Relay for switching to backup power source. Automatic input of reserve backup power supply unit. Special backup power devices

When assembling an automatic transfer circuit, you can choose three options. Two simpler ones and one more difficult one.

Let's consider each of the scheme options in more detail.

Simple ATS circuit for 2 inputs

The simplest ATS circuit for two single-phase inputs is assembled on just one magnetic starter. To do this you will need a contactor with two pairs of contacts:

  • normally open
  • normally closed

If your contactor does not have these, you can use a special attachment.

Just keep in mind that the contacts of most of them are not designed for high currents. And if you decide to connect the load of the entire house through the ATS, then you certainly shouldn’t do this using the block contacts located on the sides of standard starters.

For these purposes, it is better to choose equipment that initially has power closed and open contacts in its design. Suitable brands are VS 463-33 or ESB-63-22, MK-103 from DeKraft, KM IEK.

Here is the simplest AVR diagram:

Description and principle of operation

The magnetic starter coil is connected to one of the inputs. In normal mode, voltage is supplied to the coil, it closes contact KM1-1, and contact KM1-2 opens.

SF1 and SF2 in the circuit are single-pole circuit breakers.

The voltage is supplied to the consumer through the contactor. Additionally, signal lamps can be connected to the circuit. They will visually show which of the inputs is currently connected. Slightly modified diagram with light bulbs:

If the voltage at the first input disappears, the contactor is removed. Its contacts KM1-1 open, and KM2-1 close. Voltage begins to flow to the consumer from input No. 2.

If you just need to check the functionality of the circuit in normal mode, then turn off the SF1 machine and watch how the assembly reacts. Is everything working properly?

The most important thing here is to initially check what current these normally closed and open contacts are designed for.

Please note that this simple circuit can be assembled in two ways:

  • without zero break
  • with a break in the neutral wire

Reserve input circuit with zero break

Without a break, it can be used if you have two independent power lines or cable inputs, from which you actually connect the entire house. But when the backup line is some kind of autonomous energy source - a UPS or a generator, then you will have to break both the phase and the neutral.

Naturally, all contactors are connected after the kWh meter. QF are modular circuit breakers in a home panel.

If you have a second power source that does not supply voltage automatically, for example, a gasoline generator without starting equipment. Which must first be manually started, warmed up and only then switched, then the circuit can be slightly changed by adding one single button.

Due to this, automatic switching will not occur. You choose the right moment for this by pressing it when needed. This button SB1 is mounted parallel to the contactor coil.

When the voltage at the main input does not disappear for a long time, but periodically disappears and appears (the reasons may be different), in this case it is not advisable to constantly switch the contactors back and forth. Here it is advisable to use a special attachment to a PVI-12 type contactor with a time delay.

ATS circuit for two 380V inputs

The three-phase circuit is almost similar to the single-phase one.

Just be especially careful about the correct phasing of the ABC. It must match input-1 with input-2. Otherwise, 3-phase motors will spin in the opposite direction after switching.

ATS circuit for 2 starters

The second scheme is a little more complicated. It already uses two magnetic starters.

Let's say you have two three-phase inputs and one consumer. The circuit uses magnetic starters with 4 contacts:

  • 3 normally open
  • 1 normally closed KM1

The starter coil KM1 is connected through phase L3 from the first input and through the normally closed contact KM2. So when you apply power to input #1, the coil of the first starter is closed and the entire load is connected to voltage source #1.

The second contactor is turned off, since the normally closed connector KM1 will be open at this moment, and power will not be supplied to the coil of the second starter. When the voltage disappears at the first input, contactor-1 disappears and contactor-2 turns on. The consumer remains with the light.

The main advantage of these schemes is their simplicity. The downside is that such assemblies can be called automation schemes with a very big stretch.

As soon as the voltage disappears in the phase that powers the switching coil, you can easily get a counter short circuit.

You can, of course, improve the entire system by choosing a contactor coil not for 220V, but for 380V. In this case, control will be carried out in two phases.

But you still won’t protect yourself 100%. And if you take into account the moment of possible sticking of contacts, then even more so.

In addition, you will not be protected in any way from too low voltage. Starter No. 1 can turn off only if U at the input is below 110V. In all other cases, your equipment will continue to receive low-quality electricity, although it would seem that there is a second serviceable input nearby.

