DIY wall painting photos, styles, stencils, techniques. Painting walls with acrylic paints. Artistic wall painting How to paint walls in the interior

There are no barriers for a modern designer to realize his wildest decisions and fantasies. The experience of generations combined with advanced technologies allows you to use skills and techniques to create unique design projects. Wall painting is one of the most original and multifaceted design techniques for creating a truly unique interior. At the same time, today, wall painting means not only the use of classical techniques for creating complex, multi-layered compositions, but also the use of techniques accessible to most Russians, such as screen printing, print drawing and other street art methods. Wall painting can radically change the image of your home without the use of any constructive alterations. Create an accent or highlight the most advantageous area, visually change the parameters of the room or disguise unsuccessful ones architectural features or finishing flaws - wall painting can cope with all these tasks perfectly. We invite you to familiarize yourself with our large selection of design projects for various rooms in which equipment was used wall painting and be inspired for your own achievements.

Features of the design technique

First of all, it is necessary to decide what is currently understood by such a design technique as “wall painting”. Ancient art, taking its origins from Egyptian and Sumerian civilization, has not lost popularity today. But, of course, not only the techniques and materials used to create images on the walls have undergone changes with the course of history - the very principle of decorating a home (and public buildings) has changed radically. Nowadays, artists (designers) do not need to leave messages to descendants in the form of wall paintings; this technique is used exclusively for decorative purposes.

Many homeowners planning renovations or minor alterations in their homes believe that there is no point in spending time and money on creating unique painting on the walls, because there are quite a lot of incredibly realistic photo wallpapers with high-quality printed images on sale. And they are partly right - finding a suitable theme on photo wallpaper in a store will not be difficult. But the interior created with their help will not be unique and will not carry a piece of the artist’s warmth. And if you do the wall painting yourself, then your individual view on aesthetics, on the way of decorating your own home.

These days, an incredibly wide range of themes and stylistic solutions are available for interior wall painting. Using modern materials and the individual eye of an artist (which may be you), you can create unique masterpieces - from traditional murals to graffiti-style inscriptions.

Of course, the following criteria will influence the choice of theme and color palette of the image on the wall:

  • belonging to the room (if in the children's room it would be logical to depict cartoon and fairy-tale heroes, in the living room or bedroom a landscape or abstraction will look impressive, then in the dining room you can depict bright fruits and berries - to increase your appetite);
  • the size of the room and its layout (the number and location of door and horse openings);
  • the location of the room relative to the cardinal directions and, as a result, the level of natural light;
  • style of interior design (it would be strange to depict a classic fresco in a room with a modern design and graphic handprints of family members as a composition in a room with a traditional style);
  • your personal preferences in the style of image execution and choice of colors.

Wall painting in the interior: stylistic solutions

In order to navigate through the variety of themes for wall painting modern home(we omit options for creating images for public buildings), it is necessary to at least superficially familiarize yourself with stylistic solutions.

Classic direction. Classic interior design will never go out of style. It is not for nothing that this direction in the design of spaces is considered traditional - harmony of shapes and lines, color combinations and materials. In wall painting, this is most often reflected in the depiction of an ideal landscape - it is as realistic as it is a reflection of the dream of a “golden age”. By choosing a classic style for wall decoration, you leave behind banality and monotony. This is surprising, but these days classic wall painting looks more relevant than hi-tech, minimalism or loft. What is typical for painting in classic style you can use the most modern materials and techniques.

Baroque and Empire. These are two opposite lines in the development of classicism. If Baroque strives to demonstrate luxury and extensive decoration, then Empire tries to join laconicism, the use simple solutions. Both directions are relevant for use in painting residential spaces. But a lot depends on the general style of interior design, the size of the premises and, so to speak, the general scope.

Art Nouveau or Art Nouveau. This style of painting is easy to recognize - the predominance of “lush”, “living” and literally “breathing” forms. Characteristic feature is the use of a complex floral pattern with a predominance of wavy lines. Color palette mainly consists of natural shades; bright, flashy tones are used extremely rarely.

Japanese style. Currently, the Japanese style when painting walls is manifested not only in the application of traditional oriental landscapes, images of sakura or small courtyards with a characteristic landscape design. The Japanese style in wall painting is also anime, replete with details and characteristic attributes that allow even an ignorant person to unmistakably recognize the style of this hobby that has captivated many people. In our country, plant motifs, depictions of landscapes, and sometimes fragments of oriental nature have become more widespread.

