General horoscope for Sagittarius for October. Health and leisure

What does October 2017 have in store for men under the sign of Sagittarius?

This month, men born under this sign will become more confident in their abilities. They will be more successful and will take on very important tasks. It is fortunate that Sagittarians have true friends and they will come to the rescue if necessary. Men should be more careful in October, as there is a high probability of an accident.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius Men

Successful acquaintances and stunning success await Sagittarius without a partner. This will cause them embarrassment and confusion, which, in principle, is not typical for this sign. The stars warn that by being indecisive they can reduce their chances of developing a new romance with a prominent girl. Therefore, you need to realistically assess your current situation and take the girls’ attentions for granted.

The married life of many Sagittarius will be filled with pleasant emotions. They will be filled with tender feelings, which will affect their communication with their spouse.

Love horoscope for October 2017: Sagittarius The man will feel that he is very good at flirting and flirting with interesting girls.

Finance and work

This month, all circumstances will be in favor of the representatives of this constellation. Previously done work will bring good results and this will increase the self-confidence of Sagittarius men. They will receive help and support in professional activity from friends who occupy a high position in society. This will help them accomplish some complex tasks and go to high level work. Financial income will increase slightly, possibly due to bonuses or some other one-time income. It is extremely important to save this money and not waste it. Next month they will become the basis for something bigger and more important.

Health and leisure

For men born under this sign, their health will not fail in October, but accidents are possible by the end of the month. Therefore, Sagittarians need to carefully handle piercing and cutting objects, especially during unfavorable days. There is also a high likelihood of injuries and accidents. Be careful and follow all safety rules to avoid trouble. Avoid walking in unfamiliar places and with strangers, be very selective about new friends. It is best to abstain from alcohol and noisy parties this month.

  • Favorable days for Sagittarius men - 1, 19, 21
  • Unfavorable days for Sagittarius men - 5, 9, 13
Published: 2017-09-21, Modified: 2018-10-22,

In October 2017, your views on love change somewhat. You become more serious in love affairs and are less attracted to romance. Instead, you will focus on higher goals, because Mars conjunct Venus, the planet of love, is located in the Sagittarius career house. You will be drawn to those who are higher on the hierarchical ladder and have a high social status.

If you already have a significant other, October 2017 will be a period of growth and development for the couple. The influence of planets can be expressed in the stabilization of relationships, official registration existing connection. Don't rush into acceptance important decisions, carefully work out joint plans for the future. This is the time when it is better to do everything slowly.

For single Sagittarius, participating in public events can mean good luck. Eat good chances start a relationship with a worthy person who is respected in society.

At the same time, this position of the planets indicates that you have high expectations from your partner. Striving for excellence, you are unwilling to compromise. However, it is necessary to compare your requests with reality, because perfectionism in relationships has a right to exist, but up to certain limits.

Sagittarius career and financial horoscope for October 2017

In mid-autumn 2017, circumstances at work and in business are favorable, even without special effort from your side. Venus in Sagittarius' house of career smooths out rough edges and promises achievements in the professional sphere. Success will come through the ability to establish good relationships, diplomacy, charm, creative talents and luck.

Also a bit of luck - or better yet, opportunity - is coming your way from Mars, which accompanies Venus in the house of career. The energy of Mars makes you active and persistent - these are qualities that are important for success. If someone offers to participate in a new business project, do not turn down the offer. Even if the project seems too bold, you are capable of implementing it.

On October 10, 2017, Jupiter moves into the twelfth house of Sagittarius, promising support on a spiritual level. The time for spiritual renewal is coming. Your intuition will increase and you will be able to uncover the secret intentions of other people. However, it should be taken into account that hidden influences are strong this month, so you need to be careful. There is a possibility that ill-wishers will become more active. Although you yourself are capable of doing something in secret from others, if necessary.

There will be no problems with money - there will be enough to cover your needs, and maybe even a little more. Financial gain may come through friends or relatives. Participation in collective and socially significant projects is profitable.


