Installation of a drainage system from plastic bottles yourself. DIY gutter made from plastic bottles Water gutter made from plastic bottles

Drain from plastic bottles Doing it yourself is a good option if it is not yet possible to build a more solid structure for draining water. It will be able to successfully serve for more than one month, and the owners will not have to urgently find funds for its construction.

Why are gutters needed?

When building a residential building, increased attention must be paid to draining water from the roof. This allows you to significantly increase the service life of the roofing structure. A properly constructed drainage system will protect the foundation from excessive moisture, and will also prevent moisture from accumulating on the surface of the base and on the outside walls.

Before you start making a gutter, draw at least the simplest drawing of the future structure - this will greatly help you in its manufacture. Don't forget to schedule slight slope gutters. Then you need to start calculating the approximate amount of plastic containers you will need. Measure the bottles you will be making from and calculate their quantity.

In modern residential buildings, owners prefer to install plastic drainage systems. They can seriously compete with metal ones, since with very similar operating properties they are significantly cheaper and more convenient to install and transport.

A properly executed water drainage system also has an aesthetic function, providing the building with a beautiful, finished appearance. IN decorative design at home it's important detail: it seems to emphasize the transition from the pediment to the facade, from the roof structure to the wall surface. When gutters are installed incorrectly, the area surrounding your home may become flooded due to excessive rainfall. Drainage near a building can be either organized, where the presence of special drainage gutters is provided, or unorganized, when water flows from the roof as it pleases.

To protect the walls from precipitation, it is necessary to drain. Cut off the neck of one of the bottles, but do not touch the bottom. Make a hole on the side of the resulting part - it should fit a gutter that runs under the roof and collects precipitation.

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Plastic bottles for drainage construction

After beverage manufacturers began to use plastic container, real scope has opened up for the imagination of folk craftsmen.

From plastic bottles You can do a lot of useful and pleasant things: garden decorations and funny toys, ladies' trinkets, furniture and chandeliers, even garden houses from bottles are becoming not so rare. Home craftsmen can easily make a good drainage system from plastic containers. Any summer resident accumulates a lot of plastic bottles. If the quantity is insufficient, you can ask your neighbors for them. To understand exactly how much you will need, take measurements of the perimeter of the house under the edge of the roof and the height of the wall.

It is better to choose bottles with a capacity of 1.5 liters. Their shape is almost akin to a cylinder. There should be no bends in the middle of the bottles. To work you will need the following tools:

  • a stationery stapler (preferably a furniture stapler) and staples for it;
  • thin wire;
  • scissors;
  • drill;
  • a burner to make holes in plastic.

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How to collect drainage from bottles?

Prepare the bottles for work. They need to be soaked for a while in water with a little soap so that the paper labels get wet and fall off. You should not neglect this part of the work: there is nothing good in the fact that they will gradually peel off and hang from the finished drain like rags. For a plastic bottle, you need to cut out a cylindrical part in the middle, then cut it lengthwise on one side. You should end up with a rolled piece of plastic. Do this several times until you have the required number of pieces.

Connect the resulting parts with an overlap and secure with a stapler. For reliability, you can make holes along the edges of the parts and pass wire through them. These holes can be made along the very edge, and to be sure, they can also be covered with something.

Once the gutter part is assembled, you can fasten it in place. IN roofing material drill at equal intervals through holes, make the same ones in the gutter using a soldering iron or burner. Calculate the distances between the holes so that when fastening they are opposite each other. Attach the gutter to the bottom of the roof and thread wire through the holes to tighten them together. Each time you will also have to wrap the plastic with wire so that it does not lose its shape under the weight of water.

For several other bottles, cut off both the neck and bottom to create a cylinder. Insert the parts formed in this way into one another and fasten them together. Then insert the upper end of the resulting structure into the plastic cylinder that ends the gutter. You can only cut off the bottom and not touch the neck. Place the parts with the neck down to create a drainpipe.

When all the parts are assembled and fastened together, the drainage device can be considered complete. Even a person who is not particularly versed in construction can make such a structure. But it should be noted that the installation of a plastic drain can only be considered temporary, and at the first opportunity it is necessary to replace it with a more reliable material.

A large number of products in modern stores and supermarkets are packaged in plastic containers. Without thinking about pollution environment, we often dispose of it incorrectly, but meanwhile, with a little imagination, you can give unnecessary bottles a second life.
There are a lot of options for “crafts” made from plastic bottles, but in this article we will look at how to make something useful for the home and garden, summer cottage, namely - drain.

