Cleaning up for the New Year: clearing the house of negativity and attracting good luck. General cleaning before the New Year - how to get everything done Pre-New Year cleaning

Professional General pre-holiday cleaning of the apartment before the New Year– on the eve of the New Year, everyone is trying to complete their business. It is necessary to have time to buy gifts for relatives, create a holiday menu, visit perfect order in the house: clear the room of unnecessary things, decorate the Christmas tree.

Professional cleaners will carry out all the work as smoothly and accurately as possible. They regularly undergo training and know the intricacies of cleaning different rooms. They have high-quality equipment and modern inventory at their disposal.

The undoubted advantage of our service is the use of secure household chemicals. Effective means do not contain harmful phosphates, are absolutely hypoallergenic.

General cleaning before the New Year

Full-scale general cleaning before the New Year– current cleaning service. Qualified master cleaners inspect the premises, outline the scope of upcoming work, and break the process into stages.

The first step is to empty the rooms of old things and garbage. Getting rid of excess junk before the New Year is a good tradition. Therefore, empty closets and balconies without regret.

The second is cleaning cornices, radiators, baseboards, and floor coverings.

The next step is wiping off dust, cleaning chandeliers, mirrors, and decorative elements.

Upon request, furniture and carpets can be cleaned. Highly effective products remove various contaminants.
Cleaners pay important attention kitchen area, bathroom, bathroom disinfection.

The final step is wet cleaning.

A wonderful addition to the creation New Year's interior– a luxurious wreath for front door, Christmas tree, colored garlands.

Comprehensive apartment cleaning before the New Year from Eco Cleaning

Our cleaning service is a partner who is not afraid to entrust your own home. Pre-holiday cleaning of the apartment before the New Year will be carried out at the proper level, promptly, at a convenient time. Top priority– care for the client. Therefore, we worried not only about the quality of cleaning work, but also pricing policy. The cost of services is low and affordable for ordinary citizens.

Ordering a service is easy. Just dial the number and a competent service manager will accept the application. Take care of the cleanliness of the apartment in advance so that in the last days of the outgoing year you can fully enjoy the holiday atmosphere.

Commit yourself more enjoyable activities, and we will make sure that on the eve of the New Year your home sparkles with perfect cleanliness.

Celebrating the New Year requires serious preparations. You need to decorate the Christmas tree, and before that, thoroughly clean the apartment to get rid of the garbage that has accumulated over the year. We suggest using the experience of professional cleaners. Experts from the Helpstar home services service tell you how to properly carry out a general cleaning.

Spring cleaning: getting rid of bad emotions

The New Year does not bring pleasant emotions to everyone. Some people don’t like this holiday because they have to clean the apartment, but the last cleaning of the year is significantly different from the weekly cleaning of carpets and bathrooms. There is something sacred in it - you need to clear the room not only of garbage, but also of negative emotions so that from the New Year, as it were, you can reset your life to zero. I also want to bring the Christmas tree into a clean apartment: first decorating the New Year’s beauty, and then vacuuming and washing the floors is simply inconvenient.

Any cleaning of a room begins with clearing it of trash. Collect all the unnecessary things that have accumulated over the year: boxes from gadgets, clothes you don't wear, cracked dishes and similar trash. Don’t be afraid to throw away: the more useless items that go into the trash on New Year’s Eve, the more necessary things you will have in the future. When the garbage is piled in the corridor, it can be sent to washing machine bed linen and get down to the main thing.

Apartment cleaning starts in the bedroom

You will definitely need a stepladder. spring-cleaning implies the destruction of dust and dirt in all places, and it’s worth starting from the ceiling - including washing all the chandelier shades. By the way, the more complex they are in design, the more dust accumulates on them.

Then the dust is removed from the top of cabinets and mezzanines. As a rule, it is in these places that a lot of it accumulates. After this, it is customary for professional cleaners to wipe down the walls and wash the inside of the cabinets - to do this, they have to remove all the things.

Work proceeds according to strict rules: from top to bottom and clockwise. The fact is that if you wipe the upper surfaces of the cabinets after the floor, then you will have to do some of the cleaning again, because the dust will simply settle below. Moving clockwise allows you to distribute time and control which areas have already been washed and which areas have not yet been washed.

