Animate and inanimate objects are the rule. How to determine whether an object is animate or inanimate. Is this a new topic for our lesson or is it already familiar to us? What questions does it answer?

Municipal educational institution"Krasnenskaya average comprehensive school named after M.I. Svetlichnaya"


Animated and inanimate names nouns

Teacher primary classes

Skulova Valentina Nikolaevna

Class: 3

UMK: « Primary School XXI century"

Academic subject: Russian language

Topic of the training session: “Animate and inanimate nouns”



Organize activities for students to become familiar with animate and inanimate nouns.


educational: the ability to distinguish between animate and inanimate nouns;

regulatory: organize your activities; evaluate the results of your work in class and the work of your friends; detect and correct errors.

communicative: develop the ability to enter into dialogue with the teacher, peers, participate in conversation, observing the rules of speech behavior; formulate your own thoughts, express and justify your point of view, implement joint activities in pairs, in groups, taking into account specific educational and cognitive tasks.

Personal: developing a positive attitude towards cognitive activity, the desire to acquire new knowledge, to promote the development in students of an awareness of the practical and personal significance of the educational material being studied.

Type of training session: training session on studying and primary consolidation of new material


1) general class – computer, projector, screen, presentation, cards with words;

2) for each student - a textbook, workbook, educational supplies, cards for independent work, signal cards, self-assessment tables;

3) for group work - task cards.

Routing training session

Teacher activities

Student activities

Universal learning activities


The long-awaited call was given,

The lesson begins.

We start again

Think, reason, be smart!

Guys, I wish you that today’s lesson will be interesting and useful for you, that together we will repeat and consolidate what we already know and try to discover new secrets of the Russian language.

Organization of students, integration into the business rhythm.

Preparation for the perception of new material.

Personal: self-determination.

Regulatory: goal setting.

Communication: the ability to accurately express one’s thoughts.

Cognitive: searching and highlighting information.

2.Preparation for work at the main stage

Today in class we are working with self-assessment sheets. After completing the task, evaluate your work yourself.

Task type



Vocabulary work

Independent work according to options.

Work in groups.

Independent work using cards.

Game "True or False"


1) Work in pairs

Take a close look at this entry:

big small,

dry -…

war - …

deep -...

old - …

solid - …

If you correctly formulate and complete the task, you will find out which letter we will write today during the penmanship minute.

(It is necessary to select words with the opposite meaning, antonyms)

That's right, choose antonym words, but one condition is that these words must begin with the same letter. (Slide 2)

Have you guessed what letter we will write during the minute of penmanship? (letter m)

What sound does the letter m make? (consonant, voiced, unpaired in deafness-voiceness, can be hard or soft)

2) Letter letters M m mm

3) Writing words with a double letter mm: kilogram, gram, sum.

4) Self-esteem.

5) Write down proverbs: A lot of snow - a lot of bread, a lot of water - a lot of food.

Fill in the missing letters. Prove that the inserted letters are written correctly.

2. Vocabulary work. (Slide 3) Write down the names of the pictures: bear, tomato, rocket, sparrow, teacher, pan.

Mutual check (exchange notebooks)

What do these words have in common? (nouns)

What is a noun?

3. Divide words into groups according to a certain criterion. (Who what?)

What words answer the question who?

What words answer the question what?

Updating students' knowledge: determining the level of knowledge. Motivating students to solve educational problems.

Leading up to the topic of the lesson.

Performance game task, recording knowledge and ignorance, difficulties.


Peer review

Classification of words according to a certain criterion.

Communicative: the ability to accurately express one’s thoughts, fluency in speech in accordance with the norms of the Russian language.

General educational universal actions:

ability to listen carefully.

Logical universal actions:

material analysis; output-response.

Actions for posing and solving problems:

formulation of the problem and the desire to solve it.

3. The stage of assimilation of new knowledge and methods of action.

1. Reading the rules from the textbook, p. 54

What new have you learned?

Determine the topic of our lesson. ( Animate and inanimate nouns)(Slides 4, 5)

I have prepared tasks for you that will help improve your ability to distinguish between animate and inanimate animate objects, will help develop memory, attention, thinking.

Problematic situation.

Do you think that the same noun can be both animate and inanimate? I suggest you do your research.

