The best eggplants for open ground. High-yielding varieties of eggplants. The most successful eggplant varieties for open beds

The hybrids and varieties of eggplant that exist today are so diverse in shape, size and color of the fruit that one can only be amazed at the quirks of nature and the achievements of breeders! In addition to the usual elongated shape of eggplants, there are also cylindrical, pear-shaped, sickle-shaped, ovoid, oval, spherical and even snake-shaped fruits. The weight of eggplants of different varieties also varies greatly: from small one-hundred-gram fruits to heavy eggplants weighing two kilos.

Popular varieties of eggplants

And if earlier people used to call eggplants “little blue”, now this name has lost its relevance. In addition to eggplants in the usual shades from light lilac to dark purple, striped fruits, red, orange, green and white, began to appear on sale.

Typically, gardeners choose several varieties of eggplants with different terms maturation

They are approximately similar in taste, but imagine how you can decorate them festive table, using multi-colored eggplants, Ogonyok, Desyatka and other popular homemade salads will become completely the new kind, not to mention dishes such as stuffed, baked or savory eggplants. It is not surprising that gardeners have difficulty choosing which varieties of eggplant to plant in their garden. In this article we will look at the best varieties of eggplant, which have become widespread due to their good yield and the ability to grow both in a greenhouse and in open ground.

Video about eggplant varieties

Typically, gardeners choose several varieties of eggplant with different ripening periods. But if you live in a region with fairly cool, short summers, it is better to give preference to early-ripening varieties with medium-sized fruits. Varieties such as Czech Early, Robin Hood and Red Redhead are compact in size, so they can also be planted in a greenhouse next to tall tomatoes.

In regions where summers are hot, eggplant grows well in garden beds Black handsome, a very popular variety among domestic gardeners. Its advantages include an impressive mass of brown-purple fruits (up to 200 g), excellent taste, lack of bitterness, high yield, disease resistance and suitability for long-term storage. In regions with a cool climate, Black Beauty is cultivated in greenhouses or under film cover.

Another variety that is loved by gardeners is eggplant. Diamond. Its dark purple fruits of traditional cylindrical shape reach a weight of 100 to 200 g and a length of up to 20 cm. The pulp is not bitter and has a very pleasant delicate taste.

Eggplant variety "Diamond"

Variety Albatross highly valued for its excellent yield and lack of bitterness in the pulp of blue-violet shortened pear-shaped fruits. Eggplants on low bushes turn out to be heavy - up to 450 g!

Eggplant Epic F1 Perfectly suitable for cultivation throughout Russia. The teardrop-shaped fruits ripen very early (about two months after planting). Epic eggplants are distinguished by their beautiful deep purple-black color, uniformity and harmonious taste. The advantages of the Epic hybrid also include high yield and resistance to common diseases.

Eggplant variety "Epic F1"

Among the purple eggplant varieties, the following are also popular:

  • Purple miracle (cylindrical fruits weighing up to 135 g),
  • Vikar (short pear-shaped fruit with excellent taste),
  • Black Beauty (black-purple fruits with delicate pulp, weighing up to 900 g),
  • Banana (the fruits are long, slightly curved, suitable for long-term storage),
  • Fat Barin (round, fleshy fruits with excellent taste, without bitterness),
  • Black moon (spherical, lumpy fruits with very delicate pulp and mild taste),
  • Czech early (high-yielding variety with fruits ovoid).

Of the new hybrids and varieties of eggplant, it is worth noting the super-productive hybrid Clorinda with oval fruits of a rich purple color, reaching a weight of 1.5 kg. The early ripening domestic variety Premier with oval-cylindrical beautiful purple fruits weighing 350 g is also worthy of attention.

The best varieties of colorful eggplants

Until recently considered truly exotic white eggplants gradually won the love of Russian gardeners thanks to their delicate consistency and amazing taste. White eggplant is almost not bitter, unlike most purple “brothers,” and the taste of its pulp is reminiscent of champignons or even chicken meat. In addition, the snow-white pulp is practically devoid of seeds.

White eggplants gradually won the love of Russian gardeners due to their delicate texture

The most widespread varieties and hybrids of albino eggplants in domestic gardens are:

  • Swan (cylindrical fruits),
  • Ping Pong (round fruits),
  • Pelican (saber-shaped fruit),
  • White egg (egg-shaped eggplant with a rich mushroom flavor),
  • Iceberg (oval fruits),
  • Bibo (oval-conical eggplant, very productive and disease resistant).

Yellow eggplants They are extremely rare among us, although they taste very similar to the usual purple varieties, and they contain a lot of carotene. Produces bright yellow oval-elongated fruits Dutch variety Golden eggs.

To obtain green eggplants, you can choose the following varieties: Chinese green with rounded-elongated fruits (in the phase of biological ripeness they acquire a bronze-yellow color), Emerald with beautiful barrel-shaped fruits and Green with ellipsoidal fruits that have an intense mushroom flavor.

Video about red eggplant Ruffled

Eggplants of the Matrosik variety have an interesting color - white and lilac stripes alternate on the oval fruits. Round, ribbed Rosa Bianca eggplants attract attention with their pink-lavender “blush” against a white background. The cylindrical, slightly curved eggplants of the Pink Flamingo variety are colored a pleasant pink-purple color, as are the barrel-shaped fruits of the Othello variety. Eggplants of the Turkish Orange variety are orange in color, while the Japanese Red variety has a rich red color.

Choose varieties of eggplants of different colors, and surprise your loved ones and guests with bright colorful dishes from this healthy vegetable!

People affectionately call eggplants “little blue”, which generally reflects their color and helps to navigate the variety of vegetables. However, eggplant varieties are replete with colors, halftones, shades, and fancy patterns. That is, the definition of “little blue” no longer corresponds well to reality. Topic of the article: the best varieties of eggplant suitable for growing in Russia, their types and description.

The greatest variety of varieties is found in purple eggplants. Moreover, not only the shades of purple vary, but also the shape, speed of ripening, and climatic conditions. Basically, eggplants, which have a purple fruit color, thrive in the climate of central Russia.

In the forefront is “Albatross”, which is distinguished by its high yield of vegetables, 350-400 g each. This is a mid-season vegetable with short pear-shaped fruits. It is not characterized by bitterness, and the pulp is tender white. Characterized by increased shelf life and easy transportation.

Late-ripening “Arap” grows up to 90 cm in height. Its fruits often reach 25 cm in length, they are cylindrical, without any bitterness.

Among the early ripening ones, “Baghira” eggplants should be distinguished. This is a hybrid, vigorous vegetable with oval fruits, weighing up to 300 g. It is famous not only for its yield and resistance to most fungal diseases, but also for its soft, snow-white filling without bitterness.

Among the early species, it is also worth paying attention to the “Long Purple” eggplant variety. Firstly, this is a very compact variety - it rarely grows above 50 cm. Secondly, it has beautiful inflorescences and ovaries with glossy skin, weighing up to 300 g.

Early ripening species suitable for the middle zone include “Don Quixote”. This is a hybrid medium-sized vegetable that grows well in greenhouses. The length of the fruits reaches 45 cm, and the weight ranges from 300-400 g.

The hybrid mid-season subspecies “Lolita” will give a rich harvest when grown in a greenhouse. The bush is tall, often reaching 2.5 m. The shape of the vegetables is elongated, maximum length they are 25 cm long and weigh 300 g. The pulp is snow-white, compacted, and practically does not contain eggplant seeds.

By planting vegetables of the “Maria” variety, you will be among the first to receive a harvest of elongated cylindrical eggplants.

