Basic principles of healthy and proper nutrition for children - Health and treatment of the child. Healthy eating for children: useful rules and habits Proper nutrition for young children

Children from 3 to 6 years old are called preschoolers. This age is characterized by high activity and high energy expenditure, rapid physical growth and development intellectual abilities. All this should be taken into account when creating a child’s menu so that the amount of vitamins and microelements is sufficient. Healthy eating provides correct formation skeleton and organ functioning, enhances visual acuity. Proper nutrition increases the child’s ability to remember and reproduce information.

What rules must be followed to ensure healthy nutrition for children:

  • food must supply the child’s body with the required amount of calories: this is very important for normal mental and physical activity;
  • food should be varied and the menu balanced. It should be borne in mind that some children have individual intolerance to some healthy products;
  • Children always need to prepare food in the answers sanitary standards premises, withstand the required time of heat treatment of products. The child's food should not contain harmful impurities, dyes or preservatives.

Nutrient components necessary for proper development

Squirrels- important components in the construction of organs and tissues. An insufficient amount of protein in the diet of preschool children can lead to slower growth and development and weakened immunity. Their sources are fish, meat, milk and dairy products, legumes, cereals, and bread.

Fats- This is the main source of energy, in addition, they are involved in the development of immunity and play an important role in metabolism. Butter and vegetable oil, meat, fish, dairy products are some sources of fat.

Carbohydrates– a component that promotes the absorption of proteins and fats, a source of strength and energy. Carbohydrates are found in sugar, fruits and vegetables, and honey.

Mineral salts and microelements are involved in the process of building cells, organs and tissues, and during the period of active growth of children before school age their presence in food is especially important. Iron, phosphorus, potassium and calcium, magnesium and selenium, fluorine - this is not an exhaustive list of essential macro and microelements.

A sufficient amount of vitamins in the child’s food will ensure normal development. biochemical reactions in organism, correct height cells and their development. The greatest amount of vitamins is contained in raw vegetables and fruits, and after heat treatment a significant part of them is lost.

How to organize proper and healthy nutrition

Children aged 3 to 6 years should eat at least four times a day. Breakfast should be 25% of daily norm calories, lunch – 40%, afternoon snack – 15%, and dinner – 20%. Approximate average daily calories:

In addition, food must contain vitamins and microelements. It is recommended, if possible, to create a menu for the week in advance, avoiding repeating the second and first courses. This will help avoid vitamin deficiency and poor appetite.

For children attending kindergarten and those who eat there, you need to create a menu that will not repeat, but supplement kindergarten food with the necessary elements. The most good combination– this is 1 g protein: 1 g fat: 4 g carbohydrates.

We choose only the healthiest products

Healthy nutrition for children involves choosing only high-quality and fresh products. Due to the child's immaturity gastrointestinal tract, food processing should be gentle: boiled and stewed food is easier to digest than fried food. To develop taste buds, you can add fresh chopped herbs or their juice to dishes instead of hot seasonings.

Please note that even the healthiest products require the right approach: There are a number of contraindications for certain diseases of any organs.

Balanced diet for preschool children

What should I feed my child for breakfast or what should I give him for dinner? Many parents indulge their children in their reluctance to eat healthy food, allowing them to eat a lot of flour products and sweets, and drink sparkling water. Due to the complete lack of nutritional culture, children develop not only stomach diseases and tooth decay, but also general weakness and apathy.

It is important that out of the minimum four meals, there must be three hot dishes. Here is a sample list of products most suitable for preschool children.

  1. Breakfast: porridge, cottage cheese, eggs, boiled fish and meat, bread with cheese and butter. It will be useful to add dried fruits and nuts to the porridge. Suitable drinks include cocoa brewed with milk, tea, rose hips or juice.
  2. Dinner: fish or meat broth, with added cereals or vegetables. For the main course, you can serve meat or fish with a side dish of cereals, potatoes or vegetable salad. Jelly, compote of berries or dried fruits are suitable as a drink.
  3. Afternoon snack: kefir, milk, yogurt or sour cream, oatmeal cookies or buns.
  4. Dinner: It is ideal to feed the child porridge or stewed vegetables, or offer a boiled egg.