2. Unscramble the words. (Slide 6)

Given a chain of words, you need to highlight the first syllables of each word and form a new word from them.






    sieve + cornfield + queen =... (tit)

The resulting words, written on cards, are recorded on the board.

guitar, mouse, rose, dog, wheel, tit

- First option write down animate nouns, and second option write down inanimate nouns.

The work is done independently.

What words did you write down in option 1? Why?

What words did Option 2 write down? Why?

Now let's check our answers. (Slide 7)

What did you notice?

What's wrong with your answers?

(The words mouse and rose are written in 1 and 2 columns)

Why do you think?

In the first column, what is the meaning of the word mouse? And in the second?

(in column 1 - animal, in column 2 - PC mouse)

What about the word rose?

(in the 1st column there is a girl Rose, and in the second column there is a rose flower)

Conclusion: in the Russian language there are many words that can be animate and inanimate. They change their lexical meaning depending on the sentence in which they are used. Such words have a specific name - multi-valued.(Slide 8)

Creation problematic situation.

Clarification of the topic of the lesson.

Creating a problematic situation..

Independent work on options


Regulatory: goal setting.

Communicative: planning (determining goals, functions, ways of interaction between students and teachers and peers).

4. Physical education minute

Now I suggest you get some rest.

Let's play word groups

Which one of you is ready to play?

Now words denoting objects will be heard, after hearing the word answering the question who? you clap your hands if you hear a word that answers the question what? do two jumps.

Window, pattern, bullfinch, snowdrift, deer, sleigh, beautiful, sparrow, fur coat, felt boots, driver, swallow, glass, Murka, walrus, ice floe, seal.

Organization of children's recreation

Completing tasks.



5. Stage of consolidation of new knowledge and methods of action

1. " Magic transformations" Work in groups

And now I invite you to play the role of wizards, but don’t forget, we have a Russian language lesson, so we will transform?...What do you think? (words)

1 group. - Words given: braid, poppy, drop, dream– what do these words have in common?

(These words answer the question what? These are inanimate nouns)

Form animate nouns from these words, replacing only one letter.



a drop




2nd group. Words given: strongman, mushroom picker, skier, football player, fireman.

What do these words have in common?

(These words answer the question who? These are animate objects)

Form inanimate nouns from these words.

What question should these words answer? (to the question what?)











3rd group. Find the word in the word: joke, fishing rod, seal, butterfly

2. Independent work (multi-level task)

And now I offer you the last task, with the help of which I can check how much you have mastered the material of today's lesson.

You have cards of two colors on the tables, you need to choose a task according to your strength.

Card No. 1

Words are given if the word answers the question who? Write down the letter O (animate objects) at the top if the word answers the question what? write the letter H (inanimate objects).

Starling, house, bed, Olya, bucket, tiger, car, window, flowers, student, driver, goose, mushroom picker, TV.

Card No. 2

Given words with missing spellings, you need to insert the necessary letters, and then, having asked a question, write down the desired letter on top if the word answers the question who? Write down the letter O (animate objects) at the top if the word answers the question what? write the letter H (inanimate objects)., in...yes, moro..., f...raf, daughter(?)ka, ch...ynik, Olen...ka, chick(?)chick, d...horns,, s...nitsa, ch...ynik , k...tenk.

Select a card, sign and get to work.

Cards are checked after the lesson.

Organizing students to learn new material; building a project to overcome difficulties.

Completing tasks.

Work in groups.

Differentiated work

Regulatory: forecasting, control in the form of comparison, correction.

Cognitive: logical universal actions: problem solving.

Communication UUD:

cooperation, the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy.

5. Warm up for the eyes.

Electronic physical exercise “Make a word”

Guessing letters. Composing a word.

6. Stage of generalization and systematization of knowledge.

    Words answering the questions who? or what? indicate the characteristics of objects.(red color – false statement, indicate objects)

    Words denoting objects and answering the questions who? or what? are called nouns. (green color- true statement)

    Words answering the question who? are animate nouns(green color – true statement).

    Inanimate nouns answer the question who?(red color – false statement, answer the question what?)

    In the Russian language there are words that can simultaneously answer the questions who? So what?(green color – true statement). Give examples of such words.

    Such words are called antonyms(red color – false statement, ambiguous words, antonyms – words with opposite meaning)


Independent work. Carrying out a self-test.

Regulatory: control, assessment, correction.

Cognitive: general educational – logical (analysis, classification, summing up a concept, conclusion.)

7. Homework information stage.

1.Textbook. Ex. 2, p. 54. Repeat the rule, p. 54.