Another mid-season variety“Nautilus” refers to hybrids for greenhouses. The bushes tend to grow, the fruits are saber-shaped up to 30 cm in length, weighing up to 500 g.

The galaxy of purple eggplants is complemented by “Almaz”. This is a mid-season, compact vegetable with cylindrical fruits. The size of the fruit rarely exceeds 20 cm, and its weight is 170 g. Its pulp is green, compacted, without characteristic bitterness.

Video “The best varietal eggplants”

A detailed overview of eggplant varieties is given in this video.


The best varieties White eggplants are few in number, but their fruits will undoubtedly decorate any garden bed or greenhouse, raising many questions: “What kind of vegetable is this?” It often happens that white eggplant seeds turn out to be yellow at the end of the season - these are selection errors that scientists are trying to level out.

One of the most known species, of course, is “Ping Pong”. Its ovaries are small, light, their weight rarely exceeds 70 g. The bush is medium-high, during fruiting it really looks like it has been hung with ping-pong balls. Feels great both in greenhouses and in open ground.

White eggplant varieties also include the mid-season “Swan”. It grows well both in greenhouses and under open air, growing up to 70 cm in height. The fruits are cylindrical, up to 22 cm long, weight rarely exceeds 255 g. Most of the ovaries are white, but sometimes yellow ones are also found. The main attraction is the white, soft flesh and high density yield per square meter of planting.

Another hybrid subspecies that is worth paying attention to is “Pelican”. Its bushes are tall, up to 1 meter in height, vegetables grow up to 18-20 cm, but at the same time they cannot boast of much weight - the weight fluctuates between 200-250 g. The mid-season variety “Pelican” is mainly grown in greenhouses.

“White Night” will delight you with oval snow-white fruits that ripen by mid-season. The bush grows small, up to 70 cm, and is decorated with many fruits, weighing up to 300 g each.

“Baby White F1” has funny spherical fruits, which are among the first to ripen. “Baby White F1” bushes are low, abundantly covered with greenery, rarely reach 50 cm, numerous small fruits rarely weigh more than 300 g. The pulp is white, without characteristic bitterness.

The hybrid subspecies “Tenderest F1” will surprise you and your guests with oblong, cylindrical ovaries weighing 300-400 g. The bushes are medium-sized, spreading, and the fruits have white flesh without a hint of bitterness. They survive dry periods very well without requiring special care.


There are also numerous types of lilac eggplants. They can be called “little blue ones”, since they are not far from their purple counterparts. Having absorbed the best from white and purple varieties, lilac varieties, even while green (no matter how strange it may sound), delight with the richness of patterns and shapes.

One of the leaders in popularity, the Lilac variety, has a medium ripening period. Its bush rarely grows above 60-65 cm, the fruits are often elongated, cylindrical, weighing up to 200 g. The pulp is white, compacted, without bitterness in taste.

Round eggplants of the “Balagur” variety will delight you with clusters of vegetables that are located on the hands. This is an early ripening variety, with bushes of medium height, the leaves of which are rich green. The weight of one eggplant ranges around 150-180 g.

Varieties with an average ripening time also include “Pink Flamingo”. The height of the “Pink Flamingo” bushes reaches 180-190 cm, the fruits grow in clusters of 4-6 pieces, their average weight is 300-400 g. The eggplant pulp is without bitterness, pure white.

If you choose lilac eggplants, then you can’t beat the “Bumbo” variety. Round fruits weigh 600-700 g, white and lilac in color. The bushes grow spreading and powerful, so they will serve as an excellent decoration both for the greenhouse and for open ground.

One of the most resistant varieties to unstable conditions and fungal diseases is “Robin Hood”. The average height of the bush reaches 90-100 cm, it is spreading, bears fruit well with small ovaries weighing about 300-320 g. The pulp is without bitterness, white, elastic.

Another bright representative of the lilac variety of eggplant, “Rotunda Bianca,” will delight you not only with its mid-ripening and abundance of ovaries. Its leaves are rich green, blending wonderfully into any landscape. The fruits are oval, with white flesh without bitterness.

If you are chasing not only productivity, but also the original appearance of vegetables in the beds, then pay attention to “Matrosik” eggplants. Vegetables of this type are oval, have a striped color with a bizarre pattern, weighing up to 200 g.

It should be noted that the above types of eggplants are mostly hybrids. This means that already at the selection stage, their immunity, protective characteristics and taste are much higher than those of ordinary plants. Thus, they are less likely to be susceptible to fungal diseases (powdery mildew, anthracnose, brown spot, copperhead), which greatly facilitates their cultivation.

A pleasant bonus of such vegetables is that most of them grow easily both in greenhouses and greenhouses, and in the open air, pleasing the eye bizarre shape and colors.

Video “Eggplant varieties”

The video explains which eggplants produce 100% yield.

Eggplants are popular vegetables that are used not only for preparing culinary dishes, but also for pickling and preservation. The first task that gardeners face is choice suitable variety, because breeders have obtained numerous types of this vegetable crop, differing not only in the appearance of the fruit, but also in the growing conditions.

There are many varieties with this characteristic.

Nancy F1

This vegetable crop has small green leaves of a pale shade. The fruits weigh 80 g and are ovoid in shape. The color of eggplants is purple with a shiny surface. The pulp does not give bitterness and is presented in white color. The Nancy variety perfectly resists the attacks of spider mites. The fruits can be used for preparations for the winter and in their entirety.

Purple Wonder F1

The bushes grow to 60 cm in height, the stem is slightly drooping, and it contains green leaves with jagged edges. Ripe eggplants are cylindrical in shape and have a glossy purple color. The pulp is slightly greenish in color, there is no bitterness. Harvest has an excellent presentation and excellent taste. It is also resistant to spider mite and verticellosis wilt.

Purple Haze

The stem of the crop is strongly lowered, and its height is 60 cm. The leaves are ideally shaped, smooth surface, there are no jagged edges. They can be harvested 100-105 days after sowing, their shape is oval, the skin is lilac in color. The pulp is white and not bitter. The variety resists bacterial rot. It is universal in terms of cultivation, as it is suitable for various regions of Russia.

Bibo F1

When this variety is cultivated, fruiting occurs on the 55th day after germination. The height of the bushes is 85 cm, as a result of which they need a garter. The vegetables are oval-conical in shape and their length is 18 cm. The skin is milky white and the flesh is white without bitterness. Eggplants of this variety are in great demand among gardeners due to their excellent taste and dietary properties.

White egg

The bushes are compact in size, as the height reaches 70 cm. The vegetables are white and their shape resembles an egg. One eggplant weighs 200 g and its length is 10 cm. The variety is valued for its high yield and excellent taste. The pulp is tender and practically not bitter.

Rare varieties of eggplant

You may be interested to know about the following varieties.

King in the North

This hybrid is characterized by resistance to low temperatures. The duration of the growing season is 3 months. The shape of the fruit is cylindrical and slightly elongated. The length of a mature vegetable is 30 cm. Its color is dark purple and its surface is glossy. From 1 m2 you can get up to 15 kg of ripe eggplants.

Robin Hood

This variety is valued by gardeners for its high yield and early ripening. The height of the bush reaches 1.5 m, and the first harvest can be harvested 3 months after germination. The length of the vegetable is 15 cm, and its weight is 350 g. From 1 m2 you can get up to 18 kg of ripe eggplants.


This hybrid is distinguished by the foliage of the bush, the height of which is 2 m. The vegetables have an elongated pear-shaped shape, and their weight is 200 g. The color of the peel is delicate purple, and the flesh is white, tasty and not bitter.


