Features of the development and organization of fire extinguishing in the basements of residential buildings. Extinguishing fires in attics and floors of buildings Features of extinguishing fires in basements

Basements are closed, semi-darkened or generally dark rooms recessed into the ground.
Basements are usually located under the entire area of ​​buildings, and sometimes extend beyond it.
External fences of basements are foundations and walls without windows or with small window openings, which may have steel bars.
The height of basements varies, often only 1.5 - 2 m, which causes difficulties for advancing reconnaissance and extinguishing fires.
Premises located in basements have a limited number of doors and window openings. Large and complex basements are divided into sections that can communicate with each other. Partitions of varying degrees of fire resistance can be installed inside the sections
Basements can communicate with floors and attics through elevator shafts, through ventilation and garbage chute systems, through openings and hatches in the ceilings through which various utilities pass. In buildings built before 1959, exits from the basements were arranged into a common stairwell, which contributed to the rapid smoke build-up of the entire building.
The basement floors in most multi-story buildings are fireproof. In separate buildings old building, in residential two-story buildings 4 and 5 SO, there are wooden basement floors with voids.
The ceilings coincide with the ground level or are located slightly above it. The low location of the ceilings makes it difficult or eliminates any possibility of creating openings in the external walls to penetrate the basement in addition to the existing entrances.
The premises located in the basements are used for material warehouses, all kinds of workshops, boiler rooms, etc. They contain communications for water supply, sewerage, ventilation, gas pipelines, garbage and dust collection chambers, etc. In residential buildings in the basements, residents can arrange all kinds of storage rooms and utility sheds in which, as a rule, a large number of used things are stored, old furniture and so on..
Thus, in the event of a fire in the basement, you can encounter the burning of materials with a wide variety of properties and values.
The fire load in basements is up to 50 kg/m2, and in residential buildings with utility sheds - up to 80 - 100 kg/m2.
The confinement of volumes, the complexity of the layout and the variety of uses of basements contribute to the creation of a difficult situation in the event of a fire.
IN initial period The fire develops intensively due to the sufficient amount of air present in the volume of the premises. Subsequently, during the first 10 - 30 minutes, the influx decreases fresh air into the combustion zone, the rate of fire spread and the rate of burnout decreases, and the concentration of combustion products in the basement volume increases.
During fires in basements, heat and heavy smoke. The temperature of smoke and air at the approaches to the fire reaches 100 - 150° or more. The density of smoke and the toxicity of combustion products depend on the completeness of combustion and the chemical composition of burning substances and materials. In basements, when combustion is incomplete, smoke has increased density and toxicity.
As the fire progresses, the pressure of combustion gases inside the basement continuously increases. Smoke penetrates through all openings and even minor cracks in walls and ceilings. There is heavy smoke stairwells, creates a threat to people, especially in upper floors, combustion can spread to the first floor through combustible floor structures, due to heating of metal communications, through holes in reinforced concrete floors. If there are ventilation ducts and shafts coming from the basement, the combustion spreads to the upper floors and even to the attic. A real threat is created to the entire building.
In prolonged fires, when materials with a high calorific value are burned, strong heating occurs and the fireproof ceilings above the basement collapse. Collapse can be accelerated if loads in the form of materials and equipment remain on the floor during a fire.