After the cabinets comes the turn of switches, sockets, interior doors, which are washable on both sides, as well as batteries central heating and window sills. Be sure to wipe all mirrors and glass surfaces - for this it is better to use a special napkin that will not leave streaks.

Finally, a vacuum cleaner is passed over the bedroom floor, followed by wet cleaning, which destroys the last remnants of dust. Once the bedroom is cleaned, you can put on clean linens, make the bed and move on to the next room. The cleaning principle will be the same. Well, after freshness reigns in all the rooms, we begin to wash the kitchen.

How to clean the refrigerator and the entire kitchen

Kitchen cleaning begins with washing the ceiling, walls and ventilation grille. A thick layer of fat, soot and dust always accumulates on it. Ideally, the grate should simply be removed and wiped well. But if it is impossible to disconnect it, then you have to wash it right at the ceiling.

Kitchen cabinets also require cleaning, both top and inside. At the same time, it will be useful to conduct an audit and throw out unnecessary seasonings or stale products. The same applies to the refrigerator: there will probably be ancient lemons or some moldy persimmons there. And even if there is nothing like that, it’s still worth washing the refrigerator before the New Year in order to load it with food for the New Year’s table.

First, you need to remove all the glass shelves and plastic containers for vegetables. They should be taken to the bathroom and left there until they warm up to room temperature: Cold glass may burst if you immediately start washing it with hot water.

Then the outside of the refrigerator is washed. Temporarily remove all magnets so that the refrigerator door shines like new. By the way, for washing rubber seal For refrigerator doors, professional cleaners have a special brush, similar to a toothbrush, only with much stiffer bristles.

The inside of the refrigerator is washed no less thoroughly. Then the shelves and plastic containers are washed. You shouldn’t put them in the refrigerator right away: while they are dry, start washing the countertops, sink, apron and stove.

All surfaces can be pre-treated detergent and leave for about fifteen minutes so that the dirt comes off easier later. The same should be done with the oven and microwave. By the way, for cleaning glass-ceramic hob There are special scrapers.

After everything is washed internal surfaces microwaves and ovens, and the refrigerator is sparkling clean, wipe the radiators and window sills. At the final stage of cleaning the kitchen, you should vacuum the floor and wet clean it.

Cleanliness in the bathroom is only apparent

In the midst of cleaning the kitchen, it’s worth remembering the bathroom. The sink and toilet need to be filled with detergent so that it can fight the dirt on its own for a while - this will simplify further cleaning.

It is also recommended to start cleaning the bathroom from the ventilation grille. It will, of course, seem less dirty than in the kitchen, but small hair and dust will still fly into it. Bacteria can also multiply there, which are then spread throughout the apartment thanks to the hood.

Be sure to wash tile. It just seems like it’s clean: in fact, both water deposits and soap film settle on it. All cabinets in the bathroom and the shelf where toothbrushes and cosmetics are kept are completely cleaned. Lastly, wash the sink, toilet and floor, and you should pay attention to the space behind the toilet, where, as a rule, a lot of dirt accumulates.

The cleaning of the hallway is being completed. Finishing touch- This is taking out the garbage. The more it is collected, the more thoroughly the cleaning was carried out. Well, now, if you have any strength left, you can decorate the Christmas tree.

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Hard work - with a light mood

The closer you get to the holiday, the more often you let out a sad sigh at the sight of the chaos in your apartment. And how can you manage to remove all this! At least where to start cleaning before the New Year? My hands just give up.
Do not despair. Try a little psychological training. Convince yourself that cleaning the house before the New Year is not at all a heavy duty, which everyone strives to put on your fragile shoulders. On the contrary, it will benefit you. After all, by fussing around the house, you will get rid of extra calories and your figure will become slimmer. By methodically putting scattered things in their places, you will at the same time begin to put your thoughts in order.
At the same time, turn on upbeat music louder, and the question of how to get ready for cleaning before the New Year will be solved for you. Let your eyes be afraid, and your hands get to work.

We are drawing up a plan for the “harvesting campaign”

Think in advance about where to start cleaning before the New Year, and you will see how quickly the work will be done according to the plan. Chaotic bustle only gives the impression of boiling work. But you shouldn’t dwell too long on individual stages either. For example, cleaning the house for the New Year involves getting rid of a lot of old and damaged things. And here you are in danger of getting stuck for a long time, sorting through all the objects dear to your heart.
A detailed cleaning plan before the New Year will help you spend your time and energy wisely.