2.Select and write down as many animate and inanimate nouns as possible on the topic “School”.

Organization of activities to apply new knowledge.


Ability to plan necessary actions; monitor the process and results of activities, make the necessary adjustments.

7. Reflection on activity (lesson summary)

What new did you learn in the lesson?

What did you study?

Which task did you like best?

Where will you use the acquired knowledge?

Working with self-assessment sheets. Continue the sentence: In class I….

Organization of reflection.

Carrying out self-assessment of one’s own educational activities, correlating goals and results, the degree of their compliance.

Communicative: the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy.

Cognitive: reflection.

Personal: meaning formation.

Summary of an “open” Russian language lesson in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Class: 5

Lesson topic: Nouns, animate and inanimate.

UMK: educational complex edited by T. A. Ladyzhenskaya and others. Russian language. 5th grade. M., “Enlightenment”, 2013

The purpose of the teacher's activity: to update students’ knowledge about a noun as a part of speech; to form a concept about the animate and inanimate nature of nouns and be able to define these categories.

Lesson type: Combined.

Planned educational results:

Subject: knowledge of the basic differences between animate and inanimate nouns; recognition of animate and inanimate nouns, understanding their role in speech, explanation of linguistic phenomena.

Personal: acquisition of new knowledge, desire to improve one’s skills, manifestation of cognitive interests and creative activity, awareness of one’s capabilities in learning.


    Regulatory: planning your own activities, assessing the quality and level of assimilation.

    Cognitive: the ability to extract the necessary information from the teacher’s explanation listened to, identifying and formulating the purpose of an educational action, performing educational and cognitive actions, developing an algorithm of actions.

    Communicative: use speech means to solve communicative problems, mastery of monologue and dialogic forms of speech.

Methods and forms of training: observation of language, heuristic method, individual, frontal.

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, computer, projector.

Visual demonstration material: multimedia presentation in P formatowerPointon the topic “Animate and Inanimate Nouns”, completed by the teacher.

Basic concepts: grammatical categories, animate and inanimate nouns.

Technological map of the lesson.

Emotional, psychological and motivational preparation of the student for mastering the material being studied.

introduction teachers:

Is everything in place?

Is everything all right? Books, pens and notebooks?

Have you checked? Sit down!

Work hard!

Shares your screen and shows slides.

(slide 1)

Listens to the teacher and participates in dialogue with him. Posts educational materials at the workplace, demonstrates readiness for the lesson. Reads the epigraph. Answers the teacher's questions.

Cognitive: understands the cognitive task.

Regulatory: plans, in collaboration with the teacher, the necessary actions and operations.

2. Updating knowledge. identifying the location and cause of the problem.

Play previously

studied material,

establishment of succession

connections between previous and new knowledge

and applying them to new situations. E Heuristic conversation with elements


In our lessons we not only learn to write correctly, but also discover the secrets of grammar. This is exactly what we will be doing today. But first, let's remember what part of speech we talked about in the last lesson? The words encrypted in the puzzles will help us with this. Try to guess them (slide 2)

What part of speech words were hidden in the puzzles? Right. These are all nouns. How did you determine this?

Great! Now let's see what signs of a noun are hidden in the poem. I will read it, and you listen carefully (slide 3)

Now let's combine everything we remember about the noun, name the definition, grammatical features

(slide 4)

As the answer progresses, the teacher asks leading questions if the student finds it difficult to answer.

Now let’s return to our unraveled words and designate their gender, number, and try to determine whether it is a living or inanimate object. Let's focus on the last sign of a noun. How do you determine whether an object is living or inanimate?

Answers the questions. Constructs a statement. Watches the presentation, masters it linguistic terms. Thinks through answers to questions and understands that knowledge is not enough to provide complete answers. Draws conclusions in collaboration with the teacher. Formulates his own thoughts and substantiates his point of view. Performs an exercise.

Personal: has motivation for learning activities, a desire to be aware of his difficulties and strives to overcome them, shows the ability to self-assess his actions and actions.

Cognitive: performs educational and cognitive actions in a materialized and mental form, carries out synthesis operations to solve educational problems, and establishes cause-and-effect relationships.

Regulatory: accepts and saves the learning task. Realizes the inadequacy of his knowledge.

Communicative: asks questions in order to obtain the information necessary to solve a problem.

Physical education minute.

