We understand Internet slang: what is hype, flex, prank and other incomprehensible words. From “Antihype” to YungRussia: Dictionary of new Russian rap

Thanks to the popularization of rap in the CIS, today young people know very well what hype is, but they cannot always explain to others the meaning of this word. Some completely unlucky people came across this term at the dawn of the Internet.

Media and information dissemination

IN modern world The media have acquired enormous importance, because they:

  • Form the audience’s opinion about the changes that have occurred.
  • They provide a reason for daily discussions.
  • Cover the most conflict situations.
  • Allows you to stay “in tune with events.”

Thanks to the network, today it is not necessary to register a company, acquire printing equipment, or hire a whole staff of workers. It’s enough to pay a couple of hundred rubles for a domain and hosting, or you can even use free platforms. And that’s it, you can share information with the outside world.

Of course, fame will not come immediately, and you will have to gain an audience gradually. At the first stages you will not be able to influence what is happening in any way, but after some time your opinion will be taken into account. That is why it is necessary to approach the issue with all seriousness. Especially if you take into account the new bills that equate any visited sites to official media. Responsibility, of course, falls exactly the same, from the point of view of the administrative and criminal codes.

What does hype mean?

Literal hype can be translated as “ hype" In a media context this means:

  1. The emergence of a wave of popularity.
  2. Increased interest in a person or event.
  3. A quick, and often not entirely justified, acquisition of fame.

Most often, artists “cut off” their share of hype through high-profile scandals or suddenly successful projects. But if for a truly “worthy” project you need to have talent and work hard, then for a scandal you only need a reason and someone’s big name for attacks.

On the Internet, hype means “a profitable investment project,” to put it simply: “ pyramid " The heyday of their popularity occurred in the “00s”, which was facilitated by:

  • Low level of computer literacy.
  • Poor understanding of network security.
  • The desire to get money without putting any effort into it.
  • A small number of scammers on the Internet.

Over time, lovers of shenanigans have realized just how bad this can become. profitable business and the number of hype increased hundreds of times. A new surge in the popularity of these “economic projects” was facilitated by a change in tactics - an increase in investment in advertising.

Is a “minute of fame” really necessary?

Almost every musician and artist dreams of popularity, because this is precisely what:

  • Provides an opportunity to receive new contracts.
  • Promotes the influx of new viewers and listeners.
  • Provides high fees.
  • Contributes to the development of further creative careers.
  • Supports you when you lose confidence in your own abilities.

But if you now try to remember the loud scandals of past years, you can come to one not very pleasant conclusion - no one remembers anything about the majority of the “high-profile” musicians.

Few have actually managed to realize their potential and earn constant attention from the audience. In most cases, listeners behaved something like this:

  1. Oh, funny scandal, I'll have to keep an eye on it.
  2. Hmm, this upstart is holding himself well.
  3. You should listen to a couple of his tracks.
  4. Not bad, but could have been better.
  5. So, where is something new?
  6. Oh, new album, we'll appreciate it.
  7. I actually passed something.
  8. What? Some kind of musician? Eh, I think it was like this a year ago, I don’t remember.

And this is quite natural if a person cannot provide a quality product. In this case speed dial popularity, on the contrary, ruins a career, giving a couple of months of fame.

What is hype in rap?

In the rap community, the word hype itself began to be used only because it is quite popular in the West. In this direction, unfortunately, they are still trying to rely on foreign colleagues.

This concept means:

  1. Popularity.
  2. Artificially heated interest in the performer.
  3. Quickly recruited audience.

Here musicians choose one of two options for achieving success:

  • To get into conflict with someone at least a little famous - a fight, insults, a battle.
  • It’s good to perform, to “shoot” with the new album.

In both cases, interest does not last forever; it needs to be fed regularly. Either new conflicts or new high-quality tracks. It’s clear that arguing with someone is much easier than producing interesting creations.

Young performers are mainly chasing the hype. Those who have been in business for a long time understand perfectly well that this is not the most the best option career development. It’s much more convenient to remind people of yourself once every 1-2 years with “loud” tracks or albums, and the rest of the time to pack full houses on tour. But this is only for those who are able to produce really high-quality compositions.

What is hype on the Internet?