The main tasks of fire departments when extinguishing fires in basements are:
- ensuring the safety of people on the floors of buildings;
- creating conditions for extinguishing fires by removing smoke and reducing temperature;
- extinguishing a fire within the burning premises of the basement.
During fires in basements, special attention is paid to the organization and operation of communications, which ensures the management of units and departments of gas and smoke protection workers and obtaining from them information about the situation at work sites, as well as the precise organization and conduct of rescue operations. All GDZS units working to eliminate fires in basements must be provided with communications equipment.
When conducting reconnaissance in basements, it turns out:
- interior layout basements;
- design features above-basement floors;
- places where fire can spread to the floors and attic;
- presence of flammable substances and materials and their quantity;
- what openings can be used to introduce barrels, release smoke and reduce temperature;
- places of opening of structures, etc.
Reconnaissance in the basement is carried out by the GDZS unit. To settle smoke and protect the reconnaissance composition from high temperature, a shut-off barrel is introduced.
You need to go down into a burning and heavily smoky basement using the stairs feet first or sliding on your side. When descending through a window opening, a stick ladder is used, and the first person descending into the basement is secured with a rescue rope.
Reconnaissance is carried out both in the burning compartments of the basement and in those adjacent to them. This is done to determine the possibility of combustion spreading in them and to find additional approaches to fire sources.
Reconnaissance in the common stairwells adjacent to the basement and in the floors above the burning basement determines the degree of smoke and the presence of danger to people on the floors who may suffer from penetrating smoke, as well as the possibility and location of the spread of combustion.
On the ground floor, the ceilings above the combustion area are checked at the passage points metal pipes and ventilation ducts. In places of heating or smoke release, control openings of the floor, partitions or other structural elements, trunks are brought to the opening sites. If there are ventilation ducts, shafts, elevators, hollow partitions and ceilings, reconnaissance is carried out on all floors and the attic. If smoke is detected in the attic, it is necessary to determine how it gets there and whether this could cause the spread of fire.
Fire extinguishing in basements is usually carried out by units and departments of the GDZS. Therefore, during fires, the RTP organizes checkpoints, security posts, and also creates a reserve to replace workers in areas of heavy smoke and high temperatures and provide assistance to victims.
In case of prolonged fires, a fire extinguishing headquarters is created, responsible persons are appointed for carrying out rescue operations, for the operation of GDZS checkpoints, for safety precautions, etc.
The introduction of forces and means during fires in basements is carried out, as a rule, in two directions:
- the main forces and means are sent to the burning basement to extinguish the fire, the routes for introducing forces and means to extinguish the fire in the basement are door and window openings;
- part of the forces and means are being deployed to protect the first floor.
If there is a threat to people, as a rule, this happens in residential buildings, the main task of the arriving fire departments is to rescue and evacuate people, all forces and means are concentrated on completing this task. Depending on the situation, people are rescued or panic is prevented, smoke is released from staircases and floors, property is evacuated, control openings of structures and other work are carried out.
If by the time the fire department arrives people are in a panic (standing in the windows, screaming for help, etc.), and the stairwells are heavily smoked, the RTP takes measures to stop the panic, and if necessary, immediately organizes the rescue of people through window openings and balconies on fire escapes and rescue ropes.
To remove smoke from staircases, open the upper window openings, entrance doors stairs, and the openings to the basement are covered with tarpaulin lintels. In the absence of RPE or when the smoke temperature in the stairwell is very high, the windows are opened from the outside from the fire escapes. If there are no window openings in the staircase (solid stairs), smoke can be released through the attic. To do this, the roof is opened and the attic door is opened. Smoke is released from the floors by conventional ventilation: opening windows and doors creates drafts; smoke exhausters can also be used.
After the complete completion of evacuation and rescue operations or upon the arrival of a sufficient number of forces and means, trunks are introduced to extinguish the fire in the basement.
Simultaneously with the introduction of fire extinguishing means, work is organized and carried out to remove smoke and reduce temperature. To remove smoke when extinguishing fires in basements, smoke exhausters are used (after rescue operations are completed and the fire site is located). During their operation, it is necessary to ensure that the fire does not spread in undesirable directions and does not aggravate the fire situation.
To extinguish fires in basements, compact and sprayed jets of water and wetting solutions are used. For small fires, PC-50, RSK-50 and other barrels are used, for large fires, PC-70 barrels are used, and for large basements, fire monitors are used. To reduce the temperature and smoke deposition in basements, it is advisable to use barrels with attachments NRT-5, NRT-10 and others.
If there is high temperature and heavy smoke in the basements, medium- and high-expansion air-mechanical foam is used to extinguish. When filled with foam, the temperature in the burning room quickly drops to 40 - 60 °C. After filling the basements with foam, departments or units of the GDZS with operating water trunks are sent to inspect the fire site and eliminate individual sources of combustion. Filling basements with foam, water vapor or inert gas should only be done when the RTP is convinced that all people have been removed from the rooms being filled and hazardous areas.
When gas flares burn on gas pipeline communications, water jets are introduced for cooling load-bearing structures, which are affected by the torch, but the torches should not be extinguished. In these cases, the supply of gas to the burning torch is blocked.
The organization of work on opening and dismantling building structures should be carried out under the direct supervision of operational officials at the fire, determined by the RTP, as well as indicating the place of storage (dropping) of the dismantled structures. Before they begin, it is necessary to disconnect (or protect from damage) the electrical networks (up to 0.38 kV) and gas communications available on the site, and prepare means to extinguish a possible (hidden) outbreak.
All personnel must comply with safety measures when opening and dismantling structures, as well as when working in RPE.
Personnel working near burnouts and collapses above a fire must be securely secured with rescue ropes.
Find out the storage locations of chemically hazardous, explosive substances, transport gas cylinders, the degree of threat and, if necessary, organize their evacuation.
In all cases when rescue operations are carried out, officials, simultaneously with the deployment of forces and means, organize a call for emergency medical assistance, even if it is not necessary at the moment.
Before arriving at the fire medical personnel, first aid to victims, in in the prescribed manner, is provided by the personnel of the State Border Service units.
To rescue people and property from a height, tested stationary and portable manual fire escapes, ladders and fire trucks, rescue ropes, rescue hoses, pneumatic jumping rescue devices and other devices that have the appropriate certificates and have been tested are used.

