Application of insurance and self-insurance methods. Belay and self-insurance in mountaineering. Some nuances and typical mistakes. "Upper system", "chest harness"

Speed ​​and strength exercises include those that require participants to exert maximum effort in a relatively short period of time. As an example, let's name such exercises as standing jump with both legs, long jump, short distance running, throwing a medicine ball with both hands from behind the head, turning point-blank on a high bar, etc.

For development speed-strength abilities most often used different weights weights (barbell, dumbbells, belt with sand, weighted objects attached to the upper or lower limbs, etc.), as well as changing the conditions for performing exercises (running uphill, along the sand, up stairs, etc.)

Basic Rules self-execution speed-strength exercises state the need:

♦ perform exercises that correspond to the physical fitness of the body;

♦ use weights depending on age and level of fitness;

♦ use dumbbells, training barbells, medicine balls, expanders, rubber shock absorbers, exercise equipment according to height, weight, physical fitness;

♦ systematically using pulse and external signs exercise self-monitoring of the state of the body;

♦ rationally select exercises and the mode of their implementation in order to ensure uniform work of the main muscle-ligamentous groups.

When performing gymnastic exercises, you should remember that some of them are associated with a certain risk. The presence of risk fosters such positive traits, like the will and desire to win, but the risk should not lead to injuries, much less accidents. To avoid this, the student performing the exercise is insured by the teacher or students.

Only those who know the technique of the exercises being studied and the rules for performing belay can successfully belay during training. It is very important to choose the right place for insurance. The belayer must be located where the student may fall or fall. He must move behind the student as the exercise progresses. Belay techniques are determined by the technique of the exercise, its structural features, complexity, as well as the preparedness of the performer. One of the belay techniques is assistance, in which the belayer directly helps (physically) the practitioner perform the exercise. During support (also one of the belay techniques), the belayer touches the practitioner, but does not provide him with physical assistance in performing the exercise and does not restrict his movements. The basic rules of insurance include knowledge of the most difficult and dangerous moments in the exercise. The belayer should be positioned so as to help the practitioner at any time and at the same time not interfere with him performing the exercise. If the student is in danger while continuing to perform the exercise, he must be stopped. You should not belay while standing on any stand. This is dangerous and makes it difficult for the belayer to move. You must not place your hands between the body of the person performing the exercise and the gymnastic apparatus (for example, when performing exercises on the uneven bars). When supporting a gymnast, it is not always necessary to put in maximum effort. Sometimes a slight push or light support is enough to prevent the practitioner from falling or landing poorly. In the process of providing assistance, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of belaying on the crossbar, uneven bars, beam, rope, when performing a vault, acrobatic exercises. When belaying girls, it is important to carefully ensure that when performing exercises they do not hit their chest or lower abdomen on the gymnastic apparatus. For better implementation of insurance, it is necessary to systematically monitor the correct preparation for classes on various apparatus.

Self-insurance is very important element educational process. This is the student’s ability to make timely decisions and independently get out of dangerous situations that may arise during various exercises. The student may stop or modify the exercise to prevent injury or reduce the force of the fall. At gymnastics lessons Special attention You should pay attention to mastering the technique of somersaults forward and backward from any position. This will make it possible to make the landing easier during an unsuccessful dismount from a gymnastic apparatus or a fall.

During athletics lessons, it is important to conduct quality training main muscle-ligamentous groups. Experience shows that during classes athletics injuries of the lower extremities predominate. When running, special attention should be paid to the correct placement of the foot; you must land in jumps with your knees bent.

During educational games In basketball, handball, and volleyball, the hands are most often subject to bruises. Therefore, during warm-up it is necessary to warm up the wrist joints, fingers, and phalanges well.

Insurance and assistance when performing exercises on gymnastic apparatus

Insurance and assistance during gymnastics classes help you avoid injuries resulting from slips and falls. Insurance is understood as the readiness of the teacher or student to promptly support the performer of the exercises in the event unsuccessful attempt don't let him fall. Unlike insurance, assistance involves support, pushing, and “guiding” the student. Her goals:

1) prevent the projectile from falling or falling off;

2) make it easier for the student to complete the exercises;

3) help you choose the right way to perform a particular movement.

Self-belay: the ability to land with shock absorption with your legs, rolls and tucks during a fall without support from your hands. Falling forward followed by a somersault or soft shock absorption with arms and legs, backwards, to the side with performing rolls in a tuck.

