Scenario of a game program for primary schoolchildren “a journey to the land of health.” Scenario of the game competition program “Colorful Game” for children of primary and secondary school age

"Funny tricks"

/ game program for children primary school/

Program hosts: Carlson and Pippi Longstocking.

Pippi Longstocking runs onto the stage to the soundtrack of the song “The Tricky Things Came to Our Party for the Holidays.” Carlson is sitting in the auditorium.

Peppy: Hello guys. I’m Pippi Longstocking.” Didn’t Carlson run through here? Carlson is my friend. We have to play tricks with him, but he disappeared somewhere. Well, I'll start, maybe he'll come up.

/Happy music sounds/

Pippi. Dear viewers! Would you like to have some fun with our pranks? Want to? Great!

Today for young and old. For the obedient and the naughty. For poor and excellent students. For plump and thin people. For sad and happy, with and without freckles

Our most amazing artistic performance

"Funny tricks"

Today you can play pranks, play pranks and be naughty! Hurray! Let me tell you different news. If the news is happy, you shout Hurray loudly and clap, and if it’s sad, then shout UUUU and stomp! Agreed?! Go.

    School holidays are coming!

    But then the head teacher comes in and says: the holidays are cancelled, now there will be a math lesson.

    And suddenly the math teacher forgot to come to school.

    Now let's start doing some general cleaning.

    And then the duty officer flies in and shouts: The school is flooding!

    And let's all go to some fun tricks!

Got any good news? Yeah, Carlson has already done his thing (((

Don't panic! Calm, just calm! I'm already here! I've arrived!

Pippi. Guys, this is Carlson I told you about.

Hey, what are you doing there? The show has already started, and you're chilling.

K. And I’m not slacking! I am watching! I feel very good here! I’m sitting there, wagging my legs, finishing the jam!

P. If you want some crazy stuff to happen, fly here.

Finally, all the presenters of the artistic performance are in place.

K. Funny tricks are a very serious program. And so it will take exactly 5 hours to walk..

P. Joke. We will conduct the program for exactly 9 hours. Start Carlson, announce the first number.

K. Russian folk dance - STEP!

P. Carlson, have you eaten too much jam? What kind of Russian folk dance is this?

K. But how? Russian coachmen also sang: step, yes step around! A Russian name STEPAN. So everything is correct.

Meet the Russian folk dance quadrille.


P. Guys, if you also want to step, raise your hand and we will take you out!

/ Carlson pouts his lips. Goes to the door/

P. Carlson, where are you going?

K. You said we’ll take you out. And I want to step. So I'm getting involved.

P. no, we’ll take you on stage. But before you go ahead, let's play. Guys, who wants to play?

/ game “who can get dressed faster” 2 sundresses, 2 scarves/

K. But now you can step up. And you will support us with applause.

/ participants dance to a Russian Nar song./

K. Peppy, guess who is the best dancer in the world? Don't you know yet? The best dancer in the world is I, Carlson, who lives on the roof. And in general, boys always dance better than girls. And there are more of us in the hall than girls!

P. No us!

K. Well, / pouts his lips / I won’t play with you anymore, I’m getting fed up!

P. Wait! This can be checked. I know the game and we'll play it now

/a game /

Repeat after me the words and movements:

They came running, they came running

Hedgehogs, hedgehogs

Sharpened. Sharpened

Knives, knives

They galloped, they galloped

Bunnies, bunnies

Come on, together, come on together

Girls, boys!

P.+K.together: And, in my opinion, everyone is equally divided.

K. I wanted to play some pranks. Do you want to? I can not hear. Now there will be a competition “world cape for a ghost”

P. Carlson, are you training to be a fashion model? What did you decide to do?

K. It’s just that spring is coming and I want to dress up somehow! So I decided that it’s time for you and me to open the Vytvoryatelsky Model House. Let's show all the kids and adults how to dress in the spirit of funny tricks.

/ 6 people participate. They break into pairs. Each macaw is given newspapers, scissors, and pins. Participants must make a cape for a ghost./ There is a demonstration of models accompanied by light music.

P. The artistic performance continues

K. What to continue? Just look in the hall, Pippi. What do you see?

P. I see girls sitting, boys, aunties. Uncles. They sit and look at us

K. That’s just the point: they just sit and watch, silent. Just like normal ones. They probably have. tongues stuck to the palate.

P. We’ll check this now. Guys, show me your tongues. Wonderful! Check if your neighbor's tongue is in place. Great! Now let's shout. Let the left half of the hall shout with me: “Boxes.” Let's try.

And the right half shouts with me: “Gristles.” Let’s get louder!

P. And now at the same time. In chorus, at my command, everyone shouts their word! Three four!

K. what was that?

P. Guys, we heard an elephant scream!

K. Peppy, now let the guys guess the riddle about the elephant.

P. you are stupid Carlson. Well, what a mystery it is if you immediately said that it was about an elephant. A mystery is when you don’t know in advance. Now I’ll make a wish for you: He floats boldly in the sky, light-winged.....