Minimalism and primitivism. The name speaks for itself - a minimal set is used to express the artist’s thoughts color combinations, lines and shapes. It may be just one stripe or figure, executed in a contrasting color, but thanks to the balance, the pattern becomes a symbol of the designer’s imagination.

Wall painting: a decorative component in various rooms

In addition to the obvious decorative component, wall painting can also have quite specific functional purposes. For example, with the help of wall painting you can visually change the architecture of a room - make it wider, “deeper”, “raise” the ceiling or completely “erase” the boundaries of space. Wall painting can also act as a zoning element, delimiting the functional segments of the combined room. Wall images are able to focus attention on a particular area of ​​the room, highlighting the most advantageous elements of the interior, “pulling” attention away from the unsuccessful ones.

Children's room

Currently, the undisputed leader in creating wall paintings is the interior of a children's room. And this is not surprising - it is for the child that we want to create amazing world, in which it will be interesting for him not only to sleep, play and spend time, but also to develop, gain new knowledge and skills. And everyone knows that any knowledge is perceived by children much easier and simpler if it is presented in a playful form. Using wall painting you can create any of the options fairy worlds. Of course, there are photo wallpapers and interior stickers that will cost several times less, but, firstly, it is not always possible to find decorative material, suitable for the topic, interesting for a child, and secondly, hand-painted walls will always come first in exclusivity and artistry.

Living room

Painting the walls in the living room will not only create a highlight of the interior, increase the exclusivity status of the room, but also create a certain accent. At the same time, this design technique relevant for both small rooms, and spacious living rooms, in which several functional segments are connected. But the dimensions of the space, of course, must be taken into account when choosing an image to create an artistic painting.


Most often, a romantic style of design on the walls is chosen for bedrooms. Most of us try to create the most relaxing and soothing atmosphere in the room for sleep and rest. Therefore, delicate shades in the depiction of floral motifs or light landscapes become the central theme in the bedroom interior.

Techniques used to create wall paintings

U modern designers There are practically no restrictions in the choice of techniques for creating wall paintings. Generations of experience, modern materials and available tools are at their service. The image can be applied as perfectly smooth surface, and textured - the weight depends on the goal. Most often, when creating images on walls, modern artists use:

  • oil;
  • acrylic;
  • fluorescent paints.

A very popular tool for creating original wall paintings is the airbrush - on a perfectly flat surface you can create a drawing without traces of brush strokes or sharp transitions between color schemes. Let's look at the most popular techniques used for painting walls in modern homes.


This is a fairly popular technique at the moment. If we translate this expression literally, it means “I write with air.” Air indeed plays an important role in the use of an airbrush tool - an airbrush. By using compressed air the paint is sprayed onto the previously prepared surface. The images are light, literally airy, with barely noticeable color transitions.


The oldest technique, based on painting on wet plaster, is relevant at all times. The characteristic texture of this technique is recognizable in any version. The resulting image is highly wear-resistant - it is not without reason that many examples of ancient frescoes have survived to this day. Currently, the fresco technique is used both to create examples of modern painting and to imitate ancient wall images (for this they resort to artificial aging of the surface, patina).

Painting with fluorescent paints

It’s easy to guess that the technique is based on the use of fluorescent paints that glow in the dark. A unique image can be created using various colors of these special paints. But the technique is most widespread for decorating the ceiling in the form of a starry sky. In addition to the fabulous effect, a feeling of dimensionality of space is created.

With the help of volumetric painting, you can visually erase the boundaries of the room, make the ceiling “higher” and the room “wider”. Of course, on design features The painting does not affect the premises, but visually creates the effect of some curvature of the volumes of space. Designers like to depict staircases that go into the distance and seem to have no end, or open windows, behind which a beautiful landscape opens.

Using stencils

For those who want to express themselves artistically, to literally “leave an imprint” on the walls of their own home, stencil technology is the ideal way. It does not require special skills, because it is based on applying images using ready-made stencils that you can create yourself or purchase in a store.

Painting with acrylic paints

The use of acrylic paints is incredibly popular nowadays and is due to a number of advantages of these materials for applying images to a wide variety of surfaces:

  • quick drying;
  • no odor;
  • high environmental friendliness;
  • ease of application;
  • Possibility of use on surfaces with different textures and textures;
  • UV resistance.