In modern buildings and structures, unlike most old buildings, basements are provided in which utility rooms can be located. Such building structures are made of non-combustible elements that ensure fire safety of basements. However, they have very few window and door openings. Metal bars can be installed on the windows, which prevent the extinguishing of emerging fires and the evacuation of people inside the premises. Therefore, the ground floor of the building must meet all requirements fire safety.

Take care of the fire safety of your basement

Features of the basement

When extinguishing fires in the basement of a house, inconvenience is not only their location, but also the communications laid in it, as well as design features: inaccessibility and lack of free movement.

Some factors that make it difficult to effectively extinguish a fire:

  1. Insufficient height, which in most cases reaches up to 2 meters and does not allow free movement around the premises, making it difficult to carry out a rescue operation.
  2. Poor lighting or its complete absence (insufficient window openings for natural light, small amount lighting fixtures in basements and disruption of their work).
  3. The ventilation of utility rooms in the basement is insufficient, resulting in poor ventilation and a high concentration of carbon monoxide in the event of a fire.
  4. Narrow openings can cause people to panic, cause congestion and make it impossible to as soon as possible conduct an evacuation.

In this video we will look at conducting a basement inspection:

The thick walls in the basements are made of fireproof material; they cannot be dismantled; the ceilings are too low. These features do not allow you to create extra space for an escape route in case of rapid evacuation and fire fighting. The basement usually has one exit or elevator to the stairwell. When it starts to smoke, it almost instantly fills with acrid smoke. ventilation ducts, waste disposal system and other leaks that affect buildings. This is another reason for the rapid smoke build-up on the upper floor of the structure.

Characteristics of fires

The specifics of the fire are determined architectural feature buildings. A fire that occurs inside the basement, as opposed to a fire in outdoors outside the building, there is a high increase in air temperature. Poor ventilation during a fire contributes to the rapid accumulation of combustion products; the surrounding air becomes toxic and instantly fills limited area basement.

The intensity of the fire increases the concentration of smoke and harmful substances, which entails smoke in everything ground floor. The pressure inside the room increases sharply, smoke freely escapes through existing cracks and openings, capturing new areas of the building, creating additional danger for people on the upper floors of the building structure.