K. The best pilot in the world is Carlson, who lives on the roof.

P. Ha ha ha. You. Of course, Carlson you fly, but this riddle is not about you. Guys, who is floating in the sky? Well, of course the plane!

K. I understand, let’s ask another riddle.

P. Both in the forest and in the swamp

You will always find us everywhere

In a clearing, at the edge of the forest

We are green...

K.K. Pillows!
P. Carlson, Well, do pillows live in a swamp? Guys, help. That's right frogs!

/ A song about frogs performed by 2nd grade children. "Simple Song"/

K. We continue our pranks.

The next competition was invented by the best inventor in the world! Who is this? Carlson, who lives on the roof.

/Game “Purse on a string. 5 people are called from the audience.

In the center of the circle lies a large wallet with a fishing line attached to it. Pippi gives the command: hon. Whoever grabs the wallet faster will take 1000 rubles for himself. At first, Pippi gives false commands: The pigeons have arrived!, The pigeons are higher. The guests have arrived, “. The wallet runs away from the game participants 3 times.

P. Carlson, do you have a friend?

K. Of course, the best friend in the world is me - Carlson.

P. Do you have a friend yourself?

K. yes, baby!

P. do you know that Baby wants another friend, a four-legged one?
K./pouts lips/ What about Me?

P.DO NOT be upset, from the song Puppy, you will understand everything now.

/ Song “My Puppy” /

P. Our guys love to sing songs.

K. But they don’t know this song.

P.What song are you talking about?

/ Carlson whispers in Pippi’s ear /

K. Yes, it’s a good song. Let’s learn it with the guys.

P. This song is sung to the tune of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest,” only the words are different.

Listen and remember\

The ball flies, flies across the sky,

a ball flies across the sky

But we know that the sky is the limit

it won't reach!

P. Carlson, will you invite me to a feast tomorrow?
-What feast?

Tomorrow is a holiday for dads and boys

Hurray! Tomorrow they will give me a lot of toffee.

P. Wait with your toffees. The girls and I have prepared a congratulation for the boys.

/ girls read poetry and sing the song “Brave Soldiers” /

K. I'm hungry, can you hear the gurgle in my stomach? It's time for us to wrap up our antics.

P. Well, then give us our final one.

Song: Our holiday is over, everyone goes home,

Believe our honest words

We want the holiday to come on the next day

And your smiles brought us!

Etc. We will be again, we will be

Create creative things with you

Sing, laugh and stomp

Play the fool!

We will be again, we will be

Create creative things with you.

Dance and clap, fun to play!

Competitive game program for grades 2-3 “Fun adventures in the Sweet Tooth tribe”

Goals and objectives:

Nurturing communication skills and developing intellectual creativity junior schoolchildren;

Motivating children for friendly communication in a class team.

Equipment. A set of dandelion tokens, two gnome hats, two pairs of large size slippers, several inflated balloons, a set of cards with registration text in the “Sweet Tribe”, a set of household cans, two “jackets” - capes with sewn butterflies or large buttons; set of sweets, cakes.

The program is conducted by the presenter - the class teacher (teacher) primary classes). A fifth grader or a teacher can play the role of Slastena.

Game situation “Difficult road to the Sweet Tooth tribe”

Leading: Somewhere far away in the world there is a magical unusual country. The houses there are made of gingerbread, cookies and chocolates, roofs are made of candies and meringues, and in front of each house, in a multi-colored cream meadow, clumsy bears, caramel horses and cockerels walk.

Welcome to the fairy tale where the glorious tribe of Sweet Tooths lives! After all, more than anything in the world they love marshmallows, marmalade and toffees, lollipops and toffees, “bears in the north” and “little red riding hoods”.

The trouble is that all the candies and chocolate are in charge of the main Slastena. And in order to get a tiny piece of candy from him, you need to do something, work hard.

But I learned all his tricks. And today I will teach you how to get all these treasures. I am sure that there are sweet tooth lovers in our hall, and now I will help everyone get into the sweet mood, although those with a sweet tooth have no problems with this.

For a “sweet mood,” we’ll do a little warm-up and answer questions together.

Mini-quiz “Sweet Questions”

The teacher asks “sweet questions.” Those who answer correctly are given tokens with images of dandelions, bow ties, candy wrappers, boxing gloves and crowns.