To increase reliability, you will have to complicate the circuit and include additional elements in it:

  • voltage relay
  • phase control relay, etc.

Therefore, recently, to assemble ATS circuits, special relays or controllers - the “brains” of the entire device - have increasingly begun to be used. They can be from different manufacturers and perform the function of not only turning on backup power from one source.

Suddenly you are faced with a more difficult task. For example, it is necessary for the circuit to control two inputs at once and, in addition, a generator. Moreover, the generator should start automatically.

The working algorithm here is as follows:

1.If input No. 1 is faulty, automatic switching to input No. 2 occurs.
2. If there is no voltage at both inputs, the generator starts and the entire load is switched to it.

ATS circuit for 3 inputs with a generator

How and on what basis can such a reserve input be implemented? Here you can use the AVR circuit based on AVR-02 from the FiF Euroavtomatika company.

In principle, it makes sense to spend money once and protect yourself and your equipment once and for all.

AVR-02 reserve input unit

This device is multifunctional and can be used to build 8 different ATS circuits. Three of them are most often used:

  • input#1+input#2
  • input#1+generator
  • input#1+input#2+generator

Let's first consider the most complex one, which has two inputs and a generator. The second input can be either from a separate 0.4 kV overhead line or directly from a cable line from the nearest transformer substation, or assembled on a battery-powered UPS with hybrid inverters.

In this case, in the version with an uninterruptible power supply, it is necessary to provide for a situation when the batteries are discharged to the permissible maximum, and then a switch to the generator occurs. This is very convenient so as not to run the diesel generator during short-term interruptions in the power supply.

What functionality does the AVR-02 have?

  • it controls power elements - contactors or starters. Motor drives can also be used.
  • controls phase rotation
  • controls input synchronization
  • generates a generator start signal
  • Can be powered by external 12V battery
  • measures the voltage level and turns off the faulty line with low or high voltage, automatically transferring power to the one where everything is normal
  • generates an emergency signal

On the front panel of the AVR-02 there are:

  • two-line liquid crystal display
  • navigation buttons
  • LED indicators No. 1 and No. 2 – show the connected input
  • K1, K2, K3, K4 – state of the executive relays

Operating principle of AVR 02

How does the circuit assembled on the AVR-02 base work? Here are its main elements:

  • KM1.1, KM2.1, KM3.1 are the power contacts of the starters
  • KV1 – three-phase network monitoring relay
  • contacts No. 18,19,20 – are intended for monitoring emergency circuits in motor drives

If a malfunction occurs in the motor drive, voltage is supplied to them and the relay operation is blocked.

  • S1 is something like a button with which you can send a signal and forcefully block the operation of the AVR-02

Suddenly you need to carry out some commissioning work. Here you can use the modular option from IEK KMU11.

  • SB1 – Reset button

Needed for reset after receiving a signal at contacts No. 18,19,20. Press it and the relay's operation is restored.

  • KM4 – intermediate relay

Thanks to its contacts, voltage can be supplied to the coils both from two inputs and from the generator. You can use the RK-1R type.

Let's consider three work algorithms and three situations for this ATS.

Input No. 1 and Input No. 2 are OK

The first input is the main one, the second one is the backup one. The device, through contacts A1, B1, C1, through the circuit breaker QF2, monitors the voltage at input-1.
The same thing happens at input-2, through contacts A2, B2, C2.

Since all these contacts are normal, the AVR-02 should apply voltage to the KM coil. How does this happen?

Contacts 1 and 11 generate a control signal via relay K5. This relay K5, if the voltage level is normal on both inputs, should turn on input No. 1.
That is, it is in the same position as in the original diagram. The voltage through it reaches pin 10 and goes to the KM4 coil. This is an intermediate relay. Its contacts are designated KM4.1 and KM4.2

The relay is triggered, closing its contacts and the voltage through them reaches the 22nd contact. Next, the AVR turns on relay K1. Through it and contact No. 24, the phase reaches the switching coil KM1. At the same time, other relays K2, K3, K4 remain open.

Algorithm No. 2 - input No. 1 is faulty

The voltage at input No. 1 has disappeared. AVR-02 sees that there is no voltage on A1, B1, C1, but there is voltage on A2, B2, C2. Therefore, K5 switches to position No. 11.

