Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the senior group “Conquest of space. Summary of direct educational activities: “Conquest of space” in the senior group

Summary of the integrated lesson in senior group on the topic "Space"

Integrated lesson on artistic creativity and the surrounding world in the senior group


Target: continue to instill in children responsiveness, empathy for game characters, and create a desire to help them; consolidate the idea of ​​space, the planets of our universe; strengthen your cutting skills the desired shape.

Equipment: presentation "Space", music. “Anthem of Russia”, brushes, glue, scissors, colored paper, photos of children.

Progress of the lesson

Music sounds, children enter the hall and sit down on chairs.

Vosp.: children, today I invite you to plunge into the infinity of our universe. And for this, we will remember what planets exist in our galaxy, who was our first cosmonaut. So I suggest you listen short story.

Look at these kids - they look at the night sky with interest! There are so many beautiful stars there! Since ancient times, people have loved looking at the stars, and they were very interested in what they really were like!

And then one day they decided to fly into space! To the stars! To fly into space, people built a space rocket. An astronaut was put into the rocket - it was he who had to control the rocket and fly to the stars.

When the astronaut got into the rocket, the countdown began: “Five, four, three, two, one, START!” The rocket took off from the ground, fire bursting from its tail - its engine was working so hard. And the rocket flew high into the sky.

In space, he saw many different planets, they revolved around one of the brightest planets, which is called the Sun.

Vosp.: guys, let's remember what planets are in our solar system.

Children: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth, Pluto, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn.

Vosp.: Well done, you remembered everything. And the astronauts saw stars there. They are so far from our land that they seem to us only small dots.

Playback: Now Nikita will tell us a poem about the stars.


What are stars?

If they ask you -

Answer boldly:

Hot gas.

And also add,

What's more, it's always

Nuclear reactor- Every star!

Playback: Guys, do you know who was the first cosmonaut in Russia?

Children: yes, Yu. Gagarin.

Playback: That's right, this is Yuri Gagarin.

Do you know which animals were the first to visit space?

Children: dogs.

Playback: That's right, their names were Belka and Strelka.

Music sounds, the dog “Squirrel” enters

Squirrel: Hello, I heard that you are going to space.

Playback: Yes, we are going.

Squirrel: did you know that only trained people are taken into space?

Playback: we know, but we don’t know how to prepare for the flight.

Squirrel: and I will help you. Let's stand in a circle and do exercises.

Exercise 1. Running around the room - for warming up.

Exercise 2. Walking on toes, on heels, walking on a massage path (any other massage surface - cereals, pebbles, pencils, etc.).

Exercise 3. We train the vestibular apparatus (everything like real astronauts). Children sit on balls and spin their butts in different sides.

Squirrel: Well done, now you are ready to fly into space, but do you have a rocket?

Playback: Yes, it just needs to be completed.

Squirrel: Well, let’s go finish building it, otherwise I already wanted to quickly go to Kosvos with you.

The guys are seated at tables with working material.

Playback: Well, Belka, our rocket is ready.

Squirrel: oh how beautiful. Now I am calm for you. All that remains is to wish you a safe journey, and I’ll run to Strelka and tell her about how I helped you go into space. Goodbye!

Children: Goodbye!

Playback: Guys, we are ready to fly into space, but not quite. A good astronaut must rest and eat well before a flight. Therefore, I suggest that you first go to a group to rest again before the flight.


direct educational activities:

"Conquest of Space"

in high school

Prepared by: teacher Stepanova G.F.

Types of children's activities:

playful, productive, communicative, educational- research, musical and artistic, perception of fiction.

Goals: introduce children to the history of space exploration and the V astronauts, broaden their horizons by popularizing knowledge about achievements in the field of astronautics; cultivate a sense of patriotism and citizenship;

Improve your skills ki counts within 10; teach to understand about t nosh e of nearby people and sat down: 6 and 7, 7 and 8, 8 and 9, 9 and 10.

Once develop skill orientation And draw on a piece of paper, based on divide on the sides, corners and middle of foxes t a.

About d o l press form mind the ability to see objects in others These are the familiar shapes of geometric figures (planes).


