Salt for weeds in the garden. Folk remedies against weeds on the site. Ability to move through plant tissues

Dominance weed encourages gardeners to use chemicals. But the majority do without them, using drugs that are harmless to the environment. Weed control using vinegar and salt is considered safe and effective. This work requires persistence, patience and some knowledge.

Let's figure out how to get rid of annoying weeds using vinegar and salt, and why these ingredients have a detrimental effect on them. So, we have two tools available.

It contains acid, which, when it enters the plant cells, burns and destroys them, without causing any harm to people and all living things. Therefore, you must know how to dilute this substance.

It is better to treat the area with vinegar before the seed pods begin to form.


It will destroy weeds and rid you of their presence on the treated area for 2-3 years. Therefore, it is preferable to use it in the yard, along hedges, on paths, and in other abandoned places where only grass grows. Shrubs and perennials should be kept at a safe distance from this area. This product is used to control weeds in a variety of ways.

Dry salt

  1. It is sprinkled on the ground in the right place and wait for penetration deep along with the liquid. This will happen during rain or special watering.
  2. First, generously moisten the weed; while it is wet, generously sprinkle it with dry salt. After some time (2-3 hours), water again. This will help kill growing weeds and prevent young ones from growing. Large specimens are sprinkled with an additional portion.
  3. Another piece of land is filled with saline solution. To do this, take: salt 150 g, warm water 2 liters. Mix everything thoroughly so that the crystals dissolve well. After this, we begin treating the weeds. It is convenient to do this using a watering can with a spray. All options are effective.

From the above it is clear that each of these means can destroy any weed. An aqueous solution based on salt and vinegar also has a lethal effect.. They complement each other, doubling their strength. As a result of this mixing, a natural herbicide is obtained that has a strong effect.

What plants to fight with this method

Vinegar and salt against weeds are used to destroy unwanted perennials with a powerful, deep root system (when a mechanical solution to the problem is difficult or impossible).

These include:

  • field bindweed;
  • wheatgrass;
  • horsetail;
  • thistle

Let's look briefly at each.


Its root goes 2 m deep. The weed reproduces by seeds and root suckers.


Its roots do not lie deep (about 12 cm), but are highly branched, which makes life difficult for gardeners.


Its roots lie in the ground at a level of a meter.


The plant penetrates even deeper into the soil (about 4 m), producing lateral shoots. Even from any of its fragments a new copy is obtained.

Easy to get rid of:

  • dandelion;
  • plantain.

There are many ways to combat unwanted vegetation. Here are a few effective recipes that make it easy to fight weeds. They have been tested in practice and have proven themselves well. Check them out and use the ones that suit you best.

To get rid of weeds in a harmless way, several solutions are prepared from variations of salt and vinegar that destroy unnecessary vegetation with the addition of:

Preparing solutions


To prepare such a mixture (the second name is herbicidal) you need:

  • vinegar 9% - 4 liters;
  • salt – ½ faceted glass;
  • liquid soap– 1 teaspoon.

When all the components are assembled, we begin the process. Pour vinegar into a bucket, add salt, a spoonful of liquid soap, and combine everything thoroughly. The detergent is used to create an adhesive film that helps secure everything to the weeds.

Pour the resulting substance into a sprayer and treat the area. A solution prepared by yourself is as effective as commercial herbicides.


Here the components from the previous recipe are used, but liquid soap is replaced with solid (laundry) soap, which is crushed using a grater. Everything is combined in equal proportions, diluted to a homogeneous mass and mixed.


This weed killer is made from salt and vinegar. It is used for mass removal of weeds. In this case, a sprayer is not used, since it is more convenient to water from a bucket.

To prepare it we take:

  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 5 tbsp. l. vinegar;
  • 1 liter of boiling water to dilute.

Combine the ingredients according to the recipe and knead. After this, the liquid is ready for use.


To get this drug, place it in a container:

  • 1 l. vinegar;
  • 10 ml soap.

We strictly observe the dosage, making deviations from the specified recipe proportionally in the direction of increase or decrease.

This mixture is more convenient to use than using vinegar for weeds. pure form, since it is better fixed on the leaves, so it works for sure.


Squeeze a tablespoon of lemon juice. It should be diluted in a liter of vinegar. This recipe is more aggressive than the previous one, so one acid enhances the effect of another and their power doubles.



  • ½ liter of vinegar;
  • 3 l. lemon juice;
  • 2 tsp. liquid soap;
  • 3 tbsp. l. alcohol

To treat small weeds, the mixture is diluted with water by half, and this concentration will be enough to defeat them.


