Seven great ways to find out your Sber card account details. How to find out Sberbank card details

For simple operations such as removing Money, you don’t need to know your Sberbank card details. However, if there is a need to pay for a purchase online or make an interbank transfer, you cannot do without specifying these details. Most of the necessary data is present on the plastic card itself, so if the card is stored in a wallet, payment becomes a formality.

It’s another matter when you don’t have a card at hand, but you need to transfer money urgently. The card owner is faced with the task of finding out the data as soon as possible. This can be done in several ways - the owner of a bank card has the right to choose which one is more convenient for him.

Sberbank card details - what are we talking about?

First of all, it is important to realize that between the concepts “ Sberbank card details" And " Sberbank bank details"there is nothing in common. When ordering goods online, card details are required, namely:

    Last name and first name of the account owner in Latin.

    Full card number. Card numbers Visa And Master Card contain 16 digits, Maestro– 18 digits.

    Month and year of card expiration.

    Security code C.V.C. 2 , consisting of 3 digits. Code C.V.C. 2 banks recommend remembering and erasing it, and not leaving it on the plastic - which means this information most likely will not be on the card.

Bank details are the data of the Sberbank branch where the card was issued. Such details include:

    Bank BIC is a unique identifier of a financial institution.

    TIN – tax number.

    Bank name – full and abbreviated.

    Branch number in the format ХХХХ / УУУУ.

    Current and correspondent accounts.

Bank details are rarely required for the card user. They may be requested by, say, an employer to transfer wages or an insurance company to transfer compensation. In addition, bank details are sometimes used to withdraw funds from electronic wallets - when withdrawing in this way, the commission is minimal.

Find out the details of the Sberbank card

There are not many ways to clarify the card number if you don’t have one. For example, by calling the Sberbank hotline toll-free number 8-800-555-55-50 this data is impossible to find out– the operator will only give bank details if the card holder can name the code word.

In Sberbank Online, the card number was previously displayed, but now only the last 4 digits of this number and the card expiration date are available.

The same 4 final digits are contained in the SMS that comes in response to the request info to number 900.

The full number (key details) can be obtained in only two ways:

    Find the envelope at home where the documentation for the card is located. All the data is written down in these papers.

    Take your passport and personally appear at a Sberbank branch. In the office, the account owner will be able not only to find out the data, but also to apply for card restoration, change the code word and perform other operations.

How to find out Sberbank bank details: all methods

Through Sberbank Online

Most quick way obtain details of the Sberbank branch that issued the card - use the Sberbank Online service. Start by logging in Personal Account- Enter login and password:

On home page service, select the tab " Cards».

Click on the card name in the “ Cards».

Go to the tab " Map information».

Only the current account number is indicated here. For getting everyone bank details, click on the link " Transfer details to the card account».

A page with details will appear in a new window. From this window you can print a data sheet, send details by email, or save them in DOC format or PDF.

Through the Sberbank website

Another way to clarify your bank details is to use the service on the official website of Sberbank. However the result can only be obtained if the account number to which the card is linked is known. Finding a service is not easy: first, on the main page you need to go down to the very basement of the site and select the “ About the bank».

On the next page in the main menu you should find the section “ Requisites».

This section has a subsection " Checking a 20-digit account" - this is what is necessary.

A form will appear in which to an individual You must fill out the following details: last name, first name, address of the bank that issued the card (TIN can be replaced), 20-digit account number. After entering the data, click " Form».

If the data was entered correctly, a receipt with the details will appear.

The note: Legal entities It is necessary to indicate the name of the organization, TIN and account number.

Through the Sberbank contact center

Obtaining details through the contact center is also not an easy option, but it is quite effective. You need to dial a toll free number hotline 8-800-555-55-50 and follow these instructions:

    Listen to the introductory information that will be read by a mechanical voice, and select option No. 3 (press the appropriate number) - “ Connect with a specialist».

    Listen to pleasant music and wait for the specialist to answer. A mechanical voice will tell you how long you have to wait. The waiting time rarely exceeds 2-3 minutes - the Call Center employees act quite quickly.

    After connecting, ask the employee for your card details.

The employee will ask if you need the current account number to which the card is attached. The specialist separates this detail because the person applying will have to write it down in his own hand– he will send the remaining details via SMS to the number from which they are calling. The message will include the name of the bank, BIC, correspondent account, TIN. There will be no checkpoint– the SMS specifies that this code is not mandatory requisite. The message comes from number 900 and looks like this:

Note: Details can be provided to youdictate - if receiving SMS is an inconvenient option for you (for example, when accessing from someone else’s phone).