Be able to maintain a conversation, express your point of view, reason and give the necessary explanations;


Presentation “He was the first on the planet to rise to the stars”

Books about space, portraits of astronauts

Picture with the image of space state space and spaceship, ball, cards with images of objects of different shapes (according to the number of children), power a detailed image of a rocket consisting of g geometric figures, corresponding emblems of children, cords, physical cultural sticks.

Once dat material l.

G e o m metric figures - emblems (according to the number of etey), flat sets x geometric figures, sheets of paper, circles.

Musical accompaniment

Introductory word from the teacher.

Guess the riddle:

Miracle - bird, scarlet tail,

Arrived in a flock of stars.


- Today we will take a trip on a space rocket and try to find out how people began to master V about outer space and why on April 12 we celebrate Cosmonautics Day.

The teacher's story about conquest of space.

(accompanied by a presentation)

Years, decades, centuries will pass, but people will always remember this day of April 1-2. It was from this day - April 12, 196 1 - that man began the exploration of space. In Russia we celebrate Cosmonautics Day to commemorate the first human flight into space. Previously, a long time ago, when people were just beginning to recognize the Earth, they imagined it upside down which rests on three giant sl on them, the importance of them standing on the tortoise and re the miracle turtle swims in the sea-ocean, and the whole world is covered with a crystal dome of the sky with many sparkling stars. Several thousand years have passed since then. On our Earth, more than one generation has grown up rich and smart people. They built ships and circumnavigated the world journeys, learned, that the Earth is a ball. And astronomers have proven that the Earth rotates around the Sun, one revolution per year, and around its axis - in 24 hours A. April 12, 1961 - flight day the world's first astronaut avta, citizen of Russia Gaga rina. This day became more common to all of them holiday in honor of pilots- cosmonaut, designers, engineers , employees and workers, to those with give rockets, spaceships and artificial satellites.

In a space rocket

With the name “East”

He is the first on the planet

I can climb to the stars.

Spring sings songs about this yaya drops:

Gagarin and April will be together forever e l .

IN . Stepanov

Who was Gagarin?

Yuri Alexey in Ich Gagarin was born into the family of a collective farmer in the village of Klushino, Gzhatsky district

Smolensk region. In 1951 He graduated with honors from a vocational school in d f nom g . Lyubertsy (specialty t and molder - foundry worker) and at the same time o school for working youth. In 1955 - from honors industrial technical school and ae r club in Saratov, admission, Chkalovskoe military aviation school pilots named after. TO . E. Voroshilov, who graduated in 1957. Then he served in the military m l exterminate as a pilot in units l tion aviation Northern go fleet, since 1960 in the cosmonaut corps, since 1961 with t al his commander. In 1968 with honors 1)" military stuffy engineering aka demia to them. N. E. Zhukovsky.

After the flight into space, Gagarin T truly perfect He mastered his skills and trained l smonauts. He t r died agically in air ational catastrophe fe when performing a training field T and on the plane. Intact I x perpetuating the memory of Gagarin, the city of Gzhatsk and Gzhatski th S Molensk regions renamed into cities d Gagarin and Gagarinsky ra th he . name Gagar in svoeno Military transport soulful aka d e mi and in Monino. Established D ENA SCHOLARSHIP AND M . Yu. A. Loon course student military aviation X schools International d no y Federation Aviation (FAI) established d ena me d al im. YU . A . Gagarin. bearing the name Gagarin T Cosmonauto Training Center V. _ educational institutions, streets and squares of many cities in the world. In Moscow, Gagarin, Star Sofia's memory is established tn i k and k osmona in that; memorial house- museum in Gagarin. My name is Gaga Rina named a crater on the Moon.

Yes, that’s right - we won’t forget even the slightest little thing about him.

AND people will study his life

All year after year, day after day.

He stood up straight from the dirt for the last century. But the sorrow is only deeper because

What about your death?

And he was a mortal man e com.

V. Turkin

In a row decades every year We m We are celebrating new Cosmic milestones.

After Yuri Gaga Rina in space 436 people visited in ek.

But we remember:

The journey to the stars has begun

From Gagarin

Russian “Let's go! »

Game situation

" A space flight " .

Vosp and tatel together with children consider and trivae t and illustrations with images The understanding of outer space and spacecraft. He offers to fly into space and distributes emblems in the form of various geometric shapes.

