Flushing activities at the new water intake. Borehole pumping is an effective and simple cleaning technique. How long to rock a well.

Those who decide to acquire an autonomous source should know how to pump up a well after drilling fresh water on your site The most optimal solution autonomous water supply for own home or dacha there will be a choice to drill a well. To carry out well construction work, it is necessary to have qualifications and special knowledge, and that is why specialists are involved in performing such work. But even if the specialists have completed all necessary work, using special tools, then after this it is necessary to resolve the issue of pumping up the well. And everyone can perform the rocking actions independently and without additional payment to specialists.

    • Pumping a well after drilling: the basis of the process
    • How to pump a well after drilling and why it is needed
    • Key Points: How to Check Well Depth After Drilling
    • Well flushing after drilling
    • How to properly pump a well after drilling (video)

Many people think that the aquifer is the layer that flows from the tap, but this is not so. In nature, the aquifer is a sand-clay mixture, which is compressed between sandy loam and a clay lens. It is from this mixture that water is extracted and purified using mechanical filters. But, unfortunately, mesh filters are not able to clean the smallest particles. And besides the fact that the filter does not clean small particles, they also penetrate into the middle of the filter and clog it from the inside.

In the end, the owner of a newly drilled and equipped well must pump this mixture to the bottom, thereby increasing the performance of the filters and the quality of the water.

The pump with the filter needs to pump up the new well and by pumping it up create conditions for operation in the future.

Also, when rocking, sand and silt are washed out not only from the pipe, but from the surrounding layer. And that is why the pumped well is surrounded not by a muddy suspension, but by a layer of clean water, but to achieve this result it is necessary to make an effort.

The process of pumping a well after drilling

To successfully carry out pumping, you need to know 3 basic rules:

  • The first is waiting for the time required to pump up the well;
  • The second rule you need to know is which pump should be used to do this;
  • And the third rule is how to organize the pumping process: when to start pumping, where is the best place to mount the pump, and so on.

Experts point out that if the well pumping is done correctly, it will make it possible to remove all the smallest particles from the aquifer, which is located directly next to the pipe. Increasing a new well with a low flow rate is the dream of every summer resident; this can be done using a vibration method; the most important thing is that you will not make mistakes, especially during winter. After the well has been drilled, the next step is to flush the water that is being pumped. You can do this yourself without any problems, detailed description How to get rid of sand in water, pump out silt, and also increase the flow of clean water, you can learn from the video.

How to pump a well after drilling and why it is needed

Contrary to your expectations of what will immediately go pure water, this is not true; first of all, water appears in the pipe, which is not suitable for drinking; it requires purification. And if no cleaning decisions are made, the well will soon silt up and be unsuitable for water production.

The aquifer contains not only large stones and sand, but also countless small particles that the filter cannot clean. Such particles easily pass through the gravel and screen filter, and then settle to the bottom of the well, making it shallower and seriously reducing productivity.

The well must be pumped after drilling.

After drilling is completed, very muddy water and as it is gradually washed out, this liquid brightens and becomes transparent.

The time for pumping up the well depends entirely on what type of soil you are faced with and can last from 12 hours. If the soil is sandy and the well is not very deep, then it will take several weeks, and if it is drilled in clay or limestone and is deep enough, then this process will take several months.

To the owners land plots, which are located on alumina, a very interesting question is how to pump a well passing through the clay. Such a pumping will be very long process, since during drilling and subsequent pumping a cloudy clay solution quickly forms. It also seeps very deep into the aquifer and is difficult to wash out. And it can take weeks or even months to pump such a well. In this amount of time, a huge number of cubes of cloudy liquid will be pumped out, and in the end the cleaning process will be successfully completed.

Key Points: How to Check Well Depth After Drilling

There are several options for measuring the depth of a well, but they differ in accuracy, complexity and accessibility.

Also among the options there is a mechanical method, it is accessible to almost any person, and there are also more technological measurement methods, but they are used for special research.

For mechanical method You must have: a ruler or tape measure, rope. To check the depth of the well, carefully lower the metal weight on a rope (cord) to the bottom. It is necessary to lower the load until the tension of the rope begins to decrease, after which we measure the depth with a ruler by winding the rope around it. You can also find out the amount of water in the well by the wet part of the rope.