In the first two decades, you should pay a little more attention to your health status, since the period is quite controversial. The third ten days of October 2017 is a more favorable period. The whole month is good for starting treatment, consultations with medical specialists, diagnostics, etc. If you have been planning to start exercising for a long time physical exercise, then the time is good.

Be in public more often, make new connections! Social activism expands your capabilities.

For representatives of the sign, friends and colleagues will provide significant assistance in promotion. To feel at your best, try to be friendly and not refuse informal events.

In October, success will be promoted by those Sagittarius who are sociable and sociable, who can easily meet and communicate with different people. It is these qualities that will contribute to your personal growth and will allow you to gradually achieve good prospects.

New doors may unexpectedly open before you, which will significantly improve your financial situation. But job satisfaction this time will depend on whether you have chosen the right direction.

It may be better to do what you love, which brings in less income, than to pursue a career in something that does not interest you. Otherwise, the risk of not only losing health increases, but also spoiling nervous system And family relationships due to constant tension and nervous breakdowns.

Sagittarius Woman: Work and Career Horoscope for October 2019

Representatives of the sign will decide to push work to the background this month. Your personal life may take up a significant portion of your working time, but everything will change when you are faced with new task. In this situation, you risk spending even the weekend at work, just so that you get the desired place.

The likelihood of business trips and advanced training courses increases. Try to take advantage of the offers, as various new things and prospects may lie ahead of you. If you are thinking about changing your profession, now is the time to take action. You can achieve significant prospects if you work actively, at least at first.

Relations with your superiors may become smooth, but warmth and goodwill will disappear from them. Most likely, they will become formal, as the boss suddenly stops meeting you halfway. Try to understand him and not try to regain his former location again. Most likely, he himself has problems brewing that he does not want to talk about.

Communication with colleagues may also change not in better side. You will find out that someone is putting a spoke in your wheels, preventing you from moving forward. Be patient and persevering. Perhaps the envious person will switch to someone else.

Sagittarius Man: Work and Career Horoscope for October 2019

Changes and personnel changes are possible at work. You may be required to take initiative and new job which will force you to be active and patient. Some representatives of the sign will have to take part in an informal enterprise, which may turn out to be a turning point in your life. You will not only discover new qualities in yourself, but you will also be able to change the profile of your activity.

Relationships with superiors may become more distant. The reason will be an intrigue that someone started against you. Try to understand who is doing this and put the offender in his place. Your relationship with your colleagues can become calmer if you don’t interfere in things that aren’t your own. This month it is better to pay increased attention to work issues.

Sagittarius horoscope for October 2017

General horoscope for Sagittarius for October 2017

October 2017 will be a period full of events for representatives of the zodiac sign Sagittarius. Now you will find answers to questions, for a long time giving you no peace. The stars recommend deciding for yourself what you want and concentrating on these desires. If you put in the effort and believe in yourself, you can achieve a lot now.

The Sagittarius woman can safely begin to implement ideas for starting her own business. If you creative person, then know that the stars will greatly favor all your creative endeavors.

Sagittarius work and finance horoscope for October 2017

Also in October 2017, for representatives of the zodiac sign Sagittarius, the professional sphere promises to be productive. Those Sagittarians who are involved in legal matters, work in banks or educational institutions will be on the crest of the wave. As the stars say, the situation at work will change frequently. To keep up with current events, Sagittarius needs to carefully observe everything around them.

Try not to lose sight small parts. They are the ones who can unexpectedly help you in resolving important issues in terms of your career. It is possible that you will encounter conflicts when communicating with colleagues. In most cases, it will be within your power to reduce the problem to nothing. But for this, you will probably have to show calm, and perhaps, at certain points, deviate from your own principles.

The financial situation of Sagittarius will not cause any cause for concern. At a minimum, it will remain stable, but for the fair sex there is a high probability of a wealthy suitor who will begin to shower you with expensive gifts. But before accepting the gifts of a new acquaintance, the stars advise you to sort out your feelings for him. Otherwise, you risk finding yourself in an awkward position in the near future. Try to be honest with yourself.

