Leonid Grigorievich Ivashov - biography, information, personal life. Leonid Ivashov: The current government is working towards the destruction of the state

(1943-08-31 ) (75 years old)

Leonid Grigorievich Ivashov(genus. August 31 (1943-08-31 ) , Frunze , Frunze district, Osh region, Kyrgyz SSR) - Russian military and public figure, Colonel General.

Lives and works in Moscow. He heads the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, teaches at the Moscow State Linguistic University, speaks on television and in the press with comments on foreign and domestic policy issues.


Since the autumn of 1996, as part of their official duties Ivashov was deeply involved in the situation in Kosovo. He was well aware of the state of affairs in the region, he constantly communicated with high-ranking military and officials. various countries, including NATO countries. He repeatedly met with the President of the FRY Slobodan Milosevic, visiting Yugoslavia as part of delegations of the ministers of defense and foreign affairs, heading military delegations. Participated in international conferences. Employees of his department worked in the OSCE observation mission in Kosovo.

In 1998, to analyze the situation around Kosovo, a special analytical center. The work of its representatives in the Russian embassy in Belgrade has intensified. There was a collection of information from various sources in order to be able to draw objective conclusions about the moods and plans of all parties involved.

Pristina operation

In accordance with a predetermined tactic, in a series of negotiations with US representatives, the Russian military demanded the allocation of a separate sector, which the American side categorically opposed. As head of the Main Directorate for International Military Cooperation of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Ivashov actively opposed the military solution of political problems and for strengthening the role of the UN.

On June 9-10, 1999, negotiations were held with Generals D. Foglesong and J. Casey in Moscow. Ivashov began negotiations on the basis of previously agreed positions and in accordance with Resolution 1244 on the military presence of UN member states and international organizations in Kosovo, which gave Russia and the United States equal rights. General Foglesong said that the American side considers the previously agreed positions to be invalid. He showed documents agreed upon at the Pentagon, where all sectors were already divided on the map, and offered the Russian military a presence in the American sector with one or two battalions. Ivashov categorically refused to consider this document. After the American side did not offer any other option for resolving the issue in the second round of negotiations, Ivashov, terminating the negotiations as useless, stated that Russia would act strictly within the framework of Resolution 1244, meaning the equality of the parties. He told reporters: “We won’t be the first to enter, but we won’t be the last!”

After that, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with the participation of First Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Avdeev, representatives of the Main Directorate for International Military Cooperation of the Ministry of Defense Vice Admiral V. S. Kuznetsov, Colonel E. P. Buzhinsky and others, prepared a note to President Boris Yeltsin, which proposed once again to try to bring the Americans to constructive negotiations, and if this fails, to provide for the simultaneous entry of Russian units with NATO troops. Defense Minister Marshal Igor Sergeyev reported to Yeltsin. The President approved this decision.

Immediately, a full-time battalion from the Russian peacekeeping brigade, located in Uglivik - on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, advanced to Kosovo. No legal norms were violated in this case - the UN Security Council delegated equal rights to both Russia and NATO.

The danger for the Russian soldiers was minimal, since NATO was not going to go into conflict with Russia. Ivashov proposed immediately to begin work with Germany, Belgium and Greece, so that if this issue was raised at the NATO Council, a consensus would not take place.

Retirement from public service

In March 2001, following the appointment of Sergei Ivanov as Minister of Defense of Russia, new appointments to a number of positions in the Ministry of Defense followed. At first, General Ivashov was not affected by personnel changes. But as early as June 13, 2000, 56 senior military leaders of the Ministry of Defense were relieved of their posts by decree of President Vladimir Putin in connection with his inauguration and were allowed to perform their duties. In June 2001, Ivanov presented Ivashov for dismissal, and he, as acting, without having the legal right to protest his removal from office, went to the reserve before the expiration of the contract.


Political views

Has traditionalist patriotic beliefs.

Held in modern Russia a policy aimed at breaking with the traditional for our country values ​​of the Orthodox-Slavic civilization and replacing them with other civilizational models (Western or Islamic) is disastrous for the state-forming peoples of Russia, primarily the Russian people, leads to further weakening and in the foreseeable future - to the destruction of Russian statehood.

The Russian military-industrial complex has ceased to exist as a system and today is no longer able to mass-produce and provide the army with modern equipment and weapons. Our defense enterprises tend to degrade. And this is quite understandable, since in all countries the military-industrial complex is based on the general industrial development of the state. Unfortunately, there is no modern industry in Russia, so the military-industrial complex cannot develop at the modern level. The country, through the efforts of the authorities, is preparing for surrender and capitulation.

Russian military and public figure, Colonel General.

On December 6, 2011, Leonid Grigoryevich Ivashov announced his self-nomination as a candidate for the post of President of Russia. On December 18, he was denied registration as a candidate for the presidential elections. According to the official version, the CEC "was not properly notified of the meeting of the initiative group" for the nomination of Ivashov, however, according to Leonid Grigorievich himself, the CEC employees transparently hinted to him that the US State Department opposed his nomination. In 1964 he graduated from the Tashkent Higher Combined Arms Command school, in 1974 - military academy them. M. V. Frunze. Since 1976, he served in the central office of the USSR Ministry of Defense, was the head of the secretariat of the Marshals of the Ministers of Defense of the USSR Soviet Union Ustinov Dmitry Fedorovich and Sokolov Sergey Leonidovich. Since 1987 - Head of the Department of Affairs of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR. In 1992-1996 - Secretary of the Council of Ministers of Defense of the CIS states; since August 1999 - chief of staff for the coordination of military cooperation between the CIS member states. In 1996-2001 - head of the main department of international military cooperation of the Ministry of Defense. It is a consistent opponent of NATO's eastward expansion. In 2002, he founded and headed the Military Power Union of Russia. Member of the Supreme Officers' Council of Russia. In November 2006, he was elected chairman of the monarchist organization "Union of the Russian People", which caused a split in the organization (the radical part of the organization did not recognize him, calling the election a "provocation of the secret services"). Geopolitical analysis of hostilities in Ossetia Lives and works in Moscow. Since autumn 1996 years, within the framework of his official duties, L. G. Ivashov was deeply involved in the situation in Kosovo. He was well aware of the true state of affairs in the region, he constantly communicated with high-ranking military and officials of various countries, including NATO countries. He repeatedly met with President of the FRY S. Milosevic, visiting Yugoslavia as part of delegations of the Ministers of Defense and Foreign Affairs, heading military delegations. Participated in international conferences. Employees of his department worked in the OSCE observation mission in Kosovo. In 1998, a special analytical center was created in the Main Directorate, headed by General Ivashov, to analyze the situation around Kosovo. The work of representatives of the head office in the Russian embassy in Belgrade is intensifying. Information is being collected from various sources in order to be able to draw objective conclusions about the moods and plans of all the parties involved, especially the terrorist organization KLA. With the beginning of the bombing of the FRY on March 24, 1999, on the initiative of L. G. Ivashov, the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation(Ministry of Defense of Russia) adopted unprecedented for new Russia measures against NATO. Contacts within the framework of the Russia-NATO Council were frozen, the military attaches of the countries of the alliance in Moscow were isolated from contacts with the Russian military, the information bureau of the bloc was immediately expelled from Moscow, Russian military personnel were recalled from all NATO structures and educational institutions NATO countries. In accordance with a predetermined tactic, in a series of complex negotiations with US representatives, the Russian military demanded the allocation of a separate sector, which the American side categorically opposed. On June 9-10, 1999, negotiations were held with Generals D. Foglesong and J. Casey in Moscow. L. G. Ivashov began negotiations based on previously agreed positions and in accordance with Resolution No. 1244 on the military presence of UN member states and international organizations in Kosovo, which gave Russia and the United States equal rights. General Foglesong said that the American side considers the previously agreed positions to be invalid. He showed documents agreed upon at the Pentagon, where all the sectors were already divided on the map, and offered the Russian military a presence in the American sector with one or two battalions. Ivashov categorically refused to consider this document. After the American side did not offer any other option in the second round of negotiations,

