Solid shampoo. Solid hair shampoos - features, composition, preparation. Shampoo-soap for oily hair

Small but neat - they are ideal for travel. These economical little bars of concentrated shampoo contain no water at all, so you can safely carry them in your carry-on luggage when traveling by plane. One little shampoo can take you around the world and can last up to 80 uses, but why wait until you go on holiday to start using it?

Forget the bottle and get solid shampoo

Keep two bottles in the shower? This is not necessary, since this is exactly the amount of liquid shampoo contained in one of our solid shampoos. Because they do not contain water, each of these highly concentrated pucks, filled with natural ingredients and essential oils, replaces two 200 ml bottles of liquid shampoo. Moreover, they are approximately five times lighter and thinner than a shampoo bottle.

How to use it?

Wet your hair.

Run the shampoo through your hair several times until foam forms, or rub the shampoo with wet hands to create foam.

Use your fingertips to massage your scalp and hair as you would with liquid shampoo.

Rinse thoroughly and apply conditioner if necessary.

After use, let the solid shampoo dry.

A short story about solid shampoo

It was first invented many years ago, when LUSH didn't exist yet, and there was a company called Cosmetics To Go, where we made solid shampoos and mailed them all over the country. We wrapped them in foil packaging and glued a branded label on top, but today they are sold completely naked, without packaging. Then we called it solid shampoo “INASIA”, which was an abbreviation for “I not a soap, I a shampoo bar” - English. "I'm not soap, I'm shampoo." When the founders of the brand were painfully looking for a name for this product, Mark Constantine turned to his youngest son Jack for inspiration, he asked: “Can you come up with a name for our new soap?” To which he replied: “I’m not soap, I’m Jack!” The name stuck, although with the birth of LUSH, we decided to simply call it “solid shampoo.”

Invented by Mo Constantine and Stan Krisztal in a joint attempt to create a new soap, these almighty pucks were the unexpected result of experimenting with a new kind of soap base that included "needles" of surfactants. A surfactant is usually the material that causes soap to produce foam, and these new needles foamed much more than regular soap. This meant that Mo and Stan were able to add a variety of beneficial essential oils and other ingredients, thus turning their new soap into a wonderful cleansing bar shampoo. The best part is that when Cosmetics To Go patented their solid shampoo, Mo Constantine was able to change the entry in her passport under “occupation” to “inventor”!

They're solid, so there's no water, no preservatives, and no plastic bottles needed. Now we think of them as the best thing we ever invented. Each of these highly concentrated solid shampoos, infused with natural ingredients and essential oils, replaces two 200ml bottles of liquid shampoo.

Recently, solid shampoos have gained great love not only from hair maniacs, but also from ordinary people.

Why do we love them so much?

Nowadays there is a great variety and diversity of solid shampoos for every taste and in various price categories.

Well, you and I will make solid shampoo ourselves.

Why should you try making it yourself?
  • You will know exactly its composition;
  • Unlimited opportunity to make shampoo exactly to suit your hair needs;
  • The ability to make it in any shape, color and smell;
  • Minimum amount of time spent;
  • Low cost of ingredients;
  • Amazing result!
Well, shall we get started?
Ingredients for solid shampoo:

I'll tell you more about each:

Sodium cocosulfate.

This is a mild anionic surfactant obtained from highly purified coconut oil. One of the best foaming agents, produces stable, fluffy and delicate foam. It is a gentle eco-friendly alternative to sodium lauryl sulfate, as it dries and irritates the skin significantly less.

Powerful foaming agent;
does not destroy skin proteins;
environmentally friendly, biodegradable;

Provitamin B5. It has a moisturizing effect, penetrates deeply and binds water in the outer layer of skin, nails, hair, which makes dry skin and hair softer and more elastic.
In hair products: gives hair shine, creates a protective film that has a long-lasting moisturizing effect, makes hair more manageable, treats dry and thin hair.

Wheat proteins.
Hydrolyzed wheat proteins are proteins that are similar in composition to proteins found in human hair and skin. Thus, the hydrolyzate contains many amino acids, including glycine, alanine, proline and glutamine. Thanks to them, wheat proteins have moisturizing and softening properties. They form a weightless film on the surface of the hair, which nourishes it from the inside and prevents drying.