In a container (preferably a bottle) we combine:

  • 1 l. vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp. l. any essential oil, mix, whisking thoroughly.

The effect of the components will be enhanced if you use a hot solution. It is prepared like this:

  • 1 l. water;
  • 5 tbsp. l. vinegar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Combine the salts, mix thoroughly, let the resulting mixture boil, and pour it over the weeds.

To prepare solutions, it is better to use high-strength vinegar (at least 18%), since a weak mixture will not give the desired effect, and one treatment will not do the job.


When using vinegar against weeds, as well as other non-chemical products, remember that such solutions can kill not only unwanted vegetation, but also other beneficial vegetation that they come into contact with. Therefore, killing weeds with vinegar and salt is equivalent in strength to continuous action herbicides, which kill neighboring grasses. To prevent this from happening, follow some spraying and application rules when working with solutions.

Factors influencing the quality of weed treatment:

  1. Weather and temperature matter a lot environment. The days should be sunny and warm (at least +20 degrees C). In the sun, droplets of the solution will stick to the weeds and burn them.
  2. We choose a quiet, windless day for processing (provided that there are cultural plantings in the neighborhood).
  3. If the weather is rainy, the procedure should be cancelled.
  4. Using vinegar and salt to kill weeds, the stream of solution from the sprayer is carefully controlled, precisely hitting the selected plants, trying not to damage neighboring crops.
  5. They are covered with improvised material. This protects against accidental ingress of solution.

The fruits of the treatment with salt and vinegar mixtures are visible on the same day. If you do this in the morning, then by evening the weeds will begin to wither, wither and soon die. Dried plants must be promptly removed from the area.

There is an opinion that weeds are plants whose positive traits have not yet been discovered. But if you're tired of waiting to learn about all the benefits of weed, you can use one of these homemade herbicides instead of their chemical counterparts.

Many common weeds may be edible, medicinal, or undesirable in your garden, depending on the species and how you perceive them. But if you've already eaten all the weeds you could, and there are still some in your yard that you need to get rid of, then it will be much better for you, your soil and local waterways to choose more environmentally friendly herbicides than those usually sold in regular stores.

Strong chemical herbicides, pesticides and fungicides end up polluting drinking water, ground and surface water, so it is very important to consider the long-term consequences of their use, and try to use milder herbicides instead that will not pollute water resources as widely.

Most environmentally friendly safe way getting rid of weeds is as simple as pulling them out, digging up the roots, letting them dry in the sun, and then adding them to your compost or mulch pile. However, this method can also be quite time-consuming, so if you need quick way effective disposal for weeds, then one of our homemade herbicides will do just fine.

Please note: Just because they are “natural” or homemade herbicides does not mean they will not harm your soil, garden, or you. Herbicides are substances that are toxic to plants, and your favorite garden plants are also susceptible to their effects. In addition, they can have a negative impact on the soil if used in large quantities, and if used incorrectly, they are dangerous to humans.

Watering with boiling dihydrogen monoxide

This homemade herbicide is by far the easiest to prepare, and unless you spill boiling water on yourself, it is also the least harmful to people and the environment. Simply bring a large pot of dihydrogen monoxide (really just a fancy name for water) to a boil on the stove, then pour it onto the leaves and stems of the weeds you want to get rid of. Using boiling water is effective method for killing weeds in areas such as sidewalk or road cracks, or large areas that you would like to plant something useful after removing the weeds, as boiling water does not leave any residue and has no long-term effects. As with all homemade herbicides, it is important to only apply it to the plants you want to get rid of, as it can easily kill your flowers or vegetables.

Using fire

Using directed heat on weed foliage will cause the plants to immediately weaken, and repeated application will kill any leaves that may re-grow from the roots. A fire tiller, available from a gardening store, allows you to direct flame and heat directly to the weeds without the fear of setting the entire area on fire. In fire hazardous areas, weeding with fire will require certain additional measures precautions, since dried weeds and grass can easily catch fire and fly to the neighboring area.

Quenching with sodium chloride

Sodium chloride or regular salt- this is a very effective herbicide, which has a certain historical fame due to its use to devastate the lands of conquered peoples (treating fields with salt completely blocks the further growth of plants in this area). Because salt has bad influence on the soil, it should be applied directly to the leaves of the weeds, and not allowed to soak the soil, especially in beds with other, useful plants. Dissolve 1 part salt to 8 parts hot water(you can prepare a stronger solution, up to 1 part salt to 3 parts water), add a small amount of liquid soap (so that the solution stays better on the surface of the leaves) and pour into a spray bottle. When spraying, cover or tie up any nearby plants that you do not plan to kill, and spray the resulting solution onto the leaves of the weeds. Be careful not to wet the soil, and avoid getting this solution on cement walkways or driveways (as it may discolor them). Repeated spraying may be required.