This eggplant is very popular among gardeners due to its early ripening, because you can enjoy the fruits already 2 months after germination. The height of the bush reaches 50 cm, and each plant can produce about 10 eggplants. The peculiarity of the variety is its resistance to spider mites.

A gardener's dream

This early variety, which can be grown in open ground. Harvesting is carried out in the 3rd month after germination. The length of a mature eggplant is 80 cm. The fruits are smooth and cylindrical in shape, purple in color. The main advantages of the variety: long shelf life, long fruiting and lack of bitterness.

Popular varieties

Among Russian gardeners, the following varieties of eggplant are in particular demand:

  1. Purple miracle. Its vegetables are shaped like a cylinder. The weight of one vegetable is 135 g.
  2. Vicar. It has short pear-shaped fruits, each weighs 300 g. The pulp is white, tender and tasty.
  3. . The fruits are black purple, with a glossy surface. Their shape is slightly curved. The harvested crop can be used for long-term storage.
  4. Fat gentleman. Its fruits are round and fleshy. The pulp is snow-white, tender and incredibly tasty.
  5. Black Moon. This variety has spherical, tuberous fruits. The pulp is tender and mild in taste.

Black Moon

Round varieties

If you are interested in round fruits, then the following varieties are suitable for you.


This variety allows you to grow large fruits white-lilac color, without bitterness. Suitable for cultivation in open and closed ground. It is better to plant 4-5 plants per 1 m2. Harvesting can be done 120-130 days after germination. From 1 m2 you can get 7 kg of ripe eggplants. They perfectly tolerate transportation over long distances without losing their appearance and taste.


Eggplants are dark purple in color and round in shape. The hybrid is capable of bearing fruit for a long time and producing tasty vegetables without bitterness. Bourgeois is cultivated in open ground. The bushes are not too tall, medium in size. Suitable variety for growing in middle lane Russia, subject to stable warm weather.


These round eggplants are the most popular in Russia. The variety is suitable for cultivation in open and closed ground. It is high-yielding, since 1 m2 can produce 5 kg of fruit. They weigh about 300 g and are dark purple in color.

Viola di Firenzi

This hybrid gives high yield in the form of round and large fruits. They have a purple color and characteristic veins. The variety can be grown both in open and closed ground. It resists temperature changes as well as other negative weather conditions.


This variety produces round and small eggplants. The harvest is high - from 1 m 2 to 3 kg of ripe vegetables. In open ground, Globus is grown in the southern regions. The bush is medium-sized and spreading, so this needs to be taken into account. The color of eggplants is unusual, so gardeners often choose it to grow a bright crop. The fruits are purple with white stripes. The pulp is white and there is no bitterness.

Tall eggplant

If you have the ability to grow tall varieties, you may be interested in learning about the varieties below.


This is a mid-season eggplant that produces a harvest already 119-130 days after germination. Its fruits are cylindrical in shape, their length is 15-20 cm, and their weight is 140-400 g. The pulp is green, there is no bitterness in the taste. From 1 m2 you can harvest up to 4 kg of eggplants. The variety is demanding on the type of soil and needs plenty of moisture. Plants must be grown in seedlings at a temperature of 20-25 degrees. Vegetables are distinguished by their high sugar content and exquisite taste.

Donetsk fruitful

This is a mid-season type of eggplant, which is characterized by high productivity and resistance to diseases. Plant open type with short internodes, due to which an abundant number of ovaries is achieved. Its height is 38 cm. The fruits are oval-conical in shape, their weight is 135 g. The surface is smooth, white, glossy. The pulp has a dense consistency, white color, excellent taste and quality. The variety can be cultivated in open ground or in film with obligatory garter to a vertical support.


An early ripening type of eggplant, which is cultivated in open and closed ground. The growing season lasts 110-115 days. The plant is low, spreading type.

  • The height of the bush reaches 70-75 cm.
  • The fruits are shaped like a pear and have a bright purple color.
  • One vegetable weighs 150-200 g.

Its flesh is pale yellow, tender, and there is no bitterness. This variety can be used for long-term storage. From 1 m2 it is possible to collect 8-10 kg of fruit. The Vera variety resists various diseases, and the harvested crop can be used for baking and canning.


This is a mid-season variety, suitable for open and closed ground. The duration of the growing season is 105-150 days. The bush is tall and spreading. The fruits are white with bright purple stripes. One eggplant weighs 150-200 g. The flesh is pale yellow, tender, and there is no bitterness. The harvested crop is suitable for long-term storage. Its fruits are resistant to various types ailments.

Dutch eggplant varieties

There are many popular varieties bred in Holland.

Destan F1

This hybrid of Dutch selection is early and high-yielding. The bushes have a powerful root system, well developed stem and leaf. The vegetables are small, but have an excellent taste without bitterness. Destan is a variety of universal purpose, since the collected vegetables can be used for culinary processing or canning.

  • Eggplants weigh 150-220 g, length - 15 cm.
  • The pulp is covered with a dense skin of dark purple color.
  • The surface of the fruit is smooth and glossy.

Clorinda F1

This is a mid-early hybrid that allows you to harvest 65-70 days after germination. The fruits are shaped like a pear and are purple in color. This variety of eggplant is the only one that changes its color depending on the planting location. If grown vegetable crop in the shade on open beds, the vegetables will be a little lighter.

The length of the eggplant is 20-25 cm, and its weight is up to 1.2 kg. Clorinda is a medium-yielding variety, so you can get 10 kg of ripe fruit from one bush.

Mileda F1

This early hybrid is suitable for cultivation in open and closed ground. It is distinguished by high yield and excellent taste of fruits. The length of ripened vegetables reaches 15-17 cm, and the weight is 200-250 g. The color of the fruit is dark purple, dense, and the flesh is white, without bitterness. From one bush you can collect up to 8-10 kg.

Anet F1

High-yielding variety of Dutch selection. Its growing season lasts 60-65 days. The shape of the vegetables is elongated, reminiscent of a cylinder. The bush is strong, branched, its height reaches 80-90 cm.

The peculiarity of the variety is its long fruiting period, which proper care may last until September. The variety is considered hardy to low temperatures and resistant to insects such as mites. The color of the fruit is dark purple, the flesh is dense and tasty. One vegetable weighs about 400 g.

Early (early ripening) varieties

There are also varieties that can be harvested earlier than usual.


The vegetable crop is characterized by its small growth, since the height of the bush is 50 cm. It bears glossy fruits of a dark purple color, the length of which is 18 cm and the weight is 100-150 g.

Expert opinion

Filatov Ivan Yurievich, private farmer for more than 30 years

Eggplant seeds of the Alekseevsky variety need to be sown at the end of March to grow seedlings. Ready and hardened plants should be sent indoors in early May. If at the beginning of June it is established warm weather and there are no strong winds, then the film can be removed from the garden bed. Caring for the plant is simple: regular watering, fertilizing, loosening the soil.

Behemoth F1

It is no coincidence that this variety received such a name, since mature plant reaches a height of 2 m. It can only be cultivated in a high greenhouse, where there is enough space for the bush to grow.

One fruit weighs 350 g and its length is 20 cm. The shape of a ripe vegetable resembles a pear. The inside of the eggplant is white with a hint of green.

Valentina F1

This is a mid-season plant with a drooping stem. Its leaves are bright green and have slits along the edges. The vegetables are black and purple, their length is 25 cm, and their shape resembles an elongated pear. The pulp is tender, beige, and there is no bitterness. The peculiarity of the variety is the ability of flowers to set even in unfavorable weather.