Safety regulations:

♦ execution of all commands and orders of the teacher;

♦ when performing drill exercises, maintain intervals and distance;

♦ there should be mats near each projectile; when performing somersaults and flips, keep a distance;

♦ land in a vault and during apparatus dismounts only on mats;

♦ check the serviceability and fastening of projectiles;

♦ do not stand near the landing site when jumping, do not interfere with a running buddy;

♦ do not slide along the rope when descending;

♦ at the beginning of the lesson, do a warm-up to warm up the muscles and ligaments.

Combat training of security service workers Oleg Yurievich Zakharov

Insurance and self-insurance

Insurance and self-insurance

Each security officer involved in hand-to-hand combat, before starting to study throws, must thoroughly understand the methods of self-insurance during various falls and the methods of insuring his partner when throwing throws on him. The insurance when performing throws is that the wrestler:

– supports the falling opponent, softening the impact of his body on the carpet;

– when the enemy falls, directs him to roll;

– when performing throws, does not fall on the opponent and does not step on him if he loses balance.

Self-insurance is a way to fall safely. The ability to soften the blows of various falls protects against bruises and concussions. Each student should automatically perform the appropriate actions in case of any fall. This skill is acquired in the process of performing special exercises, which are included in the preparatory part of each lesson.

It is necessary to study methods of self-insurance according to the principle of their increasing difficulty. When throwing, the attacker most often remains in a stance, and his opponent has to roll over to one side or somersault forward. All methods of self-insurance, with the exception of falling forward, consist of soft rolls from side to side or on a bent back.

Before starting to study the methods of self-insurance, it is necessary to teach students various rolls (on the back and diagonally), turns to the sides and performing tucks.


Place your feet together and squat without spreading your knees. Place your hands in front of you with your palms on the carpet, bend your back and press your chin to your chest. Leaning on your bent arms and carrying your head between your hands, place the back of your head on the carpet. Push your toes forward - up and roll on a bent back. At the moment when your shoulder blades touch the carpet, clasp your shins with your hands and, pressing your heels to your buttocks, stand on your feet in a squat position.

A somersault from a squat position can also be performed by falling backwards.

When the practitioner learns how to perform a forward somersault from a squat position correctly, it can be done from a half-squat position, jumping forward and gradually moving on to somersaulting over an obstacle.


When falling forward, in order to avoid hitting your face on the carpet, you need to soften the fall with bent arms, leaning on your hands.

From the front line, without bending, tilt your torso forward and fall with your chest down. As you fall, extend your arms forward and place your palms on the carpet. Stop the fall by bending your arms springily.

To practice self-belaying when falling forward, you should complicate the exercises by performing forward jumps or throws by grabbing both legs from behind.


With your knees bent, sit on the carpet as close to your heels as possible, stretch your arms forward, and press your chin to your chest. Without changing the position of your arms, legs and head, roll on a bent back and, touching the carpet with your shoulder blades, with a sharp movement of your arms down - back - to the sides, hitting them on the carpet, stop the roll. At the moment of impact on the carpet, the arms should be extended and slightly spread to the sides so that an angle of 45–50° is formed between the torso and each arm. The fingers are connected, the palms are pressed to the carpet, the legs are bent, the pelvis is raised above the carpet.

As you master the exercise, it is performed from more complex positions. Starting with complicating the initial positions, you must then move on to falling backwards over an obstacle or through a partner standing on all fours, or carry out simple throws.


From the starting position, roll on your back towards your right shoulder blade. As soon as your feet leave the carpet, press the heel of your left foot into the instep of your right foot, spreading your knees to the sides.

As soon as the right shoulder blade touches the carpet, with a strong blow of the right outstretched arm downwards - back - to the right, stop the movement of the roll. Turn the pelvis to the right, place the right bent leg on the carpet, and place the left leg, continuing to press the heel on the instep of the right leg, on the entire foot. Keep your left hand raised up - forward so that the left hand is above the hand right hand. Press your head to your left shoulder.

Gradually complicating the exercises for falling on your side, you should perform them from a half-squat position, the main stance, falling over a partner standing on all fours, and turning over his hand.