Preparatory work

Before you start, you need to be sure that you have a sufficient number of plastic bottles at your disposal. You can calculate: the part of the bottle used will be its middle part, about 20 centimeters long, measure the length of the future drain and divide it by 20. As a result, we get the required amount of container.

Carefully inspect the prepared bottles: it is advisable that their surface is smooth, without patterns or indentations, as this may obstruct the flow of water, especially in winter period when, due to frost, water will accumulate and freeze in these recesses, thereby damaging the product. In addition, all bottles must be same size.

Bottle color it is advisable to choose dark, since water leaves streaks and deposits of mineral salts. On a light surface they will be clearly visible and give the product an untidy look.

Using plastic bottles to install drains

Often, the presence of a drain is associated not only with the collection of rainwater in personal plots and cottages, but also with human safety. After all, a melted snow mass can collapse on your head in an instant, and the consequences will be very unpleasant, if not disastrous. Therefore, when the funds for good-quality plastic or metal structure not yet, a “homemade” one from a plastic container will do, and during the year that it is guaranteed to serve you, you can find funds to install a new system.

It’s also convenient that plastic bottles are almost always on hand, and it doesn’t take much time to make a casting trench from them. Plastic bottles are an easy material to work with, and if something doesn’t work out or you don’t like it, you can always redo or replace individual parts.

Materials and accessories

For the manufacture of plastic system To drain water, you will need a minimum of materials and tools:

  • Carefully selected plastic bottles in the right amount, and even a little more;
  • A furniture or large stationery stapler for connecting parts together with a sufficient number of staples;
  • Scissors and sharp knife to separate the necessary parts from the bottle;
  • Thin wire for attaching the structure to the roof;
  • An awl or burner for making holes in plastic parts;
  • Drill (may be needed to drill holes in the roof material).

As you can see, the tools are simple and can be found in almost everyone’s home. You can, of course, also use a sealant for greater reliability when fastening drainage parts, but, as practice shows, this is not necessary, since this will not extend the service life, and investing in temporary amenities is not rational.

Installation of drainage from plastic bottles: step-by-step diagram

So, let's start assembling our drain:

So, the installation is ready.

Advantages of a plastic drainage system

The advantages of the system manufactured by us are:

  • Low cost. This is one of the obvious advantages, because the materials required for drainage do not need to be bought in a store, except perhaps a stapler, and even that has long been in the arsenal of any business owner;
  • Despite its unreliable appearance, the drain is quite can serve you whole year , having experienced all natural disasters, such as temperature changes, for example;
  • Besides, Ice in plastic gutters begins to melt at the slightest thaw., which is not typical for metal waste systems;
  • Ease, the almost weightlessness of the drain should also be considered an advantage, because it collapsed on one’s head metal pipe will cause significant damage to your health, which will not happen in the case of a plastic structure;
  • IN summer period it is possible to lead the drainage pipe into a container to collect rainwater, which is so useful for watering plants and crops in the garden. Both useful and economical!
  • Easy drainage from plastic bottles can be made into an entire architectural composition, which will fit perfectly into the design of a personal plot.

Disadvantages of plastic products

A drain made from plastic bottles is, of course, not ideal:

  • Appearance such a product will not be suitable for a permanent structure: a house, a mansion or a country cottage;
  • Another significant drawback is fragility, since the service life is no more than one year;
  • Lightweight design, which we considered an advantage, is also a disadvantage, since during a hurricane or simply a strong wind, the gutter can be torn off the roof and carried away in an unknown direction, which is still more difficult to do with its metal counterpart.

Maintenance and repair

No matter what the drainage system is made of, timely maintenance is necessary to extend its service life.

For example, after rain, you need to check whether the drain is clogged with branches, dry leaves and other debris. Failure to clean the drain in a timely manner can lead to its destruction. The place where the water flows also needs to be cleaned periodically, otherwise a whole swamp will form.

It is very easy to repair a drain made from a plastic container with your own hands, since it is all made of components, and you can easily replace only the part that has failed. Repairs, as well as the actual manufacturing of the structure, will not require additional costs from you.

