Start in science. Free electricity: ways to get it yourself. Diagrams, instructions, photos and videos How to make electricity from water

In order to generate electricity, you need to find a potential difference and a conductor. By connecting everything into a single flow, you can provide yourself with a constant source of electricity. However, in reality, taming the potential difference is not so simple.

Nature conducts enormous power of electricity through a liquid medium. These are lightning discharges, which are known to occur in air saturated with moisture. However, these are just single discharges, and not a constant flow of electricity.

Man took on the function of natural power and organized the movement of electricity through wires. However, this is just a transfer of one type of energy to another. Extracting electricity directly from the environment remains mainly at the level of scientific research, experiments in the category of entertaining physics and the creation of small low-power installations.

The easiest way to extract electricity is from a solid and moist environment.

Unity of three environments

The most popular medium in this case is soil. The fact is that the earth is the unity of three media: solid, liquid and gaseous. Between small particles of minerals there are drops of water and air bubbles. Moreover, the elementary unit of soil - a micelle or clay-humus complex - is complex system, which has a potential difference.

A negative charge is formed on the outer shell of such a system, and a positive charge on the inner shell. The negatively charged shell of the micelle attracts positively charged ions in the medium. So electrical and electrochemical processes are constantly occurring in the soil. In a more homogeneous air and water environment, there are no such conditions for the concentration of electricity.

How to get electricity from the ground

Since the soil contains both electricity and electrolytes, it can be considered not only as an environment for living organisms and a source of crops, but also as a mini power plant. In addition, our electrified homes concentrate in the environment around them the electricity that “drains” through grounding. You can't help but take advantage of this.

Most often, homeowners use the following methods to extract electricity from the soil located around the house.

Method 1 - Neutral wire –> load –> soil

Voltage is supplied to residential premises through 2 conductors: phase and neutral. When creating a third, grounded conductor, a voltage of 10 to 20 V arises between it and the zero contact. This voltage is enough to light a couple of light bulbs.

Thus, to connect electricity consumers to “ground” electricity, it is enough to create a circuit: neutral wire - load - soil. Craftsmen can improve this primitive circuit and obtain a higher voltage current.

Method 2 - Zinc and copper electrode

The next method of generating electricity is based on using only land. Two metal rods are taken - one zinc, the other copper, and placed in the ground. It is better if it is soil in an isolated space.

Isolation is necessary in order to create an environment with high salinity, which is incompatible with life - nothing will grow in such soil. The rods will create a potential difference, and the soil will become an electrolyte.

In the very simple version we get a voltage of 3 V. This, of course, is not enough for a home, but the system can be complicated, thereby increasing the power.

Method 3 - Potential between roof and ground

3. Enough big difference potentials can be created between the roof of a house and the ground. If the surface on the roof is metal and the surface in the ground is ferrite, then you can achieve a potential difference of 3 V. This figure can be increased by changing the size of the plates, as well as the distance between them.


  1. While studying this issue, I realized that modern industry does not produce ready-made devices to generate electricity from the ground, but this can also be done from available material.
  2. However, it should be noted that experiments with electricity are dangerous. It’s better if you still involve a specialist, at least at the final stage of assessing the system’s security level.

The idea of ​​obtaining free electricity is using the potential difference between the network zero and the ground.
A small disclaimer: this method of generating energy works 100 percent. This is not a hoax, some incomprehensible device that draws electricity from the ether, some kind of miracle device on magnets, etc.
We will use the voltage difference between the 220 V network zero and ground.
If we talk in simple language, then there are wires from the power plant to consumers - zero and three phases. Since the wires have their own resistance, therefore, there will be a voltage drop on them. This is the tension we will catch. This potential also creates a phase imbalance.

It is legal?

Yes, the power grid is not punished for this, since we will not use the phase. And in fact this is not theft.

Will electric meters take this energy into account?

It all depends on the type of electricity meter. There are meters with one shunt (with one measuring element) - the most common and two-shunt (with two measuring elements). One shunt I just don’t take into account zero - since their measuring shunt is located on the phase.

How much electricity can you get?

It all depends on the number of subscribers in the network and the power of all wiring. Usually it's somewhere between 3-10 volts. If you connect a step-up transformer, you can light LED lamp. The voltage after the step-up transformer is about 100-220 V.


Any transformer from a radio, tape recorder, etc. It is advisable to use a low voltage of 3-9 Volts on the secondary winding.
Please note that you use all manipulations at your own peril and risk.

