The tamper is round. Compacting crushed stone with your own hands. Mobile gasoline models - convenient and autonomous

When building foundations for houses, garages, country paths and much more, great attention is paid to the substrate, consisting of gravel and sand. To ensure that the concrete monolith is laid evenly and does not begin to move over time, it is important to carefully level the underlying layer. For these purposes, you can use specialized vibratory tamping machines or rolling equipment, but manual tamping will be much cheaper.

The principle of do-it-yourself processing is that with the help of a homemade tool, blows are applied to the surface, due to which the sand and crushed stone are compacted. In this case, compaction is performed after laying each of these layers.

Features of crushed stone compaction

Any novice builder is sincerely perplexed as to why compact an already strong stone. However, there are several important nuances to consider:

  1. Since crushed stone is obtained by crushing, its particles are obtained different sizes with free-form edges. Because of this, when laying the underlying layer, the particles of the material are not completely adjacent to each other, forming a large number of air voids, the appearance of which ultimately leads to a decrease in the level of load resistance. If fragments of crushed stone fit tightly together, the volume of material will be reduced, but a stronger base will be formed.
  2. If crushed stone is laid on rocky soil, then compaction can be dispensed with. In this case, you only need to level the gravel.
  3. After compacting the gravel, the thickness of the layer can be from 50 to 250 mm, depending on the loads that will be exerted on the base.

In addition, when processing crushed stone, it is recommended to declinch the base. To do this, you need to divide the gravel into fractions. The larger material is laid first and compacted by hand. Then smaller material is backfilled, which is also compacted. The final top layer should consist of the finest material, which must be carefully leveled and re-compacted.

Thanks to this, the finished base will have increased strength. If you perform a similar manual tamping of sand, the effect will be even better.

Features of sand compaction

Tamping sand with your own hands has some nuances that should be taken into account when creating a solid foundation for a concrete slab.

First of all, you should decide on the type of sand that is best suited for these purposes. It is better to use gravelly material, but it is not recommended to use fine sand for compaction. The larger the grains, the greater the compression resistance of the base, which will help avoid shrinkage of the future house or parking area.

If you are planning to build monolithic structure, then it is best to give preference to river or quarry sand middle fraction. However, even in this case, the underlying layer will be influenced by groundwater. Therefore, in order to prevent the process of erosion of the base, it is necessary to lay geotextiles at the bottom of the trench, and only after that add sand.

In addition, before adding sand, it must be sifted, since the presence of foreign impurities (especially clay) can affect its properties. Monitor the moisture level of the material; the ideal consistency will be if you can roll the sand into a small ball that will not crumble immediately. Accordingly, the sand moisture level should be in the range of 8-14%.

Accordingly, 50% of the successful laying of a gravel-sand cushion depends on the material itself, the remaining 50% comes from the equipment. As mentioned earlier, specialized machines can be used for these purposes, but it is much cheaper to manufacture manual rammer on one's own.

Making a manual tamper

There are many options for making a rammer with your own hands. Some people make massive structures entirely made of iron, but in this case welding will be required. Others prefer to make do with improvised materials. Let's consider best option production of manual rammers for compacting soil, sand and gravel.

To do this you will need a standard beam square section by 100 - 150 mm. It should not be rotten or flaking.

Healthy! Some use round logs, but with the help of such compactors it is impossible to fully compact the base in the corners.

You will also need to prepare:

  • A steel plate with a thickness of at least 2 mm.
  • A round stick about 450 mm long (it will serve as the handle of the future tamper). To do this, you can use an unnecessary shovel handle.
  • Screws and wood glue.

Making blanks

We will prepare the structure according to the drawing shown below.

After preparing everything you need, saw off the ends of the timber at a right, even angle, according to the dimensions. After this, it is necessary to use a plane to level the plane of the lower end of the block and remove chamfers of about 5 mm from the edges of the workpiece.

To avoid getting numerous splinters during the work, it is recommended to sand and polish the surface of the block.