Milk tastes twice as good if it's...? ("Milky Way")

The store where Miss Mary sometimes went for a walk with her children. (Confectionery)

All round joy. ("Chupa Chups")

Named after one planet,

He is just a class support

Adults and children know that support is... (“Mars”)

Cake filling? (Cream)

Favorite chewing gum of the residents of Chunga Changa Island. (Coconut)

Where did the seller land? balloons in the fairy tale “Three Fat Men”? (Into the cake)

What do Pepsi and Coke have in common? ("Cola")

Winnie the Pooh and Piglet were visiting the Rabbit, and what did the rabbit treat them with? (Honey and condensed milk)

Candlestick for the birthday boy. (Cake)

Sweet crystals in a check pattern. (Waffles)

What is there no rahat without? (Without Turkish delight)

Chocolate tree. (Cocoa)

What did the king love in the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”? (Ice cream)

What medicine did Carlson prefer? (Jam)

Sweet lover from the animated series "Ghostbusters". (Lizun)

What did Carlson steal from Freken Bock? (Buns)

Where do Pryanichnaya, Galetnaya and Sakharnaya streets meet? (In the fairy tale about Dunno)

What did Winnie the Pooh love more than anything in the world? (Honey)

Delicious nuts are the filling for Snickers. (Peanut)

Sand for tea. (Sugar)

Raw materials for fake chocolate. (Soy)

Candy Peas. (Dragée)

Eat it and you are a winner. (Wagon Wheels cookies and chocolate)

You have successfully completed the warm-up. The road to the glorious Sweet Tooth tribe is open!

But it turns out that in order to get into the tribe, you need to pass several tests.

For the first test I need two sweet tooths, I'm talking about those who received two dandelion tokens from me. Come out quickly. Let's welcome them.

Now you will be funny little gnomes who decided to take a walk in a magical meadow with dandelions. Look at these Balloons are very similar to dandelions, and your favorite treats - candies - are stuck in them. And with the help of your wonderful stomping feet, you will now get them, bursting these dandelions in just 30 seconds.

Wear everything you need: stomping feet, gnome hats, magic masks. So the fun begins.

Mini-game “Dwarves and Little Feet”

Participants in the game wear gnome hats and large shoes. The game can be played by 4-5 people, but the winners are the first 3 players who burst the balls with large shoes and are the first to take candy out of the balls.

The winner receives a prize and a “registration” - a beautifully designed card with the text registration in the “Sweet Tribe”.

Leading: How great it is to fight with dandelions and find your favorite delicacy in them. Stop! Your time is up. You did a great job, but I wonder which of the gnomes collected more delicacies? Receive prizes, registration in the “Sweet Tribe”, applause and go into the hall.

Musical mini-game “Chupa Chups”

Leading: I'm waiting for the sweet tooth with tokens. The Chupa Chups caramel winked at you cheerfully. But Chupa Chups is not only pure joy, but also sweet music. And also mischief and fun.

Participants are given two candies and a set tin cans or pans.

Our Slastena loves music and songs very much. And now let's see which of you will compose and perform the best sweet music for Slastena.

The game is being played. The one who performs the most interesting melody receives a prize and a “registration”. “Chupa Chups” remains with the participants of the game.

You know, every year Slastena goes to her friend’s birthday party. But for this he must be unusually dressed. And for the first time he decided to wear a suit. He only heard that the costume should be a bow tie. Look how he overdid it. I am sure that among those with a sweet tooth there will be two knowledgeable ones who will help correct the work, I’m talking about those who received butterfly tokens. Come out boldly.

Wear jackets. You have to cut off the extra butterflies without using your hands, and instead of scissors you have sharp teeth. It is desirable that in 40 seconds as few butterflies as possible remain on the jacket. And each butterfly picked is equal to one prize. So, let's get to work!

The game is being played.

Let's do the math. It is in your jacket that Slastena will go on a visit, which means that the sweet tooth will immediately receive... prizes. Congratulations on your successful work.

“Registration” and prizes are awarded.

What's left of the sweets? (Candy wrapper) Those who love sweets collect candy wrappers. I invite those who received candy wrapper tokens. In front of you you see candy. Whoever praises her best will receive it.

A “verbal duel” is held: “Who can praise the candy better?” A “registration” and a prize are awarded.

Quiz “On fairy tale paths”

Leading: As you may have guessed, our Slastena is the leader of a fairy-tale tribe. He loves fairy tales. Do you love them?

Then the next competition is for fairy tale connoisseurs. Be careful:

1. A fairy tale that refutes the assertion that money does not lie on the road. (K. Chukovsky. “Fly-Tsokotukha”)

2. A fairy tale that proves that money should be invested in land wisely. (A. Tolstoy. “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio”)

3. A story in which Joint-Stock Company created outside the Earth. (N. Nosov. “Dunno on the Moon”)

4. A tale in which two mammals and one reptile were obtained by barter for three pieces of clothing. (V. Shergin. “The Magic Ring”)

5. A story in which it turns out that not subscribing to periodicals can save you some money. (E. Uspensky. “Uncle Fyodor, Dog and Cat”)