Proteins prevent the scalp from flaking. They regulate its water balance and activate the growth of hair follicles, therefore they are used for complex treatment of hair loss. Proteins give hair shine and flexibility, prevent breakage and thicken its structure. Those with unruly curls will definitely notice the effect of using the supercomponent, because proteins smooth the surface of the hair and reduce its electrification. But hydrolyzed proteins work best on damaged hair, since it is easier for proteins to penetrate their structure and act on it from the inside.

Broccoli seed oil
Broccoli seed oil is a valuable natural source of shine and silky softness to hair.
Its protective effect, comparable to silicone-based restorative products, makes hair soft and silky to the touch, gives it shine and shine, without weighing it down or damaging it. Thanks to its smoothing effect, broccoli seed oil is ideal for taming unruly curls and curls. Broccoli vegetable oil makes hair easier to comb and style.
Thanks to its high vitamin content, it is also an excellent source of nutrition for hair and skin.

Cosmetic properties:

Hair conditioner effect (comparable to silicone-based products): facilitates combing, gives hair shine and silkiness
- Reduces static charge when combing with a massage brush
- Nourishes and helps retain hair's natural moisture without weighing it down
- An excellent source of nutrients for skin and hair

Lemon essential oil
This mixture of natural volatile aromatic substances effectively fights inflammation and irritation of the scalp, dandruff, dullness, and hair loss. Lemon oil has mild lightening properties and is often recommended as an alternative to chemical hair dyes. Regular inclusion of lemon oil in hair care will make it smooth, silky, add shine, strengthen it, and get rid of excessive oily scalp and dandruff. The product will be an excellent prevention of hair loss, and will help blondes to make their color lighter (platinum) without yellowness. By combining lemon essential oil for hair with other components, you can get additional nourishing and moisturizing effects.
Let's proceed directly to preparing the shampoo.
1. Add 1 teaspoon of water to 50 g of sodium coco sulfate. Mix well.

2. Place in a water bath. The water should be boiling.
Keep in a water bath for 5-6 minutes, constantly stirring the shampoo base.
Sodium coco sulfate does not dissolve! Therefore, we keep it in a water bath to give it plasticity and softening.

3. Remove from the water bath.

4. Add 10 drops of lemon essential oil to 1 teaspoon of broccoli seed oil.
Add this mixture to the base. Mix.

5. Add wheat proteins.

6. Add D-panthenol.

7. Mix thoroughly.

8. Prepare the form in which we will place the shampoo.

9. Fill the form tightly. The denser the better: this will reduce the risk of shampoo crumbling.

10. Place in the freezer for 1 hour.

11.After an hour, take it out of the freezer.


Our handsome boy is ready.
He needs to dry out within 24 hours. After a day you can safely use it
It rinses your hair perfectly: until it’s squeaky, but not drying. Doesn't tangle hair at all and doesn't dry it out. And look how silky its foam is:

The hair after it is light, crumbly and shiny!!!

Girls, I highly recommend you try making your own shampoo! It takes no more than 15 minutes, and it will delight you for at least a month!!!

It is no longer surprising that shampoo can contain conditioner, and a solid bar of soap has a liquid analogue. But now another innovation from the cosmetics industry has appeared on the shelves - solid hair shampoo. How to use this product, are there any nuances in its use - these questions worry those who have decided to try the new product “on their own head”.

Shall we wave without looking, or will we still look?

Manufacturers are vying with each other to praise the alternative form of shampoo, declaring the unsurpassed qualities of the product. What kind of miracle is this solid shampoo, is there any point in throwing away all the liquid products and running to the store for a new product? Many fear that such an action will be tantamount to exchanging an awl for soap.