There are several methods to check the depth of a well.

But this simplicity of the method has significant drawbacks. The first disadvantage is the ability to measure a well no more than 10 meters. The second disadvantage is that the wet part of the rope makes it possible to find out the static water level, but to submerge the pump a dynamic one is needed.

Measurement option using a short cable with magnetic tags. This method is very similar to the previous one, but performed with a different approach. This method uses a cable reel and a reader. Magnetic marks are applied to this cable at a certain distance; these marks are processed by a receiving device, thanks to which they receive accurate information about the location of the load.

Well flushing after drilling

Flushing the well is carried out using pipes that are lowered to the bottom and supplying water at maximum high pressure. The water pressure washes away the silt and all the dirt that has accumulated during the operation of the well. When flushing, accumulated dirt particles rise through the pipes and are removed outside.

When creating this mechanism, a method was used that is used in fire system. The amount of water that flows into the well is limited.

When flushing a clogged well during drilling, it is very important to be careful to avoid damaging the filter.

Flushing the well under high pressure and using pipes

To ensure the tightness of the cleaning process, it is necessary to secure the pump to the top of the pipe by putting an adapter on it, and this adapter is secured to the pipes with 4 self-tapping screws. The volume of water used will depend entirely on the dimensions and characteristics of the well, as well as the degree of its contamination.

How to properly pump a well after drilling (video)

As you can see from the article, pumping up a well is not so easy. If you do not have certain skills, then it is better to seek help from professionals who can carry out the entire range quality work. Of course, after familiarizing yourself with the basics, you can carry out the work yourself, but the question of quality will then remain open, and the work will have to be redone.

The last meters were drilled, the well gave water. Can we consider the job done? It turns out - no! Last one left technological operation- well pumping. If you neglect it, the case can safely be considered ruined.

This especially applies to shafts drilled using a mud-wash solution. Clay particles tightly clog the pores and cracks of the aquifer, preventing water from passing through to the filter system; it is necessary to remove clay inclusions and “pump” the well.

When pumping water from a new water intake, you need to pay attention to its condition - dirty, cloudy liquid is supplied from the well, unsuitable not only for domestic consumption, but also for irrigation.

There is only one conclusion - you need to flush the aquifer from drilling residues, which is why pumping is used. The process occurs with the continuous removal of water from the water intake, stimulating its intensive influx and leaching of drilling products. If you do not pump the well, all the turbidity will settle to the bottom and walls of the casing and completely paralyze the water intake.

Using a standard pump from a well kit for this process is impractical. There, expensive imported units with high performance. And the pump for pumping, as a rule, is a centrifugal pump with a capacity of at least 3 m 3 / hour; most likely, it will fail during such operation or will require disassembly, washing and cleaning during the pumping process.

You will also need a long enough hose to divert the water away from the well. This will prevent it from flowing back into the well and the need for complex land reclamation if the pulp is drained on the site.

The procedure for performing work when flushing the water intake

When water appears in the well, it is necessary to interrupt drilling and establish the actual values ​​of the static and dynamic levels, as well as, to a first approximation, the flow rate of the well. If its indicator is low, drill further, achieving complete opening of the formation. Further actions:

  • Lower the flushing pump into the well until it stops, then lift it above the bottom of the well to a height of 70 - 80 centimeters and begin pumping out water. To place the pump in the well, you need to use a thin cable with a large margin of safety. If the unit is skewed inside the pipe or the pump is sucked into a mass of silt or sand, it can be reliably removed. When using the cord supplied with the pump for this purpose, there are frequent cases of its loss in the well;
  • after 1.5 - 2.0 hours of continuous operation of the pump, you need to remove it from the well, disassemble the working chamber and thoroughly clean it and the impeller of dirt;
  • At the same time, it is advisable to install a bottom gravel filter, for which 30 to 50 kilograms of gravel in a mixture of medium and fine fractions are poured into the casing pipe; the casing column must be raised and lowered 5–7 times, allowing the filter mass to spill beyond the limits limited by the pipe;
  • lower the pump into the well, set it to the same level of immersion and further pumping can be continued;
  • control of the immersion depth of the pump is needed in order to most effectively remove polluting components from the well; if it is lowered lower, it will quickly become clogged with dirt, if higher, it simply will not remove it and it will precipitate.