Vinegar treatment

Using this household product, white vinegar, to kill weeds will quickly kill them off and free up space in your garden for more beneficial plants. White vinegar sold in grocery stores contains about 5% acetic acid, which is usually enough for most weeds, although more specialized versions (containing up to 20% acetic acid, which can be harmful to the skin) can be found in many gardening stores. , eyes or lungs). Vinegar should be sprayed directly onto the leaves of the weeds, taking care to minimize any transfer of it to garden plants and nearby soil. It may be necessary to re-spray and add small quantity liquid dishwashing detergent will significantly increase the effectiveness of this homemade herbicide.

Season the weed like chips

Another common homemade herbicide recipe involves combining table salt or rock salt with white vinegar (1 cup salt per 4 liters of vinegar), and then spraying the mixture onto the foliage. weeds. Adding liquid soap increases the effectiveness of this weed killer, as does adding oils such as citrus or clove.

Use Borax

It turns out that borax, or sodium salt of tetraboric acid, which is sold as a laundry and cleaning product in many stores, can also be used well as a herbicide. Add about 300 grams of powdered borax to 12 liters of water, mix thoroughly and, using a spray bottle, apply the resulting solution to the leaves of the weeds in your garden. Try not to spray useful plants and soil, and avoid getting this solution on bare skin.

How to get rid of weeds and grass forever - this is the question that worries every owner land plot. This article presents the most effective methods of dealing with the eternal “enemies” of summer residents and gardeners.

Weeds, wheatgrass, woodlice, sow thistle - these are just a small part of the “enemies” with whom you have to fight again and again. Fight with everyone accessible ways, but still to no avail... If for you hordes of weeds have turned into a disaster that you no longer have the strength to fight, then it’s time to radically reconsider the ways of getting rid of the ubiquitous scourge. Perhaps you are doing something wrong.

Methods of getting rid of weeds can be divided into chemical, mechanical and folk. Let's look at each of them.

Chemical control methods: advantages and disadvantages

Recently, herbicides have been increasingly used to control weeds. By by and large chemical method is quite justified, because manual removal takes a lot of time and effort. So let's figure out what herbicides are, what they are, what their pros and cons are.

The first herbicide appeared at the end of the 19th century. At that time, this name meant a wide range of compounds based on copper sulfate or nitrate, sodium chlorate, arsenite, ferrous sulfate and some others chemical substances. Mixtures were used for protection cereal crops, sugar cane, tobacco, potatoes.

The term “herbicide” in its modern sense became widely known in the mid-twentieth century, after the emergence of components with broader capabilities. Indeed, herbicides have unique abilities - they penetrate plants in different ways, affect various processes of their life, and act universally or selectively.

Thus, according to the nature of their effects, herbicides are divided into systemic And contact. The first ones, getting on the plant, quickly spread throughout its organs. As a result, it is affected as root system, and the ground part. The latter have a negative effect only on the treated area.

Advantages of herbicides:

  • the ability to process large areas;
  • effective removal of even the most tenacious weeds;
  • saving time and effort;
  • the admissibility of choosing a drug based on environmental conditions and the degree of contamination of the site;
  • herbicides do not accumulate in the soil; after 2 weeks there will be nothing left of them in the ground.

However, there are also disadvantages. You need to know about this.

  • Continuous action herbicides are recognized as the most effective, but they destroy not only weeds, but also all other plantings - you should work with them very carefully;
  • herbicides do not affect the seeds, that is, the risk of a “re-outbreak of the disease” (thanks to birds, wind and ourselves) still remains;
  • high toxicity for humans - it is necessary to cultivate the land in protective clothing (gloves, goggles, respirator).

Herbicides are produced in the form of emulsions, granules, mineral oil suspensions, powders, and diluents. They differ in terms of use, preparation rules and application method. Carefully read the instructions for the drug - effectiveness and safety directly depend on how closely you follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

According to the results of independent studies, continuous action herbicides such as Roundup and Tornado were recognized as the most productive. Agrokiller, Hurricane, Lapis Lazuli, Lintur, Fusilade have proven themselves to be quite good.