You can often come across the abbreviation online HYIP, which is transliterated into Russian as hype. Most investment and financial forums have entire sections dedicated to this topic for discussion.

But general scheme work always comes down to one thing:

  1. Someone gets a hack-proof hype script.
  2. Buys a domain name, pays for hosting.
  3. Spends a certain amount on advertising his project - the same forums, ratings and bloggers.
  4. On the appointed day, he launches the project, accepting contributions and promising huge percentages.
  5. It takes a couple of days, weeks or even months to make payments due to the influx of new funds.
  6. He saves up some money for himself and realizes that it’s time to “go off into the sunset,” because there is no money left for a new wave of payments.
  7. Closes the project, inventing some kind of fantastic story. Or he leaves “in English.”
  8. Deceived users have been indignant for some time on forums and in in social networks.
  9. The noise subsides and the pattern repeats. But with a new name and a new story.

Some people, fully aware of all the risks and understanding the mechanism itself, still participate in similar projects. The motivation is simple - with the right amount of luck and efficiency, you can make some profit. But this is not much different from playing in a casino.

A little about popularity and HYIP

When talking about hype, we can mean two things:

  • The hype around someone's person.
  • Fraudulent project on the Internet.

In the first case, popularity is usually caused by some kind of high-profile scandals. And in the second option we're talking about about the banal deception of funds from gullible users. If hype about an artist or event can be perceived positively, then there is nothing positive in HYIP, by definition.

If you want at least a couple of examples of hype projects, in the good sense of the word, pay attention to versus battle and the YouTube channel RED21.

The listener usually intuitively understands what hype is, without any explanation. Therefore, often, two people can put completely different meanings, which makes it somewhat difficult to understand each other.

Video: who wants hype

In this video there is a fragment in which the famous blogger Larin accuses his opponent Nikolai Sobolev of striving for hype:

Generates hundreds of jokes, or even more. Now millions of people watch Sergei Druzhko’s show - “Druzhko Show”, where the Russian actor and TV presenter skillfully satirizes social life.

As part of the “Druzhko Show,” Sergei utters many words that are understandable only to a circle of avid network users. In order to deeply understand the host’s irony, let’s determine for ourselves the definitions of all these words.

What is "hype"

What does the word "kek" mean?

Kek is an ironic (often unkind, malicious, mocking) laughter. They can also call a person Kek (again with a hint of mockery).

What is LOL"

LOL (also lol or lol; from English laughing out loud - loudly, laughing out loud; or laugh out loud - loudly, laughing out loud; or lots of laughs - a lot of laughter) - an English acronym, an Internet meme. The term is used in online communication primarily to express laughter in written form.

What does "1488" mean?

14/88 is a code slogan (sometimes also used as a greeting or signature) among white nationalists.

The number 14 can mean: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children” - “We must protect the very existence of our people and the future for white children” or also “Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth" - “So that the beauty of the White Aryan woman never disappears from the face of the earth!”

Both 14-word slogans were coined by David Lane, a member of the white separatist organization The Order. The first slogan was inspired by Adolf Hitler's statement from the first part of the 8th chapter of the book "My Struggle", 88 words long:

“We are fighting for the sustenance and expansion of our race and our people. for ensuring food for our children, for the purity of our blood, for the freedom and independence of our fatherland. We are fighting so that our people can truly fulfill the historical mission entrusted to them by the creator of the universe. Our every thought and every idea, all our science and all our knowledge - everything should serve only this goal. Only from this single point of view should we check the expediency of one or another means.”

The number 88 is a coded greeting "Heil Hitler!" (“Heil Hitler!”), since the letter “H” is in Latin alphabet eighth. The number of David Lane's commandments is also eighty-eight.

What does "flex" mean?

To flex means to show off (clothes, money, cars, etc.). Flex is synonymous with bragging. For most foreign rap artists, skillfully flexing is the meaning of all creativity.

What does "pranker" mean?

Prank (from the English prank - prank, prank, prank; joke) - telephone hooliganism, telephone prank. People who practice pranks are called prankers. Pranksters make telephone calls (usually anonymous) to their victims and, through provocations and banter, force the victim to give a strong response.