Under no circumstances should you force a child to eat: you can organize a 5th meal. This can be either an early breakfast or a light dinner before bed (at least an hour before).

How and what to feed children

Preschool children are very active, which leads to increased fluid loss from the body. It is released through the kidneys, skin, and exhaled air. Fluid reserves in the body must be constantly replenished, and therefore the child should not be limited in drinking.

You just need to take into account some nuances:

  • juices, compotes and sweet jelly lead to a decrease in appetite;
  • You should not give water during a meal or immediately after it: this will create a feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • Children should never be given sparkling water or brightly colored drinks.

The child should have constant access to cooled boiled water, unsweetened weak tea or still mineral water. It can be recommended to give children herbal teas, but only after consultation with the local pediatrician.

Correct eating process

A child should have breakfast and dinner for at least 20 minutes, and lunch for at least 25-30 minutes. This will ensure thorough chewing of food and its further easy absorption.

There is no need to distract the child, allow him to watch TV and, especially, promise a reward if he eats everything.

Teaching children to correct behavior at the table, setting an example for them, you will quickly get rid of whims and lack of appetite.

A balanced diet, a varied and tasty menu is the key to a child’s good health and the foundations laid in childhood healthy image life.

The most important concern for parents is to strengthen and maintain the health of their child. And the main condition for achieving this goal is healthy nutrition for the baby. Almost all food products are already available for a one-year-old child: both meat and fruits and vegetables. By the age of two, the child already consumes foods from the “adult” diet.

However, we should not forget that the body of a two-year-old child is not yet sufficiently developed, and the digestive system is also still weak. Therefore, products that end up on a child’s table must be carefully checked by parents.

So let's find out how, what and when to feed a child aged one to three years?


The leader of the children's table is, of course, milk. The body easily digests any dairy products and has a high nutritional value. In general, a complete benefit.

Milk and dairy products contain the basic set of vitamins necessary for a child. These products also contain calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and beneficial microelements. In addition, whole milk contains immune bodies that help fight viruses and harmful bacteria.

However, milk should not be consumed by a child before one year of age - for this young body this is too heavy a product. Cook porridge with milk - that will be enough.

It is also very beneficial to feed your baby cottage cheese, since it contains a large amount of protein necessary for the child and minerals such as iron and phosphorus.

For a child from one to three years old, it is important to choose the right fat content of cottage cheese is 5-10%. To prevent your child from getting tired of cottage cheese, diversify the menu with cottage cheese mousses and casseroles - both tasty and healthy.

Next we will talk about kefir. This product is a rich source of protein, calcium, phosphorus and vitamin B. Choose kefir made only using kefir grains (this should be indicated on the packaging); any other kefir is a kefir drink and has much less benefits.

Another must-have dairy product on a child’s menu is yogurt. Its peculiarity is that during production it is not subjected to heat treatment. Thus, the microorganisms included in the product remain alive. It is these microorganisms that help digestive system cope with food and fight various intestinal infections. Therefore, when choosing yogurt, pay attention to the shelf life of the product - real bio-yogurts have a very short shelf life due to living microorganisms. If the product you choose can be stored for a month or more, it is better not to buy such yogurt.

So, let's sum it up result: a child from one year old must include at least 400 ml of any dairy products in the menu. Every day he should consume kefir, yogurt, milk. Cottage cheese, sour cream and cheese can be given to your child once every two to three days.


Meat is also one of the important products in the children's diet. A developing child's body constantly needs “feeding”. Meat gives the child the proteins, fats, iron and other elements necessary for growth. Why not replace meat with milk, since it also contains proteins? However, milk protein differs from meat protein in its composition. The protein found in meat contains a specific amino acid - taurine. This substance is not only better absorbed by the child’s body, but also promotes the development of the child’s brain.