We walked along the path (walking in place),

We jumped in the clearing (jumping in place),

You and I have become friends (hands to the sides),

It's time for us to go home now (walking


Performs basic physical exercises.

3. Goal setting and construction of a project for getting out of the difficulty.

Discovering the essence of new concepts, mastering new ways of educational and mental activity of students. Conversation, discussion of observation results.

So, we remembered what we already know about the noun. Now we can continue studying this part of speech. Before you is a new task - a snowball. But it is unusual, there are letters inside it. Your task is to form as many words as possible using each letter.


Words what part of speech

you made up more

Total? (nouns).

Let's divide them into two groups:

Living beings and things

items. Which ones will

answer the question WHO? And on

question WHAT?

Organizes and accompanies joint learning activities, complements answers. Try to formulate the topic of the lesson. Then he reads the slide (slide 5).

Write the topic of the lesson in your notebook. Now read what the goals of our lesson are (slate 6).

Formulates the goals of educational activities together with the student who takes it upon himself.

(slide 7).

In the first column write down animate words that answer the question - WHO?, and in the second - inanimate words that answer the question - WHAT?

Writing in notebooks.

Vocabulary dictation.

Who? Driver, hero, coach, astronaut, officer.

What? Herbarium, health, collection, station, orange.

Let's check (slide 8). First, tell me, how did you distribute the words? When the child names the words, the teacher clicks the mouse and the words appear on the screen.

Compare your spelling of words with how they should be. Remember how these words are written.


The words of the first group answer the question “who?” This means they are animate.

The words of the second group answer the question “what?” This means they are inanimate.

The main question of our lesson is why some nouns answer the question “who?”, while others answer the question “what?”.

Formulates the purpose of educational activities in dialogue with the teacher. Correlates assigned tasks with texts and becomes familiar with the material. Highlights the main thing, establishes cause-and-effect relationships between individual linguistic phenomena.

Personal: is aware of his capabilities in learning, is able to adequately reason about the reasons for his success or failure in learning, linking success with effort and hard work.

Cognitive: extracts the necessary information from the teacher’s explanation he listened to, systematizes his own knowledge.

Regulatory: plans, in collaboration with the teacher, the necessary actions and operations, works according to the plan.

Communicative: constructs short monologues.

4. Creative practical activities to implement the completed project.

Discovering the essence of new concepts, mastering new ways of educational and mental activity of students. Carrying out creative tasks to increase spelling vigilance, development logical thinking, independence and self-control.

Today we will learn to distinguish between animate and inanimate nouns.

It would seem that there is nothing simpler: I posed the question and determined whether the noun is animate or inanimate. But biologists and linguists have different ideas about living things. Biologists believe. That the sprout and shoots are alive. Our ancestors “saw” the world differently than we do, therefore a tree, grass, tulip were animate for them, but we consider people, animals, and insects to be animate. What do you think animate means? (living, breathing, having a spirit). What is the root of the word animate?

What do inanimate nouns mean? (non-living matter).

Let us continue to distinguish between animate and inanimate nouns. Besides the question, there is another sure-fire way to define animate and inanimate nouns.

You must discover this method yourself. Decline nounsbrothers, sisters, stones, boards. Now let's look at the table (slide 9).

What difference did you see in the declination? Which words have the same forms? What conclusion do we draw?

Conclusion: in the plural, for animate nouns, the V. p. coincides with the R. p., and for inanimate nouns, the V. p. coincides with the I. p.

The definition of the category of animate and inanimate does not coincide with the division of objects into living and inanimate in nature.

Objects are devoid of life, but the category is defined in different ways. Therefore toanimate nouns include both the names of people, animals, birds, fish, insects, that is, living beings, and the names and nicknames of mythological and fairy tale characters, likened to humans or animals (cyclops, centaur, Koshay, goblin, etc.), names of children's toys (doll, parsley, bear, etc.), chess and card pieces (pawn, jack), which is associated with the personification of these objects in game.

(slide 10)

TOinanimate also include collective names for sets of living beings: people, crowd, army, swarm, flock, herd

(slide 11).

TOinanimate nouns include the names of objects and phenomena of reality that are not related to living nature, as well as the names of all plants (although when describing them, words familiar to living beings are used - they are “born”, “breathe”, “bloom”, “reproduce” , and “die”, but are unable to move).

Are the following nouns animate or inanimate?

I see an eagle - I see an eagle.

Call the janitor - turn on the wipers.