Differences from metal gutters

If we compare gutters made from plastic bottles with metal ones, we can highlight several disadvantages of the former, for example:

The idea of ​​making plastic gutters for garden plots and cottages does not end with a standard gutter. By showing imagination, you can diversify even the most ordinary thing.

A creative approach to working with plastic bottles gave birth to an original drainage system called rain chain.

“Chains” can be very different: from multi-colored plastic buckets, vases and other beautiful bright things. You can attach such chains to the lowest point of the roof, and the water will freely flow down, where, by the way, you can put some kind of container.

When it rains, water flows down the chain with a pleasant murmur, and it is a well-known fact that the sound of flowing water relaxes.

Like this, using ordinary plastic bottles and small quantity fantasies can not only be relieved country house from dampness, but also to decorate personal plot almost an architectural composition.

After you have such a rain “chain”, it will definitely pass on to your neighbors, only in a new, original form.

Creating a drainage system from plastic bottles with your own hands

Home improvement often involves significant financial investments, so it is not surprising that when constructing some structures, homeowners have to use all their imagination in order to somehow save money. Of course, you can put up with some everyday inconveniences for a while, but not when we're talking about about the safety of household members. It is for this reason that gutter installation is considered one of the priorities facing every real estate owner.

Advantages of gutters made from PET bottles

In order to avoid the sudden fall of melted snow from the roof slopes in winter, and to protect the facade and foundation of the building from rainwater in summer, spring and autumn, it is recommended to install plastic or metal gutters. If you find funds from family budget It is not possible to purchase them, then a drain from plastic bottles, which you can make yourself, may well become a good temporary alternative to branded drainage systems.

Designs made from disposable PET bottles for draining melt and rainwater from roofs are also very popular among novice summer residents. Although such drainage systems will not last long, they are guaranteed to help out at least for the first time. They can be equipped as outbuilding at the dacha, and small house ik, because such a product is quite capable of withstanding both autumn rains and spring thaw.

The advantages of gutters made from PET bottles also include:

  • simplicity and speed of installation;
  • low cost - minimal financial costs for their production;
  • the possibility of modifying or removing the structure at any time;
  • original appearance.

Materials and tools required for making a drain from PET bottles

To make a drainage system from plastic bottles with your own hands, you should stock up on everything in advance necessary materials and tools.

For this design you will need:

  • Pet bottles with a cylindrical middle part.

It is best to choose a container with a volume of 1.5-2 liters, and it should be:

  • one shape and size;
  • the same color - preferably dark - since the dirt flowing from the slopes of the roof of the house will not be so noticeable against its background;

Gutter structures made from multi-colored plastic bottles, although they look original, will be conspicuous, attracting undue attention.

  • without recesses and relief patterns that contribute to rapid clogging of the system and the creation of inappropriate in this case hydraulic resistance;
  • clean and with previously removed labels.
  • A construction or furniture stapler with staples, through which the individual structures of the drainpipe and gutter will be fastened together.
  • Knife and scissors for cutting material.
  • The wire by which the gutter will be attached to the roof covering.
  • Drill for making holes in the roof of a house.
  • An awl or soldering iron for making holes in plastic blanks for drainage.
  • Sealant or water-repellent glue (optional).

Preparatory stage

At the stage of preparation for installation, it is necessary:

  • decide on the number of bottles needed to create the design;
  • bring the container into proper shape, removing stains and labels from it.

If the labels from the bottles are not removed in advance, then during the operation of the structure the paper will begin to lag behind, and as a result, it will hang in ugly rags, completely ruining the entire appearance of the homemade drain.

To prepare the containers, you need to soak them for several hours in warm, soapy water. As for the number of bottles themselves, the required volume of “raw materials” can be easily calculated by knowing the length of the roof eaves of the house. By taking measurements from the roof and dividing the resulting value in centimeters by 20 (this is the length of the central part of the bottle), you will get the number of bottles needed for the gutter. A similar calculation is made for the drainpipe.

If desired, you can create simple drawing future design. In any case, when planning to assemble such an unusual drain with your own hands, it is best to prepare the material with a reserve, since during the installation process there is a high risk of accidental damage to the prepared elements.

DIY installation of a drainage system from plastic bottles

The entire process of installing a drain from PET bottles with your own hands can be divided into 2 stages:

  • Assembling and securing the gutter.
  • Construction of a vertical drainpipe.