A fire can spread to adjacent rooms and other floors in a short period of time by igniting flammable materials: wiring, finishing materials. Any delay in extinguishing the source of fire can lead to a complete fire of the entire structure.

Priority tasks in case of fire

The main task when extinguishing a fire in the basement is to quickly localize the source of ignition and eliminate the fire, preventing the growth of smoke and the collapse of structural elements of the building.

The main tasks that must be performed when extinguishing a fire:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to protect all people in the building and carry out evacuation without panic.
  2. Try to reduce the high temperature of the heated air and, if possible, remove smoke.
  3. Find the source of ignition, localize it and extinguish the remaining fire.

For specially trained rescue teams, the main task when extinguishing fires in basements is to conduct reconnaissance, which consists of obtaining maximum information about the fire:

  • presence of flammable materials and liquids in the room;
  • clarification of the layout of rooms and their area;
  • design features of the building.

A special role during rescue operations in a smoky room is played by well-established communication between team members. The well-coordinated work of the team and the coordination of ongoing rescue operations, as well as the collection of the necessary information about the building and the fire, depend on it. After receiving the necessary information, an action plan is drawn up and methods for extinguishing fires in the basement and the building as a whole are determined.

As soon as possible, it is necessary to determine the location of the fire, the design features of the structure and the availability of places for additional removal of combustion products.

Tactics for extinguishing a fire in the basement of a house

The main stages of the rescue operation and fire extinguishing tactics:

  1. Intelligence service. The source and route of spread of the flame are determined. To do this, a squad member must go down to the basement down the stairs facing forward or through a window opening, using special clothing and equipment, communications equipment and insurance. The condition of partitions, ceilings, communications, as well as the path of flame propagation is checked. The method of containing the fire is agreed upon.
  2. Cordon. The fire site must be fenced; unauthorized persons are not allowed to enter. Checkpoints are established in cordoned off areas and the first health care those in need. In case of large fires, a special headquarters is created to supervise rescue operations.
  3. Evacuation. Removing all people from danger zone. Rendering psychological assistance to the victims.
  4. Localization of the fire source.

One part of the team takes on the task of extinguishing the fire in the basement of the building, while the other group is engaged in eliminating flames and smoke on the upper floors; all window and door openings are opened to ensure effective ventilation of the building. If necessary, use special smoke exhausters.

To carry out fire extinguishing work in basements narrow rooms Compact equipment is used. Foam is the most effective remedy when extinguishing hot spots.

Fire prevention

Measures to reduce the possibility of fires in the basement of a house:

  1. Particular attention is paid fire safety: the condition of electrical wiring and electrical equipment inside the basement, ventilation systems and ventilation of basement rooms.
  2. Protection is carried out by isolating all flammable basement finishing materials.
  3. It is necessary to avoid storing flammable items.
  4. Make sure that all doors and windows open easily and do not impede the evacuation of people.

Compliance with fire safety requirements for premises is the basis for fire prevention. Failure to follow basic rules can lead to death and destruction of buildings.



Basements are most often used as boiler rooms or boiler rooms, as warehouses for storing products or things that are used in Everyday life not particularly often.

Quite often found in basements production equipment or workshops, which often leads to elements catching fire. Due to the nature of the use of basements, it is necessary to pay attention to extinguishing fires in the underground floors of the house Special attention.

Features of the basement

Extinguishing a fire in the underground floor is difficult due to the installed communications and equipment, and is also complicated by the configuration of the room and poor traffic. The following factors also influence:

  • Low room height – typical ceiling the basement is 1.5-2 meters, which makes it difficult to move around the room;
  • Lack of light, as there are few windows and not enough natural light;
  • Poor ventilation resulting in high levels of carbon dioxide in case of fire;
  • The passages are narrow, which makes evacuation from the premises significantly more difficult.