To raise the issue, Ivashov, having terminated the negotiations as useless, stated that Russia would act strictly within the framework of Resolution No. 1244, bearing in mind the equality of the parties. He told reporters: “We won’t be the first to enter, but we won’t be the last!” After that, a note to President B.N. Yeltsin, which proposed once again to try to bring the Americans to constructive negotiations, and if this fails, to provide for the simultaneous entry of our units with NATO troops. Marshal I. D. Sergeev reported to B. N. Yeltsin. The President approved this decision in principle. Immediately, a full-time battalion from the Russian peacekeeping brigade, located in Uglivik - on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, advanced to Kosovo. Russian soldiers were greeted enthusiastically. In the souls of the Serbs, even now, this rush to Pristina, to which the attention of the whole world was attracted, remained an unfulfilled hope. No legal norms were violated in this case - the UN Security Council delegated equal rights to both Russia and NATO. The danger to Russian soldiers was minimal, since NATO had to decide on a conflict with Russia in order to fire the first shot. Ivashov proposed immediately to begin work with Germany, Belgium, Greece, so that if this issue is raised at the NATO Council, a consensus would not take place. If the decision to strike and oust the Russian battalion from the Slatina airfield was nevertheless made, then a group of Russian generals respected in the FRY would be ready to immediately fly to Belgrade and within 2-3 days the Yugoslav army would deploy in the direction of Kosovo. Knowing the mood of the Yugoslav military, Ivashov understood that one command was enough for the JNA to "smash the NATO troops stationed there to smithereens." NATO faced the threat of a ground operation, which the alliance tried to avoid by all means.

Leonid Grigorievich Ivashov (August 31, 1943, Frunze, Frunzensky district, Osh region, Kyrgyz SSR) - Russian military and public figure, colonel general.

Specialist in the field of geopolitics, conflictology, international relations, military history. President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems. Doctor of Historical Sciences (1998), professor at the Department of International Journalism at MGIMO. Head of the Main Directorate of International Military Cooperation of the Ministry of Defense of Russia (1996-2001). Member of the Writers' Union of Russia.

In 1964 he graduated from the Tashkent Higher Combined Arms Command School, in 1974 - the Military Academy. M. V. Frunze. Since 1976, he served in the central office of the USSR Ministry of Defense, was the head of the secretariat of the Ministers of Defense of the USSR Marshals of the Soviet Union Ustinov Dmitry Fedorovich and Sokolov Sergey Leonidovich. Since 1987 - Head of the Affairs Department of the USSR Ministry of Defense. In 1992-1996 - Secretary of the Council of Ministers of Defense of the CIS states; since August 1999 - chief of staff for the coordination of military cooperation between the CIS member states. In 1996-2001, he was the head of the main department of international military cooperation of the Ministry of Defense.

In 2002, he founded and headed the Military Power Union of Russia. Member of the Supreme Officers' Council of Russia. In November 2006, he was elected chairman of the monarchist organization "Union of the Russian People", which caused a split in the organization (the radical part of the organization did not recognize him, calling the election "a provocation of the secret services").

Since 2008, he has been a member of the Expert Council and a regular contributor to the international analytical journal Geopolitika.

Lives and works in Moscow.

Books (6)

Battle for Russia. Chronicles of geopolitical battles

The unipolar "Pax Americana", based on the hegemony of the United States, is collapsing, which has not been able to ensure stability and security on Earth. The planet is on the verge of a radical revision of the principles of the global world order. In the struggle for the future, the great powers of the West and the East, the financial oligarchy and military blocs clashed to the death. In wars of a new type, the fronts ran not along steep river banks and not along fortified areas, but along cultural and civilizational fault lines.

Under these conditions, the nature and scale of threats to Russia are greater than at any time since the end of World War II. Confrontation in the Arctic, threats from the East, chaos in the South, the onslaught of radical Islam in Central Asia and the Caucasus. The Ukrainian crisis is only a small part of this geopolitical struggle. The battle is not for Ukraine, but for Russia, for the Russian world. In this struggle, the US will go to any lengths to prevent Russia from resurrecting.

Geopolitics of Russian civilization

The author adheres to the classical definitions and categories of geopolitics as an independent scientific direction and political strategy of states, empires and civilizations. The geopolitics of Russian civilization is seen as a synthesis of the energy of almost two hundred ethnic groups, united by the energy of vast and diverse Eurasian expanses.

Historical processes in the work are closely linked with the present, forecasts are made for the development of mankind in the 21st century, it is argued that Russia must again play the role of “holding”, because its divine-cosmic destiny in the historical fate of the peoples of the world is to protect humanity from self-destruction.

Interesting in the work is an evidentiary conclusion that denies the West as a civilization. No less interesting is the proposal about the need to combine religious and scientific knowledge in order to understand the essence of God, man and the universe.

Marshal Yazov. Fatal August 91st. The truth about the Putsch

Next to D.T. Yazov, under his direct supervision, the author happened to work for more than 4 years.

Is it a lot or a little? At least enough to judge how wrong the press was at times when they portrayed the face of the then Minister of Defense. Many publications that appeared after August 1991 only strengthened this impression. From other pages, Yazov appears as an ordinary conspirator who hatched his plans almost from the first day of his high post. Would truth benefit from such a primitive simplification? And if you try to tell about Yazov something that, most likely, the general reader does not know, what remained behind the screen of official meetings, documents, interviews?

There are no harsh judgments in this book, no desire to pass off some as whites, others as reds.

overturned world

The secrets of the past are the mysteries of the future. What do the archives of the Special Department of the NKVD, Ahnenerbe and the High Command of the Wehrmacht hide.