So, to create a design gutter, it is necessary to cut off the bottoms and necks of previously prepared bottles. The result should be perfectly smooth cylindrical blanks. “Armed” with scissors, they need to be split in half so that each cylinder produces 2 semicircular elements.

At the next stage, the resulting semicircular blanks are folded overlapping with a width of about 1.5-2 cm and fastened with staples using a stapler. For greater strength and tightness of the structure, the joints can be coated with water-repellent glue or sealant.

Instead of gutter plugs that prevent water from passing further, you can use bottles whose bottoms have not been removed.

Having assembled a gutter of the required length according to the above diagram, you can begin to secure it to the roof. The most convenient way is to hang it on a wire, making required holes in the slate and in the gutter itself using a drill and a soldering iron (or a hot awl), respectively. It is important that the chute made of PET bottles is suspended at an angle to the place where the funnel is installed.

Once the gutter is installed, you can begin making the drain funnel and pipe. You can do a tap with your own hands in several ways:

  • in the shape of a pipe, inserting cylindrical blanks into one another and securing them with wire;
  • in the form of necks suspended on a wire one after another, creating the effect of watering cans;
  • alternating cylindrical blanks and bottles with cut off bottoms.

In order to make a drain funnel, you need to cut off the bottom of the bottle and cut a hole of the required diameter in the resulting blank. Then connect the funnel with the gutter and pipe.

A drainpipe made from PET bottles is often attached to the façade of a building using pliers made from steel wire, which is bent twice to form the ends in the form of grippers. Finally, they are tied together with thin wire.

At this point, do-it-yourself gutter installation can be considered complete. As you can see, even a person who has absolutely no knowledge of construction can cope with it.

DIY drain made from plastic bottles for your home

How to create a drainage system from plastic bottles for your home and garden with your own hands.

How to make a simple drain from plastic bottles yourself?

Beginning summer residents often face a lack of funds, since they have to invest a lot of money in arranging the site and the house. Therefore, some designs can be assembled from improvised materials waste material. Of course, they won’t last long, but they will help out for the first time. Let's look at how to assemble a drain from plastic bottles with your own hands.

Drainage system – important element any building, even if it is a small house summer cottage. The main function of this system is to drain rain and melt water from the walls and foundation of the house; if a drain is not installed, the structure will last much less.

A high-quality roof drain is assembled from special elements made of plastic or galvanized steel. But, as a temporary option, you can make a drainage system from plastic bottles.


First of all, you need to take measurements from the roof to find out how many bottles will have to be used.

Advice! To carry out calculations, it is worth assuming that the “working part” of the bottle, taking into account the necessary overlap, is approximately 20 cm. Therefore, for the calculation required quantity elements, you need to divide the length of the cornices by 20.

Which container is suitable?

To make a roof drainage system, you can use containers with a capacity of 1.5 and 2 liters. Basic requirements for the “material”:

  • the container must be the same size and shape;
  • these should be smooth, cylindrical bottles without recesses or relief patterns (the presence of relief creates hydraulic resistance and contributes to rapid clogging of the drainage system);
  • the color of the container is not an important point, however, drainage systems made from dark bottles look more beautiful, since all the dirt that flows from the roof is visible in the transparent drainage. You can, of course, use multi-colored containers; this will not affect the quality of drainage, but such a drainage system will not decorate the house;
  • Labels from bottles must first be removed, since if this is not done in advance, then soon the paper will begin to lag behind and hang in ugly rags.

Advice! When planning to assemble a spillway from a plastic container with your own hands, you need to prepare the “material” with a reserve, since in the process of work you can accidentally damage the prepared elements.

What else is needed for the job?

To collect water drainage from the roof with your own hands, in addition to the required number of bottles, you will need to prepare:

  • sharp knife or scissors for cutting material;
  • furniture stapler with staples for connection individual elements into the gutter;
  • wire on which the plastic gutter will be attached to the roof covering;
  • a drill to make a hole in the roof covering;
  • soldering iron or awl for making holes in plastic;
  • for greater reliability, it is also worth using a sealant, however, sealing will greatly increase the time spent on construction, and since the structure is being assembled temporarily, you need to decide whether it is worth bothering with it for a long time.

The work is carried out in two stages:

  • assemble and secure the gutter to the roof;
  • construct a vertical drain for water.

