How long do peanuts grow before fruiting? How to grow peanuts in the country. Maxim Voskoboynikov, Novosibirsk region

The Ural Mountains stretch from south to north, dividing the continent into Europe and Asia, and their length is 2000 kilometers. The mountain system consists of the Southern, Middle and Northern Urals, and each of these areas has its own climatic conditions. If in the southern part of the Urals it is not particularly difficult to grow peanuts, then in the middle part you need to make more efforts to obtain groundnuts, and in the north this can only be done in a greenhouse.

How to grow peanuts in the Southern Urals?

In the fall, beds are prepared for planting peanuts. Choose a sunny place with fertile, loose soil, scatter humus over the surface at the rate of 1 bucket per 1 m2, and dig deep. In mid-April, the beds are covered with film so that the soil underneath warms up faster, and in early May the seeds are planted.

Peeled nuts are placed in a furrow about 8 cm deep, covered with soil and covered again with film until sprouts appear. The distance between furrows is maintained at 70 cm, and between bushes in a row - 20 cm. If there is enough planting material, you can plant two nuts at a time.

It should be noted that the development of peanuts stops when the temperature is too high. To prevent this from happening, on hot days it is necessary to organize morning watering using the sprinkling method, and carry out mandatory mulching with humus, pine needles or crushed tree bark. Moist soil throughout the day will keep the plant's roots cool.

As soon as yellow flowers appear on the peanut bushes, hilling is carried out. The plants are covered almost completely with soil, leaving only the top leaves exposed. Hilling is repeated until the peanut bushes form continuous closed rows, until about mid-August. This procedure will help you get a fuller harvest.

At the beginning of September, watering stops and the peanuts are left in the soil until cold weather sets in. In mid-October, before the first frost, it is dug up like potatoes. If the weather is dry, the dug up plants are laid out on beds to dry for 2 days, after which the fruits are picked and dried in a closed, ventilated room.

Growing peanuts in the Middle Urals

The cultivation technique is approximately the same as in the southern part of the Urals, but the seeds are planted in warm ridges. They are prepared in the fall: first, a wide trench with a depth of a spade bayonet is dug, plant waste is placed in it and dug up along with the lower layer of soil, compost is added, and the soil that was previously removed is poured on top. The waste embedded in the soil will generate heat, warming the root system of plants, and will serve as fertilizer.

Before planting, seeds are germinated in boxes in soil mixed in equal parts with peat, and buried in grooves 6-7 cm deep. There is no need to leave the sprouts above the surface - everything is covered with earth and covered with film. When leaves appear above the ground, the film is removed, and further care is no different from growing peanuts under normal conditions. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is hilling, which is reduced to 2 times. The harvest will be a little smaller, but before the weather gets colder, all the fruits will have time to ripen.

Growing peanuts in the Northern Urals

In harsher climates, peanuts are planted in greenhouses between other crops, such as tomatoes. At the same time, the tomato bushes are spaced somewhat less frequently than usual so that peanuts can be planted. By tearing off the lower leaves on tomato stems, living space is freed up for peanuts, which need minimal space to grow. You can’t grow very many groundnuts this way, but this is the case when participation is tantamount to victory.

A peanut harvest from your own garden, no matter how small, is always more valuable than fruits bought in a store.

The highest aerobatics among summer residents is considered to be the cultivation of some exotic crop that is “non-local.” For example, peanuts in Siberia. In addition, it is not just a capricious plant, but also very heat-loving. It would seem that such an idea is simply doomed to failure, but local summer residents prove the opposite in practice, and besides this, they willingly share their experience with others.

Plant specifics

Before embarking on such an adventure, you need to know that there are two types of peanuts - bush and creeping. For the cool Siberian climate, it is better to use a bush variety. The reason for this is the unusual type of flowering. After the culture has been fertilized, the ovary grows quite actively. On it, in turn, a small stem is formed - a gynophore. It gradually grows towards the ground and slowly sinks into it, where, in fact, the formation of fruits occurs.

When planting crops in Siberia, you need to pay attention to the variety of peanuts. In this climate zone it is better to grow early species. Their growing season is about 120 days. And it should be taken into account that it will not be possible to collect a huge harvest. On average, about 10 pods will grow on one bush.

Note to summer resident

Also, when growing peanuts in Siberia, it is necessary to take into account such points.

Particular attention must be paid to the formation of the bed. Its recommended width should be about 45 cm. But the length can be arbitrary. After the bed has been formed, it is necessary to thoroughly fertilize it with microelements. For this purpose, it is necessary to combine about 5 kg of alabaster with 40 g of boric acid. If the soil used is acidic, alabaster is replaced with lime. Its quantity should be identical.