Roll on your back and cross your shins, place the heel of your left foot on the instep of your right leg and, pressing the heel of your right foot to your buttock with your left foot, spread your legs to the sides until right angle. Roll onto your right side and, stopping the movement of the roll with a blow of your right hand, take the final position, as if falling on your side. From this position, roll onto your left side. At the moment your back touches the carpet, change the position of your shins: place the heel of your right foot on the instep of your left foot. At the same time as hitting the carpet with your left hand, place your left foot on the carpet and place your right foot in front of it with the entire foot.


Stand with your back to your partner, who is on all fours, on his right side. With your left hand, grab the clothes on your partner’s left shoulder. Take a squat position and extend your right arm in front of you. Bend your back, pressing your chin to your chest and, as if sitting down past your partner’s left side, begin to fall back. When the fall is determined, bending left hand with a simultaneous swing of the straightened right hand down - back - to the right, forcefully hit the carpet with the entire plane of the hand. Then, turning your pelvis to the right, lower your legs onto the carpet and take the final position, as when falling on your right side.

When falling on your left side, stand near your partner’s left side and grab his clothes on his right shoulder with your right hand.


The partner is in the right stance.

Stand facing your partner's right side so that the toe of your left foot is near the toe of your partner's right foot. The partner bends his right arm and holds it with his palm facing up. With your right hand, grab from above inside partner's right wrist; at the same time, the partner grabs the right hand of the person performing the fall in the same way. Lean forward, pressing your partner's right hand to your stomach, extend your left hand forward through your partner's right hand, palm down. Push your feet forward and up, roll over your joined right hands and fall onto your left side in the same way as when doing a somersault over your shoulder.

When training in falls on the right side, stand at your partner’s left side and connect your left hand with his left hand.


Kneel with your right foot and place your left hand on the carpet. Sliding your palm along the carpet, bring your right hand towards the foot of your left leg and, leaning forward, place your right shoulder on the carpet between your left hand and the knee of your right leg. Turn your head to the left and press your chin to your chest. Push off with your left foot and roll on your back from your right shoulder to your left buttock. Stop the rolling movement with a strong blow of your left outstretched hand on the carpet and take the position as if you were falling on your left side.

From the stance, a somersault over the shoulder is performed in motion. Make a step right foot forward and, leaning forward, place your right hand with the palm of your hand on the carpet so that your fingers are directed towards the foot of your left foot. Lower yourself onto the elbow of your right hand and, rolling onto your right shoulder, swing your left leg back and up, direct your torso to roll from the right shoulder to the left buttock. Finish the roll in the same way as for a knee roll.

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Methods of insurance and self-insurance

To wrestle well, you need to practice a lot in performing techniques or, as wrestlers say, practice techniques, polishing the technique of performing rather complex series of movements. What is especially important is that you need to be able to fall correctly. A person who is afraid of falling and frantically clings to his partner cannot become a fighter.

He who knows how to fall correctly, knows how to throw well!

Your main task when falling is to group and absorb the blow. This can be achieved in three ways: using the arms and legs as shock absorbers; a decrease in the kinetic energy of a falling body due to a roll (remember somersaults in length and height); with a counter sharp clap on the carpet with the entire surface of straight arms.

When falling, you need to hold your breath. Falling while exhaling can cause discomfort.

When performing throws when practicing techniques and in fights, wrestlers must be able to protect themselves and each other from injury.

97. Self-belay when falling forward (Fig. 78).

Stand up straight. Secure your back. Hands in front of the chest with elbows slightly bent and spread to the sides. Without changing the position of your torso, fall forward, placing your tense arms slightly bent (like shock absorbers), and, meeting the carpet with them, soften the fall. Do not bend your knees or push them forward when falling. When you complete the movement, you will end up with your chest and cheek on the carpet (a).

Make the exercise more difficult: fall forward, abruptly lifting your legs off the surface and bending slightly at the lower back (b); the partner from behind should pull your legs towards him (c).

rice. 78a

rice. 78b

rice. 78v

During the first training sessions, the exercise should be done 50–100 times.

98. Self-belay when falling backwards (Fig. 79).

The exercise is performed in sections in order to alternately involve the necessary muscle groups in the work. Subsequently, naturally, it will be necessary to do it together.

At the command “Do it once,” stand as shown in the figure: your torso is straight, your arms are extended forward, your chin is pressed to your chest, your teeth are tightly clenched (a).

On the command “Do two”, go into a half-squat position. The back is rounded (b).

rice. 79

At the command “Do three,” sit with your heels toward your buttocks (c) and lean back without straightening your back or straightening your head (d). As you roll, slam your palms down hard on the carpet. Straight arms should make an angle of approximately 40° with the spinal column.

