Basic rules of playing classic poker for beginners. How to play poker? Rules of the game

Before we begin to present the facts, it should be noted that it is impossible to become a professional from scratch. Professional players comprehend the aspects of their chosen direction over the years, through hundreds of battles with other players, developing own style the games they write about. Before you play poker, you need to learn the rules of the game perfectly!
This material will tell you how to play poker for inexperienced Texas Hold'em beginners.

How to play poker? Game terminology

You need to start any business by studying its terminology and basic rules, on which activities are carried out. A mediocre attitude towards the first stage will not allow you to achieve significant heights in the future. Poker rules and basic playing styles are learned by reading poker books from famous players. But their presentation is replete with narrow ones that everyone needs to know.

Poker terminology:

  • - the number of chips or money available in the account;
  • Stack - number of chips or money taken to the table;
  • - amount of mandatory contribution to gain access to the tournament;
  • Blind - there can be large and small, this is what the mandatory (blind) ones in each distribution are called;
  • Hand - cards involved in the combination;
  • - cards received from the dealer during distribution;
  • Bank - the total amount of bets placed by those sitting at the table in each hand;

Position at the table plays an important role in how to play poker correctly.. As part of any materials devoted to how to play poker, a special reference is made to, therefore, for those who decide to approach learning professionally, the description and advantages of positions, as well as poker game programs based on this, will be very useful. So, how to play poker, the rules of the game depending on the position:

  • Small blind - the leftmost position in which the player sitting makes the first, small blind bet;
  • Big blind - the second position from the left where a full blind bet is placed;
  • Early positions (UTG) - two or three seats (depending on the total number of seats at the table) after the big blind. They are the least convenient for those who are just learning how to play poker. It will become clear later why;
  • Middle Positions (MP) - next to early 2 or 3 places;
  • Late positions (Cut-off) - last 2-3 places in front of the dealer. They are most suitable for those who learn in practice how to play poker correctly. Being in front of the dealer allows you to track the actions of previous participants in the hand, compare them with the subsequent game and determine your own line of behavior depending on the starting hand;
  • Dealer or Button - definition of a conditional distributor. The dealer's position is marked with a button that moves around the table during the game. From the position next to , that is, the small blind, a new hand begins.

How to play poker depending on position?

Bringing detailed description every position was not done in vain. Many books and courses on the topic - how to play poker for beginners - miss the point that the method of playing a hand depends on the position of the player. Bringing even its basics within the framework of this material will lead the reader away from the main idea - “How to play poker. Rules for beginners."

Let's move on to the algorithm by which the distribution takes place; without it it is difficult to understand how to play poker. So:

  • Setting the blinds . Players sitting to the left of the button place first the small and then the big blind (mandatory bets, multiples of which the rest of the players’ actions will be made). Blinds are needed in order to form a minimum hand bank and spur the interest of those sitting at the table to take part in the fight for it;
  • The dealer deals each person 2 cards (starting hand) . Her small blind is the first to receive, and the cut-off is the last. We discussed above why it is better for those who are learning the basics of how to play poker to stick to Cut-off positions;
  • Next, 5 cards are revealed on the table and four stages of bidding, after the starting hand, opening (the first three cards from the common ones), (the fourth card), (the last card);
  • The result of the process is - opening by the remaining active opponents of the collected . This is the decisive moment of the distribution, determining who gets the pot.

Based on the process described above, the following thesis can be formed: help in understanding how to play poker for beginners - this is the formation of a bank at the expense of the opponents participating in the hand and winning it.

Its formation starts with the required mandatory bets - blinds. Replenishment occurs as part of bidding (placement of bids) by distribution participants at each stage.

The one who collects the strongest combination wins the pot. or through his actions forced other participants in the distribution to abandon the fight. The further they go in bidding, the larger the pot will be. The right approach to the process of “forcing” opponents to bargain in situations where you have strong cards in your hands and lies the answer to the question of how to play poker professionally.

Relationship between starting hand and combination

The question of how to play poker for beginners would not be fully answered without describing the combinations that can be collected at the gambling table.

Within the framework of this material, there is no point in dwelling in detail on each of the combinations, since they are described in (this) material. However, important aspect For a successful game there will be an understanding that the cards that came with the starting hand have a chance of becoming a combination with a calculated one.

For educational materials of the format - how to play poker, a table of behavior at the table is traditionally provided in the event of receiving certain cards in the starting hand.

With the arrival of small, unsuited cards in the starting hand, provided that the player did not put up blinds the right decision will fold so as not to waste money on opening the flop.

If the starting hand contains a pair, two cards of the same suit or different but in seniority, opening the flop should be a priority if no opponent is raising bets on the first round of betting. The chances of getting a strong combination on the flop are already high, and two additional cards are not only an opportunity to strengthen it, but also force opponents to put more money to the bank.


It makes up a large part of the gameplay. Opponents try to hide their feelings and intentions from others, while at the same time trying to establish how strong their positions are.

