Ways to cleanse your energy. Holes in a person’s aura How to remove energy gaps

Just as no one has ever seen a person’s soul, no one knows what his aura really looks like. In the world, of course, there are masters who are able to look beyond the boundaries of the material, but meetings with them are quite rare. How to determine that a person’s aura is pierced by negative influences?

In this article

Signs of breakdown

The first sign a breakdown of a person’s subtle body can be considered increased fatigue. If you get enough sleep, eat right and lead an active life, but you still don’t have enough energy, then perhaps your biofield has holes and breakdowns through which precious energy leaks.

Second sign can be attributed to troubles that suddenly befall a person. If you are fatally unlucky in literally everything, and life looks like an obstacle course, then you should think about the integrity of your energy. This also includes minimal results with a lot of effort expended. It happens that a person does a lot to achieve a goal, but cannot get what he wants.

To the third sign include more severe conditions. For example, obsessive thoughts that may arise in the head, causeless aggression, inappropriate behavior, jumps in body temperature that medicine cannot explain. Here we are not talking about a simple hole in the energy sector, but about the presence of an energetic essence being subsumed.

From the evil eye

A person can survive a simple evil eye without major consequences. Since the body has the ability to recover.

Very powerful and effective cleaning on a subtle level:

If the blow has passed, but the holes in the biofield remain, you can imagine an aura around you in the form of a cocoon and mentally close the holes with your palms.

From damage

Real damage often comes with its own resident. Without getting rid of the uninvited guest, negativity cannot be removed from a person’s fields.

Just listen to this mantra:

Believers can expel an entity with prayers and mantras, energy agents can expel them by increasing the level of energy that is unpalatable to the “guest,” ordinary people can use ready-made rituals and ceremonies for expulsion.

From the curse

A severe case is considered to be an induced curse. Due to the strong impact, a person may begin to think about suicide or lose the most precious thing in life.

At home, you can perform the following ritual:

First, get the message cleared by a specialist, and then close the holes in the aura using any of the methods listed above.

Protecting your aura from attacks

When the essence is detached from a person so as not to attract new negative, you need to cover up the holes in the aura with the help of energy practices, then put protection on your biofield.


Special mantras have always helped people protect themselves from the evil around them. Mantras are certain sounds that are chanted sequentially and with the correct intonation. These sounds create unique vibrations in space that can contain both healing and protective properties. To protect the aura, a person can use the following mantras.

Life Center

Crown area

It is worth working especially hard on the crown of the head with the help of golden energy. When removing the golden ray from the body, it is necessary to mentally transform it into a halo above the head.

This way your energy will be looped until the next exercise.

Delay and stuffing

The exercise begins with a deep breath through the nose. As you inhale, you need to imagine how the halo above your head swells with energy. As you exhale during the exercise, visualize a fountain of energy that comes out through the mouth. Such energy must certainly envelop the body and restore the aura.

Advice. People who perform such exercises every day eventually become inaccessible to any energetic negativity, as their aura thickens and strengthens, like muscles during sports.

Seemingly simple, these techniques have amazing restorative effects, but only when a person performs them conscientiously and persistently. During meditation and visualization, all attention should be directed to the action that is happening in the head. You should not be distracted by extraneous noises and sounds, so as not to start the exercise again.

Energy vampirism

Not only a negative message or damage can damage a person’s biofield; there are often cases of breakdowns in the aura due to attacks by energy vampires.

Energetic vampire- this is a person who, for some reason, does not know how to take energy from the Universe and from his environment. And in order to replenish life reserves, he brings out the emotions of other people.

Impact on the biofield

Energy vampires often cause scandals, insult others, complain a lot, and lament their fate. And when their victim begins to feel compassion or anger, the vampire gets the opportunity to feed on her energy.

Opinion clinical psychologist Veronica Stepanova:

Sometimes such pumping can be quite harsh. After an attack, a person may feel like a squeezed lemon. Not all vampires look young and strong; due to lack of energy, older people and small children become vampires.

Methods of protection

First way - this is balance. Of course, when a friend has troubles at work, you want to support her, but it is better to provide support through action than to start suffering with her.

Second way closely resonates with the practices mentioned above. Breaking through a strong and dense biofield for a vampire is not as easy as it might seem. In addition, when involved in a negative situation, it is enough to imagine an invisible wall between yourself and your interlocutor. And it will become several times more difficult for him to connect to you.

It works on the same principle protection "Mirror", when a mirror surface is mentally directed at a screaming person so that he is virtually reflected in it. As a rule, a vampire receives a portion of his own negativity and hastens to retreat to find a new victim for himself. After all, he remained hungry.

In this video, Evgeny Green explains how to properly protect yourself from energy vampires:

Today, common hygiene extends beyond the physical world. People are increasingly concerned about the purity of the energies that surround them. Even atheists use energy exercises to help them stay fit. Try to do the same.

A little about the author:

What do dream hackers do and how can you join them?

Everything that surrounds us is energy. Even our physical body is also energy. Any interaction with people and with the world around us is an energetic interaction. The world of energies is invisible, and those who do not have vision do not always understand how important it is to be able to manage their energies in order to always be healthy, vigorous, and have enough strength to implement their plans and intentions, for life, work and relationships.

What does a deformed polluted power system mean?

This means that the human chakras, which are receivers and transmitters of universal energy, do not perform their functions. They are sick, weak, there are blocks in them, the amount of energy that a person needs for life and the normal functioning of his physical body does not pass through them. The energy channels that carry energy to each human organ are also blocked, unable to do their job, as a result of which the organs do not receive enough vital energy and become ill.
But just as a car cannot move without fuel, our physical body can function well only when it has enough energy. The less energy it receives, the more sick a person is.

In addition, most people's auras do not have integrity; there are breakdowns in the chakras and other parts of the energy field. Many have breakdowns not in one, but in several chakras. What are breakdowns? A person with holes in the aura is like someone who has been pierced balloon. Energy flows into it, but flows out of the holes. As a result, coupled with blocks, such a person receives less vital energy many times over. This may not be felt until about 25-30 years of age. But the older a person gets, the less energy he has.

It is not surprising that many people, including young people, complain about lack of energy, constant fatigue, poor sleep, etc. Doctors have even already identified this as a disease - chronic fatigue syndrome.

Even if you don’t have chronic fatigue syndrome, but you have difficulty getting up in the morning and only start to feel more alert after a cup of coffee, you have a lack of energy.
-If you don’t have enough strength to do everything during the day, you have a lack of energy.
-If you feel weak and want to lie down after lunch, and in the evening you generally fall off your feet from fatigue, you have a lack of energy.