Some people make the mistake of throwing their arms up when they touch the carpet with their backs and only then lowering them. Hands should meet the coating first! In the final phase of the movement, you will end up on your shoulders and neck with your legs bent.

The exercise must be done more than 100 times in the first training sessions to make it automatic. At the signal, learn to make the movement together.

After some time, fall back, lifting your feet off the carpet as quickly as possible.

Perform a backward fall through a partner standing on all fours (e). First, you can sit on it (e) and slide back (g). Then tip over while moving without sitting down.

The most important thing when falling backwards is not to straighten your neck so as not to hit the back of your head on the carpet, but to hit it with your hands at the moment your back touches the carpet - no later!

99. Self-belay when falling on the side (Fig. 80).

Just like the previous one, this self-insurance technique is performed in sections and consists of three phases. The first and second completely repeat those when falling on your back (a). When performing the third phase, the legs are placed crossed (b). The leg that is the same as the side you fall on is at the back. The chin is pressed to the chest and the head is tilted towards the upper shoulder. The back is rounded. When touching the carpet sideways, make a strong clap with your hand, leaving the other hand raised up (c).

Perform a fall on your side, abruptly lifting your legs off the carpet, through your partner standing on all fours (d, e).

rice. 80

All self-insurance techniques, once you have mastered them well enough, can be performed in the acrobatics section.

100. Somersault over a partner’s hand (belaying and self-belaying) (Fig. 81).

With your hand, grab your partner by the sleeve of the same name below the elbow, and he will grab your arm(s) in the same way. Through your partner's hand, do a forward somersault, similar to an over-the-shoulder somersault (b). When you land, slam your hand down hard on the carpet, as if you were falling on your side (c). Your partner belays you at the moment of landing, holding you up by your sleeve - this is a technique for belaying a falling partner. As you can see, it is quite simple: at the moment the partner lands, the impact of his body on the carpet is absorbed by an upward jerk.

rice. 81

There are much more exercises for training sambo wrestlers than we gave you (maybe 10, maybe 100 times). But if you master at least these, know: you have already achieved the necessary and sufficient level of training and are quite ready to move on to the next stage - mastering the techniques of defense and attack, sports and combat sections of sambo.

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One of the most important methodological techniques for teaching gymnastic exercises is assistance.

Help- direct participation of the belayer in facilitating the exercise. The main task of assistance is to create the proper conditions for quickly mastering the technique of the exercise being studied. Help should be used skillfully, at the right moment and with the necessary effort. You cannot do all the work for the gymnast, since he does not have the necessary skills to master the exercise. As you master the skills physical assistance decreases until it stops completely.

Wiring- This is a form of assistance from the beginning of the exercise to its completion. The trainer's efforts must be consistent correct actions student while performing the exercise.

Nudge- This is a short-term assistance during the exercise.

Support- one of the important methods of assistance. It consists in the fact that the coach supports the gymnast’s body, fixing it in the appropriate position. Support is used during both dynamic and statistical exercises. Example (swing in an arc with a turn on the crossbar, turning in a circle on the uneven bars when swinging forward). In this case, it is important to fix the position of the body in the most highest point. When placing your arms to the sides (cross). As the level of technical and physical training increases, assistance, guidance and support are reduced, and then stopped completely, replacing them with insurance. When the gymnast reaches high level sportsmanship and confidently masters the compulsory and free programs, it is advisable to even remove insurance.

In order to correctly apply insurance and assistance techniques, you need to know and strictly adhere to the following requirements:

1. During classes, explain to students where failures can occur and what needs to be done if the exercises are unsuccessful.

2. Know the exercise technique well, choose the right place for belaying without interfering with the gymnast.

3. While performing a whole combination or connection, change your place according to the form and nature of the exercise.

4. Choose the right ways and methods of insurance and assistance, taking into account the nature of the exercise, the level of physical and technical preparedness of the gymnast.

5. Take into account the individual characteristics of the gymnast.

6. While belaying, you must not use any unstable supports.

7. Widely use manual and hanging belts for belaying - longges, exercise machines, foam pits. The latter currently occupies a leading place in educational and training

8. Use individual and group insurance methods as necessary.

9. Avoid petty unnecessary supervision, cultivate independence and strong-willed qualities in students.

Self-belaying is a very important element of the educational and training process of gymnasts. This is the gymnast’s ability to make timely decisions and independently get out of dangerous situations that may arise during exercises. The gymnast may stop or modify the exercise to prevent injury or reduce the force of a fall during a fall.