Conclusion: the distinction between animate and inanimate nouns depends on their lexical meaning.

Formulates his own thoughts. Expresses and substantiates his point of view. In collaboration with the teacher, draws conclusions about ways to distinguish between animate and inanimate nouns in difficult cases. Works with a table, observes, compares, draws conclusions independently.

Personal: desires to acquire new knowledge, skills, and improve existing ones.

Cognitive: reads and listens, extracting the necessary information, and also independently finds it in textbooks and workbooks.

Regulatory: controls learning activities, notices mistakes made, understands the rule of control and successfully uses it in solving a learning task.

Communicative: knows how to ask questions to clarify the sequence of work.

5. Primary pinning with commenting in external speech. Independent work with self-test according to the standard.

Generalization and systematization of knowledge, formation rational ways applying them in practice. Heuristic conversation, selection of your own examples illustrating the nature of the linguistic phenomenon being studied, compiling coherent stories about the studied norms. Doing exercises based on a textbook or books for extracurricular reading.

So, let's make a general conclusion.

The conclusion is made by the students.

Conclusion : the grammatical way of dividing nouns into animate and inanimate is the coincidence of the forms R. p. and V. p. plural in animate nouns, and

I. p. and V. p. - in inanimate.

Animation and inanimateness are a constant feature of a noun.

Self-execution Exercises of varying difficulty selected by the teacher.

Find the “extra” word, write it in your notebook and make a sentence with it.

(slide 11)

Do the parsing. Insert the words in place of the gaps (work on the card).

Performance test task from the resources "Who or what?"

Working with the printed text “Titmouse’s Nest”. Indicate animate names.

Do exercises and answer questions.

Personal: has a desire to master new types of activities, participates in the creative process.

Cognitive: performs educational and cognitive actions in a materialized and mental form, carries out operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification to solve educational problems, establishes cause-and-effect relationships, makes generalizations and conclusions.

Regulatory: independently plans necessary actions and operations, works according to plan.

Communicative: formulates his own thoughts, expresses and substantiates his point of view.

6. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.

Checking the work. Summarizing the information received during the lesson. Assessment.

Let's summarize.

1.What nouns are animate? (answering the question Who?)

2.What nouns are inanimate? (Answering the question What?)

3. What is the basic rule to remember when identifying animate and inanimate nouns?

Answers the questions.

Personal: understands the importance of knowledge for a person.

Cognitive: acquires the ability to use acquired knowledge in practical activities and everyday life.

Regulatory: evaluates his work, corrects and explains the error.

Communicative: formulates one’s own thoughts, expresses and substantiates one’s point of view.

7. Reflection on learning activities in the lesson (lesson summary).

Final discussion on issues.

(slide 12).

Let's turn to the "ZHU" table and fill in its third column.

Evaluate our work: choose one of the cards offered and show it to me. Tell yourself: “I’m doing great. I thought, I tried, I made discoveries.”

Determines his emotional state in class. Fills out an achievement diary.

Cognitive: establishes the relationship between the amount of knowledge, skills, and operational skills acquired in the lesson. Research, analytical skills as integrated, complex skills.

8. Explanation homework.

Accessible and understandable presentation of the essence homework, an explanation of how to do it.

For homework I suggest creative work"Guess the fairy tale by H.H. Andersen." I sent you a file containing cards with words written on them. You need to find out from them what fairy tale by H. H. Andersen is about we're talking about. In this case, indicate with the letter O - animate nouns, with the letter H - inanimate nouns.

Listens carefully to the task. Asks questions if something is not clear.

218. Read the nouns in the columns. The nouns of the first column are called animate, the second - inanimate. How do you think why? Think about the meaning of the same root words: soul, spirit, emotional (experiences).

Formulate the main question of the lesson. Compare with the author's version.

Nouns of the 1st column answer the question who? And they are called animate, because. denote living, intelligent creatures capable of movement.

Nouns of the 2nd column answer the question what? And they are called inanimate, because. denote inanimate objects and phenomena that are not capable of moving.

The words spirit, soul, spiritual characterize consciousness, the inner world of a person.

The main question of the lesson: what is the difference between animate and inanimate nouns.

219. Read. Write animate nouns in one group and inanimate nouns in the other. How will you differentiate between them? State your conclusion.

What word didn't you write down? Why?

Who? : poet, machinist, reader, mathematician, teacher, student.