2018-11-30 11:15:06 Wall painting in the interior - your unique home design

May 15, 2018 Sergey Somov

Everyone good day, maybe in the evening or morning. It's not that important. The important thing is that I have a step-by-step recipe for “how to paint walls with your own hands in an interior or apartment.”

There is a common opinion that painting is a kind of miracle that is given only to a select few, that you either have it or you don’t! It’s strange, because my teacher, who taught me everything I can and know, said: “Lock a monkey with me in the studio for a week, and it WILL draw, and draw well!”

Why am I writing all this, and how can this be related to the topic of painting a wall with your own hands in a room? Yes, very simple! What I'm trying to tell you is that even in art you need a system! And if we draw a parallel with sports, then you will not notice the difference, and here and there there must be a system, a competent sequence of actions that will make it easier to achieve the goal and improve its quality.

And so, this was the introduction to the article “do-it-yourself wall painting in the interior,” which is important to comprehend and understand. And we move on to the first stage.

Choosing a picture to paint a wall with your own hands

I decided to show simple example how to paint a wall with your own hands, without any special skills or achievements in the field of fine art. To do this, I’ll take a picture with small color gradations, a picture that is built on large local spots, blah blah blah…. Yes, this one:

I strongly advise you not to rush to throw yourself on the wall to paint it with a masterpiece that the world has never seen! Take something simpler, smaller. But you will do the most important thing on the way to the skill of painting a wall with your own hands, namely, you will understand the principle and approach to this work. Trust me! After all, you have already read to the next point)!

Preparatory drawing for painting a wall with your own hands in an apartment

Now we'll start getting tricky. In short, we will print this picture and transfer the drawing to the wall. But this is very brief, and here it is necessary to understand in more detail.

At this point, we will put aside all thoughts about the preparatory drawing for painting the wall with our own hands in the apartment and talk about an equally important point in our undertaking.

Preparing the wall surface for painting with your own hands

I would like to immediately note the fact that in this article about painting a wall in the interior, everything I write about is of paramount importance! Otherwise, you risk encountering a violation of the technology, and this in turn will lead to a slowdown in the work process, and subsequently to mechanical destruction of the paint layer of the painting.

So let's approach it with full responsibility and finish correctly what we have already started.

One of the many questions we constantly hear from customers is how to prepare a wall for painting? The answer is simple: “We level the wall as if it were for painting,” that’s all. And just at this stage of my renovation, and my walls are leveled for painting, I will begin painting with my own hands in a pre-planned place. But, perhaps, your wall has already been leveled and painted a long time ago - this is even better, because you don’t have to read my moral teachings about primer, etc.

Important point! Preparing a wall for painting means:

  1. Give the wall the right geometric shapes by applying plaster and putty
  2. Apply several coats of primer deep penetration

You can check the last, important point by running your palm along the wall:

Please note that dust and whitewash remain on the palm, and this should not happen under any circumstances!

If we consider this point from a logical point of view, then when we apply paint to the wall, dust will remain between the paint and the wall, which will not provide proper adhesion of one to the other, the consequences will be disastrous for our wall painting in the interior.

It is precisely the deep penetration soil that will help us avoid this. Plus, it evens out the absorbency of the wall, which is also important!

Choosing soil

Knauf Tiefengrunt has been and remains the best and highest quality for all types of finishing work. But it is expensive, and perhaps it is not entirely appropriate for our training. Therefore, I can offer you an analogue that is a fairly high-quality replacement - Dufa Tiefengrunt. Well, if you don’t find any, we will need deep penetration soil from any company. Next is a matter of technique, we simply prime our wall where we will paint it ourselves. And there are thujas too important point, which is worth considering! After priming, don't rush to jump on the wall and paint on it! Let the soil dry thoroughly for at least an hour.

Well, if you don’t find any, we will need deep penetration soil from any company. Next is a matter of technique, we simply prime our wall where we will paint it ourselves.

And thuja also has an important point that is worth considering! After priming, don't rush to jump on the wall and paint on it! Let the soil dry thoroughly for at least an hour.

Transferring the drawing to be painted on the wall

And so, the next step is to transfer our drawing to the already prepared wall for painting. My approach to work is simple: “In war, all means are fair”! The main thing is the result, and if it is good, no one will care that we cheated a little!

Namely, we will not pick up a pencil, and like real artists draw on the wall, we will simply transfer the existing printout to the wall using the technology that I will describe below:

We will need:

  • Our listing
  • Molar tape
  • Sanguine or any other soft material (coal, sepia sanguine, etc.), which is sold in an art store.
  • And a sharp pencil.