As a rule, basement partitions are made from fire-resistant materials. The connection between the basement and the rest of the house is made in the form of a basement or elevator shaft, or through the arrangement landing. All basements have common communications with residential building, in particular, a single ventilation passage, which can cause smoke on the upper floors.

Features of basement fires

A fire in a basement is characterized by a rapid increase in temperature, which does not happen in an open space. Poor ventilation provokes the accumulation of harmful substances in the air, which is especially dangerous for human health.

The density of the smoke screen and combustion processes increase the smoke content of the space around the fire; moreover, the fire can spread to other floors through ventilation shafts and other communications. If the fire is not extinguished immediately, the entire building may catch fire.

Priority tasks in case of fire

Features of extinguishing fires in basements are related to its configuration and temperature and humidity conditions. Eliminating a fire should focus primarily on quickly localizing the fire and preventing smoke in the room.

Firefighters must ensure the safety of people in the building, reduce the temperature in the basement and remove smoke. After this, the open fire is immediately eliminated.

One of the most important stages in eliminating a fire is reconnaissance. This will ensure the collection of necessary information about the state of the fire, its type and characteristics. Based on the results of reconnaissance, quick tactics for extinguishing the fire are adopted using known methods and tools. First of all, reconnaissance reports information about flammable or flammable substances in the basement, its area and hearth.

Firefighters collect data on floors and configurations, classify adjacent rooms and the possibility of arranging emergency air vents.

Sequence of actions for extinguishing a fire in the basement of a house

Reconnaissance is carried out by descending into the basement feet first with the effect of sliding sideways. It is possible through a window, but then additional safety net is needed. The main thing is to find out the options for the spread of a fire, methods of containing it, localizing it and eliminating it as quickly as possible.

In the event of a fire in the basement, a checkpoint is established by fire brigades, which provide emergency medical care and the required reserve for fire brigades, which ensure continuity of the fight against the fire.

If the fire extinguishing period is delayed, then the point is turned into a headquarters with the appointment of those responsible for the progress of work.

The entire fire crew is sent in two groups, one of which directly extinguishes the fire, and the second is sent to neighboring rooms to prevent the fire from spreading to other parts of the building. If during the extinguishing process a threat to life is discovered, then emergency evacuation of residents comes to the fore.

It is important to prevent panic among the population and provide first psychological aid.

All entrances and other openings, window and door openings, vents must be as open as possible to ventilate smoke. In some cases, separate smoke exhausters are used that pump smoke out of the room. Water sprayers and special solutions are also used. If temperatures are too high, use special fire extinguishing foam.

Fire prevention

It is necessary to prevent fires in underground premises. To do this, their condition, laid communications and equipment are regularly checked. It is extremely important to monitor electrical wiring and panels, and other sources of current. These include sources of artificial lighting.

In modern buildings, all structural elements of basements are made of non-combustible materials. The planning of basements depends on their purpose. Large and complex basements are divided into sections that are connected to each other. Premises located in basements have a limited number of door and window openings. In administrative and public buildings basements are built from several tiers. The height of basements is often in the range of 1.8-2.2 m. Basements are combined with floors and attics through elevator shafts, using a ventilation system and garbage chutes, through openings and hatches in the ceilings that pass through various engineering Communication. In modern buildings, exits from basements are located directly onto the street.

Basements in civil buildings are used to house boiler rooms, warehouses, workshops, utility sheds for residents, heating system units and other needs, and more recently private shops and workshops have been located in the basements.Therefore, during a fire, substances and materials of various properties and values ​​can burn in basements.

The development and nature of fire in the basements of civil buildings is affected by the fuel load, reaching 50 kg/m2, and in the presence of utility sheds it can grow to 80-100 kg/m2.

During the initial period of fire development, combustion occurs and spreads intensively due to the sufficient amount of air present in the volume of the premises. Further, during the first 10-30 minutes. the flow of fresh air into the combustion zone decreases, the rate of fire spread and burnout rate decreases, and the concentration of combustion products increases. Intense combustion is observed only in those places of the basement where they are stacked favorable conditions for fresh air supply. As a result of the fire developing in the basement, high temperatures and heavy smoke occur. In practice, it has been established that the temperature in the basement is approximately 300°C lower than under standard conditions. temperature regime accepted for testing building structures.