A colored piece of soap with various inclusions, round or traditional rectangular shape, with a smell (pleasant or not) - this is how you can briefly describe this product. And now - in detail about the benefits, so popularly described on many sites:

  • Profitability. Quality is relative. Manufacturers claim (and consumers confirm) that a dry piece lasts for two, three, or even four months. But if you consider that for a small piece you will have to pay the cost of a couple of bottles of regular shampoo, you can think about the cost-effectiveness.
  • Ease of use compared to its liquid “brother”. It also sounds unconvincing, because in fact there are no particular difficulties with applying regular shampoo.
  • Completely natural composition. And again it’s debatable. Some products, for example, the same super popular solid shampoo from Lush, contain sodium lauryl sulfate.
  • Long lasting results. Allegedly, the hair is washed “squeaky clean” and does not require daily repetition of the procedure. But, according to those who have already tried the new product, the hair gets used to it over time, and then the hair gets dirty faster.
  • Ease of transportation. Compact, lightweight, does not spread - these irreplaceable qualities of the product have already been appreciated by those who travel frequently.
  • Therapeutic effect. The benefits of natural ingredients in concentrated form (and they predominate in solid shampoo) are actually difficult to deny. And in order to be confident in the beneficial qualities of the product, you can use a recipe for homemade solid shampoo.

Enjoying the process: how to use solid hair shampoo

How to properly use solid hair shampoo so that your curls respond to care with healthy shine and rapid growth? Despite the ease of use, there are a few little things that can help you quickly adapt to the new shampoo format.

After each wash of your hair, do not rush to pack the block - dry it in the air, otherwise the very meaning of “solid” will lose its meaning.

Underwater rocks

Everything seems simple, if not for a couple of nuances. Some solid hair products have a drying property (the same “New” from Lush) and quickly wash out the dye from the curls, and therefore are more often suitable for owners of oily and undyed hair.

This problem arises due to the natural ingredients included in the shampoo (cinnamon, nettle extract) and is completely balanced by their healing properties. But this does not mean that dry, unruly hair as a result of using this cosmetic product is an inevitability that must be put up with. Try one of these ways to avoid such complications:

  • Apply the product to the base of your hair, without touching the ends - the flowing foam will be enough for them.
  • Use shampoos that have already been tested by other users. For example, the solid shampoo from Fresh Line “Terpsichore” (according to reviews of “pioneers”) perfectly moisturizes and does not require the use of additional products.
  • Solid shampoo is ideal for washing off oil masks. Apply them in advance (for a couple of hours, or even overnight) to your hair. This way you will achieve a double effect - provide additional nutrition to the roots and prevent dry ends.
  • Use conditioner after washing for the same purposes.

Dry shampoos usually have strong odors, but they do not linger on the hair. Some of them smell like herbs, others smell like freshness and the sea, and some, like solid shampoos from Savonry, smell like various “goodies” like chocolate or coffee.

Preparing a healthy bar at home: how to make solid shampoo

Making solid shampoo at home will take a little effort, but the results will certainly be worth your effort.

Prepare the components:

  • Soap base - you can’t cook a “block” without it. Sold on cosmetic websites and in specialty stores. The priority is the natural composition of raw materials. For one piece, 100 grams of base is enough.
  • Herbal decoction. Choose medicinal herbs or a collection that suits your hair type (nettle, calendula, burdock root, chamomile and others). Brew 1-2 spoons in half a glass of boiling water for at least an hour, then strain.
  • Essential oils (jojoba, cypress, bergamot, castor). Again, focus on the oiliness (or dryness) of your hair.
  • Natural fragrance. Essential oils with strong scents (ylang-ylang, citrus, tea tree) are suitable. Here's who loves what.
  1. Pour oils and broth into the base melted in a water bath.
  2. Mix and pour into silicone molds.
  3. Let the shampoo harden in the freezer for at least 3 hours, then use it with absolute confidence in its usefulness.

Do not rush to give up solid shampoo if at first you are not impressed or even don’t like it - you may not feel the benefits of using the product the first time. Give your head time to “get used to” it; it is possible that after the third wash you will understand that this is exactly what your hair needs.

Shampoos, balms, serums, masks - the range of products created for hair care is diverse. All of them are packaged in different jars and bottles in the form of sprays, creams, and liquids. Solid shampoo occupies a special place among them. It appeared on the cosmetics market on an industrial scale not very long ago, although in fact it has been known to man for hundreds of years. From the article you will learn what solid hair shampoo is, how to use this product, and what advantages it has in comparison with bottled and canned options.

What does solid shampoo consist of?

Solid shampoo in appearance is very similar to toilet soap - a soap bar of different shapes, smelling and coloring. You can even store it in an ordinary soap dish. But external similarity does not mean that they are similar in properties and purpose.

The composition of solid shampoo, due to its unusual structure, can be completely natural. The lack of artificial additives and preservatives is compensated by the ability to supplement it with real pieces of citrus fruits, plant extracts, and essential oils. Therefore, read the label carefully and choose natural ingredients. Pay special attention to the expiration date of the product. A shorter shelf life (up to 12 months) confirms the presence of natural ingredients and a minimum of artificial ones.

The beneficial substances in the shampoo bar are:

  1. complex of vitamins;
  2. vegetable oils;
  3. fatty acid;
  4. sodium salts;
  5. healing mud in some varieties.

Advantages and disadvantages of solid shampoo

Benefits of using solid shampoo

Solid shampoo has many advantages of use, not to mention its main advantage - 100% natural composition. Among them:

  1. ease of transportation. In addition to eliminating the possibility of spilling shampoo, it easily fits into a cosmetic bag and does not require transferring into special smaller bottles;
  2. efficiency. A small block is enough for 2 or maybe 3 months of use, depending on the frequency of washing your hair;
  3. based on numerous reviews, it can be argued that the shampoo bar keeps hair clean longer and allows you to carry out the washing procedure not every day, but once every 2 or 3 days;
  4. complete hair care and therapeutic effect. When using a block, you don’t have to use many additional care products. Solid shampoo contains everything your hair needs - essential oils, etc.;
  5. ease of use - just run the bar through your hair or soap your hands, then your hair;
  6. easy combing, no electrification.

Cons of using solid shampoo

Many people note that bar shampoo is very expensive. In fact, this type of care product, if it is natural in composition, is far from cheap. However, taking into account the cost-effectiveness and a lot of useful components, you won’t regret the money spent.

Solid shampoo does not have a universal effect. For some, its use causes dry hair and scalp. It is important to note that the bar should be chosen in accordance with the type of hair and the specifics of caring for it. Perhaps if you pay attention to the composition with a large number of moisturizing components, you will get rid of the problem of dryness.

Solid shampoo: Convenient, economical hair cleanser

How to use solid shampoo?

Those who constantly use liquid shampoos will find it unusual to use solid shampoos. It is used in a completely different way. You can run the bar through damp hair or lather wet hands and then apply foam to your head. By the way, there may be very little foam if the shampoo contains many natural ingredients and does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate. You need to wait a few minutes until the active substances are absorbed and begin to act, and then rinse thoroughly in the usual way.

When using solid shampoo, you can limit yourself to applying it to your hair once, without washing it twice as with a regular product. The effect will be no worse, and may even surpass the usual washing.

How to make solid shampoo with your own hands?

If you wish, you can prepare an all-natural shampoo yourself. You will need:

  1. soap base - 100 - 150 g;
  2. essential oils - up to 15 drops (according to hair type);
  3. herbal mixture - 2 tbsp. l.

Essential oil selection:

  1. almonds and grape seeds, rosemary, bergamot - for oily hair;
  2. jojoba and macadamia, geranium and lavender - for dry ones;
  3. castor, sandalwood, cypress, bergamot - for dry scalp and dandruff.

Herbal collection:

  1. for dryness and brittleness, add chamomile, thyme, nettle or calendula to the shampoo;
  2. mint, St. John's wort, rosemary, burdock, thyme are suitable for high fat content;
  3. sage and calendula, coltsfoot will strengthen normal hair.

For aroma, a couple of drops of citrus oils, cedar oil, tea tree oil, ylang-ylng and others that you like are suitable.

For a decoction, pour half a glass of boiling water over the herbal mixture and leave for an hour. The soap base is melted in a water bath, the broth and oils are added. The mixture should not boil. Then it is poured into a silicone mold, cooled and placed in the freezer for at least 3 hours.

Solid shampoo prepared at home is not only a 100% natural product, but also meets your preferences and wishes. When purchasing a similar product in a store, carefully study the composition. If it contains preservatives, sulfates and other elements of artificial origin, it is hardly worth the money and is no different from liquid.

2017-07-03 17:00:52

A couple of years ago, the natural cosmetics market was replenished with solid shampoos, which quickly became popular due to their properties and unusual format. A small block of such shampoo can not only cleanse your hair, but also cure it! Moreover, the product is convenient.

You can select dignity solid soap:

  • ✓ economical: thanks to the abundant foaming, one block lasts for 2-3 months
  • ✓ practical: you can take the shampoo with you on the road - it does not take up much space
  • ✓ natural composition: hair is nourished with beneficial microelements

Why is this remedy so good?

Solid shampoo is not new in the world of cosmetics. Previously, soap replaced all body care products, and hair was washed ... with laundry soap. Nowadays, this sounds strange, because we are accustomed to an abundance of various shampoos, conditioners, masks and other products. Now soap is being used again to wash hair. You can see different versions of the name: shampoo soap, solid shampoo, etc.

The principle of action of solid shampoos is the same as that of soap - deep and high-quality cleansing. In addition, the product can heal hair and scalp. But there is also a downside, an unpleasant side to such care - stickiness, dryness and stiffness of the hair.

This happens for several reasons:

  • ‣ hair cannot quickly get used to natural products
  • ‣ improper use of solid shampoo
  • ‣ the product is not suitable for your hair type

Let's look at each point.

1. Hair cannot quickly get used to natural products.

Many people who switch to organic hair cosmetics forget about this. After the first use of natural shampoo, you should not expect silky and smooth hair, as after washing with regular shampoo. Industrial products contain a large amount of silicones and other chemicals, thanks to which the hair ends up being easy to comb and shiny. But this result is short-lived: silicones tend to “linger” in the hair, which causes addiction to the shampoo and its further use does not bring the expected effect. In addition, the hair dries out and becomes thinner.

It takes a lot of time to wash all the “chemicals” out of your hair - only then will natural shampoos give a truly delightful effect of volume and silkiness to your hair!

The transition period takes up to 1 month. Hair may become less voluminous and smooth, but do not be afraid of this - this condition is natural.

2. Incorrect use of solid shampoo

Yes, even washing your hair has its own rules, especially if they concern hard shampoos. After the first use, it is clear that this product foams very well - the foam is abundant and thick, light and aromatic. Completely rinses and cleanses hair. But after washing off the shampoo, the hair feels sticky and stiff.

What to do?

be sure to use hair balms and conditioners

It is desirable that they be natural, but at first you can use ordinary ones. These products will moisturize your hair, straighten and soften it, and make it easier to comb, because after hard shampoos, your hair may become tangled at first.

don't forget about hair masks

This item is required for any hair care, especially if you use natural products. Masks strengthen hair and make it thicker, helping to smoothly transition to solid shampoos. Oil masks are also good.

After washing, rinse your hair with vinegar solution

This is exactly what our grandmothers did when they washed their hair with laundry soap. Vinegar (or citric acid) washes away soap residues from the hair and scalp, softens curls and covers hair scales. At first, you should definitely use this solution regularly so that your hair can transition to natural cosmetics without stress.

3. The product is not suitable for your hair type

The simplest reason is that solid shampoo is not suitable for your hair type. Each of us has unique skin and hair - there is no one-size-fits-all product. Often, owners of dry hair complain that their condition worsens after using shampoo soap. Unfortunately, the product can dry out the ends of your hair. If you notice this, it is better to hold off on using solid shampoo.

By following all the rules for using solid shampoo, you will significantly improve the condition of your hair. Natural products bring only benefits and are a storehouse of vitamins and beneficial microelements. The main thing is patience and regular use of shampoo, and then the result will not be long in coming!

In our online store you can purchase solid shampoo from different manufacturers.
