Birthday script for a funny adult. Anniversary scenarios for women

If you are thinking about how to organize a fun family holiday in the company of close friends, colleagues and relatives, then this scenario is for you. Presented by the talented author A. Zaitsev, it is designed to hold a holiday in a close circle and on your own, without the involvement of professionals, which means that even a beginner can take on its preparation, and the holiday itself can be organized at home.

The program is designed in such a way that in any competition or auction one or another prize is awarded, albeit small, but pleasant, for which a “loud” comic name was invented. Birthday (anniversary) entertainment program "DIY Feast"- universal, if desired, it can be changed or supplemented with other games, competitions, congratulatory moments, toasts and jokes.

During the evening, for example, prizes with the following names can be drawn:

A traveling art exhibition of unpainted paintings by future artists from the Art Karakuli gallery - (sketchbook).

Grinding machine with manual drive from the company "Chic and Shine" - (toothbrush).

An ancient means of organizing leisure time and lightening the wallet from the company “Lopukhoff and Chainikoff” - (playing cards).

Universal neutral Western European-East Asian horoscope from the company "Zodiac and Coffee Grounds" - (calendar).

Anti-parrot measuring device for boas from the company "Russian Razmer" - (ruler).

Terminator for bacteria, bacilli and microbes from the company “Double Impact” - (washcloth (sponge) and soap).

Sewing-embroidery-stitching machine from the company "Shey and Pori" - (set of needles and threads).

Pocket music center from the company “If you rattle, you make people laugh” - (rattle).

Pneumatic car alarm from Atas! - (whistle).

Entertainment program for guests "Holiday with your own hands"

The owners of the house greet guests with the words: “We are glad to have guests as good news!”, “Welcome!” Each guest is invited to the aperitif table and offered to choose a drink and one of the notes prepared in advance with a comic toast. When all the guests are gathered, they are invited to the table.

Leading. Hello! People have many ways of greeting each other, so I want to give a special greeting to everyone on our holiday.

(The presenter shakes someone’s hand, hugs someone, kisses someone, pats someone on the shoulder, waves his hand to someone, blows a kiss to someone, etc.)

Leading. My first toast is to the meeting!

Dear guests! Which of you can add something to what has been said about the hero of the day?

Who can highlight other aspects of the outstanding nature of our birthday boy?

I suggest choosing an analyst among the guests. The one who will say: “How about pouring it?”*

- (Addresses one of the guests.) And we will call you “lad,” because you clap your hands louder than anyone else.

Comic description of the hero of the day

Leading. I have in my hands a description of our hero of the occasion (is reading):


His clothes are a feast for the eyes.

His hard work is worthy of the highest praise.

Honest, like an ATM.

Mobile like a phone.

Beautiful, like a rare diamond.

Brave as a furious lion.

If you agree with this, let me know with applause. (The guests applaud.)

Banquet break

Table game "Stable expression"

Leading. For our holiday, I have prepared a list of common expressions. For example, Indian...summer,, etc. The one who accurately continues the stable expression receives a token. The guest who collects the most tokens is awarded a prize. Let's start the game.

Frost... red nose, frozen... eternal, ladybug... ladybug, king... naked, orphan... Kazan, cat... March, tears... crocodiles, sausage... business, caviar... black, carriage... blue, Kashchei... Immortal, conscience... clear, pepper shaker ... old, cult ... personality, horse... in a coat, gelding... gray, fly... Cluttering, Miracle - Yudo... nasty, hare... scythe, tablecloth... road, after... sleeves, bear... clubfooted, faceted... glass, whirlwinds... hostile, Rostov -... On - Don, little thing... pot-bellied.

(Counting of tokens is in progress.)

Leading. The winner receives a surreal prize, or "surprise" for short. (The winner receives a prize. The host gives pocket calendars to all guests.)

Fun for guests "Get a prize"

Leading. Prizes are up for grabs!

1. Manual air conditioner from the Japanese company “Mashisama”! The person who can count all the Tuesdays of the year the fastest will receive it. (A competition takes place. The winner receives a fan - a manual air conditioner from the Japanese company Mashisama.) I think you will appreciate this fan after the dance break.

2. (The host hands the guests several tear-off calendars.) The one who is the fastest to tear the pages with Fridays out of the calendar will receive a prize that is suitable for any make of car. (A competition is taking place. The winner receives a keychain that fits any make of car. The presenter takes tear-off calendars from the players and gives out several piles of old newspapers.)

3. Now you need to find a pile of newspapers - one for Tuesday. (A competition takes place. The winner receives a prize - a means for broadening his horizons - a door peephole.)

Auction "Drinks of the World".

Leading. Attention! Auction “Drinks of the World”. I ask you to remember the drink and the country where it is made. For example, rum - Cuba or wine - Spain... Now - you.

(Guests participate in the “Drinks of the World” auction. Vodka - Russia, tequila - Mexico, whiskey - America, beer - Czech Republic, vodka - Ukraine, sake - Japan, cognac - France...)

(The hero of the day fills the winner’s glass with his own hand.)

Toast- for the people who surround the birthday boy.

Outdoor games "Rope competitions"

The scenario for a woman’s birthday “Wonderful Changelings” with elements of theatricalization is addressed to those who do not want to grow old at heart and prefer to enjoy every new day rather than sigh over the years they have lived.

Cool pranks, surprise moments and unexpected transformations will not only create a festive mood, but will also charge the birthday girl and her guests with optimism for a long time.

The best gift from friends

Birthdays can be celebrated in different ways. What will it be? A banquet, a stylish party, a picnic with a trip to nature - it’s up to the birthday girl, who will be responsible for a lot of different troubles in organizing the reception of guests.

Those invited can significantly ease her plight by taking the preparation entertainment program to myself. And this will be the most best gift for any birthday you can think of.

In order for “Miraculous Changelings” to come as a complete surprise to the hero of the occasion, the script and the preparation process must be kept strictly secret until the significant day. Of course, you will have to take care of costumes and props, find time for rehearsal, and record music, but the pleasure of executing the script ideas will certainly more than repay all the effort.

Hall decoration

The room where you plan to celebrate significant date, should be decorated. There is no need for special decorations for our scenario. And here Balloons, garlands, posters with wishes will give the hall a ceremonial look and create a festive atmosphere from the very threshold.

DIY costumes and props

Theater experts say that a good costume can save even a disastrous performance. There is little demand from home-grown artists, but costumes play no less a role in amateur staging than on the professional stage.
To implement the “Miraculous Changelings” scenario, you will need to create a number of vivid images from various historical eras.

Ancient Greek poet

The role of the ancient Greek singer of lyrical songs according to the script is reserved for the husband or young man of the heroine of the holiday. His appearance in such an unexpected role should make an indelible impression on her.
To do this, take a white sheet, wrap it around the body and secure the ends on the shoulder with a pin, forming beautiful coattails. The result will be a robe similar to a tunic - the traditional dress of the inhabitants of ancient Hellas.

We put on homemade sandals on our feet, which are cardboard soles with long strings attached, similar to beach slates. You can get by with simple sandals, and in the warm season nothing prevents the singer from appearing barefoot.

The head will be crowned with a wreath made of wire closed in a ring and laurel leaves glued to it with tape. A lyre in the hands of the poet, cut out of cardboard, will give the image a finished look.

Medieval witch

A belted wide dress reaching to the toes, loose and disheveled long hair, a bunch of dry grass at the waist... We are not sure that in the Middle Ages women who were accused of witchcraft looked exactly like this. But it is possible to create an image in your imagination and embody it with the help of ordinary and simple things.

You should also prepare witchcraft props - a bottle filled with any liquid (elixir of immortality) and tea bags with signed labels:

  • From the evil eye;
  • From damage;
  • Erysipelas;
  • From evil spirits;
  • From moths;
  • For a love spell;
  • For wealth;
  • For good luck;
  • For triplets.

Crowned Empress

A very bright image, for which a lush ball gown, high hairstyle, jewelry and a scepter are suitable.
You can make a high collar and fan from corrugated paper.

The simplest option is to wrap the royal in a robe made of a plain silky fabric, and place a homemade foil crown on her head. You should also prepare a scroll of paper rolled into a roll with the text of the decree that Her Majesty will announce in festive table.

