DIY math board game for preschoolers: magnetic track. Board games that teach counting. Other educational board games for counting

3 interesting math games not for kids.

"Math Domino".

"Math Domino" is a quick family game with numbers. It is perfect for relaxing with your family, and also as a great way to pass the time in a fun way! In addition, the game can be used as educational material.

Players must use dominoes to perform any mathematical operation (+, -, x, /). To do this, they must place one of their dice in such a way that one of the numbers on it is the result of a mathematical operation with two adjacent numbers. It does not matter whether these numbers are on the same dice or on different ones. If a player cannot place a tile on the board, he must take one from the reserve, place it in front of him and skip his turn.
The winner is the player who is the first to place all of his dice on the game board.
The kit includes:
- 57 dice with numbers,
- 3 spare empty dice,
- rules of the game.

Game duration: about 20 minutes.

During the game, participants must create mathematical operations directly on the game board. A mathematical operation - addition, subtraction, multiplication or division - is performed with two adjacent numbers, and the chip with the result must also be nearby.
The game is played using a game board with squares on it. different colors, as well as 106 chips with numbers. Each chip has a point value equal to the number on the chip. The color of the playing field square imposes restrictions on the chips you plan to place there.

The kit includes:
- 1 bag,
- 1 game board,
- 4 chip holders,
- 106 chips with numbers,
- rules of the game.
Number of players: from 2 to 4.
Game duration: about 40 minutes.

During the game, participants must create mathematical operations directly on the game board. A mathematical operation - addition or subtraction - is performed with two adjacent numbers, and the chip with the result must also be nearby.
The game uses a double-sided game board, as well as 60 chips with numbers. Each chip has a point value equal to the number on the chip.
Players must place pieces on the board in such a way that each newly added piece makes a mathematical operation with its neighbors. In this case, the player receives points equal to the value of the newly bet chip.
The player who has the most points at the end of the game is declared the winner.
The kit includes:
- double-sided game board,
- 4 chip holders,
- 60 chips with numbers,
- rules of the game.
Number of players: from 2 to 4.
Game duration: about 30 minutes.


Video review:

There are several more games on the official website, but they are not yet on the Russian market:
and a game book.

Collection of mathematical games

(for preschool children)

Pavlodar 2016

Compiled by: Romanevich T.F.

teacher i/s No. 86



    Explanatory note……………………………………………………………..3

    Games with numbers and numbers………………………………………………………4

    Games with geometric shapes…………………………………….11

    Games according to the size section………………………………………………18

    Logic games……………………………………………………….. 20

Explanatory note

“Children are always willing to do something. This is very useful, and therefore not only should it not be interfered with, but measures must be taken to ensure that they always have something to do.”
Komensky Ya.

Getting to know amazing world mathematics begins in preschool age. Children with interest and desire get acquainted with numbers, learn to operate with them, compare objects by size, study geometric shapes and master the skill of orientation in space and time. Mathematics provides enormous opportunities for the development of thinking, logic and attention.

For successful mastery of knowledge in the sections of the formation of elementary mathematical concepts (FEMP), a large role is given to didactic games. Play is the leading type of activity for children; only through play does a child unobtrusively acquire and successfully consolidate knowledge.

Each of the FEMP games solves a specific problem of improving children’s mathematical (quantitative, spatial, temporal) concepts.

Didactic games are included directly in the content of FEMP classes as one of the means of implementing program tasks, as well as for individual work to consolidate children's knowledge in the afternoon. Didactic games in the structure of the FEMP lesson are determined by the age of the children, the purpose, purpose, and content of the lesson.

I bring to your attention my own didactic games.

Games with numbers and numbers

1. Didactic game"Collect flowers"

Age 5-6 years

Target: fix the composition of the numbers 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

Equipment: petals with examples of the composition of the numbers 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, the middle with the numbers 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.


The teacher invites the children to collect beautiful flowers. The centers of flowers are laid out on the tables, and petal cards are distributed to the children. At the signal, the children must find the right middle and collect the flower. The team that collects its daisy correctly and quickly wins.

2. Didactic game “Sleigh”

Age 5-6 years

Target: consolidate the ability to distinguish between neighbors of a number.

Equipment: cards- sleigh with numbers, cards with numbers.


The teacher suggests going on a winter sleigh ride. Children choose any cards they want: some with numbers, some with sleighs. After this, the teacher lines up the children in two lines: with the sleds in one, and with numbers in the other. Please note that in order for the sleigh to move: you need to find your rider. Children carefully look at their cards and look for their match: the child with the missing number card. Those who find each other form a sleigh and wait for all the children. As soon as everyone stands up in pairs, the group goes on a winter walk, making a circle, laying out the cards again on the table and the game continues

The game can be played up to three times.

Age 5-6 years

Target: fixing forward and backward counting within 10.

Equipment: cards in the shape of nuts and mushrooms with numbers from 1 to 10, two multi-colored strings, a picture or toy squirrel.


The teacher asks a riddle about a squirrel:

From branch to branch

Can I fly?

Red tail

No one can catch it.

Once upon a time in summer

I should play in the forest

Need mushrooms

Collect for winter.


Shows a picture or toy of a squirrel, asks to help the squirrel: collect nuts and mushrooms. Gives the task to collect nuts from one to ten, strung on a string, and mushrooms from 10 to one.Checks the completion, asks the child to name the numbers in forward and reverse order.


You can collect even and odd numbers in forward and reverse order.

Age 5-6 years

Target: consolidate the composition of numbers 6,7,8.

Equipment: three baskets with cells, carrot and cabbage cards with examples of the composition of the numbers 6,7 and 8.


The teacher asks a riddle about autumn:

I bring in the harvests, I re-sow the fields,

I send the birds south, I strip the trees,

But I don’t touch the pines and fir trees, I.


Conducts a conversation about the concerns of collective farmers in the fields in the fall.

Offers to help collect carrots and cabbage, properly placing them in baskets.

Checks the completion of the task (you can offer counting sticks to check).


You can offer children a competition: who can harvest the crops faster and correctly?


Age 5-6 years

Target: consolidate the ability to compare numbers using greater than, less than and equal signs, and distinguish numbers from 1 to 12.

Equipment: a picture of Baba Fedora, cards with pictures of dishes, small white leaves, paper clips, simple pencils.


The teacher reads an excerpt from K. And Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Fedorino’s Grief”:

"And the pan is running

She shouted to the iron:

"I'm running, running, running,

I can't resist! "

So the kettle runs after the coffee pot,

Chatting, chattering, rattling. "

Guys, what fairy tale are the dishes from? What happened to her? Who hurt her? How can we help Fedora?

To return the dishes, you need to place the signs correctly: greater than, less than or equal to!

Invites children to carefully examine the card and complete the task.

6. Didactic game “Fishing”

Age 5-6 years

Target: introduce and consolidate the composition of the numbers 6, 7 and 8.

Equipment: fish cards with examples of the composition of the numbers 6,7 and 8; 3 buckets with cells.


