Do I need a license to open language courses without certification upon completion of training? How to open an English language school

At the moment, the discussion of the new law on education, which affects all levels without exception, has become very widespread. educational system. These include changes in the names of educational institutions and the approach of teachers to the process of transferring their own knowledge to students.

For example, preparation for the Unified State Exam will now proceed a little differently, because now each graduate will be able to prepare for specific packages of tasks that are already publicly available to everyone. In most cases, there is not enough time allocated in the school curriculum, so students must ensure that they somehow acquire the necessary skills and knowledge.
An option could be a lesson with a tutor or attending a course or a special language school. IN given time Schools of English, Italian or some other foreign language are very popular. This is understandable, because if children can cope with all other subjects with the help of their parents, then with teaching and explanation of the nuances in English Not everyone can cope. This requires at least attending courses or language practice.

Thus, if you are a specialist in the field of foreign languages ​​and want to start your own business, then opening a foreign language school is a profitable business. But it is not enough just to be a good linguist. You need a clear and specific business plan with which you can open a school of one or another foreign language.

Business plan for opening a foreign language school

Most often, people (both children and adults) seek help in the field of English, so your business plan should include a paragraph regarding why you decided to teach this foreign language. Several factors may be in favor of one language or another, and much will depend on the city in which you intend to open a school (don’t forget to include this point in your business plan). So, if in a populated area with a small amount Residents, the demand for these services will not be very high (and, most likely, these will only be schoolchildren learning English), accordingly, there will be practically no demand for other foreign languages.

In a large city, you can not only open a school where it is convenient for you, but also acquire many more clients.

To open a school to study a particular foreign language, you will need to register as an individual entrepreneur. This type of registration implies mandatory licensing. A pleasant factor of this event will be that currently the license will not need to be renewed every 5 years, as was the case before.

Now, once you have received a license to conduct educational activities, this will be enough for you to continue doing it for the rest of your life. This point is necessary so that you can subsequently hire workers for your foreign language school. This point is one of the main ones in a document such as a business plan, because in the future you will also have to choose the organizational and legal form of your business. If you plan to work only independently, without hiring employees, then a license is not required. Moreover, for registration as an individual entrepreneur you will pay only 1,500 rubles.

In addition to everything, you must submit an application for registration with the tax service, as well as register with the state or non-state pension fund of Russia.

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Selection of premises and equipment

An important factor in the success of your institution will be the location in which the foreign language school will be located. In a city with a high population density, there should not be any particular problems finding a good place to open a foreign language school. It is necessary to try to do this near large shopping centers (but not in residential areas), near educational institutions of various levels (both preschool and higher educational institutions). As for small settlements, you should open a foreign language school in the very center, and also do not forget to make sure that advertising about your institution is located in places with the largest concentration of people (at the train station, again next to schools, kindergartens, colleges and so on).

To get started in this business (if the business plan does not involve significant investments), the equipment that you used as a student will be sufficient. If you conduct classes alone and with a small number of students, then for starters you can purchase a basic set of furniture (chairs, tables) and methodological manuals: textbooks, workbooks, audio and video materials. At first, 1-2 laptops will be quite useful as equipment. In the future, as the business expands (this will also need to be included in the business plan), it will be possible to purchase more advanced teaching aids and, accordingly, purchase new equipment.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

RUB 635,800

Minimum starting capital



7 months



The goal of the project is to open a language school to provide a range of available services in the field of learning foreign languages ​​and translation in a city with a population of more than 1 million people. The main source of income for the institution is payment for teaching a foreign language.

Language schools provide a range of services for learning various foreign languages ​​for different levels training students.

Every year the popularity of language schools increases - people realize the advantages of speaking a foreign language and strive to study it. Therefore, the linguistic school is prestigious, in demand and profitable view business.

Main advantages of business:

    relatively small amount of capital investment;

    promising direction, annual growth in demand for this type of service;

    quick payback.

To implement the project, a room with a total area of ​​100 m2 is rented, located in one of the residential areas. The linguistic school plans to teach seven foreign languages ​​in various programs.

The target audience is the city population aged 16 to 45 years, families with an average income.

The volume of initial investment is 635,800 rubles. Investment costs are aimed at furnishing the office and purchasing materials to ensure educational process, creation of a working capital fund. Own funds will be used to implement the project.

Financial calculations cover a five-year period of operation of the project. According to calculations, the total net profit for the first year will be 1,290,000 rubles, and the return on sales will be 17.5%. If the planned indicators are achieved, the initial investment will pay off after 7 months of operation.