Having access to classified materials that are stored in the secret archives of Russia and some other countries, the author, on their basis, initiates us into the true history of mankind - from the birth of the first people to the present day.

What were the secret societies and secret services of the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany looking for in mysterious Tibet before World War II? Is it true that the leaders of the NSDAP took refuge from the wrath of the victorious powers under the ice shell of Antarctica? What awaits humanity in the near future?

This book will reveal to you the secrets that the initiates have carefully hidden from the people for thousands of years. But there is nothing hidden that would not become obvious. It's time to open the secret history of mankind.

The book is based on secret documents kept in the archives of the KGB of the USSR, the Ahnenerbe and the High Command of the Wehrmacht.

Radical Doctrine of New Russia

In Ukraine, there was coup d'état with obvious outside interference.

The United States needs a war in Ukraine in order to separate Europe from Russia, provoke a war between European states, NATO and Russia, and use Ukraine as a springboard for unleashing a big world war. What can Russia and the “new republics” on the territory of Eastern Ukraine oppose to the new “onslaught to the east”?

A well-known military expert, Colonel-General Ivashov does not look for answers in official patriotism and ritual spells of noteworthy patriots. He is a professional analyst, and his analysis and responses to today's challenges are professional character. His predictions always come true and are extremely specific.

This book is not just another set of clichés, it is strict specifics.

I am proud that the Russian general

The book "I'm proud to be a Russian general" was conceived when the election campaign for the presidential elections in Russia was going on.

It was supposed to acquaint the citizens of the country with one of the candidates for the highest state post, Colonel General Leonid Grigoryevich Ivashov, with his biography, views, his geopolitical concept, with his thoughts about the future, about how to equip Russia, turn it not just into a prosperous state, but into the spiritual leader of the world. A world that has come to a standstill.

The elections are over, Vladimir Putin has become the President of the country. But the book by General Ivashov, in which the author reflects on the army and reforms in it, on the security and defense of the state, on geopolitics and Russia's position in the world, will certainly be in demand by a reader who is not indifferent to the fate of the Motherland. Because in his words there is the truth that is not spoken on TV screens, that is not written by either the official or the so-called "opposition" liberal media. The truth, which can not leave anyone indifferent.

Leonid Grigorievich Ivashov. Born on August 31, 1943 in Frunze, Frunzensky district, Osh region, Kirghiz SSR. Russian military and public figure, Colonel General.

Specialist in the field of geopolitics, conflictology, international relations, military history. President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems. Doctor of Historical Sciences (1998), professor at the Department of International Journalism at MGIMO. Head of the Main Directorate of International Military Cooperation of the Ministry of Defense of Russia (1996-2001). Member of the Writers' Union of Russia.

On December 6, 2011, Ivashov announced his self-nomination as a candidate for the post of President of Russia. On December 18, he was denied registration as a candidate for the presidential election due to the fact that the CEC was not properly notified of the meeting of the initiative group to nominate Ivashov.

In 1964 he graduated from the Tashkent Higher Combined Arms Command School, in 1974 - the Military Academy. M. V. Frunze. Since 1976, he served in the central office of the USSR Ministry of Defense, was the head of the secretariat of the Ministers of Defense of the USSR Marshals of the Soviet Union Ustinov Dmitry Fedorovich and Sokolov Sergey Leonidovich. Since 1987 - Head of the Department of Affairs of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR. In 1992-1996 - Secretary of the Council of Ministers of Defense of the CIS states; since August 1999 - chief of staff for the coordination of military cooperation between the CIS member states. In 1996-2001 - head of the main department of international military cooperation of the Ministry of Defense.

He is an opponent of NATO expansion to the east and a supporter of the strengthening of other international organizations. In 2002, he founded and headed the Military Power Union of Russia. Member of the Supreme Officers' Council of Russia. In November 2006, he was elected chairman of the monarchist organization "Union of the Russian People", which caused a split in the organization (the radical part of the organization did not recognize him, calling the election "a provocation of the secret services").

Since 2008, he has been a member of the Expert Council and a regular contributor to the international analytical journal Geopolitika.

Lives and works in Moscow. He heads the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, teaches at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations and the Moscow State Linguistic University, speaks on television and in the press with comments on foreign and domestic policy issues.

Leonid Ivashov and Kosovo:

Since the autumn of 1996, as part of his official duties, Ivashov has been deeply involved in the situation in Kosovo. He was well aware of the state of affairs in the region, he constantly communicated with high-ranking military and officials of various countries, including NATO countries. He repeatedly met with President of the FRY Slobodan Milosevic, visiting Yugoslavia as part of delegations of the Ministers of Defense and Foreign Affairs, heading military delegations. Participated in international conferences. Employees of his department worked in the OSCE observation mission in Kosovo.

In 1998, a special analytical center was established in the Main Directorate, headed by General Ivashov, to analyze the situation around Kosovo. The work of its representatives in the Russian embassy in Belgrade has intensified. There was a collection of information from various sources in order to be able to draw objective conclusions about the moods and plans of all parties involved.

In accordance with a predetermined tactic, in a series of negotiations with US representatives, the Russian military demanded the allocation of a separate sector, which the American side categorically opposed. As head of the Main Directorate for International Military Cooperation of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Ivashov actively opposed the military solution of political problems and for strengthening the role of the UN.

On June 9-10, 1999, negotiations were held with Generals D. Foglesong and J. Casey in Moscow. Ivashov began negotiations on the basis of previously agreed positions and in accordance with Resolution 1244 on the military presence of UN member states and international organizations in Kosovo, which gave Russia and the United States equal rights. General Foglesong said that the American side considers the previously agreed positions to be invalid. He showed documents agreed upon at the Pentagon, where all sectors were already divided on the map, and offered the Russian military a presence in the American sector with one or two battalions. Ivashov categorically refused to consider this document. After the American side did not offer any other option for resolving the issue in the second round of negotiations, Ivashov, terminating the negotiations as useless, stated that Russia would act strictly within the framework of Resolution 1244, meaning the equality of the parties. He told reporters: "We won't be the first to enter, but we won't be the last!"

After that, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with the participation of First Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Avdeev, representatives of the Main Directorate for International Military Cooperation of the Ministry of Defense Vice Admiral V. S. Kuznetsov, Colonel E. P. Buzhinsky and others, prepared a note to President Boris Yeltsin, which proposed once again to try to bring the Americans to constructive negotiations, and if this fails, to provide for the simultaneous entry of Russian units with NATO troops. Defense Minister Marshal Igor Sergeyev reported to Yeltsin. The President approved this decision.

Immediately, a full-time battalion from the Russian peacekeeping brigade, located in Uglivik - on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, advanced to Kosovo. No legal norms were violated in this case - the UN Security Council delegated equal rights to both Russia and NATO.