The fats that a child absorbs when eating meat give the child the necessary energy boost. The age of 1-3 years is very active and requires a lot of strength from the child: the body is constantly changing, growing and strengthening, the child himself strives to learn as much as possible. That is why he really needs energy. Parents must remember that the child’s menu should only contain varieties lean meat, since too much fat in the body impairs the functioning of the digestive system and leads to the deposition of fat in tissues.

Just a few years ago, a child’s meat menu was quite limited. It was recommended to use only beef, veal and poultry. To date, research in pediatrics has expanded the choice. The menu includes meat turkey, rabbit, pork. It should also be noted that goose and duck meat is not recommended for children under three years of age.

Over the period from one to three years, the meat diet should gradually change. The daily portion of meat varies from 40 grams every two days to 60 grams 5-6 times a week. It will be beneficial for the child to follow a vegetarian diet for one or two days.


Why is it necessary to introduce fish into a child’s diet? Firstly, fish also contains protein, and this protein is absorbed by the child’s body even better than the protein contained in meat. Secondly, by eating fish, the child receives a large amount of B-group vitamins, as well as iodine, magnesium, phosphorus and others that are important for children's health minerals. Another advantage of this product is its delicate structure - it is much easier for a child to digest fish.

Do not forget to prepare the fish fillet - carefully remove even the smallest bones, as they can injure the esophagus.

The portion of fish in a child's diet should be approximately 75 grams. It is advisable to feed your child fish a couple of times a week.


Egg yolk contains not only proteins and fats, but also vitamins B, A,Dand E. They also provide the body with minerals.

The chicken egg is strong allergen for the child's body. If you notice an allergic reaction in a child due to chicken eggs, you can replace them with quail eggs. Never give your child a raw egg - it may contain salmonella. Be sure to boil or fry this product.

A child can be given one egg maximum 3 times a week.


In order for the child to receive the fats he needs, they use vegetable oils and butter . It is highly undesirable to give margarine to a child under three years of age.

Vegetable oil will provide the child not only with fat, but also with vitamin E. This product promotes good liver function and rapid tissue restoration. All vegetable oils have their own characteristics, so diversify your table different varieties oils You can find varieties such as sunflower, soybean, corn and olive.

Sunflower oil, like corn oil, is very easily absorbed by the body due to the oleic and linoleic acids it contains.

Soybean oil is a rich source of vitamin E and phosphatides, and olive oil has a choleretic effect due to the large amount of oleic acid.

The diet of a child aged 1 to 3 years should contain, respectively, from 12 to 17 grams of vegetable oil and from 3 to 6 grams of butter.

Bread and cereals

Bread should be included in a child’s menu because of the content it contains. fiber promoting good digestion. Bread also contains dietary fiber that promotes the development of beneficial intestinal bacteria.

As we know, bread can be black or white. The type of bread depends not only on the type of grain, but also on the quality of flour processing: its “fineness,” purity, and so on.

It is recommended to feed a child under two years only white bread from premium flour. Although it contains the most calories, it is also the easiest to digest by the body, and it is too early to worry about calories for such a baby. Gradually introduce varieties of bread made from coarser flour into the menu - by the age of two, a child can already eat black bread. By the age of three, it will be great if the child’s menu includes whole grain bread - the most useful variety from wholemeal flour.

A child over one year old should be given about 80 grams of bread per day: 20 g black and 60 g white.

Now let's talk about cereals. This product is included in a child’s diet from a very early age. Oatmeal, buckwheat, and pearl barley porridge. From the age of three, a child can already be given rice and semolina porridge. You can add milk, vegetables or fruits to porridge.


Vegetables are necessary for a child, as source of vitamins, carbohydrates, microelements and fiber. Vegetables also help fight microbes thanks to pectins and phytoncides and other microelements and substances they contain.

Vegetables can add variety to your baby's menu. You can make vegetable puddings, stews, meatballs and casseroles.

In addition to cooked vegetables, do not forget about raw ones. Various salads should appear in the baby’s diet from the age of one year. To begin with, grate the vegetables on a fine grater, gradually moving to a coarser one.