IN modern world The role of foreign languages ​​is rapidly increasing. This trend is especially noticeable during times of crisis, when interest in learning foreign languages ​​increases sharply. Analysts attribute this phenomenon to people's desire to acquire competitive advantages that will increase their value as specialists. However, the motives for learning a foreign language can be very diverse: someone needs it for work, someone learns the language in order to communicate freely when traveling abroad, someone is preparing to enter abroad or for the Unified State Exam, and for others it is becomes a hobby.

Over the past ten years, attitudes towards learning foreign languages ​​in Russia have changed noticeably. Firstly, the demand for this type of service has increased. Secondly, training opportunities have expanded - today the market offers various ways learning foreign languages, and everyone can find the form of training that suits them. Language schools and courses, tutors, online learning, classes with a teacher via Skype, trips abroad and so on.

People are beginning to realize the benefits of knowing foreign languages, as evidenced by the results of a sociological study:

    97% of respondents said that traveling is much easier if you know foreign languages;

    98% of respondents said that a second foreign language would help them in their career;

    95% believe that learning a second foreign language will improve mental abilities;

    1/3 of enterprises want to hire a person with knowledge of a foreign language in a certain field;

    people with knowledge of a foreign language can count on a 20% salary increase.

In terms of growth rates in foreign language learning, Russia ranks 10th. The list of leaders includes China, Romania, Ukraine and Malaysia. At the same time, the EF2013 Index, developed by an international educational center, characterizes Russia as a country with a low level of knowledge of foreign languages. This fact is associated with the fact that the standard school program and the university training program is inconsistent, outdated and rather fragmented. Therefore, people, faced with the need to use a foreign language, are forced to resort to the services of language schools, courses or tutors.

The goals for learning a language are varied: 26% consider a foreign language as a factor career growth, 23% study the language for professional development, 20% do not set a specific goal and learn the language for self-development, 12% learn the language planning emigration, 8% - to pass exams at school or university, and 7% - to pass the international TOEFL exam, IELTS. 4% learn a language to communicate freely when traveling.

Ready ideas for your business

In the Russian market, 76% of students choose English, German – 10%, and French – 7%. The remaining 7% comes from Japanese, Chinese and other languages. It is worth noting that learning Asian languages ​​has been gaining popularity recently.

When answering the question what foreign language they would like to learn, respondents indicated: 25% - English, 7% - French, German - 5%, Spanish - 4%, Chinese - 3%, Italian - 3%, Japanese - 1% .

57% of respondents believe that it is impossible to do without knowledge of a foreign language in the modern world - and, in particular, because it is needed to travel to other countries and this is a requirement of the time.

At the same time, 46% of respondents who do not speak foreign languages ​​would like to gain this knowledge.

Thus, teaching foreign languages ​​is in great demand, and the popularity of this type of service is growing every year.

Today, in the largest cities of Russia, the practice of studying foreign languages ​​in language schools and courses that can create the necessary conditions. Table 1 shows the approximate number of language schools and courses in different cities of Russia as of the beginning of 2017.

Table 1. Number of language schools and courses in the largest cities of Russia according to 2GIS data

Online learning is also gaining popularity: over the past two years, at least 15 online resources have been created. However, consumers prefer language schools.

Price educational services in the segment of studying foreign languages ​​is different, depending on the form of training - in a group, individually for one academic hour, or purchasing the whole training course. In addition, the cost of classes varies depending on the language - for example, learning English due to its popularity will cost much less than learning Japanese. Therefore, when creating a language school, it is necessary to clearly understand which languages ​​to include in the program.

Ready ideas for your business

Thus, the dynamic development of the market for paid educational services in the foreign language segment allows us to talk about investment attractiveness of this business.


The main activity of a language school is the provision of educational services in the field of teaching foreign languages.

Before opening a linguistic school, it is necessary to determine which languages ​​will be available for study, as well as what audience of courses is expected - children preschool age, high school students, students or working adults. The development of educational programs, the range of services provided, planned sales volumes, and the organization of the educational process depend on this.

The most popular language is English, followed by German and French. This set of foreign languages ​​is considered mandatory for linguistic school. It is recommended to organize courses in rarer languages: Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese. This can become your competitive advantage and attract clients, since competition in the field of teaching foreign languages ​​is quite high.