The march to Pristina was made on the night of June 11-12, 1999. It was an operation of the combined battalion of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Armed Forces, which is part of the international peacekeeping contingent in Bosnia and Herzegovina (the city of Uglevik), to the city of Pristina (Kosovo), the purpose of which was to take control of the Slatina airport (now international Airport Pristina) before the British division of KFOR.

The danger for the Russian soldiers was minimal, since NATO was not going to go into conflict with Russia. Ivashov proposed immediately to begin work with Germany, Belgium and Greece, so that if this issue was raised at the NATO Council, a consensus would not take place.

Negotiations soon took place in Helsinki, where the US side was attended by Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, US Secretary of Defense William Cohen and 76 experts, and from the Russian side by Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov and Defense Secretary Igor Sergeyev, who were accompanied by a group of 8 experts. Russian troops with a total of 3600 people were deployed in 3 sectors.

In March 2001, following the appointment of Sergei Ivanov as Minister of Defense of Russia, new appointments to a number of positions in the Ministry of Defense followed. At first, General Ivashov was not affected by personnel changes. But as early as June 13, 2000, 56 senior military leaders of the Ministry of Defense were relieved of their posts by decree of President Vladimir Putin in connection with his inauguration and were allowed to perform their duties. In June 2001, Ivanov submitted Ivashov for dismissal, and he, as acting, without having the legal right to protest his removal from office, went to the reserve before the expiration of the contract.

A sharp demarcation of recent months among my acquaintances has taken place on the issue of attitudes towards Putin. “Are you for the comprador marauder Vlasov or for freedom-subjectivity?” - Here's the watershed. Often the answer says that under Vlasov Russia will last thirty years, and under the anti-Putinists, who were collectively called orange, it will collapse in three years, and therefore it is necessary to support the desubjectivizer-demodernizer Putin and crush the anti-Vlasov subjectivists like me, as well as Navalny, Udaltsov and other small towns . In short, Vlasov’s stabilizer is better than any kind of instability, which, according to weak and therefore Russian degenerates who do not believe in themselves, no Russian revivalist like me and others like me are able to curb, and Russia will be seized by the next demons and it will be completely will finish. In addition, many fear the birth of some kind of "Russian Stalin" who will restore order in the country without much ceremony. If we accept the premise, confirmed by the whole set of facts, that Putin is Vlasov today, but this truth is unbearable for the majority of Russian people, then the ambivalence of both a number of Putinists and a number of anti-Putinists is natural. In the end, extremes converge somewhere, and some anti-Putinists, like some Putinists, see in Putin almost a “new Stalin,” and under this sauce, some Putinists praise him, while other anti-Putinists blaspheme him. I, on the other hand, perceive Stalin emotionally indifferently as a given of history and, aiming at the difficult reconquest of the future of Russia from the ruling Vlasov, I am not going to engage in a disastrous war with my own past. Here is the difference between me and Vladimir Alekseevich Ivanov (Istarkhov), the author of the famous book "Blow of the Russian Gods", with whom we were in 1989-1991. fought together against the comprador-traitor Boris Yeltsin in the ranks of our Russian Popular Front, and then parted for a number of reasons, including the fact that I did not accept his distraction from the essence of too much obsession with denunciations of the USSR, Stalin and communism in general.

But with the rest of the provisions of his article "General Ivashov L.G. - a new project of the Kremlin"(November 20, 2012), I agree and trust his assessments (to be softer about the official Valeria Zaderya).

A year ago, I still pinned some hopes on General Leonid Ivashov and, together with the well-known social democrat Alexander Mitrofanovich Obolensky from Orel and the chairman of the national patriotic movement of Russia "Fatherland, Freedom, Justice" and the Public Council of Civil Society Vyacheslav Vasilyevich Obrezha from the city of Alexandrov, supported the nomination my old friend Viktor Ivanovich Cherepkov from Vladivostok as a candidate for the President of the Russian Federation, and then I was worried about General Leonid Grigorievich Ivashov when the Churov CEC did not let his candidacy pass. I must confess that on the evening of December 5, 2011, that is, the day after the blatantly falsified parliamentary elections, I went to the neighboring Chistye Prudy, where Alexei Navalny was holding a protest rally against criminal fraud in the election commissions of all levels, and went to the Red October club in Tushino to a meeting of the initiative group for the nomination of Cherepkov. Then he "cheered" for Ivashov. Then - on December 24, 2011, guard puting on the Sparrow Hills, I was on the anti-Putin Bolotnaya Square, and Ivashov - side by side with Kurginyan for Vlasovism and against us, anti-Putinists, no matter how motley we may be. And I stopped hoping for Ivashov, I decided not to waste time on him. Vladimir Alekseevich's article puts dots and commas, in fact, puts an end to one of the recent potential "Russian leaders":

“On November 13, 2012, there was a broadcast (repeated) on the central television channel“ Top Secret ”in connection with the resignation of Defense Minister Serdyukov. General Ivashov L.G. spoke. He talked a lot about the real defeat of the Russian army as a result of the so-called army reforms. He spoke correctly, convincingly, with a mass of completely ugly and criminal facts of the deliberate destruction of the Russian army. He told me that incompetence reigns in the army, blatant rampant corruption, theft and embezzlement, the dispersal and destruction of qualified personnel and their replacement with some girls and random people who have come from nowhere. All Ivashov L.G. spoke correctly. He also gave a completely correct assessment of all these so-called military reforms, as reforms for the gradual, deliberate and purposeful strangulation and destruction of the Russian army.

The host asks Ivashov L.G.: “How could this happen for many years? Who is to blame for this?" Ivashov L.G. replies: “Like who? Naturally, Minister of Defense Serdyukov is responsible for all these crimes, for whom at least the prison has been crying for a long time. What a fine fellow this Putin is that he finally removed Serdyukov. Thanks to Putin."

The host again asks: “Isn’t Putin, as president and commander-in-chief of the army, to blame?” Ivashov L.G. replies: “No, Putin is not to blame. Putin is good. He didn't know anything. This is all Serdyukov did together with his gang.

The host is perplexed: “How can it be that the president, who appointed this Serdyukov to the post of Minister of Defense and who is the commander in chief, has no idea what is being done with the army?” Ivashov L.G. replies: “Putin was misinformed. He was constantly informed that everything was going well. Putin is not to blame, he is good. He was given wrong information."

Well, what can be said about the statements of Ivashov L.G.? Lies all Ivashov L.G.. Brazenly lies! He wants to blame everything on a scapegoat, on some Serdyukov, who was NOBODY and NOTHING, Putin's petty puppet.

Ivashov L.G. fools people's heads with their favorite fable about a good king and a bad environment. In fact, what kind of king is such an environment. After all, the king himself selects his environment. Serdyukov does not appoint Putin, but Putin appoints all Serdyukovs.

It is obvious that President Putin is PERSONALLY responsible for all the crimes of the collapse of the army, both as president and as commander in chief. Putin has been ruling for 12 years and he allegedly does not know or understand something. Ivashov L.G. seeks to make Putin look like an idiot. But Putin is anyone but not an idiot.