When choosing a place to form a bed, you should take into account that the area should be illuminated as much as possible by the sun. As for the type of soil itself, light and loose soil is ideal in this case. A prerequisite is the addition of fertilizers. If the soil is not fertile enough, such an important part of the crop as the gynophore will simply dry out and remain on the root itself. It is quite easy to recognize this phenomenon. The plant will visually resemble thinning and diseased hairs. In this case, there will still be a harvest, but it will be minimal, which cannot be said if such a recommendation for growing peanuts in Siberia is not ignored.

Another secret to success is seed germination. This stage will take only 10 days. But the result will be simply colossal. This stage can be replaced by growing two-week-old seedlings. For planting, it is best to use peanuts in beans. It is less capricious to various natural factors.

Taking into account the structure and formation of the ovary, you should concentrate as much as possible on the planting itself. For this purpose, it is necessary to make a couple of grooves along fairly high ground sides. The depth of the furrow should be about 10 cm. Seeds are laid in them, and a small amount of soil is sprinkled on top. It is very important to maintain a distance between the crops themselves. Approximately, it should be about 20 cm. After the manipulations, the seedlings must be covered with a shelter in the shape of an arc. It is recommended to remove it only if the weather is stable and warm outside.

Caring for peanuts in harsh Siberian conditions is quite simple. The crop must be regularly loosened, weeded, and hilled. As for watering, you should not abuse it. 8 times during the growing season is quite enough. Please note that the last time it must be carried out 20 days before harvest.


Peanut is an annual herbaceous plant belonging to the legume family. Peanuts occupy a leading position among legumes in terms of nutritional value. The oil contained in peanut seeds is a fairly valuable food product, as a result of which it is quite popular in Europe. Peanuts can be consumed in several forms: fried, dried, salted, candied. After extracting the peanut oil, a cake remains, which is also used for making halva and in the confectionery industry.

Growing peanuts in the countryside is not difficult; you just need to remember a few rules.

It is best to grow zoned varieties of peanuts. It is better to buy seeds in specialized departments - those purchased on the market can be imported from another climatic zone, and they are not always suitable for growing in a given area.

You can grow peanuts in a country plot or garden - this is a very interesting and useful activity. The growing season of the crop falls on the spring-summer period, so it can be cultivated in moderately cold regions. However, to obtain a guaranteed harvest, in areas with cool summers, peanuts are often grown by seedlings. An open sunny area, protected from cold winds, is allocated for it.

The soil suitable for cultivation is loamy, chernozem and sandy loam. During deep digging in the fall, organic fertilizers are applied under the peanuts, and humus and sand are added to the heavy black soil. In the spring, before sowing seeds, the soil is cultivated, clearing it of weed roots, harrowed and furrows made.

Only well-ripened grains are used as planting material. They are darker in color, large in diameter, without wrinkles on the skin. It is better not to use thin light grains for sowing.

Peanuts are often called groundnuts, since the development of their beans occurs at a depth of about 10 centimeters underground. The growth process itself is quite interesting: after fertilization, the peanut ovary grows, and a peduncle begins to grow into the soil, which bends towards the ground. Peanut seeds should be sown when the soil is warmed to 12 degrees Celsius.

They begin to prepare the area for it in the fall, and in the spring it is leveled and rows are marked out. In a row, the distance between plants is maintained at approximately 25-30 cm, and between rows at least 70 cm. Before planting, the nuts are peeled and at the end of April - at the beginning of May they are planted with two or three nuts in each hole.

You can also grow peanuts in seedlings; for this, seeds are placed in peat pots with a nutrient mixture and sprinkled with soil. Seedlings are planted in beds at 25-30 days of age, together with a peat pot, or planted in places where the crop has not sprouted for some reason.

The planting depth is no more than 5-8 cm. The plantings are not watered until they sprout, since the May soil is quite wet. Immediately after emergence, peanuts begin to bloom with yellow flowers. Hilling is done 20 days after flowering, at which time the formation of beans begins. At the same time, peanuts are fed with complex fertilizer containing phosphorus and potassium. Peanuts themselves, like all legumes, enrich the soil with nitrogen. The plants are weeded only until the leaves close, and then they themselves suppress the weeds.

Hill up, almost completely covering the bush. After some time, the bushes, now more powerful, rise again, and the time comes for repeated hilling. This hilling is carried out several times until the rows of peanuts close together. The more often and better the hilling procedure is carried out, the heavier the peanut harvest will be. If there is no rain for a long time, then very moderate watering (sprinkling) should be carried out.