Training of "cosmonauts" before the flight.

Did a k tich e sky gamesA "SCHitahdalbwe".

IgRa Provodiplaying with the ballm. Vospitateor calledывAet chiWithlO, redAvaya mIhchild, anddchildren count from the namedGo numberlato 10.

Game “Name the Soother”dto her» .

Wake upTand thoselbnAhyvaet number, and whereyoueGo sOWithgo (toOdingbomore

Andfor oneAndn less)..

Children imitate a field to musicT.

Ignew exercisen"Find withVOthWithuvenir".

DkidsPlandingTXianand nohweightTnewPlenethat. Nand withtulchikax and undereyencards withfromimagetion nredmeTov rAhnOthforms. Children find a “souvenir”, the shape of whichGoh sooTvetstwueToddsmeuhmblems, and I'll explainTown choice.

POdmusical accompanimentAndedeyou imitiI'm rootingt pOleT.

Game exercisenno« Let's collectrakeTs» .

The teacher shows the makaTcancerTs(WithsiltatthisBute fromdepictedf) andpredlAdeTlet me help the alienTIonm collectiongo toOSmicheWithcuesToorabwhether. Dety sremember the structure of a rocket andlAdyvaYut taToAndesameAnds geometric figures, one hundredIone hundredlov.

POd mathpersonal accompanimentPOlet pRodOlies.

INOSnutritionIs it possible to suggestgayt aboutdOlliveTb byleTWithPOmOuhYumanualOGOunitary enterprisemanagement. Children take sheets of paperGand and having establishedLivayut tofriend- Pult packRAVlleniyaVmid foxTA.


- forwardunitsand plaNoAMars, hernAdabout the regionTeno, noRevedia poolbthatetcawlleniya in the upper avenueAvyyGol;

- onSunTrechuonm dVAndandnoWithI meTeorpouring rain, laneevodim bulletsTatetcawlenand IVneitherandnAndy lEvethatGOl;

- closermto the artificialatjoint ventureUtniku Zemli and ptreedimPatlTcontrol in lower rightth ugOl;

- PeresekaemwithhvezdieBolBig Dipper andRcontrol the remote controletcAVlenAndI'm upny leYouthatGOl;

- Pgo to automatichesc managementpressure, nhereVOdI patltatetcAoweniya nAsulfurdinu.

POlet prodOlandAeTXiaPOd mbondsyku.

Igra« OnthdAnditsthbraidmodorom".

DnoAndetcAndland on their ownToOSmodromes, whose forms correspondTshapes of the emblemm(braidmodoro

Slide captions:

The paths to distant planets have fallen - Ships are flying along the routes of the Universe. The ships are led along the routes of the Universe by the brave people of the Earth.

Every year on April 12, Russia and countries around the world celebrate International Cosmonautics Day - the first manned flight into space - cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. By the will of fate, 1961 became not only for Russia, but for the entire planet historical date- The Soviet Union launched the Vostok spacecraft into orbit. The flight duration was 1 hour 48 minutes. The ship made one revolution around the Earth and landed in the Saratov region. At an altitude of several kilometers from the Earth, Gagarin ejected and landed with a parachute not far from the descent module. The cosmonaut received the title of Hero Soviet Union, and the day April 12 was announced public holiday- Cosmonautics Day.

On April 12, 1961, the countdown to the space age of mankind began - the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin launched on the Vostok spacecraft.

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin was born on March 9, 1934 in the village of Klushino, Gzhatsky district, Western region of the RSFSR (now Gagarinsky district, Smolensk region), not far from the city of Gzhatsk (now Gagarin). He comes from a peasant background: his father, Alexey Ivanovich Gagarin (1902 - 1973), is a carpenter, his mother, Anna Timofeevna Matveeva (1903 - 1984), is a pig farmer. Yuri spent his childhood in the village of Klushino. On September 1, 1941, the boy went to school, but on October 12, the Germans occupied the village and his studies were interrupted. For almost a year and a half, the village of Klushino was occupied by German troops. On April 9, 1943, the village was liberated by the Red Army, and schooling resumed. On May 24, 1945, the Gagarin family moved to Gzhatsk.

