously fertilize the flower. To do this, add to the water used for irrigation necessary fertilizers. Experienced gardeners also recommend periodically using a weak solution (pink) of ordinary potassium permanganate for watering with a watering can. It will destroy pathogenic microorganisms, fungi and their spores in the planting substrate if they have appeared.

Irrigation by soaking from a tray has a significant drawback. Healthy plants can become infected from sick ones. But this is only if there are several plants adjacent to one pallet. There is also a risk of infection when watering simultaneously using the immersion method in the same container or using a warm shower. Therefore, in both of these cases, it is recommended to water the flowers one at a time. At the same time, for the immersion method, several containers can be used.

Watering with a warm shower

Watering with a warm shower not only provides orchids the right amount moisture, but also allows you to wash away all dust and dirt from their stems and leaves. The clogged pores of the plant will open, and its previous moisture and gas exchange with the air will be restored. In addition, the shower allows you to get rid of pests that have settled on the leaves and in the planting substrate. A warm shower should only be arranged when the apartment is warm enough. Otherwise, the flower may freeze. IN best case scenario as a result of this, the orchid will subsequently be sick for a long time, and the blooming one, of course, will also stop blooming. The worst case scenario after a shower in a cool apartment is the death of the plant.

If, after all, this procedure was carried out, then the orchid should be left for a long time in the room where it took a shower. You will have to wait until the humidity there has completely subsided and the temperature is equal to that outside the bathroom. During spraying, it is recommended to periodically use an aqueous solution for watering. Fitosporina. This is necessary to prevent the orchid from being damaged by fungi and viral diseases. For flowers growing on blocks, of all the above methods of replenishing moisture, only using a watering can and absorbing from a tray are not suitable. The remaining methods are used in the same way as for plants in pots.

When watering by immersion, the block is completely immersed in water, leaving the flower on the surface. During a warm shower, the block should be secured so that the plant does not fall and maintains an upright position.

Nuances and frequency of replenishment - the answer to the questions “when” and “how much”

Orchids should be watered in the morning. Spraying is best done during the day. At this time of day, the plant most needs to humidify the surrounding air.. depends on their type, each of which has its own characteristics in this part of care. You should learn more about them at the place where you purchased the flower. However, you can also use general recommendations which are suggested below. They apply to almost all types of orchids.

It should be noted right away that for this plant, both excess moisture in the planting substrate due to overflow of water during irrigation, and overdrying of the root system if this type of care is carried out less often than necessary, is harmful. But orchids will more easily tolerate a minor “thirst” than a minor “swamp” that has formed in their pot. Overwatering these flowers is much more dangerous than underwatering. The frequency of watering depends on a number of factors. The most important of them is humidity. Optimal for orchids is 50–70%. The higher the humidity within this range, the better for the flower, and the less it will have to be watered.

Blooming orchid

Another important factor- air temperature. The higher it is, the more plants They release moisture through the leaves and, accordingly, you will have to water them more often. To some extent, the frequency of watering also depends on the lighting, the size of the planting container and the type of substrate, as well as the time of year and the current life cycle orchid development. In winter, the plant’s growth slows down, and it needs to be replenished with moisture less often than in the spring, when the flower wakes up and activates its development, and in the summer. At the same time, in winter, due to heating, the air in the room may be dry, and then more frequent watering will be required than is expected at this time of year with normal humidity.

And, of course, the orchid needs to be watered more often during flowering and during the period of active growth - during the period of “normal” development, the plant needs moisture to a lesser extent. No expert can tell you exactly how often to water an orchid. The above factors are constantly making adjustments. There are only recommendations from which you need to build. A normally developing orchid growing in a pot, depending on the type and age, must be watered in the summer from about 2 times a week to 1 every 13 days. In case of low humidity and hot weather, it is recommended to place an open container of water, such as a jar or mug, next to the flower.

It’s better to use a wide vessel - it may be an unnecessary pallet. The moisture evaporating from the container will reduce dryness and will not only allow you to avoid frequent watering, but will also have a beneficial effect on the development of the plant, as well as its flowering. It will not be superfluous if such a container is always next to the flower. Also, in hot weather, daily one-time spraying is recommended. An orchid growing on a block will have to be watered almost every day, regardless of the time of year. In addition, it must be sprayed every day, 2-3 times. This is due to the fact that the block dries out very quickly. Usually by the end next day After the last watering it was completely dry. And if you do not spray so frequently, the drying time of the block will be reduced even more.

Keeping these recommendations in mind, when deciding on the next watering of a plant growing in a pot, you should proceed from the degree of its need. You can determine whether an orchid needs water replenishment by the state of the substrate, roots and other signs. Experienced gardeners can even determine this by the weight of the pot. It is noticeably lighter with a dried substrate. The latter should be almost completely dry, and only then the next watering can be done. But it is more reliable and easier to determine the condition of the substrate using a long wooden stick that reaches the bottom of the pot. It must be inserted into the planting filler and left in it for 2 hours. If the wood of the stick absorbs even a drop of moisture, then watering should be postponed.