You and I turn the printed picture over and place it on a flat surface. Then we take a piece soft material for drawing (sanguine, charcoal, sepia) and rub reverse side drawing how I do it in the picture below:

As a result, you should get the following:

I applied sepia to the back of the wall painting print only where I had the design.

Next, we place our print directly on the wall, look where it will look best, and secure it with masking tape on several sides.

Thus, a layer of soft material remained between the wall and the sheet.

We take a sharpened pencil in our hands and outline each line of our drawing directly on the wall, lightly pressing on the pencil. Try not to let the drawing move, secure it with masking tape properly!

When you and I have drawn everything (make sure of this for sure), we remove our sheet, because we won’t need it anymore, and take a look!

The most accurate, perfect drawing was translated without any problems.

So, the preparatory drawing for painting a wall with your own hands in the interior is ready. Let's understand further?

DIY paints for wall painting

I have already written several articles about DIY wall paints. I wrote about better and less expensive ones. In this wall painting I will use paints from this article. I hope you will not be too lazy to look at this article, since I was not too lazy to write this one)

System of colors in painting

In our case, when painting a wall with our own hands in an apartment, we will use a color system. What does this mean and why is it needed?

I'll start from afar. Acrylic paint, on water based, when dried, it darkens significantly and changes color. To be honest, I don’t know exactly what this is connected with, but we have to reckon with it and take it into account! And now, when you paint on the wall with paints, and mix colors on the palette, then, in order to correct something, finish painting, you need to mix the same color, you mix it again on the palette, put a few strokes on the wall, on old layer of paint, everything seems to be fine, but after 15 minutes when the last strokes of paint dry, you will see that the color is completely different! You missed the shade! What to do in this situation? How to do this wall painting with your own hands professionally? This is why there is a color system. It consists in the fact that we mix the colors we need in separate containers in advance, as many colors as needed, and then we use only them. And later, if we need to finish painting or correct something, we still have the same paint and the same color! I use food jars from the grocery store when painting my walls; they are very convenient because they come with a lid that you can always close, and the paint will not dry for many weeks!

And here, we smoothly approach practice, even if this is still the technical part of it.

First of all, I will use light shades and colors, therefore, I will first pour white into the container, and then add paint that has a color. I'll add a little more.

I’ll mix it thoroughly and paint it a little on the wall, because only on the wall can we tell if it’s the color we need.

As I wrote earlier, the paint changes color and becomes darker when it dries. Therefore, I suggest you wait until it sets, about 5-10 minutes, and then decide whether this color is right for us.

I will not be harmful, since this is an educational painting, and I am doing it solely for informational purposes. I'll just continue painting the wall.

A small digression. We will have to paint each layer several times, since the paint will not apply evenly the first time. Yes, this is not very convenient, but if you want high-quality painting on your wall, you will have to work here. And be sure to wait until the layer dries before applying a new one on top! Well, I'll continue.

I would like to hope that you understand the principle, and then I will give several photographs of the sequence of painting a wall with your own hands according to the above diagram:

Mix the color (the color we need).

Let's try it on the wall.

If everything is satisfactory, we paint the area we need.

If a straight joint line is required, apply masking tape as shown in the photo.

We continue painting according to the previously described principle.

Important conclusion!

As you can see, in fact, there is nothing complicated about this. And absolutely anyone who has knowledge of consistency in wall painting will be able to feel like a real artist and decorate their interior with an original solution.

If you still have any questions, because I understand that it is impossible to describe everything in the smallest detail, ask them in the comments under this article.

After all, there is one more very important question left unanswered: “What varnish should I use to paint the wall?” . I will answer it by email to everyone who leaves it in the comments! I promise!

Wall painting was very popular in the past: it decorated the walls of palaces and estates. Nowadays it can be seen less often, but modern technologies have allowed it to fit harmoniously into stylish interiors. We invite you to consider different kinds wall paintings, and also evaluate the most successful examples- we took some from our reports.

So, according to Image application techniques are divided into two types: traditional and modern. We will consider the latter - they are more relevant and occur much more often.

Acrylic painting

painting acrylic paints- This is the most popular type of painting on walls in the interior. For such a painting, it is very important to prepare the “canvas” well: the wall must be perfectly flat. They paint with acrylic on top of the top layer of plaster, after first applying a layer of acrylic primer so that the drawing sticks better.

