Work on inspection of utility networks. Inspection of the performance of engineering systems. Commissioning work in engineering systems

For directors and other high-ranking representatives of the population of the third planet from the sun

Upon completion, the customer will be issued a certificate and conclusion. As well as confirmation of completed work.

Survey cost calculator utility networks
Select building type

Retail buildings Retail MFC Administrative Industrial Warehouse MFC Residential buildings


Design cost calculation
Price design work by main sections
from 10,999 m2, Vstr=31,892 m3
Settlement and explanatory note0 0
Analysis of as-built documentation, preparation of a list of defects, photographic recording of the subject of examination0 0
Power supply system, photographic recording0 0
Cold water supply system, photo recording0 0
System water supply DHW, photographic recording0 0
Drainage system, photographic recording0 0
Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, heating networks, photographic recording0 0
Communication networks, photographic recording0 0
Gas supply, photographic recording0 0
Measuring the strength of concrete using the ultrasonic method0 0
Performs opening of structures, sampling of concrete, determination of composition and reinforcement0 0
Development of building plans in PDF format based on BTI0 0
Development of plans for the placement of elements of the internal engineering systems of the building (risers VK, OV, placement of ASU, placement of utility inputs)0 0
Determination of geological conditions of the construction site (properties of foundation soils)0 0

  1. Sample for design and survey work - KP, TZ, ESTIMATED technical inspection of engineering systems up to 1500 m2
  2. Sample for design and survey work - KP, TZ, ESTIMATED technical inspection of structures up to 1500 m2
Inspection of utility networks of wastewater treatment plants

Inspection of wastewater treatment plants– begins with drawing up technical specifications. Travels to sites Chief Engineer or CEO, appointing specialists responsible for specific work. At the end, a detailed plan will be drawn up, including research results, a list of equipment with recommendations for use and, of course, modernization details.

Water supply system inspection

Water supply system inspection- a set of measures aimed at identifying the actual and obsolescence of the water supply engineering system. Includes a detailed visual inspection by specialists, control using specialized equipment and calculation work. Upon completion, a research report is drawn up detailing the results, recommendations, best practices modernization and maintenance.

Electrical networks survey

Electrical networks survey- usually initiated by the company upon the fact of excessive electricity consumption or the occurrence of an emergency. Networks, electrical installations, and input devices are directly inspected. Based on the issued conclusion, actions are taken to improve, repair, and dismantle systems.

Utility network survey ventilation ducts

Inspection of ventilation ducts- this includes verification project documentation and working calculations to assess the feasibility of installation. Monitoring of the system, air channels and components. Finally, if necessary, recommendations are made for effective use, repair or modernization.

Ventilation system inspection

Ventilation system inspection– comes down to measuring parameters (air flow speed, transparency, amount of suspended particles, humidity) and comparing the obtained data with the calculated data for a specific system. In case of a significant discrepancy, the system is examined for improper operation of units and components.

Ventilation inspection report

Ventilation inspection report– includes data shown by calculation when designing the system and practical parameters current system. If there is a significant discrepancy between the parameters, measures are indicated to align them.

Exhaust ventilation in production

Exhaust ventilation in production– extremely necessary for pumping the required amount of clean oxygen-saturated air into the room and removing it outside the work area harmful to health human production products. Most best option of all possible ventilation systems in most types of production.

Validity period of engineering surveys– defined by law as 2-3 years. Results with a period of more than 3 years are included in the history of engineering surveys and are necessary for the conclusion of a repeated reconnaissance study.

Obtaining GPZU, SPOZU in Moscow

Obtaining GPZU, SPOZU in Moscow– perhaps in the Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture in the city of Moscow, or in the Moscow Committee for Architecture.

First of all, you will need to collect a package of confirmed papers. Term of provision of services from the moment of submission of documents to issue: 30 days.


What is GPZU, SPOZU– a set of documents drawn up accordingly by the responsible person, a scheme for the planning organization of a land plot or in the form of an abbreviation. Describes in detail the special purpose of a specific territory, characteristics and possibilities for construction.


Samostroy- a structure erected without proper permitting sanctions and approvals. In places not intended for this.