Making a “shoe”

The next stage of creating a tamping tool with your own hands is making a metal “shoe” from a sheet of steel. To cut the plate we use the following template.

Or, you can simply install the beam with its lower end on a sheet of metal and trace it with a pencil.

After this you need:

  1. Cut the workpiece, as in the picture, using special metal scissors or using a grinder.
  2. Remove metal burrs from the shoe. To do this, it is most convenient to clamp the workpiece in a vice and remove the excess with a file.
  3. Without removing the “shoe” from the vice, drill holes for the screws at the previously marked points.
  4. Clean the surface with sandpaper.
  5. Bend the “wings” of the workpiece and install the beam into the “shoe”. If the workpiece is a little wider, you need to knock out the “wings” with a hammer.
  6. Place the drill bit into the screw holes and drill through the wood at a slight angle.
  7. Secure the screws on all sides.

Installing the handle

Having retreated 100 mm from the upper edge of the block, it is necessary to mark the center of the future handle. To do this, you must first measure the diameter of the shovel handle. Let's say it is 36 mm. To prevent the handle from dangling, you need to use a drill whose diameter will be several mm smaller than the diameter of the handle. It should be taken into account that outer part the holes in the bar will be slightly larger than the internal diameter, so during the work process it is necessary to periodically insert the handle into the bar and check how tightly it fits.

If the handle does not fit into the hole, you should never try to hammer it in with a hammer. Otherwise, the timber may crack and making a rammer for earth, sand and gravel with your own hands will have to start all over again. It is much easier to slightly plan the cutting to the required diameter.

After the hole is ready, you need to apply glue to its walls and install the handle. Surplus adhesive composition can be removed with a cloth. In order for the handle to hold tightly, you need to fix it with a long screw, which must be screwed into one of the sides of the beam.

When the glue gains strength, you can begin to use the tamper. Keep homemade instrument It’s best to do it in a dry place, or you can pre-paint the workpiece to make it last longer. If necessary, the steel nozzle can be easily replaced with a new one.

In custody

With help hand tools You can compact sand, gravel or soil. However, it is worth considering that in this case human muscle strength is used, so use a similar tool for compaction large areas it will be expensive. Such rammers are recommended for use when constructing foundations for small buildings or when arranging garden areas.

Soil compaction is an important stage of work during road repair or construction. The quality of the road surface or the strength of the foundation of the building under construction depends on it. For these purposes they are optimally suited gasoline vibrating plates– they are more productive than vibratory rammers, but more maneuverable than vibratory rollers.

Soils are divided into:

  1. Non-cohesive - sandy, gravel, coarse clastic, containing pebbles, etc.
  2. Cohesive (viscous) - clayey, silty, peat.
  3. Mixed.

What to look for when choosing a vibrating plate:

  • Mass and centrifugal force - the depth of compaction directly depends on them.

  • The width of the sole - the processing speed depends on this indicator. To pass areas along structures or in places with difficult access, it is better to use a compactor with a narrowed base.

  • Reverse - the ability to move in the opposite direction (reciprocating). Relevant when working in trenches - otherwise, overpay given function there is no point - when turning, no damage is left on the ground.

  • The amplitude of the oscillation - the higher, the greater the force of influence. For soil, a manual compactor with high amplitude and low frequency is better suited.

On the Diam Almaz website you can buy a vibrating plate for soil and find out how much delivery costs in your region. It is possible to sell the machine in installments.

Tamper for compacting soil, sand or gravel. Vibrating plates (rammers) are rightfully called professional construction machines. They are used to compact the soil, lay asphalt, paving slabs, and also eliminate various defects and unevenness of the road surface.

Such a tool is quite simple to operate, but still do not forget about standard safety precautions, as well as the peculiarities of performing work for different materials, such as sand, crushed stone, asphalt, tiles and “bedding” under the floor.

What is it for?

Tamping, i.e. The vibrating plate consists of five main elements. This engine, which can be gasoline, electric and diesel, and drives all the parts of the tool. Belting helps transfer torque from the engine to eccentric. This, in turn, helps create vibration vibrations in order to perform compaction.