Now let's talk about the most common vegetables on our tables and their use in baby food.

Undoubtedly, the leader of all vegetables in popularity is potato. This root vegetable contains a huge amount of various vitamins, calcium, phosphorus and iron. Of course, for children's dishes, carefully choose potatoes - there should be no rotten or greenish areas, or too large “eyes”.

It will also be beneficial for the child to consume cabbage, since the content of vitamin C in it exceeds its amount in citrus fruits. With the consumption of cabbage, the child receives a huge amount of useful substances and trace elements, minerals and vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the children's digestive system. It is especially useful for a child cauliflower. It is not only very rich in iron, but is also absorbed by the child’s body much easier.

The most important source of carotene is, of course, carrot. In addition to carotene, carrots contain potassium, iron and various vitamins. Parents should very carefully introduce carrots into their children's diet, since beta-carotene, which is part of it, is a powerful allergen. Parents need to be very careful when they begin to introduce this product into their children's diet.

Use beets has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels, strengthens them and makes them more elastic, and also increases the performance of the liver. In addition, beets contain a lot of vitamins and minerals that improve your baby's health.

To obtain vitamin A, which is so necessary for the active growth and normal development of your child, introduce it into his diet pumpkin. Don't forget that, like carrots, pumpkin can cause allergies, so be very careful. It is best to use light varieties of this product for the first time using pumpkin, with a lower content of beta-carotene.

Source clean water With big amount minerals and salts dissolved in it is cucumber. Cucumbers also help to better absorb animal proteins. Therefore, it is very beneficial for your baby to eat meat with cucumber salad.

Zucchini and squash contain less water, but they contain more minerals and salts than cucumbers.

Eat tomatoes A child can eat them raw and as part of some dish, for example, they can be added to soups, sauces and casseroles. Tomatoes are a rich source of potassium and iron. They also contain fiber and pectins.

Red bell pepper - a rich storehouse of vitamin C. Starting from one and a half years old, this product can be introduced into the children's menu.

If your child has a poor appetite, give him chopped radishes or turnips. These vegetables are great for stimulating the appetite and are also very healthy due to their high fiber and mineral content.

With use Luke It's better not to rush, despite it great benefit for the child's body. You can use onions when preparing salads.

Lettuce, spinach, dill and parsley Not only do they perfectly complement salads, but they are also great to eat fresh. High content of potassium, phosphorus, essential oils and vitamin C make these products very important for children's diets.

Fruits and berries

Absolutely all fruits are, first of all, a source of vitamins C and A. These substances strengthen the child’s immunity and contribute to the rapid restoration of the skin and mucous membranes.

Pectins, which are also included in fruits and berries and are found in them in large quantities, help the body get rid of harmful substances, and fiber helps digest food.

Fruits are very effective in stimulating the appetite, have antibacterial properties, and, most importantly, are very tasty.

A child 1-3 years old needs to consume from 100 to 200 grams of fresh fruit daily.

And in detail about the rules of use berries in the children's diet you can read.


Sugar - required product for children's menus, as it ensures rapid absorption of nutrients and is a source of energy for the child's body.

However, you should not run to stores for ready-made sweets containing various dyes and preservatives. Best dishes for a child these are dishes prepared by mother’s hands.

For example, you can make mousse from semolina flour, or pamper your baby with a fruit salad with yogurt dressing. Use cottage cheese, fruits, in general, everything natural and healthy for making desserts.

WITH test need to wait. A child’s body will be able to cope with yeast buns and pies only by the age of two. All sweets that contain margarine should not be on the children's menu at all. Until the age of three, you should also not give your baby ice cream, chocolate and cakes with heavy creams.

Every day, a child should receive from 35 to 50 grams of sugar, depending on his age.

Water and drinks

As already mentioned, for the harmonious development of a child, the body requires a lot of strength and energy. In addition to energy, the body loses a lot every day water, which must be restored. The child should receive as much fluid as he asks for - he cannot be limited in this, but he must be protected from harmful soda, coffee and cocoa.