When concluding an agreement with a contractor, you need to especially pay attention to the inclusion of a clause on the complete flushing of the water intake, otherwise the customer will be forced to independently decide how to pump the well after drilling with his own hands.

It is necessary to pump the well until clean water and gravel filter products appear in the drain. How long this will take depends on the nature of the soil and the drilling method.

Cleaning time for different wells

It’s already becoming clear how to flush a well, now let’s determine how much time it takes to get rid of silt and unnecessary sand:

  • for wells for upstream water and the second sandy horizon, it is necessary to flush for 6–12 hours, while acting correctly, you can obtain high-quality water intake with sufficient flow rate;
  • most complex process is the treatment of water intake in a gravel aquifer. The easy penetration of flushing solutions into the formation causes a wide area of ​​contamination, so flushing is usually not possible quickly. To completely clean the water intake, water has to be pumped out for weeks, and the volume of dirty liquid sometimes reaches about 500 cubic meters. This is the reason for the high cost of such water intakes;
  • It’s a little easier to flush the water intake for limestone. Typically, the aquifer is a fractured structure of this material with many capillaries, so viscous clay is washed out of them extremely reluctantly, and the time spent is not much less than when cleaning gravel wells;
  • great success will be opening the water lens or achieving a clean water layer at artesian depths. In these cases, you can do the flushing with your own hands in a few hours if the source is properly opened.

Compressor pumping of a well

How to pump properly compressed air, is known to any driller. This method is used when there is no electricity at the work site. Mobile compressors with internal combustion engines are used, capable of supplying 2 cubic meters of air per hour to the water intake shaft.

Air is supplied to the bottom of the pit through a perforated metal tube with a plugged end. Air rises through the well pipe, carrying particles of sludge with it and carrying them out.

If the casing diameter is more than 5 inches, it would be correct to use an airlift system. It consists of two tubes. Air flows along one of them, entering the mixer. The second sucks in the sludge and transfers it upward along with the air.

How long it will take to clean a water intake in this way depends on its depth and the height of the dynamic level.

The ease of application of the method determines the possibility of doing the washing yourself.

About the advantages of the compressor flushing method

  1. The method is significantly more effective than any other - the rate of sludge removal is several times higher than using any pump. Consequently, the time required for such a process is minimal.
  2. Removing sludge from big amount large solid particles. Since no mechanisms are used, the size of the inclusions does not matter, and there is no wear or breakdown of the equipment.
  3. Well pumping can be carried out in the absence of electricity.
  4. Applicability of the method for doing it yourself.

Disadvantages of the method

These include a sharp drop in efficiency with increasing hole depth due to increased air flow.

Application area

The method is ideal for flushing water intakes in fine sandy, fractured and clayey rocks at a relatively high dynamic well level.

Flushing is the most important technological stage of water intake installation. Allows you to check the correct opening of the water carrier, ensure the operability of the well and achieve water production with high consumer properties. If you want to save money, it is quite possible to do it yourself. Good luck and clean water!

In some cases, a well mechanism is the only way to provide water supply for an autonomous private household. In order for the owner to receive clean water without interruptions, only professionals should make a well and equip the source. But you can figure out how to pump a well after drilling to remove impurities of clay, sand and silt from the reservoir on your own.

Why do this?

It is necessary to pump water after drilling a well to remove turbid sediment, sand and silt particles that entered the aquifer during the process of “drilling” the soil. If such a procedure is not carried out, the drilling products will settle to the bottom and walls of the well and tightly clog the water intake.

You need to know the following about pumping:

  • The process will take a lot of time - shallow wells are cleaned in about 12 hours, deep and polluted wells - in a day. There are cases where turbidity was removed from water over the course of weeks.
  • Wells drilled in clay or limestone soil are the dirtiest, so pumping takes longer and requires more pump power (and even more pumps).
  • The procedure is completed only when completely clean and clear water comes out, otherwise the source will quickly become clogged.

Pumping dirty water from a newly drilled source should also protect the well from excessive silt formation - its particles accumulate, reducing the quality of the water and reducing the depth of the reservoir.