Serdyukov is a trifle, a performer. By the way, despite all his crimes, Serdyukov did not immediately go to the dock, but smoothly swam into the advisers to the general director of Russian Technologies. Putin skillfully hangs out a deck of his proteges. And Putin appointed Shoigu as the new Minister of Defense, and not because Shoigu is a great specialist in the defense capability of the army, but simply because Shoigu is Putin's loyal henchman just like Serdyukov.

Our Russian patriots may think that Ivashov's lack of L.G. the desire to blame Putin personally is just a tactic to be able to speak on central television. No, it's not. This is not a tactic, this is the position of Ivashov L.G. At all get-togethers, he voices this position in support of Putin, even at the simplest get-togethers, among his own.

A vivid example is the recently organized so-called Permanent Conference of the National-Patriotic Forces of Russia ”(PDS NPSR), created under Ivashov L.G. and promoting Ivashov L.G. as the new leader of the Russian movement. On it Ivashov L.G. constantly “excuses” Putin from responsibility for the destruction of the army and constantly declares that Putin is doing everything allegedly to strengthen the army, and for some reason it is being destroyed, apparently ONLY because of the malicious actions of Serdyukov and his team.

Fables of Ivashov L.G. about the fact that Putin has allegedly been unable to understand for 12 years what is being done in the army and what crimes Serdyukov’s company is doing, that Putin is allegedly misinformed – this is a calculation for completely naive people. So much has been written about what Serdyukov did by everyone who writes about the army (both on the Internet and in official newspapers) that only a blind or deaf person may not know about it. Or someone who pretends not to know or understand anything.

At one time I was a member of this Ivashovsky PDS NPSR. I heard a lot of such fables, which you will not hear anywhere else. And all why? Because the former Chekists and KGB men run this PDS of the NPSR. And there are no former Chekists, as you know.

Chekist Zaderey V.A. acts as the main organizer and leader of the PDS of the NPSR. (Veteran of the PGU of the KGB of the USSR and the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation (Foreign Intelligence Service)).

In order to imagine what is going on in this PDS of the NPSR, I will give a typical example. Such an ardent Chekist as Obrezha V.V. actively participates in this PDS of the NPSR. (Directly oversaw independent socio-political organizations in the KGB of the USSR).

Obrezhi V.V. group once undertook to prepare a report on the genocide of the Russian people. Prepared a strong report. They convincingly brought the facts of the deliberate destruction of the Russian people throughout from 1917 to the present. It has been proven that over the past 15 years, the destruction of the Russian people has reached unprecedented proportions. Destroyed about 9 million Russian people. Serious report, quite benign.

Wrote a draft resolution. At the end of the resolution, an absolutely correct assessment was made of the situation that Russia lives under the conditions of the OCCUPATION. Absolutely correct assessment.

But ... what follows is a completely meaningless and deceitful conclusion: "We demand a CHANGE OF POLITICAL COURSE ...". From whom do they require it? From Putin's team? From those who have already destroyed 9 million Russian people? It's not even funny. It's like asking wolves to eat cabbage. Well, the wolves will not eat cabbage. They won't, despite any resolutions. And further in the draft of this resolution, the Obreja group writes that the PDS NPSR is ready to cooperate with the Russian government in the fight against the ORANGE REVOLUTION. What is called, arrived.

It turns out that the fact that the Putin regime has already destroyed about 9 million people is to blame for the alleged orange revolution, which, however, has not happened yet. But it's still her fault. It turns out that the main enemy of the people is not the occupation regime of Putin, but the Orange Revolution, which can overthrow the beloved regime of the Chekist Putin and prevent him from further destroying the Russian people and destroying Russia. Here is the conclusion made by the Chekist Obrezha V.V. Yes, the Chekist will not peck out the eyes of the Chekist.

I could not stand such a blatant lie and spoke out, declaring that such a conclusion is completely meaningless and designed for the feeble-minded. It is necessary not to change the course, but to CHANGE THE RULING CLICA!

Don't scare us with orange revolutions! NO NEED! Orange revolutions are terrible ONLY to Putin's clique. The Orange Revolution in Ukraine was completely bloodless. We in Russia could only dream of such an orange revolution. After the Orange Revolution in Ukraine, the cabal of the corrupt Kuchma was replaced. But the regime of Yushchenko and Tymoshenko later also fell. And it all happened without bloodshed. What claims to the orange revolution? More often to make orange revolutions! Then one can hope that sooner or later popular and decent forces will come to power. A similar orange revolution took place in Georgia. So what? Saakashvili IN HALF A YEAR! completely eliminated corruption! IN GEORGIA! Can you imagine it? Everything is possible to do if there is a desire. Today Saakashvili was also re-elected. Without blood. Great option. What claims to the orange revolutions?

But all these Chekists of ours from morning to evening, foaming at the mouth, frighten the people with orange revolutions. No matter how the Orange Revolution kicked out their beloved security officer Putin from the Kremlin.

At Obrezhi - this theme is constant. In all his newspapers, he stigmatizes not the Putin regime, but the orange threat and the liberal regime that supposedly reigns in Russia. Chekist Obrezha is lying. We do NOT have a liberal regime. Putin's regime is not a liberal, but a totalitarian occupation regime, where there is NO liberalism or democracy.

Ivashov L.G. does the same. Brands an orange threat.

When the people in Moscow rose up against the Putin regime, the Kremlin panicked. And they began to look for "popular" support. All Putin's lackeys and the Kremlin's lackeys, such as Nashi and Young Guard, have been activated. The main organizer of the pro-Putin rally was chosen as the old Kremlin protege - Kurginyan S.E.

On December 24, 2011, a pro-Putin rally organized by S. E. Kurginyan took place on Sparrow Hills. They gathered Kremlin hangers-on and just random people from all over Russia and brought them by bus to Moscow. The main slogan of this meeting was the slogan: "Down with the orange threat!" Not down with Putin's anti-people regime, but down with the orange threat, which could overthrow Putin's anti-people regime.

I already wrote about this shameful rally. But who took part in this shameful lackey rally in support of the Putin regime? One of the participants in this shameful pro-Putin rally was General Ivashov L.G.

In principle, you can participate in ANY rally, even in the most rotten one. But to pursue YOUR policy and put forward YOUR demands. But Ivashov L.G. didn't do it. He completely sang along with the second voice to Kurginyan.

Kurginyan did not put forward ANY demands on Putin's regime. NO ONE! The main thing is that Putin's team should not be kicked out of the Kremlin by the people. The final resolution of the Kurginyan rally is generally a unique phenomenon. No demands on the government.