The height of the bush reaches 40-60 cm, the fruits are small: weight - 100 g, and length - 11-14 cm. The peculiarity of the variety is that the color of mature vegetables is without shine. They are yellowish-purple and pear-shaped. The high popularity of Quartet is due to its resistance to drought and various rots.

Maxik F1

The height of the bush reaches 1 m. The growing season lasts 100 days. Eggplants are dark purple in color, and their length reaches 25 cm. The flesh is green, there is no bitterness. The culture tolerates temperature fluctuations well and resists cucumber and tobacco mosaic viruses.

New varieties of eggplant

You will also be interested to know about new products.


To cultivate this hybrid, a film cover is required. The duration of the growing season is 117-118 days. The bush itself is compact, produces an abundance of foliage, and its height reaches 1.8 m.

The leaves are medium in size and have a broad oval shape, green color, and at the edges they are slightly dissected. The vegetables are shaped like a cylinder, their length is 13 cm, and their diameter is 5.3 cm. The eggplant pulp is tender, dense in consistency, without bitterness. A mature vegetable weighs 134 g, and from 1 m2 you can harvest up to 8 kg.

Ping pong

This hybrid was obtained for cultivation in greenhouse conditions. Harvesting can be done 116-117 days after germination. The height of the bush reaches 0.8 m, its leaves are medium in size, they are broadly oval, green and dissected along the edge.

The length of a mature eggplant reaches 7 cm, and the diameter is 6.8 cm, their shape is spherical. Its surface is white and shiny. The pulp is dense, not bitter, and its color is white. The weight of the fruit reaches 95 g, and from 1 m2 you can harvest up to 9 kg of vegetables.


This variety is designed for cultivation indoors. Harvesting can be done 100-110 days after germination. Bush of compact size, semi-spreading type. The leaves are medium-sized and green. The vegetables are pear-shaped, their length is 15 cm, and their diameter is 5.3 cm. The color of a ripe eggplant is dark purple, with a slight gloss. The pulp is green, tender and tasty. The weight of a mature eggplant is 345 g, and up to 8.5 kg can be harvested from 1 m2.


This variety is designed for growing in a greenhouse, and can be harvested 100 days after germination. The shape of the vegetables is cylindrical, length - 14 cm, and diameter - 5.4 cm. A ripe vegetable has a dark purple color, its surface is slightly glossy. The mass of eggplant is 325 g, and from 1 m2 you can get up to 8 kg.


The variety is intended for cultivation in closed ground. The harvest can be harvested 120 days after germination. The bush is semi-spreading and of medium height. The vegetables are cylindrical in shape, their length reaches 13 cm, and their diameter is 5.3. The color is purple, with a slight gloss. The pulp is white, tender. The average weight of eggplants is 380 g, and up to 6 kg can be harvested from 1 m2.

White eggplants

You can’t even imagine how beautiful the white eggplant fruits are.

White Lily

The fruits of this variety are white, delicate in taste, reminiscent of champignons and tender chicken meat. Harvest can be done on the 100th day. The bush is tall and strong, branched, it bears fruits with an average weight of 280 g. The variety is not demanding in care and cultivation, suitable for cultivation in open and closed ground.

White Night

This variety allows you to grow teardrop-shaped eggplants. One vegetable weighs 500-600 g. The height of the bush is 80 cm, it can ripen up to 6-9 fruits, the average weight of which is 200-270 g. Ripe vegetables can be harvested on the 105th day. The pulp is tender and does not taste bitter, and the harvested crop is suitable for long-term storage and transportation.

White Swan

This variety has dense pulp, so vegetables can be stored for a long time. White Swan is a mid-season type of eggplant, since harvesting occurs on the 110th day after entry. The height of the bush is 60-80 cm. When ripe, vegetables weigh 100 g, only they have thin skin.

It is better to grow this type of eggplant indoors with constant temperature conditions. Up to 12 fruits can be picked on one bush. Vegetable crops can be cultivated in open ground only if they create reliable protection from frost.


This is an early variety that is suitable for growing in open ground. If you regularly water the plants and maintain the temperature at least 20 degrees, then you can harvest the crop 85-100 days after germination. An adult vegetable weighs up to 300 g, and one bush contains up to 5 fruits.


This is an early ripening variety with egg-shaped fruits and their weight is 100 g. Harvesting must be done no later than 3 months from the moment of germination, otherwise the skin darkens and becomes hard.

The bushes grow up to 60 cm, they have strong and strong branches. The plant tolerates minor temperature fluctuations well.

Do you think white eggplants taste better than black ones?


The most productive varieties of eggplant

If you are interested in both the quality of the fruits and their quantity, then the following varieties are suitable for you.


An alkaloid-free, high-yielding variety, which, subject to all agrotechnical rules, allows you to obtain beautiful and tasty fruits. A ripened vegetable has original color with white stripes and pear-shaped. One eggplant weighs up to 400 g.

The variety tolerates intense heat in summer and produces a harvest in early summer. It is resistant to the most common eggplant diseases: mosaic, rot, wilt.

Striped flight

This is a mid-season type of eggplant, which is also high-yielding. It can be used for growing in open and closed ground. The variety is resistant to weather changes, and gardeners love it for its high fruit set in any conditions.

The pulp is tender, there is no bitterness or voids. The harvested crop tolerates transportation well and can be stored for a long time.

Black handsome late

When growing this type of eggplant, you can get the first harvest 130 days after germination. The bush is low, the branches are spreading. Vegetables are pear-shaped, their color is black and purple. One eggplant weighs up to 900 g.


This is a plant late date ripening, which gives a high yield 130-145 days after germination. The fruit is large, pear-shaped, and dark purple in color. One eggplant weighs 700-800 g. The pulp is light and has excellent taste.

The variety resists negative weather conditions and common eggplant diseases. Sophia is suitable for cultivation in open and closed ground.


You can also watch a video where they will tell you about the best and interesting varieties eggplant.

The following eggplant varieties are the most popular among gardeners. This is due to their unpretentiousness in terms of cultivation, resistance to disease, high yield and excellent taste. All that remains is to choose suitable look eggplant, based on weather and personal preferences.

Few people know, but our beloved eggplants came to us from South Asia, India and the Middle East. This vegetable was spread by the Arabs, who brought it to the African continent in the ninth century. Eggplants came to Europe only six centuries later, and in Russia they really tasted eggplants only in the 19th century. Now, thanks to the work of breeders in State Register breeding achievements, there are 210 varieties and hybrids of this crop, and the very first variety, Universal 6, was obtained back in 1966. Today we will talk about new products introduced in the current century.

Let's start with eggplants intended for cultivation indoors, and then we'll talk about cultivars that are quite suitable for growing without shelter. There are a lot of varieties and hybrids of eggplants, but we will focus on the 20 best that we have good feedback, that is, their quality has been tested in practice. Ten cultivars of protected soil and the same number of unprotected soil, we think, is quite enough to make a choice.

Varieties and hybrids of eggplants in protected soil

Cultivar Pelican F1, originator Gavrish, requires protected soil; it is permissible to harvest eggplants after 117-118 days from the formation of the first true leaf. The plant itself is compact, forms an abundance of leaf mass, and reaches a height of 1.8 meters. The leaf blades are usually medium in size, broadly oval in shape, green in color, and slightly dissected at the edges. The calyx is painted green. Eggplants are cylindrical in shape, reaching a length of 17 centimeters and a diameter of 5.3 centimeters.