The teacher invites the children to put the fisherman's catch into buckets.

Guys, we need your help - we urgently need to feed the inhabitants of the water park: a polar bear eats only 8 kg of fish, a seal - 6 kg, and a dolphin - 7 kg. You can't make a mistake, be careful.

Children choose a fish card and place it in the correct bucket.

The teacher checks the correctness of execution. You can choose a captain who will check all the fish in the bucket.

7. Didactic game “Big Laundry”

Age 5-6 years

Target: introduce and consolidate the composition of the numbers 8, 9 and 10.

Equipment: cards of things with examples of the composition of the numbers 8,9 and 10; three washing machines with cells.


Invite children to put their laundry in automatic washing machines.

Guys, the holiday of March 8th is approaching, so let’s give mom a gift, let’s help her wash her clothes.

8. Didactic game “Help the bees get home”

Age 5-6 years

Target: introduce and consolidate the composition of the numbers 5,6,7 and 8.

Equipment: bee cards with examples of the composition of the numbers 5,6,7 and 8; three pieces of evidence with cells.


The teacher draws attention to the houses attached to the board and clarifies whose they are.

Creates problematic situation:

The bees need to get home, but they cannot do this because they do not know what their house is.

The children agree to help, choose a bee card and place it in the correct clue.

As soon as all the children complete the task, the teacher checks the correctness of the task and thanks the children for their help.


You can offer the children a competition to see who can help the bees get home faster.

You can play individually and in subgroups.

The test can be performed by a child who has mastered the composition of numbers well.

9. Didactic game “Sea Voyage”

Age 5-6 years

Target: consolidate the ability to solve examples with + and – within 6 - 11.

Equipment: boat cards with examples of + and – ranging from 6-11; four berths with cells.


The teacher invites the children to go on a sea voyage, choose a boat for themselves, and disperse into groups. Children choose a boat card, walk around the group, look at it carefully, and count their example. At the teacher’s signal “Moor!”: the children choose the desired pier and moor their boat.

The teacher checks the correctness of the task.

Games with geometric shapes

1. Didactic game "Portrait"

Age 4-5 years


* Teach children to see familiar images in schematic representations of objects.

* Strengthen the ability to distinguish between the concepts of size: large, slightly smaller and smallest.

* Exercise the ability to distinguish geometric shapes.

* Develop the skill of orientation on a sheet.

Equipment: “magic box” with toys or pictures: bunny, cat, bird, snowman; frames, sets geometric shapes circle, oval, triangle different sizes: large, slightly smaller and smallest.


The teacher draws attention to the “magic box”.

Today guests came to us, but in order to see them, we need to make their portrait from geometric shapes.

Place the frame in front of you and listen carefully:

Place a large circle in the middle of the bottom edge of the frame, a slightly smaller circle on top of it, two small ovals on top of it, and to the right of the large circle place the smallest circle.

Who got it?

Well done guys, you guessed correctly - it's a bunny!

The teacher takes it out of the box and shows the bunny.

Children remove the pieces and the game continues.

The teacher gives instructions to the children, they lay out the figures.

"Bird" "Cat"

The game can be used for individual work, as part of a lesson for working in subgroups.

2. Didactic game “The Adventures of Kolobok”

Age 4-5 years


* Strengthen the ability to distinguish round shapes in vegetables, fruits and berries.

* Exercise the ability to name and distinguish primary colors.

* Develop logical thinking.

Equipment: pictures - bun and rainbow, pictures of vegetables, fruits and berries according to the colors of the rainbow in a round shape.



Today we have guests fairy tale hero: It’s round, it left my grandmother. Who is this?

That's right, bun!

Displays a picture of a kolobok on the board.

Kolobok invites you on a journey. The bun was rolling through the forest and suddenly I saw a cloud descend into a clearing, and a magical multi-colored path appeared from it. What kind of path is this?

That's right, it's a rainbow!

Places a picture on the board: a cloud with a rainbow.

Our little boy wanted to take a walk on the rainbow. He jumped onto the red stripe of the rainbow and suddenly turned...

What do you think our bun could become on the red carpet? What vegetables, fruits or berries are round and red?

Tomato apple radish raspberry

Well done boys. And our bun rolled further onto the orange stripe.

Orange persimmon pumpkin tangerine

And our bun rolled further onto the yellow stripe.

What vegetables, fruits or berries could our bun turn into?

Tomato apple apricot turnip

And the bun rolled on - to which path?

That's right, on the green.

The game continues in the same way.

Green rainbow stripe

Green apple peas watermelon cabbage grapes gooseberries

Blue rainbow stripe


Rainbow blue stripe

Blue grapes

purple rainbow stripe

Plum cabbage potatoes


So the adventures of our little bun are over!

3. Didactic game “Fix the dress”

Age 5-6 years


Equipment: silhouettes of dresses with “holes” and details for repairing dresses.


The teacher offers to help Cinderella mend dresses for her sisters. It is necessary to put every detail correctly in its place. The child must name what geometric shapes he used to repair the dress.

Complication. You can divide the parts in half and offer to cut out the patches yourself.

4. Didactic game “Mend your boots”

Age 4-5 years

Target: be able to correlate geometric shapes with “holes”.

Equipment: silhouettes of boots with “holes” and geometric shapes: circle, square, oval, triangle, rectangle.


The teacher draws the children's attention to the boots: the shoemaker needs help, the boots are leaky, they need to be repaired: find the right patch and put it on the corresponding hole.

The child takes a geometric figure, names it, selects where it fits. The teacher checks the correctness of execution.

5. Didactic game “Settle the guests”

Age 4-5 years

Target: consolidate the ability to distinguish geometric shapes (circle, oval, triangle, rectangle, square)

Equipment: card diagram and a set of small toys.


The teacher offers to accommodate guests in new house. Children, as directed by the teacher, place toys on the corresponding figures.

For example, a frog lives in a room with square windows, the child must put the frog toy on a circle, etc.

6. Didactic game “Tell what is shown in the picture”

Age 4-5 years

Target: consolidate the ability to see geometric shapes (circle, oval, triangle, rectangle, square) in the image of objects of the surrounding reality and name them.

Equipment: picture with images of objects made from geometric shapes.


The teacher invites the child to look at the picture and tell him what he sees in the picture and what geometric shapes the object consists of.

For example, a yellow sun is round, clouds are oval, etc.

7. Didactic game “Pick a pair of mittens”

Age 4-5 years

Target: consolidate the ability to distinguish geometric shapes (circle, oval, triangle, rectangle, square) and name them.

Equipment: mitten cards, with an image of an ornament of geometric shapes on them.


The teacher invites the child to help him choose a pair of mittens and tell him what patterns they are decorated with.

8. Didactic game “Hide and Seek”

Age 4-5 years



* Develop logical thinking and analytical skills.

Equipment: card with an image; set of geometric shapes: circle, square, rectangle, triangle.


The teacher invites the child to look at the card and name which figures are depicted on the card. Notice that the geometric shapes are arranged in rows, some are hidden. The teacher suggests putting geometric shapes in place.