Gutter assembly

To assemble the gutter, you need to cut off the bottom and neck of the bottle so that you get an even cylinder. Then the resulting workpiece must be cut in half to obtain two semicircular elements. Having prepared a sufficient number of blanks, you can begin to assemble the gutter:

  • two parts are folded with an overlap of 1.5 cm wide;
  • fastened with staples using furniture stapler or make holes in the parts with an awl and fasten them with a piece of wire;
  • You can additionally use sealant.

Repeating the operations described above, it is necessary to assemble a gutter of the required length. Then you will need to secure it to the roof. The most convenient way is to hang the plastic gutter on a wire by making holes in the slate and in the gutter itself. In this case, you need to make sure that the gutter is suspended at an angle to the place where the funnel is installed.

Vertical part of the system

The drainage funnel and drainpipe are also made from bottles. To make a funnel, cut off the neck of the container and, after cutting out a hole, connect the funnel to the gutter.

We assemble the drainpipe from the same bottles, cutting off the bottom and neck from them so that we get a part with a narrowed edge. We insert the blanks one into the other, forming a pipe.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of such a roof drain is its low cost and the fact that it is easy to assemble with your own hands. The drain works quite effectively, of course, if it is not intended extreme conditions operation with hurricane winds and tropical downpours. The disadvantages are the unreliability of the system and its short service life. It is unlikely that a bottle structure will last longer than one year.

So, if you need to quickly and cheaply assemble a roof drainage system, you can use ordinary plastic bottles as a building material. It is not difficult to assemble such a spillway; the work will not require time or labor. However, the design made from plastic containers is unreliable and short-lived.

Do-it-yourself drain from plastic bottles: how to make?

Is it possible to make a simple drain from plastic bottles at your dacha with your own hands to divert rainwater from the foundation of the house? How many bottles do you need?

Do-it-yourself gutters from scrap materials

The drainage system of a house is an integral and necessary part of it. Today, making a drain with your own hands is not a big or difficult problem, fortunately manufacturers offer a large number of options. But not all consumers are ready to buy them.

For some, this is an unattainable financial goal. Therefore, among them there are those who give their preference homemade designs made from scrap materials. For example, from sewer plastic pipes or regular plastic bottles. Let's take a closer look at the second option - a drain made of plastic bottles, as the most unusual and non-standard.

We prepare materials for drainage

So, the main material for home drainage is a plastic bottle. Which bottle is suitable?

  • You can use 1.5 or 2.0 liter plastic containers for these purposes.
  • Its size and shape should be the same.
  • Particular attention to all kinds of patterns and indentations, that is, they should not be on the container. The whole point is that dirt will accumulate in the deepening areas, coming off the roof slopes along with the water. In the spring, the summer will linger here, sliding in layers from the roof. In addition, raised protrusions and recesses will create hydraulic resistance, which will reduce throughput drainage system generally. Therefore, choose cylindrical bottles.

  • As for the color of the drain being constructed, this is not so important. Although it should be noted that transparent bottles are dirt visible to the naked eye that drains from the surface of the roof. But a dark-colored gutter will look much better. By the way, not very often, but you can still find colored drainage structures in villages that look, frankly, awkward. But in any case, you need to choose the right color in order to somehow get into the design of the house.
  • Labels must be removed from plastic bottles.

  • The horizontal part of the system is calculated.
  • Vertical.
  • Shaped products.
  • Fasteners.

The horizontal part is calculated based on the length of the cornice. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the entire bottle is not installed on the horizontal part of the drain. She is cut in half. It turns out this way, if, for example, the length of the eaves of your house is 10 m, and the working part of a plastic bottle is 20 cm (based on its overlap), then the number of bottles will be equal to:

As for the vertical part, everything will depend on the installation height of the drain risers and their number. For example, the height will be 4 m, which means that one riser will require: 4: 0.2 = 20 bottles. If we talk about a small house with gable roof, then these are four risers, which means 20x4 = 80 bottles per risers. In total, you will need 105 pieces of plastic containers, taking into account a margin of 10-15%, the final result will be 115 or 130 pieces. Collecting such a quantity is not a problem today.

To carry out the installation process of a roof drainage system made from plastic bottles with your own hands, you will need Additional materials and a few simple tools.

  • Wire.
  • Sealant, preferably silicone.
  • A stapler, better than a stationery one, because a construction stapler is more powerful, it will simply break thin plastic with its staples and pressure.
  • A sharp knife and scissors with which to cut plastic containers.
  • The drill required to drill the hole for the fastener.
  • Tape measure and pencil.
  • Fishing line.