6. How much did a ticket to the Karabas-Barabas Theater cost? (Four soldi)

7. What are they called? monetary units on the moon? (Santics and ferthings)

8. How did Senor Tomato pay for Radish’s work? (Occasionally he gave her a piece of candy)

9. Why did the gold coin stick to the bottom of Ali Baba's measure? (The bottom was smeared with honey)

10. Artiodactyl labyrinth for Tiny Khovroshechka. (Cow)

11. Popular singer of grandfather Krylov. (Crow)

12. Seven wishes on one leg. (Seven-flowered flower)

13. A traditional dish Enikov-Benikov. (Vareniki)

14. The personification of the family, which Pinocchio pierced with his nose. (Hearth)

15. Fairytale fool. (Ivanushka)

16. The story of a long journey bakery product to the consumer. (Kolobok)

17. Details of a woman’s dress, in which lakes, swans and other elements are placed environment. (Sleeves)

18.Raw materials for serial production Pinocchio. (Tree)

19. The character who burst out laughing at the sight of the bridge. (Bubble)

20. Baba Yaga's residence. (A hut on chicken legs)

21. The one who walks on the sea and pushes the boat. (Wind)

22. A friend of Winnie the Pooh, who lost something on his birthday. (Eeyore)

24. Young specialist in growing trees with golden leaves. (Pinocchio)

25. Elevator for evil spirits. (Pipe)

26. Master of leech work. (Duremar)

27. Individual flying machine. (Mortar)

28. Cave master key. (Sim-sim)

29. A radar or signal trumpet for a couch potato king who is tired of military affairs. (The Golden Cockerel)

30. Spotlight for Ivanushka the Fool. (Feather of the Firebird)

31. fashion footwear for the chosen ones under King Pea. (Walking boots)

32. Pike fishing specialist. (Emelya)

33. A reward for a feat that is given in addition. (Half a kingdom)

34. Reliable tool orientation in fairy-tale situations. (Clew)

35. A fabulous woman who was the first to rise into the air. (Baba Yaga)

After a fabulous quiz, the winners are awarded prizes and receive a “registration” in the tribe.

In the glorious Slastena tribe it is customary to choose a prince. Sweet tooths with crown tokens, come out quickly. And now whichever of you gets the candy will be the prince.

The prince is presented with the crown to thunderous applause.

The winner says a few words of wishes.

So our sweet fairy tale ends. Don’t be upset that not everyone is lucky today, you still have everything ahead, and may sweet fantasies and a caramel mood always be with you.

Let life seem wonderful

A friend's smile will be sweet.

But you can’t be sweet,

This is the law, my friends!

Live together, have fun,

But don't get carried away with sweets -

There is a measure for everything: in food,

In learning, sports and play!

At the end class hour There are some fun games you can play.

The event is held as part of “Health Week” among primary school students.

Purpose of the holiday: promotion of healthy lifestyles.

Main goals:

  • Fostering a responsible attitude towards one’s own health.
  • Expanding knowledge and understanding of ways to prevent various diseases, bad habits, about hygiene standards, methods of providing first aid medical care etc.
  • Development of communication skills, teamwork; logical and creative thinking, ability to apply existing knowledge in practice.

Fanfare sounds.

Leading. Hello, dear guys. Hello, dear guests and our beloved teachers.

I think that all of you guys know that saying “hello” means, first of all, wishing a person good health.

What does it mean to be healthy?

Children's answers.

Leading. You are all right, of course. To be healthy means to be strong, strong, resilient, agile, slim, beautiful.

Health is the main value in a person’s life. It’s not for nothing that people say: “If you lost money, you lost nothing, you lost time, you lost a lot, you lost your health, you lost everything.”

That is why we have dedicated today’s holiday to this greatest value, especially since April 7 has been celebrated as World Health Day for more than 60 years.

Fanfare sounds.

Leading. Guys, today we will take a trip to an amazing country - the country of Health. This country is not on any geographical map. It runs thousands of kilometers from here. It is surrounded by clean, transparent rivers and lakes, all of it is buried in fragrant fragrant flowers. The air there is so clean that one sip of it makes your soul feel light and joyful. Its residents are absolutely happy because they are healthy. It is ruled by the kind and fair Fairy of Health. She invited us to take an extraordinary journey through the vast expanses of this amazing country.

We'll go there on a magic train. But only the most cheerful, smart and friendly guys will be able to get there. But I hope that all our guys are like this. Look what close-knit teams have gathered here.

Presentation of teams and jury members.

Leading. Well, let's hit the road. You and I will stop at different stations and perform all kinds of tasks. Here we go.

An excerpt from a song from the cartoon “Locomotive from Romashkov” is played.

Moidodyrovo platform.

Leading. So, guys, we have arrived at the Moidodyrovo station.

Do you know what you need to do in order to be healthy.

Children's answers.

Leading. And most importantly, you need to follow various hygiene rules. This is what we will talk about now.

Now I will give each team a card with a line written on it. In one minute, you guys will need to come up with one more line to make a small poem about hygiene rules. The task is worth 2 points. You have 1 minute to complete the task.


You clean daredevils!
Well, what great fellows.

Guys, do you like solving riddles?

Children's answers.

Leading. Then it will not be difficult for you to complete the second task. Now we will give you cards with riddles. In one minute you must solve as many riddles as possible. For each correctly guessed riddle you get 1 point.