Ivashov L.G. himself at this rally could put forward some obvious demands on the ruling regime. But Ivashov L.G. didn't make a single demand! One would think that Ivashov L.G. weakly thinks and does not understand what needs to be demanded. But I and him and Zaderey V.A. sent all the demands from the Russian Human Rights League and from himself personally. If they themselves do not think well, they could take someone else's experience. At least even partially. But the reaction and Ivashova L.G. and Zaderya V.A. for all my information was ZERO. They do not need anything but Putin's support. And they don't give a damn about the Russian people and their problems.

All Russian patriots, nationalists and just honest people were tortured by Putin's criminal Article 282 of the Criminal Code (an analogue of Stalin's criminal Article 58 of the Criminal Code). How many Russian people have already been driven into Putin's Gulag under this criminal article. We everywhere demand its abolition. It is very important! The issue of FREEDOM OF SPEECH is the most important issue! Did Ivashov L.G. squeak at least once at this rally? against this criminal Article 282? No, he said nothing, he was not interested. On the contrary, I like it.

After all, Ivashov L.G. as well as Chekist Zaderey V.A. ardent Stalinists. And under their beloved Stalin, according to the 58th article of the criminal code, millions of Russian patriots were rotted by KGB punishers in the Gulag. Putin has just begun to follow the Stalinist path. Few have rotted people in Putin's Gulag. Still need to work and work. To rot and rot the Russian people, as Stalin did, great and beloved by the Ivashovites and Zadereyevites. Under Stalin, freedom of speech in general was equal to ZERO. Round zero. And then some of the Russians are trying to say something, to think independently, to express their opinions, their thoughts. From the point of view of the Chekists-Stalinists, this is a rare arrogance.

The Russian patriot Konstantin Dushenov has long been in prison for speaking the truth. Did Ivashov L.G. at this meeting of his release, the release of Kvachkov and other political prisoners? NO, he is not interested. The main thing for him is to save Putin. Putin is Stalin today. And under Stalin, millions of political prisoners were imprisoned, rotten, dead and nothing, a communist concentration camp was being built. So Putin still needs to work and work. To build a totalitarian slave-owning regime, as the great and beloved L.G. Ivashov bequeathed. Stalin.

The Putin regime has come up with the criminal law "On counteracting extremist activity", according to which anyone who speaks the truth is politically labeled "extremist" and further prosecuted. Did Ivashov L.G. squeak at least once? against this criminal Putin's "law" on extremism? No, he said nothing, he was not interested. Beloved Stalin was even tougher. True, Stalin did not think of this label "extremist", but he had his own analogues - the political labels "anti-communist" and "anti-Soviet". How do Putin's "extremists" differ from Stalin's "anti-communists" and "anti-Soviet"? Names only. But the essence is the same. The purpose of all these Stalin-Putin political labels is to stifle freedom of speech, stifle freedom of thought, turn people into obedient slave cattle.

The Putin regime already maintains an occupational list of banned literature, forbids people from reading serious books, cuts off people's brains. Did Ivashov L.G. squeak something at the rally? against this criminal and obscurantist list of banned literature? No, he said nothing, he was not interested. On the contrary, I like it. After all, Ivashov L.G. as well as Chekist Zaderey V.A. ardent Stalinists. And under their beloved Stalin, obscurantism reached its climax, and in general, any freedom of speech was completely prohibited. For ANY anti-communist book (and even just a smart philosophical non-materialist book) they were immediately driven to the Stalinist Gulag or shot on the spot.

Putin created an anti-constitutional inquisition in the form of the so-called "E" centers. Did Ivashov L.G. squeak at least once? against this criminal Putin's inquisition? Of course not. Under their beloved Stalin, it was even tougher. And there the functions of the Inquisition were performed by the Chekists-punishers.

Putin's Duma rivets unconstitutional laws. For example, the law on elections to the State Duma is completely unconstitutional. And all this Putin's Duma is completely unconstitutional and all its "laws" are unconstitutional. Did Ivashov L.G. declare this? Of course not. Putin does not allow talking about it.

All public state property was plundered. Thieves-oligarchs are fattening and no one puts them in jail. On the contrary, Putin said that he would not allow a revision of the results of the Khvatization. In Russia rampant corruption, crime, drug addiction. There is degradation and savagery of the population. The prices for gasoline, electricity, gas, housing and communal services are brazenly rising. Who is to blame? Putin regime? Well, what are you - Ivashov L.G. will say. Putin is good, they just misinform him. He doesn't know.

In Russia, the army is being destroyed, but Putin's punitive organs are growing by leaps and bounds. Putin's FSB (2,150,000 men) is already one and a half times the size of the entire Russian army (1,500,000 men). And also the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the prosecutor's office (2,500,000 people). All these organs devour the huge resources of Russia and produce NOTHING. There were twice as many officials as in the entire USSR. Who is to blame for all this? Putin? No, of course, Ivashov L.G. will say. He's just being misreported. He doesn't know. And the orange revolution is to blame. True, it has not happened yet, but it is still to blame. After all, she is against Putin and can throw him out of the Kremlin. Down with the Orange Revolution!

Putin does not need an army at all. He needs punitive organs to suppress the popular uprising. Therefore, the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, all kinds of riot police, the Alfa and Vityazi groups are growing. That's what the Putin regime needs. But even this is not enough for Putin. Suddenly, all these "Alphas" will refuse to shoot at their rebellious people, as it was in 1991 at the White House. We also need external punitive forces, at least in the form of NATO troops.

Therefore, the Putin regime plans to create NATO bases in Russia. Who is to blame? Putin? No, of course, Ivashov L.G. will say. Putin is good. He is misreported. And the orange revolution is to blame. True, she was not there, but all the same, her guilt is obvious to any real Stalinist and Putinist.

This orange revolution is a convenient thing, everything can be attributed to it, all the crimes of the ruling regime. The main thing is to turn the arrows of popular anger on fake enemies: on world terrorists, on extremists, on the orange revolution.

The list of crimes of the ruling regime can be continued indefinitely. Ivashov L.G. demanded at least something. at a Kurginyan rally from the ruling regime? NOTHING. Absolutely nothing. Then why did you go to the rally? Support your beloved Putin in the fight against the orange threat.

At the meeting of the PDS NPSR, where I was in last time, the issue of our opposition to the deployment of NATO bases on Russian territory. Zaderey V.A. At first, all the guests were kicked out (directly a super-secret action). Further, Zaderey announced an action called "Battle on the Volga", timed to coincide with Stalin's victory at Stalingrad. He showed powerful schemes, diagrams, plans, pictures through the projector. Well, the headquarters worked directly, not otherwise a military operation. And the meaning of all this powerful crap is to collect signatures (papers) against the deployment of NATO bases (as if the Putin regime will be frightened by these pieces of paper). Here, mass rallies and demonstrations against NATO can scare the Putin regime, pieces of paper - no.

I strongly opposed this action and declared that our party would not participate in it for three reasons.

First: propaganda of Stalinism. Our party is strictly anti-communist and treats ALL leaders of communism with the deepest disgust: from Marx, Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin to Mao Tse Tung and Pol Pot.