Lord of Time

The Lord of Time, who is also the co-host of the event, according to the scriptwriter’s plan, is a wanderer in a baggy robe with a bag on his shoulder and a staff in his hands. He has a thick beard made of cotton wool or fur and a wrinkled hat.

He has the amazing ability to travel through time. All you need to do is turn the arrows of the old alarm clock.

You can come up with your own options for decorations, because designing costumes is a creative matter, giving wide scope for imagination.

And the music sounds...

The most serious attention should be paid to the musical accompaniment of the event. When preparing the dance part, it is necessary to take into account the musical preferences of the birthday girl and her guests.

Yes, for age audience It is appropriate to include melodies of the last century in the program. It is clear that the tastes of the older and younger generations will diverge.

If a group of different ages gathers at the table, both old and modern rhythms should sound.

Another thing is the selection of music for performances and competitions. Here you should be guided by different rules.

The melody should convey the mood of the moment, emphasize the character of the theater characters, and give the action a national or historical sound where the script requires it.

For the musical arrangement of the “Wonderful Changelings” scenario, you will need a number of the following phonograms:

  1. Nino Rota "Romeo and Juliet" (instrumental music).
  2. "Sirtaki".
  3. “Dance of the Knights” (advertising for Nissan Murano, remix).
  4. Fanfare for the herald's exit.
  5. Entering the Queen (fanfare).
  6. A. Rybnikov “Music of Love and Space” (lyrical melody).

It is necessary not only to record these melodies, but also to determine the person responsible for the sound. He must know the script well in order to avoid problems with the musical accompaniment.

You can use other soundtracks at your discretion. The main thing is that the music expresses the idea inherent in each scene.

Cool script for a woman’s birthday “Wonderful Changelings”

Leading: Dear friends! A wonderful occasion has brought us together today at this festive table. It’s not customary to talk about a woman’s age out loud, but in this case, this law does not apply, because our dear... (name) is timeless. I propose to raise the first toast to the forever young birthday girl!


Leading: Attention attention! We received a very unusual guest for our holiday. He travels around the world and calls himself the lord of time.
Nobody knows who he is, where he comes from and where he is going. We are a hospitable people and therefore cannot let a person go hungry! Please come to the table!

Lord of Time: Thank you, good people! Honor and praise to the hospitable house and its hostess. I know what joyful event she is celebrating today, and it is no coincidence that I found myself in this place and at this time. I was sent on a mission to convey greetings to...(name) from different time dimensions.

Leading: (addressing the audience) This all sounds very strange. He seems to say hello himself!

Lord of Time: Yes, yes... I've been traveling in time for a long time, meeting different people, I attend royal receptions and the shacks of the poor.
The people there know the birthday girl well; there are legends about her virtues. The ancient Greeks considered ... (name) the daughter of Zeus himself.
Medieval troubadours composed odes in her honor. Renaissance brush masters paint portraits from it. And recently, in the palace of a patron of the arts, I saw a naked female statue with wings - an exact copy of... (name)!

Leading: Sorry, but this is really hard to believe!

Lord of Time: Modern people too rational and often mistake me for a crazy person. For this reason, I reveal my gift only to a select few. I know that...(name) still believes in fairy tales and is waiting for a miracle. And that's why I want to show her something...

He takes an alarm clock out of his bag, rotates the hands and says:

One two three four five,
Turn back time,
Through mountains and plains,
Oceans and seas,
Through space
Into the depths of the earth
Move it back!

(You can amuse guests even more if you pull out a tuft of beard each time with the words of the spell “Fuck-tibi-doh, tibi-doh”, “Mana-mana-tyts-tyts-tyryrym”, etc.)

Phonogram No. 1 sounds.

The birthday girl's husband appears in the image of an ancient Greek poet. He plucks the drawn strings of the lyre and reads to a muffled melody, drawing out the words:

I saw you by chance
And immediately he seemed stunned.
Cupid, flying over us,
Shot a dozen arrows at me.

You have the grace of a Naiad
Floated with just one glance,
And I felt alternately
Chills, fever and large hail.

I thought that the goddess herself
Came down to earth from above,
I wanted you
Go to kiss the footprints.

Struck by your greatness,
The whole world froze to stone,
An eagle fell from the sky to the ground
And the formidable lion purred.

A wonderful moment has passed
Many years have passed since then,
But for me another goddess
It won’t, it didn’t, and it doesn’t...

Leading: This story is surprisingly similar to the novel... (name) and... (husband's name), isn't it? Sit down, dear sir, at the table and help yourself.

Ancient Greek singer: Yes, I see you have a feast like a mountain and wine like a river! But why isn't anyone dancing?
In our ancient Greece Nowadays a new dance is in fashion. His movements are so simple that I can teach you them right now.

Shows a set of sirtaki movements and steps, guests are invited to a dance break. Phonogram No. 2.
Continuation of the feast

Leading: (looks carefully at the ancient Greek character) Well, I don’t know if there’s any catch here. I have a vague doubt that I have already seen this poet somewhere...

Lord of Time: About such people in ancient times they said: “His distrust was so great that he already seemed suspicious to himself.”
And for our birthday girl, miracles are just beginning. The sorceress of the seventh generation, Sorcerer Baba, wants to congratulate her. Let's go to the gray Middle Ages.

One two three four five
Turn back time,
Through mountains and plains,
Oceans and seas,
Through space
Into the depths of the earth
Move it back!

Phonogram No. 3. Baba the Sorcerer appears. Reads the text quickly, like a spell.

I see everything, I know everything,
I'm removing the damage
I read thoughts
I'll bewitch any guy
Do you want a handsome man?
Do you want a sideways one?

Whose children will I conjure,
I'll just blow on the water.
Who needs a potion for idleness,
Who needs the horse, who gets the bridle...
I cook herbs for days.

And our birthday girl
You won't find anything more beautiful in the world
I give her a complex elixir,
At least there's water in the bottle.
Has stood for ten centuries,
Who will drink -
He will be immortal!

Lord of Time: A real magical gift! Yes, what a nuisance. There are skeptical citizens at this table. They refuse to believe in miracles.

Sorcerer-woman: My magical gift is easily verified. Let the birthday girl think of any word, and I’ll stand outside the door. Let's see what comes of this.

Leading: Attention, friends! Let's begin the session of exposing medieval magic!

During the absence of the Witch Woman, the heroine of the holiday makes a word.

After the “clairvoyant” returns, the presenter lists different words until he names the one that the hero of the occasion wished for. It is at this moment that the clairvoyant will shout: “Here it is.”

The session can be repeated several times with the same result. The secret of the trick is simple. The presenter and the Sorcerer-Baba are in cahoots. They established in advance that the previous word before the hidden one would certainly begin with the letter M. For example, the presenter lists the dishes: borscht, vinaigrette, pizza, meatballs, herring under a fur coat, Korean carrots...
The sorceress already knows that the birthday girl’s favorite dish will follow.

After the competition, she presents the guests with a potion - signed tea bags.

Continuation of the feast.

The sorcerer-woman and the ancient Greek singer quietly leave the room and return to the table in disguise.

Phonogram No. 4 sounds

Leading:What else is this?

Lord of Time: These sounds come from the 18th century, straight from the imperial palace.
Let's hurry to the court, otherwise we won't have our heads blown off! The Great Empress herself wants to see the birthday girl with her retinue.

One two three four five
Turn back time,
Through mountains and plains,
Oceans and seas,
Through space
Into the depths of the earth
Move it back!

Phonogram No. 5. The Empress appears.

Empress: Dear sirs and madams! I have gathered you on a joyful occasion for our entire fatherland - name day... (name). And I want to immediately announce my royal decree.

Decree of the Most Serene, Most Powerful, great empress Ekaterina Alekseevna autocrat.

For my considerable merits, and for my glorious deeds, I wish to express my royal favor to the girl ... (name), who, without sparing her belly, serves the Russian land with faith and righteousness.
By his example, he teaches others how to love a husband, honor father and mother, and raise foolish offspring to their feet. Every day is full of work, like a bee.
Therefore, I command that my lazy ministers should be driven out of the yard, and in their place ... (name) put.