9. Didactic game “Decorate the napkin”

Age 4-5 years


* Strengthen the ability to distinguish geometric shapes (circle, triangle, rectangle, square) and name them.

* Develop logical thinking and imagination.

Equipment: card 15x15; set of geometric shapes: circles, squares, rectangles, triangles and ovals.


The teacher invites the children to decorate napkins for their mothers with geometric shapes: whatever they want. Having completed the task, the child must tell what shapes he decorated the napkin with and where he placed them.

Games by size

1. Didactic game “Assemble a pyramid”

Age 4-5 years


* Strengthen the ability to create an image of a pyramid of ovals of different sizes in descending order.

* Clarify the names of the colors.

Equipment: ovals of different colors and sizes.


The teacher asks the child to name the size of the ovals laid out on the table and their color, and make a pyramid.

2. Didactic game “Collect apples”

Age 4-5 years


* Practice the ability to correlate objects with the desired size.

Equipment: a picture of an apple tree, apples of different sizes: large, smaller and the smallest, 3 baskets of different sizes.


The teacher asks a riddle:

Look into the autumn garden
Miracle - the balls are hanging.
Reddish, ripe side
Good for the kids.


On the table in front of the child, he lays out a picture of an apple tree with apples of different sizes, and clarifies whether the apples on the apple tree are the same size.

Shows the child the baskets, clarifies what size they are, and offers to collect the apples in the right baskets.

3. Didactic game “Clean up the kitchen”

Age 4-5 years


* Strengthen the ability to distinguish the size of objects: large, smaller, smallest.

* Practice the ability to arrange objects from left to right in ascending and descending order.

Equipment: cards with images of dishes of different sizes: large, smaller and the smallest.


The teacher invites the children to look at the dishes that lie in front of them on the table, specifies the names, color and size.

He suggests putting things in order in the kitchen by arranging the dishes in descending and ascending order from left to right.

Children arrange the dishes and name them in descending and ascending order.

Logic games

1. Didactic game “Tale by Cell”

Age 5-6 years


* Strengthen the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper by cells.

Equipment: card with cells, chips - pictures depicting objects.


The teacher invites the child to look at the card, clarifies the location of the numbers on it, and chips with images of objects, asking them to name who is depicted on them. The teacher explains the task; in order to get a fairy tale, you need to listen carefully and put the chips on the correct square.

The teacher begins to tell a fairy tale: “Once upon a time there was a girl Masha (4.3), she went for a walk in the forest (4.2). A bird was flying high in the sky (1,2). The sun was shining tenderly (1.4). In the clearing, Masha saw beautiful flowers (3.5). Soon Masha saw beautiful butterfly(2.1). It’s nice in the forest in the summer.”

If the child completed the task correctly, then the result will be a fairy tale based on the cells.

There can be a lot of options for fairy tales, it all depends on you!

2. Didactic game “Dreamers”

Age 5-6 years


* Strengthen the ability to build according to a scheme from the details of the game.


Equipment: schemes, game "Columbus Egg".


1 game option.

Educatorinvites children to go on a sea voyage, but to do this they need to build ships according to diagrams from game parts. Children build ships according to diagrams.

2 version of the game.

Educatorinvites children to go to a magical forest and build animals and birds that can live in this forest from the details of the game.

Children come up with images of animals and birds.

3. Didactic game “Let’s grow flowers” ​​(Dyenish Blocks)

Age 5-6 years


* Reinforce your knowledge of geometric shapes.

* Practice the ability to “read” diagrams and instructions.

* Develop imaginative thinking and imagination.

Equipment: card-scheme - “Meadow with stems”, sets of geometric shapes: circles, squares, triangles, 5 pcs. red, blue and yellow; diagrams for the centers and petals of flowers, ready-made sample.


The teacher shows a diagram of the clearing:
- Guys, look, a disaster happened in the flower meadow: an evil sorceress bewitched the flowers and made them invisible. The magical land urgently needs your help, we need to disenchant the flowers.

Carefully examine the diagrams for the middles and place the correct geometric shapes. Now look at the patterns for the petals, be very careful, and lay out the petals in the desired geometric shapes.

The teacher offers a ready-made sample for testing. Evaluates children's activities in the game and praises those who have completed the task correctly. With those who find it difficult, the game is played individually again.

Schemes for flower centers.

Schemes for petals.

Ready sample:

4. Didactic game “Riddles and guesses”

Age 5-6 years


* Develop imaginative thinking and imagination.

* Practice the ability to lay out items from counting sticks according to a diagram.

Equipment: counting sticks for each child and chart cards.


The teacher reads the riddle and invites the children to use counting sticks to construct a solution based on a sketch map or a personal plan.

The palace floats on the waves, I’ll spin it around, spin it around, and fly into the heavens.
People are lucky on themselves. (helicopter)

Glistening in a clean river

The back is silver.


5. Didactic game “Solve the problem”

Age 5-6 years


* Develop imaginative thinking and imagination.

* Practice the ability to lay out numbers from beans.

Equipment: beans in a plate for each child.


The teacher suggests solving a poetry problem and posting the answer on the bean table.

*** ***

One night, under a bush, Five crows sat on the roof,

The mushrooms have grown again. And they even flew to them.

Two mushrooms, three mushrooms. Answer quickly and boldly

How much will? Exactly...(five) How many of them arrived? (seven)

It turns out that mathematical toys can be very different, but equally useful and interesting for little mathematicians.

DIY math toys from Anna Usova

And today I did it.

Our toy consists of 5 testicles (they are quite large, from small cars) on each there is a sticker with a number from 1 to 5. Inside there are wood beads(but I think you can replace them with buttons over time to maintain the child’s interest), the quantity corresponds to the written number.

We had already played a little: we opened each testicle and counted the beads. Ignat really liked it and we spent quite a long time opening and closing the testicles. Then they took out all the beads and selected the right amount for each egg. They also collected beads on chenille wire.

Today playing different games found a plasticine board. Somehow they made it, but for some reason they never played it. Now we are pleased to discover its enormous potential. They wrote numbers with a toothpick and placed the corresponding number of buttons on it. They stuck buttons in while standing. They drew geometric shapes, large and small, and laid out shapes from buttons - this is also mathematics.

DIY math toys from Nastya Tufanova

Competition work No. 3

My name is Nastya Tufanova, I am 31 years old, Severodvinsk.

I sewed a soft book for teaching counting from 1 to 5.

A page is dedicated to each number: number 1 - we count: 1 sun, 1 snail, 1 fish, 1 bush, 1 apple. Number 2 - count: 2 flowers, 2 bears, 2 bushes, etc.

All parts are removable with different fastenings (linden, buttons, ribbons, loops) and different fillings (beads, stones, rings, rustling bags).

The numbers are also removable on the linden. You can invite your child to choose a number for each page.

Materials: cotton, calico, buttons, beads, ribbons.

Using this book you can learn to count, develop fine motor skills and logic. I think the little one will find it interesting.

