Tibetan fortune telling can be done quickly. Tibetan fortune telling online. Symbolic interpretation of Tibetan fortune telling “Mo”

Tibetan fortune telling for the future, called Mo, appeared in Tibet in ancient times and is popular to this day. The name itself implies that the main purpose of this sacrament is to clarify the future. A person who has chosen Tibetan fortune telling for himself wants to receive specific answers to questions of interest and find out how his affairs will be in the foreseeable future.

What is Mo?

Over the centuries-old history of its existence, Tibetan fortune-telling Mo has not lost its relevance among a diverse audience. People of different statuses, interests and ages sincerely believe that this system works. Tibetan wisdom will indicate the proper attitude to various circumstances taking place in your life, and will also tell you what you need to pay attention to first.

Tibetan divination is often used in medicine. It helps to find the underlying causes that lead to health problems. They resort to it if a horoscope or standard diagnostics are unable to point to the root of the problem.

How to guess?

Since ancient times, Tibetan fortune telling was carried out using a small cube with edges with specific symbolism. In order to obtain the information you are interested in, you do not need to have magical abilities. It is enough to roll the dice twice, remembering and then adding up the symbols that make up the prediction.

For example, the first pattern represents the sign AH, the second - CA. In total it turns out - AH CA. Having recorded the result in memory, we open the symbol table, where all the values ​​are collected. Need to find suitable option and read the interpretation.

Tibetan fortune telling does not have clear requirements for magic cubes. They can be easily replaced with a simple bone from board game. Before the sacrament, its sides will have to be marked like this:

You can throw the dice with either hand. There is no principle in how to throw it: away from yourself or towards yourself. The most important thing is how well you can concentrate on a problem that is difficult to find a way out of without Moe's help. It is necessary to immerse yourself as much as possible in the problematic situation, completely devoting your mind to it. Thoughts should only be about her. The better you can mentally delve into an exciting issue, the better the prediction will be.

It is not recommended to start the process in a state of overwork, during a lack of mental peace or during a period of illness. In order for Tibetan fortune telling to be as accurate as possible, you will have to carry out preliminary meditations, which are carried out immediately before the ritual. If you have the necessary skills, apply them. For those who have no idea about meditation, it will be enough to gather all their thoughts together, concentrate and begin the sacrament.

Many people believe that only someone who has Mo’s book can become a fortuneteller. This is the most common misconception. To become successful practitioner, you need to have a mentor who will pass on your own knowledge.

"A bright flame of a lamp, unshaken by the wind"

When you cast the symbol “RA AH – Bright Lamp” during fortune telling, you find yourself in an ambivalent situation. Your attitude towards this sign will depend on your character. If you are proactive, enterprising and independent, accustomed to taking responsibility for your life and decisions, then you will win. Because the meaning of the sign you received is “Help yourself.”

It’s another matter if you are used to relying on others in everything and accepting independent decision This is an enormous burden for you. In this situation, you can easily miss the wonderful opportunities that the RA AH sign provides.

In any case, there is no need to be nervous and fuss. Try to look at everything with clear eyes and correctly calculate your strength.

Select the most urgent ones from your plans and begin to implement them: “if you start a business with diligence, there will be no obstacles and everything will come true.”

We are all constantly surrounded by affairs and tasks that need to be either “promoted” or completed, or even simply transferred from the level of intentions to real implementation. Again, it’s no secret that with the greatest zeal we sometimes deal with not those tasks that really require attention, but those that are most attractive to us for another reason.

But here it would be worth thinking about: what pleases us, what causes elation and a new surge of strength, we are able to accomplish at almost any time (interest in something is a very powerful driving force).

You are now entering that period of life when luck will stand behind almost any of your actions and actions. Is it necessary to experience the favor of fate by wasting it on something that you can easily accomplish anyway? Isn’t it better to try to use such a fruitful moment to implement those plans that at another time would require much more effort from you? Remember: fortune will not always be in your home.

Family, property, personal life, friends and ill-wishers

You should also think about whether your numerous affairs are causing harm to your family.