Only in this case, it is not K1 that is shorted, but K2. And accordingly the coils of the KM2 contactor.

In this case, the device ensures that there is no voltage at No. 13,14,15. So that the opposite power supply does not turn on (if the contacts stick and the power supply is restored).

If there is voltage on at least one of the connectors 13-14-15, then the KM2 coil will never work. This is protection against counter voltage.

ATS with generator autostart

How will the generator start if the power from both inputs disappears? Contact No. 12 is used to connect an external +12V power supply to the ATS.

When you lose voltage on two inputs, all contacts K1, K2, K3 are in an open state. In this case, the internal contact of relay K4 automatically closes. Due to this, a start signal for the generator is generated.

Most generators with ATS capability control the damper with their own automation. To do this, they only need a start signal. You just serve it.

If you don’t have this, then you can make such a system yourself.

After the pulse is given, the diesel generator set starts and warms up. When it warms up, the voltage on relay KV1 reaches normal. KV1 is something like a three-phase motor protection relay.

It is necessary to control the voltage of a 3-phase network (correct phase rotation and their nominal value). For example, this would be suitable - CKF-317.

After operation, relay KV1 closes its contact KV1.1 and the voltage reaches connector No. 16. U also goes to pin No. 9 (it controls the internal circuits of the AVR) and No. 22.

AVR sees this and sends a signal to close relay K3 and coil KM3. After which the power contacts of the KM3.1 generator starter are turned on. The entire load is powered from the generator.

Input No. 1 + generator (reserve)

And finally, let’s look at the most commonly used ATS circuit for a private house – input No. 1 + generator.

Not everyone has two independent inputs, plus a diesel generator set. But the presence of a separate generator among the owners of mansions is not such a rarity.

The main power supply is provided from the first input. The principle of operation here is the same as discussed above.

When the voltage parameters at the output change beyond its nominal values ​​(sharply dropped or increased, disappeared), the source of operational voltage changes. Contact KM3.1 opens, and contact KM3.2 closes.

Contacts 22 and 24 also open. The QF2 starter turns off. After three seconds, AVR 02 gives a signal to start the generator. After it warms up, contacts 22-26 close. Voltage is supplied to the KM2 coil and the QF8 starter is turned on.

If at the first input U reappeared or returned to normal, then contacts 1-10 close again and KM3 turns on. After a specified time, the contacts on connectors No. 22-No. 26 are turned off, and after them KM2 + QF8 is turned off.

Again, after a set time, a short circuit occurs No. 22-No. 24, after which KM1 and QF2 turn on. Power is restored from the main input. In this case, contacts 29-30 will be closed until the generator cools down.

It is better to set the cooling time of the diesel generator set at around 3-5 minutes.

Quite often there is a need to provide backup power to your device; this article discusses 4 ways to provide this.


The easiest way to switch to backup power is 2 diodes

Only one of the diodes will be open, from the power source whose voltage is greater. The advantages of the scheme are simplicity and low cost. The disadvantages of the circuit are obvious: the dependence of the load voltage on the current, the type of diode (Schottky or regular), and temperature. The voltage will always be lower than that of the source by the amount of voltage drop across the diode.

A little more complicated

This circuit is a little more complicated, it works as follows: when the VCC voltage is present, and it is greater than the voltage of the backup source (in this case it is the BT2 battery), then the mosfet is closed, because the voltage at the Gate is higher than at the Source. , the voltage pass to the load and Source is ensured by the opened diode D3. When VCC disappears, the voltage at the Gate will disappear along with it, but the diode inside the mosfet will open, providing voltage at the Source, and since there is now voltage at the Source, but not at the Gate, the transistor will open completely, ensuring switching of the battery without loss of voltage. This method is excellent for switching power for the GSM module, we select the external voltage 4.5V, then 4.2-4.3V will come to the module through diode D3 and the voltage from the battery will flow without loss.

Expensive but no loss

Without voltage loss, you can switch sources using special microcircuits, in particular LTC4412 download datasheet However, this microcircuit can be scarce and expensive.