On December 9, 1959, Gagarin wrote a statement asking to be included in the group of cosmonaut candidates. A week later he was called to Moscow to undergo a comprehensive medical examination at the Central Research Aviation Hospital. At first next year followed by another special medical commission, which declared senior lieutenant Gagarin fit for space flights. On March 3, 1960, by order of the Air Force Commander-in-Chief Konstantin Andreevich Vershinin, he was enrolled in the group of cosmonaut candidates, and on March 11, Gagarin and his family left for a new place of work. On March 25, regular classes began under the cosmonaut training program.

Mother and son This is it, it has happened, this is a miracle! ...The mother is coming - step aside, people: The son has returned, and from where else - From the cosmic latitudes themselves! It was he who burst into our tomorrow, which matches science fiction itself... The first cosmonaut in the world is hugged and kissed by his mother. And with such maternal strength, sharing the joy of the people, the whole of Russia embraces the son, the whole Earth applauds the son!

He is the first. Would you, like him, be able to, Breaking through the gravity of the earth, Spreading apart the pandemonium of the stars, Erect a throne over the planet? There the stars, merrily circling, illuminated his path, beckoning into unknown distances and parting slowly. Yes! He was the first of the earthlings! The era of space - the beginning! And the name Yuri sounded over the loudspeakers of all countries. Many years have passed since then. Progress keeps pace with us, But people remember that road that left a mark in their hearts. (V. Grintsov ■)

Gagarin said “let’s go” and the rocket flew into space. This was a risky guy! Since then the era began. The era of wanderings and discoveries, Progress, peace and work, Hopes, desires and events, Now all this is forever. The days will come when whoever wants to will be able to roam space! At least to the moon, please, travel! Nobody can ban! This is how life will be! But let us still remember that someone was the first to fly... Major Gagarin, a modest guy, he managed to open an era.

“Yuri Gagarin” In a space rocket called “Vostok” He was the first on the planet to rise to the stars. Spring Drops sings songs about this: Gagarin and April will be together forever.

On March 27, 1968, he died under unclear circumstances near the village of Novoselovo, Kirzhach district, Vladimir region, during one of his training flights. He was buried near the Kremlin wall on Red Square.

SPACE AGENCY (ROSCOSMOS)| Biography of Yu.A. Gagarin Biography of Yu.A. Gagarin. Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin was born on March 9, 1934 in the village of Klushino, Gzhatsky district, Western region of the RSFSR... › Federal Space › ?id=88 more copy COSMOC VPT:: 50 YEARS OF HUMAN FLIGHT IN SPACE » Biography of Yu.A. Gagarin BIOGRAPHY OF YURI GAGARIN »Biography ». ...The family into which I was born is the most ordinary... › gagarin /index_1.html another copy of OSMOS. TECHNICUM. RUS. TECHNICUM. RU 30site on scientific topics - poems, songs Biography of Yuri Gagarin. the first human flight... The first cosmonauts. ... poems, songs. Konstantin SIMONOV."THE VERY FIRST". Dawn. › index / stikhi_pesni /0-13 more copy Gagarin, Yuri Alekseevich - Wikipedia Biography Family Psychological characteristics

Target: Expand and deepen children’s understanding of space.


  • To consolidate knowledge about the planets of the solar system.
  • Expand your vocabulary related to the concept of “Space”.
  • Improve dialogic and monologue speech.
  • Strengthen the ability to answer questions.
  • Strengthen the skill of composing simple and complex sentences.
  • Strengthen the ability to form antonym words with the prefix without -.
  • Foster a sense of mutual assistance, friendship, and patriotism.


  • Models of planets on a poster, audio recordings, portraits.
  • Globe.
  • Mnemotables.

Preliminary work:

  • Conversations on the topic “Space”
  • Drawing on the theme “Aliens”, “Space”
  • Looking at illustrations, encyclopedias, books about space
  • Making crafts, albums, applications about space
  • Game situations “Cosmodrome”, “Find the planet”

Progress of the lesson

Children sit in a semicircle.

Cosmic music sounds.


A long time ago, when people still lived in caves, they looked at the sky every night and were surprised: countless dots sparkled above their heads. They disappeared by morning only to appear the next night. And where the Sun sparkled during the day, at night the MOON shone, changing its shape.