Heated combustion products, which have a higher pressure than the pressure of the outside air, from basements through doorways and other openings in building structures, as well as through ventilation systems, garbage chutes and other quickly penetrate into staircases, elevator shafts and spread to the upper floors of buildings posing a threat to people. In some cases, stairwells become filled with smoke so quickly that people do not have time to leave their apartments or workplaces. Staircase 5 storey building fills with smoke during a fire in the basement for 1.5-3 minutes.

During a fire, reconnaissance is organized and carried out simultaneously in two directions: in the basement with the help of GDZS units, as well as on the ground and upper floors.

In most cases, fires in basements that are detected in a timely manner are extinguished with one or two trunks during reconnaissance by GDZS units. However, there are cases when fires in basements appear late, the basements become heavily smoky, the temperature rises, and combustion products penetrate and fill the stairwells, creating a threat to people’s lives.

During reconnaissance, the following is determined: planning of basements, design features of their ceiling, threats and places where fire will spread to the floors and attic: presence and characteristics of substances and materials burning; places of more intense combustion and ways of spreading fire in the basement; possible means releasing smoke and reducing temperature, which fire extinguishing agents it is advisable to use for extinguishing and the place of their introduction, etc.

During reconnaissance on floors and staircases located above basements, fires are determined: their smoke density, means of removing smoke and evacuation routes for people; the probability and possible places of fire transition from the basement to the floors and attic, the presence ventilation systems, garbage chutes, cavities in structures; places where ceilings are opened to remove smoke and reduce the temperature in basements that are burning, as well as for introducing fire extinguishing agents to extinguish fires in basements.

During reconnaissance, control openings of structural elements are carried out in places of heating or smoke release, and to the places of opening under water pressure. If there are ventilation ducts, garbage chutes, cavity partitions and ceilings, reconnaissance must be carried out on all floors and attics.

When extinguishing fires, combat areas are set up in basements to extinguish fires and protect people. They are placed on the side of stairwells and entrances to basements or building facades, where window openings leading to the basement are located. On the ground floor, a security database is installed, and from the building facades or on staircases, a human rescue database is installed.

The introduction of forces and means during fires in basements is carried out in two directions. The main forces and means are sent to the basement, which is on fire, to extinguish the fire, and at the same time part of the forces and means are deployed to protect the first, and, if necessary, other (located above) floors and the attic. The main ways to introduce forces and means for extinguishing are door and window openings. If the main exits are located far from the fire and it is difficult to approach it, then holes should be made in the walls and ceilings of the basements above the burning site to introduce extinguishing agents.

Simultaneously with the introduction of extinguishing agents, work is organized to remove smoke and reduce temperature. For this purpose, smoke exhausters of various capacities are used. They are used to suck smoke from rooms, smoke-filled rooms, or to supply fresh air to the basement along the routes of the gas pumping station units. If there are several smoke exhausters, they should be used simultaneously to suck out smoke and supply outside air, that is, to ventilate the room.

Smoke exhausters are put into operation only after rescue measures have been completed and the exact source of the fire has been identified, because their operation can complicate the situation during a fire and contribute to its development.

To extinguish fires in basements, compact and sprayed jets of water and wetting solutions are used. Sprayed jets are also used to deposit smoke. For small fires, RS-50, RSK-50 barrels are used, and during fires that have spread to large areas, - more powerful, up to fire monitors (with significant basement sizes).

The number of trunks is determined based on the area of ​​the fire or extinguishing and the intensity of the water supply for extinguishing, equal to 0.1 l / (m2C) for the basements of administrative buildings, 0.15 l / (m2C) for the basements of residential buildings.