Optimal lossless

Well, we’ve come to the optimal method, without any losses. First, let's look at the block diagram of the LTC4412

It is immediately clear that there is nothing complicated in it, so why not repeat it on discrete elements? The PowerSorceSelector block is a matrix of two diodes that provides power to the rest of the circuit, A1 is a comparator, AnalogController is not clear what, but we can assume that it does not do anything particularly important; later it will become clear why.

Let's try to depict this.

DA3 is a comparator. It compares the voltages at two sources. Powered by diode D4 or D5. When the voltage at VCC is greater than the battery, the output of the comparator goes high, this closes VT2, and opens VT3 because it is connected to the output through the inverter. Thus, VCC passes to the load without loss. In the case when VCC is less than the battery, the low level at the output of the comparator will close VT3 and open VT2.

I must say a few words about the choice of parts. DA3, DD1 must have a consumption that is acceptable in a given system; the choice is very wide, from a few milliamps to hundreds of nanoamps (for example, MCP6541UT-E/OT and 74LVC1G02). Diodes are necessarily Schottky, if the drop on the diode is higher than the opening threshold of the transistor (and for the IRLML6402TR it can be -0.4V), then it will not be able to close completely.

Nothing can be worse than a power outage in winter. Any country resident sooner or later faces a situation when the light bulbs go out, the well pump stops pumping water, and the radiators of the heating system cool down before their eyes. Time to use your backup power!

But there is another solution to the problem of power outages: a home backup power system, or PSA for short.

To correctly select such a power system, it is necessary to understand how it differs from an autonomous power system (APS).

Andrey-AA, New Moscow.

PSA is used when connected to the main power grid. When the main power is turned off, the backup power supply “picks up” the main consumers of electricity: well pump, boiler, refrigerator, computer, TV and other electrical equipment.SAP is the main power supply system for the home, used in the complete absence of the main electrical network.

Let's move on to choosing a backup power system. According to Andrey-AA, there are 4 main types of home power backup.

  • If the network is turned off for a short time, but for a total of more than 10 hours a month, then the optimal system would be an inverter, a charger and a battery pack charged from the network.

An inverter is a converter of direct current from batteries into alternating single-phase voltage 220V, from which equipment in the house operates.

  • If the network is turned off for less than 10 hours a month, then a system of an electric generator with an internal combustion engine (ICE) equipped with an automatic start system is more profitable.
  • If the network is turned off often and for a long time, or when the voltage in the network is too low, then a system consisting of a generator, battery bank, charger and inverter is optimal.

Autonomous power supply systems are built using a similar principle, but they are subject to higher power requirements.

  • If the required power can be limited to 1-1.5 kW, then a car with an inverter connected to it can be used as a backup power system.

Let's take a closer look at the third option. User with nickname galexy456 offers a step-by-step plan for creating a budget-friendly home power backup system.

1 Two cables from the utility room are inserted into the electrical panel. The first cable is needed to supply electricity to the inverter. The second is to transfer electricity from the inverter to the house.


I have a small panel mounted on my street, which implements an automatic transfer switch circuit, or AVR for short.

ATS is an automatic switch of one load to two supply lines - the main and backup.

2 We put the inverter, batteries in the utility room and switch all the devices.

Inverters come in two main types - with sine output (the best option) and with the so-called “modified sine”. If the inverter produces a “modified sine”, then some devices when connected to it may fail due to the high level of frequency harmonics in the power supply - 150Hz, 250Hz, 350Hz, etc.

In the event of a power outage, this system works as follows. The ATS independently and quickly - so that the devices do not have time to turn off - switches the power supply from the main one to the backup one.

Now all connected energy consumers continue to operate from batteries and the inverter. If there is no power supply for more than 5-6 hours, then, without waiting for the batteries to be completely discharged (this greatly reduces their service life), to continue uninterrupted power supply, you must manually start the generator.

There are backup power systems with automatic start of the generator, installed in a heated utility room and equipped with forced exhaust gases. The main disadvantage of such PSA is their high price.


After starting the generator, the inverter transfers the load to power the devices from it and at the same time begins to charge the batteries. Thus, the operating time of the system is extended and the engine life of the generator is saved, because it does not work continuously.

It must be remembered that the generator should be started after the battery capacity has been used up by approximately 30-60%.

Any, even the most advanced and expensive backup power system, first of all, teaches you to save energy resources in the house, because The operating time of the home's backup power supply system directly depends on this.