How much time do you spend with your loved ones? Perhaps they have been complaining about your inattention for a long time, but you either don’t find it necessary to listen to them, or simply brush them off - there’s no time for that now...

Please try not to forget one simple truth: if you want your loved ones to treat you with love and care, you yourself should do the same. Try to take the initiative - after all, this is your family.

The same can be said about all issues that in one way or another affect problems with property. Potentially, you are now able to implement many of your projects (and in any case, you will not face losses). But before you begin to implement your plans and ideas, carefully consider: will you later regret the money spent? Consult with your loved ones - their opinion may also be decisive.

If your personal life has been stagnating for some reason lately, here is a great chance for you to change everything for the better. And it doesn’t matter whether you plan some long-term projects or devote your attention to daily little things. There comes a moment in your life when almost everything you plan can come true.

Just try not to get too carried away: castles in the air are a wonderful thing, but fate may not have enough material to build them.

The upcoming life situation can tell you how friendly and sociable you are. It is no coincidence that the fortune telling you received is called “Bright Lamp”. Right now you can clearly and unambiguously evaluate the relationships you have with your friends.

Do you constantly feel their support and favorable disposition? Well, consider yourself lucky not only for you, but also for your friends: undoubtedly, your human attractiveness has serious reasons. Remember, if you are at ease with people, then people, in turn, are at ease with you.

Well, what should those whose relationships with others develop “not so much” do? First of all, don’t get upset. Remember: the meaning of the sign RA AH is “help yourself.” Don’t wait for your friends to show initiative, take the first step yourself!

You can thank your lucky star for one more reason: the path through life will be so easy and successful that no attacks from your ill-wishers will cause you serious harm.

Although it is possible that such successful progress may cause envy in some people around you and a desire to “slow down” you in one way or another. Try not to worry about this: things will not go further than gossip, and you are not afraid of gossip and gossip.

Don't worry too much about winning the favor of everyone around you - this is doomed to failure from the very beginning. It’s better to pay more attention to those whom you value and who value you: the results will not keep you waiting.

Rest, health, self-improvement, business

This is a very good time for a good rest. Are you going to visit, but still doubt: is it worth starting any events? Act boldly! It doesn’t matter what kind of vacation it will be - pre-planned or thought up impromptu: in any case, you will not regret the wasted time.

If you don’t want to go on a visit, invite your friends over and have a lot of fun. Give them and yourself a little holiday!

The only serious test that fate has in store for you in the near future will be the possible weakening of your health. Don't you think that lately you have been paying too little attention to your health? So, capricious fortune, apparently deciding to throw a fly in the ointment into your “honey barrel”, unexpectedly hit you at your weakest point and “sent” illness to you.

But seriously speaking, you really should pay more attention to the condition of your body. Answer yourself honestly: when in last time you walked on fresh air? Did you eat what was healthy and nutritious, and not what came to hand? Not to mention how much regular exercise stress(yes, yes, this is exactly about charging!).

Therefore, if you are really sick, do not worry! Take this as a sign from fate: it’s time to take care of yourself and your health. And start acting immediately.

Undoubted support for your concern for physical condition will serve as a concern for spiritual and intellectual self-improvement.

Man is created in such a way that he cannot help but develop. And in no case should you treat the concept of “self-improvement” as something abstract and inaccessible in ordinary life.

Everything new that you learn every day is a step on the path of self-development. Make it a rule: every day should bring new food for your soul and mind. Read what interests you, but at the same time requires significant mental effort and concentration.

Think about what you read: gaining own opinion– an important step in self-improvement.

Any specific business you have in mind has a chance to come true, but only if you do not shift responsibility onto the shoulders of others. It’s better to spend a little more effort than you expected, but thereby achieve what you want. Oddly enough, things will work out most successfully for people who are persistent and stubborn. After all, what is required of you now is the ability to choose the right goal and persistently act in the right direction.

It will be easiest for those of you who already have experience of this behavior. Just try not to hurt other people’s pride and interests in your uncontrollable striving forward. Remember that the area of ​​relationships with other people is a phenomenon that is only partly under your control. So it would be useful to add such a quality as caution to perseverance and perseverance.