Leading. Well done boys. You completed the task. Now we will continue our journey, but while the jury is summing up the results of the first competition, listen to the instructions that the owner of this station left for you (Appendix 3).

The jury announces the results of the first round.

An excerpt from the song “Slowly the minutes float away into the distance” is played.

Lesnaya station.

Leading. Well, guys, we have arrived at the next station - “Lesnaya”.

The music of the forest sounds.


Hello forest, dense forest,
Full of fairy tales and miracles!
What are you making noise about?
On a dark, stormy night?
What are you whispering at dawn?
All in dew, like in silver?
Who is hiding in your wilderness?
What kind of animal? What bird?
Open everything, don’t hide:
You see - we are our own!

Sounds of the forest.

Tell me, guys, why is everyone friends with the forest and why do people need it?

Children's answers.

Leading. Yes, guys, the forest is our wealth! The forest is the decoration of our land!

Where there is a forest, there is always clean air.

The forest is a home for animals and birds.

The forest is our friend, retaining moisture, it helps a person grow a good harvest.

The forest is a storehouse that generously gives away its gifts: berries, mushrooms, nuts, and many medicinal plants that help cope with all sorts of ailments.

Now each team will have to answer questions about medicinal plants. One minute is allotted for discussion. If a team finds it difficult to answer, then the right to answer passes to the next team. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point (Appendix 4).

Leading. Well done. And now you have to complete one more task: from the given letters you need to make up the names of medicinal plants. For each anagram deciphered, the team receives 1 point (Appendix 5).


What is a forest?
Pines to the sky
Birches and oaks,
Berries, mushrooms...
animal paths,
Hills and lowlands
soft grass,
Fuck the owl.
Silver lily of the valley,
The air is clean, clean
And a spring with live
Spring water.
Take care of his wealth!!!

Leading. While the jury sums up the results of the second round, let's play with the audience. I will ask you questions. If the answer is negative, then you should all be silent, and if it is positive, answer in unison with the phrase: “It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends.” So, let's start.


Who is a cheerful band
Going to school every day?
Who knows what color red is?
This means there is no move.
Which one of you is a kid?
He walks around dirty from ear to ear.
Who likes to help mom?
Scatter trash around the house?
Who takes care of clothes
Does he put it under the bed?
Who goes to bed early
With dirty shoes on the bed?
Which one of you doesn't walk around gloomy?
Loves sports and physical education?
Which one of you, on your way home,
Did you kick the ball along the pavement?
Who likes to answer in class?
Receive applause?


Well, did you rest?
My advice - the motto is not new.
No matter how hard you try...
If you want to be healthy,
Smile more often!

Summing up the results of the second round.

An excerpt from the song “We are going, we are going, we are going...”

Station “Sportivnaya”.

Leading. So, we arrived at the sports station, where sports and physical education are in charge. Which of you guys loves sports and physical education, who is not lazy to do exercises in the morning and enjoys doing all kinds of gymnastic exercises?

Children's answers.

Leading. Now I ask one representative from each team to come here to participate in the blitz tournament.

I will ask you questions, and you, one by one, answer them without hesitation. Anyone who does not know the correct answer must say the word “out” and the next player gets the right to answer. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point. All clear? Then they started (Appendix 6).

Leading. And now the task for the teams (Appendix 7).

Leading. While the jury sums up the results of the third round, let us, our dear viewers, remember existing species sports I invite 5 people from the audience here. You will take turns naming the sports; the one who cannot name them will be eliminated.

Now listen to the order of the owner of this station - Sport.

The mandate of sport.

If you want to be healthy,
And, like me, cheerful,
My advice is ready for you6
Make friends with sports!
And remember forever6
Laziness is not worth a penny!
Sun, air and water -
Health formula!

Summing up the results of the third round.

(For teams with the same number of points.)

Leading. Elimination game. Team members take turns naming proverbs and sayings about health and everything connected with it. The team that cannot remember is eliminated.

Summing up the game.

Leading. Our journey has now ended. Of course, in such a short time we were not able to visit all corners of this country, but I want to believe that you guys will definitely visit there.

And today’s performance will end with a poem prepared by our students (Appendix 8).

Music is playing.

Natalia Khatenovich
Game scenario entertainment program for children “In the land of childhood”

Purpose of the event: introduction children with new games for them, development of the emotional sphere, imagination, attention, speech children; constructive communication skills.

Game program can be held in the hall or on fresh air. Children sit in a large semicircle. The melody of Yu. Nikolaev's song "Little a country".

Presenter: Guys, today I invite you to go on a journey to country of childhood to have a fun and interesting time, communicate with each other, and play. In order to go there, we purchase tickets.

Game "Tickets". Players playing in pairs stand facing each other, forming two circles. The inner circle is “tickets”, the outer circle is “passengers”. In the center there is a free rider - a “hare”. The host serves team: "Go!". The circles begin to spin in different sides. The command “Controller!” sounds.