Forum members advise:

  • replace all light bulbs in the house with energy-saving ones;
  • lay a second, backup power line, to which, in the event of a power outage, you can connect the most necessary equipment in the house;
  • properly insulate the house to reduce heating costs;
  • When the backup power system is operating, do not use powerful electrical appliances: iron, electric kettle, vacuum cleaner.


Turning on a hairdryer, kettle or iron for 3-7 minutes will not significantly discharge the batteries, but it is better to avoid ironing or working with powerful power tools.

To build a PSA, the load in the house can be divided into three parts:

  1. Heating.
  2. Water heating devices.
  3. Devices requiring mandatory backup power, namely:
  • lighting;
  • heating circulation pumps;
  • well pump and pumping station;
  • computer;
  • refrigerator, TV, Internet.

You can also use a car as a backup power system. To do this you need:

  1. Purchase an inverter with a sinusoidal output for 12-220 V with a power of up to 2 kW with overcurrent or power overload protection.
  2. Users of the FORUMHOUSE website can learn how to make their own power supply system. All information on the calculation is collected in this diary. Automatic “from A to Z” is described in this topic.

    And this video talks about how an inverter and battery bank can increase the electrical power in your home.

Hello all readers. Today we have another piece of hardware in our review. Yes, yes, this is not a voltage stabilizer. I'm probably already tired of stabilizers. But this device still relates to nutrition, and is quite important. And we will dissect the PRP-1 backup power switch. It is produced by ATS-CONVERS LLC, Pskov. I had a review of the RBS 3K-220V module from the same company, but it didn’t suit me at all. You can also read about him on my blog. The wrong choice occurred due to the fact that there was no documentation on the manufacturer’s website. I'll digress a little. Previously, this company had such a not very website, and it did not have any documentation or all the necessary information. But now ATS-CONVERS LLC has a new website where you can find everything you need about their products. Well done for updating. Below is a screenshot of a page from the website where information about the module is located.

In the life of any server room and in the practice of any system administrator, a crutch appears called “one power supply in the device.” I have been bothering with searching for such modules for a long time, and I found it. I repeat, this is a different module, but its essence is the same for me. It often happens that two good, powerful UPSs are installed in a server room (of course, everything depends on the organization’s budget), and devices are connected to these UPSs. Most modern servers and switches have two power supplies installed. We just connect one power supply from the device to different UPSs. This will ensure the fault tolerance of the system and will always allow the same UPS to be serviced when it is hot, without disrupting the functionality of the system. Agree, it’s convenient. But what to do if there is only one power supply in the receiving device???!!! This wonderful PRP-1 module will help us with this. Many may argue why not use all sorts of phase switches or similar devices. The answer seems simple. These devices are used to switch the load at the input, and we switch the load at the output, and this must be done quickly so that there is no long-term interruption of the network. This does not mean that the network can be disrupted for a second, we are talking about milliseconds of disruption. Enough demagoguery, let's get to the point. Let's start, as usual, with the characteristics. I also noticed something on the manufacturer’s website that the design is similar to the one in my articles. The parameter is written in plain text, but the value is in bold. It's actually convenient. Do not forget that the characteristics of the device can be changed by the manufacturer at any time. Therefore, just in case, look at the specifications on the manufacturer’s official website

Input parameters:
Number of inputs, pcs: 3
Rated input voltage, V: 220 (230 )
Rated input voltage frequency, Hz: 50
AC input voltage form: free
Input voltage phase difference: free
Limit voltage range, V: 175 – 390
Adjustment range of output switching settings when increasing / decreasing input voltage, V: 176 – 269
Adjustment range of output switching settings when increasing / decreasing the frequency of the input voltage, Hz: 43 – 59
Power consumption at input voltage, VA: no more than 10

Output parameters:
Voltage range (within the range of switching settings), V: 176 – 269
Rated output current, A: 16
Rated output power, VA/W: 3500 / 3500
Load power factor: 0,5 – 1
Load current amplitude factor, no more than: 3,5
Overload during a rated time interval, %: no more than 120 – 2 min, 150 – 5 s, 175 – 2 s, 230 – 1 s, 400 – 0.05 s
Switching time, ms: 4 – 6
Efficiency at rated load: not less than 0.99