Expert opinion on herbicides

What do experts say about the use of herbicides? Can I use them or should I look for an alternative?

The verdict of the professionals is this: herbicides are certainly effective. With their help you can get rid of all existing species weeds, but here it is important not to overdo it and follow some rules.

  • follow the dosage. Improper dilution and failure to follow instructions can lead to soil contamination, which creates a health hazard;
  • use herbicides on large areas intended for growing potatoes, pumpkins or corn. Small areas with berry bushes And fruit trees It is better not to treat with chemicals;
  • spray weeds during the period of their active growth. Do not dig up the soil before spraying - mechanical action inhibits the spread of the herbicide;
  • You should not rely only on industrial compounds. Weed control involves a combination of chemical and agrotechnical methods.

It is not always possible to remove weeds completely at one time. Repeated treatments are often required. The drugs must be alternated, because Repeated use of the same herbicides reduces their effectiveness several times.

Weeding is an ancient method of eliminating weeds from a site.

The mechanical method of weed control takes a lot of effort, but you can’t do without it. Weeding has been and remains one of the most effective ways to kill weeds. Provided it is done correctly.

  • it is necessary to weed before the root system of the weeds reaches its maximum development;
  • dig up the soil not with a shovel, but with a pitchfork - this way you reduce the likelihood of damage to the rhizome, from which new shoots will very soon appear;
  • carefully remove the roots, leaving them no chance. By the way, pulling them out after rain is much easier;
  • destroy weeds before sowing. Seeds remain “viable” for 3 years.

Regularity and timeliness are important in this matter. If you're lazy, you've wasted time and you'll have to start all over again.

Mulching: does it really help?

Mulching involves covering the soil with film, roofing felt, agrofibre, boards or any other materials that do not transmit light. In the dark, photosynthesis does not occur, which means that plant life stops. Mulching allows you to destroy not only shoots and leaves, but also the roots of weeds.

The disadvantage of the method is the duration. It takes time to get rid of weeds, birch, pigweed, purslane and the like. If you want to remove thickets of weeds, you will have to cover the soil with black film in the spring, and remove it only in the summer next year. The results will please you, but you will have to wait a whole year for them.

Some people lay down a film, leaving slots for cultural plantings. The weeds die, but the strawberries or potatoes remain safe and sound. Experts advise using it for mulching organic material- sawdust, tree bark, dry leaves, mown grass. It, in comparison with roofing felt, which releases resin, or a film under which the soil overheats, is considered harmless. Please note that the mulch layer should be thick - at least 10 cm.

Exotic ways to get rid of weeds

In the first half of the last century, Americans destroyed weeds with the help of...alcohol. Yes exactly. 30 days before sowing, the land was treated with ethyl alcohol. In Russia, this method also took root. Add 150 grams to a bucket of water. vodka and cultivate the soil. An alcoholic cocktail causes rapid growth weeds, which are then pulled out.

Another method is to remove pest plants using the sliding flame of a soldering iron. Some gardeners burn the weeds with regular blowtorch. This is done before the garden crop sprouts. The main thing is not to stay in one place for too long. Otherwise, you can ruin everything. After such treatment, the land is watered.

If you are tired of racking your brains over the question of how to get rid of weeds and grass forever, then use the advice of experienced gardeners.

Weeds grow where there is nothing. There are not many weeds on the land occupied by garden vegetation - you can manage it manually. That is, there should not be large voids. Do you have some free space after harvesting the onions? Plant fast-growing vegetables or green manure. Sow the “problem” territory, for example, with rye and see how the enemy army thins out.

A good option is to compact the plantings. Just do it wisely - the plants should not be too crowded. I can advise the most stubborn summer residents regular pruning aboveground parts of weeds. If you constantly cut off the tops, then the roots, having used up their entire supply of vitality for restoration, will not be able to withstand it and will die. Cut off the above-ground part at ground level. If you dig a little deeper with a hoe, you can cut the rhizome and get the opposite effect.

After processing, start constructing the so-called fences. Dig a shallow groove (20-25 cm) in the cleared area and insert slate into it. Please pay attention Special attention between the rows - lay linoleum on them or fill them with gravel. In the fall, freeze the roots. Dig the beds to a greater depth - most of the weeds will die during the first frost.

Traditional methods of weed control

You can fight weeds folk ways. Many people are skeptical about them. But in vain. “Grandma’s recipes” can also help in the difficult task of fighting plant pests.