When harvested, which must be done at technical ripeness, they are painted white with a slight gloss. The eggplant pulp is very dense, devoid of bitterness, and white in color. The maximum weight of eggplant reaches 134 g, and the yield is up to 8 kilograms per square meter. This is an F1 hybrid, there is no point in collecting seeds from it, it positive traits: compact size, reduced thorniness, uniformity of marketable products, excellent keeping quality and excellent transportability of fruits.

Cultivar Ping Pong F1, originator Gavrish, is intended for cultivation in a greenhouse; the harvest can be harvested 116-117 days after the formation of seedlings. The plant itself is semi-spreading, forms an average amount of leaf mass, and reaches a height of 0.8 meters. The leaf blades are usually medium in size, broadly oval in shape, green in color, and slightly dissected along the edge. The calyx is painted green. Eggplants are spherical in shape, reaching a length of 7.0 centimeters and a diameter of 6.8 centimeters.

When harvested, which must be carried out at technical ripeness, they are painted white with a slight gloss. The eggplant pulp is very dense, devoid of bitterness, and white in color. The maximum weight of eggplant reaches 95 g, and the yield is up to 9 kilograms per square meter. This is an F1 hybrid, there is no point in collecting seeds from it, its positive qualities are: compact size, reduced thorniness, uniformity of marketable products, excellent keeping quality and excellent transportability of fruits.

Cultivar Baikal F1, originator Gavrish, is intended for cultivation in a greenhouse; the harvest can be harvested 100-110 days after the formation of seedlings. The plant itself is semi-spreading and medium in height. The leaf blades are usually medium in size and green in color. Eggplants are pear-shaped, reaching a length of 15 centimeters and a diameter of 5.3 centimeters.

When harvested, which must be carried out at technical ripeness, they are colored dark purple with a slight gloss. The eggplant flesh is greenish in color. The maximum weight of eggplant reaches 345 g, and the yield is up to 8.5 kilograms per square meter. The hybrid is ideal for use in fresh and processed form.

Cultivar Baron F1, originator Gavrish, is intended for cultivation in a greenhouse; the harvest can be harvested 100 days after the formation of seedlings. The plant itself is semi-spreading and has medium growth. The leaf blades are usually medium in size and green in color. Eggplants are cylindrical in shape, reach a length of 14 centimeters and a diameter of 5.4 centimeters.

When harvested, which must be carried out at technical ripeness, they are colored dark purple with a slight gloss. The eggplant flesh is greenish. The maximum weight of eggplant reaches 325 g, and the yield is up to 8 kilograms per square meter. The hybrid is ideal for use in fresh and processed form.

Cultivar Bernard F1, originator Gavrish, is intended for cultivation in a greenhouse; the harvest can be harvested 120 days after the formation of seedlings. The plant itself is semi-spreading and has medium growth. The leaf blades are usually medium in size and green in color. Eggplants are cylindrical in shape, reach a length of 13 centimeters and a diameter of 5.3 centimeters.

When harvested, which must be carried out at technical ripeness, they are painted purple with a slight gloss. The eggplant flesh is white. The maximum weight of eggplant reaches 380 g, and the yield is up to 6 kilograms per square meter. The cultivar is ideal for use in fresh and processed form, and the processed products are noted for their excellent taste.

Cultivar Bonus F1, originator Gavrish, is intended for cultivation in a greenhouse; the harvest can be harvested 102 days after the formation of seedlings. The plant itself is semi-spreading and medium in height. The leaf blades are usually medium in size and green in color. Eggplants are cylindrical in shape, reaching a length of 11 centimeters and a diameter of 5.4 centimeters.

When harvested, which must be carried out at technical ripeness, they are painted purple with a slight gloss. The eggplant flesh is white. The maximum weight of eggplant reaches 280 g, and the yield is up to 5 kilograms per square meter. The hybrid is ideal for use in fresh and processed forms, and is noted for its excellent taste qualities of processed products.

Cultivar Black Moon F1, the originator of SeDek, is intended for cultivation in a greenhouse; the harvest can be harvested 110-120 days after the formation of seedlings. The plant itself is semi-spreading and reaches medium height. The leaf blades are usually medium in size, green in color, and have a slightly notched edge. Eggplants are oval in shape, reach a length of 12 centimeters and a diameter of 6.0 centimeters.

When harvested, which must be carried out at technical ripeness, they are colored dark purple with a strong gloss. The eggplant pulp is devoid of bitterness and is whitish in color. The maximum weight of eggplant reaches 280 g, and the yield is up to 6 kilograms per square meter. Excellent taste qualities of processed products are noted.

Cultivar Black Dragon F1, the originator of SeDek, is intended for cultivation in a greenhouse; the harvest can be harvested 110-115 days after the formation of seedlings. The plant itself is semi-spreading and medium-sized. The leaf blades are usually small in size, green in color and have a smooth edge. Eggplants are cylindrical in shape, reach a length of 15 centimeters and a diameter of 3.3 centimeters.

When harvested, which must be carried out at technical ripeness, they are painted in a dark purple, glossy color. The eggplant pulp, devoid of bitterness, is greenish in color. The maximum weight of eggplant reaches 200 g, and the yield is up to 5 kilograms per square meter. Excellent taste qualities of processed products are noted.

Cultivar Scimitar F1, the originator of SeDek, is intended for cultivation in a greenhouse; the harvest can be harvested 108-112 days after the formation of seedlings. The plant itself is semi-spreading and medium-sized. The leaf blades are usually medium in size, green in color, and slightly notched along the edge. Eggplants are cylindrical in shape, often curved, reaching a length of 15 centimeters and a diameter of 4.0 centimeters.

When harvested, which must be carried out at technical ripeness, they are colored dark purple with a strong gloss. The eggplant pulp, devoid of bitterness, is whitish-greenish in color. The maximum weight of eggplant reaches 200 g, and the yield is up to 5 kilograms per square meter. Excellent taste qualities of processed products are noted.

Cultivar Almalik F1, originator Gavrish, is intended for cultivation in a greenhouse; the harvest can be harvested 120 days after the formation of seedlings. The plant itself is semi-spreading and medium-sized. The leaf blades are usually medium in size and green in color. Eggplants are cylindrical in shape, slightly curved, reach a length of 18 centimeters and a diameter of 5.3 centimeters.

When harvested, which must be carried out at technical ripeness, they are painted in a dark purple, glossy color. The eggplant flesh is white. The maximum weight of eggplant reaches 370 g, and the yield is up to 8 kilograms per square meter. The hybrid is ideal for use in fresh and processed form, while the excellent taste of processed products is noted.

Varieties and hybrids of eggplants for growing in open ground

Eggplant variety Black handsome, originator Search, is intended for cultivation in open ground; the harvest can be harvested 120-140 days after the formation of seedlings. The plant itself is semi-spreading and medium-sized. The leaf blades are usually medium in size, green in color, slightly toothed and have thorns. The calyx is painted green. Eggplants are pear-shaped, reach a length of 20 centimeters and a diameter of 3.5 centimeters.

When harvested, which must be carried out at technical ripeness, they are painted brown-violet, with a glossy color. The eggplant pulp, devoid of bitterness, is yellowish-white in color. The maximum weight of eggplant reaches 200 g, and the yield reaches 336 centners per hectare. The variety is ideal for use in fresh and processed form, while the excellent taste of processed products, especially caviar, is noted.

Eggplant variety White Night, the originator of SeDek, is intended for cultivation in open ground; the harvest can be harvested 120-125 days after the formation of seedlings. The plant itself is compact and tall. The leaf blades are usually large in size, green in color, and have a slight notch along the edge. Eggplants are cylindrical in shape, reaching a length of 14 centimeters and a diameter of 4.8 centimeters.