The “tickets” remain in their places, and the “passengers” must quickly find a new pair. The “hare” quickly grabs the “ticket” that he liked. The “passenger” who is left without a “ticket” becomes the driver – the “hare”. When meeting, the “passenger” and the “ticket” get acquainted.

Presenter: So we arrived at country of childhood. Now tell me about yourself, how good are you? This is the name of our first game. I will ask questions, and you can agree with me or not. Just be careful.

Are you brave? - Yes!

Skillful? - Yes!

Lazy? - No!

Beautiful? - Yes!

Loud? - No!

Cheerful? - Yes!

Lovely? - Yes!

Obedient? - Yes!

Pugnacious? - No!

Happy? - Yes!

That's how good we are gathered here. Let's shake hands with the neighbor on the right, let's shake hands with the neighbor on the left.

The phone rings.

Leading: Hello! Hello! (Laughter is heard on the phone.). Guys! This is my friend Parsley! He really likes to have fun. Let's invite him to the party!

(Speaks in telephone handset) Parsley! We are having a very fun holiday! The guys invite you to have fun!

Parsley appears.

Parsley: Hello, kids, girls and boys! What kind of holiday is this? (Children answer). Holidays! I really love holidays. This is a time when you can only have fun and relax. (Notices balloons with wings in the hands of the presenter). And here are the fairy balls, they have wings! Guys! Do you know the game with flying balls? (Takes out a ribbon with flags from his pocket and distributes it to two children who are difficult to involve in the game.)

Hold this ribbon tightly with your hands,

Let's play with balloons!

Children are divided into two teams. Each team is given 3 balls.

So guys, while the music is loud,

The balls must be thrown quickly over the ribbon.

Once the entire melody has been played,

You can no longer touch the balls with your hands!

And where you have fewer balls,

That means they will win this time!

And before we start, together let's say: "1,2,3,4,5 - we'll have fun playing!"

The game is played to the music. The music stops at the moment when both teams again have the same number of balls.

Parsley: Both teams played with dignity and harmony. Let's sing a song about friendship!

Children sing the song "True Friend".

Leading: The next game is called "Boys and Girls". We need to complete the poetic lines with meaning, and to do this we say loudly “boys” or “girls.”

Dandelion wreaths in spring

Of course, they only weave...

Bolts, screws, gears

You will find it in your pocket...

The skates were drawing arrows on the ice.

Hockey is played only...

Silk, lace and ringed fingers.

Go out to walk...

They chat for an hour without a break

In colorful dresses...

Test your strength in front of everyone

Don't mind always being alone...

Cowards are afraid of the dark -

Of course, just….

Parsley: I suggest checking the attention and endurance of our players. Game "Take the Prize".

Invites from 4 to 8 game participants, placing them at the same distance from the chair on which the prize lies. Explains the conditions of the game.

Parsley: We repeat loudly our motto: "1,2,3,4,5, - we'll have fun playing!"

I'll tell you a story

In one and a half dozen phrases.

I'll just say the word "three"

Take the prize immediately.

One day we caught a pike

Gutted, and inside

We saw small fish

Yes, not just one, but… two!

A seasoned boy dreams

Become an Olympic champion.

Look, don’t be cunning at the start,

Wait for the command: one, two, ...march!

When you want to memorize poems,

They are not crammed until late at night,

And repeat them to yourself

Once, twice, or better yet...five!

Recently a train at the station

I had to wait three hours.

Well, friends, you didn’t take the prize,

When was the opportunity to take it!

Leading: It was time to play,

Now let's dance!

Guys, have you ever seen a centipede dance? Such a long caterpillar, which has only 2 arms and 40 legs? Let's stand behind each other in a string, put our hands on the belt of the person in front and become a cheerful dancing centipede ourselves.

Our motto: "1,2,3,4,5, - let's start dancing!"

Children dance to cheerful music, repeating simple movements after the leader and Petrushka.

Parsley: Oh, you turned out to be a real super centipede! And now the most difficult task. The game is called "40 seconds". In 40 seconds you need to complete all the actions that are listed on the task sheet. Players are given sheets. The game begins at Parsley's signal.


1. Sit down 2 times.

2. Jump on your left leg 5 times.

3. Raise both arms up 2 times.

4. Read the entire assignment carefully.

5. Shout your name loudly.

6. Meow loudly twice.

7. Turn around your axis 3 times.

8. Laugh at the game host.

9. Touch any 3 people with your hand.

10. Jump on right leg 5 times.

11. After you have read all the tasks, complete tasks No. 12 and No. 13 only.

12. Squat down.

13. Give the sheet to the game leader.

Leading: At the end of our holiday, let’s give each other good mood. Game "Soap Bubbles".

Publications on the topic:

Scenario of the competitive game program “Unusual Adventures in the Land of Road Signs” Unusual adventures in the Land of Road Signs (competitive and game program) Goals and objectives of the program: Educational - to introduce children.