You should also provide a range of different courses so that each student can choose the form and direction of study that suits them at your school:

    express fluency training colloquial speech;

    English for children;

    preparation for Unified State Exam, TOEFL, IELTS exams;

    intensive foreign language training;

    group and individual lessons;

    specialized business English courses;

    family education (with the ability to create a convenient schedule and home schooling).

The list of services and areas of study is open and is determined individually for each linguistic school, based on its goals, financial capabilities, staff, etc.

This project involves the opening of a language school offering the following types of educational services:

    General training program in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese. Classes in small groups of 4-6 people and large groups of 12-20 people. The course program includes colloquial and grammatical base. For the English language, it is expected to select a program depending on the level of knowledge - beginner, basic, advanced;

    The intensive (accelerated) English language teaching program includes three levels - initial, basic, advanced;

    Preparation for exams: Unified State Exam, TOEFL, IELTS and so on. The course includes preparation for various international tests in a foreign language, as well as preparing schoolchildren for passing the OGE and Unified State Exam. Group and individual courses are expected;

    Spoken English. The course is focused on expanding vocabulary and live communication practice;

    Business English. The course includes studying grammar, expanding vocabulary, studying specific business terminology;

    English for children: programs for children 3-5 years old and 6-7 years old. Education is built on the alternation of educational activities and various games, which allows students to effectively learn the material.

    Translation services – written translation of texts from Russian into English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese languages and vice versa. Translation in progress various types documentation, advertising and other texts.

Ready ideas for your business

In accordance with the specified list of services, it is determined required area office, staffing is formed, class schedules are drawn up and a marketing strategy is planned.


The target audience of the language school, taking into account the course programs, is the city population aged 16 to 45 years, families with an average income.

A corporate identity, a memorable name and logo are of great importance for a language school, so before launching a project it is recommended to carry out work on naming and creating an image. The assistance of naming specialists will cost an average of 6,000 rubles - the price includes the development of a brand, logo, and name.

The location of the language school also plays an important role - it is necessary that students have a convenient way to get to school. It is advisable to choose an office in a public place, on a crowded street. Locating a school in a residential area will become a competitive advantage, since the proximity of the school to home is a determining criterion for some consumers when choosing.

A sign indicating the location of the language school must be placed near the school. Coordination, production and installation advertising sign will cost approximately 24,000 rubles.

In the first months of opening, it is necessary to conduct an advertising campaign. This includes: distributing promotional leaflets and posting notices in the elevator. The budget for this type of advertising will be about 10,000 rubles. To form your client base and attract visitors, it is recommended to hold various promotions and bonuses: the first lesson is free, a discount for reposting on a social network, a “refer a friend - get a discount” promotion, etc.

You must also create a group or profile in popular in social networks. The content of a group or profile should be diverse, including not only organizational issues and advertising of school services, but also contain useful information– these can be fascinating videos in a foreign language, interesting facts about the languages ​​of the world, useful infographics, etc. Marketers note that the company’s provision of useful and, most importantly, free information increases the degree of loyalty of potential customers. Through social networks it is convenient to carry out various promotions and bonus programs, which were mentioned above.

It is also recommended to create your own website - this will not only increase the school’s reputation, but also simplify the process of informing about services. On the site, users will be able to read the description of each course, view the class schedule, check prices, take a test to determine the level of training, find out contacts and location of the school, and get acquainted with the teaching staff. Creating and promoting a website will cost approximately 50,000 rubles.

It is necessary to use promotion tools comprehensively - then advertising will give the fastest and most effective results. However, it should be understood that for a language school, as for any service sector, the most effective way advertising is word of mouth. That's why best advertising for your language school – qualified staff and a pleasant atmosphere.


Opening a language school includes the following stages:
  • Registration in government agencies. In accordance with Art. 91 Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, additional education subject to licensing. The state fee for a license is 6,000 rubles. You should also decide whether you will issue students with a document confirming completion of a particular language course. To issue a state document on completion of training, you must obtain a license from the local department of the Ministry of Education. Most simple option is the organization of a language school with individual teaching activities - license in in this case will not be needed, but there will be no right to issue documentation confirming the qualifications of graduates. To implement the project, it is planned to create a language school without the right to issue a state document. To conduct commercial activities, an individual entrepreneur is registered with a simplified taxation system (“income” at a rate of 6%). Types of activities according to OKVED-2:
  • Additional education for children and adults, other, not included in other groups
  • Translation and interpretation activities.
  • Location and selection of office. A good location involves proximity to educational institutions, shopping centers, and crowded streets. It is desirable to have free parking and convenient transportation. Also, when choosing a room, you need to pay attention to lighting, sanitary condition, availability of a bathroom and other technical characteristics. Optimal size premises for language school– from 100 m2 – this area is enough for two classrooms and a reception room with a reception. If you intend to provide individual training services, it is recommended to provide a small office for this.