When harvested, which must be carried out at technical ripeness, they are painted white with a glossy color. The eggplant pulp, devoid of bitterness, is whitish in color. The maximum weight of eggplant reaches 220 g, and the yield is up to 6 kilograms per square meter. The variety is ideal for use in fresh and processed form, while the excellent taste of processed products is noted. Fruit set occurs even with temperature fluctuations; it is considered one of the most hardy eggplant varieties to the vagaries of the weather.

Cultivar Bourgeois F1, the originator of SeDek, is intended for cultivation in open ground; the harvest can be harvested 110-115 days after the formation of seedlings. The plant itself is semi-spreading and reaches medium height. The leaf blades are usually medium in size, green in color, and have a slight notch along the edge. Eggplants are spherical in shape, reach a length of 16 centimeters and a diameter of 10 centimeters.

When harvested, which must be carried out at technical ripeness, they are colored dark purple with a slight gloss. The eggplant pulp, devoid of bitterness, is greenish in color. The maximum weight of eggplant reaches 300 g, and the yield is up to 5 kilograms per square meter. Excellent taste qualities of processed products are noted.

Cultivar Bull Heart F1, the originator of SeDek, is intended for cultivation in open ground; the harvest can be harvested 130-145 days after the formation of seedlings. The plant itself is compact and very tall. The leaf blades are usually small in size, green in color and notched along the edges. Eggplants are oval in shape, reach a length of 10 centimeters and a diameter of 4 centimeters.

When harvested, which must be carried out at technical ripeness, they are painted in a dark purple, glossy color. The eggplant pulp, devoid of bitterness, is whitish in color. The maximum weight of eggplant reaches 300 g, and the yield is up to 5 kilograms per square meter. Excellent taste qualities of processed products are noted.

Cultivar Galina F1, the originator of SeDek, is intended for cultivation in open ground; the harvest can be harvested 120-125 days after the formation of seedlings. The plant itself is semi-spreading and quite tall. The leaf blades are usually large in size, green in color and have a smooth edge. Eggplants are cylindrical in shape, reaching a length of 15 centimeters and a diameter of 4.2 centimeters.

When harvested, which must be carried out at technical ripeness, they are painted in a dark purple, glossy color. The eggplant pulp, devoid of bitterness, is whitish in color. The maximum weight of eggplant reaches 220 g, and the yield is up to 7 kilograms per square meter. The hybrid is ideal for use in fresh and processed form, while the excellent taste of processed products is noted. Fruit set occurs even with temperature fluctuations; it is considered one of the most resilient eggplant hybrids to the vagaries of the weather.

Cultivar Esaul F1, the originator of SeDek, is intended for cultivation in open ground; the harvest can be harvested 130-145 days after the formation of seedlings. The plant itself is semi-spreading and medium-sized. The leaf blades are usually medium in size, green in color, and have a slightly notched edge. Eggplants are cylindrical in shape, reach a length of 15 centimeters and a diameter of 2.9 centimeters.

When harvested, which must be carried out at technical ripeness, they are painted in a dark purple, glossy color. The eggplant pulp, devoid of bitterness, is greenish-white in color. The maximum weight of eggplant reaches 200 g, and the yield is up to 6 kilograms per square meter. Excellent taste qualities of processed products are noted.

Cultivar Emerald F1, the originator of SeDek, is intended for cultivation in open ground; the harvest can be harvested 118-125 days after the formation of seedlings. The plant itself is compact and tall. The leaf blades are usually large in size, green in color, and slightly notched along the edge. Eggplants are oval in shape, reach a length of 13 centimeters and a diameter of 4 centimeters.

When harvested, which must be carried out at technical ripeness, they are painted green with a glossy color. The eggplant pulp, devoid of bitterness, is whitish in color. The maximum weight of eggplant reaches 300 g, and the yield is up to 8 kilograms per square meter. The hybrid is ideal for use in fresh and processed form, while the excellent taste of processed products is noted. Fruit set occurs even with temperature fluctuations; it is considered one of the most hardy eggplant varieties to the vagaries of the weather.

Cultivar Lava F1, the originator of SeDek, is intended for cultivation in open ground; the harvest can be harvested 123-135 days after the formation of seedlings. The plant itself is spreading and tall. The leaf blades are usually medium in size, green in color, and smooth along the edges. Eggplants are cylindrical in shape, reach a length of 15 centimeters and a diameter of 4.1 centimeters.

When harvested, which must be carried out at technical ripeness, they are painted in a dark purple, glossy color. The eggplant pulp, devoid of bitterness, is greenish-white in color. The maximum weight of eggplant reaches 150 g, and the yield is up to 7 kilograms per square meter. Excellent taste qualities of processed products are noted.

Eggplant variety Maria, the originator of SeDek, is intended for cultivation in open ground; the harvest can be harvested 118-125 days after the formation of seedlings. The plant itself is semi-spreading and tall. The leaf blades are usually medium in size, green in color, and smooth along the edges. Eggplants are cylindrical in shape, reaching a length of 14 centimeters and a diameter of 3.3 centimeters.

When harvested, which must be carried out at technical ripeness, they are colored dark purple with a slight gloss. The eggplant pulp, devoid of bitterness, is whitish in color. The maximum weight of eggplant reaches 210 g, and the yield is up to 5 kilograms per square meter. The excellent taste qualities of the processed products and the resistance of the variety to changes in air temperatures are noted.

Eggplant variety Prince, the originator of SeDek, is intended for cultivation in open ground; the harvest can be harvested 117-120 days after the formation of seedlings. The plant itself is compact and tall. The leaf blades are usually medium in size, green in color, and have notched edges. Eggplants are cylindrical in shape, reach a length of 15 centimeters and a diameter of 3.4 centimeters.

When harvested, which must be carried out at technical ripeness, they are painted in a dark purple, glossy color. The eggplant pulp, devoid of bitterness, is whitish in color. The maximum weight of eggplant reaches 160 g, and the yield is up to 6 kilograms per square meter. The excellent taste qualities of the processed products and the resistance of the variety to changes in air temperature are noted.

We have provided our vision of the best varieties and hybrids of eggplant for greenhouses and open ground. If you have your own experience using these or other varieties, then describe it in the comments, I think it will be useful and interesting for everyone.

Eggplants are popular vegetables that are used not only for preparing culinary dishes, but also for pickling and preservation. The first task that gardeners face is choosing a suitable variety, because breeders have obtained numerous types of this vegetable crop, differing not only in the appearance of the fruit, but also in the growing conditions.

There are many varieties with this characteristic.

Nancy F1

This vegetable crop has small green leaves of a pale shade. The fruits weigh 80 g and are ovoid in shape. The color of eggplants is purple with a shiny surface. The pulp does not give bitterness and is presented in white color. The Nancy variety perfectly resists the attacks of spider mites. The fruits can be used for preparations for the winter and in their entirety.

Purple Wonder F1

The bushes grow to 60 cm in height, the stem is slightly drooping, and it contains green leaves with jagged edges. Ripe eggplants are cylindrical in shape and have a glossy purple color. The pulp is slightly greenish in color, there is no bitterness. The harvested crop has an excellent presentation and excellent taste. It is also resistant to spider mites and Verticella wilt.

Purple Haze

The stem of the crop is strongly lowered, and its height is 60 cm. The leaves are ideally shaped, have a smooth surface, and there are no jagged edges. They can be harvested 100-105 days after sowing, their shape is oval, the skin is lilac in color. The pulp is white and not bitter. The variety resists bacterial rot. It is universal in terms of cultivation, as it is suitable for various regions of Russia.