Summary of the sports and entertainment program “Fun Summer” Target. Involve children in healthy image life through sports entertainment, to help create an atmosphere of joy and fun. Educational.

KVN “Space Experts” Scenario of a competitive game program for children of senior preschool age. KVN “Space Experts” Scenario of the competition game program for older children before school age. Goals: - consolidate the idea of ​​the Sun.

Scenario of the competitive game program “Autumn Meetings” Autumn meetings 2014 Competitive and game program 1st presenter. Good evening, dear guys! Welcome. Meet everyone you know.

Scenario of a game program for children of senior preschool and primary school age “We are Russians from birth” Educational game program “We are Russians from birth!” Host: Each country has its own symbols: official and unofficial. Unofficial.

Yulia Feofanova
Game scenario competitive program“Colorful game” for children of primary and secondary school age

Scenario of the game competition program« Colorful game» For children of primary and secondary school age

Description of work: This development is designed to organize exciting, useful leisure time senior preschool children, primary and secondary school age V summer period V kindergarten, in yard clubs, in school camps, in holiday camps children. To carry it out, I suggest using a large amount multi-colored caps from plastic bottles and colored crayons

Target: organizing exciting, useful leisure time children


Develop children activity, desire to achieve success, sociability;

Develop attention, dexterity and speed, the ability to act on a signal;

Develop imagination and creativity;

Provide an opportunity to spend your free time well and usefully.

Equipment and props: phonograms of funny children's songs, 2 easels, 2 sets of crayons, 2 markers, 2 Whatman paper, colorful caps from plastic bottles (7 colors, 30 pieces each, multicolored flags, Balloons different color , 3 sets of colored cards, bubble.

Progress of the event.

The soundtrack of the song is playing "Box of Pencils".

Leading: Hello, dear friends! Today we gathered together for a holiday

What will it be called? Let's tell everyone

Together: we are celebrating the holiday « Colorful game» .

Leading: Guys, do you know many colors?

Let's remember the most important colors

Children read poetry.

Red radish grew in the garden

There are red tomatoes nearby.

There are red tulips on the window,

Red banners are burning outside the window.


Orange fox

I dream about carrots all night -

Looks like a fox tail:

Orange too.

The yellow sun looks at the earth,

The yellow sunflower is watching the sun,

Yellow pears hang on the branches,

Yellow leaves are flying from the trees.

We have green onions growing

And green cucumbers

And outside the window there is a green meadow

And the houses are whitewashed.

My doll has blue eyes,

And the sky above us is still blue.

It's blue like a thousand eyes

We look at the sky, and the sky looks at us.


The purple violet is tired of living in the forest.

I'll pick it and bring it to my mom on her birthday.

She will live with purple lilacs

On the table in a beautiful vase near the window.

As you may have guessed, all our competitive The assignments will be about paints. Paints in the usual sense are colored energy that makes the world bright, colorful, colorful and interesting. And today we will try to get the largest portion of this energy.

Leading: guess the riddles

On a piece of notebook paper

And a piece of sugar

Both salt and chalk

What color is it? -...

Answer: White

He is the dimmest of all,

Just believe it or not -

Can you see this color

And with your eyes closed!

Answer: Black color

In raspberries and strawberries,

Tomato and lingonberry

The taste is, of course, very different,

Well, the color is similar -...

Answer: Red

Frog jumps in the swamp

She's always on the hunt.

Goodbye, stupid mosquito!

And the frog's color...

Answer: Green

From shells, from diapers

A little chicken came out.

Oh, how funny you are

Our little lump...

Answer: Yellow

You and I are drawing the sea:

Here is a boat in the open air,

Here - the star lies at the bottom,

Here is a whale letting out a fountain...

Waves and a whale's back

We will color...

Answer: Blue

Forget-me-nots are a wonderful color -

Bright, joyful, heavenly.

You and I will guess

This color. He - …

Answer: Blue

As a gift for mom

Choose your roses!

The color is red, but not bright,

Simply put -...

Answer: Pink

It is found in coffee, lentils,

In teddy bear and cinnamon,

In chocolate too -

You can't eat it without it.

Answer: Brown color

It's in asphalt and concrete,

In warm fluff on a raven,

In the wolf and his tail

And cats in the dark.

Answer: Grey colour

Leading: And now you and I are a little let's play and shout. And we will do it So: who has it in their clothes? green color, clap and shout together... And now those guys who have red in their clothes... etc. Great!

Leading: Well, let's see how attentive you are. I will read lines from colored poems. As soon as you hear your color, clap and shout louder.

I'll quickly turn the rainy, gray sky blue.

The sun is burning in the sky, clear, so hot, so red!

Beautiful flowers in the garden unusual beauty! We will be pleased with the foliage and green grass.

In winter, everything is covered with frost and your cheeks become. red.

I'll go for a walk in the meadow and put on a cool dress.

I will weave a bright ribbon into my braid. green.

I’m bringing a bouquet to my sister Alena and there is a flower in it. He. blue.

Leading: Well done boys! It was hard to outsmart you.