Despite the fact that the autoinformer notifies you of the need to prepare your passport and card, you do not need to do all this. You just need to tell the operator the final 4 digits of the card number - they won’t ask for your passport details. Bank details are not personal data; they are not a “closed secret”.

Via mobile application

The Sberbank Online application is available in both the AppStore (for iPhone) and Google Play (for Android). In the AppStore, the link to this application is as follows -

To find out your details through the application, first log in and set a 5-digit security code. Then on the main page, click on the item with the name of the plastic card.

The section “ My cards" - here you need to click on the shaded item " Actions with the card».

A menu will appear in which you should click on “ Show details».

On the next screen you will see the details of the banking institution that issued the card - INN, KPP, BIC, correspondent and current accounts.

Note: Data can be sent by email or SMS, or saved in the memory of your mobile device.

Through a Sberbank branch

This option is for those who are not looking for easy ways: you can come to your local Sberbank branch and ask for a printout of your card details. A personal visit is not a problem for those card users who live in large cities. But residents of villages and villages that are not covered by the Sberbank network will have to go to the nearest large populated area for information. It is recommended to decide on a personal visit to a bank branch to obtain card details after other methods have failed for some reason.

Please note that through a Sberbank branch you most likely will not be able to obtain bank details for a card that was issued in another, distant region. The structure of the Sberbank network involves division into 16 territorial zones, each of which is capable of operating only with its own data.

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Each holder bank card must know exactly all the capabilities of the product, its functions, and the conditions for performing transactions. You should definitely study what details a bank card has, why they may be needed, and where you can get information.

Banking details mean a set of data that allows you to carry out transactions. To make payments and receive money to a card account, a bank client must know the details of the bank and the recipient/payer of the funds.

The bank details include the following data (with an example of Sberbank PJSC details):

  • Name of the bank– PJSC “Sberbank of Russia”.
  • BIC– bank identification code, which includes the country code, region code, bank division number, bank branch serial number – 044525225.
  • Correspondent account - correspondent account, opened by the respondent bank in the banking organization itself or from another correspondent - 30101810400000000225 in the Main Directorate of the Bank of Russia for the Central Federal District in Moscow.
  • TIN– taxpayer ID – 7707083893.
  • checkpoint– reason code for registration – 773601001.

Details of the recipient/payer of funds:

  • Recipient- Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich
  • Account No.– 40817810ХХХХХХХХХХХХ.

Additionally, you may need the code of the bank division at the place where the card account is maintained, and the address of the bank division.

The bank card details include its number on the plastic card, the month and year of its expiration, cvc2 or cvv2 code (for online payments).

The user needs to know that the PIN code is not included in the card details, and no one has the right to request it; this is the personal information of the card owner, which allows access to the account.

When making currency transactions, additional card details may be required:

  • Recipient's Account;
  • SWIFT code – international interbank transfer system;
  • name of the bank in international transliteration.

Bank card details

Bank card details mean information that allows you to carry out a transaction from a bank card account. In this case, the card account number is indicated in the account number. It should not be confused with the card number, which is indicated on the plastic itself.

When information may be required

You can receive cash from your account or pay with plastic in stores using your card PIN code. You can transfer money more often using the card number and other details located on the plastic.

It may be necessary to carry out transactions using full bank details in the following cases:

  • The pledge holder gets a job and provides card details so that the employer can credit wages to the card account.
  • If translation is necessary large sum Money.
  • To repay loans from other banks.
  • If money is transferred between private and/or legal entities.

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Where can I see my bank card details?

There is no point in memorizing the details; they can always be obtained from the bank’s website. Registered users of the company's Internet banking will be able to find out the card details in their personal account. When conducting transactions in the Internet bank, the system will automatically generate a payment order and insert the payment details.

Map data is displayed in the menu item " Map information" If you need to provide details for transferring funds, it is better to print them out or take a screenshot of the data page and send them to the required address.