DIY math toys from Maria Nagornaya

My name is Maria, I am from the village of Aksenovo, Republic of Bashkortostan. Mother of two children: Anastasia - 6 years old and Stepan - 3 years old.
These are the toys and aids I have made for my children over the years.

Competition work No. 4. Learning numbers.

I sewed 2 circles: one with a diameter of 19 cm, the other with a diameter of 30 cm. I divided both circles into sectors. I embroidered numbers on the small one, and sewed buttons on the large one. I made a slit in the center of these circles and connected the circles with two buttons. Thanks to this connection, the circles rotate.

Usually I sit Styopa on my lap and ask: “Where is the number 1?” Show me. Now let’s find one button!” And we rotate the small circle, put the number opposite required quantity numbers I think the essence of the game is clear.

What do we develop by playing with this manual?

  1. Mathematics (counting, numbers, the concept of big and small, what shape buttons are - round, oval, etc.).
  2. Fine motor skills of fingers (you can trace embroidered numbers with your finger, finger buttons).
  3. Studying color (we call button colors).

Competition work No. 5. Geometric Lotto.

I placed 6 figures of different colors on cardboard, cut out exactly the same ones for them, and laminated them with tape. I glued a pocket on the back side. This makes it easier to store the pieces so they don’t get lost.

DIY math toys from Olga Shevykina

Competition work No. 7

I'm Olya, 23 years old, mother of three kids: Antoshi (4), Ksenia (soon 3) and Veronichka (1,3). This is my first toy that I came up with on my own. Why did I decide to make this particular toy? Well, for starters, I thought: what, in general, does mathematics for kids include, and I identified several areas for myself, namely:

  • figures, numbers and quantity;
  • geometric shapes and size;
  • sequences;
  • orientation (I mean the concepts of “up”, “down”, etc.

For my children (I mean the two older ones), the most difficult topic so far has been numbers. We count confidently only up to five or six, and then confusion begins. With numbers, it’s generally dull: only the first three. In principle, they refuse to understand the meaning of zero. And then such a fun simulator came up by itself.

After New Year's Eve there were a lot of gift boxes left. Among them there was a wonderful one, small, with four windows - in general, as specially for my toy. I covered each side with colored paper. The thoughtful face of an animal looks out the window (I drew it on cardboard and glued it to the inside).

The game begins: mom (that is, me) says: the kitten (dog/donkey/bunny) wants to eat (in the case of a donkey to play), give him, for example, three fish (bones/balls/carrots (this is all cut out of colored cardboard) )). I paste a number above the window, also on cardboard. Children name the number and glue as many objects as the number shows below, under the window. After the child says “that’s it,” we check.

If it’s wrong, nothing happens, if it’s right, a cheerful face appears in the windows on top of the thoughtful face. By the way, children like this moment the most. During the first game they clapped their hands with joy for the animal)). In order to glue it all, I first used a three-dimensional double sided tape, but it sometimes leaves marks and quickly stops sticking, but plasticine is ideal for this purpose)), only colored paper should be glossy.

I put all the seeds, carrots, etc. in capsules from under a Kinder surprise toy. All capsules, along with a piece of plasticine and cards with funny animals, are stored inside the box - very convenient. Nothing has been lost yet, although we play every day.

DIY math toys from Irina

Hello! My name is Irina, I’m 26 years old, I’m Lenochka’s mother (3 years old, 4 months old). We live in Chita.

I have been making this toy for a long time. First, objects of the corresponding color were glued onto the multi-colored petals. And it was necessary to choose the right covers and hide the pictures under them. When we began to know the colors perfectly, I remade the flower.

In place of the pictures I glued numbers from 1 to 5. I also glued numbers on the lids. I cut them out from two identical magazines so that the lid and petal would have the same type of numbers. For example, the number 1 on a black background should be placed on the same one on the petal. The number of dots on the flower tells you the name of each number. I also chose lids to create toys because they are useful for developing fine motor skills.

In general, when we play with numbers, we animate them, they can talk, they come to visit us and that’s why each one has a name. This way Lenochka perceives them better. So the toy is made from waste material(lids, cardboard, old magazines). But it helps us a lot in mastering numbers. When we grow out of it, it won’t be a shame to throw it away. And then quickly make a new one, for example, with 10 petals.

Competition work No. 9. Geometric toy

So far we are studying and knowing five geometric shapes: circle, oval, triangle, square and rectangle. I cut the shapes out of old plastic folders to make the toy more durable. On one side the figures are smooth, and on the other they are rough. Then I laid out several pictures from the figures on cardboard from various boxes. I traced the contours of the figures. The toy is ready.

The idea is simple - you need to select the shapes and lay out pictures from them according to the model. At the same time, we talk about what figure is needed and what size. In the same way, we post pictures without a sample, calling on our imagination to help. For example, a Christmas tree, a girl in a triangular dress, a snowman, etc.

We also simply sort the shapes. What Lena likes most is the game where the animals have to give out cookies different shapes. For example, a kitten should be treated only to a square one, and a dog only to an oval one. The figures can be placed in an opaque bag and pulled out by touch. But so far we haven’t been able to do that very well. Thus, the toy is made from waste material and its production takes very little time. And you can come up with many game options.

Competition work No. 10. Geometric glades

Another guide for games to consolidate geometric knowledge. I don't have a printer, so everything I make is created from suitable clippings, pictures and written by hand. So, to study geometric shapes: circle, oval, square, rectangle and triangle, I designed sheets of paper.

Each separate sheet is dedicated to one figure. The name of the figure is written, the figure itself is cut out and glued from colored paper, a poem and a riddle are written about this figure. And also just pictures of this form were selected. For durability, the leaves were placed in transparent files.

How to play:

  • Lena's favorite version of the game. The leaves are laid out on the floor at a distance from each other. I give the task what figure to stand on and what to do, and Lenochka completes it. For example, you need to stand on a triangle and clap your hands. You need to stand in a circle and stomp your feet. You need to lie down on a rectangle, etc. We played a similar game on the street all summer. I drew on the ground large figures and gave Lenochka the same active tasks.
  • Another version of the game. On the laid out clearings we lay out the plastic figures that I showed in the previous geometric toy. Or I collect parts from toys (rings, cubes, balls, lids, construction set parts and other small things) into a pile. They also need to be laid out in clearings. But this task turns out to be more difficult, since the figures are voluminous. Therefore, we say that “the side of the cube is square, so we put it on the square,” “the ball is round, so we put it where the circle is.”
  • We read poems, guess the riddles on the pages, and then look for objects of a given shape in the rooms, kitchen, and bathroom.

Thus, we easily and naturally consolidate geometric knowledge during outdoor games and, one might even say, pampering.

DIY math toys from Elena Petruk

My name is Elena, I am 36 years old. My daughter's name is Masha (2 years 2 months). We are from Kyiv.

Competition work No. 11.