Price acrylic painting quite high and depends on the complexity of the drawing and elaboration small parts. The price of simple drawings varies from 3,000 to 6,000 rubles/m2, medium in complexity (for example, detailed landscapes) - from 6,000 to 15,000 rubles/m2, and truly complex ones (portraits, copies of famous paintings) - from 15,000 rub./m2.

The artist must provide customers with a sketch from which he will create a panel on the wall, so that there are no surprises later.

Here interesting example work done by the guys from Studio 7, which paints walls.

During our reporting, we saw beautiful acrylic painting several times. For example, designer Masha Kolesnikova herself painted the bedroom wall for the birth of her daughter Zlata. The baby is already two years old, and she recently asked her mother where this fabulous tree came from in her room, and when she heard the answer, she exclaimed: “Mom, what a great fellow you are!” Masha recalls this incident with a smile.

We saw the most complex and at the same time the most interesting wall drawing in. Its n The first floor is dedicated to the fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland”.The pride of the owner is a painted library with a secret entrance to the Looking Glass. There are several references to the fairy tale on the panel: the book of the same name, a jar with the magic potion “Drink Me,” the Cheshire Cat and the queen’s chess piece.

I love my family and friends very much, and I wanted them to contribute something to our home. We gave them a task: to think about what kind of book they would like to write in their lives. And when the wall library was made, we “put” all these “works” in a closet: the artists painted a lot of books, and each family could choose the series, color and thickness of their volumes, and then write on them.

And a few successful examples.


Many people are familiar with airbrushing thanks to the painted cars found on the roads. But airbrushing is not necessarily associated with cars; it can also decorate interior walls. Airbrush drawings are made using a special tool - an airbrush. The lines are smooth, and thanks to the transparency of the layers, you can adjust the color. The price of simple compositions starts from 1000 rubles/m2, and complex ones, including even photorealism, start from 7000 rubles/m2. By the way, a popular trend is painting refrigerators using airbrushing.

Painting with invisible paints

Perhaps the most fantastic option from our selection. The painting is applied to the wall invisible fluorescent paint that only appears when turned on ultraviolet light(UV lamps). Sometimes such a pattern is applied to an existing acrylic, adding fabulousness to it, and sometimes designers choose a simple plain wall, which natural light doesn't even hint at the secret he's hiding. This is very convenient, since the drawing does not get boring.

In the photographs - the designer's projectSvetlana Krasnova.

Painting with luminous colors

Luminous paints containing a phosphor differ from invisible ones in that they are most often applied over an acrylic design so that it does not get lost in the dark. They store light during the day and then release it for another six to eight hours after dark.Such paints are rarely used in apartment interiors, since few people want the walls to glow at night, but they are very popular in the interiors of bars, bowling alleys and cafes.

This option is perfect for a children's room. Big photo see the project with Avatar.

Interesting option- paint not walls with this paint, but individual decorative items, such as vases or mirror frames - at least the accessories can be easily removed if their glow disturbs.


Street graffiti art, although rare, still finds its way into interiors. Most often, such wall painting is chosen by young, creative people who have a love for this species drawings.

Graffiti drawing spray paint in spray cans or special markers. The advantage of this paint is that it dries instantly, applies to almost any surface (from wood to brick), and such a design costs much less than acrylic painting (from about 1000 rubles/m2).

3D painting

3D technology has firmly entered our lives. It's hard to find someone who's never seen a movie worth putting on 3D glasses for. So this fashion has reached wall drawings. Such drawings are usually made with acrylic paints and differ from ordinary acrylic paintings only in the approach to painting the paintings themselves. The cost of work depends on the complexity, prices vary from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles/m2. 3D drawings on the walls can visually enlarge the room; for this you need to choose a plot with perspective.

In the photo: three-dimensional abstractions by artist Denis Kovalenko.

Photos:,,,, Vanyantseva Elena

One of the popular ways to decorate a house or apartment is to paint walls in the interior: photos of exquisite paintings that transform standard rooms in stylish corners, can be found in fashion magazines and on the Internet.

Decorating your home with such images is becoming fashionable, but often in the desperate desire to make their home more attractive, ordinary people forget about style and appropriateness. It is wall painting that is considered the very technique that can both spoil and decorate the interior.