Additional ways to obtain information are:

  • Obtaining information from the service contract. At the end of the document, the card account details will appear before the signatures of the parties.
  • You can find out information by contacting directly to the representative office of a credit institution with a passport. In the Sberbank system, it is better to contact the branch where the account was opened.
  • Calling the bank's hotline. To obtain account information you will need to go through an identification procedure.
  • If the client is nearby with ATM, he will be able to obtain information by entering the card into the self-service device and logging in to the system.
  • Clients who are not registered in online banking and do not understand how to obtain data can be advised to write a letter to the bank support service. Having received a written response, print it out and give it to the counterparty.

You should be careful about transmitting your card details. If an error is made, the payment will not go through, the money will be returned to the payer or the bank will ask for confirmation of the information. This will increase the time it takes for the money to arrive. If the account number is entered incorrectly, the money may be credited to another person and can only be recovered through court.

Most financial transactions involving plastic cards require a minimum amount of information. This is done for our convenience and to save time. However, for some transfers, you still need to know the bank details for transferring to a plastic card.

Data required to perform transfers

If a money transfer occurs between two plastic cards, only their numbers will be needed. You can make such a transaction through online banking or mobile app. This procedure takes a few minutes. And in the case of a transfer from a bank account to a plastic card, it is the recipient’s account number, not the card number, that is required.

Options for mandatory entry of Sberbank details for transferring funds

Any plastic card is issued to a specific bank account, therefore it has two numbers at once: the account number and the card number.

Financial transactions can be carried out using any of them. Most people choose a card account because it is convenient Everyday life. And when using an ATM, it is not necessary to know your bank account.
If you plan to send funds from card to card, then you do not need to find out the bank details for transferring to a plastic card.

Data present in Sberbank details

To transfer money to a plastic card of an individual, you must provide the following information:
  • legal name of the organization;
  • TIN and BIC of Sberbank;
  • correspondent account number;
  • name of the branch that services the account;
  • Bank account number.

Where can I get the details?

To find out the number of a plastic card, just look at its surface and find the embossed numbers. And there are several ways to obtain the bank details themselves.
  • Visiting a bank branch. Sberbank operators have special forms with all the necessary information. However, these bank details for transferring to a plastic card will relate to the branch itself. To clarify personal information, you will need to present a plastic card and passport. Also available small nuance– you need to contact exactly the branch where the contract was concluded. Otherwise, you will not be able to obtain the necessary data.
  • Contacting the support center. Just call the hotline to get your details. Operators have access to client base, so they will provide the relevant data in a few minutes.
  • Visiting the Sberbank website, where the details of all branches and the central office are indicated. You can use the search feature to get the information you need faster. Details are indicated in a special section on the website.
  • View the contract. When concluding an agreement, the details of the branch where the plastic card was issued are indicated on its last page. The contract also provides bank account numbers.
  • ATM. You can obtain bank details in the “Regional details” section, in the “Information” tab. The monitor will display the corresponding data, which you can print.
  • Visiting Internet Banking. You will need to go to the website, go to your Personal Account and select your plastic card. Next to it is the “ Additional Information", displaying a list of details.

Details of credit and salary cards

The above methods for obtaining details may not be suitable for the following cards:
  • credit. Sberbank does not provide information for them, so it is not possible to obtain such details;
  • salary. If such a card was issued by the employer, then the details field will be empty.

To obtain salary card data, it is advisable to contact the employer directly.
Thus, you can obtain bank details for transfer to a plastic card in several ways: different ways. It is advisable to immediately choose the most convenient one to save time. Better yet, find out the relevant data at the stage of concluding an agreement and issuing a card at a bank branch.

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Welcome again to my blog. One day I urgently needed my card information. Honestly, I thought that numbers were needed on its front side. But no, it was about something completely different! I just didn’t yet understand what bank card details are and where to find them, why are they needed? I hope the information will help you avoid the difficulties I encountered.

Treasured numbers

The details of any bank card are the information necessary for carrying out monetary transactions: replenishing the balance, crediting wages, making money transfers and payments. They include:

  • Full name of the card holder;
  • card account number;
  • information about the issuing bank: name, INN, BIC, account numbers (correspondent, settlement, personal), as well as OKATO and KPP.

This is quite enough, but you should be aware that to transfer foreign currency you may need other data or opening a foreign currency account. This point must be clarified when applying for a credit card.

Do you already know that you can get a loan on your bank card via the Internet? No kilometer trips, no queues and a lot of time is saved. You can see the details here.