I said: “Valery Alexandrovich! How many Russian organizations have you already destroyed with the help of your Stalinism.

At one time, the "Union of the Russian People (SRN)" was created. After the death of Klykov, Nazarov M.V. became the leader. Then someone from the Kremlin gave the command to seize control of this RNC. And Ivashov L.G. went there. with Zaderei V.A. to seize power in the RNC. They put together some kind of muddy group and appointed Ivashov L.G. the new leader of the RNC. Naturally, the Ivashovites split the entire RNC, completely quarreled with the group of Nazarov M.V., sowed discord and discord in the RNC. One of the important irritating moments was Ivashovsky and Zadereevsky Stalinism.

M.V. Nazarov's group is a group of orthodox and staunch Christians. Naturally, they all hate Stalin with every fiber of their soul. Stalinism was not the only factor of contention, but it was a strong factor, completely unacceptable to true Christians. But Zaderey V.A. and Ivashov L.G. all the same, they actively promoted Stalinism. What was it for? For the collapse of the RNC?

Even earlier Zaderey V.A. was a member of the leadership of the "Dead Water" movement, under the leadership of General Petrov K.P. When this movement appeared, at first it made a strong impression on many. Including Russian entrepreneurs. Some Russian entrepreneurs decided that at last there was a strong direction in the Russian national movement. And they gave money for the first congress in the amount of $10,000. In those days it was a lot of money. The congress began and almost immediately Petrov K.P. together with Zaderey V.A. began to read the letter to the "great" Stalin in the next world. Not bad? Is not it?

Russian entrepreneurs were completely stunned, for some time they were in shock, then they got up and defiantly left this rotten party. Lost $10,000. Stalin and entrepreneurship (like any other independent free activity) are incompatible concepts. Stalin completely destroyed even hints of independent entrepreneurship. With the help of Stalin, Petrov K.P. and Zaderey V.A. lost sponsors. Later Petrov K.P. expelled Zaderey V.A. from Dead Water.

At this PDS of the NPSR, I said: “Valery Alexandrovich! How many Russian organizations have you already destroyed with the help of your Stalinism. Why are you doing this again? Are you sowing discord again? After all, the question is about countering NATO bases, and not about promoting Stalinism. Let's separate the flies from the cutlets. Stalin - separately, NATO bases - separately. If you want to dial largest number votes against NATO bases, then Stalin will not add our votes, but only decrease them. After all, many sane people hate Stalin and his criminal regime. Christians hate Stalin. We Russian nationalists also hate Stalin, although for different reasons. The Cossacks hate Stalin for the collective farms, dispossession, decossackization, for the famines, for the Gulag, for EVERYTHING. Liberals also hate Stalin for the complete absence of democratic freedoms and for the slave-owning regime. Many quite adequate people hate Stalin. Not everyone in Russia is a Stalinist degenerate. There are also quite normal sane people. You repel them with your Stalinism. Let's NATO-separately, Stalin separately. No need to merge.

In addition, the opposition of Stalin and NATO is nonsense or a deliberate lie. The leading NATO countries, such as the USA and England, were allies of Stalin and fought with him against Hitler. If not for the United States and England, Hitler would have crushed Stalin like a bug. In general, the communist regime in Russia was created by the global financial mafia. All you have to do is read Anthony Sutton's book Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution. So Stalin was a favorite and ally of the leading NATO countries. This is the first.

Second. Valery Alexandrovich! No need to engage in nonsense and direct the energy of the people into the void. You propose to take the people away from the streets and engage in stormy but empty activities of collecting signatures for six months. What for? For what? Who do you want to scare with your signatures? Thieves-oligarchs? Bandits in power? Yes, they spat on all your signatures. They wanted to sneeze at it. THEY spit on the country's fundamental law, on the Constitution, and they won't even consider it necessary to spit on your signatures. The Putin regime is frightened ONLY by the street activity of the people, the possibility of an orange revolution. That's what im scared.

Third. At this PDS of the NPSR, the struggle is not with causes, but with consequences. It is proposed to fight against NATO bases, against GMOs, against vaccination, against juvenile justice, against the destruction of the army, against corruption, against housing and communal services prices, against the impoverishment of the population, etc. But these are all ONLY consequences, not causes. Who is doing all this? The ruling Kremlin Putin clique. That is the reason for all these criminal acts. That's what we have to fight against."

As a result of my speech, we quarreled and I don’t go to this rotten party of the PDS NPSR anymore. It makes no sense.

Ivashov L.G. is in constant PERSONAL contact with Putin. What they are talking about, no one knows. It is possible that Putin hangs Ivashova L.G. noodles on the ears, telling fables about how difficult it is for him, how he is misinformed and misreported, and how he is not in the know. And Ivashov L.G. pretends that he believes all this noodles. In any case, it is obvious that the Kremlin on Ivashov L.G. makes a bet. Ivashov L.G. - another Kremlin project.

Actually, what does the Putin regime need now?

1. Remove people from the streets. This is dangerous for Putin, it can lead to a popular uprising.

2. Drag the activists into some kind of political mousetrap like the Ivashov PDS NPSR, where they will engage in general chatter, discuss empty resolutions and paint clouds. It is allowed. You can even criticize Putin, but you cannot demand his resignation.

3. Constantly intimidate people with orange revolutions, extremists and terrorists.

4. Constantly throw mud at the very ideas of liberalism (freedom) and democracy. Demand a tightening of the political regime. Demand changes to the Constitution (Putin's regime hates the current Constitution, since the Constitution proves the illegality of the entire Putin regime).

5. Direct the protest energy of the people into an empty channel, into the most ineffective activities, such as collecting some signatures and writing letters to the Kremlin.

Actually, the Ivashovsky PDS NPSR is doing just that. Strictly according to Putin's program. There are healthy forces in this PDS of the NPSR, but they are few and they are not in charge there.

I have always wondered what they live, besides holiness, all these Chekists and KGB men? What is in their mind and soul?

At one of the meetings of the PDS NPSR Ivashov L.G. made his thoughts clear. He said: “Guys! We need to become realistic. And proceed not from what we want, but from what we really can, based on our real resources. What resources do we have? Almost none. We have few people. Money is much less. There is no powerful media. There are almost no power levers. In any war and in any struggle, everything is decided by the resources of the parties. If there are no resources, then it makes no sense to twitch. From here, the conclusion seems to follow: we must go under Putin.

I could not stand it and gave a remark: “Leonid Grigorievich! If you think like that, then you will never have anything, no resources. Vaughn Navalny loudly declared that the ruling party is a party of crooks and thieves and immediately became a hero and leader. He had hundreds of thousands of people (admirers and associates) in one day. And resources appeared and money. People saw the leader. Not a coward and a weak-willed person, but a leader and a fighter. This gives resources, not passivity and lack of will. In Russia, 82% of Russian people. What other resources do you need?