What? : poetry, car, reading, mathematics, textbook, teaching, study.

Animate names nouns answer the question Who? And they represent living beings.

Inanimate nouns answer the question What? And they denote inanimate objects, things, phenomena, processes, activities.

Word I'm studying is not a noun because it means action and answers the question what am I doing?

220. Observe the questions and changes of animate and inanimate nouns. What differences did you notice?

Inanimate nouns in accusative case answer the question What?, animate whom? When nouns are declined by case, they will change their endings. The endings of animate and inanimate nouns are the same in all cases except the accusative.

221. Continue recording and compose thematic groups nouns. In what books can you find these words? Where can I find out what these words mean?

As you write, indicate the spelling patterns in the words. What nouns did you write down - animate or inanimate?

Words from the 1st and 2nd columns can be found in the textbook “Natural History”, “The World Around Us”, encyclopedias and plant reference books, “The Red Book” and other books about nature. Words in the 3rd column can be found in technical literature, encyclopedias and reference books. The meaning of all words can be found in dictionaries, for example, in explanatory dictionary.
All written yen nouns are inanimate.

222. Compose and write down thematic groups of nouns. As you write, indicate the spelling patterns in the words.

How many words did you write down in each group? Can this list be continued? Why? What other thematic groups of nouns have a word limit? Did you write down animate or inanimate nouns?

In the 1st and 2nd columns the number of words is limited, because all relevant available titles are listed. The 3rd column can be continued. There are other thematic groups in which the number of words is limited. For example: the names of the time of day, the names of the months of the year, the names of the continents and oceans of the Earth.
All written nouns are inanimate.

223. Read. Pay attention to the highlighted words. Say them. What did you notice? Are the same or different natural phenomena named by these words? Check it out in the dictionary.

Are the words frost and drizzle the same root? Prove it. Select and write down words with the same root for each of them. Identify familiar spelling patterns in words. Find nouns among the words with the same root. What are they - animate or inanimate?

When pronounced, the words hoarfrost and drizzle sound the same phonetically.

Drizzle and frost are different natural phenomena.

frost- a type of frost, frozen droplets of water on the surface of objects. Similar words: (what?) frost - (what?) frost (what?) frozen, (what does it do?) freezes.

Drizzle- small droplets of water hanging in the air.

Similar words: (what?) drizzle - (what does?) drizzle, (what?) drizzle, (what?) drizzling.

All nouns with the same root (frost - frost), (drizzle - drizzle) are inanimate.

224. Read funny poems. They are built on a play on words. Which ones?

How are a car steering wheel and steering wheel similar? What about bow arrows and hunter's arrows? Write it down. Label the spellings. Indicate animate and inanimate nouns.

In Russian, different objects are often called by the same word. How do you think why?

The poems are based on a play on words: the steering wheel is the steering wheel of a car and the arrows of the bow are the arrows of a hunter.

The steering wheel of a car and the steering wheel are similar in shape - they are round, so drivers call the steering wheel a steering wheel. The arrows of a hunter's bow and arrows are similar in shape - they are sharp and long.

Animate nouns - (who?) driver, (who?) eccentric.

Inanimate nouns - (what?) steering wheel, (what?) sun, (what?) arrows, (what?) plates.

Different objects in the Russian language are called by the same word due to the similarity of the form or sign of the object’s action.

225. Read the poem. What feathers are we talking about? What is the play on words based on? Read the dictionary entry about the word feather. Why is this word interesting? How many values ​​does it have?

Name animate and inanimate nouns. Find and write down nouns with spelling letters of consonants at the end and in the middle of the word, with a separator ь. label these spellings.

The poem talks about green onion leaves that grow from the bulb in different sides, like feathers from the tail of a bird, such as a chicken. The play on words is based on the similarity of onion leaves and bird feathers.

The word feather has multiple meanings: a cutaneous formation in birds; writing instrument; fin of a fish; leaves from onion plants and garlic.

Inanimate nouns: garden, perom, feather (feather), beds (bed), onion, onion, bug.

Animate nouns: chicken (chicken).

Nouns with spellings of consonant letters at the end and in the middle of the word: vegetable garden - vegetable gardens, beds - garden bed, error - error, onion - onion.

Noun with separator b.: feathers.

Beds [grʼyatki] - 2 syllables: beds, 1st syllable stressed, stressed vowel i.