Now more details about the details. Most often, to carry out various monetary transactions, a card account number is required - a 20-digit number, which is the current account of the bank client. It is impossible to detect it on the card, since it is printed on a magnetic strip, which can only be read special devices(ATMs, payment terminals).

Many people mistakenly confuse a card account with the card number - a 16-digit number stamped on its front side. If the credit card is renewed after its expiration date, or in case of loss, it will be issued under a different number, but the card account will remain the same.

Where and how to get the necessary information?

As a rule, full card details are issued upon receipt. They are indicated in the contract or certificate for the accounting department of the employing company.

If such documents have been missing for a long time, you can find out the information in other ways:

  1. Contact the nearest branch of the issuing bank (Sberbank, Alfa Bank, etc.). It is advisable to take with you not only a bank card, but also a passport. At the branch itself, a customer service manager will help you obtain the data.
  2. You can ask customer support to send the necessary information to email. To receive it, you will need to submit a request on the bank’s website. You may need to indicate the card number, the issuing department, and the holder's full name. The disadvantage of this method is the slow processing of requests, and as a result, a long wait for a response.
  3. A call to the Call Center or hotline is also a way out of the situation. Phone numbers can be viewed at back side your credit card or find it on the Internet on the official websites of banks. However, if the code word chosen when registering the plastic completely flew out of your head, this option will not work. The operator is obliged to ask him to verify the “authenticity” of the card holder.
  4. The treasured information can also be obtained through Internet banking. The service must be activated by registering in the bank’s online system. Details are usually located in the tab with information on all open accounts, but it all depends on the specific financial organization. If there are several cards, select the desired position, save or print the data for it.
  5. Another way is to go to the nearest terminal of your bank. A couple of minutes after selecting the appropriate request, the information will be printed on the receipt. “Alien” ATMs do not provide such information.

Now you know what the details of a plastic bank card are, and most importantly, where and how you can find them. If you need them, I think the issues will be resolved without difficulty. By the way, do you already know what a CVV code is and what it is needed for?

Find out the details of the Sberbank card

Hello, friends. It’s no secret that when using their bank card, people for the most part don’t even know what bank details the card has. What are the details, many also don’t bother to figure it out. This is all due to the fact that most operations for paying for services do not require any special knowledge, and all operations are carried out on an intuitive level.

Details for transfer to a Sberbank card

But sometimes you still need to find out your bank details, for example, you need to transfer a certain amount, and for the transfer you need to know the recipient’s account number, full name, etc.

ATTENTION: details are required for making transfers between different banks, transfers between legal entities and individuals within the framework of interbank relationships.

It should be remembered that bank details and bank card details are different things.

Let's talk about bank card details for a broader discussion of the topic.

What are bank card details

So, bank card details are the data that is reflected on the surface of the card itself. They may be:

  • Sberbank card number
  • Security code CVV2 CVC2
  • Year and month of issue/expiration of the card.
  • Card owner's name
Bank card details

What are bank details of a Sberbank card

Now let's try to figure out what the bank details of a Sberbank card are.

The bank details of the card are all the information that identifies the Sberbank branch in which the account linked to the card is opened.

Here is a list of bank details:

  • Bank branch number zzzz\llll where zzz is the number of an additional office of Sberbank, and LLLL is the number of the head bank in the region.
  • Bank TIN
  • Bank checkpoint
  • Bank Bank Identifier (BIC)

Now let's look at ways to find out the details of a Sberbank card

This is one of the most simple ways find out the above details. It is accessible to the majority of the population and is most popular among citizens of retirement age. To do this, go to the nearest Sberbank branch and give the bank manager your identification data (passport). Once you are identified as the card owner, you will receive comprehensive information about your accounts and their details.

If you have Internet access, you probably have your Sberbank Online personal account connected. For authorization, a login (also known as an identifier) ​​and a password are used.

This menu will contain comprehensive information on the details for bank transfers according to the specified card.

Another way to find out the bank details of the card is to call the Call Center by dialing 8 800 555 55 50 (toll-free throughout Russia). After the operator accepts your call, you need to say your identification data, full name, and also say the code word that you came up with when concluding an agreement not to service the card.

As mentioned above, the code word is specified in the contract for banking services. The bank details of the card are also specified in the agreement itself. If you have a salary card from Sberbank, you can contact the accounting/HR department directly in your organization. Full details are used to transfer wages. They should be told to you.