If you feel tired, weak and have headaches after visiting crowded places, you have a lack of energy and your energy system simply cannot cope with its functions.

Ideally, a person should feel cheerful, healthy and productive at any time, including in the evening after a working day. This is exactly what happens to those who constantly deal with their energy, cleanse, heal and nourish it.

Energy cleansing is very important. Don't think that it happens automatically. In general, those who believe that something is automatically cleansed and healed for them are in a big illusion. Some people think that their higher aspects or angels are cleaning them. “Energies pass through me at night, which means they are working with me.” Remember: no one will ever work with you without your request! And if you feel that some energies are coming through you, then most often these are cosmic energies that are now coming to earth.
They have ultra-high-frequency characteristics, and if they get into a contaminated human energy system, they simply cannot pass through the blocks normally, and sometimes cause very strong and even discomfort. Imagine how difficult it is for these energies to break through clogged channels and chakras! “My head hurts, there’s pressure on my head,” many say. And therefore there is pressure that the crown chakra is blocked and is not capable of transmitting high-frequency energies.

Everyone knows that every person needs to take a shower or bath every day in order to cleanse their physical body of dirt, toxins and toxins. If this is not done daily, then waste and toxins will be absorbed back into the skin, and the person will smell bad. But why do people, remembering that the physical body must be cleansed every day, nevertheless not think about cleansing their energy body every day? Probably because they don't see what it looks like unpeeled. But the energy body also constantly releases its own waste products, the same toxins, only energy ones. These are the negative energies of those unhealthy emotions that every person experiences during the day, as well as many other things that he touches from the outside. And all this accumulates in his energy fields. Sensitive people feel how these energies press on the chakras, on the back of the head, etc. There are those who do not have sensitivity. They don’t feel anything, and therefore they think that everything is fine with them. They will feel all this only in the form of illnesses. By the way, if a person does not express his emotions, then this is even worse (and many spiritual people are ashamed of their negative emotions and therefore do not express them. But nevertheless, they experience them. Repressed emotions, as we know, are more dangerous than expressed ones. They create blocks and ultimately cause many diseases).

During the day, everyone comes into contact with many people and objects, including objects with low-frequency energy, especially in large cities where there are many businesses, banks, etc. Some people travel on the subway, and there is very heavy energy there. And all this leaves energy traces in the aura that do not go away on their own.
Therefore, a person who does not constantly clean his energy system looks on a subtle level the same as someone who never washes visually looks like. Introduced?

You need to train yourself to cleanse your energy every day, just like brushing your teeth and taking a shower. Not only physical, but also emotional health depends on this, because the energies of negative emotions, accumulating in a person’s aura, can, through their influence, again give rise to negative emotions in him. And so on in a vicious circle.

There are many ways to cleanse energy on the Internet. Some of them are more effective, others less. But, I repeat, you need to do this every day if you want to be healthy and strong. We need to find time for this. In addition, it is necessary to heal and nourish your energy system, work with thoughts and emotions in order to achieve energetic integrity. You must learn to give your energy only to what serves the highest good, and constantly watch where you put your energy. For, as you know, where thought goes, so does energy. These are truisms, but in practice not everyone succeeds in this. We must also cleanse ourselves of entities, our own and those of others.

If the energy is weak, if there is no integrity of the aura, then breakdowns in the aura are an open door for entities. We need to work with karma, this is very important, because as consciousness develops and energy is purified, we receive those negative karmic energies of past incarnations that need to be healed. If they are not healed, they create blocks in the energy body and ultimately cause illness. The same applies to negative generic energies, which more often appear after 45-50 years. With age, both energies become more and more, but personal energy becomes less and less.

It happens that people who are far from spirituality, but want to strengthen their energy and improve their health, begin to engage in energy practices without developing their consciousness. A person gains energetic strength, may even gain siddhis (supernatural powers, the ability to perform miracles. This term is usually found in the literature on yoga and Vajrayana Buddhism. Great yogis (mahasiddhas) are also called siddhis), but with an undeveloped consciousness such a person will be simply dangerous. He may not understand how to properly use this power, and may use it for bad reasons.

And the opposite option is when a person develops his consciousness, reads spiritual literature, but at the same time does not pay any attention to his energy. Their mental body develops and their spiritual bodies begin to develop little by little. But with the development of the mental body, the automatic development of other subtle bodies that are vital for us does not occur. Only by working consciously with your energy system can you become a harmoniously developed person. The development of consciousness must go in parallel with energy development. When a person deals with his energy, he not only improves his health and increases his success in life, but he also begins to develop psychic abilities faster - clairsentience, clairvoyance, clairvoyance, because those channels through which energy/information comes are cleansed. A person becomes more conscious and energetically literate; he is able, through proper management of his energies, to build his life in accordance with his highest good.

If a person has little energy, he cannot bring abundance into his life in all its manifestations - spiritual, financial, and in the sphere of relationships. He is simply not capable of living a full life. To work with your intentions, as you know, you need to have a lot of energy. Your intention will only work when you sufficiently feed it with energy. Only a person with strong, clean and healthy energy can change his reality and attract success in all areas of his life.

Now high-frequency energies are coming to earth. They will intensify. And those people who are not able to be pure conductors of these energies, whose low-frequency polluted energy does not resonate at all with these high energies, simply will not be able to maintain good health and strength in the years ahead.
Therefore, pay attention to your energy system. Find time to take care of yourself, and believe me, it will pay off in improved health and success in all your affairs.

(article found on the Internet)

A hole in the biofield is an unpleasant phenomenon, but temporary if a person is prompt in terms of energy harmonization and seeks help from an expert.

Psychics and esotericists know how to bring the aura back to normal after a breakdown, and they willingly share an arsenal of practical techniques, the essence of which comes down to gaining new energy. By enhancing life potential through meditation and suggestion, a person is able to align subtle matters and restart the circulation of energy himself.

Twisting Energy

The convenience of this practice is that it does not require a special environment or a specific position in space. Therefore, a person can perform it in parallel with household chores or work, as well as in public places.

  • Imagine that an energy funnel is inserted into your head, at the top of your head. With its help you can get a sufficient amount of vitality.
  • Choose a natural object around you whose energy could become the basis for patching your hole in your aura. It could be a star, a cloud, a body of water, a tree, etc. - everything that has, to one degree or another, the power of the elements.
  • With each inhalation, the object should begin to give off a cloud of beautiful colored energy. This clot is sucked into the funnel. Accompany it mentally within yourself: it enters the solar plexus area, and as you exhale it curls clockwise into a sphere.
  • This ball of energy becomes denser and grows during the breathing process. It begins to affect the boundaries of your aura, so imagine it as large as possible. After 5-10 minutes the practice can be completed.