The best drink for a child is boiled water, cooled to an acceptable temperature. You can also give your child weakly brewed tea, jelly, mineral water without gas. When brewing tea, you can use various herbs (chamomile, mint, fennel). Such herbal teas will not only quench your thirst, but also promote good digestion.

Fruit juices It’s also better not to buy in stores, but to make it yourself. Freshly squeezed juices are healthier, but store-bought juices always contain preservatives that a child does not need.

How else you can quench the thirst of little fidgets with benefits for their health, you can find out in.

Text: Evgenia Bagma

Healthy nutrition for children lays the foundation for their full life, ensures their growth, physical and mental development. Therefore, it is extremely important that it is balanced and meets all the child’s needs, taking into account his age and needs.

The main components of a healthy diet for children

Healthy eating for children plays a significant role. role in their development. It differs in many ways from the nutrition of adults, since a child has a much higher need for natural foods and nutrients, especially those involved in his growth and development. In addition, a child’s metabolism is 1.5-2 times higher than that of adults, so the energy value of his daily diet should be 10 percent higher than his energy costs - in order for him to continue to grow, develop, and increase muscle mass etc.

A healthy diet for children should be balanced so that it includes foods containing the following substances:

  • Protein: is building material for tissues and cells of the body. Protein is found in sufficient quantities in meat, dairy products, legumes, whole grains, nuts, seeds, etc.

  • Carbohydrates: provide energy to the body. The choice should be made on slow carbohydrates found in raw vegetables and fruits, and whole grains. Oversaturation with fast carbohydrates (confectionery, sweets, boiled potatoes and corn, White bread) leads to obesity, decreased immunity, and increased fatigue.

  • Fats: supply the child’s body with essential fatty acids, are a source of fat-soluble vitamins A, E and D, and are responsible for the child’s immunity and growth. Contained in cream, butter, vegetable oil, fish.

  • Fiber: is not digested by the body, but is actively involved in the digestion process. Contained in raw vegetables and fruits, bran, pearl barley and oatmeal.

  • Calcium: affects bone growth, forms tooth enamel, normalizes heart rate, ensures blood clotting, etc. Found in dairy products, meat, fish, eggs, legumes, fortified foods - such as breakfast cereals, soy products, broccoli, sunflower seeds, almonds, etc.

  • Iron: plays an important role in mental development and blood formation. Contained in meat and seafood. Other sources of iron include spinach, legumes, dried fruits, green leafy vegetables, beets, Walnut and hazelnuts, seeds, etc.

It is not necessary to calculate the amount of nutrients in grams. It is enough to adhere to the ratio of proteins to carbohydrates and fats in the ratio 1: 1: 4 and ensure that the child’s diet always contains meat, dairy products, eggs, whole grains, vegetables, fruits and fats.

Healthy eating for children - habits established from childhood

Healthy nutrition for children is not only balanced, but also certain habits instilled from childhood:

  • Enter fractional power mode. It is recommended to have 4-5 meals a day in small portions - 3 main and 2 additional. For a child, just like an adult, high-calorie and plentiful meals consisting of several full meals are harmful.

  • Food should look attractive. Experiment with the design and preparation of dishes, use bright and healthy ingredients, and involve children in participating in the cooking process.

  • Eat with your children. Best example- your own. Often we are similar in build to our parents, not because we have “such a constitution,” but because certain eating habits are instilled in us in our family from childhood. If you eat proper and healthy food, then most likely your children will “follow in your footsteps.”

  • Avoid fast food. No matter how much you would like to sometimes enjoy hamburgers or fries on weekends or on vacation, try not to tempt yourself or your children. In any restaurant home cooking the food will be tastier, and children's menus are present in most establishments today.

  • Don't force children to eat things they don't like. By forcibly forcing your son or daughter to eat healthy foods that seem tasteless to them, you unwittingly create an association in their minds - everything that is healthy is tasteless. The value of one product can in most cases be replaced by another.