I give the red maiden an ermine fur coat from the Tsar’s shoulder and a pair of bay horses so that they can be regularly delivered to the Tsar’s service. And since her rank has improved, I order you to show ... (name) every respect and bow low with your forehead when you meet.

I command you to have fun on this occasion with music, lush tables, with overseas caviar - zucchini, with cannon fire.
Don’t pour too much wine for the guests, so that they don’t wander around the city squares with red noses and confuse other people. And if anyone betrays the sovereign’s word, he will be whipped and hung on a rack, as if it were not common for others to do so.

The imperial order must be carried out exactly and without delay.

...(date) from the Nativity of Christ.

Empress: And now I wish you fun.

Lord of Time: Her Majesty cannot be contradicted. Everyone plays!

Empress: Parsley, my fool, is the inventor of all sorts of riddles. He composes on the fly, and then makes a wish for everyone. So I composed it for your holiday. I will give royal gifts to the smart people who are the first to find the answer.

  • What is not in Paris, but is in Moscow, not in the Seine, but is in the Neva? (answer: letter “B”)
  • It takes Vaska the bell ringer 15 minutes to climb the bell tower. How long will it take him to do this, if he takes a clerk and a clerk with him? (answer: 15 minutes)
  • Yashka the Serf was running across the field in the pouring rain. There was no dry thread left on it. As soon as I wrung out my trousers, a whole tub of water leaked out, but not a single hair on my head got wet. How can this be? (answer: Yashka was bald)
  • The serf Glasha collected 6 apples in the garden. And since she is not a greedy girl, she gave Grishka half to the groom. She treated me, therefore. How many apples did she have left after that? (answer: 5 and a half)
  • The landowner was traveling to the village in a carriage drawn by three horses. On the way he met the same 3 carriages. How many carriages were traveling to the village? (answer: one carriage)
  • There were 5 rowan trees growing. Each has 5 large branches. And on these large branches there are 5 small ones. On the branches of those small ones there are 5 bulk apples growing. How many fruits will gardener Proshka collect from the trees? (answer: none. Apples do not grow on rowan trees)

Empress: How much I love meeting smart people in my state. For this, I allow the sovereigns to kiss my most illustrious hand, and I order the empresses to give each of the gingerbread from the royal table that the ambassadors had left over from the reception.
And now I’m retiring to the bedchamber. I'm kind of tired of you. (Leaves)

Lord of Time: It’s time for me to hit the road too. Low bow for the good-natured welcome. They warmed, fed, and gave water to the tired wanderer.
For such cordiality I want to thank you with small gifts that I collected throughout the world. Let everyone choose a gift to their liking.

A fun lottery is being drawn.
The role of the drum will be played by a hat, from which guests will take notes one by one. Each participant must read the text out loud, and the Lord of Time will announce and award prizes.

Didn't sleep all night, counting sheep?
Here's a candle for this occasion.
The aroma will fill the house
And will bring you a sound sleep. (aroma candle)

Matches are needed always and everywhere
At home in the kitchen, on a picnic.
Striking a match is a simple matter,
And grilled meat tastes better than raw meat! (Matchbox)

Start your day with a cup of coffee
From dawn to dawn
You'll be like an electric broom
With a battery inside! (coffee bag)

It is very important to wash your face
In the mornings and evenings,
And to the unwashed piglets
Shame and disgrace! (soap)

If you lubricate the handles with cream
Without regret, from the heart,
They'll become like cat's paws
Silky and soft. (hand cream)

If you want a sweet life,
You can eat some chocolate.
It's better to eat one piece at a time
So that in doorway crawl through. (Chocolate)

Be like a minister
Write down your plans in a notebook,
Get into the system quickly
My affairs are in a whirlwind. (Notebook)

Take a notebook
To write music.
The Case of Mozart and Bach
Someone has to continue! (music book)

A rattle is a trifle,
Might come in handy soon.
News will arrive from the maternity hospital,
And the folder is all ready! (beanbag)

It's hard to think of a more useful present,
Why waterproof adhesive is durable “Moment”.
Firmly adheres rubber to skin
So it’s impossible to tear it off later. (Glue “Moment”)

Continuation of the feast.

Final scene. Takes place towards the end of the event. Phonogram No. 6.

Leading: A letter has just arrived addressed to the traitor. It is strange that there is no stamp or seal on the envelope.

The birthday girl opens the envelope and reads out the text. The melody of phonogram No. 6 will give the scene a touching lyrical sound.

Dear...(name)! Don’t be angry that you haven’t heard from me for so long. All the years of our separation, I continued to travel around the world.
And now I am writing to you from the distant future. It's amazing. Earthlings fly to the Moon and Mars. Robots live among people. There are no wars and cures for serious diseases have been found.

By the way, I was very pleased to meet you again on your anniversary. So much time has passed and you have not changed. The same charming smile, kind heart and broad soul.

I saw the happy faces of family and friends who came with flowers and congratulations. Your inquisitive and cheerful grandchildren brought me complete delight.
And what wonderful words you uttered at the festive table: “The secret of my longevity is not at all in the elixir of the Witch Woman, but in the fact that I have the strongest family and the most reliable friends!”

The presenter can be one of your close friends, or a husband if the birthday girl is married, or maybe a specially hired person. The scripted celebration can be held in a banquet hall or in a spacious room at home, depending on the number of people invited.

an envelope with a phrase, a photograph of the birthday girl, cards with inscriptions, sweets, prizes for competitions, several certificates, album sheets, two Whatman paper, two markers, two blindfolds, a gift bottle,

Dear guests, hello! I am glad to see each of you at this magnificent holiday, which is organized in honor of our dear (name of the birthday girl). On this day, the world had a special honor to recognize this amazing, incomparable woman. I ask everyone to take their seats. We begin.

As you may have guessed, this evening is under my leadership! But, there are many of you, and I am alone, so I will need my personal assistant! Please look under your chair, everyone who finds the envelope will be my assistant for the evening!

Like every social event, our holiday has its own rules that everyone must follow! Now I will read them:

1. Have fun until you drop;

2. Don’t be sad, don’t be discouraged at the table and beyond;

3. Say beautiful toasts;

4. Drink whatever is poured;

5. Take part in all conversations;

6. Dance, dance, dance;

7. Obey the leader in everything.

Everyone has gathered a long time ago,

It's time to raise everyone's glasses,

For the beautiful birthday girl,

It's time to say congratulations to us!

(Name of the birthday girl) They say that in the East there is one wisdom that I really want to voice:

Conquering your age is not difficult,

You can't refuse it

Although in principle it is possible

If you have friends next to you!

May you be 100 or 200,

But your soul is young

Pour the glasses quickly

Drink to your youth (name of the birthday girl) to the dregs!

Do you know how wonderful it is sometimes to immerse yourself in memories of your childhood, youth, youth. Probably, not everyone remembers what kind of girl our hero of the occasion was, but now, thanks to the efforts of her close friends (children, family, husband, parents, depending on who takes on this creative process), you can plunge into her past, and see what she was and what she became.

(Prepare a collage with photographs or a presentation about the birthday girl in advance. It is important to make this surprise bright and cheerful. You can insert a few jokes, photographs into pictures, write a few funny facts and life stories)

But without (names of the birthday girl’s parents) this event simply would not have happened. Therefore, I propose to raise a glass to them, for giving us such beautiful woman, which fills the life of each of you with happiness!

In the meantime, you have a snack, I would like to tell you one story that you may know, which you may hear for the first time. So, this happened several decades ago. In one town, in the very ordinary apartment, a miracle happened, a tiny girl appeared from nowhere and stayed to live there. The girl grew, grew, grew, grew and grew! Many different people appeared on her path, but she forever settled the most special ones in her heart. And so, so many years of desperate searches have led her to those with whom she shares her holiday today, to those whose love and support are most important in the world. For friends, comrades, for you!

You eat, eat, and in the meantime I’ll hold a small auction! So, friends, there are three special lots up for grabs, including a photograph of the birthday girl, a dance with the birthday girl and a hug lasting a full minute! Let `s start?