To implement this project, it is planned to rent an office with an area of ​​100 m2 located in one of the residential areas. The cost of renting such a room with renovation will be on average 70,000 rubles for a city with a population of about 1 million inhabitants. It is planned to place 2 classrooms and a hall with a reception. One classroom will be specialized for English language classes, where classes will be held daily. The second classroom will be used for classes in other languages. This division will allow you to properly design the space and make it easier to draw up a class schedule.

  • Recruitment. For a language school, the availability of qualified personnel is one of the main parameters, so you should carefully select personnel. You can search for employees as follows: on specialized websites; collecting information through friends; monitoring of teachers of secondary and private schools with subsequent employment offers.

The composition of the teachers also determines the schedule of the language school. It is expected that the work schedule will be from 10:00 to 20:00, seven days a week, since the presence of weekend groups will make it possible to serve large quantity clients.

The average duration of a foreign language course is 4-8 months, or 72-144 academic hours. At the end of the course, students take a test that assesses the level of knowledge acquired during the course. Group enrollment is carried out 2 times a month in English and 1-2 times in other languages. The main flow of students falls on evening groups (from 17:00 to 20:00). Small study groups consist of 4-6 people, and large groups of 8-16 people. Recommended even number students in a group, since during the learning process it is often necessary to split the group into pairs to complete tasks, which increases the effectiveness of such learning.

Table 2 shows the sales plan and revenue calculation for the first year of operation of the language school. The implementation plan is drawn up taking into account the operating mode, the number of courses being implemented and their duration. For example, an intensive English language course takes 72 academic hours, and general course– 144 hours.

Table 2. Implementation plan for the first year of operation of the language school

Name of foreign language

Number of courses implemented

price, rub.

Revenue, rub.








Translation services

250 rub/1000 zn.




To operate a language school, it is necessary to form a staff of the following employees: teachers, administrators, accountant, cleaner. The main staff are teachers, since the atmosphere of the educational process, the level of knowledge of students and impressions of the school as a whole depend on their professionalism and communication skills. Based on the drawn up implementation plan, the language school needs to hire 2 teachers in English and 1 teacher in each of the other foreign languages. Thus, the teaching staff will be formed of 8 specialists.

When choosing teachers, the following requirements must be met: availability higher education(preferably linguistic), excellent knowledge of spoken and written language, two years of work experience, the presence of a proven and comprehensive teaching methodology.

The administrator position involves shift work - 2 through 2, so you will need to hire two employees. Requirements for an administrator are limited to a high level of discipline, responsibility, and communication skills. Their responsibilities include receiving calls and letters, signing up clients for classes, forming groups, scheduling classes, maintaining groups on social networks, and providing the school with the necessary equipment. Part-time employment is expected for the cleaner and accountant.

A school leader is also needed to act as a manager. All personnel are subordinate to him, he makes decisions on hiring employees, builds a marketing policy, and interacts with the counterparty.

The total wage fund will be 274,000 rubles, and taking into account insurance payments - 356,200 rubles per month.

Table 3. Language school staff

General payroll


The number of employees

Salary per 1 employee (RUB)

Total salary (RUB)




Cleaner (part-time)

Accountant (part-time)

General salary fund



The financial plan takes into account all income and expenses of the project; the planning horizon is 5 years. To start a project, it is necessary to calculate the amount of initial investment. To do this, you need to decide on the costs of furniture, technical equipment of the office and the purchase of educational material. Approximately 54% of the initial investment is in office furniture and technical equipment; 26% of the investment is for educational material, and 20% for advertising and registration.

Table 4. Investment costs



Cost of 1 piece, rub.

Total amount, rub.

Furniture and appliances:

Table (study)

Table (for teacher)

Magnetic whiteboard

Educational material


Wi-fi router





Individual entrepreneur registration

Making a seal, opening a bank account

State duty for a license

Website creation and promotion

Working capital:



Fixed monthly costs are shown in Table 5. Of these, almost 70% of the costs are for employee salaries. Depreciation is calculated on a straight-line basis over 5 years. Monthly costs also need to include upgrade costs. methodological material, since this is an important element of the educational process.