The history of the creation of the toy is simple, it was created based on the book that Masha now loves. According to the plot of the book, a little squirrel lives in a hollow in an oak tree and dries mushrooms, berries, and fruits on branches for the winter. When Masha and I read, we constantly find from the picture where the berries are, where the mushrooms are.

So I decided to play with this book with a mathematical twist. I took a sheet of A3 cardboard. Three cocktail tubes, cut the cocktail tubes in half. I cut the lower part of the tube into 4 parts and secured it to the sheet with tape. then put it on top White list with holes. On this sheet I drew an oak trunk and a hollow. I pasted a squirrel card.

On the crown of the tree, where the tubes are branches, I glued oak leaves. Above each tube I wrote numbers from 1 to 3. I think that is enough for our age for now. If we overcome them, we will move on. And I painted fruits, berries, mushrooms. Then I cut out cards from white cardboard and drew the same fruits and mushrooms. I made holes on the cards.

The point of the game is that we, like a little squirrel, hang food on branches to dry. We hang one card on one branch - a plum. We hang two cards on another branch - 2 mushrooms. We hang 3 apples on the third branch. The advantages of this toy are that, in addition to mathematical development, she is still developing fine motor skills. Then, when I get tired, I’ll stick nuts and acorns on top of the fruits and draw new cards - the game will be updated.

Masha liked the game. She was happy to put the cards on, although for now she wanted to put a mushroom on a plum))).

Competition work No. 12.

After the holidays, there were boxes left over from cheeses and cakes. I covered the boxes with colored paper and secured them with transparent tape (I glued the triangle with glue - it doesn’t stick well). I made slits on the boxes. Then I cut out geometric shapes from colored cardboard in different colors. The size of the figures is such that they fit into the slots.

The game is to insert squares into a square, circles into a circle, etc. To complicate the game, I cut out squares of different colors. So that Masha understands that not only yellow squares will fit into a yellow square, but also other colors - after all, they are also squares. The game can also be tied to the theme of color. Insert all red figures into the red figure.

You can also stick animal cards onto the figures and cut out the cards (or even with reverse side geometric shapes) with food. There are many options. This game develops not only math skills, but also develops fine motor skills. To my joy, Masha appreciated this work too)) she inserted the cards very diligently).

Competition work No. 13

My name is Ekaterina, 28 years old, my son is almost 8 months old. I made an educational math toy from a tumbler box. The box is hexagonal, one side is made of transparent film. Cut out in box round holes(correspond in size to the balls, the number of holes is indicated on each side). The top side with one hole (number 1 pasted), the side with two holes (number 2 pasted), etc. up to five.

Because The son is still small and tries everything to his teeth, the balls are tied to strings (so that he doesn’t swallow or lose them :)), the strings are attached to one of the sides. Inside for beauty I glued a chicken, outside there is grass and the sun. With the help of toys we develop fine motor skills, learn to count, and match the shape of the hole and the shape of the ball. I myself am happy with my “invention”, and my son likes it :)

DIY math toys from Olga Duk

My name is Olga, I have two children, my son is almost 5 years old, and my daughter is 1.5 years old. This is my first time participating in such a competition; I have never done any work for a competition before. But she “lit up” after she joined the “” - create, so create! I really wanted to come up with something interesting, multifunctional, so that I myself would really like it, and then the children would “get involved.”

Competition work No. 14

I went through a lot of ideas and settled on the fact that children really love to play with cubes, pyramids, and nesting dolls. The idea itself is not new, but the implementation and filling of the edges are the result of my inspiration. Playing with the colors of the rainbow, picking and counting apples is suitable for the youngest daughter. But cutting your favorite pizza into pieces and solving Mayan numbers is suitable for the eldest son.

The boxes are 5-sided, nested one inside the other, the pictures on the edges are glued with tape, and the colors of the rainbow are self-adhesive paper. Making a toy is time-consuming, but it is fully paid off by the joy of children’s play and development. It took me 3 evenings to make the toy, but I am happy with my work, and especially with the fact that the children appreciated it.

Here are our games:

I wanted to first make the sides, like in a dice, but this method is not suitable up to 10, and I discovered the Mayan numbers, I really liked the idea of ​​1,2,3,4 5-stick (like a flat palm), and then the palm +1=6, palm+2=7, etc., and 10 is 2 sticks, palms. I think this is visual and interesting for children. The children had great fun playing the games and I think this toy will captivate many children and help them develop and learn mathematics.

Competition work No. 15. "Funny Pasta"

Easy and affordable. Materials: pasta, acrylic or gouache paints, paper rod from kitchen foil, films (preferably thicker and longer), cotton swabs. Pasta can be painted in different colors so that you get a row from 1 to 10. If you make holes in a paper rod with small scissors and insert cotton swabs, you will get an excellent counting stick.

Game options:

  1. Add up all the numbers: group the pasta by color, count how many pasta of each color you got, put the pasta next to the corresponding numbers
  2. Hide different amounts of pasta in boxes/cupboards and guess/count how many are there.
  3. Add the numbers according to the stencil/image of pasta
  4. Addition. For example, show clearly that if you add 3 to 2, it becomes 5
  5. Multiplication. For example, show clearly that if you take 2 times 3, you get 6
  6. Counting stick - how much will it be if you take 2 pasta and 4 more? Very convenient and clear

I think we can still experiment and come up with games.
I like that it turned out simple and interesting.

DIY math toys from Ekaterina Timofeeva

Competition work No. 16. Sorter with geometric shapes

Two levels of nesting: the figures themselves are nested in square frames, and square frames with figures are nested in one large frame. I decided to make such a toy because I was simply interested in making it. My daughter immediately became interested in her, although at first she was not her age; but over time she learned not only to recognize the figures, but also to invest them correctly.

Tired of the mess in your nursery? Tired of endlessly collecting toys for your child?

The sorter is made of plywood and painted with watercolors. Recently we played geometric lotto: we traced all the shapes with felt-tip pens in the album, and then stuck similar shapes cut out of colored cardboard inside the outlines.

Competition work No. 17. Digital ottomans – 10

I sewed this toy two years ago, I used cotton fabric, red and blue fleece (for the ends), fabric with a leather-like coating. of blue color(for numbers), padding polyester (filler). I made ten ottomans in total, so to speak, with a reserve for the future. With them you can learn numbers, and as we grow up, we will begin to learn the numbers themselves.

We play them in different ways: both actively (throwing them like snowballs, for example, while counting), and calmly (carrying them around in a large car and handing them out to the toys, some one at a time, some two at a time, etc.).

DIY math toys from Svetlana Melnikova

It is worth noting that my five-year-old son Gleb and I are big fans of paper, cardboard, scissors and glue. WITH early age together we learned to cut, glue and create various appliqués. Now my son does everything himself and only the way he wants - I give him complete freedom in expressing his creative imagination.
For us, a variety of advertising magazines, catalogs and brochures that surround us everywhere have long been wonderful material for creativity and developmental activities. Using bright pictures from them, we are happy to make interesting paintings, applications, teaching aids, themed lotto. And recently we found a new use for pictures and photographs from advertising magazines - with their help, we get acquainted with mathematical concepts in an easy playful way.
I'll tell you about two of our current favorites. role-playing games. In fact, you can come up with many variations of mathematical games using such material, depending on the interests of a particular child.