Wall painting: exquisite decor for all rooms

Interior painting, according to the designer, is appropriate in almost any room and in any style. The versatility of this decorative technique, as well as its originality, make such images popular in modern design. Artistic painting can change the mood of the room and make it more aristocratic and sophisticated. A high-quality drawing on the wall will remain unshakable throughout for long years, since the techniques used make it possible to create extremely durable coatings.

ADVICE! You should select an image for painting a wall based on the style of the room: pastoral paintings for Provence, pop art for Art Nouveau or abstractionism in a minimalist interior.

Artistic painting of walls in the interior of the apartment - great way creation unique design. Selection of subjects color scheme and the finishing features of the painting will help to add its own unique feature to each room. This decoration technique is appropriate in all rooms of the house:

  • To decorate the living room, a neutral theme will suit all family members. At the same time, it is important to select subjects and motives that create a positive mood: for example, seascape or garden view. In addition, plots that can visually expand the space are often used for the living room.

  • Wall painting in the bedroom is used as often as photo wallpaper. Peaceful sea and mountain landscapes, images of flowers or the starry sky, as well as all kinds of romantic paintings are considered traditional. You should not overuse the abundance of details in the painting in the bedroom - this can have an irritating effect on the inhabitants of the room.

  • Wall painting in a children's room is no less popular. Instead of standard photo wallpapers with long-familiar cartoon characters, individually designed scenes are used for the children's room, taking into account the child's hobbies and preferences. The standard color scheme for a children's bedroom is delicate pastel colors, calm and expressive. Flashy and bright colors are only appropriate in the interior of a teenager’s room.

  • For kitchen decoration, painting is used a little less frequently due to, as a rule, small sizes this room, which does not allow for the most competent use of the wall plane. Most often, the wall in the dining area is painted with an image of a city or summer landscape.

All options for wall painting ideas should be selected only with experienced designer, since a seemingly attractive picture in a large format on the wall may not look very good. In addition, a specific plot should be selected according to the style of the room, its layout and the furniture that is planned to be placed in the room. Since such a wall inevitably becomes the semantic center of the interior, it should not dominate or suppress.

Types and techniques of wall painting

Wall painting work is carried out by specialists in wet or dried plaster. These techniques differ as radically as watercolor and oil painting.

Experts highlight the following technologies for indoor wall painting:

  • Fresco is the application of an image on wet plaster, involving the use of water-soluble paints. This method of working with wall paintings is considered quite complex and requires the maximum professionalism of the master, which is associated with the instant drying of the paints and the difficulty of making adjustments to the picture.

  • Alsecco is a slightly different technique of wall painting, which involves applying an image to a layer of dry plaster. This method is considered not so durable and reliable, but working with a dry surface is more suitable for an artist who lacks self-confidence.

  • Modern airbrush is suitable for creating three-dimensional and lively images. It is this type of painting that is considered the most realistic, since the features of the tools with which the master works allow the smallest images and details to be applied to the wall.

F ACT! Graffiti, as a street type of airbrushing, can also be used as home painting: abstractions and rough techniques are ideal for decorating modern interiors.

  • The classic version of painting is to apply an image with acrylic paints to a previously prepared, flat surface. Quick-drying and safe for humans, the paint is ideal for indoor work without causing any problems. In addition, this option can be easily combined with others: for example, complement an acrylic drawing with special phosphor paint that will glow in the dark.

Graffiti "Lucas"

Features of applying the image and caring for painting on the wall

A specialist who professionally paints walls usually works according to the following scheme: creating a project, preparing the wall, drawing a sketch and painting with paints, fixing the image. Strict adherence to the given scheme allows you to achieve maximum results, since there are no unimportant details in this work.

  • The sketch is selected to suit the size and style of the room. A specialist’s opinion will help to avoid problems with the inappropriateness of the plot in the interior.
  • A smooth plastered and sanded surface is covered with a special primer, which not only secures the wall, but also makes the movement of the brush softer.
  • The sketch is prerequisite for working on large areas, since the slightest distortion of the lines threatens to spoil the entire impression of the picture.
  • Paints are applied based on the chosen technique. Preference is given to the maximum safe materials without strong smell, dries quickly and retains its brightness for a long time.
  • To fix the image, a matte or glossy varnish is usually used, which allows you to wipe the wall with a damp cloth to remove dust.

You should take care of wall paintings carefully and carefully: to clean the surface, use the most gentle compounds, soft rags and brushes. The varnish layer practically does not wear off, which allows you to maintain the brightness and clarity of the image for many years.