  • soda. A white substance with a characteristic odor is actively used in Everyday life. She cleans kitchen utensils, treats heartburn and feeds tomatoes. Baking soda also significantly reduces the rate of weed growth. To do this, simply spray the accumulation areas with a strong soda solution;
  • salt. It has been used to control weeds for centuries. Sprinkle the soil generously with dry salt (1.5 kg salt per square meter), and rain and dew will do their job. It should be noted that this method is not suitable for vegetable gardens - vegetables and fruits will not grow on such land. But it is ideal for country paths and garden paths;

“Grandma’s” method of spraying weeds with a solution of soda or vinegar is no less effective than modern chemicals.

  • vinegar. Inexpensive replacement for modern herbicides. Mix vinegar (2 cups), water (2 cups), citric acid(1 sachet), alcohol (30 g) and dishwashing detergent (2 tsp). Pour into a container with a spray bottle and feel free to start cultivating the soil. Spray the solution carefully, being careful not to touch beneficial plants;
  • herbicidal soap. Grate laundry soap, add equal amounts of salt and vinegar to it. Spray the above-ground portion of the weeds with this killer mixture.

These are the most popular traditional methods, time-tested. If you combine them with chemical and mechanical ones, then there will be no weeds left.

Now you know how to get rid of weeds and grass forever. Choose the ones you like best from the proposed methods and act boldly. A little diligence, time, patience and yours suburban area will be completely free from weeds, burrs, wheatgrass and hogweed.

Video: All about weed control

There is no garden where weeds do not grow. Dealing with them is quite difficult, and it is a labor-intensive and tedious process. Weeds are ubiquitous and adapt well to any conditions. If you don’t get rid of them in time, they will occupy the entire garden. It is believed that weeding is the most effective method of controlling weeds, but this is far from true. Not only is it hard work and time-consuming, but there is also no guarantee that you will get rid of them forever, especially for perennial weeds.

Nevertheless, experienced gardeners successfully use unconventional methods to combat these annoying invaders, having long ago abandoned dangerous chemicals.

Vinegar as a herbicide

Vinegar against weeds is one of the effective means, and safe for humans, pets, cultivated plants and soil. It destroys almost anything. By the way, you can also get rid of ants with it. If you dilute 40% vinegar in half with water and spray the places where insects accumulate, the smell will quickly scare them away and they will disappear.

However, you should know that vinegar can destroy not only weeds, but also those that it gets on. Therefore, for a better effect, it is necessary to improve the methods of its use.

Methods of application

It is best to use a pump sprayer or bottle with an aerosol attachment for the vinegar solution. This method is especially good for killing weeds that occupy large area: on paths, areas or that part of the garden where vegetables and herbs grow sparsely.

Vinegar should be used against weeds on a calm, sunny day. The absence of wind will not allow the solution to reach useful plants, and the sun will further enhance its effect. If you need to selectively apply vinegar to the weeds, it is better to do this with a brush dipped in the solution.

You need to spray the solution generously so that the leaves and stems are soaked in it. A couple of days after this, the result will be visible. Sometimes particularly persistent weeds require re-treatment.

Please note that it is advisable to use vinegar against weeds before seeds begin to form. It's good to do it in early spring when they first appear. Perennial weeds are best treated in the fall. Since at this time, due to the natural cycle of plants, nutrients are absorbed through the leaves, vinegar, once on them, penetrates deep into the weed’s body, reaches the roots and completely destroys them.

Eco-friendly destruction: recipes with vinegar

Even those plants that are not affected chemicals, can be destroyed using vinegar against weeds. The recipe is as follows: a 40% solution is diluted in equal parts with water and the weeds are sprayed with the resulting product.

There are several more recipes that experienced summer residents have long adopted:

  • 5 glasses of vinegar (6%) are diluted in 2 liters of water. This amount is usually enough to process 2 acres. Just try not to get caught cultivated plants, otherwise they too will be burned.
  • Mix 3 parts table vinegar (9%) and 1 part lemon juice. The resulting mixture is poured into a spray bottle and the weeds are carefully sprayed with it.

When a more pungent mixture is needed, vinegar and salt are used against weeds.

Killer mixture

When more vinegar is added to the solution, the result is a truly explosive mixture that leaves the weeds no chance of survival. With its help, you can permanently get rid of weeds near fences, as well as clear all paths of weeds. Moreover it is very effective way combating perennials that are capable of constantly germinating.

How to use vinegar and salt against weeds? The proportions of the mixture are as follows: water (1 l), (5 tablespoons), salt (2 tablespoons). Bring the water to a boil, then add vinegar and salt, stir well and pour the hot solution onto the weeds. Just do this with extreme caution so that the liquid does not get on neighboring plants.