G - [g] - consonant, hard pair, voiced pair, sound.
Р - [рʼ] - consonant, soft paired, voiced unpaired, sonorous sound.
I - [thʼ] - consonant, soft, voiced unpaired sound
[a] - vowel, stressed sound.
D - [t] - consonant, hard paired, unvoiced paired sound

And - [and] - vowel, unstressed sound

6 letters, 7 sounds

Error [ashipka] - 3 syllables, o-shib-ka, 2nd syllable stressed, stressed vowel, etc.

O - [a] is a vowel, unstressed sound.
Ш - [ш] - consonant, hard paired, dull paired sound
And - [s] - vowel, stressed sound.
B - [p] - consonant, hard paired, dull paired sound.
K - [k] - consonant, hard paired, unvoiced paired sound
A - [a] is a vowel, unstressed sound.

6 letters, 6 sounds.

226. Tell me everything you know about the word feather. A plan will help you:

1. what does this word mean (its meaning or meanings)
2. composition of the word.
3. signs of a word as a part of speech.
4. sound-letter analysis.
5. Are there any spellings in the word?

A feather is a horny formation on the skin of birds (a hollow rod with fluffy processes on the sides); an instrument for writing with ink; fish fin; green leaf onions, garlic.

The noun feather answers the question (what?) and denotes an inanimate object.

Pe-ro [pyro]. The word has 2 syllables, the second is stressed, the stressed vowel o.

P - [pʼ] - consonant, soft paired, paired dull sound.
E - [i] - vowel, unstressed sound
R - [r] - consonant, hard, voiced, unpaired, sonorous sound.
O - [o] - vowel, stressed sound.

4 letters, 4 sounds.

Feather - feathers. An unstressed vowel at the root of a word is checked by stress.

227. Read. What word is often repeated in the poem? Do you think this repetition is justified or not? Why?

Read the dictionary entries about the word key in the explanatory dictionary. Why do you think there are two articles about the word key, and one about the word class?

The word key is repeated in the poem. This repetition is justified and appropriately applied, because the word key has several meanings. The key to the house and the key to water from underground. The key is a source beating out of the ground, a spring. Key - a specially shaped metal rod for unlocking and locking a lock; a device for unscrewing or screwing nuts, uncorking, winding something; sign at the beginning of a musical line; something that serves to solve, understand something, etc.

Two articles about the word key, because they describe objects of different meaning. These words are homonyms.

Word Class multi-valued, so there is one entry in the dictionary about it.

228. Tell everything you know about the word key, according to plan. The outline of the story is given in Exercise 226.

1. see the meaning in the previous exercise.

2. key (the root is the entire word)

3. noun key - answers the question (what?) and denotes an inanimate object.

4. consists of 1 syllable. Key [klʼuchʼ], stressed vowel - yu.
K - [k] - consonant hard paired sound, unvoiced paired sound
L - [lʼ] - consonant solid paired sound, voiced unpaired, sonorous sound.
Yu - [u] - stressed vowel
Ch - [chʼ] - soft unpaired consonant, dull unpaired sound
4 letters, 4 sounds.

5. key. Soft sign not put at the end (m.r., singular). test word - keys.

Which marigolds will not make a bouquet? (marigold is another name for the calendula plant. You can’t get a bouquet from a person’s nails - baby’s marigolds)

What onions are not eaten? (you cannot use a bow - a weapon that is used to shoot)

What brush wouldn't you use to paint a picture? (for example, with a rowan brush or a brush at the end of a lion’s tail)

What key won't open the door? (a spring gushing out of the ground, a spring)


  • Subject: organize student activities to familiarize themselves with animate and inanimate nouns.
  • Metasubject:
    • educational: the ability to distinguish between animate and inanimate nouns;
    • regulatory: organize your activities; evaluate the results of your work in class and the work of your friends;
    • communicative: develop the ability to enter into dialogue with the teacher, peers, and participate in conversation; carry out joint activities in pairs and groups, taking into account specific educational and cognitive tasks.
  • Personal: the formation of a positive attitude towards cognitive activity, the desire to acquire new knowledge, to promote the development in students of an awareness of the practical and personal significance of the educational material being studied.

Type of training session: training session on studying and primary consolidation of new material


I. Organizing time

Exhale anxiety, sadness, bad thoughts. Inspire joy and confidence in your strength. You will succeed!

Guys! Are you ready for the lesson?
I hope for you, friends,
So that the lesson is not in vain.