The process of drawing energy into the solar plexus can be a little easier if you have the opportunity to retire in nature or at home.

Sit down and place your hands on your knees, palms facing the sun. Visualize that the luminary is sending its rays to each finger. Draw in these ten rays as you inhale and lead them with the power of thought through your arms to your shoulders, chest and solar plexus. With exhalation, the energy must be swirled as described earlier.

Some esotericists also prefer to let energy flows into the body and at the same time cleanse the chakra system and energy channels of traffic jams and stagnant clots. This practice allows you to restore full circulation of vital force.

  • Stand up and imagine how a vertical axis of symmetry passes through you.
  • Inhale deeply, visualizing that along this axis a stream of energy rises from the depths of the earth, going into space.
  • Exhale and imagine that there is a second axis, parallel, and a reverse flow moves along it, going into the soil from the sky.
  • Spend a few minutes simply contemplating the movement of both currents.


In any meditative practice that involves aligning the layers of the biofield, correct inhalations and exhalations are important part achieving peace and energetic harmony.

Breathing also affects our physical state, and on emotions, including negative ones, dissolving them in the flow of purely absorbed energy.

So closing holes in the aura is quite possible through several breathing practices:

  1. To strengthen your depleted thin membranes, try to inhale deeply through your left nostril. The air should flow slowly, but for a long time, until a feeling of fullness appears. Then cover your nose with your fingers and hold your breath for 15 seconds. At this moment, you need to feel the flow of air inside you with every cell. Exhale through the right nostril, slowly, until the lungs are completely empty. The practice is repeated with a clear rhythm for several minutes.
  2. If you know approximately where in the biofield there is a hole, you can try to breathe directly into this part of the body. To do this, you need to clearly visualize the presence of your lungs and nostrils in this area. Try to concentrate your thoughts on inhaling and exhaling. At the same time, you can imagine how a flow of pure energy enters the body, and harmful clots leave.
  3. There is a combined technique of rhythmic breathing and dousing with salt water. In this way, you can not only cleanse the biofield of negative energy waves, but also heal it, and also put up a powerful fence from ill-wishers. Start by turning to the Higher Powers, from whom you need to ask for help, blessings and protection.
    Then heat the water to 40 degrees, using a handful of salt (can be consecrated) per bucket. You can also simply fill the bathtub with salt water.
    While dousing yourself with such a healing liquid, voice out loud your command, in which you want to wash away the energy of all other creatures and people from the aura, take this flow into the ground and utilize it. At the end of the pouring, thank the Lord and move on to 10-12 cycles of rhythmic breathing, which will help you recharge with vitality.

How to close holes in the aura with meditation

Use the power of the elements

Take a comfortable position and close your eyelids. Imagine a point of flame a meter above the top of your head. This is a scorching white fire that you can wrap your palms around and even stroke.

Gradually you notice that the hue of the glow changes to gold. The flame stops burning, it pleases the eye. The fire begins to flow in a thin stream directly into the aura. Feel the warmth envelop your head and chest. When you realize that the flame has completely penetrated the biofield, remain in a relaxed state for another couple of minutes to calm down.

Another interesting option working with an imaginary flame is combined with additional visualization. Imagine a ridge of golden-colored streams. Comb your biofield with it very carefully so that the negative gets stuck in the teeth. Throw all of its clumps into the violet flame. At the end of the session, send it back to the fire where it came from.

Try visualizing your aura

First, move your own entity, i.e. yourself, to the area of ​​the heart or solar plexus. This is the starting point of control over the biofield. Imagine light oozing from the center of the thin shells. It fills matter from the inside, creating a dense and reliable shell in the form of an ellipse or circle.

A bright and transparent stream of light moves inside such a cocoon. Visualize how all the cracks are healed, the symmetry of the aura is leveled, and the space inside the biofield becomes clear.

You can also close holes in the aura with light, from which you sculpt a colored ball, like plasticine

You need to take a comfortable static position and rub your hands at the level of the solar plexus. Imagine that the energy of the body passes through your hands and flows out of your fingers. Feel the warmth from your brushes. Visualize that in your hands there is a glowing energy ball, the size of which is gradually growing.

There is a feeling of slight resistance between your palms. To make the sensations real, you can slowly spread your arms, make slight oscillatory movements with them, and also change the position of your hands, but do not open them. A tangible energy ball must be sent to the voids in the aura, and then the remaining energy must be pulled back into the hands.

If you don’t know exactly where the hole in the biofield is located, you can try sending a luminous sphere to the solar plexus.

Tap into your own energy reserves

At the first stage, stay at the point of maximum discomfort in the aura, imagine that your energy is trying to patch up the hole. Then move to the energy ball of the aura - this is the area of ​​the heart, the center of the biofield. Pull the thread from there to the place with the hole.

Imagine how the energy of your body and soul runs to this problem area and restores it. Feel that the aura has become harmonious, and you have enough positive energy to return to the moment when the biofield was broken due to weakness. Mentally live the situation according to a new scenario.

Try restoring your aura while doing normal things

Stand up, bend your knees, tune in to calm breathing. Think about the fact that you will now return the biofield to its normal state and smile. Having parted with unnecessary thoughts, stretch your arms one by one forward, to the sides, and up. Feel that your energy cocoon has a boundary.

Staying in place, scroll the cocoon along its axis, making half a revolution per inhalation and exhalation, respectively. Scroll the biofield ten times clockwise and the same amount counterclockwise. Then walk around the apartment without thinking about anything. Go back to spinning the cocoon, imagining it again, but with holes.

Visualize that each layer of the aura is sticky and viscous, so when turning around the body, each hole is covered as if with glue. Repeat 10 revolutions in each direction, feel that the biofield now has the correct density and shape. Now do any activity in which you need to use the maximum of your attention.

Relaxing practices in nature

If you are bothered by constant holes in the aura, meditation should not only recharge the biofield, but also cleanse it of those negative phenomena that regularly form this hole. In such a situation, it is worth turning to relaxing practices in nature.

In fact, no special actions are required here; it is enough to take a bath in the sea or walk in the rain. You can also choose static practice, stopping for a while under sun rays or gusts of wind. The main thing is to imagine that natural forces remove all negativity and take it in the right direction.