Books on how to play poker for beginners bypass the moment preparedness side, because they sometimes believe, rightly, that before playing poker, the rules of the mechanical game need to be learned, and psychological skills need to be honed in a real game.

This is partly true, due to the wide distribution of the game on the Internet., where it is much more difficult to evaluate opponents, since many external and verbal factors are not available for evaluation. At the same time, it is quite possible to evaluate a player by his behavior even at an electronic table, especially in SnGs.

Remote gaming capabilities allow for manipulations rarely used in table games, for example, skip a move with a strong starting hand, while the combination with cards on the table turns out to be very strong, and at the last moment place high bets imitating, forcing opponents to respond without having a worthy opposition.


Material on how to play poker for beginners should be first on the list must be read by every player who decides to play poker professionally. Don’t limit yourself to the rules and provided schemes, look for your own path, create ways that you can beat your opponents own experience and understanding of the psychological component.

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Poker rules

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Learn the rules of poker by playing online for free without investment

The goal of every game is to win, and poker is no exception in this regard. The first step towards victory in this gambling is the study and assimilation of the rules. There are many, and each of them has its own distinctive features, both during the game and in its rules. The most popular is and. However, some prefer less common varieties, such as or.

This article will focus on the topic of how to play poker, regardless of its variety. In other words, there are a number of rules that apply to everyone. These are the ones that should be studied at the first stage of learning this game.

Starting to Play Poker for Beginners

Poker can be played simultaneously by two to ten people, as well as the dealer who deals the cards. Participants are seated opposite each other at the poker table and do not have the right to change seats during the game. In order for the game process to speed up and participants to be motivated to take active action, concepts such as small and big blinds are introduced. The small blind obliges the player sitting in this position to make a bet equal to half the agreed amount, and the player in the big blind position immediately puts up chips in an amount equal to the original bet.

In poker, there is such a thing as a hand - cards that were dealt to a player, and which his opponents do not see. There is a strong and a weak hand, i.e. the player's cards can either already constitute a winning one, or increase the chances of it appearing after opening additional cards on the table. With a weak hand, which usually includes unsuited cards of low value, the chances of catching a winning combination are reduced. Another definition is showdown, which means the demonstration of the cards of each of the participants in the distribution remaining after the end of the auction.

Poker combinations

What is poker? For most people, the definition of poker is associated with a combination of cards, which, when dropped, the player wins in a real casino or in one of the online casinos. However, in fact, there are two possibilities to win any game - this is to have the strongest combination after the cards are shown, or to prevent the showdown by placing the highest bet. In the latter case, the player may actually have strong hand, and therefore wants to make the most of the hand, or he is bluffing, making his opponents believe that he has a strong winning hand. Poker rules allow the use of both the first and second methods.

So, let's proceed directly to considering the winning ones. To begin with, it should be noted that if, after opening, none of the players has a combination, the one with the highest card wins, if two or more participants have the same cards in rank, they look at the second one, etc. The weakest hand in poker is a pair, and the smallest pair is a pair of deuces.

The second strongest combination is two pairs - if two or more participants get it, the winner is the one with the higher highest pair. More than two pairs are considered to be three cards of the same value; this combination is also called a triple or a set. A series of five cards, one after the other in order of precedence, makes up the fourth strongest combination - a straight. However, your straight will be easily beaten by a combination called a flush - all five cards of the same suit.

The next strongest combination is a full house - five cards, three of which make a set, and two make a pair, i.e. for example, you will hit a full house with three fours and two threes. This full house will be beaten by a higher combination of threes, for example three fives and two twos.

The final three combinations are the strongest in poker and occur extremely rarely to players. In third place in terms of strength is four of a kind - four cards of the same value. The second place belongs to the straight flush - this is the same straight, i.e. cards in ascending order, but they are also of the same suit. And finally, the strongest and rarest, which beats all other hands, is a royal flush, or a straight flush ending with an ace.

Actions during the game

During a poker game, each participant can do one or more of the following:

  1. Bet is placing a bet
  2. Check - skipping a move, allowed if the size of your bet already corresponds to the maximum bet on the table
  3. Fold - discarding your cards, after which you can no longer take part in this hand
  4. Call - a bet of such an amount that your contribution to the bank will be equal to that of the previous player
  5. Raise - an increase in your bet, at which its size will be higher than the size of the bet of the previous poker participant

Features of playing some types of poker

Interesting, requiring increased attention and excellent memory from participants. It has some distinctive features, for example, the participants in the game have 3 cards face down and 4 cards face up on the table. The goal of the game is to collect five cards that make the smallest combination. The same meaning is in the game, only here not five, but seven cards are dealt into the hands of each of the participants in the distribution.

The first rules of the game of poker, which are known to modern players, were formed at the beginning of the 19th century. Basically under this name lies the game “Texas Hold'em”. This is the most common type of poker, played both in real casinos and on Internet resources. It won’t be that difficult for a beginner to learn it; the main thing is to understand the basic combinations and learn to enjoy the game.