To make the lesson interesting and educational, your help is needed. I want to take thinking, active students with me. Who's ready to work hard? I will ask these guys to sit down.

II. Preparation for work at the main stage

Today in class we are working with self-assessment sheets. After completing the task, evaluate your work yourself. ( Annex 1)

1. Calligraphy

1) Work in pairs

Take a close look at this entry:

rich - poor
health - ….
distant -...
slow - …
bright - …
small - …

If you correctly formulate and complete the task, you will find out which letter we will write today during the penmanship minute. (It is necessary to select words with the opposite meaning, antonyms)
- That’s right, choose antonym words, but one condition is that these words must begin with the same letter. ( Appendix 4. Slide 2)
- Have you guessed what letter we will write during the penmanship minute? (letter B)
- What sound does the letter B make? (consonant, voiced, paired according to deafness-voiceness, can be hard or soft)

2) Letter letters BB bb
3) Self-esteem.

III. Self-determination for activity

Read the words

Sparrow, pencil case, cucumber, girl, cow, teacher, computer.

- What do these words have in common?
- What do we know about nouns?
- Divide them into two groups, we work in pairs. Add two examples of your own to each group.
- On what basis did you divide the words? (Words that answer the question who?, and words that answer the question what?)
Who? (Animate nouns)
- What are the names of the words that answer the question? What? (Inanimate nouns)
- Evaluate your work in self-assessment sheets
- Can you guess what the topic of today's lesson is called?
- What will we learn on this topic? (slide 3)

IV. Stage of assimilation of new knowledge and methods of action

I have prepared tasks for you that will help improve your ability to distinguish between animate and inanimate objects, and will help develop memory, attention, and thinking.

Problem situation(slide 4)

Guitar, mouse, rose, dog, wheel, tit

The first option is to write down animate nouns, and the second option is to write down inanimate nouns (the work is done independently)
- What words did you write down in option 1? Why?
- What words did you write down in option 2? Why?
- Now let’s check our answers. (Slide 5)
- What did you notice?
- What's wrong with your answers? (Words mouse and rose written in 1 and 2 columns)
- Why do you think?
- In the first column, what is the meaning of the word mouse? And in the second? (In the 1st column - an animal, in the 2nd column - a computer mouse)
- What about the word rose? (In the 1st column there is a girl Rose, and in the second column there is a rose flower)
Conclusion: There are many words in the Russian language that can be animate or inanimate. They change their lexical meaning depending on the sentence in which they are used. Such words have a specific name - polysemantic. (Slide 6)

V. Physical education minute

Your eyes need a rest. (Guys close their eyes)
You need to take a deep breath. (Deep breath. Eyes still closed)
The eyes will run around. (Eyes are open. Movement of the pupil in a circle clockwise and counterclockwise)
Blink many, many times (Frequent blinking of eyes)
My eyes felt good. (Lightly touch closed eyes with fingertips)
Everyone will see my eyes! (Eyes wide open. Wide smile on face)

VI. The stage of consolidating new knowledge and methods of action

1. Work in groups

The envelopes contain words that need to be divided into animate and inanimate nouns. ( Appendix 2)

Caterpillar, book, iceberg, sailor, table, aster, dolphin, jellyfish, steamboat, smoke, whale, tulip.

2. Independent work(multi-level task)

And now I offer you the last task, with the help of which I can check how much you have mastered the material of today's lesson.
- You have cards of two colors on the tables, you need to choose a task according to your strength.

Words are given if the word answers the question who? Write down the letter O (animate objects) at the top if the word answers the question what? write the letter H (inanimate objects).

Starling, house, bed, Olya, bucket, tiger, car, window, flowers, student, driver, goose, mushroom picker, TV.

Card No. 2

Given words with missing spellings, you need to insert the necessary letters, and then, having asked a question, write down the desired letter on top if the word answers the question who? Write down the letter O (animate objects) at the top if the word answers the question what? write the letter H (inanimate objects)., in...yes, moro..., f...raf, daughter(?)ka, ch...ynik, Olen...ka, chick(?)chick, d...horns,, s...nitsa, ch...ynik , k...tenk.

Select a card, sign and get to work (Cards are checked after the lesson by the teacher)

VII. Reflection of activity

What new did you learn in the lesson?
- What did you study?
- Which task did you like best?
- Where will you use the acquired knowledge?

Working with self-assessment sheets.