In the Internet sphere, you can increasingly hear the concept of “hype”. Many people don’t even know what this word means, others are perplexed about what a hype project is. It's worth learning more about this new concept to understand when it's appropriate.

What is hype?

Although this word is quite new, now you can even find its meaning in dictionaries. Russian-speaking people borrowed this concept from in English. There is a word “hype”, which translates as intrusive advertising. A somewhat similar meaning exists in the Russian language.

What is hype? That's what it's called hype in the media or social circles. In other words, these are enthusiastic rumors about a person, group of people or phenomenon.

In modern slang, the word hype can have far more than just a positive definition. Any violent reaction around anything, even general hatred, can be called hype.

It’s worth understanding what hype is in rap. In general, the meaning of the word will be preserved, but there is one difference. If the usual hype that appears on some issue is a completely natural process, then hype in rap is a marketing ploy. Rumors are created on purpose, often there is absolutely no truth in them, and they were invented for additional advertising.

Hype project

Many people, especially young people, know very well what hype is, but the concept of a hype project is something new and completely incomprehensible for them. It is worth understanding that this phenomenon has very little in common with the interpretations described above. The point is that in this case the word HYIP, not hype, and it stands for HighYieldInvestmentProgram. Some even prefer to pronounce this concept as hip or hi-ip.

So, the name “hype” was given to a fraudulent project that resembles an investment fund, which is reflected in the transcript. As a rule, it operates entirely online, using electronic currency.

Fraudulent investment projects may be referred to as financial pyramids. Their essence in the house is that income is ensured through the emergence of new Money from other people. That is, project participants invest money (giving it to older participants), and they themselves must receive profit from people who will later become part of the pyramid.

The point of this scam is that it is obviously impossible to pay the promised fabulous sums to all participants in the hype project. Nevertheless, people do this, and subsequently the pyramid quickly disappears along with all the money, the source of which is often fictitious.

Features of HYIP funds

Typically, such projects promote an income of 1 to 3 percent per day. Depending on the purpose for which they were created and how skillfully they were promoted, their lifespan can be up to 9 months.

There is a type of hype project called fast. He promises his investors up to 50 percent per day, but he disappears in record time.

Almost any financial pyramid is guaranteed to be a scam, but there are still a number of signs that can be used to confirm this once again.

  • For example, if the project pays special attention to convincing people of the integrity of the process and a money-back guarantee, then this may indicate fraud.
  • Free cheese is only in a mousetrap - too high promised incomes are almost always a deliberate lie.
  • It is a good idea to check various information about investing. Very often the objects are fictitious, and the organization does not have any details, addresses or telephone numbers at all.
  • In addition to such data, it is necessary to check the availability and authenticity of documents and licenses.
  • If the payment system is too complex or unclear, then it is most likely a scam.
  • You should not believe a single word if the phrase appears somewhere that “this investment is an exclusive opportunity.”

Welcome, friends, to my blog. Today we will talk about hype. They continue to appear in our vocabulary unclear words. They come to us most often via the Internet. We are offered to make money in dubious Internet projects, advanced youth have long been using “new” words. Even MTS recently launched its new tariff called “Hype”. Let's figure it out.

The word “hype” is used today by trendsetters, musicians, financiers, creators of websites, Internet projects, bloggers, PR managers, simple, “advanced” and “really sophisticated” youth. Accordingly, the context of the word sounds differently. In one case, “hype” is very good, but in the opposite sense, when you are being “heated up” for money, it is really bad. Let us consider in order how, where and by whom this word is used.

Hype, what is it?

As usual, first we go to the dictionary. We quickly find in the dictionary that with English noun“hype” literally translates as “intrusive advertising; hype, excitement." There is a consonant verb that means “to unwind; inflate." To inflate something that attracts close mass attention for some period of time. The excitement usually doesn’t last long and subsides until the next time.

Today, news spreads among people almost immediately. PR technologies, scandalous advertising and news stories are part of our lives today. The public needs to be “wound up” and attracted attention. Advertising campaigns are multi-step actions. People are being “prepared” for the appearance of some “new product” in the fashion industry, or, for example, a “gadget”.

At the end of the day, especially impressionable people begin to wait agonizingly for when the new product will appear. With the help of thoughtful advertising and PR technologies, we buy and acquire. But you can also draw attention to yourself. This is actively used by young people; it is important for them to be “in trend” and in fashion.

Hype - in youth slang it is...

First of all - clothes. Clothes should be fashionable. Today there is only one fashion. Twenty years ago she was different. Different youth subcultures have their own fashion and hype. When I was younger, punks and metalheads were “in.” Leather jackets, gloves. As many metal rivets and buttons as possible. Lightning, metal chains - don’t skimp either. Leather gloves on the fingers and palms had to have the “correct” cuts. We made all the clothes ourselves.

The punks of that time looked more exotic and simpler - a powerful colored hair on a bald head, a Soviet (usually dirty) soldier's overcoat without shoulder straps, tight trousers, dirty sneakers and an eternally drunk and tired look. Hype outfit of those times...

Punks and metalheads have long since matured. Today's youth have different preferences. Their minds are already shaped by today's era. Today the “trends” are dreadlocks, tattoos, baggy pants, hoodies, dangling suspenders, sweatshirts and sweatpants…. Many other youth subcultures have appeared: bikers, rappers, street racers, goths, emo, parkour... Each of these subcultures has its own style of clothing, appearance and behavior, its own “hype” attributes. Outer clothing should be “hype”, correspond to the current moment and not correspond to the rest of the “gray mass”.

Some individuals form youth public opinion in this direction. Branded clothing is purchased and used (preferably the most expensive and scarce). A certain “hype” style of clothing is formed, and after a while, sympathetic youth begin to look for the same “hype clothes.”

Hype in music is...

In music, the word “hype” has acquired approximately the same meaning as in fashion. A “hype” musical group is a group at its peak creative activity, who has reached the highest degree of fame, experiencing the highest creative upsurge..

Youth is always youth. Protest and the desire to live here and now is in their blood. If there is no unnecessary maximalism and radicalism, then there is nothing wrong with hype. What about financial projects in this domain?

Hyip (hyip) highly profitable investment project is...

Who among us has not seen an advertisement or newsletter on the Internet about highly profitable earnings? We are offered to make money on the Internet here and there. Often on social networks, or even our friends and acquaintances offer us to “join” some “profitable” Internet project with big amount participants, guaranteed payments. I personally participated in similar projects, I know a little what it all looks like from the inside.

Now there are a lot of such projects. They appear and disappear, and in their place new and unprecedented ones are immediately born... There are international and imported projects. There are ours, thriving in the CIS. For the founders of these projects, the population of the CIS countries is the main audience for attracting participation via the Internet. The poorer the people in the country, the more participants can be attracted. There have always been especially many participants in online projects in Ukraine. There are a great variety of combinations and project designs. But the essence is approximately the same. Financial pyramid in various options execution.

The pyramid lives as long as there is an influx of new participants. About four years ago I was invited to one such project by one of my good friend. By that time, he himself had managed to make good money on it. My friend was absolutely convinced that I would be able to do the same. My friend is a decent person, and I joined the project.

It was (as always) an online project, foreign. It inspired confidence that, first of all, payments were being made. And in Euro. My friend showed me a schedule of payments that came to him personally. It was good money. Secondly (and this was new), when registering in the project, it was necessary to attach copies of your passport and SNIS. After registration, within two months, supporting documents, an agreement, and even a foreign SIM card arrived at the specified address by Russian Post, with which you could call and talk.

The project had to deal with advertising. To “work” you had to register on Facebook. Then from personal account“project” had to post on your Facebook wall links to advertising photos and videos that this online project promoted.

For each photo or video posted, participants were rewarded in euros. Once the amount reached 250 euros, the amount could be withdrawn to your card via Pay Pal. Tempting isn't it? And people took them out. Everything is serious...

The highlight was that you could “work” for a fee or for free. In the “free” mode, you could post videos and photos on your “book face” (Facebook) page once a day and in small quantities. And if you deposit 250 euros, then every two and a half hours you post two videos and several photos on your wall. Moreover, you first had to watch the video yourself. And only then could it be posted on Facebook.

Regular visitors and numerous users of the World Wide Web more than once, in search of the necessary information, come across an unusual, unfamiliar, newfangled word hype on websites or forums. Meet different variants meanings of the concept “hype, hype”. What is the correct interpretation of the concept, what does this word mean? Let's try to figure it out.

Hype - what is it?

Hype is a neologism borrowed from English-speaking countries. The meaning of the word hype in Russian is ambiguous. This is because hype in English can look like hype and hyip. Although these words sound the same, they have different translations and meanings. This changes the meaning of the same word, which covers different concepts.

The first meaning of “hype” is hype in the original, translated from English slang means “noisy advertising”, PR for something, and “hype” means actively advertising, PR. It is logical that “hyping” is a scandalous advertising campaign, and “hypetrain” is an excited state of fanatical anticipation of some fashionable novelty. Sometimes on Internet pages you can come across the slang concept of “hype”, but it already has a slightly different connotation - “hang out, have fun, have fun.”

The second meaning is the abbreviation hyip - an investment program focused on high income. What does hype mean in this case - “to be a participant in a hype project”, and “hyping” is investing personal funds in a project built on the principle of attracting new investors and increasing one’s own income through their investments. A familiar concept that is familiar to us and equivalent to this one is a financial pyramid.

Hype fashion

More recently, the concept of “hype fashion” or “hype fashion” has appeared on social networks. This is not part of the global fashion industry, but rather a hype style, focusing exclusively on expensive branded clothing, which is wildly popular among today's youth. The first positions in the top hype brands are occupied by Gosha Rubchinsky, Tommy Hilfiger, Ralph Lauren, Supreme and others.

Hype clothes

To be in trend, to dress in accordance with the hype style, you need to be the child of rich parents, because hype things (in youth slang “hype clothes”) are expensive and are not sold on the market. Social networks offer you to visit many pages filled with tips on how to look hype for little money, and are full of links to Chinese sites that pass off ordinary fakes as supposedly “hype clothes.”

Hype fashionistas

Modern youth who prefer the hype style in clothing are called “hype fashionistas.” According to hype concepts, it is beautiful to be thin, have tattoos, wear only hype clothes and demonstrate this, thus opposing the mainstream (the “gray mass” and the general trend). Hype guys and girls prefer everything natural - hair color, pale skin tone, lack of cosmetics and manicure. Their main interest and need is new hype things, everything else is unimportant.

What is hype on the Internet?

HYIP on the network is denoted by the abbreviation HYIP (High Yield Investment Program). This is an investment project developed according to a pyramid scheme: each investor receives a certain income using fresh investments in the hype made by subsequent investors. The risk of getting involved in this method of earning money is high: you can earn a decent amount on a financial pyramid without special effort, or you can go broke on hype projects, losing your invested money.

Hyip projects

The percentage of return that the fund’s creators offer to ordinary investors and earnings on HYIP projects depends on the type of network exchange. They are:

  1. Low income. Due to a small percentage of investments (no more than 15%), such a hype project can exist for a long time.
  2. Average income. The interest rate for a HYIP project is up to 60%. They can work for several months or longer.
  3. Highly profitable. Such hype projects promise investors an investment return of over 60%; as a rule, they come to ruin within a period of up to two months.

How to make money on HYIPs

Although any hype project, like all financial pyramids, will sooner or later end life cycle complete ruin and closure, you can try to earn income on such exchanges. To make money on HYIPs successfully, you need to remember some basic recommendations from experienced investors:

  1. Of all the HYIPs offered on the Internet, in order to make money, you should choose a HYIP project that was created quite recently. It is necessary to pay attention to whether he offers new investors a minute increase in their contribution for a solid replenishment of the fund. This tactic by the creators of the pyramid can only mean that the hype project will quickly close and bring large profits only to its owners and first investors.
  2. In order not to risk losing everything to zero, invest in the selected HYIP project an amount that will not be very significant for your financial situation in the event of the closure of the exchange.
  3. Intuitively, you need to feel the approaching closure of a HYIP project in order to preserve your investments as much as possible and receive income from them. Be extremely attentive to all changes that the hype project undergoes.
  4. To ensure stable earnings, regularly try to withdraw a small amount of income from the HYIP project to your own electronic wallet.
  5. Before you plan to make money on a HYIP project, you should take care of the level of protection of your personal data and your computer. Be very careful.
My colleague has a good blog on investing on the Internet -