Precautionary measures

Be sure to install a fuse in the circuit between zero and transformer or circuit breaker amps by 5-10. This is necessary so that the entire structure does not burn out if the phase with zero is suddenly changed. The probability of this event is, of course, negligible, but you need to be prepared for anything. Rather, there is a high probability that the zero will break - and this happens all the time. And the machine gun will definitely save you.
Even when working with zero, be sure to turn off the network. Well, even free light should not be left unattended.

Details Published: 12/07/2015 11:13

New way Baku resident Elchin Abbasov found the opportunity to produce electricity. By using homemade device Azerbaijani inventor can charge mobile phone or a flashlight.

Elchin Abbasov's original electricity generator resembles a miniature barbecue. The principle of its operation is quite simple: it is poured into the tank cold water water, and a candle (or any other source of open fire) is lit under it, wires are fixed on opposite sides of the container, which act as “plus” and “minus”. As a result, an electric current is generated due to the temperature difference.

“When we apply voltage here [to an electrical appliance], it becomes warm on one side and cold on the other. But if it’s the other way around: we make one part warm and the other cold, then we get a voltage that we will use for lighting or charging the phone or for any other purpose,” says the engineer.

With one glass of water and fire, the device is capable of generating 10-12 watts of energy. This is enough to charge two phones. The device may be useful for those who like leisure: with its help in hiking conditions You can charge a dead flashlight or adjust the tent lighting.

“We get electricity here using an open fire, but there are options in which you can do this using simply the difference in water temperature: to generate electricity, you need to pour cold water into one part of the device, and cold water into the other. hot water"- says the Azerbaijani.

Elchin also has other inventions in his arsenal. Most of them fall into the category alternative sources energy, and all of them are significantly different from traditional wind turbines and solar panels. The scientist’s plans also include another ambitious project: if the tests are successful, it will be possible to obtain electricity from the water of the Caspian Sea.

Reference. The idea of ​​thermal electricity has been known to people for about 200 years. Thermoelectricity is a set of phenomena in which a temperature difference creates an electric potential, or an electric potential creates a temperature difference.

We present to your attention interesting solutions for low-current electrical appliances - flashlights, chargers, lighters. The article provides detailed photographs and video instructions on how to assemble original sources of electricity from improvised means with your own hands.

It's no secret that energy literally surrounds us and its carriers can be not only valuable minerals - oil, gas, coal, but also metals, carbohydrates, objects moving due to natural causes. Let's take a closer look at how electrical energy can be extracted from available means.

In this section, we will clearly demonstrate the ability to extract electricity using chemical and electrolytic reactions.

Carbon batteries made from aluminum cans

You can make ordinary carbon batteries yourself. For this we need:

  1. Two 0.5 liter tins of drinks.
  2. Two graphite rods Ø 15-20 mm long along the height of the can + 20-30 mm.
  3. Regular coal or ash.
  4. Paraffin or wax.
  5. Several copper wires, a knife.

The method involves recreating miniature batteries for household appliances in an enlarged form.


  1. Cut off the tops of the cans, leaving the sides.
  2. Place 30 mm thick foam on the bottom.
  3. Install the rods inside the cans, sinking them into the foam.
  4. Fill your sinuses with coal. There should be 10-15 mm left to the edge of the jar.
  5. Fill your sinuses with salted water (1 tablespoon per 1 liter).
  6. Pour melted paraffin or wax free place in the jar (to the top).

Each of the cans will be identical in energy capacity to one 1.5 V AA battery. They can be connected in series, recharged and used in household appliances - watches, receivers, LED lamps.

Batteries made from tin cans - step by step video

Electricity from oxidation

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are sources of energy for the human body. It is extracted due to reactions taking place in the stomach and intestines. Namely, when stomach acid acts on a carbohydrate, the energy contained in it is released. What if you try to replace stomach acid with a more familiar one - acetic acid?

For the experiment we will need:

  1. Refined sugar - 2 pieces.
  2. Anodized screws 15 mm - 2 pcs. (copper-plated and galvanized).
  3. 1.5 V LED light bulb with wires.


  1. Drill (not all the way!) holes in the sugar.
  2. Carefully, so as not to crush the refined sugar, screw in the screws.
  3. We connect the light bulb wiring to the screw heads.
  4. We moisten the refined sugar with vinegar.