It is easy to determine whether an orchid needs moisture when it is growing in a transparent pot. If on inside there are droplets of condensation on its walls, which means that the plant does not need water yet. The color of the roots, more eloquently than all other signs, will indicate the current state of the orchid. If they are bluish-gray or white, it’s time to water the plant; if they are greenish, there is still enough moisture.

In order for the flowering to last as long as possible, even more attention must be paid to watering the orchid during this period. The frequency of feeding the plant with water should be approximately doubled and for most types of orchids it will be 2-3 times a week. In this case, you should be guided by the rule - it is better to water more often, but less. This will avoid both excess moisture and severe drying of the substrate and roots. After watering with a watering can, the moisture that has leaked into the pan should be removed from it.

Especially watering a blooming orchid

When using the methods of immersion or soaking from a tray, you only need to keep the flowers in water for 5-10 minutes. The duration of the shower should be the same. It is better not to direct water onto the flowers while showering - this can damage them. In all other respects, feeding orchids with water during the flowering period is no different from watering them when they are not blooming. However, the above signs of the need for hydration need to be monitored more carefully. It is also desirable that during the flowering period the orchid is kept in a room with optimal humidity. If this cannot be ensured, then you need to take the measures described above that will allow you to humidify the air: you need to place a container of water next to the plant and spray it more often.

Many people consider flowers given in pots to be disposable, because not everyone knows how to care for them, and many such plants die. However, the same orchids can be grown for years, planting “babies” from the flower and propagating your pet. And how many special products gardening stores can offer us!

Orchid comes from humid tropical forests. Nevertheless, the flower does not like excess moisture, and if it stands in a “puddle”, it will quickly die - the roots will not withstand such an amount of water and will begin to rot.

Therefore, plants are planted in transparent pots, which allow you to see the condition of the walls of the “vessel” from the inside. When the soil becomes dry, droplets of condensation disappear from the walls, and the roots become slightly silvery, this is a sign: the orchid is thirsty.

Have you been given a flower in a beautiful but opaque pot? This means that carefully (so as not to damage the roots) stick a wooden stick into the ground. Take it out and evaluate it. Is she dry? This means it’s time to moisten the soil.

How to properly water an orchid...

  • During flowering. The more flowers a plant has, the more moisture it needs. If the room humidity is normal, remove the watering can every three days, adding a little water to the pot. If the humidity is high and the room is dark, watering should be done less often - every 5 days.
  • During the budding period. You need to add liquid in the same way as during flowering. But it is better to add phosphorus fertilizer (sold in stores) to the water. You can even spray the buds with it. And one more thing: the water should be heated to 35-40 degrees.
  • In summer. The more light, the more this flower needs life-giving moisture. During hot periods, think about the watering can every 4 days.
  • in winter. During this period, the plant “falls asleep,” so there is no need to disturb it again. Including watering. One irrigation every 10 or even 14 days is more than enough for your pet (and not only in winter, but also in late autumn and early spring).
  • After the purchase. Look at condensation (if the pot is transparent) or soil moisture (if internal parts its walls are not visible). When watering your flower for the first time at home, the frequency is not as important as the quality of the water. In most stores, orchids are treated to softened water, to which special products are added. So, after “tasting” ordinary tap water, she may even get sick. Therefore, at least to begin with, use settled, boiled, or even better, rain water.
  • After transplant. Just like for a person, for a flower “moving” is stressful. So for the first 4 days after such a procedure, it is better not to touch her in any way. To prevent the plant from drying out, the soil in which it is planted must be irrigated in advance with a spray bottle.
  • Baby. The “baby” orchid should not be immediately poked into a glass of water or wet soil. It is better to move it slightly wet soil and don’t touch it for the first three days. After this, water the baby using the submersible method (discussed below).

What watering methods are considered the best?

  • "Hot shower". The most popular method simulating tropical rain. Flowers in pots are placed in a bathtub or basin, and watered from above from a shower head (if the water in the pipes is soft) or a regular watering can. The temperature of the liquid should be between 40 and 45 degrees. Let the plant stand in the water for 10 minutes and drink well. After this, wipe the washed leaves, blot the cores with a paper napkin (if moisture collects in it, the flower may begin to rot).

  • Immersion method. Water is collected in a basin and the flower is placed in it along with the pot. You need to hold it there for half a minute, then move it to an empty basin or bath to drain off excess water.
  • Watering with a watering can. In this case, only the soil is irrigated. Do not pour water into the axils of the leaves, as well as the growing point of the plant. When excess moisture begins to flow into the pan from the pot, watering stops. After a couple of minutes, pour in a little more water. In the end, everything pours out of the pan. Important point: It is better to water the flower in this way in the morning.