How to legalize unauthorized construction

How to legalize unauthorized construction– you should start by calling a commission from the local authorities of the municipality. Which will issue the necessary confirmations. The decree legitimizing the construction will be obtained directly from the arbitration court.

Legalization of unauthorized construction

Legalization of unauthorized construction- we apply the latest research and achievements both technically and legally, so that you have the opportunity to solve the problem with minimal effort.

Temporary structure, definition

Temporary structure, definition– structures and buildings are recognized that can be moved without causing disproportionate damage. An integral structure, not connected to the ground and utilities, without a rigid foundation, which is not possible to free without destroying the structure.

List of documents for putting the facility into operation

List of documents for putting the facility into operation– this includes: an application from the developer and investor for the issuance of documents for putting the facility into operation, confirmation of acceptance, a document approving the parameters of the constructed facility in accordance with the current regulations. Papers confirming the compliance of the erected building with the technically approved project.

The procedure for registering land ownership

The procedure for registering land ownership– statements describing the purpose of acquiring rights to the site, a supporting document indicating perpetual use or lifelong ownership and justifying reason. An extract from the household register, an act on the receipt of land, is issued by the local government authority. One document confirming the owner of the land. Confirmation of payment of state duty and passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Composition of the redevelopment project

Composition of the redevelopment project– includes: diagram of partitions, reinforcement of openings. Water supply, sewerage and heating systems.

Plan before work begins. Measures to ensure industrial and fire safety. Confirmation of the project manager.

Cost of the redevelopment project

Cost of the redevelopment project– includes the cost of drawing up a design, sketch and working design.
Author's supervision.
A significant part is the preparation of the necessary documents.
Premises redevelopment project– pursues the goal of ensuring complete structural safety of engineering systems, operational characteristics and structures of the structure. Project design standards are regulated in accordance with GOST 21.101-97 and GOST 21.501-93.
Development of a redevelopment project– begins with the provision of documents from the Bureau of Technical Inventory and a sketch of the redevelopment.


Mezzanine- in global practice, an additional room built into the main mass of a building, in Russian architecture - a shelf in the upper part of the room used for storing homemade scrubs.

Sample of an object inspection report

Sample of an object inspection report- will be filled out by members of the commission that examined the property and made a conclusion. Recording data in the survey report.

Property survey report– a document confirming the readiness of the property for operation. Compiled in relation to newly erected and renovated buildings. Compiled by an authorized commission of administrative authorities. Has the task of improving the overall picture of construction.
Sample certificate of inspection of buildings and structures- a document confirming the inspection of the structure by a group of persons. To carry out the next inspection of the building, only competent persons must be involved, who are obliged to assess all identified deficiencies in the building.
Sample building inspection report– cannot be used as a supporting document. Useful to familiarize yourself with the formal rules for filling out reports.
Inspection report building structures – confirms monitoring and inspection of the condition of building structures and structures. If a defect is identified that cannot be eliminated without dismantling the structures, a separate defect elimination report is drawn up.

Control of building structures

Control of building structures- carried out upon the construction of a building or structure. Subsequently, scheduled or unscheduled testing takes place in the presence of a competent commission with registration of the results. And entering data into current documentation for further analysis.

Expert opinion sample document– used for the initial conclusion. Can be used as secondary confirmation, not suitable as a final expert opinion.

Examination of buildings and structures

Examination of buildings and structures- aims to determine the residual life and technical condition of buildings and structures. Assessment of the extent to which the constructed structure meets the requirements and the extent to which it complies with industrial safety requirements.