If you are unable to leave the house, try simply visualizing a strong stream of water. Let your body plunge into a real whirlpool, which will pick up and carry other people's clots of energy into the ocean, where salt water will dissolve them completely.

Closing holes caused by the evil eye

  • The simplest solution is to get out of the state of numbness that is created by this energetic impact. But this requires a huge will, and you also need to return to a normal state with the power of thought alone.
  • You can imagine how a large white stream of cosmic energy descends from the sky. All its power dissolves and destroys other people’s clots of negativity from your aura. Visualize this highest pure energy partially entering the body through the seventh chakra at the crown. It fills you and comes out through the third and second chakras. This meditation takes only 5-10 minutes and ends when the energy gap in the biofield simply disappears.
  • Infants often suffer from the evil eye due to the alien gaze of those with a strong aura. Because of this, babies cry constantly. The problem is solved like this: mom dials warm water into the mouth and sprays the child with water, and then presses the baby to the chest, visualizing filling the child’s aura with his energy. In just a couple of minutes, the foreign clots will go away.
  • For a strong evil eye, patching holes in the aura is carried out by restoring the entire energy shell by controlling one’s own dimensions of the etheric body. It is this layer of the aura that can improve the physical shell and heal itself. So increase its parameters so that the energy of the ethereal shell fills the space above your head. Repeat the procedure several times a day, for 5-10 minutes, and after 3-5 days the aura will be restored.

Self-medication method

Many people are able to restore their aura themselves, using the power of their hands or special quartz crystals, reminiscent of an obelisk in shape. This practice is called pranotherapy. First, you need to independently diagnose a hole in the biofield.

It is necessary to take a standing position, close your eyelids, adjust your breathing. Concentration should be directed only to yourself. Shake your hands, creating warmth in your palms. Start slowly moving your brushes near the body, at a distance of 10-20 cm from the body. Move your hands from top to bottom, from the crown to the foot. This is scanning of subtle matters.

If your hands feel cold or drafty in some areas, there may be a hole there.

When a hole is found, simply shake your palms or crystal over a bowl of salted water. So in a simple way you will dispose of bad energy forever. After a couple of minutes you will begin to feel the holes closing up. At the end of the practice, you can completely wash your hands or crystal under running salt water, or warm them under the sun's rays in the fresh air.

Not every person manages, however, to experience independent healing of the aura. In this case, you can patch up the holes in the aura at the mental level. Imagine how you fill the hole with your energy using ethereal hand. You can also visualize that the biofield is being tightened like soft, viscous dough. It makes sense to combine this technique with mental settings for the restoration of subtle matters. You can simply repeat that the aura is healthy.

Some people do not examine the aura with their hands, but find holes mentally. They prefer to wash the voids with a blue glow or imagine that a needle with a blue thread is patching up their biofield. Then such areas are additionally filled with a golden glow and smoothed by hand.

Tightening the hole with settlement

If a creature like a larva has attached itself to an energy hole, the usual tightening of the crack will not be enough. In order for this energy formation to leave the boundaries of your biofield, use an easy, safe and simple technique:

  • Relax, take a comfortable position, close your eyes. Imagine that you are covered with a huge cloth soaked flammable liquid. This can be a wet piece of cloth with gasoline or alcohol. Try to feel the material in detail, even feel that pungent smell.
  • Imagine that you are setting fire to the fabric. It lights up with blue fire from the outer border. You don’t feel anything, there is no danger to your health.
  • The fabric begins to slowly lift from the edges. Now it’s all over your head. Mentally close its borders to create a container burning inside.
  • The collected tissue is compressed to the size of a nut. It becomes hotter and brighter. Visualize a hole opening in the floor that leads to the depths of the earth. There, inside the planet, there is great pressure and heat. Direct the fabric there and close the hole.
  • If the practice of getting rid of larva was successful, you will feel a wave of heat in your body or, conversely, a slight chill. Your vision will no longer be blurred, you will feel easier to concentrate in the back area, migraines, nightmares will disappear and bad habits will weaken.

It also happens that the aura is also pierced due to other lower energy suckers. What to do in this case? Use the candle or knife method:

  • Find a private, quiet place. Set up protection for this space by mentally drawing a dome around the room where you are. You can also imagine that the mirror fence separately protects you.
  • Try to understand in which part of the aura there is a hole with a suction cup. Visualize yourself burning the area with a candle. For better effect, you can use a real candle and move it around the area. After the procedure, the candle is thrown away.
  • You can also cut off a negative formation with a silver knife, visualizing it at the energy level. If a creature has penetrated into the depths of the chakra, there is no need to process the hole too deeply, just use an additional technique to remove the evil eye or damage. A silver knife can be kept in salted water overnight after the session, and if you used a steel knife, just rinse it under running water.

How to remove bioenergetic damage?

Transformation of the aura invariably affects circulation internal energy and the state of energy channels and chakras. To cleanse yourself of negativity and restore your own biofield, experts advise turning to special sound extractors.

This is about special programs, which you can simply download online and run on your computer. Although these applications need to be looked at as well as listened to, their main benefit lies in influencing the relaxed mind through specific frequencies. They are the ones who destroy negative clots of energy. These are anchor frequencies that correspond to the settings of the vibrational cocoon of the aura, but at the same time resonate with the planet and space.

The frequencies of these programs are also called pure harmonics, which are used in combination with video sequences for complete immersion in meditation. For example, the program by Lenny Rossolowski from the Institute for the Improvement of Consciousness uses falling lights and stars to induce trance.

However, you should know that this practice requires compliance with a number of nuances:

  • Before starting the session, you need to drink enough water so as not to feel thirsty during the procedure. Then it is important to decide on a comfortable position so that the body does not strain. You can lean back in your chair, for example. If you have the skill to work in yogic asanas, that’s good, but not necessary in this case.
  • You need to listen to sounds through stereo headphones that completely cover your ears. In this case, the volume is adjusted immediately so as not to lose comfort in the future. There is no need for any additional settings or sound filters; on the contrary, using an equalizer can kill all the benefits of frequency meditation.
  • Please note that the body, which has become heavy, rests during the practice, but the consciousness that has retained clarity is awake. Only the state allows you to work at the level of all frequencies: alpha, beta, gamma and delta. You don't have to lie down completely to do this. You can practice before bed or just in the evening, but only you relax at the delta level. Beta frequencies are more convenient to perceive in the morning and afternoon.
  • Concentration should be aimed at smooth, slow breathing. It is best to identify yourself at the time of practice with this process, thinking only about inhalations and exhalations.
  • It is very important that the flow of thoughts while listening to the program is minimal. Need to turn it off internal dialogue, at first, at least just thinking only about positive things or observing reflections from the outside, without personal judgments. As you immerse yourself in the desired state anxious thoughts there will be fewer flashing visual images. You need to realize that in this way all blocks on the mental, physical, and energy levels are erased.