If you know the details of your bank, where you had an agreement to service your bank card, then by entering its details in the appropriate field, you will receive full information about the bank itself, as well as at the bottom of the page you can select your local bank.

How to find out the details of a Sberbank card?

For such simple operations as withdrawing funds, you do not need to know your Sberbank card details. However, if there is a need to pay for a purchase online or make an interbank transfer, you cannot do without specifying these details. Most of the necessary data is present on the plastic card itself, so if the card is stored in a wallet, payment becomes a formality.

It’s another matter when you don’t have a card at hand, but you need to transfer money urgently. The card owner is faced with the task of finding out the data as soon as possible. This can be done in several ways - the owner of a bank card has the right to choose which one is more convenient for him.

Sberbank card details - what are we talking about?

First of all, it is important to realize that there is nothing in common between the concepts “Sberbank card details” and “Sberbank bank details”. When ordering goods online, card details are required, namely:

    Last name and first name of the account owner in Latin.

    Full card number. Numbers Visa cards and Master Card contain 16 digits, Maestro – 18 digits.

    Month and year of card expiration.

    Security code CVC2, consisting of 3 digits. Banks recommend remembering the CVC2 code and erasing it, rather than leaving it on the plastic - which means this detail most likely will not be on the card.

Bank details are the data of the Sberbank branch where the card was issued. Such details include:

    Bank BIC is a unique identifier of a financial institution.

    TIN – tax number.

    Bank name – full and abbreviated.

    Branch number in the format ХХХХ / УУУУ.

    Current and correspondent accounts.

Bank details are rarely required for the card user. They may be requested by, say, an employer to transfer wages or an insurance company to transfer compensation. In addition, bank details are sometimes used to withdraw funds from electronic wallets - when withdrawing in this way, the commission is minimal.

Find out the details of the Sberbank card

There are not many ways to clarify the card number if you don’t have one. For example, you cannot find out this data by calling the Sberbank hotline at the toll-free number 8-800-555-55-50 - the operator will only give bank details if the card holder can name the code word.

In Sberbank Online, the card number was previously displayed, but now only the last 4 digits of this number and the card expiration date are available.

The same 4 final digits are contained in the SMS that comes in response to an info request to number 900.

The full number (key details) can be obtained in only two ways:

    Find the envelope at home where the documentation for the card is located. All the data is written down in these papers.

    Take your passport and personally appear at a Sberbank branch. In the office, the account owner will be able not only to find out the data, but also to apply for card restoration, change the code word and perform other operations.

How to find out Sberbank bank details: all methods

Through Sberbank Online

The fastest way to get the details of the Sberbank branch that issued the card is to use the Sberbank Online service. Start by logging into your Personal Account - enter your username and password:

On the main page of the service, select the “Maps” tab.

Click on the card name in the “Cards” block.

Go to the “Map Information” tab.

Only the current account number is indicated here. To obtain all bank details, click on the link “Transfer details to card account”.

A page with details will appear in a new window. From this window you can print a data sheet, send details by email, or save them in DOC or PDF format.

Through the Sberbank website

Another way to clarify your bank details is to use the service on the official website of Sberbank. However, the result can only be obtained if the account number to which the card is linked is known. Finding the service is not easy: first, on the main page, you need to go down to the very basement of the site and select the “About the Bank” tab.

On the next page in the main menu you should find the “Details” section.

In this section there is a subsection “Checking a 20-digit account” - this is what is necessary.

A form will appear in which the individual must fill out the following details: last name, first name, address of the bank that issued the card (TIN can be replaced), 20-digit account number. After entering the data, click “Generate”.

If the data was entered correctly, a receipt with the details will appear.

Note: Legal entities must indicate the name of the organization, TIN and account number.

Through the Sberbank contact center

Obtaining details through the contact center is also not an easy option, but it is quite effective. You need to dial the toll-free hotline number 8-800-555-55-50 and follow these instructions:

    Listen to the introductory information that will be read by a mechanical voice, and select option No. 3 (press the corresponding number) - “Connect with a specialist.”

    Listen to pleasant music and wait for the specialist to answer. A mechanical voice will tell you how long you have to wait. The waiting time rarely exceeds 2-3 minutes – the Call Center employees act quite quickly.

    After connecting, ask the employee for your card details.