People did not understand why this was happening and could not explain it. But thousands of years passed and they found answers to many questions.

Let us now remember everything that we know about space.

Children, long ago, when you and even me were not in the world, the joyful news spread around the world: man has conquered outer space.

Who was the first cosmonaut on the planet? (The first cosmonaut on the planet was Yu.A. Gagarin).

Is there a monument to astronauts in our city? (In our city there is a monument to Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin).

Where is he located? (It is located on Gagarin Street)

What was the name of the space rocket on which Gagarin ascended to the stars? (East)

Yuri Gagarin - a real hero not only our country, but the entire planet Earth! And we are also proud of Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova. Who is she? (First woman astronaut)

Who else has flown into space besides people? (The dogs Belka and Strelka, mice, rats, rabbits and even a monkey flew into space).

What do you think astronauts should be like?

Didactic game “What should an astronaut be like?”

An astronaut must be brave, strong, courageous, decisive, intelligent, dexterous, resilient, hardworking, courageous, courageous, disciplined, modest.

Guys, let's tell you who can get into the cosmonaut corps?

Didactic game “Add a word”

Educator: If you want to become an astronaut, you have to do a lot...

Children: Know.

Educator: Any space route

Open to those who love...

Children: Labor.

Educator: Fast rockets are waiting for us

For flights on...

Children: Planets.

Educator: Ours will be the friendliest

Our cheerful...

Children: Crew.

Educator: If we want to go into space

So soon...

Children: Let's fly.

For the flight, we will build a spaceship and call it “Friendship”. What is the name of the door in a spaceship? (A door in a spaceship is called a hatch.)

Through the hatch we go on board the ship.

We repeat the rule of friendship “One for all and all for one.”

We begin the countdown: “10, 9, ...., start”

Physical education session (to music)

Weightlessness. What is our head like? (Easy); what are our arms and legs like? (Lungs); what is our body like? (Lung). (Exercises for arms, legs, neck).

Oops, did something hit our spaceship? (This is a meteorite).

What is the name of the phenomenon when many meteorites fall to Earth? (Meteor Rain).

What is the name of the window in a spaceship? (Porthole).

Let's look out the window. What do we see? (Planets, Sun, Moon, tailed comet, asteroid, meteorite, stars).

And while we're flying, I'll tell you riddles

Riddles about space

Flashing a huge tail in the dark,

Rushing among the bright stars in the void,

She is not a star, not a planet,

The mystery of the Universe...(Comet)

A fragment from the planet

Rushing somewhere among the stars.

He has been flying and flying for many years,


Lights the way at night,

Doesn't let the stars sleep.

Let everyone sleep, she has no time for sleep,

There is light in the sky for us... (Moon)

Planet blue,

Beloved, dear.

She's yours, she's mine,

And it’s called...(Earth)

Bottomless ocean, endless ocean,

Airless, dark and extraordinary,

Universes, stars and comets live in it,

There are also habitable, perhaps planets. (Space)

A yellow circle is visible in the sky

And the rays are like threads.

The Earth revolves around

Like a magnet.

Even though I'm not old yet,

But already a scientist -

I know that it’s not a circle, but a ball,

Intensely hot. (Sun)

At night with the Sun I change

And I light up in the sky.

I sprinkle soft rays,

Like silver.

I can be full at night,

Or I can use a sickle. (Moon)

Peas are scattered across the dark sky

Colored caramel made from sugar crumbs,

And only when the morning comes,

All the caramel will suddenly melt. (Stars)

We are in outer space. We are surrounded by stars and planets. Let's list them!

Finger gymnastics " solar system»

Our ship arrived on an unknown planet (they exit through the hatch and meet an alien).

I: Hello. What planet did you come from?

Q: We are from planet Earth.

I: So you are fellow countrymen?

Children: Countrymen are people who live in one village, one city, region. If we are from planet Earth, then we are earthlings.

I: I ask you for help. In Rainbow Bay, all the colors are mixed up, if you don’t build the rainbow correctly, disaster may happen - my planet will fall out of orbit.