Removing bioenergetic lesions using these methods has a number of indications. In particular, the following people are not recommended to listen to programs:

  • Taking narcotic medications or stimulants;
  • Heart patients and pacemaker carriers;
  • Epileptics and mentally ill people;
  • Children under 16 years of age;
  • Pregnant;
  • Alcoholics.

If dizziness or nausea suddenly occurs, you need to turn off the application and return to it the next day, because with an abundance of negativity in the aura, unpleasant sensations are inevitable.

Energy protection methods

If you have managed to patch up your own biofield, and you don’t want the holes to bother you again, use the power of thought and your own imagination to create energetic obstacles to your ill-wishers:

Fire visualization

When communicating with an energy vampire, you can imagine yourself on fire. It is best to visualize a large fire and yourself in the middle, creating powerful protection from external influences.

Bottle visualization

Before meeting with negative people, you can imagine yourself inside a bottle that has a mirror outside. Write on the outside of the mirror how effective this protection is.

Visualize that your ill-wisher is also in a bottle, a different one, with an internal mirror. Please indicate the validity period that suits you here.

Visualization of a mirror wall

If negative emotions come from a whole group of people, you can imagine yourself being separated from the audience by a mirrored wall. It must reflect the direct aggressors and their energetic actions.

Just don’t forget to periodically update the image of this wall in your head. The wall can also be made of solar energy, stones or bricks, if you can imagine a detailed fortress around you.

Amulets and talismans

To speed up the healing of holes in the aura and protect yourself from further deformations, you can make yourself an amulet or talisman. A good amulet should have a mirror surface to reflect negativity, but it must be carefully looked after and nourished with your favorite prayers or mantras, which are read multiple times, or, in extreme cases, simply with positive thoughts.

Wear the artifact at least 2-3 times a day so that it has time to feed on your energy.

Visualization of your aura

Visualize your aura from the very beginning of the day, which will involve a lot of communication with people. Imagine that it covers your body like a cocoon, and there is a dense and heavy ball around it. Throughout the day, restore this sphere in your thoughts, imagine it in detail, thinking that the ball is safe and sound, like the biofield itself.

Closing the frame around itself

If there is a possibility of inducing the evil eye with subsequent breakdown of the biofield, you need to close the bioenergy frame around yourself. This is done very simply by crossing your arms and legs. Another option for forming protection is to form a ring with the thumbs and index fingers when the other fingers lie on top of each other.

The ancient Indians also loved the nested ring technique, where a ring of two fingers right palm rests on the center of the left hand, and then the fingers of the left hand are already locked inside the right ring.

Color visualization

Detailed color visualization allows you to create several options for a cocoon with an aura. You can feel that there are golden dots on each of the four sides near the body. They form a horizontal cross between themselves, passing through the center through the longitudinal axis of the body.

The mental rotation of the cross first forms a hoop, and then a cocoon with dense walls, in which the biofield shells are wound on each other. These layers have different shades of blue, yellow, and orange. Also, some people find it more convenient to imagine a butterfly cocoon around them. To do this, you need to lie down, close your legs, press your arms to your body and visualize the appearance of a silk thread from your toes. Let this protective thread begin to wrap around the body in a circle, and you can even tie a knot on the crown.

Bioenergy hygiene

If you are thinking in advance about how to eliminate a breakdown of the aura due to negative energy accumulated during the day, try simple technique bioenergetic hygiene. At the end of the day, before entering your own home, stop and wait until the astral negative clots are behind you.

Imagine how they are packed into a reliable backpack. Throw your arms down, take a sharp exhale and throw your backpack to the floor. Imagine how it caught fire and, engulfed in a bright flame, disappeared with all your negativity.

Energy Shield

Use an energy shield that forms the boundaries of your personal conscious power. This method of protection is very useful for public people who are afraid of deformation of the aura due to the negativity of the audience and envious people.

This visualization procedure is best performed in a meditative state.

Imagine that the outer edge of the biofield becomes a crystal, and you find yourself in transparent sphere or an egg. It could be a smooth crystal figure or a faceted diamond, it doesn’t matter. Only positive energy flows come to you from this protection.

It is necessary to say mentally or out loud that you are charging this shield to protect you from various physical dangers, negative energy, biofield pollution, energy attacks and bad intentions. Let towards each source of such negative points only love is reflected.

It is better to recharge such a shield as part of meditation throughout the day. You can also place it around your home, pets, children, but not adults who did not give permission.

Visualization of the energy ring

You can visualize different symbols around you for protection. The simplest thing is to imagine an energy ring around the body. You just need to imagine that a multi-colored stream of light flows from the finger of your leading hand, with which you will draw one circle three times.

You can also depict three separate rings that rotate differently to form a ball. In this way, a person forms a special extra space. Among the symbols, the pentagram is also very powerful - a star with five rays, which can be projected from either side of you, moving your hand from bottom to top.

Psychics also advise visualizing figures from sacred geometry, for example, Plato’s body, a three-dimensional pyramid or an octahedron halfway into the ground.

Visualization of the soul leaving the body

If you know that someone is draining energy from you, depleting subtle matters, but you cannot accurately identify the offender, use a simple method of protection. Visualize your mind, your soul, leaving the physical shell.

You leave behind only a picture, which becomes a trap for negative energy. Mentally break the connection with this image of your body, and then project your double onto any object that will subsequently receive all the negative flows directed in your direction.

This item can be filled with dry plants with protective powers or sea salt. The thing is taken far from the house and buried in the ground.

Triangle of protection

In order not only to close holes in the biofield, but to stop their formation in the process, you can try a combat magic technique - the triangle of protection, which very effectively neutralizes energy attacks, but is rarely used. Close your eyelids, stand up and slowly begin to turn clockwise to find the direction of attack.

The signal of the correct position will be a sensation in the third eye chakra, in the limbs in the solar plexus, etc.

Look at the direction where the danger is coming from. Imagine a blue or purple pentagram between your eyebrows. Press the backs of your hands towards your third eye so that your thumbs form a triangle. Step forward slightly and extend your arms, crossing your thumbs. With this action you break the energetic connection with the negative source. Finish the practice by projecting pentagrams around you or scenting the space with incense.