Bibo F1

When this variety is cultivated, fruiting occurs on the 55th day after germination. The height of the bushes is 85 cm, as a result of which they need a garter. The vegetables are oval-conical in shape and their length is 18 cm. The skin is milky white and the flesh is white without bitterness. Eggplants of this variety are in great demand among gardeners due to their excellent taste and dietary properties.

White egg

The bushes are compact in size, as the height reaches 70 cm. The vegetables are white and their shape resembles an egg. One eggplant weighs 200 g and its length is 10 cm. The variety is valued for its high yield and excellent taste. The pulp is tender and practically not bitter.

Rare varieties of eggplant

You may be interested to know about the following varieties.

King in the North

This hybrid is characterized by resistance to low temperatures. The duration of the growing season is 3 months. The shape of the fruit is cylindrical and slightly elongated. The length of a mature vegetable is 30 cm. Its color is dark purple and its surface is glossy. From 1 m2 you can get up to 15 kg of ripe eggplants.

Robin Hood

This variety is valued by gardeners for its high yield and early ripening. The height of the bush reaches 1.5 m, and the first harvest can be harvested 3 months after germination. The length of the vegetable is 15 cm, and its weight is 350 g. From 1 m2 you can get up to 18 kg of ripe eggplants.


This hybrid is distinguished by the foliage of the bush, the height of which is 2 m. The vegetables have an elongated pear-shaped shape, and their weight is 200 g. The color of the peel is delicate purple, and the flesh is white, tasty and not bitter.


This eggplant is very popular among gardeners due to its early ripening, because you can enjoy the fruits already 2 months after germination. The height of the bush reaches 50 cm, and each plant can produce about 10 eggplants. The peculiarity of the variety is its resistance to spider mites.

A gardener's dream

This is an early variety that can be grown in open ground. Harvesting is carried out in the 3rd month after germination. The length of a mature eggplant is 80 cm. The fruits are smooth and cylindrical in shape, purple in color. The main advantages of the variety: long shelf life, long fruiting and lack of bitterness.

Popular varieties

Among Russian gardeners, the following varieties of eggplant are in particular demand:

  1. Purple miracle. Its vegetables are shaped like a cylinder. The weight of one vegetable is 135 g.
  2. Vicar. It has short pear-shaped fruits, each weighs 300 g. The pulp is white, tender and tasty.
  3. . The fruits are black-violet in color, with a glossy surface. Their shape is slightly curved. The harvested crop can be used for long-term storage.
  4. Fat gentleman. Its fruits are round and fleshy. The pulp is snow-white, tender and incredibly tasty.
  5. Black Moon. This variety has spherical, tuberous fruits. The pulp is tender and mild in taste.

Black Moon

Round varieties

If you are interested in round fruits, then the following varieties are suitable for you.


This variety allows you to grow large fruits of white-lilac color, without bitterness. Suitable for cultivation in open and closed ground. It is better to plant 4-5 plants per 1 m2. Harvesting can be done 120-130 days after germination. From 1 m2 you can get 7 kg of ripe eggplants. They can easily withstand long-distance transportation without losing their appearance or taste.


Eggplants are dark purple in color and round in shape. The hybrid is capable of bearing fruit for a long time and producing tasty vegetables without bitterness. Bourgeois is cultivated in open ground. The bushes are not too tall, medium in size. The variety is suitable for cultivation in central Russia, subject to stable warm weather.


These round eggplants are the most popular in Russia. The variety is suitable for cultivation in open and closed ground. It is high-yielding, since 1 m2 can produce 5 kg of fruit. They weigh about 300 g and are dark purple in color.

Viola di Firenzi

This hybrid produces a high yield in the form of round and large fruits. They have a purple color and characteristic veins. The variety can be grown both in open and closed ground. It resists temperature changes as well as other negative weather conditions.


This variety produces round and small eggplants. The harvest is high - from 1 m 2 to 3 kg of ripe vegetables. In open ground, Globus is grown in the southern regions. The bush is medium-sized and spreading, so this needs to be taken into account. The color of eggplants is unusual, so gardeners often choose it to grow a bright crop. The fruits are purple with white stripes. The pulp is white and there is no bitterness.

Tall eggplant

If you have the ability to grow tall varieties, you may be interested in learning about the varieties below.


This is a mid-season eggplant that produces a harvest already 119-130 days after germination. Its fruits are cylindrical in shape, their length is 15-20 cm, and their weight is 140-400 g. The pulp is green, there is no bitterness in the taste. From 1 m2 you can harvest up to 4 kg of eggplants. The variety is demanding on the type of soil and needs plenty of moisture. Plants must be grown in seedlings at a temperature of 20-25 degrees. Vegetables are distinguished by their high sugar content and exquisite taste.

Donetsk fruitful

This is a mid-season type of eggplant, which is characterized by high productivity and resistance to diseases. The plant is of an open type with short internodes, due to which an abundant number of ovaries is achieved. Its height is 38 cm. The fruits are oval-conical in shape, their weight is 135 g. The surface is smooth, white, glossy. The pulp has a dense consistency, white color, excellent taste and quality. The variety can be cultivated in open ground or in film with obligatory garter to a vertical support.


An early ripening type of eggplant, which is cultivated in open and closed ground. The growing season lasts 110-115 days. The plant is low, spreading type.

  • The height of the bush reaches 70-75 cm.
  • The fruits are shaped like a pear and have a bright purple color.
  • One vegetable weighs 150-200 g.

Its flesh is pale yellow, tender, and there is no bitterness. This variety can be used for long-term storage. From 1 m2 it is possible to collect 8-10 kg of fruit. The Vera variety resists various diseases, and the harvested crop can be used for baking and canning.


This is a mid-season variety, suitable for open and closed ground. The duration of the growing season is 105-150 days. The bush is tall and spreading. The fruits are white with bright purple stripes. One eggplant weighs 150-200 g. The flesh is pale yellow, tender, and there is no bitterness. The harvested crop is suitable for long-term storage. Its fruits are resistant to various types of ailments.

Dutch eggplant varieties

There are many popular varieties bred in Holland.

Destan F1

This hybrid of Dutch selection is early and high-yielding. The bushes have a powerful root system, well-developed stems and leaves. The vegetables are small, but have an excellent taste without bitterness. Destan is a variety of universal purpose, since the collected vegetables can be used for culinary processing or canning.

  • Eggplants weigh 150-220 g, length - 15 cm.
  • The pulp is covered with a dense skin of dark purple color.
  • The surface of the fruit is smooth and glossy.

Clorinda F1

This is a mid-early hybrid that allows you to harvest 65-70 days after germination. The fruits are shaped like a pear and are purple in color. This variety of eggplant is the only one that changes its color depending on the planting location. If you grow vegetables in the shade in open beds, the vegetables will be a little lighter.

The length of the eggplant is 20-25 cm, and its weight is up to 1.2 kg. Clorinda is a medium-yielding variety, so you can get 10 kg of ripe fruit from one bush.

Mileda F1

This early hybrid is suitable for cultivation in open and closed ground. It is distinguished by high yield and excellent taste of fruits. The length of ripened vegetables reaches 15-17 cm, and the weight is 200-250 g. The color of the fruit is dark purple, dense, and the flesh is white, without bitterness. From one bush you can collect up to 8-10 kg.

Anet F1

High-yielding variety of Dutch selection. Its growing season lasts 60-65 days. The shape of the vegetables is elongated, reminiscent of a cylinder. The bush is strong, branched, its height reaches 80-90 cm.