  1. Deal with scattered things and clothes. Wash the dirty stuff, throw away the old stuff, put the rest in its place.
  2. Remove dust and cobwebs from the walls.
  3. Wash chandeliers and sconces.
  4. Refresh leaves indoor plants.
  5. Change tulle and curtains.
  6. Wipe and polish furniture, clean upholstery.
  7. Clean out the closets and shelves.
  8. Wipe mirrors and glass doors.
  9. Wipe off dust from your computer and TV.
  10. Clean carpets and floor coverings.
  11. Vacuum and wash the floors.
  12. Clean shoes in the hallway and remove excess shoes.

Thorough cleaning of the house for the New Year should cover all rooms. Let's move now to the kitchen.

  1. Defrost and clean the refrigerator.
  2. Clean the stove and apron from grease stains.
  3. Wash the microwave and other kitchen appliances.
  4. Wash the holiday service.
  5. Polish cutlery.

In the bathroom, wash the tiles on the walls, polish all the plumbing fixtures until they shine, and at the end of the pre-New Year cleaning of the house, admire yourself in a perfectly clean mirror.

Preparation for the holiday

If you intend to invite guests, include additional items in your cleaning plan before the New Year. It will be necessary to make room for festive table, for dancing and games. Take care of your children's safety in advance. Put away scissors, needles, small objects and other dangerous things. Cover the sockets with plugs. And then, when the house is already clean, you can go to the bathhouse.

General cleaning: how to get it polished?

General cleaning is an inevitable event on the eve of any holiday. And even more so before the New Year. Catastrophic lack of time large volume work and the pre-holiday bustle - all these factors delay the start of the cleaning process, and when there are already two or three days left before receiving guests, we will be guided by the principle “eyes are afraid, hands are busy.”

General cleaning before the holiday is a kind of home time management for sprucing up your apartment.

General cleaning: basic rules

Good mood. Pre-holiday cleaning is not an easy task, but you can prepare yourself psychologically for it. Firstly, treat work not as a duty, but as useful training or an intricate game. Secondly, involve household members and distribute the scope of activities. If you like to do it alone, then send family members to do the shopping and gifts. To set the mood, we turn on our favorite music or TV, but in the background. Cleaning, by the way, is a great opportunity to tidy up not only your apartment, but also your thoughts.

♦ When cleaning, it is important to make a plan of where to start and what to concentrate on. We don’t get scattered and don’t waste energy on everything. We divide the rooms into zones and begin to systematically clean out one closet after another. We remember that the feeling of order for outsiders, first of all, is clean horizontal surfaces, that is, on open shelves, tables should not have anything superfluous. However, for internal comfort, cleanliness and order are also important in places hidden from view - dressing rooms, shelving.

It would be right if every adult member of the family spruced up their closets. We get rid of excess, unnecessary clothes - we collect them in bags, which, when appropriate, we distribute to friends or to help centers for those in need. During cleaning, we sort dirty things from clean ones. We put the first ones in the washing machine, and put the second ones in cabinets.

♦ Various containers and drawers will be helpful in the household; they perfectly store things that individually take up a lot of space or visually give a feeling of disorder. Boxes different sizes Suitable for both small things - pencils, laces - and bulky items - shoes, bags, etc.

Indispensable vacuum bags For seasonal clothes, they are put away on the upper shelves of mezzanines and cabinets. We also place additional sets of pillows, blankets and other bedding items in such packages. Wardrobe items packed in bags in this way take up much less space than in the usual form.

♦ We wipe off dust from chandeliers, cornices, upper shelves, that is, places that cannot be reached during daily or weekly cleaning. We clean leaves of indoor plants, polish furniture, wipe down upholstery upholstered furniture, chairs; get rid of dust consumer electronics– computer, TV, home theater. We use special sprays or wipes for them - they perfectly remove static dust and allow for a long time keep electrical equipment from being deposited.

♦ If possible, it would be a good idea to refresh the curtains and tulle - a lot of dust also settles on them. We wash mirrors and glass surfaces by special means. We change capes, bedspreads, and covers on furniture.

♦ Before general cleaning, we think about a place for seating guests, a recreation area and games for children. If small children are expected to be present at the party, then we carefully inspect the lower parts of the shelves and slides and remove them small parts, objects that can harm babies; We close the sockets with plugs.