If a high temperature and strong smoke has formed in the basement and the fire extinguishing system cannot penetrate into it to begin extinguishing, use air-mechanical foam of medium and high expansion. The foam penetrates well into rooms, avoiding turns and lifts, displaces heated combustion products and quickly localizes or completely eliminates the fire. While filling a burning room with foam, the temperature in it quickly drops to 40-60 °C. It is better to fill the room with foam if it is supplied behind the air flow. This fact must be taken into account when organizing a foam attack. In some places in basements, a closed volume may form and combustion products may interfere with the movement of foam. In such cases, the boundaries of these zones are determined and the structures are opened in order to remove smoke and eliminate the movement of foam against pressure.

To supply high-expansion air-mechanical foam (expansion rate from 200-1000), a foam generator unit (FGU) is used, manufactured on the basis of PD-7 and PD-30 smoke exhausters, the productivity of which for an aqueous foam solution is 150 l / min, respectively. and 360 l/min. The standard extinguishing time with high expansion foam is taken to be 5 minutes, and the supply of foaming agent is taken to be three times. To simplify the calculations, it is assumed that one CCGT unit based on a PD-7 smoke exhauster is able to localize or extinguish a fire in a room with a volume of up to 300 m3, and a CCGT unit based on a PD-30 smoke exhauster - up to 700 m3.

In some cases, when the specified extinguishing means are not successful, extinguishing is carried out by filling the basement rooms with water vapor (basements in industrial buildings, where there are steam power plants) or inert gas. Good result when extinguishing, it is possible to use aerosol carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide).

Conclusion:basements in civil buildings are used to house boiler rooms, warehouses, workshops, utility sheds for residents, heating system units and other needs, and more recently private shops and workshops have been located in the basements. The success of extinguishing fires in basements depends on the clear and coordinated actions of personnel and the quality of reconnaissance in conditions of limited visibility and high temperature.

The basements of buildings and structures have different purposes.

As a rule, heating and other pipelines, boiler rooms, boiler rooms, warehouses. In industrial buildings - communications related to providing technological process. When a fire occurs in the basement, high temperatures and dense smoke are created, the smoke spreads to the rooms above, posing a threat to people's lives. Fire may spread through ventilation ducts, hatches, shafts, installation and other openings. Conducting combat operations is hampered by a complex layout, lack of a sufficient number of openings and entrances, and in unlit and smoke-filled basements.

When extinguishing a fire in the basement, it is necessary to organize reconnaissance of the basement and the premises above, during which it is necessary to establish the presence of a threat to people’s lives and immediately organize work to rescue them, as well as identify the possibility of fire spreading horizontally and vertically, take measures to reduce smoke in the premises by closing or opening door and window openings, smoke hatches, installing lintels.

The fire department commander must constantly remember about the possible collapse of building structures and the need to ensure safe working conditions for personnel, therefore, simultaneously with actions to stop the fire, extinguishing fires in basements is different. This includes extinguishing using water, foam and powder guns with their direct introduction into the fire, filling the basement with foam, carbon dioxide and other inert gas, and in some cases, filling the basement with water. If it is impossible to penetrate through the existing openings to the source of the fire, fire extinguishing agents must be intensively cooled down, the power supply must be turned off, and the proper operation of a security post or checkpoint must be organized. The techniques are introduced through specially made openings in the ceiling.

In the basements:

Carry out extinguishing by GDZS forces in several directions, direct the main forces and means directly to extinguishing the fire and at the same time to protect the first floor;

Organize communications to control firefighting and rescue forces;

Take measures to clarify the layout of the basement, the nature of the stored materials, structural elements of the floor, the likelihood of a threat of fire spreading to the floors of the building;

First of all, ensure the supply of foam barrels, and in their absence - sprayed and compact jets of water with wetting agents;

Use when breaking into a basement mist water to reduce the temperature in volume and smoke deposition;

Take measures to prevent smoke from stairwells, using free building openings, lintels and smoke removal means for this;