Table 5. Monthly expenses

Thus, fixed monthly expenses were determined in the amount of 519,153 rubles. The planned revenue is 660,416 rubles per month. It is planned to reach the target figure in the fourth month of the school’s operation.


The payback period for the project with an initial investment of 635,800 rubles is 7 months. The net monthly profit of the project when reaching planned sales volumes will be about 140,000 rubles. It is planned to reach the planned sales volume in the fourth month of operation. Return on sales in the first year is 17.5%.


To assess the risk component of the project, it is necessary to analyze external and internal factors. External factors include threats related to the economic situation in the country and sales markets. Internal – the effectiveness of organization management.

Opening a linguistic school is associated with the following external risks:

    high competition in the current market of paid educational services. Monitoring prices, thoughtful pricing and advertising policies, identifying and implementing your competitive advantages will help reduce this risk;

    an increase in rental costs, which will entail an increase in fixed costs and may affect the financial condition. It is possible to reduce the likelihood of risk by concluding a long-term lease agreement and choosing a conscientious lessor;

    risks under contracts with suppliers educational materials. This risk can be reduced by complying with the requirements of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and other legislative acts when concluding contracts, selecting reliable suppliers, determining the amount and procedure for compensation by the supplier for damage caused;

    seasonality of business, which reduces the demand for educational services in the summer months. It is possible to mitigate the risk by developing a marketing strategy and an effective advertising policy that includes promotions and bonuses.

Internal risks include:

    failure to achieve the planned sales volume. This risk can be reduced with an effective advertising campaign and a competent marketing policy, which includes various promotions and bonuses;

    lack of qualified specialists. This risk will be mitigated by monitoring employees of other schools and offering them the opportunity to combine work, as well as careful selection of employees during interviews, cooperation with universities that train translators and foreign language teachers;

    decrease in the reputation of the establishment in the circle target audience in case of errors in management or reduction in the quality of services. It is possible to mitigate the risk by constantly monitoring the quality of services, obtaining feedback from clients of the establishment and carrying out corrective measures.

How to open an English language school - 3 competitive advantages + 5 ways to promote + 5 working secrets from business pros.

Capital investments in school: from 150,000 rubles.
Payback period: from 6 months.

This is often asked by people who themselves know him perfectly.

To start, a relatively small capital investment and staff are required.

At the same time, demand for the service remains stable.

More and more people are learning English for career growth, travel abroad and just general development.

However, desire alone is not enough in a highly competitive environment.

It is important to conduct a marketing analysis, choose advertising methods, correctly register activities and calculate expenses.

What documents are needed to open a language school?

In order to open an English language school, you just need to register as individual entrepreneur(IP).

The procedure for obtaining papers is simple.

Therefore, even beginners will be able to cope without resorting to intermediaries.

Language courses are an educational program, the existence of which is possible only after obtaining a license.

Only it gives the right to hire training personnel.

The good thing is that this document no longer needs to be renewed every 5 years.

Once you receive a license, you can use it for the rest of your life.

If you are the only one teaching, registering as an individual entrepreneur is sufficient.

Don't forget that you will also need to register with the tax service.

How to open an English language school: marketing analysis

Interesting fact:
Although English is only the third most popular language, the total number of people who speak English is over a billion. This is approximately every seventh earthling.

The demand for learning foreign languages ​​is currently not fully satisfied, despite active competition and saturation of this segment.

In addition to English, French, German, and Italian are popular.

People need to improve their level of knowledge in order to improve their working skills, travel to other countries, emigrate abroad, and distance learning in foreign educational institutions.

To open English language courses, it is first important to analyze the situation in your city and on the market in general.

Analysis of the target audience of the English language school

Experts recommend choosing a separate, narrow niche for promotion.

For example, teaching young children or training courses before taking international exams.

In general, the target audience of English language courses consists of the following categories:

  • tourists;
  • children from 3 years old;
  • emigrants;
  • employees of companies where English is necessary for career advancement;
  • people who learn English for self-development;
  • future teachers.

List of competitive advantages for the school

It has been mentioned more than once that competition in the segment is very high.

To ensure that the demand for language courses does not pass you by, it is important to highlight several powerful competitive advantages.

Before opening an English school, it is important to make sure that it will have distinctive features:


    It’s a big plus if, after completing the courses, you can issue training certificates to your students.

    Issue a diploma international standard, of course, it won't work.