When there is about a month left before harvesting, watering peanuts should be completely stopped. Ripe peanuts are characterized by the fact that the grain is easily separated from the shell. Overripe peanuts begin to grow deeper.

Peanut bushes are dug up in early October, in dry weather, and a shovel should be used as a tool. The bush should be laid out with its roots facing up, so that the latter have enough time to dry. The beans themselves can be processed when the stem is completely dry. The dug up bushes should be placed in a well-ventilated place to dry for 2-3 days. The beans themselves can be processed when the stem is completely dry.

Peanuts are a very valuable nutritious product. It contains sugar and carbohydrates, a large amount of protein, high-quality fats, as well as vitamins and minerals necessary for humans. Without a stretch, it can be called a healthy food product.

Studies in the USA, which were carried out quite recently, showed that peanuts are very rich in antioxidants that prevent cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, the growth of malignant tumors and premature aging. The effect of these antioxidants on the human body can be compared with the positive effects of strawberries and red wine.

And what’s interesting is that roasted nuts enhance the positive effect of antioxidants. Peanuts have the property of breaking down fats. The peanut diet, which is popular among movie and show business stars, is based on this property of peanuts and is in fashion today.

Many people love peanuts, because they are not only tasty, but also healthy, rich in vitamins and microelements. It is quite possible to grow peanuts, unusual for our climate, at home. We have collected for you the best tips and recommendations that will help you properly organize the cultivation of peanuts not only in warm climates, but even in central Russia and Siberia.

Using the tips, photos and videos below, you can harvest your own peanuts.

How to grow peanuts in the country

Peanuts can be grown in open ground and using seedlings. Since this crop is heat-loving, planting in open ground is carried out when the soil warms up to 15 degrees and there is no frost at all. The soil must be loose, since the fruits ripen under the surface of the soil. After the first shoots appear, you need to protect them from birds.

Growing peanuts from seedlings increases the likelihood of a large harvest. To do this, in April, seeds are planted in separate containers, burying them to a depth of 3 cm. The pots are placed in a sunny place, watered regularly and the soil is loosened. Transplantation is carried out in June, after fluffing the soil.

Peanuts: beneficial properties and contraindications

The benefits of peanuts have been proven for a long time. But since it is considered one of the strongest allergens, it can only be consumed in moderation. Beneficial properties of the product include (Figure 1):

  • The antioxidants included in the composition serve as a reliable means of cancer prevention;
  • Improves the digestion process and bile flow;
  • Normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system, as it contains substances that can dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation;
  • Effectively relieves fatigue, stress and insomnia, and also improves memory and attentiveness, so it is recommended for use by people engaged in mental work;
  • The substances contained in the nut slow down the aging process of the body, as they accelerate cell regeneration;
  • This nut is useful for men as it increases potency. The only condition is that you need to eat it regularly, but in small portions.

Peanut oil is also a useful product, which is used in folk medicine to heal wounds and eliminate ulcers.

Figure 1. Features of the nut and its beneficial properties

Despite the benefits of the product, it also has some contraindications. First of all, it is not recommended for people with serious liver problems. Large amounts of proteins and fats place additional stress on this organ and can worsen a person’s condition. In addition, it is contraindicated for people with increased blood clotting. The product thickens the blood, which can lead to blood clots.

Fresh nuts can also cause digestive upsets, so it is recommended to pre-roast them. It is also important to remember that consuming the product in large quantities can provoke the formation of excess weight, and if mold appears on the fruits, you should not eat them, as this can cause severe poisoning.

Growing Peanuts

Regardless of the growing method, the distance between bushes should be 20 cm, and between rows - more than half a meter. It is better to plant the crop in areas that are lit all day, but the plant also tolerates slight shading. The landing order is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Preparing and planting seeds and flowering plant

In central Russia

In industrial conditions, peanuts have long been grown in central Russia. Therefore, it is quite possible to harvest at your own dacha. To do this you need:

  1. Prepare the area correctly - the soil is thoroughly loosened, weed rhizomes are removed and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied. Since peanuts are legumes, they do not tolerate organic fertilizers (poultry litter, mullein or manure).
  2. Landing: Before adding seeds and beans to the soil, they are wrapped in a damp cloth for a day. You only need to plant in warm soil. seedlings can be grown at home on a windowsill or in a greenhouse
  3. Care: After planting, the soil is regularly loosened and watered to activate the formation of nuts underground.

As the fruits ripen, the tops begin to dry. This is an absolutely normal process. However, strong temperature fluctuations can slow down or stop fruit development. If the readings fall below 18 or rise above 28 degrees, the nuts stop growing until the temperature returns to normal. Watering should also be done moderately. Excessive moisture can cause fungal diseases, and lack of water provokes the death of bushes.