Technical inspection report- carried out to confirm the technical inspection of the building. In order to safely operate a building, a commission of authorized members is required to confirm that the building is ready for use.
Building inspection report, sample– can be downloaded on the website of our organization. Used as a draft version of a document submitted to the competent authorities for greater accuracy and reduction of errors.
Certificate of inspection of buildings and structures- records the state of the object at the present specific moment. It lists the defects in detail. All changes are recorded in writing, after which the document is certified by the customer and interested third-party organizations. Does not reflect the overall technical condition.
Construction site inspection report– compiled at the time of a scheduled or unscheduled inspection of a construction site to identify technical details and compliance technological operations technical specifications.
Defecation certificate form– is necessary only in cases where a significant defect in the design of a building or structure is found. The form can be downloaded from the website of the local Rostekhnadzor authority.
Defect report– a document certifying that the building and structure cannot be used for its intended purpose. It has severe defects and needs serious repairs. Compiled by an authorized commission of specialists.
Opening in a load-bearing wall cost - the price consists of the complexity of the technical implementation. The material of the wall, brick, monolithic concrete or a panel house. Based on the material, the tool is chosen. Depending on the chosen tool and the classification of specialists, the final figure is added up.

Opening strengthening project

Opening strengthening project– is developed by design organizations - members of the SRO or the authors of the building project. According to housing legislation, openings in load-bearing walls significantly affect safety. Therefore, they must be properly registered with the Moscow Housing Inspectorate.

Gain metal beams

Strengthening metal beams- can be local or general. Local reinforcement due to welding of additional stiffeners. General - creation of the lower belt of the trusses, removal of the support stress.

Concrete examination

Concrete examination- reconciliation of the actual quality of the product with the characteristics shown in the design documentation.

The highest quality strength measurements are carried out using concrete cores removed from the finished structure.
Determination of concrete strength- it is possible to determine by destructive testing, indirect non-destructive and direct non-destructive. Ultrasonic testing. Regardless of the method or equipment, the measurement error is never less than 30%.
Concrete testing laboratory– concrete is a complex composition, and therefore an analysis of each component is necessary for assessment. The laboratory selects the required composition of concrete depending on the technical specifications, as well as the composition of gravel, cement, and sand. Determination of vibration properties and reinforcing bars.

Methods for quality control of welded joints

Methods for quality control of welded joints– distinguish between destructive control methods. A model of the welded product is subjected to mechanical tests. And non-destructive testing: visual, pneumatic and hydraulic tests. Magnetographic and X-ray control.
Ultrasonic testing.

Flaw detection laboratory– a set of tools and methods aimed at performing flaw detection inspection by all accessible ways: destructive and non-destructive testing, ultrasound examinations, visual inspection, etc.. Engaged in the development of methods for identifying defects and creating devices for practical use based on their principles.
Checking the quality of welds– There are several types of welds, depending on the purpose, the quality also varies. Accordingly, control methods.
Checking Welded Joints– carried out after cooling, may vary depending on the purpose of the connection. There are visual, ultrasonic and x-ray inspections.
Welding control– visual, ultrasound or x-ray method of examining the result welding work. To check the quality of the connection.

Design of buildings and structures

Design of buildings and structures– carried out on the basis of technical specifications, geological conditions and regulatory acts and laws.

Project documents undergo multiple checks through authorities and regulatory authorities and are approved only after general agreement.
Building project– a graphically and mathematically simulated and documented model of a building, used to create estimates and more detailed elaboration of operations during the construction of a building.
Construction design – development of the most optimal technological process in accordance with economic models, given technical specifications and its geological capabilities.
Design of building facades– calculated and graphic works, as well as a general and sectional plan of the facade of the building, taking into account the specific site and the specifics of its operation and construction.
Building design price– design cost, a complex set of key costs (work of specialists, costs of work, etc.)
Building design cost– the total cost of creating a project with the participation of technical specialists and developing solutions. As well as overhead, legal and other expenses.
Typical projects– we finalize, clarify and rework standard projects to suit your tasks, technical solutions and wishes. Standard project Usually the basis of all private projects is used to reduce the same type of work.
Project shopping center – compiled taking into account supply chains, human flows, and city communications. Closely integrated with the economy of the residential area and infrastructure facilities.
Project working documentation, a working project is a set of transitions, operations and plans from different angles for the production of specific technical actions (masonry, finishing, facade plan, sectional plan).
Project documentation what is it– a set of graphic and calculation materials that make up the apotheosis preliminary work in preparation for the construction of buildings and structures.
Object design industrial purposes - similar to other types of design, but taking into account financial and estimate analysis, calculations of product sales. Design with the implementation of all possible measures for the successful implementation of the project.
Production design- in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical acts. Taking into account the use of production equipment and materials. The basis is a project developed specifically for you, taking into account the preferences and recommendations of the customer. No standard solutions.