Please note that some esotericists do not recommend using visualization techniques specifically mirror surfaces. Directing negativity back at a person is, to some extent, fair, but not ethical. There is no point in causing harm in any situation because only the Universe can decide who will ultimately be punished.

You can also visually surround yourself with crosses, but this is already religious protection, suitable for Christians. First I imagine the crosses from all sides, near the bodies, and then, starting from the top of the head, move them away from me a meter.

In this sense, each person only has the right to use any method to protect himself, but he cannot force the guilty to bear some kind of cross, because this is the task of higher karma, and not of earthly mind.

  • If you know that your aura periodically suffers from depletion and dominance of negative alien fragments, keep it in your home simple objects, which also have a magical purpose:
    1. Egg. A domestic egg has the same energy structure as a human egg, so it absorbs negativity. Before going to bed, you can roll the contours of your body with an egg, and then bury the object in the ground.
    2. Thursday salt. This is a special product, made once a year and since ancient times has been considered a means of cleansing magic. You can take baths with salt daily or apply a compress with such a salt solution to a certain part of the body for 15 minutes.
    3. Wax. If the evil eye is weak and the hole is small, you can take a church candle and melt part of it, and place the other half in front of the icon of the Virgin Mary. A separate container is filled with water and wax is poured into it while reading a prayer. When the wax hardens, it is buried outside.
    4. Flower essences. Plants perfectly enhance the aura and neutralize the negative vibes of people. For example, yarrow perfectly patches up holes in the personal boundaries of the biofield and helps strengthen any virtual shield from negative energy.
  • Create a positive flow of energy in life so that you can patch up your biofield faster. To do this, communicate with nice people, be in nature, give good surprises to loved ones, travel and read good books. Find room in your life for romance and creativity, dreams and joyful memories.
  • Try not to reproduce negative vibrations yourself, because they sharpen the aura from the inside and help ill-wishers who suppress your energy. It is advisable to let go of all bad emotions, reduce the number of bad words in speech, watch less news and scary movies, do not gossip or mock people. It is worth giving up bad habits, including the habit of workaholism, as well as extreme sports. Otherwise, the channel that allows the life force to be sucked out will never disappear.
  • Do not concentrate your attention on the past and past failures especially, because this does not allow the energy to fully restore its reserves. To train your focus, try to spend at least two hours every day studying the present tense: the environment, objects, people around.
  • If you know a person who is the cause of your energy hole, try not to stop communicating with him, but, on the contrary, admire him. Every life force suppressor has good qualities, so try to respond to evil with good rather than responding with negativity.

If it seems to you that your biofield is undergoing negative changes, it is better to think in advance about how to bring the aura back to normal after the breakdown.

Energy holes cannot be opened, because they can completely destroy the life of a person with weak thin shells.

However, after restoring your biofield, you need to pay attention to what was the cause and what was the catalyst for the process of energy destruction. Draw conclusions whenever your aura deteriorates, and then you can learn to resist any external or internal destructive forces.

Evil eye, curses. If there is negative energy, I carry out cleaning both in person and remotely.

Energy breakdowns

People periodically turn to me to diagnose damage and curses. Fortunately, especially in its strong version, it is quite rare, but the presence of weaker negative programs can be found in a large number of people. Among these programs, a special place is occupied by situations when a person is either exhausted or damaged Vital energy, incl. as a result of a breakdown.

Each of us has an energy shell, the so-called. “aura”, which is a collection of radiations that form a homogeneous layer. How less problems related to physical and mental health, the greater the internal energy potential, the higher the vibration frequency of these radiations, and, accordingly, the denser the layer of the shell, and its contour is smooth or with a minimum of minor flaws. There is also an inverse relationship: the state of health and mental balance is largely determined by the state of the energy shell. As soon as, under the influence of external or internal factors, holes form in the aura - energy breakdowns - a loss of energy occurs and various symptoms appear, signaling the need to take certain measures.

Symptoms of energy breakdown

There are quite a lot of them and some can appear simultaneously. The most common:

Chronic fatigue;

Bad mood, depression;

Increased vulnerability of the immune system (especially to infectious diseases);

Decrease in vitality;

Constant loss of strength, drowsiness;

Slow wound healing, deterioration of hair and skin condition;

Sudden change of mood;

The appearance of intrusive unusual thoughts;


The most common causes of energy holes are phenomena that have become quite commonplace for many in the modern world: constant stress and the strong emotions and fears caused by them, an unfavorable environment and, in fact, surroundings, unhealthy diet, regular consumption alcoholic drinks and tobacco. At strong desire and with due diligence, you can change your lifestyle and environment that brings discomfort, thereby independently restoring the integrity of the energy shell and stopping the leakage of precious energy. But these reasons for holes are the least of the evils, and it is worth noting that not every person is able to take the above actions: addictions, habitual lifestyle and fear of change can play in their favor.

The situation is much more complicated when third-party influence occurs - from other people, negative entities, people or entities - energy vampires. Holes formed under their influence do not heal, but best case scenario at a certain point they stop expanding, allowing you to avoid the development of serious diseases, but stabilizing a number of the symptoms described above, which is not much happier.

How to remove an energy breakdown

To quickly and effectively remove energy holes of this kind, and at the same time provide powerful protection from negative influences, professional help is needed. As a rule, I manage to do this in one healing session; in rare cases, a second meeting may be necessary to consolidate the result.

The thin membrane around the body of each individual quite often accumulates negative emotions and energetic consequences of diseases.

In addition, the biofield is very sensitive to external influence environment, so holes in a person’s aura are a common phenomenon that psychics struggle with. The integrity of etheric and mental matter is violated instantly or gradually, during constant influence, but the problem can always be solved.

The essence of the concept

Many traditional healers equate the concepts of the evil eye and an energy hole in the biofield. In fact, any evil eye is a type of hole in the aura, but not every hole can be reduced to this form of magical influence.

The energy of the evil eye itself is not very great; an individual encounters it in different life situations.

But only to a weakened biofield can this negative message bring real damage.

Psychics also often use terms such as a hole in the biofield and damage. In the first case we're talking about about the absence of a fragment in the aura, voids in the structure, and in the second - about the introduction of additional negative energy into the shell. Corruption turns people into different personalities; it literally zombifies them with its negative type program.

The presence of a bald spot in a person’s energy shell is actually a deformation of his aura, which can be caused by both internal and external reasons, the so-called. energy attacks.