Tools and materials

The main tools for properly rocking a well are:

  • Submersible pump a centrifugal model, preferably inexpensive, since during the process of removing sediment from the aquifer, it will become clogged and fail. IN difficult cases Loss of 2 to 5 mechanisms per procedure is possible.
  • A strong cord or cable on which the pump is suspended and lowered into the well;
  • “Settling tank” is a barrel with a volume of more than 200 liters with perforation in the lower part: water passing through the barrel and pouring out through the holes will be cleared of sediment. By how quickly the suspension is filtered, one can judge the process of rocking the source.

Most important tool- the pump - will need to be removed from the well from time to time, washed and cleaned so that the mechanism can continue to work.

The process of pumping a well

Cleaning a well after drilling takes place in several stages.

  1. Choosing a location. As far as possible from the future well, with the installation of treatment facilities-barrels.
  2. Hanging the pump on a cable and lowering it into the well. 70–80 cm above the bottom level, so that all particles of sand and clay can be captured, preventing them from settling to the bottom.
  3. Turning on the pump and actually cleaning the source. During the procedure, the mechanism will have to be removed and cleaned several times.

As soon as clear water begins to flow from the treatment barrels, the procedure for rocking the well after drilling can be considered completed.

In cases where the well is idle for a long time (for example, in the autumn winter period), or if a decrease in water pressure is noticed, it is recommended to carry out a preventive 2-3 hour start of the pump to remove the silted layer of soil.

Pumping a well after drilling is not a difficult task. If you set yourself the goal of ensuring that only clean water comes from the new source, choose the right tools and be patient while removing drilling products from the reservoir, this procedure will be relatively easy. The owner of the future well can do this without the help of professionals.

An autonomous well solves all the problems of water supply for a private household. Drilling can be done by special companies or by the owners of the site themselves. But the work does not end with the installation of the casing pipe; the next step is pumping the well after drilling. The long-awaited stream from its own source turns out to be dirty and cloudy, completely unsuitable for use. To make the water clear, you need to pump the well.

This activity must be carried out immediately after drilling. Sometimes the rocking procedure is postponed and construction begins, laying pipes and electrical mains. Such a delay in pumping water may result in the need to drill the well again - silting occurs, the speed of which depends on the composition of the soil. Therefore, already at the drilling stage it is necessary to collect necessary tool, study the pumping rules and, after gaining access to water, immediately begin the cleaning procedure.

Pumping out dirty water

Why is pumping done?

The process of water pollution in a well has natural causes. There are many particles dissolved in the aquifer, which, thanks to small size easily pass through the filter grid. Siltation of the bottom conceals the height and reduces the productivity of the source. Over time, sand and other particles will completely clog the well so that it can no longer be used.

Attention. Pumping a well after drilling cleans not only its bottom, but also the area located near the casing.

The length of time you wait for clear water depends on the depth of the source and the type of surrounding soil. Cleaning a shallow well for sand will take about 12 hours, while an artesian well will have to be pumped for several weeks. Autonomous source on clay soil very difficult to swing. Clay is difficult to wash out, so you will have to remove hundreds of cubic meters of water and spend a lot of time. The main thing is not to stop working, the water will definitely clear over time.

How does water change after pumping?

Bleeding pump

Before pumping a well, it is necessary to select equipment. In order for the unit to cope with its functions, it is important to take into account several criteria:

  1. The unit for pumping out suspended sand and turbidity from the bottom must be powerful enough to lift a column of dirty water to the surface.
  2. Submersible models are selected, surface pump will not be able to cope with a water rise of 9-10 m.
  3. Domestic and inexpensive mechanism. The equipment will only serve to clean the well, after which it will be unsuitable for use. It makes no sense to pay a significant amount for an imported unit, especially since Russian pumps are less sensitive to sand particles.

Advice. Do not forget to periodically pass clean water through the pump, otherwise it will burn out before the end of work.

Theoretically, you can use 3 types of submersible pumps, which we will discuss below.


The model has the lowest cost, but does not have enough power for pumping, so it will quickly deteriorate.


The design has low sensitivity to contamination, so it pumps out sand well. Its disadvantage is its large size and price.


This best option in terms of cost, power and other qualities. The most common warrant for cleaning sources.