Video on how to extract electricity from sugar

Of course, the point here is not sugar, but the chemical process of oxidation of copper and zinc. Refined sugar is only a means to retain acid. At the point of contact between the oxidized surfaces and the acid, an electrochemical reaction occurs with the release of small quantity energy. Theoretically, refined sugar can be replaced with a dense sponge, but over time the screws will completely oxidize and become unusable.

This effect is described more clearly and accurately in a similar experiment with lemons.

Electricity from lemon - video tutorial

And absolutely folk way using potatoes.

Video - how to extract current from potatoes

Emergency power source

The principle described above can be used to create a charger from improvised means. For this you will need simple details, which can be found in the remaining material for disposal after repair.

To create an energy source you will need:

  1. U-shaped galvanized hangers for drywall (thickness does not matter) - 10 pcs.
  2. Thin copper wire - 15 m.
  3. Thin cotton fabric - a few scraps, or, in extreme cases, toilet paper.
  4. Threads.
  5. Water, salt.

Work progress (for one battery):

1. Wrap the plates with cloth (or paper) in 2 layers.

2. Wrap the wire over the fabric (not tightly, the fabric should be visible).

3. Release copper wires from each element.

4. Wrap the element in fabric again and secure with threads.

5. Moisten the cloth with salted water and keep it wet.

One element produces approximately 0.33 V. To light an LED, 5 elements are enough; to recharge a phone, 13-14 pieces are enough.

Electricity will be generated while the oxidation reaction is taking place, i.e. while between different metals There is an electrolyte (salt water). If the element is dry, just wet it and the reaction will resume until the saline solution corrodes the zinc coating. Ideally, it is better to use all-zinc plates.

You can take individual parts and salt with you on a hike or keep them already ready-made elements along with a candle in case of a power outage. When darkness falls, all that remains is to connect them together and moisten them.

Pneumatic lighter

The gases included in the composition atmospheric air, there is a common property - they can become very hot when the pressure increases. This effect can be used to make an “eternal” lighter. The manufacturing method will require the skills of a mechanic.

To work you will need:

  1. Kernel round section, possibly made of soft metal (copper, aluminum) Ø 30 mm and length 200 mm.
  2. Steel rod Ø 10 mm and length 200 mm.
  3. Rubber rings from a plumbing kit.
  4. Cotton fabric, foil.
  5. Access to lathe.


  1. Drill out the thick rod to the diameter of the thin one + 1 mm (cylinder).
  2. Make grooves on the thin rod (piston) for the compression rings.
  3. Drill a hole at the end of the piston.
  4. Install the rubber rings into the grooves.
  5. Wrap the fabric in foil and burn it over a fire (tinder).

In order to use the lighter, you need to place tinder in the recess of the piston and insert it into the cylinder. Then sharply apply force along the piston axis and remove it from the cylinder. The tinder at the end will smolder and a flame can be fanned from it. It is this effect that is used in diesel engines.

Pneumatic lighter in action on video

The examples described above may not have high practical value, but they clearly demonstrate the possibilities of obtaining alternative energy to solve everyday problems. In the following articles we will look at other ways to realize natural and magnetic energy.

The earth's interior has virtually inexhaustible potential, and if desired, it can be used as a source of energy. There are several ways to generate electricity from the ground. These schemes may differ radically from each other, but the result will be similar. It consists of uninterrupted supply of electricity with minimal costs to receive it.

Natural Energy Sources

Recently, humanity has been trying to find more available alternatives to supply your own home with electrical energy. And all because the standard of living is growing rapidly, and along with it, the costs of maintaining residential premises using the usual methods are increasing. That is, it is precisely the high cost and constant rise in prices for public utilities forces people to look for more affordable energy sources that can also provide light and heat to their homes.

Currently, windmills that transform energy from the air and located in open spaces are especially popular. solar panels, which are installed directly on the roofs of houses, as well as all kinds of hydraulic systems varying degrees of complexity. And here For some reason, the idea of ​​extracting energy from the bowels of the earth is extremely rarely used in practice, except when conducting amateur experiments.

Meanwhile, even now folk craftsmen offer several simple, but at the same time sufficient effective ways extracting electricity from the ground for the home.

The easiest ways to mine

It is no secret that in the soil (unlike the air) electrochemical processes constantly occur, the reason for which lies in the interaction of negative and positive charges emanating from the outer shell and the interior. These processes make it possible to consider the earth not only as the mother of all living things, but also as a powerful energy source. And in order to use it in household needs, masters most often resort to to three proven methods for extracting electricity from the ground with your own hands. These include:

  1. Neutral wire method.
  2. A method with the simultaneous use of two different electrodes.
  3. Potential for different heights.