In the meantime, let's go to Rainbow Bay, I'll show you my planet. (They walk around the planet). There are many passes here. You are standing on a path, but you won’t see a single blade of grass on it. There are many mountains made of stones on my planet. There are seas and oceans here, but there is no water in them at all.

And now we have approached the crater, which was formed by meteorites. Look how deep it is!

I: Here we are in Rainbow Bay. Look what happened.

Q: And we know the words with which you can correctly build a rainbow.

D: Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting.

One child builds a rainbow, and the children name the colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

I: Thank you, Earthlings, for your help.

I am confident that my planet will survive. Do you like it on my planet?

D: Yes, but it’s better on Earth, because everything is alive there.

Q: And on your planet there is no air - the planet is airless.

No water - waterless.

No people - lifeless.

No joy - joyless.

I: Thank you, Earthlings, I will remember you often. But I am very sad because I will never see your beautiful planet Earth.

Q: Let's give the alien a globe - a model of our Earth. And we need to return to Earth. (They say goodbye. They go to the spaceship. They enter the ship through the hatch).

The countdown begins: “10.9,…, start”

Our ship is flying towards the ground.

Let's talk about the Sun while we are flying towards Earth. Symbols will help us.

A story about the Sun using symbols.

Star or planet? (star)

Is the size large or small? (big)

Is it round or square in shape? (round)

Is it bright or dim in terms of lighting? (bright)

Is it hot or cold in temperature? (hot)

Is it close or far from the Earth? (distant)

Guys, the Sun is a very bright star. To preserve our vision, we will not look at the Sun for long without dark protective glasses. This is very harmful. Stand near the chairs. Let's do a warm, relaxing eye massage.

Massage to relieve eye strain

Now we can boldly look into round window spaceship. What is it called, remember? (porthole)

What do we see? (Earth - our beloved planet)

Thanks to our friendship, we were able to help the alien. Let’s join our palms, and then friendship will increase several times and be passed along a living chain from one to another. This is how, holding hands, people all over our planet will be able to preserve peace on Earth and nature in all its beauty. So we arrived on Earth. (Children leave the ship and sit in a semicircle.)

Planet Earth is our common home.

Let's tell you about it now!

And again it will be useful to us

"Helper - table"!

Compiling a story based on a mnemonic table (“along the chain”)

"Planet Earth. It has the shape of a ball. The Earth is big, but the Sun is even bigger. The earth is colorful. Blue because there are rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. Brown is land: land, sandy deserts, mountains. Green is plants: trees, shrubs, herbs. White color- these are clouds that wrap the Earth like a blanket. There is life on Earth: people, animals and plants!

Our planet is the most beautiful of all planets. Every living thing on Earth: people, plants, animals.”

What a blessing that we had the opportunity to be born and live on the amazing planet Earth, which we must protect! After his flight, Yu.A asked all earthlings about this. Gagarin:

“Having flown around the Earth in a satellite ship, I saw how beautiful our planet is. People, let us preserve and increase this beauty, and not destroy it!”

Thanks to scientists, designers, and cosmonauts for opening up to us amazing world Space. There are still many secrets and mysteries in it, and it is you, when you become adults, who will be able to reveal them.

The earth gave us

There are a lot of good things

And she waits in anxiety,

So that we can save her.

She is for everyone in the world -

The only mother

And we are our own children

From Mother Earth.

Let it over your edge,

Let it over our land

They bloom without fading

Spring gardens.

Let's embrace our Earth,

Like hugging a mother,

And we will protect you like a mother,

From grief and misfortune!

Today you and I made an exciting and educational big space journey and learned a lot of interesting things about space.

Olga Vasetskaya
Abstract of the GCD for the FCCM “Space Travel” in the senior group


FCCM senior preschool group No. 3

Target: Systematization of children’s knowledge about space.


Introduce children to the concept of SOS.

Strengthen knowledge about the planets of the solar system; forward and backward counting within 10

Develop cognitive curiosity when conducting experiments, the ability to draw conclusions

Develop attention logical thinking, resourcefulness, fine motor skills

Cultivate responsiveness.

Activating the dictionary: SOS, Solar system, fuel, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus

Educational areas: Cognition, communication, socialization, reading fiction

Material: presentation; space map; voice message from Dunno; for everyone baby: plates (wooden, plastic, iron) same color and size; magnets; drawing of a ship hole; task (graphic dictation, hourglass

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, we have guests today, say hello.