Psychology Ivashova L.G. not new. This is the primitive psychology of a passive Soviet military man. He has no resources. He has no will or character. Therefore, there are no resources. They are used to counting resources: who has how many bombs, planes, tanks, missiles, submarines. And they think that this is what determines everything. Today they are crying that they have not enough atomic bombs, missiles, submarines and other military junk. However, before perestroika in the USSR, the military had everything: atomic bombs and missiles, and planes and submarines, and anything and everything. large quantities. Did all this military power help our army to protect the country from the seizure of power and occupation by alien forces? NOT ANYTHING.

A small handful of people (Chubais, Abramovich, Deripaska, Vekselberg, etc.) easily seized power in vast Russia, occupied it, plundered all the main property. And they did all this without a lot of shots (except for the capture of the White House in 1993). And The White house in 1993 it was not the Russian army that defended it, but the common people. And what did the army do with all their loved ones atomic bombs, rockets, tanks and machine guns? Did NOTHING. How did you resist aggression? NO WAY. On the contrary, they shelled the White House with their tanks.

Note that this entire team: Chubaisov, Abramovich, Deripaska had no special resources before perestroika. Chubais generally traded flowers in the Riga market. How did they get power? What did they have? What resources? There was a WILL, there was an ACTIVITY, there was an INITIATIVE, there was IMPRESSION, there was a COURAGE, there was a CRIFICE, there was an ENERGY, there was an efficiency, there were brains. This was enough to defeat the entire Russian army. No noise or dust. Modern war is primarily an INFORMATIONAL, ideological war. Where bits and bytes of information serve as bullets and grenades, informational situations serve as bombs, and computers serve as machine guns.

Do Ivashov L.G. and Zaderey V.A. any strong informational ideological weapon? They own nothing. There is no rational ideology in their heads, except for wretched Stalinism. Therefore, they are not independent. How can they inspire people? The ugliness of Stalinism? But only the most primitive and degenerate individuals can be captivated by this. And then they cry that they don't have the resources. There are no brains - hence there are no resources.

A small handful of people entered Russia and seized power. And all our military with all their atomic bombs, missiles, tanks and machine guns did not put up ANY resistance to them. Here is a picture for you. The most disgraceful picture. And military resources played no role here. Because the most important thing in the army is not tanks, bombs, grenades and machine guns, but PEOPLE. And what did the Soviet military become? What did Stalin turn them into? In an obedient, weak-willed and resigned herd, which is ONLY able to carry out OTHERS' orders. They don't have their own brains, they don't have their own will. If they give an order, they will follow it; if they don't give an order, they won't do anything, they will guard their bombs, tanks, planes and other military junk.

Once, General of the Army Rodionov I.N. asked: “Igor Nikolaevich! Well, at first no one knew what Yeltsin was, but after a couple of years it became clear what he was doing. Why didn't you destroy it when you were Minister of Defense?" You know that the Minister of Defense Rodionov I.N. replied: "There was no order." Here is the answer of the general of the army. That is, if they gave an order, he would grind Yeltsin's team to dust. But there is no order, and nothing happens. The general is incapable of giving orders to himself. Take personal responsibility - no one taught him that. And after all, dear Rodionov I.N. far from worst person. A great man, totally our man. Absolutely our man. But he was not capable of independent initiative.

During tsarist times, the military was an order of magnitude better. After the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks, many Russian military did not wait for any orders from somewhere and ordered themselves. They ordered to fight the Bolshevik infection not for life, but for death. The first such hero was General L.F. Kornilov. Then Generals Alekseev M.V., Kaledin A.D., Denikin A.I., Krasnov P.N., Drozdovsky M.G., Markov S.G., Yudenich N.N., Kolchak A.V., Miller E.K., Wrangel P.N., Shkuro A.G., Mamontov K.K., Kutepov A.P. and many many other Russian heroes.

And where are our military heroes now? There is almost no one. There was one resolute strong-willed and courageous person L.Ya. Rokhlin. As he declared himself, a team of courageous and patriotic military men instantly appeared around him. But Rokhlina L.Ya. killed, his comrades-in-arms were dispersed away from Moscow and everything calmed down. And who is Rokhlina L.Ya. killed? Special services. Two GRUshnikov were hiding in the attic of his dacha, so they killed him, climbed over the fence and rushed into the forest. And in the forest, the security guards were already waiting for them. They killed these freaks and burned their corpses. So then these corpses were lying around.

Then came the outstanding Russian General Dubrov Grigory Karpovich. Bold, smart, strong-willed. But rather quickly he died an absurd death. Then Viktor Ilyukhin spoke out against Putin in the sharpest way. But he was also killed. No other soldiers are in sight. Except Kvachkov. But he was jailed. And what about the rest of the military? Where is their solidarity? Where is their activity? Where is their honor? There is nothing. They are silent, they are cowardly. They don't seem to have the resources. There is an army of 1,500,000 people. 90% are Russians. Who is stopping this army from taking power and putting things in order in their own country? NOBODY except our own military. The main enemies of our military: their own stupidity, cowardice, passivity, lack of will, holiness. There are no other serious enemies.

The RUSSIAN military fought against this Bolshevik infection, against this whole pack of Lenins, Trotskys, Stalins and other Kaganoviches. And what about the SOVIET Zaderey V.A. and Ivashov L.G.? They love Stalin. They love advice. They love the Jewish Masonic pentagram.

The founder of the Red Army, Trotsky, stuck a Jewish Masonic satanic pentagram on their foreheads, and they wear it with joy. Ask ANY Soviet soldier where does he get a red Jewish Masonic star on his forehead? He doesn't know, he doesn't even care. Where did the SOVIET army suddenly appear instead of the RUSSIAN army? They don't know and don't even care. This is what Lenin, Stalin and Trotsky did to the soldiers and to the people.

It is interesting to note that all those who at the first stage shout: “Long live Stalin!” at the second stage, it automatically shouts: “Long live Putin!”. And this is natural, because Putin is Stalin today.

Chekists work not only in the PDS NPSR. They are also active on the Internet. True, they work stupidly, according to a template. Just before the presidential elections, the most active and impudently worked on the Internet was a KGB structure called Zhenya Lel. That this Zhenya just did not write. Anything. And about the Jews and about the Jews, and about the Jewish Masonic conspiracy, and about Rothschild and about Rockefeller. But the ending of all messages was always the same: “Long live Stalin! Long live Putin! The work is clumsy, but oddly enough it turned out to be effective. Several of my former friends, who for more than 10 years have been spreading the harshest compromising evidence against Putin in this election, went and voted for Putin. Fiction, but it's a real fact. Then these former friends could not understand what happened to them. This is how the information weapon works. No wonder security officers receive their huge salaries. Faithfully serve the anti-people regime. Actually for this, the Cheka was created.

Final conclusion: Friends and associates! Don't fall for another gebesh hook!"