Love horoscope and Sagittarius family for October 2017

As they say celestial bodies until single representatives of the Sagittarius zodiac sign finally put aside fears and doubts and take a step towards the person who has long attracted you. If this does not exist yet, there is a high probability that the same one will flash on the horizon of your personal life. October 2017 is a great time to start a new relationship.

For those of you who are already in a relationship, the horoscope recommends talking with your chosen one about the future. This period is wonderfully setting the mood for romance. Don't miss the opportunity to spend time with your loved one. Pleasant “platitudes” like walking under starry sky or watching a lyrical film will bring you closer together. Use a favorable star forecast for the benefit of your relationship.

Sagittarius health horoscope for October 2017

Sagittarians are advised to be especially careful when dealing with cold weather. Hypothermia can easily cause problems with the urinary system. Also at risk in October 2017 are: reproductive system and the kidney area. If you have any chronic illnesses, there is a high probability that they will make themselves felt again. It is recommended not to wait until the disease manifests itself, as they say, in all its glory, but to resort to preventive measures in advance.

Favorable and unfavorable days for October 2017 Sagittarius

Favorable days for Sagittarius October 2017 – October 6, October 13, October 16, October 21, October 24, October 29, 2017.

Unfavorable days for Sagittarius October 2017 – October 2, October 9, October 23, 2017.

The horoscope for October 2017 for Sagittarius says that this month will be a period of misunderstandings and annoying mistakes for you. Over and over again you will fall into the ingenious traps of fate, from which it will be very difficult for you to get out. Do you have a way to protect yourself from these ridiculous mistakes? Of course, there is such a way, but you risk not noticing it! Your peace of mind in October will not be disturbed only if you choose a conservative approach to all areas of life without exception. Give up the fuss and don’t rush headlong after your dream, because the time for such large-scale actions has not yet come for you.

In general, the personal life of Sagittarius in October will not see any special threats, but it will clearly not become absolutely calm. If you are a family man, be mentally prepared that in mid-autumn 2017 you will have to resolve issues related to the future of your family more than once or twice. Moreover, when choosing only one of the many roads open to your married couple, you should give preference only to the one that you have studied many times. Leave bold experiments, risky actions and attempts to somehow revive your home life for later, because now is clearly not the best for them. the right time. Sagittarians, free from marriage ties, in October, of course, can take risks by entering into a new love affair. At the same time, do not forget that a romance that started under the influence of passion and other ardent feelings may not pass the test of the realities of cruel life... In addition, before throwing yourself headlong into a new passion, make sure of the seriousness of the intentions of your newly-made soulmate (there is a high risk that in October a person will appear next to you who will be interested not in you at all, but in your social status, prestige or useful connections that you have).

Work and finances in October 2017 will also require Sagittarius to take a careful and balanced approach. If you do not work for yourself and your income depends on the mercy of your superiors, do not try to jump over your head and do not chase easy money! All proposals received by you in October should be thought over many times. You remember that free cheese can only be in a mousetrap? So here it is. In October, some cunning and dishonest person will lure you into a “mousetrap”, lulling your vigilance with just the same tempting “cheese”. Of course, you will be able to escape from this trap, but, alas, you will no longer be able to maintain your current place of work... Caution will not harm those Sagittarius who are employed in the field individual entrepreneurship. Don't look for easy ways that will take your business to new heights. And an even better option for you is to give up searching for these cherished paths at least until the end of this month. The thing is that in pursuit of the ghostly Eldorado you will not be able to distinguish what is a lie and what is the truth. As a result, not only will you not become much richer, but you also risk losing everything you have earned for many years.

It is natural that this problematic October is not in the best possible way will affect the well-being of Sagittarius (both physical and moral). You will increasingly notice that you have come close to that terrible line that separates you from autumn depression. You cannot allow yourself to become depressed, and therefore drive away such moods! Regular self-care, your appearance and figure will help you with this (putting such important aspect, you will not lose confidence in your abilities, despite all irritating factors).