Tibetan fortune telling “Mo” goes back to ancient times, back to the Do-Bon period. Researchers say that the age of this fortune-telling is estimated at more than one thousand years! At the same time, it is characterized high level accuracy, and the interpretations not only say “what’s blowing”, but also give advice on how to adjust the situation for the better.

What is needed for Tibetan fortune telling "Mo"

To tell fortunes using the Tibetan "mo" system, you will need two dice. Traditionally, these are dice on which six Tibetan syllables are printed - Dhi, Ra, Pa, Ah, Na, Tsa (one syllable per side of the die).

But if you don't have such cubes. You can use regular dice, matching the syllables with the numbers:

1 – AX; 2 – RA; 3 – PA; 4 – ON; 5 – CA; 6 – DH.

How to tell fortunes using the Tibetan "Mo" system

It is very easy to contact the oracle within the framework of the Tibetan fortune-telling “Mo”. To do this, you need to mentally ask a question. State it clearly and roll the dice. As a result, you will get a combination of syllables, for example, Dhi-Na or Tsa-Pa.

After this, you turn to the interpretations and receive an answer to your question and advice on what to do.

Symbolic interpretation of Tibetan fortune telling “Mo”

Each combination of syllables in the Tibetan fortune-telling “Mo” has a symbolic and figurative name, which helps to very quickly understand the meaning of the situation to which they indicate.

AHAH. "Harmony of clear skies."

AH DHI. "Joy that breeds wisdom."

AH NA. "Paradise Land"

AH PA. "The moon that brings goodness."

AH RA. "Light that dispels darkness."

AH CA. "Star Light".

DHI AH. "Light of Wisdom"

DHI DHI. "The Shining of Victory"

DHI NA. "Shining Lotus"

DHI PA. "Lucky catch."

DHI RA. "Wheel of Fortune"

DHI CA. "shining shell"

ON ah. "Shining Mountain"

ON DHI. "The shine of jewels"

ON ON. "The Abode of the Clouds"

ON PA. "Cup of Happiness"

ON RA. "Flame of Wrath"

ON CA. "Hot Ashes"

PA AH. "A cup of life-giving moisture."

PA DHI. "A bowl of healing elixir."

PA NA. "Radiant Flower"

DAD. "Clean spring"

PAIR. "Dry spring."

PA CA. "Fire of Passion"

RA AH. "The light in the darkness".

RA DHI. "Shine of Wisdom"

RA NA. "Withered Flower"

RA PA. "Danger".

RA RA. "Sacrificial Fire"

RA CA. "Tiger Power"

CA AH. "The Shine of Luck"

CA DHI. "Blooming tree".

CA NA. "Ritual dagger."

CA PA. "Hidden Valley"

CA RA. "Burning Vajra"

CA CA. "Shining Rainbow"

Interpretation of the Tibetan fortune telling symbol MO - AH AH. "Harmony of clear skies."

Everything will be fine. But still, be careful when communicating with friends, try to pay as much attention as possible to finding compromises in those areas where there are most moments of crisis. Now is the time to restore harmony, both in the external world and in the internal. Understand yourself and then miraculously everything will change around. Assertive and straightforward actions during this period are disastrous. It is also useful now to focus on the most important thing and not concentrate on the little things.

Interpretation of the Tibetan fortune telling symbol MO - AH DHI. "Joy that breeds wisdom."

The upcoming events will pleasantly influence you. Now the light should shine in your heart all the time, and then your life, and the lives of your loved ones, will be illuminated with light. At the same time, it should be understood that this joy should be not only about something positive, but about any reason in general. That is, you should do it with joy and gratitude. Accept everything that will happen in the near future, even if it seems negative to you. But this is only at first glance, if you accept it with joy, you will see that in fact the “misfortune” is fraught with a wonderful surprise for you - then everything will be much better. As they say, everything that is not done is for the better. It’s just that space tests you, tests how sincerely you are able to maintain joy within yourself.

Interpretation of the Tibetan fortune telling symbol MO - AH NA. "Paradise Land"

A favorable period is coming when everything will work out in at its best, especially it concerns interpersonal relationships and, first of all, in the family. It is quite possible that the situation will turn in such a way that you will meet new and interesting people who can become true friends for you. Therefore, it is recommended not to push anyone away from you during this period, especially those whom you had not noticed at all before. Who knows, maybe among them there are those who have long dreamed of becoming friends with you, but everyone is embarrassed to take the first step.

Interpretation of the Tibetan fortune telling symbol MO - AH PA. "The moon that brings goodness."

Favorable period, but only for inside of your life. That is, now only those things that are directly related to your emotions and your spiritual life will succeed. But all material projects should either be maintained at the same level, or generally slowed down a little. It is extremely contraindicated to fuss, rush, or perform active actions, especially aggressive ones. It’s better to be alone now or have a spiritual conversation with friends.

You should also be careful emotionally - quarrels, conflicts, exchange of curses - all this is very dangerous now, as it greatly traumatizes your psyche, because at this time you are too vulnerable.

Interpretation of the Tibetan fortune telling symbol MO - AH RA. "Light that dispels darkness."

Now you will have a unique opportunity to finally resolve any complex problem, in any regard, both internally and in relationships with people, both in the case of solving any engineering problem, and in choosing a life direction. During this period, it is useful to do everything that broadens your horizons and increases your intelligence - read, watch, paying more attention to educational literature and various didactic films. Look for new ways to solve your problems and they will be solved in the best possible way. The bolder and more unconventional your actions are now, the more requests they will bring and the sooner you will become happy, having achieved what you have long dreamed of.

Interpretation of the symbol of Tibetan fortune-telling MO - AH CA. "Star Light".

A relatively favorable period, but don’t count on great luck and stunning luck, nothing incredible will happen, but there will be a lot of good things in ordinary life. This period is characterized by small pleasures. That is why it is most useful to pay attention to the little things now. Don’t fuss, don’t rush to complete global projects, don’t rush into battle, but calm down and pay all your attention to the nuances. This is especially true for human relationships.

Interpretation of the Tibetan fortune telling symbol MO - DHI AH. "Light of Wisdom"

A favorable period, your life can change dramatically and amazing events can happen. Moreover, there is every chance to achieve your goal, but for this you must show two important qualities - wisdom and assertiveness. First of all, you need to determine exactly what you really want, not what you say, but what you do with your entire being. Here it is worth showing maximum honesty with yourself, otherwise you will not see good luck. Now failure awaits only those who are passive.

Interpretation of the Tibetan fortune telling symbol MO - DHI DHI. "The Shining of Victory"

A favorable period to finish what you have been working on for a long time. This perfect time for finishing and the “last point”, the final chord. After all, as you know, how a particular project is completed is very important. An unsuccessful ending can ruin months and years of hard work. Therefore, it is so important to choose the time beautifully and effectively finish what you started. Now is the best time to do this. Also note that in the very near future you should not start anything, but rather enjoy what you have.

Interpretation of the Tibetan fortune telling symbol MO - DHI NA. "Shining Lotus"

This period can only be favorable if you stop fussing, rushing somewhere, and doing any active actions. Now you should freeze and look around carefully. Luck is all around you, but you don’t see it because you do too many unnecessary actions. You should also pay more attention to your inner world. You are using your mental resources incorrectly, you have begun to concentrate too much on the unimportant, and pay little attention to the truly important points.

Interpretation of the Tibetan fortune telling symbol MO - DHI PA. "Lucky catch."

Now everything will work out, so think carefully about what is most important to you, what you really want. Be as honest with yourself as possible, because if you make a mistake, your “catch” will be unsuccessful. Be careful, do not be fooled by those desires that are imposed on you from the outside, focus only on yourself. This is difficult, but without this, “the fish will slip out of your hands.”

Interpretation of the Tibetan fortune telling symbol MO - DHI RA. "Wheel of Fortune"

The period favors those who will maintain the progression of their movements. Follow the intended course and then good luck awaits you. Now it is very important to take everything more simply, minor things should remain aside from your movement.

If you maintain a balance between internal peace and external movement, then the entire coming period will turn into a continuous streak of success for you.