  • Prepare food for school. School food is rarely healthy and varied - numerous foods are especially harmful to a child. bakery products, sweet juices and confectionery. They can always be replaced with homemade sandwiches with chicken and vegetables, nuts, dried fruits, fresh vegetables and fruits.

Remember that by providing healthy nutrition for children, you ensure their full all-round development, strengthen their immune system, protect against diseases and generally improve their quality of life.

We often hear: “Does your child eat right?” What is proper nutrition for children and how to organize it? Proper nutrition implies a balanced set of nutrients. IN at different ages Children require different amounts of calories, microelements, proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Of course, all these indicators cannot be known by a simple mother who does not have a medical education. And mothers who graduated from medical universities don’t know everything either. However, feeding your baby correctly is not that difficult.

Proper nutrition for children

First of all, proper nutrition for children should be appropriate for their age.. You cannot give a 4-month-old baby what is allowed to children at 6-8 months of age. No matter how tasty the food is, it will only do harm. Try to give your child only freshly prepared food.

Next no less important point is the baby's feeding regimen. If pediatricians now advise feeding a newborn not according to the clock, but when the child asks, then over time it is worth adjusting the child’s diet. Should be given at every feeding required amount food, if the baby does not have enough food, he will be hungry. But too much food will not lead to anything good.

In the first months of life, a child has one main product - maternal breast milk. But gradually new foods – complementary foods – need to be introduced into the child’s diet. It is given first by a teaspoon, gradually increasing the portion to 150-200 grams. By the way, the same kefir or cottage cheese, which are the baby’s first complementary foods, can easily be prepared by mommy herself. Here is a fairly simple cottage cheese recipe.

Cottage cheese for children

Nutritionists put apples in first place in terms of health benefits for children.. Therefore, as soon as you can give your child apples according to his age, let’s do it. Thanks to them, or rather to the fruit acids they contain, putrefactive bacteria die. Therefore, the baby’s ventricle will be under reliable protection. In addition, apples are rich in vitamins, microelements and other beneficial substances.

Broccoli and carrots must be present in a child’s diet.. Nutritionists place these products in second place. You can make a vitamin soup from cabbage, and juice or puree from an apple, it all depends on the age of the baby.

Nutritionists put onions and garlic in third place. Of course, the baby will not eat these spicy vegetables raw, but it is advisable to include them in recipes when preparing dishes.

It is impossible to imagine proper nutrition for children without all kinds of cereals. They begin to be given to children very early early age. This is exactly what you need to give to kids every day.
Nutritionists also include milk,

Proper nutrition is the key to human health, longevity and well-being.

Moreover, people of all ages should eat right. Try to instill this habit in your child from childhood, and you can protect him from many diseases. And if you don't know what proper nutrition should be for children, talk about it with a professional nutritionist, or at least read the recommendations below.

How many times a day should a preschool or school-age child eat?

The optimal number of meals for preschool and school-age children is four or five. In this case, food should be served to the child in small portions, warm but not overheated. And it is desirable that it be absolutely fresh. If you have the opportunity, do not prepare large quantities of food for future use. Well, we need to talk in more detail about what foods should be consumed during each meal.

  1. Breakfast. It is advisable that breakfast is not very heavy, but at the same time satisfying. Any porridge with vegetables or fruits, a piece of cheese or milk is ideal. Moreover, it is important to give the child a drink 15-20 minutes before breakfast a small amount of water, this will help his digestive system start working.
  2. Lunch. This meal for preschoolers and schoolchildren may consist of foods such as bread, butter, jam or honey, fruits such as bananas, and juice.
  3. Dinner. Lunch should be hearty, and it is advisable that it includes a first course. Just make sure that your child’s diet does not include soups and borscht cooked with bones or in fatty broth. It is better to cook a vegetarian soup and add some meat, cooked separately. Or serve meat as a main dish along with vegetables or porridge. After lunch, the child can drink a glass of compote or juice diluted with water.
  4. Afternoon snack. Regardless of whether we are talking about schoolchildren or preschoolers, healthy nutrition for children must necessarily include an afternoon snack. After all, this meal allows you to somewhat dull the feeling of hunger before dinner, so that the child does not eat too much at night. And for an afternoon snack you can give him cottage cheese, baked apples, pancakes, several pancakes, etc. It all depends on what kind of second breakfast you had.
  5. Dinner. Dinner should be fairly light, consisting mainly of protein foods. This could be an omelette, a piece of fish with vegetables or potatoes, potatoes with pickled cucumber or sauerkraut, cottage cheese with kefir, etc.