Gymnasts' training in belaying and assistance are integral part educational and training process. Every gymnast must learn to belay and help a friend while learning complex gymnastic exercises. By helping a friend, the gymnast is more thoughtful about the learning process and tries to understand the technique and structure of the exercise.

Training in belay techniques is carried out in parallel with mastering gymnastic exercises. The teacher, having explained and demonstrated the exercise, immediately shows how to belay and help during this exercise and involves the students in this.

The formation of insurance and assistance skills should be carried out under the strict supervision of a teacher with a conscious and serious attitude of the athlete.

First, the teacher provides insurance, and the student plays the role of an understudy. As students master the skills of belaying and assisting, they perform basic belaying, and the teacher duplicates them.

In some cases, when the exercises are safe to perform, you can trust the students to belay each other on their own. Self-insurance significantly increases the responsibility of students and is reliable protection from injuries.

When teaching insurance and assistance techniques, it is necessary to draw the students’ attention to strict compliance with all safety requirements and other injury prevention measures.

It is known that there are frequent cases of injuries during physical education classes and training for schoolchildren. Even more injuries occur at home. Most of them, at first glance, seem random: slipped while jumping, running or playing; fell unsuccessfully while skating, skiing or sledding; landed awkwardly when jumping, etc. self-insurance techniques when performing the most common exercises that are fraught with the risk of injury.

Meanwhile, such injuries, both domestic and sports, are often explained not by accident, but by weak physical training schoolchildren and insufficient attention of coaches and physical education teachers to exercises that develop self-insurance skills. These exercises are simple, accessible and necessary for almost all children, and especially for those who play sports associated with unexpected or intentional falls (gymnastics, acrobatics, wrestling, football, volleyball, etc.)

However, it is naive to think that by learning 10-20 special exercises, we have already protected children from injury. They will become a barrier to tarvmatism only with regular repetitions of increasingly complex tasks and performing them confidently, clearly, on high speed. Below are suggested techniques for self-insurance when performing the most common exercises that are fraught with the risk of injury.

Sometimes, when falling forward, schoolchildren receive various injuries to their arms, face, and chest. This happens most often to those who have weak hands and underdeveloped dexterity.

Exercises to absorb falls by bending your arms.

This method of self-insurance is used when falling on the spot or at a low forward speed. When teaching falls, foam mats are used.

1. Alternate and simultaneous flexion and extension of the arms in a lying position with hands resting on a table, stool, gymnastic bench, floor; the same, but the legs are on a bench or supported by a partner (Fig. 1); the same with support from a partner lying on his back (Fig. 2). The pace of the exercises gradually increases.

2. Walking on hands; in a lying position, with jumping, jumping, etc. Meanwhile, such injuries, both domestic and sports, are often explained not by accident, but by poor physical fitness of schoolchildren and insufficient attention of coaches and physical education teachers to exercises that develop self-insurance skills. These exercises are simple, accessible and necessary for almost all children, and especially for those who play sports associated with unexpected or intentional falls (gymnastics, acrobatics, wrestling, football, volleyball, etc.)

However, it is naive to think that by learning 10-20 special exercises, we have already protected children from injury. They will become a barrier to injury only with regular repetitions of increasingly complex tasks and performing them confidently, clearly, and at high speed. Below supported by a partner under the knees; the same with support for the shins, legs together; the same in a handstand (Fig. 3).

3. Bending and extension of the arms in a stand: at the gymnastic wall, hooking the arms onto the bar (Fig. 4); with support from a partner by the legs (Fig. 5); against the wall without assistance, lowering himself to a headstand and entering a headstand by force.

4. While lying on the floor: push-off with hands; also with 1-2 claps; pushing off with legs (Fig. 6); the same, spreading and connecting the legs; pushing away with arms and legs at the same time; the same with moving to the right and left. The pace of the exercises gradually increases.

5. Falling forward on your hands while lying down: from the emphasis on your knees, push off with your hands from the floor and, moving your torso forward and up, softly land at emphasis while lying on your bent arms (Fig. 7); the same from an emphasis crouching; the same from a kneeling stand; the same from OS, straight body; the same with turning around and falling at the same time; the same after somersaults forward and backward.