"Texas Hold'em"

To play, a deck of 52 cards is taken. The game is played by two to ten players. The highest card is considered to be an ace, and the lowest card is a two. But in some combinations low card an ace can also count. Players are dealt two cards clockwise. The rules of poker for beginners are not that complicated; the main essence of the game is bidding. After the cards are issued, the first bets are made. At this point, someone can make a pass, deal their cards and not participate in further play.

After this, the dealer reveals the first three general bidding cards on the table. Players again have the right to make the next bet or leave the game. And this happens until the last fifth card is revealed on the table and those sitting at the table make a decision whether to raise bets or pass. The weight of the pot that players placed during bets will go to the one who collects the most significant combination.

Basic steps

While there are no first bets, the player has the right to skip his turn, keeping the cards. The pot will remain the same if all players at the table miss their turn. When making the first bet, the person making it at the very beginning of the game circle can request, using the Bet action, that other players do not miss a turn. Poker rules for beginners include the ability to fold cards.

If a player is not sure that he wants to participate in a given deal with the available cards, he makes a Fold, thereby leaving the game until the next hands. You can even the bet by betting the same amount as the previous participant. An increase in the bank amount is also available to players. Moreover, all previous players must either equalize the bets or fold their cards. At the end of the game, everyone reveals their cards to determine who has the strongest combination and will take the pot.


If a person wants to learn the rules of poker for beginners, then the first thing he should learn is combinations. Texas Hold'em uses the same notations as other styles of poker.

  • The most significant combination in this game is considered to be Royal Flush; if a player managed to collect five cards from ten to ace of the same suit, he undeniably won.
  • A straight flush is five consecutive cards of the same suit, and if two such combinations appear at the table, the winner is the owner of the largest cards.
  • Four of a kind are four of the same cards, such as four aces or sixes.
  • Full House - if the player’s hands, combined with community cards, come out to three and two cards with the same values, for example, three aces and two deuces.
  • Flush - five cards of the same suit.
  • Straight - five cards in ascending order.
  • Set - three cards of the same value.
  • Pair - two cards of the same value.

These are the basic poker combinations that every beginner should know. Recognizing them, understanding and analyzing the cards in your hands and lying on the table, calculating the possibility of obtaining one or another combination are the main rules of the game. Only by realizing which cards can be put together to win does it make sense to place bets and continue playing.

In the last combinations, the suit of the cards does not matter. If none of the players has collected a single combination, the winner is the one who has the most high card. If a pair of players collect the same combinations, they divide the pot into two. These are the main rules of poker for beginners.

Painted poker

Painted is one of the subspecies popular game. The name comes from the peculiarity of this layout, because one of the participants must describe in detail everything that is happening, so that the points and bets of the players can then be calculated. This game is often compared to preference. The peak of popularity of painted poker fell at the end of the last century, and already at the beginning of this century they forgot about it.

Since the opportunity to play card games This game was received via the Internet new life, now more and more people want to learn it. Nowadays you can get poker training either by attending courses in person or by reading various literature online. As convenient as you like, there is always a choice. But if a person wants not only to play with friends, but also to win sums, then the issue of understanding the rules and essence of the game must be taken seriously.

Painted poker: rules of the game for 36 cards

It can be played with a full or reduced deck, but more people are attracted to the game with a 36-card deck. Since Jokers are necessary for the gameplay, in a stripped-down deck they are chosen as regular cards. Usually, for example, six or seven is taken. The maximum number of players is ten people, the minimum is two. Players form a table where points and bets will be recorded, and also agree on which suit will be trump.

The rules of this type of poker game mean that a dealer will be selected to deal the cards to the participants and record bets and points in separate columns. After the deal, the position of dealer passes to the next player clockwise. Cards are dealt according to the value of the round, that is, one is dealt on the first, two on the second, and so on until the end. The maximum number of cards corresponds to the number of players; after this threshold, the distribution is reduced in the reverse order.

Cards are dealt clockwise, with the dealer receiving his last. The top card after the deal is revealed and is considered trump. If the revealed card is a joker, then there will be no trump cards in this hand.

Special moments of the game

In order to understand how to play this type of poker, you need to learn the basics. After the distribution, players need to take bribes. They can order any number of cards. Participants in the game can pass, but in this case the dealer is obliged to take a bribe for himself in order to equalize the number of players' cards.

The next step is the opening of one of the cards by the participant. The rest must beat her or throw one of their own. You can beat a card either with the same suit, or with a trump card, or by discarding one of the cards in your hands. Moreover, if there is the required suit, you cannot use trump cards.

How to play Omaha poker

This is the second most popular type of poker after Hold'em. By the way, they are very similar to each other. The only difference is that the player receives four cards instead of two. And in combination he must use two of them. That is, the player does not have the opportunity to build a combination using only one card from his hand. Otherwise, these games are almost identical. There are, of course, limitations in the variations of Omaha, but this is individual for each game. It is worth noting that the combinations in poker are the same almost everywhere; in order to play this game correctly and skillfully, you need to know them by heart.