Now we need to split into two teams, which I propose to call "Pencils" And "Paints". For victory in every competition teams will earn one badge each, which means you need to work hard to win.

Leading: I suggest you start with a small relay race.

Teams line up in columns one at a time.

Contest"Cheerful Clown"

In front of each team, at a certain distance, there is an easel with a sheet of Whatman paper attached.

At the leader's signal players Each team must take turns running up to the easel and drawing parts of the portrait of a cheerful clown.

The team that completes the task faster and gets the prettier badge wins.

Leading: Guys, which of you can correctly name all the colors of the rainbow without a special hint? What tips do you know?

Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits

Contest"Draw a Rainbow"

In front of each team, at a certain distance, there are buckets with multi-colored lids.

Exercise: Each team needs to lay out a rainbow of caps. Everyone is allowed to the player Place two lids at a time.

The speed and correctness of laying out the rainbow is assessed

A game"Find your color"

Rules: The presenter breaks playing for the number of groups, corresponding to the number of checkboxes. To each to the player A token in the color of your group is awarded. Chairs with flags of their own color are placed in the corners of the room. After the presenter's words “Go for a walk!” children scatter around the playground (room). By command "Find your color!" Children gather near the flag that corresponds to the color of their tokens and name their color.

Leading: And now let's play with the audience(collective answers)

If you see a river painted in the picture, Or a spruce and white frost, or a garden and clouds, Or a snowy plain, or a field and a hut, The picture is sure to be called.


If you see - in the picture there is a cup of coffee on the table, Or juice. in a large decanter, or a vase in crystal, Or a bronze vase, or a pear, or a cake, Or all the objects at once, know what it is.

(Still life)

If you see someone looking from a painting us: either a prince in an old cloak, or a steeplejack in a robe, a pilot or a ballerina, or Kolka - your neighbor, - The picture must be called.


Contest"Mysterious drawing"

Rules: Game participants (it’s best to involve all guests at once) given the right to choose one color. That is, one can of bubbles of the same color and one sheet of paper. In 5-7 minutes (after the command "let's start!") All participants must draw a picture by blowing soap bubbles near the paper. And so that everyone else (and first of all - the judge) were able to determine what is depicted in the picture.


Leading: Guys! We have all the letters in the words denoting colors mixed up, we urgently need to decipher this confusion kadabra:

tosavlay – light green

resevney - lilac

raonvyzhey – orange

dorboyvy – burgundy

lime - raspberry

ricochvyney - brown

olephytic – purple

Teams take turns drawing out pieces of paper with an encrypted color. They deliberate for a minute and give the correct answer.

For each correct answer, the team is awarded one badge.

Rules of the game Traffic Light

Rules: Using a counter, a driver is selected, 2 lines are drawn at a distance of several meters from each other. Players stand behind one of the lines. The driver stands in the center between the lines and turns to players' backs. Then he names any color and turns to players. Children look for this color on their clothes; if they find it, they show it to the leader and calmly walk to the other side. If there is no player of this color, he must run to the other side, the driver’s task is to try to grease him. The one who is insulted becomes the driver. If everyone has passed and run to the other side, the driver turns away and wishes for a new color. Before starting the game, you should agree on whether you can look for colors on hairpins, beads, watches and other accessories

Contest« Multi-colored paints»

Teacher handing out balloons to children (yellow, green, orange, blue, purple, red, cyan). Explains the rules of the game. The child hears in a short phrase the name of an object whose color matches the color of the ball and throws it up (ball) up. The teacher invites the children to throw balloons behind the screen. But not everyone at once, but upon a signal - waving a flag of a certain color.

Contest"Beautiful flowerbed"

In front of each team, a circle with a diameter of approximately 1 meter is drawn on the asphalt. Everyone players Teams are given colored crayons. In 1 minute, teams must "plant" as many flowers as possible "flowerbed".

The team that draws the wins large quantity colors.

a game"Paints"

Rules: For the game "Paints" among participants choose one leading seller and one buyer-monk, the rest of the children become paints. Paint participants sit in a circle or in a gazebo, sometimes children stand in a line. The seller is quiet (in ear) tells everyone what color of paint matches them. Children remember their color. The buyer monk should not know the colors of the paints.

Progress of the game:

The monk comes to the paint store and addresses to the seller:

I'm a monk in blue pants, I came for paint.

For which?

The monk names the paint color (for example, blue). If there is no such paint, then the seller answers:

There is no such thing! Jump along the blue path, on one leg, you will find boots, wear them, and bring them back!

Tasks for a monk can be different: gallop on one leg, walk like a duck, squat, or in some other way.

If the named paint is available in the store, the seller answers monk:

There is one!

What is the price?

Five rubles (The monk loudly slaps the seller’s palm five times).

Summarizing competitions.

Rewarding participants and winners with sweet prizes.

Leading: Our holiday ends. But summer doesn't end. And may it be as bright, cheerful and colorful how you drew him!