(Auction of “Compliments”. To win, the guest needs to name compliments. Whoever says the most compliments receives the lot. Props: photo of the birthday girl)

I offer you a drink for your compliments,

Which touched the birthday girl's soul,

Fill your glasses quickly

And reinforce everything you said!

Traitor, please pay attention! I recently passed by a magic shop and bought cards. But these are not simple cards, but magical ones. They will tell you what the people sitting at this table think about you. Pull your card, gentlemen!

It’s a pity that our magic session was not long, but it made it clear what the guests were thinking. Now, I would like to talk about love, about the wonderful feeling that fills our soul (name of the birthday girl). And now the man of her life will tell her about his feelings. As far as I know, he prepared a poem about love.

It's your turn

Congratulate our birthday girl,

Everyone is welcome here!

While you are having a snack, I want to hold a small competition, the winner of which will receive a valuable prize. I will ask questions about our birthday girl, for each correct answer - candy, the one who collects the most candy will win!

1. On what day of the week was she born?

2. How much did you weigh on your birthday?

3. How much does he weigh now?

4. How long did she spend most of her time on the phone?

6. Does she mope in the fall?

7. How old are you?

8. What grade did she get in algebra?

9. Favorite sweet?

10. How much time does he devote to sports?

11. How many pairs of shoes are in her wardrobe?

12. Does he like to chew at night?

14. First guy's name?

15. Favorite flowers?

16. Favorite music?

17. Favorite movie?

18. Excitement, her faithful ally?

19. What did she dream about in 1st grade?

20. Who was the first to receive a kiss?

Somehow you all stayed too long,

We need to fix this

Did you want what you wanted?

Let's dance quickly!

And now, my dears, I suggest you play a little. You all dance well, and I want to invite you to diversify your steps a little.

Each guest must repeat the movements after the other; whoever copies it better wins a prize.

The glasses are waiting, it's time for the table,

Let's go back to the dance floor,

It's time to wish you health, happiness,

Friends, follow me!

Now, I would like to torture our men a little. More precisely, I want to test their dexterity! Ladies, what do you think of this?

Men are given sheets of paper. In half a minute they must collect the kisses of the ladies who came; whoever collects the most wins a prize!

I would not like to be distracted from our hero of the occasion, but it seems to me that our men also deserve our attention, I propose to raise a toast to them!

Dear guests, I suggest you draw a little! But the drawings will be unusual. You will have to portray the birthday girl!

Requisites: two Whatman paper, two markers, two blindfolds.

Now stand in a row

We will play with you,

Let's, let's have fun,

An evening to remember for a long time!

(The presenter announces the “Shores” competition. There are two code words “Shore”, “Water”. With the word “Shore”, everyone jumps forward, with the word “Water” they jump back. You can also use other words: land, sea, beach, ocean, etc. Those who are inattentive fall out, the most attentive one gets a prize. age characteristics participants, if necessary, you can use another fun competition).

Now, I invite you to be in the role of singers! The task is not difficult, you must sing for our dear birthday girl!

I want to raise this toast

For happiness, for health,

So that the birthday girl always blooms,

So that all bad things recede!

Now it's time to give us gifts,

And to make it more interesting,

You must describe your gift,

Will the Princess guess him?

But the gift is common, it is from everyone,

And treat the guests who came!

The congratulations sounded wonderful,

Beautiful toasts you all said,

It's time for the birthday girl to say,

Thank you for visiting!

(Addressing the birthday girl) did you manage to make a wish? Think carefully, because now is the time to blow out the candles!

Friends, our glorious evening is coming to an end. I'm sorry to part with you, but I still have to. I would like to finally wish our beautiful birthday girl the usual female happiness and happy, prosperous days! Thank you for the atmosphere and good mood!

Cool scenario for home anniversary 3

Good afternoon dear readers, glad to see you Gennady Korolev on topic interesting scenario anniversary at home.

Here is an interesting scenario for an anniversary at home, which was successfully carried out in practice and everyone liked it. It can be used as the basis for your fun anniversary scenario at home.

Decorate the room to create a festive atmosphere with various balloons and their compositions. Buy a banner with the letters “Happy Anniversary” or something similar; flowers are a must for a woman’s anniversary.

And our home anniversary scenario looks like this:

General, on behalf of all guests. The presenter or toastmaster speaks. Depending on the date of the anniversary, you can find something on the Internet for every taste.

Personal or group. To congratulate on a joke, on a drawing of the hero of the day, you can use this resource

Depending on the mood and amount of drink, they are selected individually

— A dozen famous phrases and expressions from famous comedies, vaudevilles and romances are selected;

- then they are read out with the same intonation and expression as in the film;

- whoever guesses first gets a prize, a point or something like that.

You can read more about this competition in my article “I ask you not to express yourself in my house”

Here's what a cool competition for a house anniversary looks like in the video:

I give funny phrases from famous comedies:

  1. - Come back, I will forgive everything!
  2. Yes, this is not Rio de Janeiro!
  3. - Maybe I can give you another key to the apartment where the money is?!
  4. - Remember: we have Long hands!
  5. - How much is opium for the people?
  1. - ... and our house manager is a man’s friend!
  2. - And your mustache has come unglued...
  3. Strictly to the north, about 50 meters, there is a “toilet” type toilet, marked on the plan with the letters “M” and “Jo”...
  4. There is no husband who would not dream of becoming a bachelor at least for an hour...
  5. Only aristocrats and degenerates drink champagne in the morning!

And at that very moment, the loving creature, turning on the afterburners, rushed off on a date!

(Only old men go into battle)

— An attraction of unheard-of greed!

Who's going to put him in prison? He's a monument!

All. There will be no kin... The electricity has run out.

I'm Auntie Charlie from Brazil, where there are many wild monkeys living in the forests!

Did the housekeeper make vodka?

(Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession)

This is what the life-giving cross does!

Leave me, old lady, I’m sad...

(Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession)

Long live our court - the most humane court in the world!

We see one star, two stars... Better, of course, five stars!

No one has ever escaped the mafia

(Incredible adventures of Italians in Russia)

And along the road there are dead people with scythes standing, and silence!

— Several well-known proverbs are selected, for example:

  • And Vaska listens and eats.
  • And the king is naked.
  • A woman with a cart makes it easier for a mare.
  • Take more - throw further, while it flies - take a smoke break.
  • It went in one ear and came out the other.
  • In crowded but not mad.
  • The eye sees, but the tooth numbs.
  • The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.
  • Leopard change his spots.
  • If you chase two hares, you won't catch either.
  • He doesn't mince words.
  • Make a fool pray to God, and he will bruise his forehead.
  • And the Swede, and the reaper, and the trumpet player.
  • — These proverbs should be written on pieces of paper

    - Any of the guests is called, blindly chooses one of the pieces of paper with a proverb written on it

    — Without words, using only facial expressions, you need to show the proverb so that the members of your team can guess

    More details about this fun interesting competition can be read in the article “What does this mean?”

    Here is a video of the competition "Guess the proverb"

    — The competition requires several 3-4 people who have not participated in it before

    — The first participant stays, the rest go out the door so that they don’t hear anything

    — The presenter reads a short text about Marfusha to the first player

    — Then the second participant is called and the first one retells to him the text about Marfusha that he remembered

    - Then the third participant is called and the second one retells the text about Marfusha, what he remembered, and so on until the last participant

    - At the end of this competition - the game, the presenter reads out the text again - the original about Marfusha

    — All guests are given the opportunity to compare the original text and what came to us via the “broken telephone”

    “As a result, we end up with such lies and the creation of a new cool story about Marfusha that we simply choke with laughter.”

    Here is Marfush's text:

    Once upon a time there lived Marfusha. She was an ordinary woman, had a husband and two children. On weekdays I went to work, and in the evenings I went shopping for groceries, choosing those that were cheaper.

    She loved to cook deliciously, was a faithful wife, had sex exclusively with her husband and only on Fridays.

    One day she went into the forest to pick mushrooms and there she unexpectedly met a UFO. After this, Marfushi’s life changed dramatically. She stopped cooking at home and now preferred to visit restaurants.

    Sometimes I still bought groceries, but only in the supermarket, choosing the most expensive ones. And now I had sex with my neighbor, every day.