The peculiarity of the variety is its long fruiting period, which, with proper care, can last until September. The variety is considered to be hardy to low temperatures and resistant to insects such as mites. The color of the fruit is dark purple, the flesh is dense and tasty. One vegetable weighs about 400 g.

Early (early ripening) varieties

There are also varieties that can be harvested earlier than usual.


The vegetable crop is characterized by its small growth, since the height of the bush is 50 cm. It bears glossy fruits of a dark purple color, the length of which is 18 cm and the weight is 100-150 g.

Expert opinion

Filatov Ivan Yurievich, private farmer for more than 30 years

Eggplant seeds of the Alekseevsky variety need to be sown at the end of March to grow seedlings. Ready and hardened plants should be sent indoors in early May. If the weather is warm at the beginning of June and there are no strong winds, then the film can be removed from the garden bed. Caring for the plant is simple: regular watering, fertilizing, loosening the soil.

Behemoth F1

It is no coincidence that this variety received this name, since an adult plant reaches a height of 2 m. It can only be cultivated in a high greenhouse, where there is enough space for the bush to grow.

One fruit weighs 350 g and its length is 20 cm. The shape of a ripe vegetable resembles a pear. The inside of the eggplant is white with a hint of green.

Valentina F1

This is a mid-season plant with a drooping stem. Its leaves are bright green and have slits along the edges. The vegetables are black and purple, their length is 25 cm, and their shape resembles an elongated pear. The pulp is tender, beige, and there is no bitterness. The peculiarity of the variety is the ability of flowers to set even in unfavorable weather.


The height of the bush reaches 40-60 cm, the fruits are small: weight - 100 g, and length - 11-14 cm. The peculiarity of the variety is that the color of mature vegetables is without shine. They are yellowish-purple and pear-shaped. The high popularity of Quartet is due to its resistance to drought and various rots.

Maxik F1

The height of the bush reaches 1 m. The growing season lasts 100 days. Eggplants are dark purple in color, and their length reaches 25 cm. The flesh is green, there is no bitterness. The culture tolerates temperature fluctuations well and resists cucumber and tobacco mosaic viruses.

New varieties of eggplant

You will also be interested to know about new products.


To cultivate this hybrid, a film cover is required. The duration of the growing season is 117-118 days. The bush itself is compact, produces an abundance of foliage, and its height reaches 1.8 m.

The leaves are medium in size, broadly oval in shape, green in color, and slightly dissected at the edges. The vegetables are shaped like a cylinder, their length is 13 cm, and their diameter is 5.3 cm. The eggplant pulp is tender, dense in consistency, without bitterness. A mature vegetable weighs 134 g, and from 1 m2 you can harvest up to 8 kg.

Ping pong

This hybrid was obtained for cultivation in greenhouse conditions. Harvesting can be done 116-117 days after germination. The height of the bush reaches 0.8 m, its leaves are medium in size, they are broadly oval, green and dissected along the edge.

The length of a mature eggplant reaches 7 cm, and the diameter is 6.8 cm, their shape is spherical. Its surface is white and shiny. The pulp is dense, not bitter, and its color is white. The weight of the fruit reaches 95 g, and from 1 m2 you can harvest up to 9 kg of vegetables.


This variety is designed for cultivation indoors. Harvesting can be done 100-110 days after germination. Bush of compact size, semi-spreading type. The leaves are medium-sized and green. The vegetables are pear-shaped, their length is 15 cm, and their diameter is 5.3 cm. The color of a ripe eggplant is dark purple, with a slight gloss. The pulp is green, tender and tasty. The weight of a mature eggplant is 345 g, and up to 8.5 kg can be harvested from 1 m2.


This variety is designed for growing in a greenhouse, and can be harvested 100 days after germination. The shape of the vegetables is cylindrical, length - 14 cm, and diameter - 5.4 cm. A ripe vegetable has a dark purple color, its surface is slightly glossy. The mass of eggplant is 325 g, and from 1 m2 you can get up to 8 kg.


The variety is intended for cultivation in closed ground. The harvest can be harvested 120 days after germination. The bush is semi-spreading and of medium height. The vegetables are cylindrical in shape, their length reaches 13 cm, and their diameter is 5.3. The color is purple, with a slight gloss. The pulp is white, tender. The average weight of eggplants is 380 g, and up to 6 kg can be harvested from 1 m2.

White eggplants

You can’t even imagine how beautiful the white eggplant fruits are.

White Lily

The fruits of this variety are white, delicate in taste, reminiscent of champignons and tender chicken meat. Harvest can be done on the 100th day. The bush is tall and strong, branched, it bears fruits with an average weight of 280 g. The variety is not demanding in care and cultivation, suitable for cultivation in open and closed ground.

White Night

This variety allows you to grow teardrop-shaped eggplants. One vegetable weighs 500-600 g. The height of the bush is 80 cm, it can ripen up to 6-9 fruits, the average weight of which is 200-270 g. Ripe vegetables can be harvested on the 105th day. The pulp is tender and does not taste bitter, and the harvested crop is suitable for long-term storage and transportation.

White Swan

This variety has dense pulp, so vegetables can be stored for a long time. White Swan is a mid-season type of eggplant, since harvesting occurs on the 110th day after entry. The height of the bush is 60-80 cm. When ripe, vegetables weigh 100 g, only they have thin skin.

It is better to grow this type of eggplant in closed ground with a constant temperature regime. Up to 12 fruits can be picked on one bush. Vegetable crops can be cultivated in open ground only if reliable protection from frost is created.


This is an early variety that is suitable for growing in open ground. If you regularly water the plants and maintain the temperature at least 20 degrees, then you can harvest the crop 85-100 days after germination. An adult vegetable weighs up to 300 g, and one bush contains up to 5 fruits.


This is an early ripening variety with egg-shaped fruits and their weight is 100 g. Harvesting must be done no later than 3 months from the moment of germination, otherwise the skin darkens and becomes hard.

The bushes grow up to 60 cm, they have strong and strong branches. The plant tolerates minor temperature fluctuations well.

Do you think white eggplants taste better than black ones?


The most productive varieties of eggplant

If you are interested in both the quality of the fruits and their quantity, then the following varieties are suitable for you.


An alkaloid-free, high-yielding variety, which, subject to all agrotechnical rules, allows you to obtain beautiful and tasty fruits. The ripe vegetable has an original color with white stripes and a pear-shaped shape. One eggplant weighs up to 400 g.

The variety tolerates intense heat in summer and produces a harvest in early summer. It is resistant to the most common eggplant diseases: mosaic, rot, wilt.

Striped flight

This is a mid-season type of eggplant, which is also high-yielding. It can be used for growing in open and closed ground. The variety is resistant to weather changes, and gardeners love it for its high fruit set in any conditions.

The pulp is tender, there is no bitterness or voids. The harvested crop tolerates transportation well and can be stored for a long time.

Black handsome late

When growing this type of eggplant, you can get the first harvest 130 days after germination. The bush is low, the branches are spreading. Vegetables are pear-shaped, their color is black and purple. One eggplant weighs up to 900 g.


This is a late-ripening plant that produces a high yield 130-145 days after germination. The fruit is large, pear-shaped, and dark purple in color. One eggplant weighs 700-800 g. The pulp is light and has excellent taste.

The variety resists negative weather conditions and common eggplant diseases. Sophia is suitable for cultivation in open and closed ground.


You can also watch a video where they will tell you about the best and most interesting varieties of eggplant.

The following eggplant varieties are the most popular among gardeners. This is due to their unpretentiousness in terms of cultivation, resistance to disease, high yield and excellent taste. All that remains is to choose the appropriate type of eggplant, based on weather conditions and personal preferences.