    But a regular sheet of praise or an internal certificate - yes.

    For students, this is an incentive to study better, an opportunity to show off to friends, and a document that can decorate a resume.

    If you are just about to open courses, price dumping is a justified step.

    Affordable prices always attract customers.

    And this will allow us to launch “word of mouth”, which is the best method advertising.

    Native speakers.

    As you know, a foreign language is best learned through practice.

    A significant competitive advantage is the presence of a native speaker in the classroom, who will improve live speech with students.

    Often people know English very well, but are embarrassed to speak it.

    Classes with a native speaker will help overcome this difficulty.

Methods for promoting an English language school

It is important not only how to open an English language school , but also how to attract clients.

Of course, the most effective method– this is word of mouth.

But in order for word of mouth about you to begin to spread in all directions, you need to attract the first visitors.

To promote your English language school, use the following advertising methods:

    No organization that seriously positions itself can do without its own website.

    It will become your representation in the virtual space.

    Internet promotion attracts financial accessibility.

    The site needs to be optimized, filled with interesting content, and promoted using contextual and banner advertising.

    This task should be entrusted to specialists.

    But if you are looking to save money, you can take matters into your own hands and learn the basics of virtual promotion yourself.

    There is no need to completely abandon standard promotion methods.

    English language courses are an area of ​​business in which promotions and competitions work well.

    For example, you can offer a client an impressive discount (20-30%) for inviting a friend.

  1. If the main clientele is children, it makes sense to enter into cooperation agreements with regular educational institutions, kindergartens and other places where young parents can gather.

How to choose a premises to open an English school?

You can open a small language school where only you will teach, not even in separate room, but by renting a classroom in an educational institution.

Then the rental cost will be significantly lower, and you will have more money to invest in educational materials.

Overall, you should not face any difficulties when choosing a location.

This should be a room that clients can reach without problems both by car and by public transport.

For large cities, renting a place in the center is not fundamentally important.

Indeed, due to high competition, it may happen that the client turns to the company that is simply closer to home.

However, for small towns, accommodation in the center is really more convenient and more prestigious than on the outskirts.

In addition, as a rule, you can quickly and easily get to the central region from almost any part of a small settlement.

What equipment do you need for an English school?

To open an English language school, you will need a less extensive list of necessary equipment.

To create a “base” it is enough to purchase necessary benefits, furniture for the classroom, blackboard, equipment for the rest room.

The larger the number and the higher the declared level, the more equipment will be required.

And the more solid the investment will be.

Equipment criteriaDescription
For activities with childrenEducational posters, cards, small toys, children's books with large print and bright pictures. Also good help There will be a purchase of a projector to show cartoons in English.
TutorialsIt is important that educational materials are as “fresh” as possible. Big drawback school education– teaching from books from Soviet times, where the information has become morally outdated. The same can be said about the level of teachers. With language courses at a private school, you can provide clients with useful, relevant knowledge. The best material modern manuals from America are considered, complete with workbooks. It would be good if you could also collect a library of popular books in English and periodicals for your students.
FurnitureTables and chairs for the classroom, armchairs and a table for the recreation area.
TechniqueIn order to open a small English language school, it is enough to purchase 1-2 computers, a Wi-Fi router and a working mobile phone.

How to choose staff for a school?

You can open an English language school on your own, with the help of family members.

However, to develop the business, the staff cannot be less than 2-3 teachers.

In addition, you will need to do administrative work, hire security, etc.

Also find specialists in creating a website and promoting the school on the Internet.

How much does it cost to open an English language school?

Considering that former teachers and tutors often decide to open an English language school, the issue of financial investment becomes the most important.

How much it costs to open a school depends on a number of factors: the area of ​​the rented premises, the number of clients, the advertising methods used and others.

Let's consider the average cost estimate for opening a language school.

Capital investment in an English language school

Regular investments

Do not forget that in addition to a one-time starting investment, the school will need regular support for the following items:

Payback period for an English language school

Income, and therefore the payback period, depend on the occupancy of your English language school.

According to average statistics, with only 2 teachers on staff and an ideal 100% workload, the business will bring the owner 150,000 - 200,000 rubles.

As you can see, this amount slightly exceeds the amount of monthly expenses.

With such indicators, payback will occur approximately in six months.

You can increase your profit by scaling: invite new teachers, introduce additional classes, open additional points.

To open a successful English language school,

Watch a video interview with an experienced entrepreneur in this business field:

5 tips from the pros on how to open a successful English school

    It is easier, oddly enough, to cope with fierce competition in big cities.