    As a result, the husband started drinking, the children began to bring home grades from school, but Marfusha liked her so much new life that she didn't pay any attention to it at all.

    So it went on whole year until she went into the forest again. There she remained, and no one saw her again.

    Find out more about the competition in the article “Marfusha”

    Here is a video from my video channel.

    Using such a cool skit competition in your anniversary scenario at home makes it especially interesting.

    — It plays well when there are many guests, each with their own role: Grandfather, Grandmother, turnip, Granddaughter, Bug, Cat and Mouse

    — You can simply put guest actors on a line and let them read and remember the phrase that they should say when their name is mentioned (you can write it on a piece of paper or your hand)

    — The presenter reads the text of the fairy tale about the turnip, stopping after mentioning each name of the hero of the fairy tale. (If anyone hesitates or forgets, we remind and prompt)

    — I give basic options for phrases for Heroes

    - Man, put your hands away, I’m not even 18 yet!

    We do the deluge and run away!

    I have become old, my health is not the same!

    It's about to get so drunk!

    Grandma— lately my grandfather has not satisfied me! (preferable)

    Grandfather, grandmother, let's hurry up, I'm late for the disco!

    Maybe it's better to smoke?

    Cat-I can’t work without valerian!

    Remove the dog from the site, I'm allergic!

    Guys, maybe a shot glass?

    You can see what it looks like live in this video:

    As you can see, an interesting anniversary scenario at home was carried out with Hurray!, using only 3 funny competition and a funny fairy tale scene.

    New scenarios for anniversaries, birthdays, weddings and the New Year can be obtained from e-mail, if you subscribe to blog updates.

    On my video channel you can watch all competitions, skits and congratulations in video format.

    If you want to congratulate your friends in an original way, with a joke and a practical joke, go HERE.

    • Cool scenario for a birthday at home for adults 5
    • Fun New Year's scenario at home for adults 5
    • Fun New Year's scenario at home for adults 1.
    • Cool scenario for home anniversary 6
    • Cool home wedding scenario 1
    • Cool scenario for home anniversary 7
    • Fun New Year's scenario at home for adults 2
    • Cool scenario for home anniversary 4
    • Cool home wedding scenario 4
      Sergey 19th April 2015 16:38

    You are having fun, even enviable.

    Come to our blog more often and you can do the same.

    Most cool script birthday

    Guests take an apple and insert as many matches into it as possible to make a hedgehog. A couple consisting of a guy and a girl is invited to participate in the competition. They take turns pulling a match out of an apple and saying a kind word to each other. At the end, the couple is awarded a prize.

    The host and the guests come up with a word and say it to one of the competition participants. His task is to depict this word on paper without using letters and numbers. The participant tries and draws. The task of the team of players is to guess what word it is about we're talking about. The one who guesses first will receive a prize.

    This competition is quite interesting for people who have not yet gotten to know each other well. All people sit in a circle, and everyone is given a lot of chips. The first player says “I never. ” and names something that he has never done in his life. The players who, on the contrary, did something that the first player did not do, give him one chip each.

    The one who collects the maximum number of chips wins.

    Several players are invited to participate in the competition, and they are given two sheets of paper. They must imagine that there is a fire in their home, and players must decide which item they would save first. They should draw this thing on the first sheet. On the second sheet they must depict the reason why they will save this particular thing.

    All papers are placed in two boxes, the first box is the “subject”, the second is the “reason”. Then the presenter pulls out a sheet from both boxes. And it turns out interesting story: “I’ll save the TV because it’s nice to walk on.”

    They bring one girl behind the screen. The host asks the guests questions about the girl’s clothes, her makeup, hair, and so on. Everyone has the right to express their opinion. Whoever turns out to be right gets points. The guest who scores the maximum number of points receives a prize.

    At the entrance to the celebration, the host gives the guest a sticker. Guests keep them throughout the celebration. The host has the right to take away the sticker from the guest if his arms or legs are crossed. Those guests who never cross their arms and legs win. They are awarded prizes.

    Subsections: for children, for women, for men, for adults, for girls, for 10 years, for home

    Not a single modern holiday is complete without various types of fun competitions and scripts. Not an anniversary, not a wedding, not an ordinary birthday. At the same time, good and funny scenarios are half the success of an event - a corporate party, birthday or student party.

    Every birthday person wants his birthday to be fun and in a good environment. To fulfill this desire, you need to carefully think through the scenario for the evening. It may include games, competitions, and funny skits. For those who do not want to develop a plan on their own, ready-made birthday scenarios are suitable. They are designed for adults and children of all ages. By choosing a birthday scenario in this section, you can be sure that the holiday will be excellent.

    The original stories will be of interest to both children and adults. Scenarios for birthdays presented on the site are designed for any audience. Adults and children will enjoy playing the proposed competitions and games. If necessary, you can change the script according to at will: add dances, skits, etc. It all depends only on the imagination of those who are going to celebrate the holiday. When celebrating a birthday, any hero of the occasion wants to make this day unforgettable.

    Using ready-made birthday scenarios, you can entertain the gathered guests who will be interested in the proposed games and competitions.

    Mini birthday scenarios for all occasions:

    A bottle of alcohol is placed on the table, on which a new deck is then placed. playing cards(better than plastic ones). In this scenario, players must take turns removing one card from the deck. Whoever knocks the whole deck off is the loser. The punishment for this is a sip from the bottle.

    For this scenario, two teams of 4-5 players are formed, in which a man alternates with a woman. Each participant in the competition holds a pencil between his lip and nose and passes it to the next one. That's right, the next player should take up the baton in the same way. At the same time, you are not allowed to touch the pencil itself with your hands, but you can touch all other parts of the body and face. Usually. Very soon the faces of the participants in the scenario take on a completely hilarious look, especially after drinking alcohol.

    All guests stand in a circle, with the men opposite the women. The role of the scenario leader is to tell the player what he should do. In this case, the specific action depends only on the imagination and preparation of the presenter. For example, you can order a player to hug the person standing opposite, or kiss, or say hello as if he were greeting a not-so-good friend, etc. After each participant, the next one is selected clockwise (or counterclockwise if the leader is left-handed).

    You will need: a house (a house with balls on the bottom, it is a cube, 1x1x1m in size, with windows and an entrance, made of fabric stretched over plastic sticks); branches from the forest (to decorate the house), hats with images of animals. They are made like this: a piece of whatman paper is rolled into a cone, secured with a stapler, a piece of elastic is attached to put it around the neck, and a figurine of an animal is attached to the front of the cap with a stapler. You can decorate the hats by gluing pieces of colored paper onto them.

    Birthday scenario for a girl 17, 18, 20, 22, 25, 30 years old

    Invitation: The text of the invitation can be written in a child’s handwriting, and children’s drawings can be used in the design. The invitation card can be attached to a small soft toy or baby doll (for girls), to a car or toy gun (for boys).

    Decor: the room is decorated with balloons, on chairs, armchairs and sofas there are Stuffed Toys, dolls, balls, toy cars. On the wall hangs a newspaper with childhood photographs of the birthday girl. Another wall is decorated with a fence made from several pieces of whatman paper.

    - Hello, friends! Today we celebrate the birthday of a wonderful girl (name)

    (age) - oh, what a date!

    Let it not be anniversary, not round,

    This is the dance of the waves and the riot of the garden.

    There are two wings behind my back!

    That's eight Fridays a week

    A time of trial, error and dilemmas.

    Beauty and spirit in a healthy body,

    This is life without problems for now!

    This is a reckless neighborhood

    And now it’s forgivable

    The epicenter of adolescence and childhood,

    This is fermented wine.

    It's time to assert yourself

    This is the best time of life.

    Have the best birthday ever!

    And still no fluff, no feather!

    (Guests raise their glasses to the birthday girl).

    Leading:(age) years is the beginning of adulthood, this is farewell to childhood. Therefore, we decided to celebrate today’s holiday in a way we never did as children. The Day of Disobedience is declared! Today we will be mischievous, have fun and tease each other, and also scream loudly. Shout: “Happy Birthday, (name)!”

    (Everyone shouts. This is done several times so that the congratulations turn out loud and harmonious).

    And today we will write whatever we want on the fences. I ask you to come to the fence and write wishes to our birthday girl on it.