Educator: Guys, have you seen the night sky? Site No. 1

Educator: What did you see there?

Children: moon, stars, planes

Children: Day astronautics. This is when the man flew into space

Educator: Who was the first to fly to space?

Children: Yuri Gagarin

Educator: Guys over 53 years old is a lot astronauts were in space. Scientists monitor their flights from Earth and receive radio transmissions using large satellite dishes. Site No. 2

Message: SOS, SOS Earth. I am Dunno. Stuck on the 7th planet from the sun, I can’t get back to Earth. SOS, SOS

Educator: Guys, the SOS signal is a distress signal. Someone got into trouble. Who gives such a signal?

Children: Dunno.

Educator: What should we do?

Children: Should I help him?

Educator: What do you want?

Children: Yes

Educator: Can you?

Children: Yes

Educator: How can we help Dunno?

Children: Fly to space and find it

Educator: Where will we look for him? After all space is very big?

Children: On the 7th planet. This is the planet Uranus

Educator: What do you know about this planet

Children: It's far from the sun and it's very cold there

Educator: We need to hurry up then.

In order to get to the place faster, we need to make a route plan for how we will fly. If we went on a trip on Earth, we would plan our route according to the map. And we are flying to space, which means the Earth map will not help us. Do we need another card?

Children: Space.

Educator: Or Map cosmic sky. Here's ours space map, where the planets are indicated, dangerous places V space.

Exercise: Connect planets from 1 to 7 with lines and mark which planet we will fly from.

Educator: Well done guys, you completed the task.

Put on your spacesuits and take your seats in the rocket. Ready

A game "Countdown" from 10 to 1. Site No. 3,4

Educator: Guys, look out the window, we are flying past the planet Site No. 5

Children: Mars

Educator: What do you know about this planet?

Children: Mars is a red planet, it consists of red stone. Scientists sent to this planet spaceships who discovered that there is no water on the planet. The surface of Mars is covered with volcanoes and a layer of dust

Educator: Guys, pay attention to the meteor shower in front of us. We need to help the ship avoid a collision

Right, Site #6 left Site #7 Oh. Site No. 8 9

Educator: The crew has a hole in our ship. We land on the planet Jupiter Site No. 10 We only have five minutes to repair the ship.

Experiment with a magnet There are plates: wooden, plastic, iron. All the same color. (covered with film on one side)

Task It is necessary to find material to seal the hole.

Educator: What is the rocket made of?

Children of Iron

Educator: What material do we need to find?

Children: Iron

Educator: What will help us find iron

Children: Magnet

Educator: It is necessary not only to find material, but to repair the hole.

Team get to work. (use hourglass)

Educator: Well done boys. The flight continues Site No. 11

Educator: Guys, what planet is this?

Children: Saturn

Educator: What do you know about Saturn

Children: Poem about Saturn

Each planet has something of its own,

What distinguishes her most clearly.

You will certainly recognize Saturn by sight,

A large ring surrounds it.

It is not continuous, it is made up of different stripes.

This is how scientists decided question:

Once upon a time the water froze there,

And Saturn's rings of snow and ice.

Educator: And here is the planet Uranus Site No. 12

Look, Dunno meets us.

Dunno, what happened to you?

Site No. 12 Record (Exercise) I ran out of fuel. There is a gas station on this planet, but fuel can be obtained if you complete tasks, but I don’t know how.

Educator: What should we do? Let's refuel Dunno's ship and ours

Each of you has a task, complete it and you will receive fuel.

(after each completed task, a gradually filled fuel tank appears on the Interactive Board)

Educator: Well done guys, now we have to go home. Site No. 23

Bottom line: Children: Educator: Well, the guys were able to help Dunno. What we did. Why did we do this?

What helped us find Dunno in space.

Why did we draw up a flight map?

Did you succeed?

Will this be useful to you?

Guys, tell us at home about our travel.