Competition work No. 18. Furniture store

The essence of the game is that the child is a furniture delivery man, and his task is to load a certain amount of furniture into a van and deliver it to addresses. various items furniture.

A large amount of furniture is laid out in front of the baby - pictures cut out from catalogs, pasted onto cardboard for strength and convenience (here I use various household items that are unnecessary carton boxes and packaging for cereals, cookies, sweets, etc.). Large numbers are placed nearby and next to each number a specific piece of furniture.

For example, next to the number “5” there is a picture of a table, which means you need to find and load 5 tables into the van. The child must find in the store the pieces of furniture indicated in the task in a certain quantity, load them and distribute them to the recipients. It is advisable for the child to recite the count until the required number.

Competition work No. 19. Grocery store

The game is that the child is a seller, and his task is to sell the specified number of products to the buyer.

Showcases are invented (you can use cutlery trays, cookie cutters with large divisions, etc.) on which food products are placed (pictures cut out from catalogs, also pasted on cardboard). A buyer (adult) comes to the store, names the product he wants to buy and in what quantity, while showing a large number.

The baby seller serves the buyer the desired product in the specified quantity from the display window. Here it is also advisable that the child count out loud the products to the indicated number. And, of course, don’t forget to pay the seller and clearly count out the same number of coins to him! There can be as many buyers and the number of purchases as you like - the main thing is to finish the game on time before the baby gets tired.

It should be noted that the more identical pictures of products you make, the higher the limit for your child to learn numbers - so take care of the required number of advertising magazines in advance.

I hope that the ideas of my son and I for simple mathematical games using simple and available materials will become interesting and useful for someone.

DIY math toys from Oksana Demidova

Competition work No. 20

This is a foldable folding book. Inside on each spread there is a drawing: an apple or 2 apples, etc., on the last spread there is the number 10. On the back of the book there are numbers 9, 8, 7...0 or 8, 6, 4, 2, 0, etc. We play like this: if you unfold a folded book in position 0, you get the count 1, 2,3... and the addition 1+1 =2, another +1=3. If you fold an already unfolded book from position 10, then we learn the subtraction 10-1=9, etc.

Production: cardboard and printed pictures, numbers drawn with a felt-tip pen. First you need to fold the book, and then glue the pictures and draw, because... Each inward turn is slightly smaller than the previous one. The book fits in the palm of your hand.

Competition work No. 21

The same principle, only the size is larger. The kid immediately came up with the idea of ​​using it as a path.

The only nuance of manufacturing is that the sheets were made separately, and the size was adjusted due to the different width of the joint with tape. This manufacturing option turned out to be better for large format. True, 10 hedgehogs no longer fall into the child’s field of vision. Therefore, this toy is for active games, and small ones for learning counting.

My name is Tatyana, I am 28 years old. I am the mother of Bogdan (1 year and 8 months). We live in Estonia.

The toy is based on the book by Eric Carle. Material felt, iris threads, hot glue, scissors, eyes, holofiber (filling for pillows). I just finished the toy. For now we are playing with a caterpillar that we put on our hand (we really like to run around and bite everyone) and a butterfly. We plan to teach colors, names of objects, days of the week, numbers, and stages of butterfly development.

DIY math toys from Svetlana Pekeshina

My name is Svetlana, I am 36 years old. My son Artemka is 5 years old. We are from Volzhsk, Mari El Republic. My child is already old (he will go to school in two years), so I try to use games that will help him master addition, subtraction and equalities.

Competition work No. 25. "Mathematical Adventure"

It will require white cardboard, a felt-tip pen, cubes, chips and a great desire to reach the end of the game. The game is similar to any game - an adventure game: only here you don’t always have to roll the dice, and your ability to count will tell you how to move around the field.
If the example has a plus sign, then we move forward by the number of cells that the answer will be equal to. Accordingly, if the sign in the example is “minus”, then we move backward by the number of cells of the received answer.

There are also additional cells in the game: the “more” sign means we move forward along the indicated arrow, the “less” sign, unfortunately, we go back along the arrow; the "dice" sign - this gives the opportunity to throw a real die, the "equals + die" sign - skips a move, and then the move occurs using a die.

There is a “two dice” sign, we introduced it right in the game, when the player cannot get out of the cycle of “returns” through the cells, there is such a moment in the game.
The one who reaches the finish line first wins.

So, the game begins with you throwing the dice and moving the number of squares indicated on the side. And then you start counting)))))))))
Of course, you can come up with examples yourself, maybe introduce something new. I tried not to have answers more numbers 6. Children like any adventure game: the spirit of competition and luck. I hope the math adventure game will be no exception. At least my son and I enjoy playing it).

Competition work No. 26. "Glass with gems"
To play you need any plastic cups(from yogurt, curds). It’s great if you have time to wrap them in shiny paper (after all, put the gems there), and if not, then that’s also good))))) the main thing is that you have time to play. You also need a cube, signs > and<, я их нарисовала на бумаге и приклеила к пластмассовым крышечкам. Нужны готовые цифры, их можно написать или использовать из магнитной азбуки. Ну и, конечно, самоцветы (это стеклянные камушки), которые используют для украшения в цветочных тарелочках, топиариях))).

The game begins with the words of the driver: “Morozko gave you gems. But now we’ll find out how much when you throw the dice.” The child throws the dice and puts the number of gems into his plate.
But then we begin to work with cups. In front of each cup there is a sign “ON” and a sign< или >.
The driver asks the question: “Now let’s find out what number will be in front of the largest glass?” (you can ask different questions, it all depends on what topic we want to touch on: shape, size, color or knowledge of English). The child rolls the dice and we place the number that appears in front of the given cup. We roll the dice as many times as there are cups on the table.

Now we begin to place the gems into cups. This is where the child will have to work hard.
For example: “Let’s find out how many gems are in the green cup???? And in it it is 3 > than yours. So how much? The child counts, you check.

Very good practice in mental calculation, and most importantly, it is very interesting to sort out semi-precious stones. We also turned the cups over and trained our memory. They twisted and turned and wanted to deceive each other. And then they tried to remember how many pebbles were under each of the glasses and immediately checked each other. They also laid out numbers from pebbles, but that’s a completely different story.

DIY math toys from Maria Sudakova

Competition work No. 27

My name is Maria. I am from the city of Kolchugino, Vladimir region. I am 32 years old. I am the mother of two boys, 10 years old and 2 years old. 10 months I made a math toy for my youngest son.

I chose from 3 game options. Why did you choose this one? Pasha has recently become very fond of feeding animals. To maintain his interest, I decided to make such a game. The idea for the toy is not mine. I looked it up on the website

Mathematical game "Cheese and mice"

The mice are made of fleece. The eyes and nose are ready, glued with glue. Made from porous rubber.