In the first case, providing the living space with a voltage sufficient for at least several light bulbs to light is carried out through the phase and neutral conductors. But in order to achieve this goal, the light bulb must be connected not only to zero, but also to grounding, because if the living space is equipped with a high-quality grounding circuit, then most of the energy consumed goes into the soil, and such contact helps to partially return it from there.

Actually we're talking about about the most primitive “neutral conductor - load - ground” scheme, in which the generated energy is not output to a common instrument meter, that is, its use is free. However, this method also has a significant drawback, which is the more than low voltage, ranging from 10 to 20 volts, and if you want to increase this figure, you will have to improve the design by using more complex elements.

The method of extracting energy by using two different electrodes is even simpler, since in practice only soil is used for its application. Naturally, this cannot but affect the final result of the experiment, so most often such circuits do not make it possible to obtain a voltage of more than 3 volts, although this indicator tends to vary in one direction or another depending on the humidity and composition of the soil.

To conduct the experiment, it is enough to immerse two different conductors into the soil (usually rods made of copper and zinc are used), which are designed to create a difference between negative (zinc) and positive (copper) potentials. A concentrated solution will help ensure their interaction with each other. electrolyte solution, which you can prepare yourself using distilled water and regular table salt.

The generated voltage level can be increased, if you immerse the electrode rods deeper and increase the salt concentration in the solution used. Area also plays an important role in this matter. cross section the electrodes themselves. It is noteworthy that soil abundantly watered with electrolyte can no longer be used for growing any plants and crops. This point must be taken into account when providing high-quality insulation to avoid salinization of adjacent areas.

The potential difference can also be provided by such elements as the roof of a private house and the soil, but provided that the roof is made of any metal alloy and the surface of the ground is covered with ferrite.

However, this method will not give significant results, since the average voltage that can be obtained in this way is unlikely to exceed 3 volts.

Alternative technique

If we consider Earth as one large spherical capacitor with a negative internal potential, and its shell as a source positive energy, the atmosphere as an insulator, and the magnetic field as an electric generator, then to obtain energy it will be enough to simply connect to this natural generator, providing reliable grounding. In this case, the design of the device itself should must include the following elements:

  • A conductor in the form of a metal rod, the height of which must exceed all objects located in the immediate vicinity.
  • A high-quality grounding loop to which a metal conductor is connected.
  • Any emitter capable of allowing electrons to escape freely from a conductor. A powerful electric generator or even a classic Tesla coil can be used as this element.

The whole point of this method is that the height of the conductor used must provide such a difference in opposite potentials that will allow the electrodes to move up, rather than down, along a metal rod immersed in the ground.

As for the emitter, its main role is to release the electrodes that enter the environment already in the form of pure ions.

And after the atmospheric and electromagnetic potential of the earth are equal, energy production will begin. By this moment, a third-party consumer should already be connected to the structure. In this case, the current in the electrical circuit will depend entirely on how powerful the emitter is. The higher its potential, the larger number consumers can be connected to the generator.

Naturally, to build such a structure within settlements on your own is almost impossible, because everything depends on the height of the conductor, which must exceed trees and all structures, but the idea itself can become the basis for creating large-scale projects that allow you to obtain electricity from the ground for nothing.

Electricity from the ground according to Belousov

The theory of Valery Belousov deserves special attention, who for many years has been engaged in an in-depth study of lightning and the invention of the most reliable protection from this dangerous natural phenomenon. In addition, this scientist is the author of several unique books of their kind, which set out an alternative vision of the process of generating and absorbing electrical energy in the bowels of the earth.

Double ground circuit

One of the ways to obtain electricity from the ground involves the use of double grounding, which allows you to remove energy from the ground for domestic purposes for free.

In this case, the circuit assumes the presence of a single passive type grounding loop without an activator, the main task of which is to accept a one-sided charge in the first half-cycle with its further return back when entering the second half-cycle phase. That is, we are talking about a kind of clipboard, the role of which can be played by the usual gas pipe, brought to a standard apartment.

Construction of the structure and the essence of the experience

Subsequent assembly of the structure involves performing the following manipulations:

The author called this type of hitherto unknown energy “white”, comparing it to a blank sheet of paper, onto which, if desired, you can put anything you want, opening up fundamentally new possibilities for all of humanity. But the main idea that the author highlights is that all energies on the planet flow individually according to their own laws, but all this happens in a single space.