Before harvesting, stop watering so that the soil dries out a little and it is easier to remove the bushes from the ground. On average, up to 50 pods are formed on one bush. They are taken out and dried in a dry, shaded room.

In the Urals and Siberia

Since the climate of the Urals and Siberia differs significantly from central Russia, growing peanuts in these regions has its own characteristics:

  1. In the Southern Urals Growing the crop is quite simple. To do this, dig up the bed in the fall and add fertilizer to it. In April, the finished bed is covered with film to speed up the warming of the soil. At the beginning of May, the seeds are planted and covered again with film. When consistently warm weather sets in, the beds are opened, and after the first flowers appear, they are hilled up, covering the entire plant with soil (except for the top few leaves). Subsequently, hilling is repeated until about mid-August, when the bushes form closed rows.
  2. Growing techniques in the Middle Urals the same, but you need to plant the seeds only in warm beds. To do this, dig a trench, place plant waste and compost in it and mix it with the top layer of soil. As plants decompose, they will begin to release heat. In the spring, seedlings are planted and kept under a film until the leaves appear. Further care is no different.
  3. In the Northern Urals You can only grow a nut in a greenhouse, planting it between other plants (for example, between tomatoes). Since the nut requires a minimum of space, such planting may well bring a small harvest.

Figure 3. Arrangement of warm beds for growing groundnuts in Siberia

The difficulties of growing in Siberia are primarily due to the fact that this is a heat-loving crop and simply will not bear fruit in a cold climate. For this purpose, warm beds are set up (Figure 3).

Note: There are bush and creeping varieties. For Siberia, the bush variety is more suitable, since after flowering it forms an ovary, which sinks into the ground to form fruit. In addition, it is better to choose early varieties whose fruiting period is only 3 months.

When growing groundnuts in Siberia, do the following:

  • The beds are prepared in advance. The earth is dug up and fertilized. The site should be located in the most illuminated place, preferably with loose, light soil.
  • Seed preparation. If you do not plan to grow peanuts from seedlings, you can simply germinate the beans by wrapping them in a damp cloth.
  • Landing. The seeds are covered with film until stable warm weather sets in. Seedlings are often loosened, and watering is reduced up to 8 times during the entire growing season, and it is completely stopped 3 weeks before harvest.

Details of growing peanuts and practical tips are given in the video.

How to plant peanuts at home

At home, peanuts are grown from seeds or beans. They are first dipped into water so that the beans open and release the roots. The landing order is shown in Figure 4.

Note: It is better to buy seeds for planting in specialized stores, since bad beans will not yield a harvest.

Sowing begins in the spring, when the soil has warmed up well and the air temperature has stabilized. Experienced gardeners advise planting nuts in a checkerboard pattern, placing the holes in several rows. This will give the plant more space to develop underground fruits.

Note: The depth of the hole is approximately 10 cm, and the distance between them is 20-50 cm. 3 beans are placed in each hole. At the same time, you should not water the plant, as this may slow down the emergence of seedlings.

Active watering begins after the first shoots appear and the ovaries form. After rain and each watering, the soil must be loosened, saturating it with oxygen and removing weeds. After the ovaries form, the bushes are spudded in the same way as potatoes. Subsequently, hilling is carried out several more times, gradually covering the stem.

Figure 4. Planting a plant: a - preparing seeds. b - arrangement of drip irrigation, c - loosening, d - flowering, e - formation of the ovary (1 - the stem of the ovary sinks into the ground, 2 - the ovary deepened into the ground), f - hilling

Watering is carried out quite often, but taking into account natural precipitation. If the soil is too dry, watering is carried out every 2 weeks, and more often after flowering begins, in order to activate the formation of fruits.

It is important that the soil is moist, but not oversaturated with water. To ensure that plants receive enough moisture, it is better to use a drip irrigation system or sprinkling.

How to properly harvest

Harvesting begins after the leaves turn yellow. It is very important that all the bushes are dug up before the cold weather, since with the onset of frost the nuts become bitter and are not suitable for food.

Peanut harvesting takes place in several stages (Figure 5):

  • First, the bushes are dug up and left to dry in the sun for a day or two;
  • After this, the pods are separated from the roots, the beans are removed and sent to a dry, ventilated room for final drying and further storage;
  • The drying temperature should not exceed 40 degrees, and there should be good ventilation in the room.

Figure 5. Harvesting, drying and storing the crop

For storage, it is better to leave the beans in the pods, placing them on racks or in fabric bags. The author of the video will tell you how to properly collect peanuts and prepare them for storage.

Peanuts are a healthy legume that our whole family loves. Why buy it on the market if you have the opportunity to grow it yourself - I thought and started experimenting.

Peanuts are a legume family crop intended for human consumption. It effectively prevents the development of cancer, accelerates the flow of bile, normalizes the functioning of blood vessels and the heart, relieves fatigue, helps fight stress, and improves memory. You can eat peanuts during intense physical and mental stress, the main thing is not to get too carried away, since their fruits are very high in calories. Make sure in advance that there are no allergic reactions. Well, about how to plant and grow peanuts in the country, read further in the review.

Peanut is an interesting upright annual that grows up to 60 cm in height; the tap root can extend 150 cm into the ground. Since the top of the root system is reliably protected, the plant has excellent drought resistance.

The foliage is a rich green hue and has a pinnate, complex shape. The flowers are yellow, orange, one in an inflorescence. The flowers of the peanut tree open early in the morning and delight with their appearance until lunchtime. There can be 30-70 beans on one plant, ten times more flowers.

Peanut ovaries are called gynophores; they grow towards the soil. After entering the soil, the gynophore begins to grow, forming a bean.

Boarding order. Care

Peanuts grow best in warm sunny areas, shaded by other plants, and there should be no stagnation of air. For planting, choose light chernozem, sandy loam, neutral soil with a high content of magnesium, calcium, and humus inclusions. Peanuts do not tolerate salinity very well, so phosphogypsum is added at elevated sodium concentrations.

The optimal temperature for seed germination is 25-30 degrees; if the thermometer drops below 12, the planting material will die. The crop has high requirements for soil moisture, especially during the process of active flowering and the formation of seeds in the underground part of the beans.

Avoid stagnant moisture - it stops the growth and ripening of seeds. So that the gynophores quickly reach the soil and begin to grow vigorously, hilling is done. If optimal growing conditions are violated, resistance to diseases decreases—root rot is especially popular among peanuts.

Preparing the soil

In order for peanuts to grow well, crop rotation must be observed. The plant is sown after cabbage, cucumbers, and potatoes, during the cultivation of which fertilizing was actively used. Planting is not done after the beans, as this greatly increases the risk of rot.

Peanuts respond well to phosphorus fertilizing - add nitrophoska 50 g per square meter to the soil. During autumn digging, humus is introduced at the same time. When sowing, it is recommended to add a handful of humus to the holes.


It will be possible to sow peanuts in May, when the likelihood of return frosts has passed and warm weather has set in. The average time is the first ten days of May. If in your regions there are often night frosts on the 20th of the month, it is better to postpone the procedure.

The crop is sown with dehusked seeds, since they germinate best; whole beans can also be used. Toss the remains of the valves with seeds to populate the roots with beneficial bacteria (they live on the valves). At the dacha, planting is usually done in a square nesting method; wide-row patterns can be used. For normal growth, the bushes need enough space - there is 20 cm between them, about 65 cm between rows, there are 6 plants per nest of 70*70 cm.

Take high-quality, large seeds, since dubious, weak planting material practically does not germinate. Watering can be done in various ways, but the best results are achieved by furrow irrigation and drip moistening. I use water at a warm temperature for irrigation; in the summer heat, the procedure is carried out no more than once every 10 days.


You can ignore hilling, but the yield will suffer. During the season, the procedure is done 2-3 times - a week after the flowers appear and then twice more with an interval of 10 days. Hilling height is 5-7 cm. The approach of soil to young gynophores should be gradual.


You need to have time to harvest before frost begins. All beans are sorted into unripe and ripe, small ones are thrown away. Peanuts are dried in ventilated, fairly dry areas. The harvest is stored in bags and husked as it ripens. Damp, cold areas usually have mold.

Regional features

In the central zone of our country, peanuts have been grown successfully for a long time; the climatic conditions of the region are ideal for the crop. The main thing is to properly prepare the site - loosen the soil, remove weeds, and apply fertilizer. Do not add organic matter - peanuts, like all legumes, do not like it. If the air becomes cold, crop growth will temporarily stop. Don't be overzealous with watering - peanuts don't really need it, but they can cause fungi.

In the Urals, special preparation is needed for planting. In the south of the region, the beds are prepared in the fall - they are dug up and fed, in April they are covered with film to speed up warming, in May they add seeds, but do not remove the film. It will be possible to remove the shelter after the final onset of heat.

In the Middle Urals, planting is done only in warm beds - they can be obtained by adding compost and plant residues, which will begin to decompose and generate heat. They do the same in Siberia; in the Northern Urals, peanuts can only be grown in a greenhouse.