As for sausages, smoked meats, fatty cakes, sweets, chocolate and ice cream, try to reduce the amount of them in your child's diet to a minimum. The same can be said about white bread and pasta, excluding durum wheat pasta. And of course, it is important to ensure that the food consumed by the child is not too fatty.

What products should you be careful with?

Very often, parents who are interested in proper nutrition for school-age children are at a loss, not knowing what to give their child to school. Let us note that a good option for a second breakfast for a primary school student would be a low-fat cookie or bun with a banana, apple or juice. You can also give your child a sandwich with jam, preferably if you prepare it yourself. But with sausages be careful. Most of them contain a significant amount of nitrites and nitrates, which can become one of the causes of the formation of malignant tumors. The more such compounds in the sausage, the brighter it is, so do not trust bright or pale pink products like those in the picture.

But let’s say you solved the problem with food at school. What should you cook for your child for lunch? Vegetables themselves come to mind. But parents need to know that nowadays they should be extremely careful with vegetables. Many of them are grown in fields that are actively fertilized, and therefore the crop contains nitrates and phosphates. Therefore, before preparing cabbage, zucchini or other vegetables for your child, soak them in cool water for at least half an hour.

A varied diet - Dr. Komarovsky School

Proper nutrition for children / vegetables

Pin code - Correctional nutrition | Smeshariki - educational cartoons for children

wonderful cartoon about healthy eating)

Healthy and unhealthy foods - School of Dr. Komarovsky

You need to remove the skin from cucumbers that you will give to your child, unless, of course, they come from your garden. And in carrots, nitrates are contained closer to the stem, which is especially dangerous if it is very different in color from the rest of the product. As for potatoes, it is advisable to boil them in small pieces. In this case, some of the nitrates will go into the broth. Well, apples and pears, if you buy them and do not grow them yourself, should be peeled.

Another product that parents who are interested in what constitutes proper nutrition for preschool children or junior schoolchildren, is the liver. Previously, beef liver was often recommended as a product that prevents the development of anemia, but today it is undesirable to give it to children. The fact is that all harmful substances that enter the animal’s body throughout its life accumulate in the liver. So, in order to prevent anemia, it is better to eat buckwheat porridge and drink pomegranate juice.

Presentation of recommendations for proper nutrition that will help you raise a healthy child

There are certain points that parents who are interested in preserving the health of their offspring must pay attention to. They are:

  1. You should not force a child if he does not want to eat. All the same, the food will not be digested.
  2. Make sure your baby chews well and does not swallow in chunks.
  3. Do not feed your baby immediately after sleep - his body is not yet ready to accept food.
  4. If your child is noisy and active, do not feed him immediately after a walk or after returning from school. Let him rest a little, calm down and ask him to eat.
  5. Give your child meat no more than once a day.
  6. Make at least one day a week vegetarian to reduce the burden on your child's body.
  7. Do not allow food to be washed down. It is better to let the child drink some water 15-30 minutes before meals.
  8. It is advisable that the baby does not get distracted by anything while eating and does not get up from the table; his posture at the table must be correct.

And remember that lack of appetite is not at all a sign of pathology. If your child is alert, cheerful and not losing weight, there is nothing to worry about. It’s better to eat a little, but with appetite, because what matters is not how much food he eats, but how much is absorbed by the body. And of course, we must not forget about the importance correct example in education. It will be much easier for the child if not only he, but the whole family switches to a healthy diet.