DIY installation of a drain from plastic bottles

The installation process is divided into two parts:

  1. Assembly of horizontally laid gutters.
  2. Assembly and fastening of risers.

Installation of the horizontal part of the drain

First of all, you need to prepare the plastic container, or, more precisely, make blanks out of it with your own hands the desired shape and length. Therefore, the neck and bottom are cut off from the bottle, leaving only the cylindrical part, which is cut lengthwise with scissors, making two identical halves. That is, from one cylindrical blank we get two gutters.

You can connect several gutters right there on the ground or collect them one at a time under the eaves of the roof. If the first option is chosen, then the gutters are laid overlapping relative to the two edges with an offset of 15 mm. The two elements are fastened with a stapler and metal staples. If they are not available, then you can make holes with your own hands with an awl and fasten the two trays with wire. It is recommended to apply sealant to the overlap area.

Now all the work is transferred to the top. The main condition for a well-functioning horizontal part of the drainage system is its slope towards the riser. There is a minimum angle of inclination here, it is equal to 2%, that is, the difference in the laid tray line should be 2 mm per meter of its length. To do this, you need to screw in a self-tapping screw at the highest point of the drain, and from there, draw a line with a calculated drop towards the riser. Here a self-tapping screw is also screwed in, onto which the wire is wound in the form of a loop. This will be a kind of bracket.

The wire is installed in the same way on the top screw. Now between the two fasteners exactly the same ones are installed every half meter. Next, the prepared gutters are placed on the brackets.

Do-it-yourself installation of the vertical part of the drain

As for the shape of the elements of this part of the drainage system, there is a slight difference. First, the funnel. This is the top of a plastic bottle with a neck that is cut so that it actually forms a funnel. The neck is too narrow, so it is cut off to make a larger, wider hole. But they don’t cut off too much, because it must fit flush into the cylindrical profile of the bottle itself.

In the same way, other elements of the risers are trimmed with your own hands. That is, the lower bottom part is cut off, and the upper part, where the neck is located, is left under a small cone. This cone is needed only to obtain an overlapping connection with respect to the elements being inserted into each other.

Parts of bottles for risers are attached to a wire, which is tied in the form of a loop to a self-tapping screw. The screw itself is screwed into the wall of the building.


Here is a simple design for draining water from the roof using scrap materials.

Drain made from plastic bottles

Do-it-yourself gutters from scrap materials The drainage system of a house is an integral and necessary part of it. Today, making a drain with your own hands is not a big problem and

Roof gutters made from plastic bottles

A drain is a system designed to collect and drain stormwater and melt water from the roof of the building in such a way as to prevent them from getting on the facade, foundation and blind area. The presence of a drainage system allows you to protect these structural elements from premature destruction, extending their service life.

Materials for drainage installation

The need for drainage is beyond doubt. However, often in private housing construction, when financial resources are always limited, many future owners, in order to save money, install drainage systems with their own hands. In this case, the two most commonly used materials are galvanized steel and sewer pipes made of polyvinyl chloride.

In both cases, the cost of the starting material is quite high. Therefore, for even greater savings, some domestic craftsmen use improvised materials for the manufacture and installation of drainage systems. It can be various lumber, plasterboard sheets, remaining after completion of finishing work and much more. But the most commonly used raw material for the drainage system is ordinary plastic bottles, which it is impossible to get if you have the desire. special labor. As a result, it is quite easy to make a drain from plastic bottles.

For drainage of even a small private house you will need a fairly large number of bottles. In this case, it is advisable to choose containers of the same size and color, without dents or other deformations. Dark brown bottles are most often used, as they look attractive and hide debris and leaves that get into the drainage system.

To attach gutters and pipes made from bottles, you will need wire, preferably aluminum or galvanized to avoid corrosion. In addition, you will need plastic brackets, which can be bought ready-made, since their price is low.

Necessary tools and material preparation

To make and subsequently install a roof drain with your own hands, you will need very few tools. Main part preparatory work will be performed with scissors, which must be sharp enough. You can also use regular stationery knife, without any problems cutting the plastic from which bottles are made.

Main constituent element The drainpipes will serve as the middle parts of the bottles. Their length should be approximately 15-20 cm. The bottoms of plastic bottles will also be used in drainage from the roof as plugs.