With this game you can introduce your child to the quantity, appearance numbers, geometric shapes(circle, square, triangle), correlating quantities and numbers. It can also be used to develop thinking and logic.

How to play:

  1. Pasha and I played like this for now. They rolled a dice with numbers and gave the mice as many pieces of cheese as the number showed. I also said what shape the mouse wants the cheese.
  2. Roll a dice with numbers and give the mouse a piece with the same number of holes as the number.
  3. Roll a cube with dots and look for “cheese” with the same arrangement of dots.
  4. “The fourth odd one” (by shape, number of dots, color)
  5. “Post it the same way.” Here the mother lays out a sequence from one set, and the child tries to lay out a sequence from his own.

Acceptance of works has been completed. According to the terms of the competition, I ask you to help me choose one of the three winners by taking part in the voting. Please choose one competition entry that you consider the most exciting, understandable and visual for explaining mathematics to a child.


Manufacturer: Zoch
Age: from 6 years
Number of players: 2-8
Playing time: 15 – 20 minutes
Develops: attention, addition and subtraction skills, tactical skills.

In the board game “10 Pigs,” the winner is the one who can count to 10 best and can collect the most cards. The rules of the game are simple: after shuffling the deck and receiving three cards with cute images of pigs in the images of fairy tale heroes, players take turns opening them. The first player places his card, saying the number on it out loud and immediately drawing another from the deck. Then the second one does the same. And so - one after another. If the sum of all the numbers on all the cards on the table is 10, the owner of the last number, shouting loudly: “10 pigs!”, takes all the cards for himself. If the sum of the numbers is greater than ten, the next player takes the cards. The game also includes “joker” cards: a mermaid pig, which allows you to either add or subtract five numbers, and a frog pig, which can reset the entire amount on the table. For more experienced players, it is possible to play with the “equality” position. The game comes to an end when no more cards can be played, and the lucky one who has collected the most of them wins.

Our resume


Manufacturer: Amigo Spiel
Age: from 5 years
Number of players: 2-6
Playing time: 15 – 20 minutes
Develops: attention, reaction, mental calculation skills.

In this game, in addition to the usual cards, a bell also “participates”. This is what gives this educational game a special excitement. The game is noisy and very fun. So, there are cards with fruits on them. On each there is one type of fruit in an amount from 1 to 5. Cards are distributed equally between the participants, and a bell is placed in the center of the table. For intrigue, it is very important that all players open their cards at the same time. And, as soon as there are exactly 5 fruits of the same type on the open cards of all players, or someone gets one card with five fruits, you need to clap the bell and take everything open cards to yourself. But just ringing the bell is not enough. We must remember to shout loudly and triumphantly: “Halli-Halli!” Of course, there are some inattentive (or disobedient) players who ring the bell not according to the rules. In this case, the player who erroneously slapped the bell gives one of his cards to each participant as a penalty. Those left without cards are eliminated, the owner of the entire deck wins.

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What do children like most about this game? Ring the bell, of course! However, this still needs to be earned by working hard. The child will have to concentrate and, at the same time, carefully monitor his cards, tracking the actions of all opponents. But you won’t be able to think here for long. You have to think quickly, because the game is energetic, and at any moment they can get ahead of you. Although manufacturers recommend playing the game from the age of 5, the experience of many families shows that younger children also do not experience any particular difficulties in mastering it. Especially when it comes to calling.


Manufacturer: Zoch
Age: from 7 years
Number of players: 2-5
Playing time: 15 – 20 minutes
Develops: mental arithmetic, memory, attention, reaction.

Players in this game will become gardeners, collecting a rich (or not so) harvest of apples and pears in own garden. Pear, apple or worm garden - these are 80 cards with funny illustrations (20 harvest cards and 60 fruit cards). Harvest cards are the same apples, pears and worms, but in jars, boxes and baskets. And there are wooden tokens with the numbers 1, 2 and 3 - which token the player grabs determines the order in which they make guesses about the composition of their harvest. The fruits are ripe, we need to pick them urgently before the worms eat them all! Therefore, you need to play quickly.

Cards with fruits are dealt equally to all players, and in turn they are laid out in the center of the table, one on top of the other, and the players count apples, pears and worms separately in their minds. When the harvest map appears, it is necessary to name the amount calculated as quickly and accurately as possible. The winner is the fastest. The second version of the game is that players need to take turns “collecting fruits,” that is, open cards and keep track of when there are exactly 11 fruits of the same type on the open ones. The first person to notice gets the card. If you make a mistake, it returns it. The one who reaps the largest harvest wins.

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All game elements of the game are made of very high quality - they are pleasant to hold in your hands, and the cute apples, pears and caterpillars on the cards seem to laugh and wink at small and large participants. And this can be distracting for an inexperienced player. Moreover, during the game you have to constantly count in your mind that for junior schoolchildren not too easy. Smart Gardener is at the same time a card game for memory, reaction speed and attentiveness. Here you need to think, and think very quickly and accurately.

7 BY 9

Manufacturer: Magellan
Age: from 8 years
Number of players: 2-4
Playing time: 2 - 5 minutes
Develops: reaction, mental calculation, attention.

The difference between these cards and ordinary ones is that they show two different numbers at once: one large in the center, the other in the lower left and small upper right corners. The numbers on the cards are from 1 to 10. The game starts with one card in the center of the table. For example, with the one that shows the big five and two. Here is a two according to the chosen rule of the game, you need to either add it to a seven or subtract it from a seven. And put another card, where the sum of these numbers is indicated (in a large number), on top. It turns out - either a nine or a five. If there is a card needed, it is discarded immediately. The winner is the one who is the first to get rid of all his cards and does not forget to shout: “Seven by nine!”

Our resume

Is your child already good at counting, subtracting and adding? With this game his skills will increase even more. It teaches children arithmetic, simultaneously improving their reaction and attentiveness, and will help adults relax and relieve stress after a busy day at work. To get maximum pleasure, we recommend playing big, group of different ages. If there are leisurely card games and fast ones, then this one is simply crazy. And it’s always nice to shout out to the winner after the excitement! The undoubted advantage of the game is its compactness, which allows you not to part with “7 by 9” on any trip.


Manufacturer: Magellan
Age: from 7 years
Number of players: 2-5
Playing time: 10 – 20 minutes
Develops: reaction, attention, counting skills.

"Two! One! Oh, I'm confused! Three! Ratuki! And the rustle of cards, and chuckles, and groans, and all this at a fast pace. This is what it is, the game “Ratuki”, which is played with equal interest by both adults and children. The goal of the game is to score 100 points, beating your opponents, using cards on which numbers from 1 to 5 are represented in the form of symbols or drawings. The game is divided into separate rounds in which players will use cards from their decks.

The round goes as follows. Any player can start a stack by placing a "one" from their hand onto the table (thus, as many stacks as there are players can exist at the same time). It can be covered with a “deuce”. In the future, everyone follows the same rule: you can lay out a card whose number is one higher or lower than the number of the top card of the draw pile. Having laid out the “five”, the player sends the entire draw pile to his end. There is no concept of transfer of progress in the game - everyone acts at the same time, according to the “who has time” principle. And whoever got there before everyone else says: “Ratuki!”