With such an influence on the biofield, a loss of density, symmetry, and smoothness of the aura occurs. Energy vibrations emanating from the body cease to be pure; they sharply change frequency, which leads to disruption of the free movement of energy in the body. The materials around the individual become thinner and literally crack at invisible seams.

Very often in people's minds a hole in the aura is associated with magical actions. But more often than not, the hole is a response from the conscious or subconscious mind to what is happening inside us.

Rituals for creating holes in the biofield are usually carried out as additional practices that do not begin, but continue the destruction of subtle matters and accelerate it.

For this reason, psychics cannot penetrate a pure and bright aura, because it will simply reflect all the negativity sent to its addressee.

What is the purpose of trying to penetrate a person’s aura?

Sometimes this happens to destroy fate, but most often the procedure is carried out unintentionally, by accident, which means that no one ever sets specific tasks for themselves. In the case of deliberate harm, a sorcerer or psychic seeks to deprive a person of health, good luck, and success in his personal life. And some magicians ruin people's lives for their own pleasure, choosing a random passerby as a victim.

In other words, a breakdown of the biofield is the response of the Universe to the bad actions or thoughts of an individual.

Negative behavior generates negative energy, which over time creates cracks in the shell. In this case, even if the hole was actually created by another person, he only serves as an intermediary for evil forces. It is interesting that the moment of the breakdown of the biofield itself can be felt by a person through a sharp loss of strength, a feeling of a rolling wave, impact, burning, cold, etc.

Who can create an energy hole?

The culprits of the leakage of vital forces can be the most different people. Moreover, the victim does not always know the source of his problems personally; it is enough for him to simply cross the biofield, enter into an unconscious energy exchange, etc. Impact is possible even at a distance, but, as a rule, the energy of the individual is absorbed or suppressed according to the “here and now” principle.

It often happens that a hole is formed not due to the malicious intent of another person, but by accident, due to the characteristics of his aura or random emotions, words, actions.

As psychic practice shows, a breakdown in the biofield can be provided by:

People with very strong energy

People with whom there is a blood connection business contacts, everyday communication. In other words, any relative, neighbor, colleague can be the culprit of the hole. Loss of human energy occurs in a situation of active psychological pressure.

Subjects in old age

Surprisingly, pensioners more often than others penetrate the aura of young and family individuals, missing the old days and even envying them. This process can occur involuntarily, because in energy system the lower chakras, responsible for physiological processes, always lose their potential in old age, but the forces in the upper chakras, responsible for spirituality and worldview, are retained in full.

Possessors of supernatural abilities

Here we are talking about a conscious influence on the aura of the individual. Witches, magicians, sorcerers and psychics have many practices for harming a person, and in most cases they strike precisely at the energy shell.

The so-called bindings, seals, crowns, love spells, lapels, etc. can distort and impoverish an individual’s biofield. Some dark wizards throw dust after a person, and someone charms woolen threads with knots.


The people closest to us in our lives do not have to be negative or very strong in their biofield. From childhood, emotional energy spills over a person, which is concentrated even at the tip of the index finger poking at a small child.

Streams of such energy act at a distance of two meters, and they calmly pierce the aura. These holes are more like the evil eye.

People who attacked the human biofield

An attack on the aura means a negative impact in the form of a splashing out of emotions and accumulated negative energy. This means that every quarrel on the street, scandal at home, conflict at work also implies an energy exchange in which the owner of a weak aura loses, parting with the necessary vitality.

Emotional Personalities

If the interlocutor simply has a lot of emotions, which are combined with a negative or critical attitude towards the behavior, opinion, appearance of the victim, then a hole in the biofield cannot be avoided.

In this case, it does not matter whether the emotions themselves touched the bearer of the aura.

Random people with negative energy

Psychics agree that the worst holes in the biofield appear from short-term contacts, not even of a verbal, but of a visual type. As a rule, the source of a hole in the aura is an unbalanced person with mental problems.

Energy vampires

We are talking about people with a weak biofield. They periodically attack a person they know, creating an invisible energy channel between two auras. The overwhelming majority of such people are not aware of their actions and suffer greatly from internal contradictions. They try to fill the voids that have been in their aura since childhood, depleting their interlocutor.

Life force flows away upon contact with vampires and during a negative reaction to them in the process of communication. If the energy disappears very quickly and abruptly, it leaves behind cracks and holes. This process of energy leakage is not felt in any way, but you can feel the state of emptiness next to such a vampire.

Spiritual leaders or unenlightened gurus

We are talking about ministers of various cults, leaders of communities and centers who take energy from their followers and students, both accidentally and deliberately. Some of these dangerous leaders may use other people's healthy biofields for personal gain.

In this case, they become focused energy vampires who know about many ways to draw out life force and are aware of their actions, receiving true pleasure from them and their power.


This term refers to people with incredible powers of persuasion and enormous charisma. They envelop people with their energy so much that I can impose on them own desires, suppressing the will. The phenomenon of mesmerism is characterized by hypnotic influence and mental control, and sometimes even total control and clearing of the brain.

Mesmerites for the most part do not think about the danger of their influence, but they suppress energy automatically, which can lead to the depletion of subtle matters in the human aura.

Ghosts of the Dead

We are talking about spirits who were unable to move to another world due to unexpected death or affairs/feelings remaining on earth. These ghosts retain their consciousness, but rarely; most often they represent only astral matter in the lower etheric planes.

Ghosts rarely steal life force intentionally (unless they want to return to the human body), but they can provoke a sharp release of energy from the biofield, which leads to holes in the aura.

Evil spirits, which are nothing more than destructive clots of negative energy or negative thought forms, have approximately the same influence, but always consciously.

What things cause bioenergetic problems?

Cracks on the surface of the biofield, as well as severe thinning, can appear even in cases where a person is surrounded only by friendly and bright people. In such situations, the person is usually himself to blame, because directly or indirectly he contributed to the constant negative influence to your own biofield.

What factors can equally lead to a pinhole and a huge gaping hole that allows negativity to enter the very depths of the soul?

  • Severe emotional turmoil, mostly with a negative background. This is, for example, fear or anger. Longer-term emotional forms include self-criticism and self-flagellation, which eat away a person’s energy from the inside, because he needs to fight with himself. Any stress is a sudden release of energy and loss of moral strength.

If the formed voids are not filled, but on the contrary, they are increased by further negative emotions. the hole in the aura will become chronic.