Another tool necessary for making a drainage system with your own hands is a special stapler for furniture. As an alternative, you can use a stationery one, but it is enough large sizes so that it is able to penetrate the plastic bottles. The width of the staples used by the stapler should be approximately 10-12 mm.

To attach the brackets to the wall or roof, you will also need a screwdriver, which, if not available, can be replaced with a regular drill.

Making a drain from plastic bottles with your own hands

Making roof drainage from plastic bottles consists of the following sequential steps:

  1. It is necessary to draw a sketch of the future drain. This will help you roughly calculate the number of bottles needed and roughly estimate the slope of the gutter required for its normal operation.
  2. Labels and traces of glue should be removed from the material of future gutters and downpipes. This can be easily done by soaking in a solution of any detergent. This event will allow you to achieve a pleasant appearance of the future drainage system.
  3. As noted above, for horizontal elements of roof drains, the central parts of bottles without a bottom and neck will be used. To obtain gutters, simply cut them lengthwise into two halves.
  4. The resulting blanks are fastened together with a prepared stapler. In this case, the connection is made with an overlap, the width of which should be 1-1.2 cm. The number of staples is determined experimentally; usually three pieces per connection are enough. If you don’t have a stapler, you can connect the elements using a binding wire, having previously made small holes for it in the bottles.

  • Sealing the seams can be done with ordinary children's plasticine or some cheap sealant or adhesive tape.
  • After making the gutters, you need to secure them to the wall or roof. This is done quite simply. Using a screwdriver or drill, holes are made in the roof or wall at a distance of approximately 20-30 cm from each other. At the same distance, using an awl or the same screwdriver, holes are made and on plastic construction gutters. The gutter elements are fastened using wire prepared in advance.
  • After this, it is necessary to make vertical gutters where the water will be collected through the gutters. For a small house, 2-3 of them are quite enough, sometimes they even install one vertical pipe. Gutters are made no less simply than gutters. First, the already familiar cylinder is made from the central part. Then the bottom and neck of the second bottle are cut off so that its tapering part is inserted into the prepared cylinder. Another one is installed on top according to the same scheme, etc. The elements can also be connected to each other with a stapler or wire.
  • Vertical drains are attached to the wall using brackets, since fastening using wire will not be sufficiently reliable.

Making a drainage system from scrap materials with your own hands will allow you to get a fairly reliable working design with a fairly pleasant appearance. In this case, a significant portion of financial resources will be saved, which can be redirected to perform other work.

Do-it-yourself gutters from scrap materials

Do-it-yourself gutters from scrap materials. Necessary tool and preparation of material.

The plastic bottle has a cylindrical shape. This form encourages a wild desire to assemble a pipe for transferring liquids (gases) from many plastic bottles. The pipe can be used both in a vertical position (as a spillway or drain) and in a horizontal position (as a drainage or irrigation system). Combined inclined or bent options the location of such an improvised semi-rigid hose. High level resistance to weather and soil influences further fuels this desire.


The plastic (PET container) of a plastic bottle is quite reliable, but making a reliable connection of these bottles into a pipe is quite problematic. For example, I would rush into battle with the technology of plastic rivets, but it’s quite long and tedious for such a volume of work! After all, you may need to connect several dozen bottles, for example, like here (! The easiest way is to connect the bottles with tape, but it is not at all a fact that such a connection will withstand at least one more or less decent rain. In my opinion, the safest way to make a spillway from plastic bottles (vertical or inclined) a drain pipe) using a connection based on snapping a plastic bottle onto the flange and strengthening these connections based on the design principle of the Kulikov antenna.

Tools and materials

For this type of connection, almost any plastic bottle can be used, regardless of the diameter of the neck, flange and volume of the bottle itself. This is precisely the tempting idea of ​​using the flange latches principle. However, to ensure sufficient water flow through such a drain, the plastic bottle must have a fairly wide neck. Milk or kefir bottles with a wide neck are suitable for this. Maybe there are other similar bottles with an internal neck diameter larger than 33mm and a flange on the neck (I don’t know)?

Assembling the drain pipe consists of gradually snapping plastic bottles into each other. The neck of one is pressed with force into the base (with a hole made) of the other, the latch petals diverge and snap into place behind the flange of the first bottle, and so on. Actually, at this stage the drain is already reliable enough for use, but if you set out to really make it reliable design, then it is necessary to apply the principle of the Kulikov antenna.