    (Guests write congratulations to the birthday girl on the fence).

    Leading: Birthday girl, now you have your own fence of wishes. And may these wishes come true!

    Auction “Our Birthday Girl”.

    The presenter announces that the winner of the auction will be the one who is the last to say a kind word - the definition of the birthday girl. The winner receives a prize - a large lollipop or a bag of sweets for the sweetest speeches addressed to the birthday girl. And the host offers to raise a glass to such an extraordinary birthday girl.

    The presenter suggests remembering the ritual of growing up. A game is played with a pacifier, which participants must spit out as far as possible. The winner receives a prize - a bright pacifier.

    The presenter talks about the importance chairs played in our childhood. We used them to get to the farthest corners of the sideboard or cabinets where sweets were hidden from us. We built entire castles out of them. And how many times did we have to stand on it, recite rhymes and sing songs to the approving cries of adults and the proud gaze of our parents.

    Guests pull strips of paper from the box with 1 line from a children's poem. Then 4 people each stand on chairs and read what happened.

    Everyone gets forfeits. Participants must portray.

    — How the birthday boy learned to walk.

    - Depict how the birthday boy did rhythmic gymnastics as a child;

    — How the birthday boy, sitting on the potty, called his mother.

    — How the birthday boy selected his favorite toy

    — How the birthday boy demanded in the store to buy him a toy.

    "Birthday Gifts"

    From one box, guests draw cards with the names of the gift. The birthday girl pulls a card from another box describing what she will do with this gift.

    The presenter offers to remember childhood and the game of “mother and daughter”. Participants are divided into two teams with an equal number of players. Each team is given a bow. The first one ties the bow to the second one, the other one unties it and ties it with the third one, etc. The last one ties first. The team that did it earlier and more accurately wins.

    “We all sang songs”

    The host reads the definition of the children's song, and the guests, guessing, sing it.

    - a song about a part of the land surrounded by water, whose inhabitants are happy from constantly eating tropical fruits (“Chunga-changa”);

    — a song about a heavenly-colored vehicle (“Blue Car”);

    - a song about being bad weather they cannot spoil the holiday (“We will survive this trouble”);

    - a song about how a shaggy creature performs a musical composition and at the same time takes sunbathing("I'm lying in the sun")

    - a song about a plant grown in conditions wildlife and cut down by a peasant (“A Christmas tree was born in the forest”);

    — a song about how fun it is to march with a group (“It’s fun to walk together”);

    - a song about a small creature whose color resembles a certain vegetable (“A grasshopper sat in the grass”).

    During the dance, guests pass the box to each other. When the music stops, the one who currently has the box in his hands takes out something from it without looking and puts it on himself. Game continues.

    1. Congratulations using a template

    For such a congratulation you need to prepare a text with games, omitting the adjectives. For example, “On this ____________ and ___________ evening, when __________ stars are shining in the ____________ sky, ____________ ladies and at least ____________ gentlemen gathered at this ____________ table in this ____________ hall (apartment) to congratulate our __________ NN.

    We wish him friends,_______ love. smiles, success and

    Today, in honor of NN, we will sing _________songs,____________, give _____gifts and drink_________wine. At our _______ party there will be _________ jokes, ________ pranks, ______dances and shams. We will play _____ games and put on __________ skits. Let our NN be the most and __________.”

    The text of the congratulations can be composed for any celebration, anniversary, graduation, or professional holiday.

    Directly at the party, the host stands up and says: “Dear friends, I have prepared a congratulation here, but I have problems with adjectives, and I ask you to name any adjectives that come to mind, and I will write them down.” The presenter writes down the pronounced adjectives in the empty spaces of congratulations on the games in the order they are pronounced. The text is then read, and everyone laughs at the funny coincidences.

    For extra fun, you can ask them to name adjectives from a specific area, such as medical terms, scientific terms, military jargon, etc.

    Before sitting down at the table, each invitee cuts out from paper what he would like to give or wish to the hero of the occasion. For example, a car, a key new apartment, baby, banknote, new dress. All “gifts” are attached with threads to a rope or fishing line, which is stretched approximately at chest level.

    The birthday boy is blindfolded and given scissors. Under the approving cries of those present, he must go to the rope and cut off the “souvenir”. What was in the hands of the birthday boy will definitely appear before the end of the year.

    To involve the guests, you can invite the hero of the occasion to guess whose wish it is. If he succeeds, the guest performs some kind of forfeit: sings a song, tells a joke.

    The text of the congratulations is written in advance and cut into pieces. If the hero of the occasion is a man, then the “pieces” are hidden in the clothes of the ladies present and vice versa. The birthday boy's task is to collect all the pieces. To do this, ladies (men) stand in a row, and guests direct the “seeker” or “seeker” by shouting “hot” and “cold”. After the congratulation is collected, it is read out by those who hid it.

    In secret from the hero (or heroine) of the holiday, a silhouette of a human figure is made from cardboard full height. A photograph of the birthday boy or girl is glued to the place of the face. They put on this mannequin all possible items of clothing: from panties to a hat. They can be either real or made of paper. The paper ones are simply pinned to the mannequin. Then the host asks the guests questions about the hero of the day: when he was born, his favorite dish, etc. If the guest is not mistaken, he removes any item of clothing from the mannequin. The most intimate parts can be covered with fig leaves made of green paper. You can write humorous wishes on these pieces of paper if the birthday person has a well-developed sense of humor.

    For such a congratulation you will need large leaf Whatman paper (attach to the wall), marked as follows: a target of five circles. The first one with the letters L, P, S, R is the main one.

    The host invites the hero of the occasion to fill out the “target”. In each sector of the second circle, you need to place numbers from 1 to 4 in random order. In the third circle, you need to write the names of animals, for example, bee, hippopotamus, boa constrictor, lion. In the next circle are character traits: importunity, generosity, laziness, tenderness.

    In the last circle, catchphrases, aphorisms, sayings, and “jokes” are written down. Now the presenter “deciphers” all the inscriptions. The first circle will tell you what the birthday person has in life in first, second, third and fourth place: P - bed, S - family, R - work, L - love.

    The third and fourth circles must be read together with the main one. For example, a lazy hippopotamus in bed, a gentle boa constrictor in the family, an annoying bee at work, a generous lion in love. The last circle also refers to the main one and characterizes the hero of the holiday with one phrase: Bed - measure seven times, etc.

    6. "True Balls"

    For this congratulations in the form of a game, you need to prepare two sets of cards: one with questions, the other with answers. Answer cards are placed in balloons. Cards with questions are mixed in a hat or in a box. copyright — The hero of the occasion is invited to draw out a “ticket” with a question, burst the balloon and read out the answer.

    The point of the game is that any answer is suitable for any question, it is only important that the number of questions coincides with the number of answers. Sample questions for cards

    1. Does your loved one torment you with jealousy?

    2. When do you have to smile forcibly?

    3. Do you compliment your boss?

    4. Are you afraid of prison?

    5. Do you often put wine on the table?

    6. How often do you sort things out with your fists?

    7. Do you respect alcoholic drinks?

    8. Are you ever delighted with erotica?

    9. Do you remember those who previously loved you?

    10. Do you dream of winning a car?

    11. How often do you step on others’ toes?

    12. How often do you quarrel with friends?

    13. Are you jealous of your “other half”?

    14. Is your character sometimes intolerable to others?

    15. Do you like to enjoy food?

    16. Do you like playing the fool?

    17. How often do you remember your loved one?

    18. Do you spend your honestly earned money on trifles?

    19. Do you want to go to America?

    20. Do you hide illegal earnings from your family?

    21. Do you use obscene words in conversation?

    22. Do you believe in love at first sight?

    23. Do you feel tired from work?

    24. Do you criticize our government?

    25. Are you capable of noble deeds?

    26. Are you moderately patient and well-mannered?

    1. It never happened and never will.

    2. Let's talk about this without witnesses.

    3. It’s a shame to ask such questions, knowing my character.

    4. This is the most pleasant thing for me.

    5. Only when you are in a bad mood.

    6. Of course, and more than once.

    7. It happens, but only at night.

    8. Every day, and more than once.

    9. Whenever I go to bed.

    10. I had to suffer from this.

    11. Only half asleep and in slippers.

    12. Exclusively in a restaurant.

    13. I won’t tell you under torture.

    14. This is my hobby.

    15. I allow myself this pleasure once a day.

    16. It happened once.

    17. When there are guests in the house.

    18. Of course, otherwise it would be uninteresting to live.

    19. Not without this.

    20. This is my secret, I don’t want others to know about it.

    21. If there is no other half nearby.

    22. When kicked out of the house.

    23. This topic is unpleasant to me.

    24. When my loved ones don’t see me.

    25. At night under the blanket.

    26. Only in thoughts.

    A comic scenario for celebrating a friend's birthday - women's magazine nicelady

    Your friend's birthday is coming soon. In order to have a fun time, come up with something new, create an atmosphere of fun and big holiday. Organize a mind-blowing event, invite to the celebration only those guests whom you are sure to be happy with! It doesn’t matter how many there are - two, five or ten - the main thing is that all participants are cheerful, noisy and lively!