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The game not only improves counting skills, but also teaches you to be extremely attentive. Here everyone plays and throws away cards at the same time. And before you have time to count and shout out your number first, you need to figure out what kind of number the confusing images actually form. After all, the numbers on playing cards are depicted in the form of Roman and Arabic numerals, and are indicated in text, and even in the form of fingers. It’s easy to get confused in the turmoil of general excitement!


Manufacturer: Logis
Age: from 3 years
Number of players: 1 4
Playing time: 15 – 20 minutes
Develops: mental arithmetic, fine motor skills.

This is such a good game that there are no losers. Each “bear cub” player has a strawberry path of cards. Turning over the outermost card during his turn, he takes from the basket as many berry beads as indicated on the card and strings them on a “string”. The last two cards in each path show how many berry beads the player must give and where: to grandma's pie or grandpa's. The one who has the fewest beads left on the string is the kindest bear cub, he must be praised. And finally, the players together count which pie contained the most strawberries - grandma's or grandpa's.

Our resume

Every game has its purpose. And if many card games The main goal of the player, for example, is to be the first to be left without cards or, conversely, to collect the most cards, then for kids a different incentive is needed. In this game it is very suitable and even performs an educational function. Isn't it noble not only to win, but to become the kindest little bear? And to do this, it’s not just about playing well, but working hard.


Manufacturer: Gang of Smarties
Age: from 5 years
Number of players: 2-8
Play time: 10 – 15 minutes

A fun and very dynamic educational game that instantly captivates both children and adults. So, given: two decks, one with animals, the other with tasks. After shuffling the deck, all the cards from the deck with animals are dealt to the players. Participants, without looking, place them in a stack in front of them, face down. A card with a condition is placed from the deck in the center of the table, and players take turns opening cards with a random number of animals of one of the types. (It is important that each player lays out the cards so that he sees them last - that is, he takes them by the edge of the card farthest from himself). If the condition is met, you need to be the first to cover the card with the condition with your palm, shouting: “Turbo!” Having covered the card with the task first, the player takes all the open cards of other players and puts them on the bottom of his deck. Every time someone wins a round and takes the open cards, it's laid out next card with the task, and the one who played the task goes to bat. If a player runs out of cards, he is eliminated from the game.

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The game doesn’t just teach you how to count well, it develops mathematical representation. First, the child learns to quickly count, and then, constantly and every second comparing and matching the number of objects with numbers, instantly “photograph” what is needed. The baby gradually moves from the ability to name numbers in order to the ability to freely operate with numbers. Moreover, this is useful both for a preschooler and for a schoolchild who is already quite familiar with numbers. Concepts such as “equal”, “more” and “less” will become much clearer in practice when playing Turbo Account. And ever-increasing levels of difficulty will allow you to play the game with undying interest. for a long time and players of different ages. An additional advantage of the game is the illustrated rules that children can figure out on their own. There are even variant rules that allow you to use the game for math classes with children aged 4 years and older.


Manufacturer: Gang of Smarties
Age: from 6 years
Number of players: 2-8
Play time: 10 – 15 minutes

Develops: mental arithmetic, attention, observation, visual memory

Here the cards are not square, but round. And, you see, this shape is closer to the outlines of fruit. The goal of the game is to be the first to find a fruit ten on two cards. To get a fruit ten, you need to find fruits on two cards that add up to exactly ten. Easily? But at the same time, the fruits must necessarily match either in type (two apples, three strawberries, etc.) or in color. It turns out to be a fascinating competition in mathematical vigilance and arithmetic speed. Players, selecting options, need to perform dozens of actions with numbers in a short time! The finder takes the cards for himself. The remaining cards are shuffled and dealt again. The game invariably takes place at a high pace, “in one breath,” which always causes a storm of emotions.

Our resume

Since this is a long-lasting game, that is, it becomes more complicated, and even in different options, you don't get tired of playing it. The child starts small, and then, of course, he wants complications. And they will increase, just as the child’s knowledge in mathematics will increase. To become a winner, you need to learn to think quickly. And by playing “Fructo 10” you can learn to count with excitement, as opposed to traditional memorization of the composition of numbers, “addition tables” and solving columns of boring, same-type examples. The game not only automates mental arithmetic, but also excellently trains concentration and the ability to quickly make decisions - which is why it is recommended not only by teachers, but also by school psychologists.

Photo materials provided by Mosigra companies and Gamer

Elena Margelova

A game "Collect a fly agaric"

Target: consolidate the ability to correlate quantity and number.

Materials: Separately, fly agaric caps with different numbers of white dots within 10, and separately fly agaric legs with numbers from 1 to 10.

Description: You can play either individually or as a whole group, taking turns going out and looking for the right hat with required quantity white dots for the leg with the selected number. (children don’t see what number they get on the leg, they are upside down inside, and the child is drawn to choose)

A game "Collect the CATERPILLAR"

Target: consolidate knowledge about numbers and their place in the series of natural numbers.

Materials: separate parts of the caterpillar with different numbers within 10.

Description: Each part of the caterpillar is scattered randomly, the children collect it in order.


Target: consolidation of knowledge about the relationship between quantity and number within 10, repetition of the names of geometric shapes, development of fine motor skills.

Materials: a drum with sectors in which different geometric figures are located in different numbers within 10. Clothespins with numbers.

Description: Children are given clothespins with numbers and a tape measure with different numbers of geometric shapes. You can spin the roulette, determining the number of geometric shapes in the drawn sector, name them and find a clothespin with the required number, or you can simply turn the circle over and attach clothespins with the required numbers, while naming the geometric shapes.

A game "FISHING"

Target: consolidating the skill of solving examples within 10, forming ideas about the composition of numbers within 10.

Materials: cardboard buckets, fish with examples within 10 of addition and subtraction.

Description: You can work individually with one child, he puts the fish in the right buckets, or you can work with a group of children, who will fill the buckets with fish faster and correctly.


Target: determine the place of the number in the natural series, name the missing number.

Materials: chicken figures with numbers from 1 to 10.

Description. The chickens are displayed in natural row sequence. Invites the children to look at how they stand, to see if any numbers are missing. After the children guess which chicken is missing, the hidden one is shown and put in its place.

You can use chickens in other tasks, For example: chickens are arranged randomly, and children line them up in the correct sequence.


Target: consolidate the skill of ordinal counting.

Description. All the heroes of the fairy tale are placed in a row on a typesetting canvas or on a board. "Turnip". Exercise: “Now we will play a game “Guess which hero I hid?” Look how many heroes there are? After listening to the children's answers, he explains exercise: “Try to remember in what order the characters are located. Then I will hide the first hero, and you will tell me which one he was. Who wants to count the heroes in order? Child believes: The first is the grandfather, the second is the woman, etc. Then the children close their eyes, and the teacher removes one hero. The exercise is repeated several times.

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