The impact on the treated surface is created using base slabs, and you can manage everything using operator handles. The vibrating plate has a heavy and powerful base, which, together with vibration at high frequencies, allows for compaction of the surface. The efficiency of the work done will depend on the power of the device and the size of its electric or gasoline engine. In most models, the devices are quite maneuverable, and this makes it possible to perform tasks even on inconvenient and sometimes curved surface areas.

Application area

The pneumatic soil compactor was created to compact bulk materials using an oscillating motion. After the materials are poured onto the surface, their particles will not be located close enough to each other. To ensure that they fit as tightly as possible to each other, you should use a tamper. This will help change the load-bearing properties of some of the materials so that construction work can be carried out on this surface in the future. Compacting with a vibrating plate is used for a large number of construction areas.

It is especially often used for such cases:

In special cases, compaction is used to lay paving slabs and paving stones. This makes it possible to complete work several times faster.

How to work with it correctly?

To start using a vibrating plate, no special skills are required.

Anyone can cope with this task if they remember the safety rules and act extremely carefully:

Do not forget that you should change the consumables of the device in a timely manner. The oil should be changed at least once a month, or every 100 hours of operation. You should only use gasoline and oil of the approved brand, as otherwise this will lead to the vibrating plate quickly failing. The grades of gasoline and oil must correspond to those specified by the manufacturer in the technical manual for the device. Before compacting any bulk materials, the surface to be processed should be cleaned. To do this, you should remove various debris from it - fragments of bricks, pieces of boards, cobblestones.


Compaction of the sand mixture is carried out using a different technology.

Operating principle for vibrating plate tamping:

  1. Apply to the prepared surface even layer sand. Its thickness must be at least 60 cm. Specific indicators will depend on how much your device weighs.
  2. The entire surface should be moistened evenly with water.
  3. After this, the vibrating plate should be passed over the entire area at least 4 times.
  4. If the sand has acquired the required density, then you can add a second layer, and if it is loose enough, then go through the device a couple more times.
  5. On the second poured layer, repeat everything again.

When compaction is completed, the surface compaction coefficient should be at least 0.95. If you plan to install columns in the selected area, then the use of additional equipment may be required for compaction.

Just as when compacting the soil with a manual tamper, the sand should also be moistened; this is a mandatory item in the plan. If this is not done, then during operation the vibrating plates will begin to create a lot of dust, and this, in turn, will cause the air cleaning filters to quickly become clogged (this is especially true for vibrating plates on gasoline engine). But keep in mind that you cannot use too much water, as otherwise it will begin to clog between the material and interfere with its effective bonding. To achieve the required cementing effect, water should be poured, but in moderation.


Sandy soil is best suited for creating small buildings. The fact is that it is the one that does not retain moisture well, and because of this it will not be susceptible to frost heaving. Such soils can push the foundation into winter time, and are therefore not suitable for construction. They (or weak ones) should be removed and replaced with sand during the installation of buildings. To compact using a vibrating plate, go through the entire area 3 times. If after this it is not possible to achieve the required result, then the layer of material should be smaller. Wet the soil until it begins to crumble when squeezed in your palm.

Note, what for sealing clay soil and loam, vibrating plates cannot be used, and vibrating rollers are better suited for this purpose.

Crushed stone

The difficulty in working with a material such as crushed stone is that it does not have the same fraction. For this reason, it is possible to select the maximum possible thickness in each specific case only on site and immediately before starting work. After pouring one layer of material and four passes over it, the compaction coefficient should be determined, which should be at least 0.95. If the crushed stone remains loose after compaction, then further manipulations will not yield results. You will have to remove some of the material to make the layer thinner and repeat the procedure.

For efficient work professionals recommend starting the process with the thinnest layer. After this, as you progress, you should increase the thickness to the required quality-performance ratio. This way it will be easiest to determine the sufficient thickness of the layer. If crushed limestone is compacted, then most often the result is a clinking effect. This happens because the stones are stuck together. top layer from vibrations due to the fact that there is no compaction of the lower stones. To avoid this situation, you should use heavy vibrating plates weighing 150 kg or more. If only those units are available that weigh 100 kg, then it will be possible to lay only 1-2 cm of stones with them.

Laying paving slabs

The only feature of laying paving slabs is a rubber or polyurethane mat. It should be attached to the work plate so that brittle material was not damaged. For tamping, you should choose mats made from polyurethane, as they will not leave dark marks on the polyurethane and will last much longer. The power of the vibrating plate must be medium.

Note, that it is impossible to tamp tiles of devices whose weight exceeds 90 kg. Heavy models sometimes cause cracks to form on the surface.

Laying asphalt

To compact asphalt crumbs after laying, vibrating plates should be used, all of which weigh from 60 to 90 kg. If the unit is heavier, it sometimes causes cracks, bumps and chips in the asphalt surface. The device should be walked about 2-3 times. The height of the layer will be determined by the characteristics of the coating.

Floor underlayment

For houses that were installed on the ground, a soft underlying layer should be created. It should be made of two layers, which must be poured on top of crushed stone or gravel. After laying each layer, it should be moistened and compacted using a vibrating plate. The material for work should be washed quarry or river sand, and to make the coating even, you should first install and then remove the pegs.

Safety precautions for work

When compacting soil with a pneumatic primer and using it for other materials, you should first go through the safety regulations.

  1. For safe operation, the operator must cover his body and face with protective equipment. personal protection, namely headphones, glasses, helmets, durable clothing and shoes.
  2. If work will be carried out on a small hill, then the operator and other workers must be above the device. The work should be done from top to bottom.
  3. If for some reason the vibrating plate encounters an obstacle, you should immediately turn it off. After this, remove the obstacle, and the tool should be inspected to ensure that it does not have any malfunctions.

  4. Do not leave the device while it is running unattended. When working, the master must be behind the device and constantly monitor it, moving nearby.
  5. It is prohibited to operate the vibrating plate in rooms or areas where there are flammable objects nearby.

  6. If work will be carried out on the edge of a trench, ravine or pit, then a person can be at a minimum permissible distance from the cliff, but not closer.
  7. To further speed up the device, do not apply force; this is strictly prohibited.
  8. To rotate the device, you should use only one hand.
  9. Before work begins, all equipment should be inspected in advance and ensure that there is no damage to it. If there are any external defects, they must be removed in advance.
  10. To prevent injury, keep your feet and hands a short distance away from work surface devices.
  11. If for some reason the device falls on the block, then first turn it off. Only after this can you begin to lift it and put it into working condition.
  12. It is strictly prohibited to perform work under the influence of drugs, alcohol or psychotropic intoxication.
  13. You can't work without rest for a long time. After you have been tamping for 40 minutes, you should take a 10-minute break to relieve the equipment and workers.

Note, that the higher the center of gravity of the device, the easier it is to tip over. In addition, the master should be careful when working with equipment that has small area supports.

Work especially carefully with a vibration plate that has a soft start button, since if the work is done in in a closed room, then it will be much safer for humans to use models with remote control. Naturally, such devices are more expensive, but they fully justify their cost. Compaction with a vibrating plate helps to cope with any tasks that involve compacting bulk materials. To get a high-quality result, you should take into account the characteristics of specific surfaces, and also calculate the appropriate thickness for the layer. The main attention should be paid to safety precautions. Failure to follow these basic rules can result in serious injury and tool failure.

Self-production of a vibrating plate with a gasoline drive

To create the device you will need the following materials:

By doing installation work you will need the following tools:

  • Bulgarian.
  • Protective glasses.
  • Welding machine, electrodes.
  • Cutting wheels for grinders.
  • Electric drill.
  • Hammer.

Once you have decided on the type of drive that will be used in the device, you can begin to create a working surface with a frame. To create a vibrating plate platform, you will need to take a pre-prepared a metal sheet and using a grinder, make cuts at a distance of 10 cm from the edge with a depth of 0.5 cm. After this, the metal should be bent using a hammer along the cuts. The bending angle should be approximately 25 or even 30 degrees. Bending the edge of the metal sheet is required to prevent the plate from being buried in. To ensure that the ends are stationary at the bending points, they should be welded.

At the second stage, it is necessary to adjust the channels. This is done so that they do not protrude beyond the edges of the working plane. Finished channels should be welded at a distance of 7 to 10 cm from each other to the working surface. The channels must be well welded, since the integrity of the entire structure will depend on this. After this, you can begin installing the engine. To do this, holes should be made in the channels using electric drill. The motor should be mounted using M12 bolts. Once the engine is installed, you can begin installing the handle. Fastening of this element should be done using a shock-absorbing cushion. This is necessary so that the load on the operator’s hands is lightened.

As you can see, even making such a device with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

It is quite difficult to imagine any construction process without the use of crushed stone. It is used when creating a foundation, mixing concrete mortar, formation garden paths, organizations landscape design, laying access roads and highways. This article will discuss the basics of crushed stone compaction.

The rock crushing product is used to create a so-called cushion, which performs the following functions:

  • leveling the base before further work;
  • imparting hardness to weak-bearing soils;
  • protection of buildings from the negative effects of moisture;
  • increased durability under high loads.

In any case, the quality of the crushed stone base directly depends on the physical and technical characteristics of the material. Determine by appearance characteristics will not work; they are indicated in the accompanying documents and certificates.

Type of crushed stone

This bulk material produced by passing boulders through crushing equipment. The output is stone of various fractions from 0*5 to 40*70 mm. The size determines the scope of application. For domestic construction, crushed stone of 5*20 and 20*40 mm is mainly used.

Type building material It happens:

  • granite. It is characterized by high natural strength and the ability to withstand multidirectional loads;
  • limestone. Hardness is almost equal to granite crushed stone. However, it costs much less. Ideal for housing construction;
  • slag This material is obtained from metallurgical waste. The cost is much lower than the above types of gravel. But due to harmful impurities in its composition, the scope of application is quite limited;

  • secondary. Crushed stone is produced from construction waste (fragments of brick, asphalt or concrete). Of course, recycling of the material does not have high rates, and therefore is not suitable for all types of work.

Before purchasing, you should pay attention to such a parameter as flakiness. A large percentage of lamellar-shaped grains significantly reduces the strength of the finished base during the construction of objects for any purpose. Therefore, the lower this parameter, the better.

Crushed stone compaction coefficient

At self-construction Everyone has faced such a problem as a shortage or excess of material. Ability to calculate required amount - important aspect any process. For household needs average values ​​are often used.

To calculate the volume you need to know:

  • the required thickness of the cushion after compaction. Typically this figure is 0.2 or 0.25 m;
  • compaction of crushed stone with a compaction coefficient - 1.3. The parameter is correct for most fractions compacted by mechanized means;
  • specific gravity bulk material, which is indicated in the certificate. For ease of calculation, let’s take a weight of 1.5 t/m. cube, characteristic of ordinary crushed stone.

So, knowing all the components of the equation, we calculate the material for 1 square meter laying: 0.25x1.3x1.5=0.4875 t.

As with any calculation, the result is rounded up. This means that for backfilling 1 sq.m. An area of ​​25 cm thick crushed stone layer will require 490 kg. Well, calculate the volume for 10-20 square meters. m. it will be much easier.

Why do you need to compact the base with crushed stone?

The question of compaction is asked by all newcomers to the construction business. After all, in theory, the stone itself is a durable material and it is quite enough to level it and you can move on to the next stage of work. However, everything is not so simple.

  • Crushed stone is obtained by crushing, during which the edges of the grains acquire a free shape. When filling the material between each element, air voids are formed, reducing the level of resistance under load.
  • The tight fit of individual fragments reduces the risk of them “walking.” After all, after compacting the soil with crushed stone, the voids disappear or are significantly reduced in volume. This creates an additional safety margin for the foundation.

  • As an exception, we can consider rocky soil, which serves as the basis for construction. In this case, it is quite enough to level the crushed stone embankment for subsequent work: laying tiles, pouring concrete mixture etc.
  • In other conditions, the gravel should not just lie on the ground, but be compacted, forming a single plane. Densely filling the space between the grains with soil particles will give the necessary solidity.
  • The thickness of the compacted layer can vary from 50 to 250 mm. The safety factor for crushed stone compaction is determined by the subsequent load on the base (passing vehicles, pedestrians, weight of the building, etc.).
  • Separating the crushed stone base can be highlighted as a separate line. The method consists of several stages - using gravel of different fractions. First, they take large material and compact it, then pour in smaller crushed stone and compact it again, last layer fine-grained material emerges and the final rolling of the surface is carried out.

Compacting crushed stone with a manual tamper

In the absence of special vibration equipment, folk craftsmen use products made with their own hands. Of course, with such a seal, good physical training. Manual tamping relevant for small volumes of work.

  • There are many options for how to make a device. Of these, the most primitive is 100x100 mm timber. You can take wood with a larger cross-section, thus increasing the area covered for compaction.
  • The length of the beam is selected based on ease of use, most often the human chest is taken as the basis. The lower end of the tool is lined with a galvanized sheet. Handles made of wooden pegs or metal rods are mounted in the upper part on both sides.
  • The way it works is quite simple. The beam is lifted by the handles to the maximum height and forcefully lowered onto the crushed stone base. Repeating these movements multiple times in a certain direction will lead to the desired result.

  • If a zealous owner has a metal head, then it is fixed to a thinner wooden base, for example a log. The device will become much lighter, which means tamping will be more fun.
  • More robust construction has a device made entirely of metal (stand and sole). True, this material creates a lot of vibration, which wood perfectly absorbs. IN in this case The solution is to use special gloves.

Compacting crushed stone with a vibrating plate

The use of a vibrating plate or vibrating rammer is relevant for global volumes. With the help of technology, the process can be carried out in hard to reach places, and in areas located near the walls of buildings.

  • The equipment is compact, reliable and mobile. Simple operation and high efficiency allow you to complete work with maximum quality in a short time. For domestic needs, vibrating plates weighing from 60 to 120 kg are used.
  • The principle of operation is the vibration of the plate produced by rotating eccentrics. Tamping occurs by transferring shock vibrations and energy from the support shoe to the crushed stone.
  • The presence of shock absorbers allows you to dampen mechanical vibrations going to the upper part of the equipment, thus providing protection to both the engine and the operator. The equipment is equipped with a speed shift lever, which makes it possible to regulate the travel power.

  • Based on the method of movement, there are single-pass and reversible (with reciprocating movements) devices. The latter option is characterized by increased functionality and efficiency. With their help, tamping is carried out without cyclic movement along the surface being treated.
  • The engine can run on liquid petroleum products (gasoline or diesel fuel) or by connecting to the electrical network. Units with an electric motor are lightweight (up to 100 kg). They are widely used in jobs where high requirements for material compaction are not required.
  • Such equipment can be purchased in specialized stores or second-hand, as they say. The most profitable option is to rent equipment, which will cost much less.
  • In any case, it is important to comply with operating conditions that will extend the service life and prevent failure. Before starting, you should carefully study the instructions for use and familiarize yourself with the safety rules.
  • Regular lubrication individual elements, cleaning the air filter, changing the oil will help maintain all the technical parameters of the equipment.

Alternative crushed stone compaction options

For these purposes you can use homemade devices operating principle similar to mechanized equipment. Here you will need an old metal trough, a pipe, sand and a welding machine.

  • A handle from a piece of pipe is welded to the container at an angle, and perpendicular fittings are fixed to the upper part. It is advisable to further strengthen the bottom of the trough by welding a sheet of iron to it.
  • By filling the device with sand, we end up with a universal hand tool like an asphalt roller. The device is moved by the handle in a given direction, and due to its considerable weight, the crushed stone is compacted. It is quite simple to operate, but will require some skill and, again, physical strength.
  • The second method is relevant for compacting bulk material on a spacious area devoid of green spaces, gazebos, fences or other obstacles. The technology requires the presence of a vehicle, which is used to compact sand and crushed stone.
  • A layer of gravel is distributed over the entire surface with a shovel or rake. Then we get behind the wheel and begin to methodically drive around the prepared area in various directions (lengthwise, across and diagonally) until we get the required result.
  • If a rut is formed during the process, then crushed stone is added to this area, so some material must be left for backfilling. Then compaction continues using the above method. Of course, this method cannot be called manual, but still the compaction is done on its own without the involvement of construction crews or the purchase of special equipment.
  • Control of compaction of crushed stone is important for any construction work, carry it out for show and especially should not be neglected. This gives reliability and stability to buildings or road surfaces, and also ensures safety during operation.
  • At the end of the work, the compaction of crushed stone is determined using a special device.

  • A soil analysis should be carried out in advance, the level of the groundwater. The quality of work depends on this information. Otherwise, even with the most effective compaction, one cannot be sure that subsidence will not occur in the future, which, in turn, will lead to unpredictable consequences.

Construction companies that regularly tamp and compact soil, asphalt or crushed stone, as well as professionally lay paving slabs, you will find vibrating plates and compacting machines on our website according to low prices recommended by the direct manufacturer of this equipment. As an official dealer of this product, we constantly surprise our customers with high-quality technical products that make the work of construction specialists easier. We will tell you how to choose wisely tamping machine for a specific purpose.

First, decide on the weight of the unit (it can vary from 54 to 321 kg). For example, landscaping work, laying fine-ground paths, laying paving slabs and polyurethane mats require small models of vibrating plates with a weight not exceeding 75-90 kg.

Pit repair in road surface, grinding asphalt after engineering communications and laying works, manipulating soil, the thickness of which is about 25 cm, involves the use of tamping machines weighing up to 90 - 140 kg.

Compaction of trenches, compaction of roads under construction and interaction with sufficiently thick soil requires a vibrating plate with a heavy mass. In this case you will need buy a vibrating rammer from 140 kg and above.

Vibrating plate price largely depends on the type of engine. Our vibration equipment has gasoline and diesel engines that cope equally well with the tasks assigned to them. The type of motor mechanism does not affect the productivity of the vibrating plate, but has its own characteristics in its operation. For example, gasoline exhaust plate It has a low cost, impressive power and low noise level during operation. Such a unit is able to function in any conditions, since it does not require power. The diesel version of the vibrating plate is less popular because it costs much more and has a high noise threshold, however, it allows its owner to save a lot on fuel consumption. An important criterion for choosing this equipment is the size of its working area. It ranges from 430x310 mm to 890x670 mm. When evaluating a vibrating plate model, do not forget about its additional options. Availability irrigation system, folding handle and transport wheels will make your work much easier.

Buy a vibrating plate and you can place an order for its prompt delivery by phone or by sending a message to our e-mail.


Vibrating plates are also quite suitable for carrying out more complex and large-scale work for the purpose of compacting construction trenches and sites, as well as other objects under construction, for example, courts.

Vibrating plates have a lot of advantages and operational advantages, which include:

  • long service life;
  • compactness;
  • excellent design ergonomics;
  • presence of anti-vibration protection for the operator;
  • ease of operation and maintenance;
  • availability of comprehensive service, and Supplies and spare parts;
  • quality assurance.


Masalta is a Chinese manufacturer of a wide range of equipment and components for construction industry. Our main products include concrete compaction equipment, vibratory screeds, trowels, joint cutters, concrete mixers and lighting towers. Behind last years Masalta has gone through stages rapid growth and extensions. In 1996, our company began producing cutters for milling machines. In 1999, we began production of vibratory plates, and in 2005 the first vibratory rammers rolled off our assembly line. In 2008, our single-drum and double-drum vibratory rollers entered the world market.

Our company presents a wide range of products under the Masalta brand, which are specially designed to meet the growing demands of the market. We offer ergonomic machines that are characterized by high stability and performance.