GCD in the senior group using innovative technologies
Topic: “Conquest of space”
- Foster love and respect for your homeland, teach to be proud of your country;
- Arouse interest in outer space;
- Expand children’s understanding of the “Cosmonaut” profession, cultivate respect for this profession;
- Develop imagination, fantasy;
- Enrich lexicon children;
- Continue teaching children to divide words into syllables (using Cuisenaire sticks, or counting);
- Strengthen the ability to work with Geokont.
Progress of activities
Organizing time
Children are sitting at tables.
Educator: - Guys, do you like to look at the sky at night?
Children's answers
- What can you see in the sky?
Children's answers (Clouds, stars...)
- How many stars are there in the sky?
Children's answers
Teacher's story
Educator: - There are countless of them. On a cloudless, clear evening, the sky above our head is strewn with many stars. They appear to be small sparkling dots because they are very far from the ground. In fact, the stars are very large. The stars have their own names.
- Around each star the same planets can revolve as our Earth revolves around the Sun. Space has always interested man. Is there air on other planets? Is there life on them? And to find out this, our scientists are doing a lot of work.
Virtual tour “Museum of Cosmonautics”
Slide 1 – Space is a huge space above the sky, planes don’t fly there, there’s no air there. And to study this space, a group of scientists led by Professor Korolev invented the first artificial Earth satellite. It was round with 4 antennas. It was equipped with instruments that transmitted information to Earth. So, on October 4, 1957, a message was heard from Moscow about the launch of Sputnik I.
Slide 2 - But the scientists didn’t stop there. They went further and launched the second artificial Earth satellite into the sky, but with a passenger on board. These were the dogs Belka and Strelka, flies, Monkeys, rabbits Marfusha and Zvezdochka, rats, etc. Spacesuits were prepared for each animal.
Slide 3 - But our scientists sought to find out what space looks like through human eyes. They invented rockets that could carry spaceships into space. And on April 12, 1961, a message from Moscow about the launch of the next artificial satellite Lands "East". The satellite was launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome. There was 1 person on board - Yu.A. Gagarin. It flew around our Earth in 1.5 hours. He saw blue earth and a completely black sky.
Yu.A. Gagarin was born before the War, and since childhood he dreamed of flying into space. He studied a lot, went to an aero club, studied at the academy. He became a pioneer who paved the way to the stars.
From this day on, on April 12, our country celebrates the holiday “Cosmonautics Day”.
Slide 4 - After Gagarin, many cosmonauts went into space, the crews began to increase (2-3 people), among them were women.
But the first woman cosmonaut was again our compatriot V. Tereshkova. (“Vostok-6”).
Slide 5 - But space exploration didn’t stop there. And now there is a new message on the radio, open space The first cosmonaut Alexei Leonov left. He left his ship and went into space in a specially equipped spacesuit.
Slide 6 - Women did not remain in debt. The first Soviet woman, S. Savitskaya, went into space.
Slide 7 - Guys! We are proud that the first satellite to orbit the Earth and the first person to fly into space were the people of our country. We were the first to go into outer space and fly around the Moon.
Slide 8 - Guys, what should an astronaut be like?
Children's answers
Dynamic pause “Do as I do”
Sitting at tables:
- Which country launched 1 satellite?
- Who was the 1st passenger of satellite II?
-Who was called the “Pioneer” of space?
- What was the name of the first woman astronaut? - Who was the first to go into outer space? (Leonov) - What was the name of the place from where the spaceships set off on their journey? (Cosmodrome) - What is a spacesuit?
Didactic game
So, we passed the first endurance test in the museum, and now the 2nd (logic test)
(Cuisenaire sticks - lay out the number of syllables).
No beginning, no end, no back, no face. Everyone, young and old, knows that she is a huge ball. (Earth)
The Fiery Eye wanders alone. Wherever it goes, it warms you with its gaze. (Sun)
He is not a pilot, not a pilot, He is not flying a plane, But a huge rocket, Children, who, tell me, is this? (Astronaut)
Not the first time, not the first time.
In the fire and sounds of thunder, the Rocket rose into the air from the earth (Kos - mod - ro - ma)
At night I walk across the sky, dimly illuminating the earth. It's boring, I'm bored alone, and my name is (Lu-noy)
Constructive play
Using Geokont and the longest elastic band, lay out the silhouette of the spaceship as you imagine it.