Interpretation of the Tibetan fortune telling symbol MO - DHI CA. "Shining Shell"

A favorable period for solving intrafamily problems and problems within any team. Therefore, now it is very important to be with your family and give all your attention to those who live with you. We often do not notice our relatives, even when returning home, our consciousness still remains at work. But this is a bad tactic. Now, on the contrary, you need to bring home only the brightest. Give your loved ones gifts. This is also a good time to strengthen friendships. Remember, during this period, the more love you give to others, the more you will receive it back in the very near future.

Interpretation of the Tibetan fortune telling symbol MO - NA AH. "Shining Mountain"

Good luck will be with you in the near future, but be prepared to walk completely alone for some time. It is quite possible that even those closest to you will not support you in your endeavors. But don't despair, this is the normal path to success. Remember that the higher you climb the mountain, the fewer fellow travelers remain with you, because climbing is always a lot of work, requiring a person to apply all his strength. Also, be prepared even for the fact that you may face betrayal by those people you trusted.

© Alexey Korneev

Fortune telling using Tibetan symbols MO

Tibetan fortune telling MO is a time-tested predictive system of the Buddhist tradition. Buddhist lamas use MO to predict the future and get answers to questions about love, family, work, health, spiritual development, and travel. The founder of Tibetan fortune-telling MO is considered to be the Bodhisattva of Wisdom Manjushri, the patron of art and the pursuit of knowledge. The sacred mantra of Bodhisattva Manjushri - OM AH RA PA TSA NA DHI, depicted on the MO fortune telling cubes, endows the fortuneteller with wisdom, promotes a deeper understanding of the essence of things and true reasons current events

Tibetan fortune telling MO - For a new business. This fortune telling is used to get answers to questions about planning a new business or any project. With the help of Tibetan fortune-telling MO, you will find out whether it is worth starting a new business in a given period of time, what difficulties and obstacles may await you, and what will help you in your new business. This fortune telling can be used not only for business issues, but also for a wide variety of issues from many life spheres when you plan to do something

Tibetan fortune telling MO - Self-improvement. This fortune telling can be used to get answers to questions about spiritual development and self-knowledge. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will learn what to do first, what to pay attention to, what to work with to move to the next stage of spiritual development

Tibetan fortune telling MO - for health. This divination is used to obtain answers to questions about health and well-being; with the help of this fortune telling you can determine what to pay attention to at the moment, what you can ignore and let go, how to keep yourself in good shape, regardless of various life situations

Tibetan fortune telling MO - Business, work, career. This fortune telling is used to obtain answers to business questions. Here you will find out whether your plan will come true, how the development process of any business or project will go, and also get advice on what is the best thing to do and what to do to achieve it. good result

Tibetan fortune telling MO - For love. With the help of this fortune telling you can get advice regarding love relationship and personal life in general. This fortune telling can also be used to predict the future of relationships, get answers to a variety of questions concerning you or a loved one

Tibetan fortune-telling MO, which has survived to this day, was born many centuries ago in Tibet. However, based on the name, it is clear what kind of area gave birth to it. This fortune telling was created in order to orient a person as best as possible in future circumstances. Thus, the Ministry of Defense can answer how to specifically asked question, and shed light on the situation as a whole, focusing on problematic aspects of life.

MO fortune telling involves throwing a die with certain values ​​marked on its sides. There are exactly six of them, like the sides themselves: AH; RA; PA; ON THE; target audience; DHI.

The essence of fortune telling is extremely simple: a question is asked, the dice are tossed twice (this can also be done online), the dropped values ​​of the syllables are recorded (for example, you got the syllables: NA and CA or DHI and RA, or other values), then you get acquainted with the results obtained.

Tibetan fortune telling MO, among other things, provides for the possibility of independently tossing dice. To do this, the sides of the cube need to be numbered, assigning syllable values ​​to each side, for example, side “One” is the syllable “AH”, side “Six” is the syllable “DHI”, etc. Once the cups are tossed and the values ​​dropped are recorded, you can view the results in the table of values. Important point: before you start fortune-telling, we strongly recommend watching a video with meditation for maximum concentration on the issue that worries you.