Bleeding with a vibration pump

Advice. If you purchased a productive and high-quality imported submersible pump, leave it for installation of the water supply system. It does an excellent job of pumping clean water into the system.

Instructions for pumping

After purchasing an inexpensive centrifugal pump, you need to purchase steel rope for diving and holding. It is better not to use synthetic cords. The equipment will have to be raised and lowered several times, and it may get stuck in the mud and have to be pulled. A nylon cord cannot withstand such loads, but a steel cable can handle it. It is recommended to install a winch, then you will not have to manipulate the pump manually.

An important question that is decided before pumping a well is where to discharge the dirty water. The farther the dirty wastewater is from the source, the better. The submersible pump is not lowered into the pipe to the very bottom; it is suspended at a height of 80-100 cm. This distance will allow sand particles to be lifted and drawn in. The equipment will undergo a long working marathon from several hours to several weeks. Timely maintenance will help extend the life of the pump until the end of the process.

Placing the pump in the well

Advice. If clean water does not appear for a long time, experts recommend changing the pump model used. Instead of a centrifugal one, you can install a screw version.

Common mistakes made by newbies

When starting to pump a well on their own, source owners make various mistakes. Knowing about the common mistakes of predecessors, you can avoid in your work:

  • Significant distance of the pump from the bottom (more than 1 m). In this case, the equipment will pump water without practically capturing sand particles from the bottom of the well and the area near the walls. Poor cleaning will lead to rapid silting.
  • Low hanging of the unit (closer than 70-80 cm). The pump, being in the thick of suspensions, will quickly become clogged with particles of sand, clay, limestone and other impurities. You will either have to frequently flush the pump (which is difficult to do because the equipment gets stuck in the sludge), or buy a second one until the end of pumping.
  • Close water drain. If the dirt removed from the well is drained nearby, it will return to the source, nullifying all efforts to pump it up.

Preventative work

Siltation also occurs during well operation. To keep the water clean, you need to take preventive measures. During seasonal operation of the source in winter, its operation stops. The pump does not work for several months, the water stands still, and sand particles settle at the bottom. By spring, you may end up with an unsightly picture that requires washing out the bottom sediments with a hose clean water. When the bottom sediments rise up the pipe, it means that the erosion work is completed. To prevent the problem, you should run the pump for 2-3 hours a day, even if there is no need for water.

Ways to solve problems with a well

Pumping a well after drilling does not require special knowledge and experience; patience is important. In order for the source to provide clean water in sufficient quantities in the future and not silt up, it is necessary to properly pump the well.

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After completion of drilling and installation of the casing, the owner of an equipped water source will be faced with the following question: how to pump the well? That is, how to remove from the mine the remains of silt, sand suspension and dirty water that has accumulated in the well during drilling or appeared during the installation of casing pipes.

Moreover, due to the fairly large volume of pollution and the inaccessibility of waste deposits, cleaning a well after drilling is a rather complex operation, implemented using special technologies.

However, these technologies, despite some specificity, are still quite accessible for mastering and using in a do-it-yourself format. And in this article we will look at the build-up process, which can be implemented on your own.

An aquifer is a far cry from the clean stream of water that comes out of your kitchen faucet. IN natural environment the aquifer is a sandy-clayey suspension compressed between a clay lens and sandy loam. It is from this that we extract water, purifying this mess using mechanical filters.

But mesh filters cannot deal with the smallest particles - silt. In addition, during the construction process, some of the highly concentrated sand suspension will penetrate into the well, clogging the filters from the inside.

As a result, the owner of a newly equipped source is forced to pump out this mixture from the bottom, thereby increasing the performance of the filters and the quality of the water. That is, he needs to pump up a new well, creating conditions for successful operation of the source in the near future.

At the same time, during the “swinging” process, silt and sand are washed out not only from the pipe, but also from the layer closest to the outer boundaries of the casing. Therefore, a properly “boosted” well is surrounded not by a turbid suspension, but by a layer of fairly clean water. But such a result requires some effort.

How to properly pump a well: an overview of the process

Technically, “pumping up” looks like regular pumping of water from a well. That is, we immerse the pump in the casing pipe and begin to pump out water along with silt and sand-clay suspension.