Measurements– a set of actions aimed at accurately measuring the dimensions of a room (width, height, volume, area). Necessary for repairs, cost assessment installation work. When installing communications, cosmetic repairs and other actions.

Premises measurements– the primary procedure is integral during inspection, repair, and redevelopment. Other technical or legal actions regarding the premises.
Room measurements cost– this includes the cost of paying specialists, overhead costs and equipment depreciation. And also the price varies significantly depending on the size.

Conducting communications- an important stage in preparing the structure for commissioning.

Inspections of engineering systems are carried out in new structures and in buildings that have already been put into operation. This is a whole complex of works and activities. During this process, specialists evaluate utility networks and their technical condition. As a result, the building owner receives information about network defects. Their functionality and ways to correct shortcomings are described in detail. Analyzes how utility networks correspond to the project, sanitary requirements, building regulations.

Network inspections are carried out both separately and as part of the building assessment.

Meaning of the procedure

Regular inspection of the technical condition of networks eliminates major accidents, property damage, and injuries to residents and employees.

Inspection of utility networks is necessary if:

  • Accidents often occur in the building,
  • The systems have undergone reconstruction,
  • There was a major renovation
  • The building passed to another owner.

Engineering systems are assessed:

  • Water supply (hot, cold water),
  • Heating,
  • Sewerage, water disposal,
  • Ventilation, air conditioning,
  • Fire alarm,
  • Electricity supply.

Our company provides technical expertise at various levels. Technical inspection of engineering systems is carried out by high-level experts. We offer our clients several options for inspecting utility networks. The price will be from 30,000 rubles, the completion time is 5-10 working days. To choose the right option inspection of engineering systems, call our managers. They will tell you in detail about the procedure. For the convenience of clients, a specialist travels to the site or to a meeting within the Moscow Ring Road.


to a meeting or to an object legal entities within the Moscow Ring Road

What are we doing

Technical research of engineering networks is carried out by highly qualified specialists. They find out:

  • Are the project requirements met?
  • Are there any system defects?
  • Do the systems comply with modern standards, sanitary and hygienic standards,
  • Do the systems have unused areas and how much are they needed for the operation of all systems,
  • How worn out are the building systems, do they need repairs, and to what extent should they be carried out?
  • How to modernize utility networks and increase their functionality.

The result of the experts' work- a detailed document describing the current state of networks, their problems and features leading to a decrease in their efficiency. Experts give recommendations on eliminating defects, modernization, and scheduled repairs.

Stages of work

The inspection of utility networks consists of 4 stages:

  • Initial - preparation for the survey, analysis of technical documentation. The package of papers includes passports for network elements, breakdown reports, drawings, and projects.
  • Preparation - inspection external elements, shut-off valves, fittings,
  • Detailed - examination using instrumental and laboratory methods. For measurements technical parameters High-precision instruments are used. The survey work is automated thanks to the new software. The customer receives a detailed description of the condition of each unit, its defect, and operating parameters.
  • Documentary - final stage, when all identified data is compiled into a single document. This description of defects is used for repair work and modernization. Experts give recommendations on improving the life support systems of the building, replacing individual sections, and dismantling obsolete components.

Expert opinion

All information obtained during the research is documented in the final technical report. It describes the state of communications, possibilities for increasing their efficiency, causes of accidents, and loss of potential in certain areas. The report data is confirmed by other technical documents: drawings, projects, reports, photographs showing the initial state of communications, statements describing defects.

The procedure is the same for inspecting the engineering systems of different buildings. Regular inspection of utility networks guarantees the safe operation of residential and industrial buildings.

We guarantee a professional, fast study of communications in all details. Order from us an assessment of the technical condition of water supply, sewerage, heating, and air conditioning systems. Research is carried out in our own laboratory, which ensures accurate results. We carry out construction examinations of various scales of objects in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Do you want to make sure that communications are working properly before purchasing a building? Order a technical communications study from our company! We will save your money and protect you from irrational purchases!