What kind of water does this flower like?

  • Rainwater. Perfect solution for this plant, especially for the first watering. This water is as soft as possible (and the orchid does not like hard water). In particular, it will help the flower to take root well.
  • Water “cocktail” for orchids. Boil tap water, let it cool and settle. Collect the top part of such water, add the same amount of distilled water. Water as described above. This water is considered an alternative to rainwater.
  • Softened water. The more scale left in your kettle, the less your water will be liked by Orchid plants. It can be softened in different ways. For example, by drowning a bag of peat in water overnight. Or you can simply filter it (home filters for turning tap water A lot is sold for drinking water).
  • Hot water. Well, that is, how is it hot? Maximum 45 degrees! Such watering can be done rarely, so as not to stress the plant. This water can be introduced using a watering can or using a shower.
  • Water “after the fish” (from the aquarium). Perfect solution! Your flower will like it more than tap water.

Watering with fertilizers

  • Fertilizer type. Most people grow orchids for the beautiful flowers. In order for the plant not to be lazy and more often to please the hostess (owner) with bright buds, you need to introduce potassium and phosphorus into the soil purchased fertilizers. If they are nitrogenous, the leaves of the plant will please you with their size, but you will wait a very long time for the flowers to appear.

  • succinic acid. This is a real “beauty vitamin” for orchids. The acid tablet is dissolved in water for irrigation, and the flower is watered with this liquid. But remember: this should only be done in spring and summer, when the plant is actively developing. In late autumn and winter, when your pet is “sleeping,” you should not disturb her in this way.
  • Garlic water. This is water in which squeezed garlic cloves have been steeped for a day (6 pieces per 0.5 liter of settled water). It is considered a good fertilizer for growth and flowering. But remember: you should not abuse this remedy, because if a flower is “overfed”, it will get sick (just like a person). So you don’t often need to water your pet with this water. Do this: water in the “normal mode”, that is, once every 3-5 days, once plain water, once garlic.

  • . This is a universal medicine for this flower. If the orchid is ill, and you do not know what exactly caused these “diseases,” experienced flower lovers advise using Fitosporin. It is better to buy a solution rather than tablets - this makes it easier to measure the correct dose of the medicine. As a preventive measure, it is applied to the soil once every 3 months, and for treatment, it is worth watering the orchid every 10-14 days.
  • "Fundazol". Another medicine that is not contraindicated even in winter. If, say, your pet’s leaves begin to become stained, apply 4 waterings with water with this product, an interval of 5 days.
  • "Epin". This is a growth regulator. You can spray the leaves or water the plant with a solution of this product. But watering should be done no more than once a month, otherwise you will have a lot of leaves and roots and not a single flower.
  • Ammonia, yeast, potassium permanganate. These substances are added to water in order to “adjust” the growth and appearance of flowers, to treat your flowerpot or to drive away pests from it. But, firstly, the solutions need to be made not the strongest, but the weakest. And secondly, watering should be done a maximum of once every 7 days. Do not forget that the plant should not be “overfed”.


In general, a wet orchid care plan looks something like this:

  1. The plant should grow in a humid climate, so do not place the flower near the radiator itself - it will prefer the proximity of a humidifier or an aquarium. If you don’t have one, at least place a bowl of water near the flower.
  2. You need to water the flower depending on its condition and time of year. On average, in summer he needs water every 5 days, in winter - once every 2 weeks.
  3. Give your pet a treat once a month hot shower, after which do not forget to wipe the leaves. In addition, the plant should not dry out on a windowsill with open window, and in a place without drafts.
  4. The water can simply be filtered or settled.
  5. If the plant is sick or is too lazy to bloom, you can buy special remedy. It can be applied at the root, and also sprayed with water on the leaves.

But these flowers need more than just watering - orchid care complex science, but even a novice flower lover can grow a beautiful and healthy plant. The main thing is to find an experienced “guru” who will tell you how to properly care for this guest from the tropics. For example, you can watch a video tip from this blogger. What a beauty he managed to raise!

Orchids amaze with their exotic beauty and sophistication. Hobbyists collect a whole collection of these flowering plants. The most unpretentious and popular orchid among gardeners is phalaenopsis.

To achieve stable flowering, you need to properly care for the flower. Great importance For proper maintenance of the plant, it has timely watering. Not all beginning gardeners know how to water an orchid at home. Their main mistake is that they often and incorrectly irrigate the plant.

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    When to water plants?

    Orchid does not like a lot of moisture. It is recommended to water it once every 7 days. Only in summer, when the weather is dry and hot, the number of waterings increases to 2 times a week. When the soil is moistened, they are wiped damp cloth flower leaves.