    There, “proximity to home” will be added to the competitive advantages for many.

    People love to learn through play.

    Enter the days dedicated to interactive methods training, watching films, discussion club meetings.

    For quality language learning, regular work is required, and not just a couple of times a week when the client comes to class.

    Introduce homework and remote support.

    This way, students will learn faster, and their loyalty to the English school will increase.

    A good bonus for an English language school is to open a relaxation room with a cafe.

    Students will be able to chat over a cup of coffee, finish assignments, and wait for the lesson to start.

    Such loyalty systems actively attract new customers.

    If a person comes to the first lesson with a discount and receives highest level service, will definitely come back again.

How to open an English language school so that the business allows not only self-realization, but also generates income?

In addition to investing effort and money in opening a school, it is important to regularly engage in its development and promotion.

No amount of competitive advantage will force clients to become permanent if the level of training is low, as well as the qualifications of the teachers.

Staff development courses, thematic events, and an online advertising campaign will create a constant flow of students.

In this case, no competition will be fatal for the business.

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  • Registration
  • License
  • Premises and equipment
  • Staff
  • Advertising
  • Costs and profits

The ability to speak a foreign language has always been highly valued in society and is a great advantage for getting a good job. That is why people who want to succeed in life and career strive to gain new knowledge in this area. For those women who decide to organize a business while studying, there will be current advice about how to open a foreign language school from scratch. We invite you to familiarize yourself with step by step guide to implement this idea.


Where to begin opening a business? In order to properly open a school for the study of foreign languages, it is necessary to legally formalize your activities. The easiest way is to register an individual entrepreneur. You will be able to provide training and hire teachers, but the company will not have the right to issue special certificates for completing courses in English or other languages. Experts advise opening a non-state educational institution (Non-State educational institution). This is a rather labor-intensive process, but it will still be easier to “promote” your establishment and make money. The company will have a more advantageous position than if it had been registered as an individual entrepreneur. Agree that students would be more happy to study at a specialized institution than with a private businessman. The same goes for teachers. The registration process with the tax authorities will last up to 1 month.


Many women are interested in whether it is possible to open their own foreign language school without a license? Unfortunately, for the provision of educational services and the issuance of certificates, licensing is a mandatory item (it does not need to be issued only for private tutoring). You can get it from the city Department of Education, for which you will need to collect a certain package of documents. Its list includes:

  • application for a license;
  • notarized copies of constituent documents;
  • notarized copies of permits for the premises from the SES and Gospozhnadzor;
  • curriculum and certificate confirming the availability of the necessary methodological and special literature;
  • personnel information;
  • certificate of payment of state duty;
  • a list of all attached documents.

Check with your territorial authority for the exact list of documentation required to obtain a license and open an educational institution from scratch. Please note that this may change.

One of the popular ideas for making money for a girl on the Internet at home is teaching English or other foreign languages ​​online via Skype. This option is suitable if you have the appropriate education and at least some work experience.

Premises and equipment

Where is the best place to open your English or other foreign language school from scratch? Experts recommend renting or purchasing premises near educational institutions, shopping centers and other places with high foot traffic. It is much more profitable to open an institution in the central areas of the city, since in bedrooms you are unlikely to be able to attract many clients. Be sure to conduct a thorough assessment of the competition. If a similar establishment is already open nearby, find another place to set up your business.

The next step to open a school will be renovation, purchase of equipment and furniture. This is perhaps the largest expense and should be taken seriously. The educational institution must be modern, with stylish furniture and inventory. First of all, take care of buying good tables, chairs, cabinets and boards. Of course, a school cannot do without educational and methodological literature. It will also be very cool if for the opening you purchase several computers and provide Internet access. As for the design, it all depends on your taste and financial capabilities, but we advise you to make the room beautiful and cozy. Hang themed paintings and posters on the walls, put funny figurines-symbols with Eiffel Tower or Big Ben. People must feel comfortable so that they want to come again and again. Especially if you want to open a school to study foreign languages ​​for children.


To open a successful foreign language school from scratch, you need to find highly qualified teachers. Unfortunately, this is not as easy as it seems. Experienced employees can be lured to a new place of work only by high wage. You will have to try to find a decent teacher, especially if the institution will teach not only English, but also, for example, Spanish, Chinese, Italian or German. The age of your students also plays a big role. For adult clients, it is best to find a foreign teacher who can teach the nuances business speech. Teachers in regular schools are quite capable of teaching children, including preschoolers. In any case, this is a very important issue that needs to be addressed long before the opening of the institution. Your educational institution should have only experienced, competent and qualified teachers with an impeccable reputation, since a large part of success depends on this. Among the staff, you will also need a cleaner and a visiting accountant.