    In order to fill the holiday with surprises and surprises, organize it outside the home. How do you like the idea of ​​spending your friend's birthday in a sauna? This is such a great chance! We so rarely manage to combine business with pleasure!

    First you need to decorate the room where the feast will take place. Inflate the balloons and hang them on the walls. Prepare big postcard, where each guest must leave their wishes to the birthday girl. You can attach banners with congratulations when all the participants of the event gather; the toastmaster is your closest friend and invites everyone to the festive table. She is given the first toast. Words of congratulations are heard and a gift is presented. This is followed by an invitation to drink a glass of champagne for the birthday girl.

    Toastmaster offers the competition “The Fastest”. All participants prepare to enter the sauna, for which they need to undress according to time. The one who was first won. The winner is awarded a small prize. Everyone goes into the sauna for no more than 5-10 minutes, then runs to the pool to cool off. Between congratulations, entering the sauna, dancing and swimming, further congratulations are heard and competitions are held.

    1. Game "Surprise". A rope is prepared in advance and small objects are tied to it on a string. The player is blindfolded, spun and directed to a rope with surprises. The participant must use scissors to try to get a surprise by cutting it off. The rest of the guests help him with this, shouting “hot and cold.”

    2. A joke game. There are two participants: a man and a woman. The lady is given candy in her mouth and seated on the sofa. A man is asked to take candy from a lady, blindfolded. The comedy of the situation is that as soon as the man is blindfolded, another man is seated on the sofa! The competition ends with loud screams and cheerful laughter from the guests.

    3. The most hot man. Men are given a piece of ice. The first one to melt it is the hottest. You can heat it in your palms, between your legs, under your arms, on your torso. Laughter and squeals are guaranteed!

    Nothing brings a group together like singing familiar songs! You can choose a melody and sing a congratulation for the birthday girl in a cappella.

    For example: (Melody “Robins”).

    Having learned about her birthday,

    We all came to a party.

    Everyone rushed together to the light,

    Here's a drink of champagne for everyone's health!

    I beg you, friend,

    Don't regret the wine.

    Pour it for all the guests

    Me too... pour some!

    The products went to God knows where,

    All the bottles were no longer enough for us,

    The hostess suddenly felt sad then,

    Why did I call them here?

    And the guests don’t even listen

    Everyone congratulates you on your birthday,

    Lots of love and a whole sack of money,

    With all their hearts they wish her everything!

    At the end of the holiday, be sure to perform a cleansing ceremony for the birthday girl. While she is busy at the festive table, prepare a surprise for her. Place floating candles and flowers in the pool and turn off the lights. Guests stand around the perimeter of the pool and are allowed bubble. The toastmaster and the birthday girl go down into the water. The “Our Father” is read and the hero of the occasion is washed with water. The guests, whooping and screaming with delight, jump into the water to see the “sinless one.”

    Believe me, this is a fun and liberating activity!

    After such events, the rise in moral and physical strength is guaranteed for you for a long time!

    Whenever a birthday approaches, worries and troubles begin. And it’s not just about preparing food for guests. It's more about figuring out how to entertain guests. After all, there will be a lot of wine and food, and the guests will quickly get bored. What can we come up with? You might find a new birthday script for a woman useful, which is cool and can be done at home. Watch it to the end, take the whole thing or just the best moments. And then your birthday will be remembered forever.

    And so, the guests have gathered and the evening begins.
    First, to warm up and shake up the guests, we will arrange a riddle game for them. But the riddles are not simple, but deceptions. So be careful. And those who guess correctly will receive a small souvenir or prize. For example, a photo with a birthday girl.
    And here are the riddles themselves.

    After the riddles and joint photographs, it’s worth saying a few words about the birthday girl.
    Let's do this in a playful way. The host asks the birthday girl:
    - I know that last year at that birthday you dreamed of something. And I know that your dream has come true. Tell all the guests what has come true?

    The birthday girl, in bewilderment, begins to list everything that she or the whole family managed to do. For example, build a house, make repairs, go on vacation, and so on. Then the awns come to her aid. They also begin to say what they noticed behind Last year in the life of the birthday girl. And when everyone has already given up, the leader says:
    - you see how much you have accomplished over the past year. I suggest you drink to what you have done no less this year!

    New competition.
    In this competition we will ask guests to guess proverbs. After all, everyone knows proverbs, but if you present them a little differently, you can arrange an interesting competition. And the guests, already tipsy, will strain their brains a little.
    And so, let’s guess the proverbs:

    The next game is for speed. True, playing this game can say too much, but it will be more fun.
    The essence of the game is very simple. The host asks the guest a question, and he must answer it without hesitation. Here are sample questions:
    - I love it most in the morning...
    - and in the evenings I do...
    - When I sleep, it seems to me...
    - Not many people know, but I can’t live without...
    - forgive me, but on Saturdays I...
    - my cherished dream...
    - I like to go…
    - at home I like to walk upright...
    - At night I always wear...

    And other questions. The answers to some may be such that there will be laughter!

    It's time to sing!
    For this we need men. And we also need music from the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus” - if I were a Sultan. Men can be dressed up for better effect.
    And here are the lyrics of the song itself.

    Birthday is not at all a sad holiday, as it is sung in the well-known song by Igor Nikolaev. And it’s a very fun event, especially when you spent very little time preparing it. Funny performances and mini birthday skits will help you entertain your guests, especially since we will be happy to share our knowledge and experience with you. After reading our recommendations, you, as a professional presenter, will be able to please your loved ones and friends with an entertainment program prepared just by you.

    Types of performances and mini skits for a man or woman’s birthday

    There are a great many humorous games and competitions. You don’t have to rack your brains to come up with them yourself. All you have to do is go online to holiday websites where you can choose what you like. Our comic scenes Suitable for an anniversary or any feast. But I want to draw your attention to how to properly organize the order of showing skits as the event progresses.

    Let's remember that any holiday has:

    • introductory part (arrival of guests)
    • official table part (congratulations, gifts)
    • intermission part (dancing, entertainment)

    It follows from this that you need to select funny scenes and performances based on this order.

    Birthday performances and skits for the introductory part of the holiday

    Even a meeting of guests can be organized in a very fun way. Let us recall such an example as the “Bread and Salt” meeting. The owner greets his guests with jokes, says funny jokes, giving them a bite of bread or pie.

    Birthday script "Meeting with guests"

    The host or hostess, or better yet the whole family, wearing caps, funny hats or masks, greet the guest at the door, reading greetings:

    Welcoming guests with “Bread and Salt”

    We're not bored today
    We dance and sing
    We are celebrating the holiday today,
    And we invite guests to our place!

    Hello, invited guests!
    Hello, welcome guests!
    We wish you good health,
    We invite you to drink tea!

    Then they treat the visitor, put a festive cap on him, inviting him to meet the next invited person with them. Imagine the surprise of the guests at such a meeting! Let's be honest, the boring wait for everyone to arrive will turn into fun entertainment for everyone. You can also ask the newcomer to recite an interesting poem or dance a dance and only after that accept him into fun company greeters

    Of course I would like to remind you funny scenario, a wonderful gypsy production "Meeting our dear guest"

    To do this, you need to prepare colored scarves, a guitar or a tambourine in advance ( musical instruments can be cut from cardboard or improvised means). Buy a bear mask and hats, thereby turning the meeting of guests into a whole show with dancing, dressing up and involving the newcomers in the performance you have planned.