By the way, salt can be used without vinegar. If you sprinkle it on the garden bed, leaving a little space from the roots of the planted crops, it will not only destroy weeds, but also, after watering, seeping into the upper layers of the soil, it will not allow new ones to sprout.

Herbicidal soap

They need to spray the weeds, covering the beneficial plants with a screen of thick paper. Moreover, the mixture is more effective on a hot sunny day.

To prepare herbicidal soap, you will need vinegar and salt (they have proven themselves excellent against weeds) and, in fact,

The composition of the mixture is as follows: white vinegar (1 l), table salt (150 g) and one syringe of liquid soap. Salt is poured into a bottle, filled with vinegar and soapy liquid is added. Then the solution is thoroughly shaken and poured onto the weeds, making sure that the composition does not flow under the cultivated plants.

A “killer” mixture is obtained if you use 15-20% vinegar.

Soda - summer resident's assistant

Any housewife knows how useful soda is in everyday life. But few people know that soda is also necessary in the garden. Vinegar has already proven its effectiveness against weeds. Let's now talk about

To get rid of small weeds that grow between the tiles of the paths, just water them with a strong soda solution.

But sodium bicarbonate is effective for more than just killing weeds. Every summer resident is familiar with such a plant disease as powdery mildew. Those who have tried various chemical treatments will be pleased to know that soda copes well with this scourge. Here are two tried and tested recipes:

  • Take 5 liters of water, dilute 2 tbsp. spoons of soda and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of liquid soap. The resulting solution should be sprayed on the plants before flowering, and after it, observing a weekly interval, treat 3 more times.
  • Pour the following mixture into the sprayer: water (1 l) and taken 1 tbsp. spoon soda, vegetable oil and liquid soap. After shaking well, spray the plants with this mixture once a week, trying to do this in dry, cloudy weather.

Most likely, it is the weeds that make caring difficult.

It turns out a strange pattern. Nobody specifically plants weeds, but they appear on their own and grow so “well” that sometimes it is difficult to even get rid of them.

And they don’t need weeding, and they don’t need fertilizing, they don’t even need watering. They grow, as they say, by leaps and bounds.

Yes, for many gardeners this is perhaps the most a big problem. But is everything so hopeless? You can quite successfully use folk remedies for weeds in the fight against weeds.

Salt. You can prevent the growth of weeds, for example, with salt. This method has been known for a long time and is considered quite successful.

The soil where weeds grow needs to be watered with a “vigorous” solution, or you can simply sprinkle the ground with salt. It will take 1.5 kg per square. And if this procedure is done early in the morning or before rain, then the work is reduced to a minimum, since nature itself will do the watering.

But this method has an important disadvantage. This is the impossibility of planting plants in this area for a long time. It is for this reason that salt is recommended to be used not in the garden itself, but, for example, on paths or paths.

Vinegar. It is considered a replacement herbicide and does an excellent job in controlling weeds. In addition, it is available in any kitchen. Prepare a solution for spraying.

You need to take 2 tbsp. vinegar and water, a bag of lemon, 30 gr. alcohol, a couple of teaspoons detergent. All this is mixed well and the weeds are sprayed.

But when spraying, you need to make sure that the solution does not get on the crops. The presence of alkali in the solution can destroy any plant.

Some folk remedies for weeds effectively help fight small plants. Particularly soda. Since this substance is alkaline, even weeds can be successfully destroyed.

The solution must be made concentrated in order to destroy the weed, as they say at the root. But cultivated plants must be at a distance of at least 20 cm.

But alcohol can be used about a month before planting crops. This procedure will help disinfect the soil and help prevent the growth of weeds. So for 2 acres of land you will need 11 liters of alcohol. Alcohol is diluted in a ratio of 1:10 and watered.

Some folk remedies for weeds are not always effective, but you still need to look for exactly the method that will help.

So, according to some gardeners, you can get rid of weeds with the help of feed grain, in particular corn. They claim that this product is able to stop the growth of weeds at the seed stage.

Germination is prevented by gluten, which contains a “contraceptive” agent. This method is best used in mid-summer, when several weedings have been completed and the crops are of a certain height for which growth blocking is no longer dangerous.

If we talk about organic means, then you can use newspapers, sawdust, paper and cardboard. They are scattered between the beds in autumn period before frosts begin in a layer of 10 to 15 cm.

Video - How to destroy weeds