Remote monitoring and control means:
Isolated RS-232
Connection to PC RS-232 port
Software for remote monitoring and control Power Agent TS
Relay interface dry contacts
Connection to a PC via a discrete input/output card
Web/SNMP adapter type WEBtel (optional)
Monitoring and management in Internet/Intranet networks
SNMP monitoring system Power Net Agent (optional)
Monitoring and management of PRP and other equipment on the Internet

Safety GOST R IEC 60950 class I
Interference emission and noise immunity GOST R 50745 class B

Working conditions:
Operating mode: Continuous
Operating ambient temperature, 0 C: from + 1 to + 40
Cooling: natural
Degree of protection: according to GOST 14254 IP20
Execution for external mechanical factors: according to GOST 17516.1 M1

Dimensions and weight:
Overall dimensions (HxWxD), mm: 44(1U)x483x245
Weight, kg: 4.5

Let's start unpacking. Oh yes, I almost forgot. I bought the module for my work. I really need him. I'll take another one of these. In general, this module arrives in a wooden box, the same way parcels used to be sent by mail. But I didn't get it. The intermediary organization did not deliver it to me. But we agreed on this point. The module itself is in a thick plastic bag, which is also tightly packed. Very positive. There is a separate package with the delivery kit. It looks something like this:

The front panel of the device is quite simple. It has an LED panel indicating which line the current is flowing through and which is in reserve, or perhaps the bypass is even turned on. There is a sticker in the middle warning you to turn the handle and turn off the load. To the right of the center there is a switch that has three positions: input 1 and 2, input 3 and off. The “off” position completely turns off the output load. Next is the RS-232 port for connecting to a computer. And almost near the “Ear” there is a bolt for connecting the grounding. In general, the grounding is connected by default from the power input connectors, but according to GOST requirements, a bolted grounding connection must be made. Anyone who cares about such a connection will connect it. In my case, the grounding coming from the input connectors is sufficient.

The body of the device is made of thick sheet metal, painted black with powder enamel. The device itself is heavy. But not only because of the thickness of the case. The mounting “ears” for the stand are also made of thick metal, and are attached to the body with three screws. From the outside everything looks very positive

And we smoothly move to the back of PRP-1. From left to right: remote control connector (AS/400); three circuit breakers, one for each input; output connector IEC60320 C19, with a maximum current of 16A; three input connectors type IEC 60320 C20, with a maximum current of 16A.

Well, let's open the device. There are no seals on it, and they don’t give anything. Interference with the circuit can almost always be seen. The device really surprised me with the build quality. All wires are crimped where necessary and also tied into bundles. Nothing is loose. I was pleased with this module. But here I want to express my slight indignation about the grounding cable inside the device. As far as I know, the grounding is in no case connected with a loop. Here are three input connectors that are connected with a cable - there is nothing wrong with that, but the fact that the output connector is connected with a cable is not true. It must be connected with a separate cable to the common grounding node in the device.

The same mechanical input switch on the front panel:

The main board is closer. Later I take it out of the case, and it turns out that the weight of the device is given not only by the massive case, but also by the main board on which four low-profile transformers are installed. Two of them are represented by the brand and the other two smaller ones are represented by the brand.

There are four relays installed on the board, the model of which is from Song Chuan Precision. The relays are designed for a current of 16A, which is generally without reserve. But I don’t know how this module switches. Perhaps at the moment of switching there is no current at the relay contacts, as is done in a voltage stabilizer. There will be some kind of mystery, or the developer himself will explain.

Indication board. I didn't unscrew it completely. This makes no sense. It looks like this from the inside:

The board contains capacitors from different companies. There are also some SAMWHA and Hitano. I don’t know if I can trust the first one or not.

A field effect transistor was found on the board. Just what function it performs - there was no time to figure it out. There is a datasheet for hang-up on the Internet, but definitely don’t hang up this transistor. Looks more like Chinese. In general, it is not known who the manufacturer is.

A microcontroller from Microchip Technology is used as the “brains” on the board. There are a sufficient number of other microcircuits around the MK. Of these, from Microchip Technology, it is a timer-calendar chip. Next to it there is a microcircuit - this is non-volatile memory. There are two optocouplers located nearby and they also seem to be of Chinese origin. Yes, in general it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that it works. I also often use Chinese parts. Let's continue. On the board we see an integrated stabilizer from STMicroelectronics. Next to it is installed a microcircuit from the same STMicroelectronics. This chip is an assembly of seven Darlington transistors.