    See all friends
    The gypsy soul sings.
    A dear friend came to visit us,
    Pour him a lot!
    We'll sing and dance,
    It's fun to celebrate the holiday!
    He came to us, he came to us,
    Our dear friend, dear
    Bottoms Up! Bottoms Up! Bottoms Up!

    I want to say that using the templates for welcoming guests that we gave you above, you can arrange a production for your holiday, on almost any topic. They are suitable for both adults and children.

    And so, we met the guests. Let's move on to the official table part of our holiday. Guests sit decorously at the tables, periodically standing up, announcing toasts, and giving gifts. I think this is the most “boring” pastime. This is where it's time to shake things up. Small musical scene with the participation of guests, there will be what you need.

    Short skits and performances for the official table part

    I believe that for this part of the evening, musical performances with a minimum number of participants (from 1 to 3 people) are very suitable, since most of the guests are not yet ready for active actions, basically everyone behaves passively.

    A musical, interactive number is very suitable - congratulations on dressing up, for example:

    • to Serduchka
    • to Alla Pugacheva
    • to the gypsies

    Guests at the party

    Don’t forget, for such scenes you need to prepare props, as well as musical accompaniment

    But believe me, your efforts will not go unnoticed, but on the contrary, they will bring freshness and revitalization to the holiday atmosphere.

    Another option is to rent special gag costumes for such productions. Although personally, I advise you to order a professional animator. It will definitely surprise your guests and save you from unnecessary hassle.

    The number of scenes in this part of the holiday can be determined in advance by the number of guests invited by you. For every three toasts - one sketch (just a recommendation from my own experience). Then your guests will definitely not get bored.

    Scenario for a birthday, for the intermission part

    Well, now let's move on to the main, active part of the event. After the guests have eaten, drunk, and breathed fresh air, it's time for funny mini-skits for birthdays, for women and men. In addition to dancing, we invite you to play a contact fairy tale with your guests. This will greatly amuse your guests. Don't forget to film this “fun” on camera. Subsequently, after making a video, you can enjoy with your friends the memories of your holiday.

    As we have already said, there are a lot of scripts, fairy tales and skits on the Internet, take your pick, I don’t want to. Of course, the more costumes, props, and most importantly characters, the more interesting it is. Let us give an example of a fairy tale that is familiar to everyone from childhood. This mini scene can be played on the birthday of either a woman or a man.

    Contact scene “Turnip” for a birthday

    The fairy tale "Turnip" in action

    — Dear guests, stop chewing pies and bones.
    Let's entertain ourselves and amuse our friends.
    I want to tell you a fairy tale,
    About how grandfather planted turnips,
    Yes, I almost broke my stomach.

    This fairy tale is for children and adults. Well, first of all, we need a “Turnip”, it should be big - very big (he chooses the biggest guest. You can put a headband with green leaves on your head, but it will look funnier if the pot is a small flower)

    - That's what it is, fodder turnip! And now we need a grandfather, let him be a hundred years old. (choose from the male half. For props, you can use an old hat or beard).

    - Yes, and we need a grandmother, just let her be young (we choose a grandmother using the women's table. Props - an apron, glasses, a rolling pin).

    - Well, people, listen, what a turn it was. Here comes the grandfather, although he is old, he is a fine fellow, a rogue with a beard. But there is one problem: he is lazy. He'll come out in the morning; he likes only the balalaika. He sits on the rubble all day and spits on the fence. (The guest at this time performs movements: stroking his beard, playing the balalaika, spitting).

    “And here comes the grandmother, she’s young at heart, but she looks like a hag.” He walks, swears, clings to everything with his feet (Acting role, performs movements: stumbles, threatens someone with his fist).

    Now all the words will always be pronounced by the presenter in front of the actor, and he, in turn, will skillfully repeat them with expression and gestures)

    Grandma: “Why are you sitting there doing nothing, grandpa?”

    Grandfather: “I’m too lazy, you’re in trouble.”

    Grandma: “Well, old stump, go plant turnips and increase my wealth.”

    Presenter: - Eh, grandfather got up and went to plant turnips. He came, planted it in the ground, watered it from above, and went back (the actor repeats all the actions according to the text).

    Presenter: - Can you imagine, friends, the whole summer went by like this! The sun is shining, the rain is falling, our beautiful turnip is growing, and the grandfather sits on the balalaika and plays and does not blow his whistle. The grandmother came again, angry, angry, gritting her teeth, cracking her bones, swearing!

    Grandma: “What, you’re sitting there again, you old stump, looking at me, you’d better go and look at the turnip.”

    Presenter: - Grandfather stood up, shook himself off, turned around with his beard and went to the garden to look at turnips. Look, she’s big, round-sided and large, she’s sitting in the ground and doesn’t want to come out. He jumped around, let’s shout and call for help.

    Grandfather: - Grandma come out, take out your bones!

    Presenter: - Here comes the grandmother, carrying her bones. She came, looked, said loudly:

    Grandma: - This turnip!!! (grandmother spreads her hands in surprise)

    The host addresses the guests: “Don’t pull out the turnips.” Who should I call?

    Guests: - Granddaughter

    Presenter: — That’s right, granddaughter. And here comes the granddaughter, shaking her mane, that’s what she is, a city girl (you can choose a granddaughter during the course of the play, a younger girl would be good for her. Props - a wig with bows or braids).

    Granddaughter: - Hello, what do you need?

    Grandfather and grandmother: - Help me pull out the turnip.

    Granddaughter: - Will you give me some sweets?

    Grandfather and grandmother: - We'll give it.

    Presenter: - the granddaughter came closer and screamed:

    Granddaughter: - This is a turnip!!!

    Presenter: - Three of us can’t pull it out. Who else should I call?

    Guests: - Bug!

    Presenter: - That's right, Zhuchku! Here she is waving her tail, there is no one more beautiful than her.
    (props: headband with dog ears)

    Bug: - Woof-woof. Hello, what do you need?

    Grandfather and grandmother: - Help me pull out the turnip.

    Bug: - Will you give me a bone?

    Grandfather and grandmother: - We'll give it.

    Presenter: - Bug came closer and spread her arms.

    Bug: - This is Turnip!

    Host: - There’s no way to get us out, who else should we call?

    Guests: - A cat.

    Host: - Yes, friends, of course a cat. The most beautiful, very sweet. Here she comes, purrs and sings. (Props: headband with cat ears)

    Cat: - Meow-meow, purr-purr. And here I am, looking all good. Hello, what do you need?

    Grandfather and grandmother: - Pull out the turnip.

    Cat: - Will you give me milk with sour cream?

    Grandfather and grandmother: - We'll give it.

    Presenter: - The cat came closer and purred under its breath:

    Cat: - This is a turnip!

    Presenter: - Yes, here’s the thing, even the cat didn’t help. They decided to go home with the whole family, have lunch, sleep, and lie down. They say, if we gain strength, then we will defeat the turnip. (Everyone steps aside).

    - Well, while the whole family was sleeping, a small mouse came to the field. (Use the mouse to select the largest man or the birthday boy)

    - The mouse saw the turnip and squeaked:

    Mouse: - This is a turnip! You need such a turnip yourself.

    Presenter: The mouse took the turnip in her hands and dragged it into her hole. (Takes the mouse aside).

    “And the whole family returned to the garden and saw that there were no turnips.”

    All the actors together: - Where is the turnip?

    Presenter: - Yes, we overslept, you are a turnip. You can’t even pull a turnip out of the garden without difficulty. Yes, yes... But there is no morality, as long as there is a delicious lunch. But you are very lucky, our mouse is very kind, she will definitely share the turnip. (The mouse comes out and takes out the turnip). That’s the end of the fairy tale, and well done to those who listened!

    With these words, you can ask everyone to clap and announce a photo session.

    I think, dear friends, you liked our script, table games and skits. We will post a lot more interesting things on this topic in the future. I would like to say only one thing: mass games and scenes for congratulating you on your birthday will only add positivity to your holiday.