The employee will ask if you need the current account number to which the card is attached. The specialist separates this detail because the person calling will have to write it down in his own hand - he will send the rest of the details via SMS to the number from which they are calling. The message will include the name of the bank, BIC, correspondent account, TIN. There will be no checkpoint - the SMS specifies that this code is not a mandatory requirement. The message comes from number 900 and looks like this:

Note: The details may be dictated to you if receiving SMS is an inconvenient option for you (for example, when accessing from someone else’s phone).

Despite the fact that the autoinformer notifies you of the need to prepare your passport and card, you do not need to do all this. You just need to tell the operator the final 4 digits of the card number - they won’t ask for your passport details. Bank details are not personal data; they are not a “closed secret”.

Via mobile application

The Sberbank Online application is available in both the AppStore (for iPhone) and Google Play(for Android). In the AppStore, the link to this application is as follows -

Question How to find out bank card details? in theory it shouldn’t arise. All necessary information regarding the plastic means of payment is contained in the agreement concluded between the cardholder and the bank.

However, the following situation is quite typical: when the need arises to find out the bank card details, it turns out that the agreement has been lost. Such negligence in relation to documents cannot be allowed - according to the rules, the agreement for issuing a card must be kept throughout the entire period of its validity. But, as they say, what we have, we have...

Especially often, the need to find out card details arises among holders of “salary” plastic. Having received cards at their enterprise (organization) to which employers transfer salaries, they for a long time use them to withdraw cash from ATMs or to pay for purchases at retail outlets. And they think about the details only when, for example, there is a need to transfer money to a card.

What to do if the contract for the card (or the envelope in which the salary card is issued) is lost, and the details are desperately needed?

There is no particular reason to worry - there are several ways find out bank card details.

1. The most reliable way is to contact the issuing bank that issued the card. Moreover, it must be sent to the branch that directly issued the issuance - this is dictated by bank security rules. In addition to the card, you need to provide the operator with a passport - without an identity document, no one will tell you the details (again, for security reasons).

2. Sometimes the card holder does not have the opportunity to visit a bank branch - for example, he is located outside his locality. Then you can try to find out your bank card details by calling the financial institution’s hotline. But this is not always easy to do.

Firstly, not all clients know the phone numbers of their banks’ call centers (however, this problem can be solved using banks’ websites – such information is usually published there).

Secondly, some banks may require the client to state the code word that was indicated in the agreement (and we conditionally assume that it is lost). To be fair, it should be noted that a code word is not always required to identify the cardholder - often for authorization it is enough to provide information such as the card number, passport data, date of birth of the client, and sometimes just the phone number linked to the card.

3. Some financial organizations (for example, Sberbank) send clients card details after a request by email. You can try using this method. To do this, you need to send a message using the form to the financial institution's e-mail requesting the necessary information and indicating the card number, the full name of its holder, and the number of the bank branch where it was issued.

4. Many people are interested in the question: how to find out bank card details through the Internet? Let us say right away that such information is not provided on bank websites. Only those clients who have connected the online banking system (with authorization using a login and password) have the opportunity to find out the details of their plastic payment instrument.

What card details may be required?

To make money transfers to a card, the card account number is most often required. In this context, it should be noted that cardholders often mistake the card for its number, which is printed on the front side of the plastic carrier. In fact, these are two completely different numerical values.

The number is intended to identify the card when making payment transactions at retail outlets or on the Internet. It consists of 16 digits (usually of the following type - ХХХХ-ХХХХ-ХХХХ-ХХХХ) and essentially protects the plastic from counterfeiting. The card number contains the bank's identification data.

The card account number is a twenty-digit number that represents the cardholder's current account at the bank, similar to any other bank account. It is impossible to detect it on a plastic carrier because it is not safe. It is applied only to a magnetic stripe, and can only be read technical device during operations. If the card is reissued due to expiration or loss, its number will be changed. But the account number will remain the same.

If you plan to carry out a more serious operation using the card (for example, transferring money from some organization), then you may need additional details - BIC, INN, OKATO, bank current account, etc. You need to decide in advance on all this information and make a request to the bank taking it into account.

Is it possible to find out the PIN code of the card from the bank?

Surprisingly, some naive clients believe that financiers can provide such information. You should know that the value of the four-digit PIN code is known only to the card holder and for security reasons it is not entered or stored anywhere. Alas, if you are unable to remember the PIN code of your bank card, then there is only one way out - reissue. To do this, you need to contact the issuing bank with a corresponding application.