    It is convenient when the orchid grows in a transparent pot. In this case, you can monitor the roots, which change color depending on the presence of moisture in the container. If the color of the roots is green, then the plant does not need moisture. When the roots begin to lighten, watering is necessary.

    Soil moisture can be determined using a wooden stick. It is placed in the substrate for 15 minutes and then removed. If it turns out to be wet, then moisture is present in the pot and watering is not required.

    Experienced gardeners determine the presence of moisture by the weight of the plant. A dry flower is much lighter than a moistened one.

    Watering methods

    The choice of irrigation method depends on the condition of the plant, the composition of the soil, and the volume of the orchid pot. It is difficult to say which method is better. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

    In addition, each gardener prefers his own proven method. With any watering method, the water in the pot should not stagnate. This leads to rotting of the roots.

    Surface watering

    When moistened in this way, the water is evenly distributed over the surface of the substrate and the aerial roots. The liquid should not get into the internal leaf axils and leaf rosettes. The presence of moisture in these places leads to plant disease and death. After watering, excess liquid is removed using paper napkin or a piece of fabric.

    Water the flower in a thin stream until water begins to pour out through the drainage holes. After all the liquid has flowed out, re-irrigation is performed.

    After watering is completed, the plant is dried and placed in its usual place. Over the course of several days, the moisture will gradually evaporate.

    Irrigation of roots

    Root spraying is used when the plant is grown without a substrate. Water is poured into a spray bottle and the roots of the flower are sprayed. The drops should be very small, in which case the moisture will be absorbed quickly. If moisture absorption does not occur within 4 hours, the roots of the plant rot.

    Immersing plants in water

    This method of moistening the substrate is suitable for young and healthy plants. It is often combined with top dressing. To do this, fertilizers are dissolved in the liquid.

    The orchid in the pot is placed in a container with warm water. The edge of the pot should be slightly above the water level. Soaking the leaves and stems of the flower is not allowed. The soil is moistened through drainage holes. The advantage of this method is that there is little chance of excess water getting into the substrate. If immersion watering is being done for the first time, it should not last more than 10 minutes. In the future, this time is 15-20 minutes.

    After the procedure is completed, the pot is removed from the water. Excess liquid must drain, otherwise there is a high probability of root rot and mold formation. After each flower is moistened, the water should be replaced.

    Using a hot shower

    In order to help the plant adapt after transplantation, it is useful to use a hot shower. A shower will help the flower feel good after moving it to a new place. At the same time, the leaves will be moistened and dust will be washed off from them.

    It is important to observe during the procedure temperature regime. The water temperature should be no less than 50 and no more than 70 degrees. More precisely, it is selected taking into account the acidity of the substrate.

    Using a pallet

    If there are several orchids, you can water them at the same time. To do this, flower pots are placed in one common tray into which water is poured. Plants take in as much water as they need.

    The advantage of this method is that flower care is simplified. The disadvantage of the watering method is the following: if one plant gets sick, the rest become infected.

    Water quality

    The health of a flowering plant depends on what liquid is used to water it. Ideal option there will be rainfall or melted snow. If this is not possible, then filtered tap water is used.

    The most simple option will use cooled boiled water. It is not recommended to use distilled liquid for watering, because it completely lacks mineral substances that are beneficial for the plant.

    Adding oxalic acid will help reduce water hardness..

    Adding succinic acid to the irrigation liquid will have the following effect:

    • will accelerate growth;
    • will improve the substrate;
    • will improve the absorption of fertilizers;
    • strengthens the flower's immunity;
    • will speed up the process of photosynthesis.

    Regular watering alternates with saturating the soil with garlic liquid. To obtain it, 1 crushed clove of garlic is infused in 1 liter of water for 40 minutes. Garlic extract is used for the next watering. It is a fertilizer and protects the plant from pests and microbes.

    Watering a blooming orchid

    During flowering, more attention is paid to plant care. At this time, it needs more moisture and nutrients. In order for the flowering to be bright and long, flower growers advise following the recommendations:

    1. 1. If an orchid blooms in spring or summer, then it needs to be irrigated every 3 days. If the buds appeared in winter, then watering is carried out 2 times a week.
    2. 2. Every day the plant is sprayed with a spray bottle. Moisture should not get on flowers and buds.
    3. 3. The temperature of a hot shower should not be more than 60 degrees.
    4. 4. Cannot be rearranged flowering plant to a new place. This may stop flowering.
    • to liter plastic bottle add 1 tsp. castor oil;
    • The bottle is capped and the mixture is thoroughly shaken.

    The smallest particles of oil are mixed with water. Watering is carried out immediately after preparing the mixture.

    An orchid is a capricious plant, but if you properly care for it and water it properly, you can achieve stable flowering.