But the apparent simplicity of such technology is deceptive.

After all, to successfully complete this procedure you need to know:

  • Firstly, how long to pump the well (in time, without breaks).
  • Secondly, what kind of pump to do this with (selected according to the performance of the unit).
  • Thirdly, how to organize this process (where to fix the pump, when to start pumping, and so on).

Duration of well build-up

You need to pump continuously until perfectly clean water “comes out” from the outlet pipe of the pump. After all, mesh filters allow only small particles to pass through, and coarse sand settles with outside, forming an additional filter layer.

Thus, the duration of pumping depends on the type of soil, the throughput diameter of the casing pipe and the depth of the well bottom. But even under almost identical conditions, one well will pump much longer than the other. After all, everything depends on the quality of the soil near the filter itself.

As a result, the average duration of pumping is 10-12 hours, but the most contaminated mines, located in clay or chalky soils, pump for whole days.

What pump should I use to pump a well?

Of course, the cheapest, submersible, centrifugal type. After all, it will have to be disposed of or put aside until the next buildup. Because it is no longer possible to use such a pump, clogged with silt and sand. And, yes, vibration pumps- are categorically not recommended for swinging - they simply cannot withstand such a load.

Well, it is strictly not recommended to use the main pump, which was purchased as the main pumping device that provides pressure in the home pipeline.

It is introduced into the well only after pumping. And it pumps only practically clean water.

Organizational matters

We have already decided how to pump the well after drilling.

Now let's look at how to do this:

  • The pumping process starts after the installation of the last bend of the casing pipe is completed.
  • The main tool is a centrifugal pump, submersible type.
  • The immersion level is 70-80 centimeters from the bottom of the well, approximately at the end of the gravel filter.
  • The pump operating mode is intermittent, with frequent removal from the well for flushing and cleaning.

Pump power is the maximum possible (taking into account the cost). Indeed, to complete the pumping process, in some cases, it is necessary to pump up to 500 cubic meters of liquid suspension.

Well pumping: overview of common mistakes

The well pumping procedure may fail due to the following organizational errors:

  • Due to too low immersion of the pump, as a result of which the device becomes clogged with sludge within minutes. Moreover, in the most difficult cases, the pump will be pulled into the quicksand irrevocably.
  • Due to too high a suspension, as a result of which only the upper part of the submerged section of the casing pipe will swing, and silt deposits will remain at the bottom of the source. As a result, after a couple of months, you will need to repeat the buildup.
  • Due to ill-considered discharge of pumped water discharged near a well or well. As a result, water will seep back into the pipe, penetrating through the joint cracks and eroding the soil surrounding the well.

Therefore, the pump must be hung correctly (neither high nor low), and the water must be drained as far as possible from the head of the well. Otherwise, all the efforts and funds spent on the build-up will be in vain.

Fighting silt and quicksand

It doesn’t matter how long and how many times you pump the well, silt will still appear in the mine. After all, the mesh filters placed on the intake holes at the end of the casing pipe are simply not designed for such a small “caliber” of polluting particles.

Quicksand is water-saturated sand or sandy loam

As a result, the well owner must allocate time for preventive work carried out immediately after the flood subsides (seasonal increase in the level groundwater). After all, silt plugs are formed during an unexpected increase in pressure in the aquifers of the soil.

Moreover, there are two ways to deal with traffic jams, namely:

  • If the moment has not yet been missed, and there is no plug in the well yet, then you just need to increase the intensity of operation, pumping out water not as needed, but for 2-3 hours at a time. As a result of such an overload, coarse sand will be washed around the filter bend of the casing pipe, and silt deposits will be removed from the mine until the next flood. But after such harsh operation, it is necessary to inspect and repair the pump.
  • If the moment is missed and a plug forms in the well, it will have to be washed away with a stream of water supplied to the bottom of the well under pressure. Moreover, for blurring you need a special injection pump, a hose the length of which is equal to the depth of the well, and a hydraulic nozzle. After washing out, the silty suspension is simply pumped out of the well without any residue.

As you can see: both technologies do not require exorbitant efforts, and most of the work related to well maintenance is carried out remotely. Therefore, just don’t be lazy, maintain the well at the required intervals, and enjoy clean water all year round.