No matter what anyone says, knowledge of foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, etc.) is the very cherished key to obtaining a prestigious high paying job, perhaps even abroad. Therefore, a foreign language school is a truly promising business idea, which, if properly implemented, can, like the character from the famous Disney cartoon Scrooge McDuck, swim in gold! Well, perhaps the last phrase was an artistic exaggeration, but it’s really worth thinking about bringing this idea to life.

Step 1. Selecting the form of organization and registering with the tax authorities

How to open a foreign language school? Start with a choice legal form. Beginners, as a rule, are limited to registering as an individual entrepreneur. This will allow you to train students and hire staff, but you will not be able to issue certificates. And in work book the inscription “foreign language specialist” will be present, but not “teacher”.

In practice, it turns out that if you have some start-up capital and entrepreneurial spirit, it is much more profitable to register a non-state educational institution. Of course, in this case there will be much more responsibility and all sorts of subtleties. However, you will receive a higher status and will be able to issue full certificates to your students.

In addition, NOU has a better chance of gaining a foothold in the city, since experienced and qualified teachers will go to a reliable organization with a clear social package.

After this, you will need to register with the tax office. Depending on the chosen form of organization, this process can take from 5 days to 1 month.

Step 2. Obtaining a license for educational activities

This document is issued by the territorial education authority. In order to receive it, you need to provide a certain set of documents ( full list specified in the body itself). This could be documentation related to the premises, course instructors, their level of qualifications, etc.

Step 3. Selecting a room

Be sure to decide where your foreign language learning center will be located. Special problems with searching suitable place should not arise. You can buy or rent premises near large shopping centers, near various educational institutions (from kindergartens to universities).

If possible, try to avoid placement in residential areas. In addition, find out if there are any educational institutions of your direct competitors nearby - a more popular and familiar organization will take away a fair number of students from you.

Step 4. Buying furniture and equipment

When talking about how to open a foreign language school, be sure to take this cost item into account. In principle, none special requirements not here: you can learn a language even while sitting on the floor. But to create a prestigious and trustworthy image, you will agree that this is not enough. Stylish tables and chairs, bookcases, basic teaching aids (textbooks, workbooks) - you will need all this first.

In addition, media materials must be present in each classroom. These include audio and video recordings, interactive programs for language learning, etc. Ideally, it is worth installing interactive whiteboards in the premises and purchasing several laptops - progress is moving forward, replacing traditional methods mastering knowledge comes new ones.

As your business grows and develops (this can also be included in the business plan for a foreign language school), you will be able to buy new teaching aids and equipment - interactive screens, projectors, etc.

Step 5. Finding teachers

The success of your foreign language school depends 95% on the quality of teaching. However, here you will have to work hard - few talented and experienced teachers will dare to leave their homes for the sake of a new project.

First of all, you need to decide what languages ​​you want to teach. According to statistics, the most popular languages ​​are English, Spanish and Italian. But German and French, oddly enough, last years faded into the background.

You can search for employees both through friends and through specialized sites related to job searches.

At the same time, it is important to start from your target audience. So, to teach children and teenagers, it is best to invite teachers who have worked at least several years at school. They know how to interest children, attract their attention and help consolidate new knowledge. But if we are talking about teaching business language to students and adults, it would be more logical to choose as teachers those people who have lived for several years abroad.

Step 6: Recruiting Students

When thinking about how to open your own language school, try to prepare everything in such a way that you can start work in late summer or early autumn. It is at this time that classes in schools and universities begin. And even adults who have long forgotten about such a thing as summer holidays will be more willing to go to gain new knowledge when the unbearable heat subsides.

Step 7. Advertising

Of course, you've already pictured a classroom full of enthusiastic students actively taking notes. new material and try to discuss in the language they are mastering. When wondering how to open a foreign language school, be sure to think about how you will advertise your services. After all, without this your potential clients They just won’t know that you exist!

The most effective way at the moment is advertising on the Internet. Many people underestimate her, but in vain. By creating your website, you can provide people with detailed information about each course and learning conditions, talk about the teaching staff, the experience and achievements of each employee.