The main element of Kulikovka is a steel cable. The role of the steel cable of the Kulikov antenna for the design of a drain made of plastic bottles connected by snapping will be played by a plastic tape. Plastic tape is easy to obtain if you select a cylindrical part of a plastic bottle and cut the tape in a spiral ( The length of the tape depends on the volume of the bottle and the required width of the tape. To use as a Kulikov stretch, the width of the plastic tape should be about 1 centimeter; for this width, a tape up to 5 meters long can be cut from PET containers. The plastic of PET containers can withstand very high tensile loads and the length of the tape up to 5 meters is sufficient for installing a drainage system one-story house or a barn.

The main problem of using a wedge is ensuring constant tension of the cable, and in our case, the plastic tape. To do this, the tape needs to be secured somehow on the source and drain sides (Fig. 2). For those who know the technology of plastic rivets, this will not be difficult. Others will have to be content with various tricks, which are determined by the place where the drain will be installed. For example, you can nail the tape together with the upper and lower parts of the drain to wooden plank, or plastic tape secure it to a transverse spacer-pin (in this case, the main thing is that the pin does not block the drainage hole from below and above) and so on.


1. Using a similar approach, you can also make curved gutters; you can do this using plastic bottles of different heights and diameters.

2. It is especially convenient to use such structures in kiosks, containers, for collecting water from the garage for watering the garden, etc.

3. This principle of latches is easily used not only for gutters, but also in completely other areas, for example, this way you can assemble a labyrinth for hamsters or mice. It is even possible to carry out scientific experiments and research.

Drainage in a private home is one of the main components of a comfortable outdoor recreation.

It is worth saying that most land plots suffers from waterlogging, which leads to the destruction of the foundation of the building, and all the ensuing consequences.

If you notice excess moisture in your area, then help will come drainage pipe with your own hands.

Drain pipe

This device is a system of underground channels or pipelines that drain excess moisture, forming an artificially created watercourse in the soil.

Water, entering the created underground channels, is collected in special storage tanks and then removed outside the site.

Underground channel system

Drainage pipe made from plastic bottles

Very often people face the problem of high cost building materials and the impossibility of purchasing them, so they have to look for other alternative and less expensive options.

For example, a DIY drainage pipe made from plastic bottles is an excellent option to create a drainage system.

The thing is that plastic bottles are made from polyethylene that has undergone special processing, which makes them very durable with a service life of 50 years.

Drainage from plastic bottles

But, there is one thing, such drainage is performed only by closed type. So, let's look at setting up a drying system using plastic bottles.

There are actually two options:

  • net;
  • natural outlets.

Both options are quite popular and in demand, so it’s worth considering each of them separately.

A distinctive feature of the options is the way the bottles are stacked.

That is, with the “mesh” option, plastic bottles are cut at the hole in the back into which the neck of the next bottle is inserted, thereby forming a sealed drainage system.

The natural drainage method is based on the fact that bottles are installed in a trench, forming an air cushion.

Natural dilution method (bottle in bottle)

Step-by-step instructions for creating drainage from plastic bottles using the mesh method

  • it is necessary to dig a trench around the perimeter of the site, approximately half a meter deep, but this figure is not a rule, since the type of soil and the depth of groundwater must be taken into account;

    Trench around the perimeter of the site

  • then they arrange pipes from bottles, namely, in the back of the container they cut out bottom, and the next bottle is inserted into it, neck first;

    This is what bottles inserted into each other look like

  • after this, the bottom of the trench must be sprinkled with sand, this is very important so that water does not pass through the drainage;

    Sprinkle sand at the bottom of the trench

  • then bottle pipes are laid at the bottom of the pit. It is better to install several rows to form a dense and reliable system. The top of the created structure must be sprinkled with sawdust or turf for insulation. If possible, then you can give preference to geotextiles, which are an excellent insulation for such communications;

    Pipes made from plastic bottles

  • the trench must have access to a well or a specially created reservoir on the site. In the case of a reservoir, you will not need to think about pumping out water, since such water is used for watering the garden.

Drainage sewerage, which is installed using the natural drainage method, resembles a river system, namely, having a channel and tributaries.

This option is more suitable for areas with marshy soils and will ensure effective removal of water from any place on the plot.

Installation of such a system is as follows:
