Good Friday: do's and don'ts on the eve of Easter. Good Friday: what not to do (signs)

What date Good Friday 2018, what rules of conduct are required of believers on this day, what you can and cannot do, he will tell you

Good Friday 2018: what date is this day

Great Good Friday in 2018 falls on April 6th. This is the last Friday of Lent. According to church traditions and folk signs, Good Friday, first of all, is a day of repentance, prayer and reflection on one’s own life.

Good Friday: As Celebrated in Orthodox Christianity

Good Friday is the most mourning day in Christian year, since it was on this day that Jesus Christ was crucified and accepted martyrdom for the sake of the salvation of the entire human race. Good Friday is dedicated to remembering the suffering and death of the Savior. On this day of mourning, priests’ attire should not be light and festive.

There is no liturgy in church on Good Friday. During Vespers, which begins at about three o'clock in the afternoon - at the hour of Christ's death - a shroud with the image of Jesus taken from the cross is taken out of the altar, and is used to cover the table standing in the middle of the temple. Then prayers are read over the shroud, decorated with flowers, candles are lit and parishioners kiss the image of the Savior. This ritual symbolizes the removal from the cross, the position in the tomb and farewell to Jesus Christ.

What not to do on Good Friday: church traditions

You can't work on this day. You cannot sew, wash, cut, clean, dig, plant, cook, or even swim. These prohibitions are imposed on believers not because of laziness, but because of the need to devote time in the family to prayer and reading the Bible.

On Good Friday you cannot sing, have fun, laugh and lead an active, riotous lifestyle, as well as quarrel, shout and swear. This day should be spent thinking about your own life, thinking about the suffering and death of Jesus Christ.

You can't eat food. Good Friday is the strictest day of Lent. Abstinence from food should last until the church service of Vespers and the removal of the shroud. After this, it is allowed to consume bread and water, and some believers continue to fast until Easter.

There is an opinion that pregnant women should not attend church on Good Friday. In fact, there is no such ban. A pregnant woman should rely only on her feelings and not do anything through force or against her will. If she wants to visit the temple and pray, then she can and even needs to do this, regardless of the time and date. In the later stages of pregnancy, it is advisable not to walk alone, but accompanied by someone close to her, so that she can count on their help if necessary.

Good Friday should not pass by as an ordinary, unnoticed day. Every believer should especially keenly try to feel and think about the main thing in his life. Is he going against his conscience when he puts the desire for wealth, profit and a successful career at the top of his priorities instead of mercy and philanthropy? Is he looking around for enemies whom he seeks to condemn? Is he not becoming like the example of those who betrayed Christ to death?

What not to do on Good Friday: popular beliefs

The people believed that from the moment the body of Jesus Christ was placed in the tomb until the moment of His resurrection, all evil spirits possessed special power and felt their impunity, therefore they came into our world, wandered the earth, and frightened the righteous inhabitants.

According to popular belief, if at this time a person sees something terrible, he must say three times: “May God rise again, and let His enemies be scattered,” in order to protect himself from evil spirits.

Also, you cannot fall asleep while reading the holy scriptures, otherwise the evil spirit will carry you to hell.

On this day you cannot do work, especially sewing, washing, digging, sticking sticks into the ground and hammering nails.

On Good Friday you cannot laugh and rejoice. Whoever laughs on this day will cry all year.

In 2018, Orthodox Christians will celebrate Easter on April 8. The entire week preceding this event (from April 2 to April 7) is called Holy Week, as believers remember the suffering (passion) of Christ. The culmination comes on Good Friday, and many believers in this regard ask questions about what it is, and what can and cannot be done on this day.

Passionate, or Great, Friday is the day when the trial of Christ took place, after which the Savior was crucified and died on the cross. It is believed that on the same day the body of Jesus was taken down from the cross and buried. The story is described in detail in all four Gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

The death of Christ was a very tragic event. The Bible reports that as soon as he died, the stones next to the cross split, and the day became dark as night. The crowd of people shuddered, and many of them sincerely believed that Jesus was truly the Son of God, and not a common fraudster, as his accusers believed.

However, the tragedy of history lies not so much in these shocks, but in the fact that, in fact, many people betrayed the Savior. Indeed, not even a week had passed before the crowd enthusiastically greeted his entry into Jerusalem on a donkey (today it is celebrated in honor of Palm Sunday). And on Friday, during the trial before Pontius Pilate, many of them, in a fit of anger, shouted: “Crucify him!”

That is why on Good Friday believers remember the feat of Christ with special reverence. On this day, services are held all over the world, and Orthodox Christians are even forbidden to eat any food. People want to show their respect and gratitude to the sacrifice of Christ, and besides, they strive, as it were, to come into contact with his suffering, pacifying the natural needs of the body.

Here short description events of that day, which happened about 2000 years ago: the trial of the Lord and his execution.

Services on Good Friday: removal of the shroud

On such a day there is no morning service. But in the afternoon at the service at about 15 o’clock, when, according to the biblical description, the Savior “gave up the ghost,” i.e. died on the cross, the ritual of removing the shroud is performed.

The Shroud is a rather unusual icon. We are all accustomed to the fact that an image is usually drawn on a hard surface. However, in the case of the shroud, the image is applied to thick fabric (plate, which is where the name comes from). It depicts Christ laid in a tomb. Several clergymen, dressed in robes, carry out the icon dark shades as a sign of mourning.

Temples are usually darkened, the light is coming only from flickering candles. In such an environment, a special mood is truly created, in which many contrasting emotions merge: grief for the deceased, resentment and annoyance for the betrayal of people who have committed a grave sin. And perhaps a person can experience the feeling of an approaching holiday, which marks the triumph of life over death, because two more days will pass and we will say: “Christ is risen! Truly risen!”

What to do on Good Friday before Easter

Believers often ask questions about what can and cannot be done on Good Friday before Easter. Indeed, this is a special day of the year, and many will find it useful to know how to behave appropriately in connection with the events that happened 2000 years ago.

The most important thing to do on Good Friday is not even a visit to the temple, which many busy people There really may not be time left. Moreover, the service with the removal of the shroud is held during the day, when many are still at work. However, everyone can pay tribute to the Lord.

On such a day, it is worth paying attention to reflecting on the feat of Christ and reading the corresponding biblical story(eg Luke 23).

It won’t be superfluous to give alms or do any good deed that will really bring joy to someone. You can visit a loved one with whom you have not communicated for a long time. Reconcile and forgive grievances that have accumulated for a long time and are making themselves felt. In a word, for modern people there is a certain freedom of choice, which is not denied by church representatives. The main thing is good aspirations, a sincere desire to pay tribute to the Lord.

What not to do on Good Friday

For a long time in Rus' on Red Friday they tried to follow very strict rules, for example:

  • do nothing around the house;
  • do not sew or cut fabric;
  • do not cook anything, do not light a fire;
  • do not work on the ground, do not dig, etc.

However, it is quite clear to what extent the lifestyle has changed modern man. Sometimes we simply have no choice: we need to go to work, dress and feed our children, help our family, cook dinner, etc.

Therefore, everyone acts in accordance with the circumstances. The corresponding commentary is given by many representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, for example, Archpriest John Makarenko.

At the same time, it is intuitively clear what exactly should not be done on Good Friday before Easter:

  • indulge in any carnal pleasures;
  • spend the day having fun;
  • drink alcohol;
  • watch entertainment programs, performances, etc.

Such behavior in itself is not reprehensible - every person strives for pleasure. But on such a mournful day, a believer cannot rejoice fully, because in these hours 2000 years ago one of the most tragic events in the history of mankind took place.

And having fun on Good Friday means almost the same as having a party on the day of a funeral or memorial.


Among the questions about what can be done on Good Friday, believers are interested in baking Easter cakes and dyeing boiled eggs. According to tradition, it is better to do this on Maundy Thursday or at least on Saturday. It is not advisable to do such things on Friday, except in situations of extreme necessity.

Fasting on Good Friday

Also, one of the important questions is what you can’t eat on Good Friday before Easter. This time is considered the strictest during the entire Lent. Believers should not eat anything or even drink water until the end of the service and the removal of the shroud. And then, in the evening, you can drink water and eat bread. There is no need to prepare any dishes - all this time the mourning for the crucified Lord continues.

Quite strict rules continue to apply on Saturday. All the better will be the holiday itself - the Holy Resurrection of Christ, when you are allowed to eat any food, and a few glasses of good red wine are also not forbidden.

At the same time, church representatives say that each person should act according to his own feelings. For example, if someone has a stomach problem or we're talking about A pregnant or nursing mother should not refuse food and water, because we are talking about health.

Here is Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko’s commentary on this matter.

Folk traditions and signs on Good Friday

Of course, any significant event is reflected in many faces in the mirror. folk history. After several centuries, it turns out that the memorable date begins to live its own life and acquires its own signs. Something similar happened with Good Friday.

For example, in Rus' on this day they often baked baked goods, for example, a bun in the shape of a cross. It was believed that such bread would never become moldy. And sailors took buns on long voyages and believed that they would be the ship’s talisman and protect them from maritime disasters.

Another interesting custom is that believers tried to bring 12 burning candles from the church, with which they stood at the service. These candles were carried lit and placed in any part of the house. They needed to burn out to the end. It was believed that throughout the year (12 months) there would be peace and prosperity in the house.

Thus, Good Friday is the tragic day before Holy Saturday, dedicated to the memories of the earthly death of Christ. However, the holiday will be very soon, because the Lord will certainly rise again. And when Easter comes, everyone can sincerely rejoice and enjoy this solemn moment, which occupies a central place in the entire Christian religion.

The article contains only proven signs that always come true and which many speak positively about, since they have been tested in practice.

There are others, no less interesting articles on this project, which can be found in the thematic sections of the site or by searching through a special form.

Good Friday signs and customs, conspiracies, prayers, traditions

On this day, more than two thousand years ago, Christ was crucified on the cross; today it is customary to read 12 Gospel passages telling about the events of that day on Mount Golgotha.

On the holy holiday, clean up, have fun and eat heartily. Those who fast are allowed to eat bread and drink water. There are no special prayers as such; it is customary to read the Gospel. And they definitely bake Easter cakes. Baked bread and Easter cakes covered with willow have enormous power; they say that it can cure serious illnesses.

A conspiracy is made for peace in the family. Bake a small ball of dough on the Easter cake, after cooking, pinch off half and say: Lord help, save and protect my family from adversity, from evil and evil spirits. Amen.

Good Friday what not to do, sewing

According to tradition, despite the fact that it was forbidden to clean, sew, embroider, it was also allowed to sow crops.

Is it possible to clean the cemetery on Good Friday and work?

You can go to the cemetery and tidy up the graves and the area around. Often there is not enough time for this, but on this holy day this is not prohibited.

Signs and superstitions, rituals on Good Friday about eggs, before Easter

You can’t spit on the ground; those who spit, they say, saints turn away. On Good Friday they prepare for Easter by painting and painting eggs. They symbolize strength and wealth.

Holy Saturday, what you can do on this day, signs and rituals

On this day they still prepare Easter treats, but you can’t eat them yet. The first painted egg is given to the youngest, saying to themselves the words: while the eggs are painted, while the sun shines, may the saints protect our home and not forget. Amen. Be sure to ask forgiveness from everyone you may have offended. You can’t have fun and have weddings, the marriage won’t last. In general, it is believed that laughter on this day will lead to tears for the whole year. They don’t give away anything from home, you can give away your health.

Folk signs for Good Friday, Stepanova

To check whether there is damage to the house, light a candle taken from the church and walk with it around the house and in the house, in the place where it crackles and a black house appears, most likely damage.

Making love is a great sin, and a child conceived on this day will be born sick. You can’t wash it; they say blood appears on dried clothes.

Signs on Good Friday to break a mirror for money

In order for money to flow, everything in the house must be counted.

Take a few coins and throw them into a bucket of water. After a few hours of washing your face with this water, you won’t know poverty.

Breaking a mirror on Good Friday brings misfortune, lack of money and poor health.

40 days falls on Good Friday, what to do

It is better to postpone the funeral meal to another day. In the morning, go to church to pray, and then to the cemetery. In church you can give out forty prosphoras; it is not forbidden to give alms to the needy.

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Good Friday is the most mournful day of the pre-Easter week, because it was on Friday that Jesus Christ was subjected to severe torture and executed. What traditions should be followed on this day, what should you not do on Good Friday, so as not to experience troubles for a whole year?

We have collected 7 basic rules of behavior on Good Friday. Follow them and share the advice with your loved ones!

1. Good Friday is the strictest fasting day throughout Lent. Even if you haven’t fasted before, but want to make up for lost time at least a little, you can start today. According to Christian canons, on this day believers refuse any food until the Shroud is taken out. After three o'clock in the afternoon you can satisfy your hunger with a slice of bread and a glass clean water. The belief says that if a person can endure thirst throughout Good Friday, no drink can harm him for the entire year.

2. Don't laugh and refrain from visiting entertainment venues and events. We are not talking, of course, about a reaction to a funny joke. But you shouldn’t purposefully have fun on Good Friday. It is believed that a person who is overly joyful on this day will next year will cry.

3. Don't wash, don't sew, don't cut. Any housework is prohibited on Good Friday.

4. Do not pierce the ground with iron objects - this will lead to grief and misfortune. By this rule, our ancestors, of course, meant seasonal work in the field and in the garden. But even in modern conditions there is something to think about: for example, from a transplant indoor plants or seedlings, it’s better to refuse for now.

By the way, there is one exception to this rule: the Slavs have long believed that parsley planted on Good Friday will give a double harvest. But keep in mind that you will have to sow the seeds without touching the ground with sharp or metal objects.

5. Bless the ring in the church. It will protect you from all diseases. Not necessarily a wedding item, not necessarily a precious one - just a favorite thing that you don’t part with every day.

6. In the old days they said: in order for your baby to grow strong and happy, you need to wean him on Good Friday. A controversial rule, of course, but if you think that folk signs are not fiction, it’s still worth a try.

7. Bring home twelve burning candles from a church service and let them burn out completely. This will bring you material well-being, luck and joy.

Folk signs for Good Friday

In addition to customs and traditions that are at least somehow related to Christianity, Good Friday is fraught with many frankly pagan beliefs in its history.

Among them, the most interesting are these.

1. On Good Friday you can find out if there is a “spoken” thing in your house (one that evil person caused damage). To do this, they bring an unburned candle from the church, light it in the house and go around all the rooms with it, bringing it to different corners. They say that it is precisely in the place where the candle flame begins to crackle that the enchanted object is located.

2. On this day, people traditionally guessed about the harvest based on the weather. If the sky is starry, expect a grain harvest. if it’s cloudy all day, “the bread will be with the weeds,” our ancestors said. Which means expect a bad harvest this year.

What does Good Friday mean?

According to tradition, Christians believe that it was on this day that Jesus was crucified on Mount Golgotha. Therefore, the day of remembrance of the Passion of the Savior is essentially mourning for believers - this explains the abundance of strict prohibitions.

Good or Good Friday has always been highly revered among the people. After all, the death of Christ symbolizes the slaughter of an innocent lamb for the sins of all mankind - and Jesus’ gratitude for his act has no measure.

Of course, Orthodox and pagan customs were mixed on this day. In Rus', for example, it was customary to drive evil spirits out of the village - for this, boys and girls, armed with what, walked and rode through the village from end to end on foot and on horseback. These and many other traditions are a thing of the past, and some, on the contrary, have only now been revived. In any case, knowing the customs of your ancestors is a commendable thing, and observing them is doubly commendable

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It is believed that Good Friday is the day when Jesus Christ was betrayed death penalty, you can do absolutely nothing. Just pray and grieve for the crucified Lord. But what about household chores - is it really impossible today to prepare breakfast for non-fasting family members and sweep the floor if it’s after spring cleaning V Maundy Thursday Have you already gotten dirty, walked with your child, met with friends, read a book, and, ultimately, worked, fulfilling your responsibilities to your employer and society?

The site explained in detail how to spend the day today, the priest to whom we turned to explain all these centuries-old beliefs.

It is believed that on Good Friday you should stay at home...

This is not so, he told our site Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko, rector of the Moscow Church of the All-Merciful Savior. - First of all, you cannot shirk your direct work responsibilities unless you have taken time off or vacation. You can and should work on this day, as usual, with full dedication. Secondly, it is worth going to a service on Good Friday. This day is so mournful that even the liturgy is not held, but there are three other services: in addition to morning and evening, there is also an afternoon service, so you can find time even if you are very busy. In addition, if there are small children in the family, you, of course, need to go out with them for a walk, but to some quiet and peaceful place, for example, to a park. But it would be better to refrain from noisy rides on swings and carousels. If you want to see friends on this day, you can devote time to them, but there is no need to specially organize a get-together on this day if you have the opportunity to meet on another day.

...You cannot do any housework.

This is also not entirely true,” explains the priest. - Of course, it would be better to redo the bulk of the household chores the day before, on Maundy Thursday, however, even on Friday there will probably be something that cannot be postponed until later. late date. So, a real housewife sweeps the kitchen floor, washes the dishes, and takes out the trash every day. In addition, if you see that there is dust left somewhere, then wipe it off. It is important not to go to extremes here. You don't need to make everyday cleaning a priority on Good Friday if it doesn't take up your whole day, it's too much. of great importance. There is definitely no sin in it.

...You can’t cook anything or eat anything. And even drink.

It’s great when health allows you to completely abstain from food on the most severe day and be content with only a few sips of clean water, but undermining the body’s strength for the sake of unnecessary feats is not pleasing to God,” our interlocutor warns. - Only those who have asked the blessing of not only the priest, but also the doctor’s permission, can eat or drink anything. And, of course, it is a sin to keep those family members hungry who do not fast at all: they certainly will not come to the true faith evil. You should first of all abstain from meat and dairy dishes and eat as moderately as possible, but within your means. If your body, due to health reasons, requires not only a crust of bread, but, for example, hot chicken broth, then eat it for God’s sake. Don't torture yourself.

...You can't laugh or talk loudly.

This is the day of the greatest sorrow on Earth, there really is no laughing matter here,” confirms the clergyman. - On Good Friday you really need to speak quietly and only to the point - refrain from idle chatter.

You really can’t have fun,” Father Alexander supports. - You should also abstain from TV and the Internet on this day, if you don’t need them for work. You can read, but only saving literature, primarily the Bible and prayer book. Also, on this day you are not blessed to celebrate your personal holidays if they fall on Good Friday, such as a birthday or wedding anniversary. It is better to move the party to the first Monday after Easter. Also refrain from any unnecessary worldly activities, such as buying new clothes or planning trips to May holidays. This day should be dedicated primarily to God.