There is one interesting point on the board. The inductor is soldered onto the board not just as is usually done, but through another small scarf. It turns out to be such a scarf in a board. I wonder for what reasons this was done.

As I said, I unscrewed the board from the case. The screws are tightened from the heart. In order for a crack or some kind of defect to appear due to mechanical stress or misalignment of the case, you need to try very hard. The board is attached very well. It is installed accordingly on stands so as not to touch the body. There is no board substrate, and in general it is not needed. In the corner of the board there is an inscription stating who the manufacturer is, the year and the design date.

Due to the fact that the device is smart, a current sensor is also installed on the board to avoid overloading the device and resulting problems.

Installation inside the PRP-1 module was carried out using the PuGV Prysmian cable, from the Russian manufacturer LLC "REK". I have used PVS cables of different sections from this company and, in general, I am satisfied and have nothing against it. Good cable. Although several years ago, a lot of people complained about him. But now it's OK.

those same three circuit breakers

The board has a fairly large number of unsoldered seats, including those for microcircuits. I wonder what they are used for.

And this is the inside of the remote control connector.

I don’t know how it happened, but my set went to the end. There's not much to see here. The kit includes connectors for connecting the device. I have factory cables C20-C19 for connecting to the UPS, but I don’t have a socket block with a connector like the one at the output. But it is included in the kit. I took one of the forks apart, and everything is very good. The metal is thick, the clamp is made with a screw. Connectors, what you need.


The PRP-1 backup power switch is the very device I was looking for. Does not depend on which phases or which UPS the inputs are connected to. This device's inputs are completely decoupled and independent. Switching from the power line to the backup line occurs quickly. The documentation says that 4-6 ms, but I would say by eye that it’s still about 10 ms. The only drawback of the device is its one output connector. It won't be enough. Ideally, of course, there would be two output connectors, or one additional IEC 60320 C13 (F) female connector. Although its current is 10 A, the load does not have to be large. Regarding the exit, a limitation immediately applies. You either need to immediately take a large block of sockets with such a connector, or take a large pilot with a C14 connector, cut it off, and connect the plug that comes with the kit. But here again there is a crutch, the wire should not be thin. It turns out to be such a vicious circle. You can, of course, plug in a block of sockets into a block of sockets, but I don’t practice such cables and I’m afraid of them.

I have only positive impressions about this device. I recommend for purchase. I wish everyone a stable network and trouble-free operation. That's all I have. Thanks to all.

ATTENTION! I will be happy to accept a voltage stabilizer of any brand, model and power for testing.

has at least two power inputs for connecting the load of backup power sources: a generator, a battery or a circuit breaker that separates the network. In case of loss of the main one, the reliability of the power supply is ensured by the backup one. When power is restored at the main input, the load is automatically switched to it.
The permissible voltage limits and time parameters of the ATS are set by regulators on the front panel of the ATS. Automatic reserve entry AVR-02 and AVR-02G have the function of limiting access to settings by entering a PIN code. The AVR is powered from a controlled input.
AVR is divided into:
Single-acting AVR. In such schemes there is one working section of the supply network, and one backup. In the event of a loss of power at the working input, the reserve input unit will connect the reserve one.
Double-acting AVR. In this scheme, each of the two lines is working and backup.

voltage control over two independent 3-phase inputs with a common neutral, connection of 2 inputs for 2 loads according to a circuit with sectional switching and specified time delays

Multifunctional AVR.
Work with three and single-phase generators.
Two inputs, LCD indicator, 3x400B+N, 5x8A

power control via 2 inputs and control
3 power contactors

Two inputs, single function.
Work with three and single-phase generators.
Power supply 3x400B+N, 5x8A

AVR With function of starting and controlling a single-phase gasoline generator
supply voltage AC-220/50, DC-12

two inputs, two loads,
with sectional switch,
power supply 3x400B+N, 4P x 16A

Panel version, 2 inputs, 1 load automatic control of both three-phase inputs. Control of switching devices without indicating their status. Indication of readiness and causes of the accident.

power supply 3x400V+N, 3x16A switching, DIN rail mounting