  • Psychological trauma. Such phenomena often work like time bombs, because a problem that arose in childhood may well resonate in adulthood and cause a hole in subtle matters.
  • Bad habits. Constantly being under the influence of drugs or alcohol leads to the fact that a person does not control his energy flows, and also attaches a variety of negative layers to the aura, which destroy its structure. In addition, subsequent intoxication of the body takes away the last remnants of energy.
  • Long-term drug treatment . Firstly, some pharmacological agents disrupt the natural flow of energy in the body, which leads to changes in the biofield. Secondly, when a person is put into a state of anesthesia during various operations, his energy exchange with the environment is inhibited, and the natural protection of subtle matter is weakened.
  • Physical impact. If you hit a person hard, the energy signal of certain parts of the body will change. It may not be restored in the end, so a hole in the biofield will remain in this place. This is partly why people with the absence of certain organs experience dips in the aura.
  • Electromagnetic influence. Even computer radiation, with prolonged exposure, depletes or even pierces the shell in those places at the level at which it is located during operation. Most often, a hole in the biofield appears in the area of ​​the chest and solar plexus.
  • Energy entities. Violation of a person’s aura can be caused not only by representatives of his planet. Some creatures that live in the subtle planes of the world accidentally attack biofields and immediately run away.
  • Poor environmental conditions. IN environment In cities, electromagnetic waves also often resonate with the human biofield and influence it. The same effect is exerted by toxins entering the body from the outside world. It is known that respiration and digestion are two main processes that generate energy in the human body. Consequently, the consumption of contaminated foods and the absorption of harmful gases weaken the potential of the biofield.
  • Extrasensory rituals. Any magical practice requires a large amount of energy, which thins the invisible shell of a person. At the same time, many amateurs do not know how to protect their aura, aggravating their condition.
  • Any item with negative energy. It is known that most materials retain information left by the biofield of a person in contact with the thing. A mark on an object can be left accidentally or intentionally, but if there was a negative atmosphere near the object, it may well transmit this charge further, penetrating the weak aura of the victim.
  • Some esoteric practices. Establishing connections with other worlds, an individual runs the risk of encountering unexpected resistance. In particular, an increased danger of holes in the aura is observed in people who practice channeling - connecting to the universal mind. But, of course, in simple meditations a person does not risk his energy.
  • Fragments of the human soul. According to some teachings, a person gives the energy of his essence to other individuals. This happens in the process of relationships, healing, emotional stress.

If there are many such lost pieces, the aura will become thinner and a hole will appear.

  • Abandoned cases. Unfinished actions and unfulfilled promises hang like a burden on the aura and constantly suck energy from the biofield, which sooner or later forms a hole. Unrepaid debts work in much the same way.
  • An abundance of lies and insults in life. Self-deception or hypocrisy requires very large energy expenditures to maintain an imaginary world, and this affects the density of subtle matters. The same can be said about the destructive power of experiences and a hostile nature.
  • Extra thoughts and empty chatter. Any reasoning that does not affect the course of real life, and worries about public opinion, constantly drain energy from a person. The same problem exists with constant dreamers and those who live in the past.

  • Sleep disorders. Firstly, an incorrect dream can significantly disturb the aura if, during his astral flights (which may be unconscious), a person grabs into his biofield some kind of energy entity or simply a clot of negativity that makes a hole. Secondly, if you sleep little or very restlessly, the thin shell simply will not have time to restore the supply of energy spent during the day, and over time it will become thinner.

Holes in the human biofield: what is the danger?

Most people live on the planet without even suspecting the presence of small cracks in their biofield, which heal over time. But if the hole in the aura grows and accelerates the outflow of energy, then the person’s lifestyle will very soon change, and not for the better.

What dangers do holes in the biofield create?

  • Lack of energy weakens the immune system, so a person with a hole in subtle matters can even catch a disease to which he has no predisposition. A thinned aura leads to recurrence of injuries in those areas of the body where energy protection disappeared. Some esotericists and scientists conducted research on the phantoms of people immediately after their death, and it was recorded that the cause of suppression of the immune system is most often an energy hole in the biofield.
  • The need for missing vital forces can be realized in not entirely correct ways.

In other words, a person without knowing it can become an energy vampire, adding a lot of difficulties to the lives of the people who surround him.

  • If the holes are numerous or non-healing, a person may feel the consequences of their influence throughout his life. In particular, he will constantly feel weak and overwhelmed.
  • A hole in the biofield attracts dangerous entities with negative energy to a person. Thanks to the holes, they can calmly drain the strength of the personality, continuing to destroy the aura. It turns out to be a vicious circle. But a breakdown of a person’s biofield attracts not only such energy suckers or leeches. Some of the creatures leave their own emotions on the thin shell, which creates an additional psychological impact. You can even fall under the control of such a stranger, constantly identifying his feelings with your own.

Among low energy-informational formations, many psychics note larvae as the most dangerous entities that work with human vibrations through their negative programs. They can introduce aggressive or destructive thoughts into a person's head.

What does an energy hole look like?

The presence of voids or incipient cracks in a thin shell can be detected in a timely manner using aura diagnostics. To do this, it is enough to contact a psychic directly or the appropriate esoteric center.

Based on the final image of the aura, a specialist can easily understand that a person has fallen victim to energy influence:

  • The evil eye makes itself felt in the upper half of the biofield. It can even affect the deep etheric layers in the area of ​​the fifth and sixth chakras, which change color and size.

  • Abundant holes are visible in the photograph in the form of a dissipating energy flow that flows in the head area from top to bottom. In other words, there is a leak of creative energy, the power of the Cosmos.
  • If a person has not only the evil eye, but also damage (or a rare type of damage disguised as an evil eye), then energy fragments foreign in color and density appear in the biofield.
  • The pierced aura of a person whose full-length photo was taken is distinguished by its reduced size, dull and lifeless glow, and torn edges. Classic shape If there is a hole in the biofield, there will be no cocoon or egg.
  • Sometimes in the area of ​​the heart you can notice so-called energy arrows, which actually lead to real pain. Fistulas and strange spots are often noticed on the surface of the aura.
  • If the energy shell is diagnosed by dowsing, the specialist may notice negative signals in the victim’s spine, a feeling of tightness in the back, pain in the neck, back of the head, head, and arms. The energy channels of the legs may be completely blocked.

If a person wants to prevent the appearance of energy holes, he must have amulets and talismans fueled by it and periodically conduct visualization meditations to install protection on the aura.

It is also necessary not to violate the laws of morality and ethics, not to give reasons for breakdowns of the biofield by one’s behavior.

But if this has already happened, the holes in a person’s aura need to be eliminated as quickly as possible.