♦ The kitchen is a very important place for the housewife, especially on the eve of any celebration. Even before the main cooking process, it is necessary to put things in order in the kitchen. We defrost and wash the refrigerator, clean stains and grease from not only the stove and microwave, but also other household appliances, facades, panels. We prepare the dishes necessary for the holiday: pre-polished cutlery and washed dinnerware will make it easier to set the table on the day of the celebration.

General cleaning of the kitchen is perhaps the most important moment on the eve of any holiday.

♦ Don’t forget about the hallway and bathroom. In the hall we clear space from shoes, clean them, put them in boxes; We do the same with other accessories, leaving only the necessary things for the coming days. We make sure to provide free hangers and shelves in the closets for the clothes of future guests. In the bathroom, we clean the plumbing fixtures and tiles from dirt and plaque, and clear the shelves of excess or empty bottles of shampoos, masks, and gels. Washing machine It's also better to clean it.

♦ At the end of cleaning the entire apartment, we once again wipe the dust from the surfaces, vacuum and wash the floors. After this, the room will be clean and pleasing to the eye. This type of cleaning will not take as much time as it seems at first. But only under one condition - if there are no distracting maneuvers: conversations, tea drinking, frequent moments of rest. It is better to immediately determine for yourself the end time of work. Such home time management will effectively distribute energy and time before the main celebration.

Cleaning before the New Year is a large-scale, important and responsible task: you need to not only put your apartment in order, but also decorate it. To prevent preparation for the holiday from becoming a burden, use the recommendations of the specialists of the “Oh, Clean!” company.

The main advice is not to put off cleaning for the New Year 2017 until the last minute. This is especially true if you work on holidays and cannot devote much time to preparing for the celebration.

Start spring cleaning 10-14 days before the New Year and make a plan of activities, distributing them by day. This optimizes the load and makes heavy work much easier.

Cleaning plan for the New Year

A New Year's cleaning plan will ensure there is no mess. Add order to your list of:

  • kitchen;
  • pantry;
  • living room;
  • bedroom;
  • children's;
  • corridor;
  • bathroom and toilet.

It will take 1-2 days to thoroughly clean one room. It all depends on the condition of the premises, availability of free time, convenient tools(devices) and household chemicals.

Follow this plan as you clean each room.

  • Put the scattered items back where they belong.
  • Wipe or vacuum away dust from the walls and remove cobwebs from the ceiling.
  • Clean windows and other glass/mirror surfaces.
  • Clean furniture and appliances.
  • Clean up your shelves and closets.
  • Clean the carpets.
  • Vacuum and mop the floors.
  • Hang new or washed curtains.

To tidy up your kitchen, special care is required:

  • defrost and clean the refrigerator;
  • clean the stove and all other equipment;
  • polish glass and metal dishes, dinnerware and cutlery.

By strictly following the plan, you will complete your tasks faster. 1-2 days before the New Year, prepare a place for the festive table and decorate the apartment for the celebration.

The teachings of Feng Shui and folk signs

Believe in the teachings of Feng Shui and folk signs? Listen to the following tips.

  • According to Feng Shui, cleaning before the New Year should be done without irritation. To cheer yourself up, imagine that you are ridding your apartment of negativity (disappointments, resentments, quarrels and stress).
  • Get to work during the waning moon, during the natural cycle of cleansing. Cleaning at this time will give best result at the energy level.
  • Take out the trash more often (before sunset) and use a vacuum cleaner with an aqua filter. Timely disposal of negative information and careful removal of dust will bring comfort and harmony. Ventilation will bring fresh positive energy into the apartment.
  • Your assistant is music. Use it to lift your spirits. After finishing cleaning each room, “ring” the space with Chinese bells. This neutralizes negative and activates positive energies.

Once you've finished cleaning, fill your apartment with aromas. natural oils. Jasmine, eucalyptus and geranium - for relaxation; basil and lemon - for vigor; orange - for comfort.

Don't forget about the advice of our grandparents. Follow the signs, and cleaning before the New Year will bring prosperity to your home. Popular wisdom says:

  • "Old trash in New Year to carry it will not add honor to the house”;
  • “Whoever celebrates the New Year in purity does not know grief all year long”;
  • “Sweep away last year’s trash so that there are no quarrels in the house.”

A week before the holiday, get rid of old unnecessary things. By making room, you will attract wealth.
